Back to School Section B WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 49 AUGUST 7, 2020 17 AV, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Patricia Sigman runs for state Senate By Christine DeSouza Longwood resident Patricia R. Sigman is a Democratic candidate on the primary ballot for state Senate, Dis- trict 9. There is one opponent running against her for the seat and she is hopeful voters will turn out for the Aug. 18 primary elections to get her name on the ballot for the elections on Nov. 3. Sigman is a long-standing member of this community. She and her husband, Phil, have been affiliated with Temple Israel and also Con- gregation of Reform Judaism. Patricia Sigman “Seminole County is our home and our roots here run tive. She is a small business The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous will air from July 27 to Aug. 31, 2020 one of its award-winning documentaries deep,” she told Heritage. “The owner (Sigman & Sigman, highlighting Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews during World War II and the Holocaust. Sigman family has been here P.A. in Altamonte Springs), since the early 1960s.” a voter protection leader, Sigman, a board-certified community volunteer, and Labor & Employment lawyer with her husband, Phil, has Online movie series to feature rescuers and a civil mediator for 26 raised three children — all years, has seen all aspects of of whom attended Seminole law from the business, com- and rescued during years of Holocaust munity and personal perspec- Sigman on page 14A (JNS) — The Jewish Foundation for the to themselves and their families—to save goal was two-fold: to share stories Righteous is launching a Monday-night Jews,” said JFR executive vice president of heroism and raise awareness of movie series, from July 27 to Aug. 21, Stanlee Stahl. history during the years of the Ho- Storage center dates each week airing one of its award-winning The films focus on the heroism of locaust, when 6 million Jews, among documentaries that highlight Righteous rescuers Melpomeni Gianopoulou others, perished at the hands of Nazi from Kingdom of Judah Gentiles who saved Jews during World (Greece), airing on July 27; Master Sgt. Germany. War II and the Holocaust. Roddie Edmonds (Knoxville, Tenn.), The films have previously been The series is specifically designed for airing on Aug. 3; Krystyna Jakubowska screened in classrooms and at film fes- the group’s Facebook page in an effort (Poland), airing on Aug. 10; and Helena tivals. This is the first time they will be to educate followers on the dangers of Weglowska (Poland), airing on Aug. 17. available to the general public. anti-Semitism or hateful speech towards The page will also screen a documentary They will premiere as Facebook “Watch ethnic or religious groups. celebrating the life of Roman Kent, the Parties” on Mondays at 8 p.m. Eastern “Social-media platforms, such as Holocaust survivor and president of the Standard Time, starting July 27 and Facebook, have become a hotbed for anti- JFR on Aug. 24. running through Aug. 24. There is no Semitic rants, so we believe what better The JFR production team traveled fee to participate. place to bring education and powerful throughout Europe, Israel and North To see the films, visit https://www. stories of men and women from all walks America to interview the rescued, facebook.com/JewishFoundationForTh- of life who rose above hate—at great peril the rescuers and their families. Their eRighteous. Florida Film Festival features a short Yaniv Berman, Israel Antiquities Authority Clay figurines of women and animals found at the Armona film by ‘hometown girl’ Talia Osteen excavation site in Jerusalem, July 2020. (JNS) — In excavations BCE. The excavations revealed By Christine DeSouza under the guidance of Cantor time to show a different, in Jerusalem near the U.S. an unusually large structure Allan Robuck of Congregation more joyful side of Orthodox embassy conducted by the with 120 jar handles bearing The Central Florida Jewish Ohev Shalom. Each of the girls Judaism than the oppressive Israel Antiquities Authority, seal impressions in one of the community knew and loved eventually went their own way and grave picture that’s more more than 120 of some of the most important archeological Talia Osteen as one of the and Osteen moved to New often portrayed in the media. largest and most important collections ever uncovered as three members of the singing York, then to California, to Surprisingly, one of the collections of seal impressions part of archaeological work group Visions, which began pursue her career in the film co-stars has relatives here stamped on jars were discov- in Israel. industry. She successfully in Central Florida. Yisrael ered, revealing information Naria Sapir and Nathan starred in five national TV Dubov (sound familiar?) plays into tax collection in the pe- Ben-Ari, directors of the series, and also formed the the fiancé of Chana, the main riod of the Judean monarchs excavations on behalf of the band The Wellspring, which character of the film. Dubov some 2,700 years ago. Israel Antiquities Authority, released five albums and was cast in the role before The impressions were said: “This is one of the most composed scores for several Osteen realized his father is stamped with the letters significant discoveries from TV series. Turning her atten- Rabbi Sholom Dubov. The “LMLK” — meaning “to the the period of the Kings in Je- tion to working behind the film is featured in the Florida King” — and were written in rusalem made in recent years. camera as a writer, director, Film Festival at the Enzian on ancient Hebrew script, along At the site we excavated, there and producer, she has co- Sunday, Aug. 9 at 3:30 p.m. with the name of the ancient are signs that governmental produced and co-created a (socially distanced & masked city in the Kingdom of Judah. activity managed and distrib- feature comedy film and a Talia Osteen with limited seating), fol- The excavations are funded uted food supplies not only for TV series with her wife, Sara lowed by a Q & A with the by the Israel Land Authority a shortage, but administered Hess, a producer and writer help amplify the voices of filmmakers. This year, virtual and administrated by the Mo- agricultural surplus amassing on “Orange is the New Black.” women filmmakers. attendance is also an option. riah Jerusalem Development commodities and wealth.” Osteen has now brought Osteen said she was What makes “The Shabbos Corporation. “Evidence shows that at her love of Judaism and sto- prompted by the Powderkeg: Goy” different from other Other seals are associated this site,” they continued, rytelling together through a Fuse incubator program to movies involving Orthodox with private individuals and “taxes were collected in an comedic and cinematic lens make a comedy about a micro women is that Osteen decided bear the name of senior offi- orderly manner for agricul- in “The Shabbos Goy,” which community in Los Angeles, she needed to make the Shab- cials of the Kingdom of Judah tural produce, such as wine she wrote and directed, and and Osteen seized the op- bos goy do something funnier or wealthy individuals from and olive oil.” was produced through the portunity to do what she says than flipping a light switch. the First Temple period. highly competitive Pow- she loves best in her storytell- (You have to see the film to The administrative storage derkeg: Fuse incubator pro- ing — subvert expectations. find out what’s so shockingly center dates back to the days of gram, launched by comedy Particularly in a time where funny.) Kings Hezekiah and Manasseh filmmaker Paul Feig (“Brides- anti-Semitism is on the rise, in the eighth century to the maids,” “Ghostbusters”) to it felt to her like a prescient Osteen on page 15A middle of the seventh century PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, AUGUST 7, 2020 ‘He told me to call him Cube’: ZOA chief Mort Klein details his talk with Ice Cube after Farrakhan tweets By Shira Hanau said was set up by a mutual after the CNN anchor tweeted friend he declined to name, is about Farrakhan’s propensity (JTA) — Mort Klein didn’t the latest in a series of public for hate speech, Klein said he know much about Ice Cube rapprochements between would ask Ice Cube about it. when he got on the phone with Black celebrities accused of “That’s troubling,” Klein him on Monday afternoon, but anti-Semitism and prominent said. “Please send that to me, by the end of their two-hour Jews. Earlier this month, Nick I’m not aware of this.” conversation, Klein said he Cannon sat down with a Los By Tuesday morning, he was convinced the rapper was Angeles rabbi to learn about spoke with the rapper again. not anti-Semitic. Judaism. The host of the real- Klein said Ice Cube told him In fact, the president of ity singing competition show “he deeply regrets putting that the right-wing Zionist Orga- “The Masked Singer” had out” and that he admitted to nization of America said, the made anti-Semitic comments wrongly ignoring Farrakhan’s rapper had invited Klein and on his podcast for which he anti-Semitism because of his his wife to dinner — once the later apologized. support for Farrakhan’s mes- pandemic is over. This call was different from sage of Black self-reliance. “He called me Mort,” Klein others for several reasons, in But Klein said he would not told the Jewish Telegraphic part because Klein himself be satisfied until Ice Cube put Agency.
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