<p>http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2011/07/07/whitey_bulger_pleads_not_guilty_in_racketee ring_murder_case/?page=full</p><p>Bulger pleads not guilty before many watchful eyes US says it may call 40 witnesses</p><p>By Shelley Murphy and Maria Cramer Globe Staff / July 7, 2011 </p><p>James “Whitey’’ Bulger pleaded not guilty yesterday to a federal racketeering indictment charging him with the murders of 19 people, speaking softly during a packed hearing that offered a glimpse of how the massive case against Boston’s most infamous gangster might unfold.</p><p>‘Whitey’ Bulger arrested</p><p>The day also brought assurances from his lawyer that the 81-year-old Bulger is not, as some former neighbors suggested, showing signs of senility.</p><p>“I see absolutely no evidence that my client suffers from Alzheimer’s,’’ J.W. Carney Jr. said outside US District Court. After Bulger’s capture in Santa Monica, Calif., on June 22 after 16 years on the run, neighbors said his girlfriend, Catherine Greig, told them he appeared to have early Alzheimer’s.</p><p>Carney said that since being appointed to represent Bulger, he had “found Mr. Bulger to be very smart, to have an excellent memory.’’ Yesterday, as Bulger was led into the courthouse in shackles and an orange prison uniform, he nodded to his brothers, William M., former president of the Massachusetts Senate, and John, seated in the front row.</p><p>He spoke quietly but clearly, saying “not guilty’’ as a clerk asked him how he pleaded to 32 counts of racketeering, extortion, money laundering, and weapons charges in crimes he allegedly committed while running a South Boston- based criminal enterprise that began in the 1970s and continued after he fled in 1995.</p><p>As he spoke, a remarkable collection of people who had waited decades to see him answer to the charges listened intently. Sons, daughters, and wives of Bulger’s alleged victims sat among investigators, some now retired, who spent years building the case. Former US attorney Donald K. Stern, who insisted on proceeding with Bulger’s indictment in 1995, even after the FBI warned him that Bulger was an informant, took in the moment.</p><p>“I couldn’t miss it,’’ Stern said. “I wasn’t sure this day would come, but here it is, and I’m looking forward to the trial.’’</p><p>Bulger is charged with participating in 19 murders, more than half of them while he was working as an FBI informant. Relatives of Bulger’s alleged victims were upset that the names of the victims were not mentioned in court. Bulger was not required to enter a plea for each slaying, because they are not listed as separate murder counts in the indictment, but rather as acts committed as part of the sweeping racketeering conspiracy.</p><p>“I think they should have named every single victim so those names would ring in Whitey Bulger’s head to bring back the names of these victims who meant nothing to him,’’ said Patricia Donahue, whose husband, Michael, was giving a friend a ride home in 1982 when Bulger allegedly shot him to death during an attack aimed at the other man.</p><p>William O’Brien, 37, who was born four days after his father was allegedly slain by Bulger and his associates in 1973, said he wished his father’s name had been mentioned, but was grateful that Bulger was finally facing the charges.</p><p>“He looks older,’’ O’Brien said. “But I still see the grin, the eyes, that look. He doesn’t look 81 to me.’’</p><p>Retired State Police colonel Thomas Foley, who spearheaded the investigation that led to the charges against Bulger, said: “Seeing him walk in in handcuffs, a broken man, was some sort of satisfaction for me personally, and hopefully it’s some satisfaction for all the families.’’</p><p>Assistant US Attorney Brian T. Kelly said the government expects to call 30 to 40 witnesses to testify against Bulger in a trial that is likely to take at least four weeks.</p><p>US Magistrate Judge Marianne Bowler denied a request by Carney, who was appointed at taxpayer expense because Bulger says he has no money, to name his law partner, Janice Bassil, as cocounsel.</p><p>Bowler said Carney can enlist Bassil’s help and bill the government for those services, since they work in the same Boston law firm. The magistrate judge said she may appoint another lawyer to assist Carney if he “were unable to deal with the magnitude of the case.’’</p><p>Bowler pointed out that Carney may bill the government up to $9,700 to defend the case, but could petition for more if the case is deemed “extended or complex.’’</p><p>Bulger, who was warned by his former FBI handler, John J. Connolly Jr., to flee just before his January 1995 racketeering indictment, was exposed as a longtime FBI informant in his absence. His former associates began cooperating with investigators, resulting in the discovery of secret graves and the racketeering indictment brought in 2000 accusing him of the killings. Last week, prosecutors dismissed the 1995 case, saying they want to focus on the murder charges. Bulger faces life in prison if convicted. The elusive fugitive, who was one of the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted, was arrested by the FBI along with Greig, 60, who is being held on a charge of harboring a fugitive. She is due in court Monday for a bail hearing. Agents seized $822,198 in cash, 30 guns, and knives hidden in the apartment the two shared in Santa Monica.</p><p>Yesterday, two floors above the courtroom where Bulger avowed his innocence, US District Judge Richard G. Stearns told relatives of one of the gangster’s alleged victims that they must wait until the end of the criminal trial to determine whether they are entitled to any of the cash seized from Bulger.</p><p>Michael Milano was killed in 1973 when someone with a machine gun opened fire on his new Mercedes-Benz after he left a North End restaurant where he bartended. John Martorano, a hitman turned government witness, later admitted that he carried out the shooting on Bulger’s orders and that the real target had been the restaurant’s owner, who drove the same make of car.</p><p>In 2002, a Suffolk Superior Court judge ruled that Bulger owed Milano’s family $2.2 million in reparations. They have not yet received any of that money. Yesterday, Stearns rejected the family’s request for a lien on the money seized from Bulger, saying they must wait for the criminal case to be resolved.</p><p>One of Milano’s brothers, Donald, said he wants to make sure assets obtained by Bulger through decades of violence end up in the hands of his victims. “All we’re trying to do is make sure that at some point we get a bite out of the apple,’’ he said.</p><p>Globe correspondent Martine Powers contributed to this report. Murphy can be reached at [email protected]; Cramer at [email protected]. </p><p>© Copyright 2011 Globe Newspaper Company.</p><p> mazda83 wrote: </p><p> did anyone really think he would say "guilty" this is all a game to him.... the feds created this and it's going to cost us plenty of money....</p><p>7/7/2011 5:31 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (3) </p><p> lthook wrote: </p><p>The wheels of [IN]justice seem to grind on. If the GOV-US Attorney can make a deal, and he actually gives it ALL up, in exchange sends him to the federal retirement jail it may just be the best deal. And maybe, just maybe, those still free who aided him will be indicted for their part in this urban drama.</p><p>Do you think he'd give any of them up?, likely NO unless Whitey gets a deal.</p><p>7/7/2011 5:56 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (1) vladjr wrote: </p><p>Too bad the Feds can't indict Billy for the $700K shakedown of developer Harold Brown for 75 State Street. Corrupt FBI agents put an end to the investigation of Billy as a favor to Whitey.</p><p>7/7/2011 6:03 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (7) </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p>CasinoMAn wrote: </p><p>Why can't they just give criminals a truth serum, or hypnotize them and just let them spill the beans while under, this would save us a lot of time and money. Reading here, it says the innocent victims were not the intended victims, doesnt make it any less a crime, but im sure his lawyers will use it. Who cares what whitey gets for a sentence, they caught him, and that seems to be enough, he's not going to snitch on anyone..so old man goes to jail, maybe gets beat up by another 80 y/o inmate, this case is closed. </p><p>7/7/2011 6:29 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (2) </p><p>Cdepass wrote: </p><p>It's difficult to imagine the families would want any part of Whitey's blood-money as reparation for his heinous criminal activities and refer to it as getting a "bite out of the apple". Essentially, you're profiting from the murders he committed. That apple would be a bit too bitter for me to swallow. Perhaps if received, the money was donated and used to help fund a meaningful cause for victims of violence or something along those lines I could accept. Anything short of that just wouldn't be palatable.</p><p>7/7/2011 6:34 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (2) </p><p>Jeanh1 wrote: </p><p>His lawyer could request a change of venue: Orlando, FL.</p><p>7/7/2011 6:42 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (6) </p><p> carraway wrote: </p><p>Hank (whitey) enjoys fishcakes. has them every friday.</p><p>7/7/2011 6:56 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p>Cfood wrote: </p><p>Not to sound insensitive, but is anyone else getting a little tired of the Donohues being interviewed in virtually every video news clip?</p><p>7/7/2011 7:44 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (5) </p><p>Ads by Google what's this? ADHD Treatment Private psychiatric clinic Downtown Manhattan.Insurances accepted. www.StressReliefNYC.com</p><p> asterix9t9 wrote: </p><p>""One of Milano’s brothers, Donald, said he wants to make sure assets obtained by Bulger through decades of violence end up in the hands of his victims. “All we’re trying to do is make sure that at some point we get a bite out of the apple,’’ he said."" ************************************************************ Sounds like something Whitey would say. Sorry, but all those assets should go to refund the taxpayers footing the bill for this circus.</p><p>7/7/2011 8:01 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (6) </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p> viggie wrote: </p><p>Here we go again preferential treatment for the despicable bulger clan. billy and brother enter and exit a secured private entry to court house and are seated up front, jim gets limo and helicopter rides to and from court and he is assigned a high profile defense attorney for free. Now I heard the trial is 2-3 years down the road. What happened to a speedy trial? I know it gives more time for the culprits that assisted jim to scramble and continue their cover-up.</p><p>7/7/2011 8:16 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (7) </p><p>Dynasty9600 wrote: </p><p>If Bulger's found guilty his "fortune" should be used to pay back the cost of his trial, Greig's too.</p><p>7/7/2011 8:17 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (4) </p><p>Dynasty9600 wrote: </p><p> asterix, sorry, I read your post after making mine. Obviously, we're on the same page.</p><p>7/7/2011 8:19 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p> jole24 wrote: </p><p>WHERE IS THE FRONT PAGE STORY ON THE FAST AND FURIOUS ? GUN RUNNING SCANDAL???? AG ERIC HOLDER COULD BE THE FIRST AG SINCE THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION TO BE DIRECTLY IMPLICATED TO ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES...THOUGH UNLIKE NIXON'S AG THIS TIME HOLDER MAY HAVE BLOOD ON HIS HANDS...I'd like some crack investigative journalist to rev their motor and report this huge scandal...</p><p>7/7/2011 8:39 AM EDT </p><p>Recommended Report abuse (3) </p><p>Ads by Google what's this? Marriage & Family Therapy Donna Gundy, Rye, NY 25 years experience, AAMFT member www.ddgundylmft.com</p><p> buddy40 wrote: </p><p>$ 9700.00 for the lawyers where did that figure come from,unless i read it wrong that won't put a dent in the trial.As far as Greig's defence goes doesn't she own a house free & clear that would be sold and the money used for her defence.Whiteys is smart and i bet part of his defence will be that the mind altering drugs that were used on him by the government while in prison made him be vicious like he is.Should be interesting.</p><p>7/7/2011 9:03 AM EDT </p><p>Recommended Report abuse (4) </p><p> laurapalmer81 wrote: </p><p>To kind of amplify on what cfood said: I'm not personally sick of the Donohues because I feel sorry for them and hope they get the justice they deserve. But I am sick of retired cops like Foley completely exaggerating their role in this case AND making money and a career off of the tragedies of people like the Donohues. He/they are almost as despicable as Bulger. At least Bulger admits he's in it for the money.</p><p>7/7/2011 9:03 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (1) </p><p>HideNoTruths wrote: </p><p>Why is Judge Stearns still on this case? As 2nd in command of the US Attorney's Office in Boston, he must have known what was going on with Whitey. Stearns should be Witness 41 instead of the judge on this case. He MUST recuse himself and have the case re-assigned. Put this case back into the hands of Judge Wolf.</p><p>7/7/2011 9:17 AM EDT </p><p>Recommended Report abuse (2) </p><p>HideNoTruths wrote: </p><p>For those of you who continue to harp about Whitey's "fortune," that money does not belong to him. Never did. He essentially stole that money from other people or attained it thru illegal means. It is not his to give away, or his for the federal government away. Just say no to Whitey Welfare.</p><p>7/7/2011 9:20 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (1) </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p>Shtarka wrote: </p><p>We taxpzyers will be paying Big Dig- type money for the Bulger Brothers when all is said and done- between pension funds, government funded lawers, prosecution costs, and, oh yeah, let's not forget the Ma lottery that Whitey somehow managed to win...We are the suckers.</p><p>7/7/2011 9:37 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse (1) trpbob wrote: </p><p>Wait till CARNEY's LAW firm gets going ..and the Bill the TAX-PAYES will have to PAY for his DEFENCE as well as the POOR VICTIMS family's they will have to pay also....do you think the next Guy/Girl from the poorer areas could get a Carney and his helpers ....but the bottom line is all going to be for knot....as soon as the BULGERS get thier fill and Publicity and CALL in the DOCTORS to care for Jimmy....I hate to say it but better if he was not found...except for the VICTIMS family's.....NO justice will be served HE'S TOO OLD to CARE anyway and will make a game of it ...CARNEY stated Jimmy respected him...SO would I NOW that his OFFICE is on the PUBLIC'S BUCK and all getting a ride at the TAXPAYERS EXPENCE ,God Bless the LAWYERS WE need More of them ...Where's?.. WHO is going to get to be Jimmy's Doctor ?? /THE only people who will be saddened, old wounds by this case is the Family's of the Victims and the TAX PAYERS</p><p>7/7/2011 10:05 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p> clambelly wrote: </p><p>WorthingtonGate - Where the The Bulger/FBI/Justice Dept. keeps on going. THIS NEVER STOPPED. IT'S ALL PART OF OUR UNCLE SCAM. DRUGS & ARMS - The government (Both PARTIES)became THE NEW MOB after taking down their competition, "La Cosa Nostra."</p><p> http://LibertyAndJusticeUnited.org</p><p>7/7/2011 10:08 AM EDT </p><p>Recommended (2) Report abuse</p><p> varnum wrote: </p><p>Bottom line the whole Bulger family is scum</p><p>7/7/2011 10:19 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend (1) Report abuse</p><p>57-States wrote: </p><p>The scary thing is Billy is a bigger crook than Whitey, and he is treated as royalty. He is just like Obama, say's he is 'loyal" to his relative, but lets the taxpayers pay the bill. Whitey 'Suntie Zetuni" Bulger, and his loyal family member Billy.</p><p>7/7/2011 11:51 AM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p>148634 wrote: sorry if i offend some but i would like to see some clarity between victims. Those who had no invovlement in the mob world and those who were part of it.. If the people who swam with the sharks and got bit thats the company they kept sorry to want clarity. but i don't have much sympathy for those who were involved with whitey's world and ended up dead. When gangsters kill gangsters thats the life you picked. The real victims are those were never involved with whitey</p><p>7/7/2011 11:53 AM EDT </p><p>Recommended Report abuse (3) </p><p>Recommend Report abuse BRoberge wrote: </p><p> asterix9t9:</p><p>That was the first thing I thought when I read this article. Also heard another family member of a victim on a television interview refer to Whitey as a "Rat". Also struck me wrong. Newsflash: You don't like this guy because he killed your _____, not because he told the FBI about other crimes!</p><p>7/7/2011 12:04 PM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p> myron1958 wrote: </p><p> cfood...I agree with you and hit the mute button whenever the Donaghues come on the t.v.</p><p>148634...careful, I made that same observation a few days ago and my post was deleted.</p><p>Also, check some of the earlier posts...Donaghue was not such and innocent victim as he is made out to be...something about him driving a getaway car on another hit earlier...</p><p>7/7/2011 12:13 PM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p> trpbob wrote: </p><p>WAS not Billy under the gun with the FEDS..for a Building SCAM, State St. I think ,Millions....and the case was Dropped requested by the FBI... Did'ent Billy SUE the State to get his Vac and Off Campus Bills paid by the State INCLUDED in his RETIREMENT that no one else could get .....But thses DO-Goodes in Ma. will always put the Kennedys ,Kerrys Tierneys ,Franks Meehnan and the rest back in OFFICE because they got a pat on the head...and the VOTERS LOVED THEM ..cause 48 % don't contribute taxes anyway just collect the FREEBEES...Watch Kerry in 2014 start patting the little old ladies in 2013 AGAIN..and of course AUNTIE ZATUNI enjoying South Boston BEECHs,,Jimmy 's old GROUNDS...saved for the PREZ aunt and your TAX Dollars,like he's now going to get...on your BUCK...Must be something about the water at city point..or maybe I am just MAD at the VOTERS</p><p>7/7/2011 12:46 PM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p> laurapalmer81 wrote: </p><p>Give me a break- I can't believe there are still "commenters" finding a way to drag Obama into everything. Get a life and stay on topic...and the topic here is Bulger.</p><p>7/7/2011 1:01 PM EDT </p><p>Recommend Report abuse</p><p>Pinckney_Street_observer wrote: </p><p>So "Whitey" Bulger pleaded not guilty---a shock, indee</p><p>But the GLOBE reporter covering the arraignment didn't say how the EIGHTEEN (18) Boston FBI Agents named by Federal Judge Mark wolf as protecting and/or deriving income from the bulger Organization...how THEY pleaded.</p><p>How did Bulger's Boston FBI Office accomplices plead..?</p><p>ANYBODY know who was there...?</p><p>I remember --practically everyone in Town remembers ---the GLOBE story on FBI Agent JOHN ROBERTS, and how Roberts said that he and his wife hadd to leave town in the middle of the night he was so afraid of getting knocked off by one of bulger's Boston FBI Office accomplices.</p><p>And if you don't remember the GLOBE Story on FBI Agent JOHN ROBERTS, then SURELY you can recall the TWO (2) CBS "60 minutes" specials on what this hionorable FBI Agent endured while he was an FBI Agent in Boston.</p><p>It's LONG PAST TIME WE MADE THESE CLOWNS CO-DEFENDANTS WITH BULGER in U.S. DISTRICT COURT BOSTON, WOULDN't YOU SAY?</p><p>Is ANYONE awake out there...?</p><p>7/7/2011 1:04 PM EDT </p><p>Recommended Report abuse (2) </p><p> clambelly wrote: </p><p>Pinchney - I SECOND THIS, and add to the list the former Boston Federal Prosecutor's, which one is a current enabler and the current Justice Dept. "Handler," along with other former and current Chiefs that have and are BETRAYING ALL OF US fine citizens. </p><p>Time to mop up "America" and have a TOTAL CLEANSING of the filth and scum that has INFECTED DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM & LIBERTY and JUSTICE.</p><p>WorthingtonGate - Where the Bulger US & MA Government's continue unabaited as Organized Gangsters.</p><p> http://LibertyAndJusticeUnited.org</p><p>7/7/2011 2:47 PM EDT </p><p>Recommended (1) Report abuse</p>
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