Project Was Implemented by the Kenya Red Cross Society

Project Was Implemented by the Kenya Red Cross Society

<p>TERMS OF REFERENCE</p><p>For the</p><p>End line Survey</p><p>Of the Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition and Family Planning Services Project In Tudor Mombasa County</p><p>Project was implemented by the Kenya Red Cross Society </p><p>Funded by: the EU through Danish Red Cross, </p><p>Date of these Terms of Reference: October 2017</p><p>1 | P a g e</p><p>1. Summary 1.1. Purpose: To find out the exact extent to which the conditions identified by the baseline study have changed/been influenced through the implementation of the Reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent Health project in Tudor Slums mainly in Kaachonjo, Mburukenge and Moroto areas in reference to the program objectives, indicators and targets. The survey will provide detailed reference at the end of the project to compare project achievements against the situation at the start of the intervention. At the minimum, it must answer all project indicators. </p><p>The findings of the survey will provide the basis by which the projects performance, achievement and impact will be measured after the project life as well as provide an opportunity to assess both the DRC and KRCS performance and delivery of the EU funded project and to improve future programming through lessons learned and best practices generated through this project.</p><p>1.2. Partners: Danish Red Cross and Kenya Red Cross Society 1.3. Duration: 20 calendar days (see breakdown in section 8) 1.4. Estimated Dates: 18th December 2017 – 6th January, 2018. 1.5. Geographical Location: Kenya, Mombasa County, Mvita constituency- Tudor slums, including Mburukenge, Kaa Chonjo and Moroto areas 1.6. Target Population: In total 5,764 people: 4.000 men and women of reproductive age; 200 adolescents in 2 primary schools and 150 out of school adolescents; 1200 children (<5); 100 community health workers (CHW); 100 volunteers; County Health Authorities, including 4 community health extension workers (CHEW) and 10 health care workers (HCW). 1.7. Deliverables: Inception report and tools shared at the initiation of the assignment, a draft report for review and a final version of the report plus all data sets in soft copy.(See detailed timelines under section 8) 1.8. Methodology: Household survey 1.9. Assessment Management Team: KRCS M&E focal person ,KRCS Public Health Manager- Curative and DRC representative</p><p>2. Background Information Reference number and date of the Grant Contract Grant Contract No. DCI-NSAPVD/2014/351- 543 Country Kenya Beneficiary (Grant Applicant) Danish Red Cross Registration No. FOR1002329/20700211 Blegdamsvej 27 P O Box 2600 2100 Kobenhaven O Denmark Legal basis for the Contract External Actions of the European Union Start date of the Action 1 February 2015 End date of the Action 31 January 2018 Total cost of the Action (original) EUR 1,099,957.46 Contracting Authority The European Union, represented by the European Commission</p><p>2 | P a g e</p><p>Overall objective of the action: Contribute to empower non-state actors to address social disparities in maternal and child health, nutrition and family planning in urban slum in support of Millennium Development Goals 4: reducing child mortality and 5: improving maternal health The specific objective of the action: Improved access to maternal, new-born and child health (MNCH) care, nutrition and family planning services uptake in Tudor slums Anticipated results of the action  Improved knowledge, attitude and practice regarding maternal and child health amongst target population in Tudor slums.  Improved knowledge, attitude and practice of nutritional preventive actions for mothers with new- born and children under five years.  Improved awareness of sexual and reproductive health and uptake of family planning.  Enhanced capacity of civil society organisations to identify health needs and to organise and represent urban slum communities for improving health care service delivery in cooperation with county health authorities and the District Health Management Team. The Project has over the 3 years been implemented in close coordination with the MoH at County Level and with the involvement of the communities at the sub county .At community level, project implementation is by Community Health Volunteers and peer educators supervised by Community Health Workers with links to the health system. The KRCS programme staff in turn work closely and in coordination with the volunteers and relevant MoH staff and committees. 3. Objectives The specific objectives To generate end-line data on knowledge, attitudes and practices in the project areas - Tudor slums, including Mburukenge, Kaa Chonjo and Moroto areas. The survey will primarily establish end-line figures or status for the project indicators, analyse the findings and reflect on the positive or negative changes intended or unintended results. The following are the issues and indicative framework for post-KAP and end line study  To create better understanding of the change in knowledge, attitudes and practices among the project beneficiaries  To collect post information on all project indicators related to health knowledge, attitude and practices.  To assess the post project implementation? condition of the physical infra-structures e.g. the Tudor Maternity facility, and Youth friendly centre  To determine any change in capacities in terms of service delivery by Community health workers, community health volunteers and peer educators.  To determine any positive or negative change (post project) in availability and quality of key health services such as uptake of reproductive health services and commodities, immunisation, antenatal care and skilled delivery among others.</p><p>4. Scope of work The main purpose of the study is; to provide a reliable post project status which will measure the changes and progress of achievements against the baseline/pre-KAP study and which further will feed into the final evaluation ; and; to determine the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) and status on maternal and child health, nutritional actions for mothers, new-borns and children under five years, sexual and reproductive health and family planning as well as the ability to identify health needs among the targeted beneficiaries after the implementation of the project. At the minimum, it must answer all project indicators. 4.1 Indicators  80 % of pregnant women attending four ANC visits (target: 80%)  90 % of births attended by skilled health personnel (target: 90%)  77 % of children under-two years being fully immunized (target: to reach from a level of 56% to the national average level of 77%)  60 % of mothers practising exclusive breast feeding within the first six months (target: 60%) 3 | P a g e</p><p> 100 % of children (2-5 years) dewormed during outreach activities (revised target: 100%)  100% increase in number of underweight children (up to 5 years) referred to the health facility during medical outreach activities and household visits (target: 100%)  80% of women and men of reproductive age receiving FP commodities including condoms (target: 80%)  25% of Adolescent receiving comprehensive SRH packages (target: 25%)  % reduction in number of women reporting to have undergone GBV (target: 18% - baseline data 28%)  All involved volunteers and staff (KRCS, County health teams) trained on MNCH, Nutrition and Family Planning and empowered to advocate for improved access to health care services  Opinion leaders promoting continued improved access and rights to MNCH, SRH and preventive nutrition services  Two new functional community units in place and taken over by the County after the end of the Action</p><p>4.2 Key questions  Have all the coverage indicators been realized?  Are the targeted indicators in the log frame improving or worsening compared to the baseline?  Are the changes between the baseline and the end line significant?  What is the status of achievement of the outcome targets?</p><p>5. Survey Methodology The Endline survey shall employ a quantitative study design. For every indicator every quantitative piece of data must be qualified by its corresponding qualitative and spatial data. The firm must propose a sample size and the techniques intended to be used. Questions used in the Endline survey must correspond to those conducted in the KAP baseline survey and must provide answers to all project indicators. </p><p>6. Survey Quality & Ethical Standards</p><p> The consultant shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the survey is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the assessment is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organizational learning and accountability. </p><p>It is expected that the survey will respect the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: 1) Humanity, 2) impartiality, 3) neutrality, 4) independence, 5) voluntary service, 6) unity, and 7) universality.</p><p>7. Qualifications and Experience for Consultants The lead consultant must possess the following qualifications: 1. A master’s degree in Public Health and relevant certified training in participatory M&E, Results Based M&E and Results based management. 2. 5 years’ proven experience in participatory M&E, Results Based M&E and Results based management. 3. Must have proven experience in conducting participatory baseline/end-line surveys for EU funded actions. 4. Must have led in at least five participatory assessments. Experience of conducting end lines, monitoring and assessment work in the target or similar communities (preferred) 5. High level of professionalism and an ability to work independently and in high-pressure situations under tight deadlines. 4 | P a g e</p><p>6. Strong interpersonal and communication skills 7. The team must have a statistician familiar with SPSS for data management. 8. Have experience in using mobile phone technology for data collection, monitoring and reporting 9. The lead consultant must have strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports in a timely manner. 10. Availability for the period indicated. 8. Management of the assessment Duration: The End line survey shall commence on 18 December 2017 and end on 6 January 2018 (20 calendar days) Deliverables: 1. Inception report detailing the end line Survey design, methodology, sampling methodology & sample frame, survey tools, agreed budget and work plan. This should be delivered by 21 December 2017. 2. Draft End line Report and the raw data by 29 November , 2017 3. A power point presentation highlighting key findings from the end line survey to be presented at a feedback meeting to be held after completing the draft report on 2 January 2018 4. Final End line Survey Reports by 6 January, 2018 5. The final report outline should be as proposed: I. The executive summary to be written in a separate paper providing the bare essentials for decision-makers regarding the background, major conclusions in relation to the survey criteria, recommendations and lessons learned (total 1-2 pages). II. The main report (max. 12 pages plus a list of abbreviations) of which a substantial part will be the main conclusions and recommendations. These should be substantiated with more detailed information only to the extent necessary. Detailed findings should be referred to the annexes. Conclusions and recommendations in the main report should have references to the relevant findings in the annexes. III. The annexes should provide all information necessary to substantiate major conclusions and recommendations in the main report. The Terms of Reference, the team‘s itinerary, list of persons interviewed, and list of documents used should be annexed. 6. Copies of original and cleaned data sets with codebook. The raw data, the database which has been cleaned (both qualitative and quantitative, including original field notes for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, as well as recorded audio material), should be submitted together with the report . A simple inventory of material handed over will be part of the record. KRCS & DRC will have sole ownership of all final data and any findings shall only be shared or reproduced with the permission of KRCS. Assessment Management Team: The assessment management team shall consist of KRCS M&E Unit Representative, KRCS Public Health Manager and Danish Red Cross Representative. They shall ensure that the deliverables agreed upon and approved in the inception report are achieved on time.</p><p>Role of KRCS (project and M&E team)  Lead the recruitment and survey process  Coordinate the assessment implementation process through the KRCS M&E unit  Review of assessment products including tools and reports  KRCS will organize logistics for the assessment team  Avail data collectors within agreed criteria  Avail all necessary documents for desk review  KRCS will be the link between the community and the consultant  Will be the custodian of all data generated from the assessment 5 | P a g e</p><p> Organize dissemination forums as necessary Role of Danish Red Cross  Participate in the TOR development and recruitment process  Review and give feedback on all baseline products  Fund the activity budget  Final approval of the report</p><p>6 | P a g e</p><p>9. Application Requirements To apply, the consultant shall prepare in writing both technical and financial proposals and submit them adhering to the outline in Annex 1. The financial proposal MUST BE SENT IN A SEPARATE ENVELOPE FROM THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. Please also note that the people whose names appear in the team composition template MUST be the ones to undertake the assessment. As such, they MUST be the ones to appear in person if the proposal moves to the interview stage. The Technical Proposal MUST comply with the outline provided in Annex 1 while the financial proposal shall conform to the template provided in Annex 2. Team composition should conform to Annex 3. Failure to adhere to any of these requirements will lead to automatic disqualification or breach of contract if the work has begun. Kenya Red Cross Society reserves the right to cancel the contract if, convinced that the consultant is in breach of the terms and conditions including those approved in the inception report.</p><p>10. Submission of proposal</p><p>The technical and financial proposals addressed to the Chairperson, tender committee, Kenya Red Cross Society, P.O Box 40712-00100 Nairobi by 13th December, 2017 at 12noon.</p><p>The bidders MUST provide a technical and financial proposal in two separate envelopes clearly marked “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” and sealed in one plain envelope clearly marked “Tender No. PRF01657 “Call for Consultancy for endline “Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition and Family Planning Services Project in Tudor Mombasa County”</p><p>7 | P a g e</p><p>ANNEX 1: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FOMART 1) Introduction: description of the firm, the firm’s qualifications and statutory compliance (1 page) 2) Back ground : Understanding of the project, context and requirements for services, Key questions (2 pages) 3) Proposed methodology - Indicate methods to be used for each indicator and highlight any areas where indicators may need adjustment. The targeted respondents should be indicated for each indicator. Proposed detailed questions should be indicated. Detailed sampling procedure needs to be indicated. (5 pages) 4) Firms experience in undertaking assignments of similar nature and experience from the geographical area for other major clients (Table with: Name of organization, name of assignment ,duration of assignment (Dates),reference person contacts-2 pages 5) Proposed team composition (As per annex 3)-1 page 6) Work plan (Gantt chart of activity and week of implementation)-1 page 7) Sample reports (annex at least 2) 8) Legal requirements(Certificate of incorporation, PIN certificate, KRA tax compliance) 9) References (Attach at least 2 reference letters from other clients other than KRCS)</p><p>ANNEX 2: BUDGET TEMPLATE The consultant shall only quote for the items below as KRCS will manage all other related costs (Logistics and payment of enumerators)</p><p># of Unit Item Unit Total Cost (Ksh.) Units Cost</p><p>Consultancy Fee (for the whole Per day assessment period) Office expenses (Printing, lump sum photocopy, binding, communication costs etc.) Grand Total </p><p>ANNEX 3: PROPOSED TEAM COMPOSITION TEMPLATE</p><p>Number of Highest General Years of days to be Roles under Name of Team Member Level of Experience related engaged this Qualification to the task at hand assignment</p><p>8 | P a g e</p><p>ANNEX 4: TENDER ASSESMENT CRITERIA</p><p>A three stage assessment procedure will be used to evaluate all proposals from bidders. The total number of points which each bidder may obtain for its proposal is:  Technical Proposal 60 marks  Oral presentation 30 marks  Financial Proposal 10 marks</p><p>1. Evaluation of the Technical Proposal The technical proposal shall be evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the TOR. Specifically, the following criteria shall apply:</p><p>Assesment Criteria Maximum Bidders Remarks Points score Possible (1) Introduction: 5  Description of the Firm and the Firm’s Qualifications  Legal Compliance </p><p>(2) Background : Understanding of the 10 project, context and requirements for services (3) Proposed Methodology: The proposed 20 methodology MUST provide an indication of its effectiveness and added value in the proposed assignment. (4) Firms Experience in undertaking 10 assignments of similar nature and experience from related geographical area for other major clients  Provide a summary and supporting information on overall years of experience, and related technical and geographic coverage experience </p><p>(5) Proposed Team Composition: 10  Tabulate the team composition to include the general qualifications, suitability for the specific task to be assigned and overall years of relevant experience to the proposed assignment.  The proposed team composition should balance effectively with the necessary skills and competencies required to undertake the proposed assignment.  Lead Consultant Qualifications – should be as per the TOR  Mandatory-statistician (6) Work Plan: A Detailed logical, weekly work 5 plan for the assignment MUST be provided. TOTAL SCORE 60 </p><p>9 | P a g e</p><p>Total scores of the technical bid analysis shall be converted to a denominator of 60. Top three firms will go to the orals stage and top two after the orals will go to the financial assessment stage. If we get only three bids then they all go to the oral stage and we get top two for the financials.</p><p>Name of Consultant Criteria Score Remarks Understanding of the assignment (5 Marks) Clear and scientific methodology (20 Marks)</p><p>Presentation of</p><p> Detailed CVs of team to be involved  Evidence of legal compliance- Registration, PIN certificate, tax compliance etc.)  two Sample reports of previous assignments (5 marks)</p><p>2. Evaluation of the Financial Proposal</p><p>The Financial Proposal shall be prepared in accordance to Annex 2 .The maximum number of points for the Financial Proposal shall be 10% (10 points). This maximum number of points will be allocated to the lowest Financial Proposal. All other Financial Proposals will receive points in inverse proportion according to the below formula:</p><p>Points for the Financial Proposal being evaluated =</p><p>(Maximum number of points for the financial proposal) x (Lowest price) Price of proposal being evaluated</p><p>A total score obtained including both Technical and Financial Proposals is calculated for each proposal. The bid obtaining the overall highest score is the winning bid. </p><p>Part I 4 Days Inception report, desk review, development of survey framework and tools etc. Part II 14 Days Implementation: Training of data collectors, field pre-testing, Data collection Part III 7 Days Data entry, cleaning, analysis, interpretation, report writing & presentation</p><p>10 | P a g e</p>

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