<p> USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>This document should be used to prepare the USC consent form when a consent template has been provided by an industry sponsor or cooperative group. This document can also be used when you are relying on an external (non-USC) IRB (except for the National Cancer Institute Central IRB). </p><p>The consent form used to enroll participants at USC must comply with federal regulations, California law, and USC policy. You must remove or revise language that does not comply. The USC IRB may require that additional language be inserted to improve participants’ ability to make an informed decision about participating. </p><p>Please start with this document when you create the USC consent form. Use the section headings that appear here. This document has the correct formatting to facilitate multiple editors and multiple revisions and to improve the appearance of the final stamped form. If you do not use this document to prepare the USC consent form, you must follow the formatting instructions below. </p><p>Instructions: 1. Delete all instructions and examples (in red italics) and delete all text that is not applicable to your study. 2. Delete the header of this template. Either insert the name and address of your institution and department in the header of the document or print the document on your institution/department letterhead. The name and address must appear on at least the first page of the consent form. 3. Insert your version date in the footer. Consent forms must have a version date and page numbers. 4. The title of the consent form must be the same as the full title in the IRB application. 5. Sections labeled “optional” are not required under federal regulations but they should be included if they are applicable to the study and meaningful to participants. 6. The study team is responsible for ensuring that all sections of the USC consent form have complete and accurate information, even if sponsor / cooperative group template language is used.</p><p>Formatting Instructions: Use a font size of 12 or larger. Add a one-inch left margin to accommodate the IRB stamp. Increase the footer size to accommodate an addressograph stamp, if applicable. </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 1 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>California Experimental Subject’s Bill of Rights Instructions:</p><p>1. If your research is a “medical experiment,” participants must sign the Experimental Subjects Bill of Rights. Section 24174 of the California Health and Safety Codes defines “medical experiment” as: (a) The severance or penetration or damaging of tissues of a human subject or the use of a drug or device, as defined in Section 109920 or 109925, electromagnetic radiation, heat or cold, or a biological substance or organism, in or upon a human subject in the practice of research of medicine in a manner not reasonably related to maintaining or improving the health of the subject or otherwise directly benefiting the subject; (b) The investigational use of a drug or device as provided in Sections 111590 and 111595; (c) Withholding medical treatment from a human subject for any purpose other than maintenance or improvement of the health of the subject.</p><p>2. The Experimental Subject’s Bill of Rights should appear at the beginning of the consent form. </p><p>3. If you are not obtaining consent from a parent or legally authorized representative, delete the signature line for “Parent or Legally Authorized Representative” and the “If signed by other than the research participant” line from the Bill of Rights. </p><p>4. The language in the Experimental Subject’s Bill of Rights cannot be modified. </p><p>5. The Experimental Subject’s Bill of Rights has been translated into many languages. Translated forms are available on the HSIRB website at: http://oprs.usc.edu/hsirb/hsirb-forms/. </p><p>6. If your research is not a medical experiment as defined above, delete the Experimental Subject’s Bill of Rights page from the consent form. </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 2 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>Study Title:</p><p>Principal Investigator: </p><p>EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECT’S BILL OF RIGHTS</p><p>You have been asked to participate as a subject in a medical experiment. Before you decide whether you want to participate in the experimental procedure, you have a right to the following information:</p><p>CALIFORNIA LAW REQUIRES THAT YOU MUST BE INFORMED ABOUT:</p><p>1. The nature and purpose of the study. 2. The procedures in the study and any drug or device to be used. 3. Discomforts and risks reasonably to be expected from the study. 4. Benefits reasonably to be expected from the study. 5. Alternative procedures, drugs, or devices that might be helpful and their risks and benefits. 6. Availability of medical treatment should complications occur. 7. The opportunity to ask questions about the study or the procedure. 8. The ability to withdraw from the study at any time and discontinue participation without affecting your future care at this institution. 9. Be given a copy of the signed and dated written consent form for the study. 10. The opportunity to consent freely to the study without the use of coercion.</p><p>I have carefully read the information contained above and I understand fully my rights as a potential subject in this study.</p><p>Date: ______Time: ______</p><p>Signature: ______(Research Participant)</p><p>Signature: ______(Parent or Legally Authorized Representative)</p><p>If signed by other than the research participant, indicate relationship: ______</p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 3 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>INFORMED CONSENT [Add only if applicable:] PARENTAL PERMISSION / YOUTH ASSENT</p><p>TITLE:</p><p>PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:</p><p>DEPARTMENT:</p><p>24-HOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER: [Required for greater than minimal risk studies; must be a USC phone number answered by a live person 24 hours a day] </p><p>Instructions for Introductory Section: Use this template for an Adult Informed Consent, a Youth Assent (for ages 14-17), or a Parental Permission form. For Parental Permission forms, add the following statement: “If you are reading this form as the parent of a participant, “you” refers to your child.” If consent will be obtained from a Legally Authorized Representative, add the following statement: “If you are giving consent for another person, “you” refers to that person.” You can use the sponsor language or the USC template language in this section.</p><p>We invite you to take part in a research study. Please take as much time as you need to read the consent form. You may want to discuss it with your family, friends, or your personal doctor. If you find any of the language difficult to understand, please ask questions. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to sign this form. </p><p>[Include this funding paragraph only if applicable] This research study is sponsored by [insert sponsor name]. [Add only if applicable: Sponsor name] is the company that makes the [choose drug or device] being tested. They provide funding to cover the costs of conducting this study.</p><p>WHY IS THIS STUDY BEING DONE ? </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language]</p><p>WHAT IS INVOLVED IN THE STUDY? </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language]</p><p>If you are testing for any reportable communicable diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted diseases), use the following language:</p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 4 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>This research requires testing for [insert HIV, hepatitis, other]. If you test positive, California law requires that we report your results to the local health department. If you test positive, we will refer you to a health care provider for medical care. </p><p>WHAT ABOUT PREGNANCY? [Optional section]</p><p>[Can use sponsor template language; pregnancy information can appear as a separate section here or as a sub-section of the risks section]</p><p>WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE RISKS AND DISCOMFORTS ? </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language]</p><p>Additional Instructions: If the study involves research-related radiation exposure, you must submit the study to the USC Radiation Safety Committee and use the radiation language provided by the committee. If the study involves biopsies, endoscopies, or imaging done for research purposes, you must include the risks of any sedatives, anesthetics, or contrast agents that may be used. </p><p>WILL YOUR INFORMATION BE KEPT PRIVATE? </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language]</p><p>Additional instructions: Remove any HIPAA language that already appears in the separate USC HIPAA authorization form; it is acceptable to include a statement that participants will be asked to sign a separate HIPAA authorization form describing how their protected health information will be used. You cannot ask participants to choose whether or not their personal doctors can be told about their participation in the study. Researchers cannot comply with a request that a personal doctor NOT be told. This information cannot be hidden from treating doctors at USC because of the nature of electronic health records. </p><p>WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE BENEFITS OF TAKING PART IN THIS STUDY? </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language]</p><p>WHAT OTHER OPTIONS ARE THERE? </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language] Additional instruction: If participants can get the drug, device, or procedures without being in the study, clearly state this. </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 5 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>ARE THERE ANY PAYMENTS TO YOU FOR TAKING PART IN THE STUDY? [Optional section]</p><p>Additional instructions: If participants will receive significant payments over and above reimbursement for their expenses for taking part in the study, add the IRS paragraph below.</p><p>If you receive more than $600 per year for taking part in one or more research studies, you may be required to pay taxes on that money. This does not include any payments you receive to pay you back for expenses like parking fees [add other expenses if applicable]. You may receive an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1099 if you receive more than $600 in one year for taking part in one or more research studies. </p><p>WHAT ARE THE COSTS? [Optional section]</p><p>[Can use sponsor template language initially; the USC Clinical Trials Office or Department of Contracts and Grants will provide final language]</p><p>WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET INJURED OR NEED EMERGENCY CARE? [Required for greater than minimal risk studies; optional for minimal risk studies]</p><p>[Can use sponsor template language initially; the USC Clinical Trials Office or Department of Contracts and Grants will provide final language]</p><p>WILL YOU RECEIVE NEW INFORMATION ABOUT THIS STUDY? [Optional section] </p><p>[Can use the sponsor language or the following USC template language in this section]</p><p>During the study, we may learn new things about the risks or benefits of being in the study. If we do, we will share this information with you. You might change your mind about being in the study based on this information. </p><p>WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS AS A PARTICIPANT, AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO PARTICIPATE? </p><p>[Can use sponsor language or the following USC template language in this section]</p><p>Your participation in this study is voluntary. Your decision whether or not to take part will not affect your current or future care at this institution. You are not giving up any legal claims or rights. If you do decide to take part in this study, you are free to change your mind and stop being in the study at any time. You will not lose any rights if you decide to stop being in the study. If the withdrawal must be gradual for safety reasons, the study doctor [or investigator] will tell you.</p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 6 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>CAN YOU BE REMOVED FROM THE STUDY? [Optional section] </p><p>[Can use sponsor template language]</p><p>DO THE INVESTIGATORS OR THE INSTITUTION HAVE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST? [Optional section] </p><p>[USC language required; add the applicable paragraph]</p><p>[Insert name of investigator or study doctor] has a financial interest in the company sponsoring this study. [Briefly describe the financial interest.] The nature of this conflict and the management of the conflict of interest have been reviewed by the USC Conflict of Interest Review Committee (CIRC).</p><p>WHOM DO YOU CALL IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? </p><p>[USC language is required] [When relying on an external IRB, contact information for the external IRB must appear; USC IRB contact information may also be needed]</p><p>You may contact [insert name] at [insert phone number] with any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research or your participation in this study. If you feel you have been hurt by taking part in this study, please contact [insert name] at [insert phone number]. If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about the research and are unable to contact the research team, contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office at 323-223-2340 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday. (Fax: 323-224-8389 or email at [email protected]). </p><p>If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, or want to talk to someone independent of the research team, you may contact the Institutional Review Board Office at the numbers above or write to the Health Sciences Institutional Review Board at LAC+USC Medical Center, General Hospital Suite 4700, 1200 North State Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033. </p><p>You will get a copy of this consent form.</p><p>CHOICES FOR SAMPLES COLLECTED AS PART OF THIS RESEARCH [Optional section]</p><p>[Can use sponsor language]</p><p>Additional instruction: Do not use Yes / No checkboxes for procedures that are mandatory. </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 7 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>AGREEMENT: </p><p>[USC language is required]</p><p>Complete instructions for the Agreement section are available in the HSIRB Informed Consent Template and Instructions document at: http://oprs.usc.edu/hsirb/hsirb-forms. </p><p>For adult participants, use the following section: </p><p>I have read (or someone has read to me) the information provided above. I have been given a chance to ask questions. All my questions have been answered. By signing this form, I am agreeing to take part in this study.</p><p>Name of Research Participant Signature Date Signed (and Time*)</p><p>I have personally explained the research to the participant using non-technical language. I have answered all the participant’s questions. I believe that he/she understands the information described in this informed consent and freely consents to participate. </p><p>Name of Person Obtaining Informed Signature Date Signed Consent (and Time*)</p><p>A witness is required when: (1) the participant cannot see, read, write, or physically sign the consent form, or (2) the Short Form method is used to obtain consent. In these situations, the witness must sign and date the consent form. If no witness is needed, leave this signature line blank. </p><p>Name of Witness Signature Date Signed</p><p>* If a study procedure is done on the same day the informed consent is signed, the time and date are required. No study procedures may be done before the participant has signed the informed consent. </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 8 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>If a legally authorized representative will give consent for an adult participant, use this section instead: </p><p>Name of Research Participant</p><p>Name of Legally Authorized Signature Date Signed Representative (and Time*)</p><p>I have personally explained the research to the research participant and/or the participant’s legally authorized representative using non-technical language. I have answered all the participant’s questions. I believe that he/she understands the information described and freely consents to participate. </p><p>Name of Person Obtaining Informed Signature Date Signed Consent (and Time*) </p><p>A witness is required when: (1) the participant cannot see, read, write, or physically sign the consent form, or (2) the Short Form method is used to obtain consent. In these situations, the witness must sign and date the consent form. If no witness is needed, leave this signature line blank. </p><p>Name of Witness Signature Date Signed</p><p>* If a study procedure is done on the same day the informed consent is signed, the time and date are required. No study procedures may be done before the participant has signed the informed consent. </p><p>If minors will be enrolled, add the following signature lines:</p><p>If your child agrees to participate, have your child sign here. </p><p>Name of Child Child’s Signature Date Signed (and Time*) </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 9 of 10 USC Health Sciences IRB Informed Consent Template - Industry Sponsor, Cooperative Group, or External IRB March 6, 2017</p><p>Name of Parent Signature Date Signed (and Time*) </p><p>Name of Second Parent Signature Date Signed (and Time*) </p><p>If pregnant women will be enrolled and the research holds out the prospect of direct benefit solely to the fetus, add the following signature line: </p><p>Name of Father of Unborn Child Father’s Signature Date Signed (and Time*) </p><p>Version Date: Enter your version date Page 10 of 10</p>
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