General School and Classroom Policies s1

General School and Classroom Policies s1

<p> Mrs. Keller’s</p><p>Parent Handbook</p><p>2016-2017</p><p> www.</p><p>General School and Classroom Policies For Mrs. Keller’s 4 th /5 th /6 th Class Dear Parents,</p><p>I am very excited about this school year, and I look forward to working with you and your child throughout the coming months. Below I’ve compiled some general information about school policies and some of my own classroom policies to aid you in making this a smooth year right from the get-go. I hope this information is helpful to you! Please contact me directly if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Sincerely, Barbie Keller General Questions</p><p>How does multiage operate?...... 4</p><p>How can I get important messages from the teacher?...... 4</p><p>How do I know what homework has been assigned or when due dates are?...... 5</p><p>How do I make an appointment to see the teacher?...... 5</p><p>What is the best way to reach the teacher if I have a question?...... 5</p><p>How should my child organize their materials?...... 6</p><p>Do I need to purchase a planner for my child?...... 6</p><p>What is your discipline policy? How are issues dealt with in your classroom?...... 7 2 Is it necessary that we buy items on the supply list?...... 7</p><p>How can I volunteer in the classroom? ...... 8</p><p>When are parent-teacher conferences and how do you run them?...... 8</p><p>How can I check my son/daughter's grades?...... 8</p><p>How do you grade and assess?...... 9</p><p>How much homework will my student have/ what will my student expect?...... 9</p><p>______</p><p>School/Classroom Policies</p><p>Attendance…………………………...... 9</p><p>Bus Deviations……………………...... 10</p><p>Building Visits……………………...... 10</p><p>Snacks………………………………...... 10</p><p>Lunch……..…………………………...... 11</p><p>Recess…….…………………………...... 11</p><p>Medications….……………………...... 11</p><p>Lost and Found..…………………...... 12</p><p>Field Trips…………………………...... 12</p><p>Volunteering in the Classroom...... 12</p><p>Communication…………………...... 13</p><p>3 How does multiage operate?</p><p>Teaching multiage requires less focus on grade specific assignments, and more focus on individual teaching to the students. It is a very dynamic and supportive teaching framework that benefits all- from the struggling to the advanced student- because emphasis is placed on the individual, where he/she is in their academics, not on the grade level they are “supposed to be at.” </p><p>To help accomplish the demands of teaching multiage, I will work closely with Ms. Finnell on several levels.</p><p>1)We will collaborate on teaching "exploration" classes in the areas of science and social studies. These classes are designed to enhance our teaching of different content areas, all the while having our students learn about specific methods, techniques, and skills. This way, each of us can focus on a content area, and thus increase our effectiveness in teaching the subject. </p><p>2) We are all using the same assessment system in the hopes of making the grades your child receives more representative of their understanding. Letter grades are the current adopted measurement our district uses, but it is agreed by many that letter grades can be so ambiguous. Your child's grades will still be calculated as letter grades, however the actual assessments we will be using involve scoring guides that assess the State standards that your child masters. Please read my homework policy/grading newsletter for more info.</p><p>One of my goals again this year is to meet the needs of everyone by spending quite a bit of time working on classroom community and caring for one another-- that way there is no rift between older and younger students, or students of different gender. I find there to be quite a bit of social development for most grades as the older kids learn to be responsible and helpful and the younger ones learn how to balance their workload and increasing academic demands.</p><p>My other goal, as with last year, is to get to know your child! I plan on keeping records of daily interactions with my students through routine conferences, which will help me learn about their strengths and weaknesses without bombarding them with worksheets. This in turn will help me plan lessons to encourage authentic learning in the classroom, which is what every caring parent and teacher wants to have take place in the classroom.</p><p>How can I get important messages from the teacher?</p><p>4 Every Monday I will send home an e-newsletter with important announcements, updates and assignment due dates. You can also click on the "Classroom Newsletters" link in the top right menu and download the latest newsletter that was sent home. In the past I’ve sent home paper copies, but realized that these often never found their way home! If you would like a paper copy, please let me know and I’d be more than happy to provide one.</p><p>Another system I use for establishing and maintaining regular contact with you will be through the usage of your child’s daily planner, which is a simple sheet that I print and distribute each week. </p><p>It is not necessary that you buy the school planner- you may use this free version, which I will send home each Monday with your child. Any relevant information that you will need to know about (assignments, tests, field-trips, parties, etc.) will be addressed in letters sent home. </p><p>You are encouraged to leave me notes in your child’s planner at any time, however if you wish to contact me about any questions, comments, or issues, you are more than welcome to call, text, or e-mail me.</p><p>How do I know what homework has been assigned or when due dates are?</p><p>The first method is to check the weekly e-newsletter, which I e-mail out every week. Listed on the newsletter should be the weekly due assignments (sometimes I do forget to include them all).</p><p>The second method is checking your child’s planner and seeing if assignments were written down (if it is blank, you can ask your child why!). I make it a point to have your child take on most, if not all of the responsibility of knowing which assignments are due or assigned. Students are expected to write their homework assignments in their planners every afternoon before school ends. I encourage parents to ask their children what the assignment is so that every child can be held accountable -- this builds enormous responsibility!</p><p>Lastly, you can also click on the "Homework" link on the above main menu of the class website. There you can read about my homework policy, and any info on projects (rubrics, due dates, ect).</p><p>How do I make an appointment to see the teacher?</p><p>The quickest, most reliable way to contact me is through e-mail, at [email protected]. You can also call the front office at 479- 4234 x41320, or text me. I can meet with you before or after school, pending enough notice to plan around other staff and committee meetings. I prefer if you call before or after school, as phone calls are very disruptive throughout the day!</p><p>5 What is the best way to reach the teacher if I have a question?</p><p>I prefer emails since I check them frequently and it's not disruptive to the class, but if you don't use e-mail or find it difficult to access routinely, please don't hesitate to call (preferably before or after school). I check my emails during the day and all through the evening and will reply as soon as possible. I check my phone messages during planning and after school.</p><p>How should my child organize their materials?</p><p>Students will need to obtain four 3-hole dividers (reading, writing, science, and social studies) and a 2" (maximum size) three-ring binder that will house important notes and work we complete at school. Additionally, they will need a two 3-hole pocket folders (for homework and reading).</p><p>This binder will stay at school. The only thing that will travel to and from school is the folder for bringing work home and back. In the front area of their folder, each student will place the weekly newsletter/planner given to them (which lists important events and due dates).</p><p>Do I need to purchase a planner for my child?</p><p>No- I provide a simple, free planner sheet that I will send home weekly with the class newsletter. This planner will be used as both a work organizer and a form of communication between you and myself. </p><p>6 What is your discipline policy? How are issues dealt with in your classroom?</p><p>Consequences for students who do not follow rules: I am a big proponent of positive reinforcement, i.e. I first resort to pointing out the benefits of behaving in class when curtailing off-task or inappropriate behavior. I stress to students that if I observe they are not following our classroom rules (which are discussed in depth throughout the first weeks of school), they need to make a wiser choice. One of these choices may be to work elsewhere in the classroom. Students who need time to their selves to think about their actions or just have a quiet place to work may choose to go to one of the tables I have set up around the room. </p><p>Students may also collect "credits" or class money by working hard or showing team-work behavior. At the same time, students are also subject to classroom "fines" for inappropriate behavior, which coincides with our classroom economy system (see the class info section on the class website for more info).</p><p>Classroom conflicts: All classroom conflicts and misbehavior issues among students will be addressed during weekly classroom meetings. Class officers are elected at the beginning of the year and help lead the class and promote solving problems with classmates, while I simply oversee the process. The way I organize weekly meetings is by inviting everyone to the back of the room to sit in a circle. The meetings begin with compliments, where each student will be asked to compliment at least one person within the room. Next the class President will address the issue (if there is one) with the class by asking them ways they can avoid or deal with the conflict. Students that are involved in the conflict are not anonymous, and are expected to address the issue in front of their peers. If there isn’t an issue to discuss, the class President will use this time to talk about upcoming trips, parties, assemblies, guest-speakers, or anything pertaining to the class that is written in the class agenda. At the end of the classroom meeting I will try to culminate it with a cooperative game. This structure has been highly effective, and typically reduces/eliminates the need to write a student up.</p><p>TAG Referrals: For serious or repeated misbehavior, I (or another teacher) will write a referral for students. This is a last resort after exhausting all other options, which I like to avoid. This referral usually results in a loss of recess and a call home by the behavior specialist or principal.</p><p>Is it necessary that we buy all items on the supply list?</p><p>In addition to the supply list mailed out at the beginning of the year, I have added extra items which I use for writing workshop and organization. I strongly encourage parents to obtain them. I understand that supplies can get expensive, especially if buying for more that one child, but I make use of every item on the list so these are put to very good use! </p><p>Additionally, my own stash of classroom supplies will be stored on open shelves and made available to the students at anytime during the day. Students that lose 7 supplies or are unable to purchase their own are welcome to use mine, though I do remind them to take care of them since they are in short supply. I do constantly take donations as keeping up with functional supplies can be quite expensive!</p><p>How can I volunteer in the classroom?</p><p>Parents/relatives/guardians are all welcome and strongly encouraged to volunteer in the classroom whenever they have any available time. In order to make most efficient use of your time and the class’s time, I only request that you contact me prior to when you would like to help out, just so that I will be prepared to give you something to do. </p><p>If you prefer to stay in the classroom I can also let you know when students are independently working so that you could offer up help on class work. Math time is a great opportunity for this. Whether there is a particular slot of time you could routinely help out during, or if you can only volunteer for an hour a month, any help is appreciated. </p><p>There will be occasions where parent chaperones are going to be needed during class fieldtrips, so this could one opportunity to help out as well. Help is also greatly appreciated when our class does projects! If you are interested in contributing any of your time to the class to help out with prepping materials or any other jobs, please contact me.</p><p>When are parent-teacher conferences and how do you run them?</p><p>There will be two officially scheduled parent-teacher conferences throughout the school year. One will be at the end of fall and one will be close to spring (see school calendar on the home page for specific dates). </p><p>During the conference you will have the opportunity to hear about the progress of your student and also look at some work I have saved highlighting what your child has been working on during the year. I strongly encourage you (and your child) to attend these conferences as it greatly benefits your child’s success. If you are unable to attend during one of the designated slots I don’t mind making accommodations to schedule a meeting for a later or earlier time. As well, you are welcome to schedule an unofficial conference with me at any time by calling or e- mailing me.</p><p>8 How can I check my son/daughter's grades?</p><p>1. Logon to and click on the top left link labeled Powerschool. OR 2. Go to Type in your child's student number and password, or parent username and password to access student grade information. (If you do not remember your username and password, call the front office at 479-4234). </p><p>How Do You Grade and Assess?</p><p>I am a huge proponent of standards-based grading. I find this method of grading to be a much more useful and helpful method of score keeping for myself, the students, and the parent, on many levels.</p><p>Standards-based grading means that I align grades and the Alaska standards I teach in each subject. Each assignment focuses around a State standards or set of standards, and I consequently grade each standards separately (not each assignment). </p><p>Please read my grading newsletter (attached to the homework policy or available on the class website) for more details on how it works and what you and your child can expect this year regarding grades.</p><p>How much homework will my student have and what will my student expect?</p><p>I’ll be honest. I’m not a big fan of the tradition of homework for elementary students, especially after researching how little it actually benefits pre-high school students. I do, however, see the benefit of learning how to keep track of work and return in on time, and build discipline and work habits. Any homework that is assigned in addition to daily math and reading will either be work that we ran out of time in class to finish, or an occasional project. I do not penalize a student’s grade for late work, but I do hold students accountable by having them work during recess at Study Hall if homework is missing without a reasonable explanation. Reading is backed by research to be the single most effective form of “homework” for kids.</p><p>Students can expect to have 40-60 minutes of homework a night (or less), which includes the aforementioned math and reading. I do strive to give less.</p><p>Generally, 4th grade students will have fewer expectations than 5th and 6th. </p><p>Please refer to my homework policy packet for more information.</p><p>9 ATTENDANCE</p><p>Students may be dropped off at school after 8:40 a.m., as that is when playground supervision is available. School starts at 9:10 a.m. Students may play with friends on the playground until the 9:00 bell. Students who eat breakfast at school may enter the building at 8:50. Children are tardy if they are not in the classroom by 9:10. Students arriving late must stop first in the office for a tardy slip. </p><p>School is dismissed at 3:30 p.m. Please stop in the office to obtain an early dismissal slip any time you are taking children out of school before the end of the day. BUS DEVIATIONS</p><p>If your child is going to get off the bus at a different stop, or is going home with a friend on a different bus, you must send a signed note to school stating the change. If you find out during the day that you must change your childʼs plans, call the office as early in the day as possible (prior to 2:45), and the office will inform your child of the change.</p><p>VISITING THE BUILDING</p><p>If you are planning on dropping by the classroom please stop at the office to check in before coming to the class- room or any other part of the building or play- ground. Our students can be better protected if office personnel are aware of who is in the building. A dismissal slip from the office is required for a student to leave the classroom before the end of </p><p>10 the day.</p><p>SNACKS</p><p>I encourage children to bring a daily midmorning and/or mid-afternoon snack. I also encourage students to bring a water bottle to keep at their desk to minimize frequent trips to the water fountain. Soda pop and candy are discouraged in the classroom– I’ve found that they make it hard for children to concentrate. LUNCH If your child will be eating a school breakfast or hot lunch please pay for breakfasts/lunches and milk in advance, as this makes things much easier for our kitchen staff. Checks can be made out to Pearl Creek School, or you can pay online through the district website. Breakfasts cost $2.00 and lunches cost $3.50, and come with milk. Milk alone may be purchased for $.75. A microwave oven is also available in the classroom for student use during lunchtime. Students will have the occasional opportunity to invite a friend from another classroom to join them for lunch. Parents are always welcome to join us for lunch from 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.</p><p>RECESS</p><p>Our district wide policy states that all students are expected to go outside unless the temperature is below -20° F. Because it is not uncommon to have recesses on cold days like these, children must have appropriate winter clothing at all times once the temperature begins to drop. This includes gloves, a hat, snow pants, a winter coat, and winter boots. Students who are too ill to play outside should stay home until they are well. A note from a doctor is </p><p>11 required if a child is to sit in the nurseʼs office during recess. </p><p>MEDICATIONS</p><p>Prescription medication to be taken at School must be given to the school nurse with a form signed by the child’s doctor. Teachers may not dispense prescription or over-the-counter medications, nor may students administer medications to themselves. Please see our school nurse if you have any questions or concerns about medication.</p><p>LOST AND FOUND</p><p>Items that are misplaced throughout the school or on the playground are taken to the lost and found bins by the gym door if they are not readily claimed. Small items, e.g. watches or jewelry, are kept at the office. Lost and found items in the bins are taken to the nurseʼs office after one month. They are kept one additional month, and then are donated to charities. Additionally, I keep a classroom lost and found bin for in-class purposes. By having your child write his or her name on items brought to school, you’re greatly increasing the chance of having them returned if they are ever misplaced. </p><p>FIELD TRIPS</p><p>We will go on several field trips this year in order to take advantage of the many learning resources available to us in our community. Most trips are related to the curriculum, and so they do not require signed permission slips. They do require bus money and entry fees however. Rather than collect money from students for each trip, I prefer to ask for a $20 per semester pre- payment, the first due as soon as possible, which will be stored </p><p>12 in our class account. (The first payment includes $15 for field trips and $5 for classroom supplies purchased for each student.) The pre-payment simplifies accounting for the office and money collection. If this presents a hardship, please let me know, as we sometimes have assistance funds available. We love to have parents join us for these fun outings!</p><p>VOLUNTEERING IN THE CLASSROOM</p><p>I enthusiastically welcome you to our classroom! If you would like to become involved as a parent helper in our classroom, please let me know as soon as possible. A volunteer form indicating how you would like to help can be found in this welcome packet. I will do my best to match your needs and wishes with our classroom needs and schedule. I appreciate the significance of your valuable donation of time.</p><p>There are many ways parents who cannot come to school regularly can contribute to the yearʼs success. Most importantly, you can help your child eat nutritious meals, go to bed on time, and maintain a positive school attitude. Look at school papers together, and talk about the day. Some other ways to help: - Join us on a field trip! - Send in books or objects pertinent to our topic of study - Purchase books for your child through Scholastic book orders - Donate when requests for special supplies go out - Join and support our Pearl Creek PTA - Attend one or more PTA Family Nights with your child</p><p>COMMUNICATION</p><p>13 Although we have a telephone in our classroom, all calls are routed through the office. In order to minimize student anxiety and class disruptions, please make sure your child knows about after-school plans before coming to school. The office, PTA, and I send out periodic newsletters and special announcements. Please be sure to check your childʼs backpack daily. I will post information about upcoming classroom events on our class website </p><p>Phone: 479-4234 x41320 Website: E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>14</p>

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