<p>AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>Australian Air Force Cadets</p><p>Manual of Ground Training</p><p>Part 2</p><p>Chapter 7</p><p>Elective Service Training</p><p>Contents</p><p>PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (PDE)...... 2 ADVENTURE TRAINING (ADE)...... 4 AEROMODELLING (AME)...... 7 AIRCRAFT ENGINES (AEE)...... 9 AIR NAVIGATION (NVE)...... 12 AIR POWER (APE)...... 16 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATE)...... 17 AIRCRAFT (GROUND) HANDLING (AHE)...... 21 AIRCRAFT (GROUND) SAFETY (ASE)...... 24 BIVOUAC PLANNING ELECTIVE – BPE...... 26 DRILL & CEREMONIAL (DCE) PT 1 - SLR L1A1...... 29 DRILL & CEREMONIAL (DCE) PT2 – SLR LIA1...... 31 DRILL & CEREMONIAL (DCE) PT3 - SLR LIA1...... 32 FIELD OPERATIONS (FOE)...... 33 FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS (FSA)...... 35 FIREARMS TRAINING (FTE)...... 38 HOVERCRAFT (HCE)...... 40 LIFE SAVING ELECTIVE (LSE)...... 42 METEOROLOGY (MEE)...... 43 MODEL ROCKETRY (MRE) - PART 1...... 46 MODEL ROCKETRY (MRE) - PART 2...... 49 MOTOR CAR AWARENESS (MCA)...... 52 RADIO GROUND COMMUNICATIONS (RCE)...... 55 BASIC VISUAL TRACKING (VTE)...... 58</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.1 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>ELECTIVE SERVICE TRAINING</p><p>PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (PDE)</p><p>9 Periods</p><p>Note: This is not intended to be an Instructional Technique course.</p><p>PDE 1 Introduction to Public Speaking AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Outline the basic fundamentals to public speaking, especially: a. Good preparation b. Selecting the right topic c. Setting the boundaries.</p><p>PDE 2 Personal Presentation AL: 2 Period(s): 2</p><p>Cadets are to give a personal brief on their interests lasting approximately two minutes. The total class should complete this lesson on two Parade nights.</p><p>Note: This presentation will be compared to a later presentation at the conclusion of this course. Refer Annex N Chapter 1.</p><p>PDE 3 Personal Development AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> d. Explain how the following assists in being a good speaker: (1) positive attitude (2) self attitude (3) personal appearance (4) posture (5) voice control (6) gestures (7) breathing</p><p> e. Rehearsal prior to delivering a presentation.</p><p>PDE 4 Preparing your Presentation AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> f. Outline the elements in preparation; (8) Selecting the right topic (9) Avoiding the wrong topic (10) The topic (11) Setting the boundaries (12) Sources</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.2 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(13) Examples g. Speech preparation, describe the traps in preparing talks: (14) Impromptu traps</p><p>PDE 5 Personal Presentation AL: Period(s): 2</p><p>Each cadet is to present a topic of their choice lasting approximately three minutes. Assessment will be based on competency shown. Refer Annex N Chapter 1.</p><p>PDE 6 Presentation Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.3 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>ADVENTURE TRAINING (ADE) (15 Periods + 5 Day Evaluation)</p><p>ADE is for cadets who have completed Advanced Stage and is an assessment review course designed to prepare cadets wishing to attempt the ADE training award. ADE can also be used to develop the skills and knowledge of cadets gained in FC and SV training in the AAFC.</p><p>ADE 1 Review Map Reading AL: A Period(s): 2</p><p> h. Outline the characteristics of: (15) Topographical scale maps (16) Topographical representation (17) Six figure grid references. i. State the difference between: (18) True north (19) Magnetic north (20) Grid north. j. Explain the theory of magnetic variation.</p><p>ADE 2 Review Compass Work AL: A Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Outline the characteristics of: (1) A prismatic compass (2) Silva orienteering compass b. Outline the procedures for: (1) Maintaining direction by day (2) Maintaining direction by night.</p><p> c. Demonstrate the method for taking: (1) Bearings (2) Back bearings</p><p>ADE 3 Review Ground Navigation AL: A Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Explain map orienteering b. Demonstrate the use of a compass as a protractor c. Demonstrate the method for obtaining: (1) Conversion of bearings (2) Plotting of bearings.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.4 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> d. Explain the method to perform: (1) Resections (2) Intersections.</p><p>ADE 4 Review Shelters AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the different types of survival shelters and the methods of construction according to the type of environment relevant to the evaluation exercise.</p><p>ADE 5 Review Fires AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the common types of fires and the principles for their construction. b. Outline the precautions to be observed when lighting fires. c. Explain the methods used for fire lighting.</p><p>ADE 6 Review Food AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain the use of: (1) One person ration packs (2) Emergency ration packs b. State the method of construction of the common types of snares and traps. c. Describe the techniques for the preparation of animals for food and food preservation. d. Explain the method of identifying and procuring edible plants. e. Explain the taste test for determining the edibility of vegetation.</p><p>ADE 7 Review Water AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the indicators of water stagnation. b. Explain the methods of water purification.</p><p>ADE 8 Review Equipment AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the equipment requirements for: (1) Clothing and footwear (2) Shelter (3) Sleeping (4) Webbing (5) Wet weather</p><p>ADE 9 Review First Aid AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.5 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> a. Describe the symptoms and basic first aid treatment for: (1) Common injuries (2) Stings and bites (3) Broken bones (4) Bleeding (5) Burns (6) Hyperthermia and frostbite (7) Heat stress and sunstroke (8) Dehydration (9) Shock b. Describe the major psychological and social stresses associated with exposure to a survival situation.</p><p>ADE 10 Review Communications AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Demonstrate the correct operation of the AN/PRC-77 radio set, or another comparable type radio set. b. Demonstrate correct radio procedures and communication skills.</p><p>ADE 11 Review Search & Rescue AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. State the types of emergency signals. b. Describe the planning procedure for a field search. c. Explain the use of ground to air signals.</p><p>ADE 12 Review Survival Environment AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the type of environment and conditions that the ADE exercise will be conducted. b. Outline the precaution required with the environment for the ADE exercise.</p><p>ADE 13 Final Assessment Practical exercise Period(s): As Req’d </p><p>Aim: To enable qualified stage cadets to demonstrate, during a practical exercise, the various skills acquired during all facets of AAFC field craft and survival training.</p><p>Method: Cadets are to participate in a five day evaluation exercise that will cover the requirements for the AAFC Adventure Training (ADE) award, as detailed in the ADE Instructor Training Notes.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.6 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AEROMODELLING (AME)</p><p>Part 1 (Periods: As required by Squadron time availability- example: two weekends.)</p><p>The objective of this Elective is to offer cadets the opportunity to build a simple aircraft, using skills in cutting, glueing, painting, etc., and to support such subjects as Aviation and Aircraft Recognition. It does not require expensive materials and can be easily conducted over weekends, or during designated periods on a parade night.</p><p>The aircraft suggested is a ZLIN AKROBAT, and the design and construction guide is supplied in the cadet/instructor notes.</p><p>AME 1 Cutting Out Templates AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>AME 2 Main Wing AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Step 1: Marking out main wing. Step 2: Cutting Out main wing. Step 3: Finishing main wing</p><p>AME 3 Fuselage AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Step 1; Marking out fuselage. Step 2: Cutting out fuselage.</p><p>AME 4 Nose Blocks AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Step 1: Mark out nose blocks. Step 2: Cut and shape nose blocks. Step 3: Glue the nose blocks.</p><p>AME 5 Other Surfaces AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Step 1: Marking out other surfaces. Step 2: Cutting out other surfaces.</p><p>AME 6 Fitting Flying Surfaces AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Step 1: Fitting stabilizer.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.7 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>Step 2: Fitting rudder, fin and dorsal fin.</p><p>AME 7 Rear Rubber Hook/Fitting Main Wings AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Step 1: Construction of rear rubber hook. Step 2: Fit main wings. Step 3: Fit rear hook.</p><p>AME 8 Fitting Propeller & Bush AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>AME 9 Balancing Aircraft AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>AME 10 Test Flying AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>AME 11 Powered Flight AL: B Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Assessment 1: Propeller wound to 100 turns.</p><p>Instructors should ensure that the aircraft flies straight, climbing slowly as the propeller unwinds, and then turns to glide gently down to land.</p><p>Assessment 2: Propeller wound to 250 turns.</p><p>As for Assessment 1. On satisfactory completion of these two assessments, the cadet can be passed in this subject.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.8 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AIRCRAFT ENGINES (AEE) (15 Periods)</p><p>AEE 1 Introduction AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. List the following types of aircraft engines: (1) Reciprocating (2) Rocket (3) Ramjet (4) Pulsejet (5) Turbojet (6) Turbofan, and (7) Turboprop. b. Outline the aircraft types that are powered by these engines.</p><p>AEE 2 Reciprocating Engine AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Outline the following types of reciprocating engines: (1) 2 Stroke (2) 4 Stroke. b. Outline the different types of reciprocating engine configurations. c. Describe the following reciprocating engine components: (1) Cylinder and cylinder heads (2) Piston and piston rings (3) Connecting rods (4) Bearing (5) Crankshaft (6) Crankcase (7) Inlet and exhaust valves (8) Camshaft, and (9) Spark/igniter plug.</p><p>AEE 3 Two Stroke Engine AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Explain the cycle and basic operation of a two-stroke reciprocating engine.</p><p>AEE 4 Four Stroke Engine AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Explain the cycle and basic operation of a four-stroke reciprocating engine.</p><p>AEE 5 Engine Components and Systems AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Describe the purpose of the following engine components:</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.9 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(1) Starter motor (2) Fuel pump (3) Carburetor (4) Inlet and exhaust manifolds (5) Oil pump (6) Generator or alternator (7) Magneto/distributor, and (8) Propeller. b. Describe the purpose of the following engine systems: (1) Fuel (2) Oil (3) Cooling (4) Ignition, and (5) Electrical</p><p>AEE 6 Jet Engine Operation & Construction AL: B Period(s): 3</p><p>Explain the operation and construction of the following engines: a. Ram jet b. Pulse jet c. Gas turbine: (1) Turbo jet (2) Turbo fan (3) Turbo prop</p><p>AEE 7 Engine Indication AL: B Period(s): 3</p><p> a. Outline the following reciprocating engine instruments: (1) Tachometer (2) Fuel pressure (3) Fuel quantity (4) Oil pressure (5) Oil temperature (6) Cylinder head temperature b. Outline the following jet engine instruments: (1) Exhaust gas temperature including : (i) Jet pipe temperature (ii) Turbine gas temperature (1) Engine pressure ratio (2) Oil pressure (3) Oil temperature (4) Oil quantity (5) Fuel quantity (6) Tachometer</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.10 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(7) Fuel flow.</p><p>AEE 8 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>AEE 9 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.11 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AIR NAVIGATION (NVE) (19 Periods + 3 Flights)</p><p>NVE 1 Maps and Charts AL: Period(s): 2</p><p> a. State the purpose for each of the following maps, charts and publications used for aerial navigation: B (1) WAC / ONC (2) VTC / ERC (3) ERSA - FLIP b. Explain the symbols and scales used in charts for aerial navigation B c. Demonstrate the use of each chart. 2 d. Explain the ERSA and demonstrate the use of the information available in each section. B/2</p><p>NVE 2 Airspace Designation AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the identification and usage of the following airspace: a. CTR (Control zone) b. CTA (Controlled airspace) c. CTAF & MTZ d. P R&D (Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas) e. OCTA (Outside controlled airspace).</p><p>NVE 3 Air Traffic Control AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the functions of: a. FSU (Flight Service Unit) b. ATC (Air Traffic Control) c. Control Tower.</p><p>NVE 4 Flight Navigation Computer AL: Period(s): 3</p><p> a. Outline the concept of track, heading and ground speed B b. Demonstrate the use of a flight computer (slide rule type). 2</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.12 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> c. Demonstrate the use of a flight computer to calculate ground speed and fuel usage. 2</p><p>NVE 5 Meteorology AL: Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Describe the effects of weather on navigation and flight. B b. State the use of the information provided ARFOR, TAF and TTF weather forecasting B c. Demonstrate the decoding information on: 2 (1) ARFOR (2) TAF (3) TTF</p><p>NVE 6 Selection of Track AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline the procedures for selecting a track to navigate with particular reference to: (1) Terrain Clearance (2) Weather (3) Airspace requirements. b. Outline the information in the AIP and explain how this information affects flight planning. c. Describe the use of ERSA and NOTAMs as they relate to flight planning.</p><p>NVE 7 Flight Planning AL: Period(s): 3</p><p> a. State the purpose of a flight plan. B b. Describe the functions of Air Services Australia pilot information services: B (1) NAIPS (National Aeronautical Information Processing System) (2) Pilot briefing Options c. Demonstrate the completion and lodgement process of an ATS Flight Plan / Flight Notification Form. 2 d. Prepare a local flight plan from the information available from Pilot Briefing options, using available briefing information (eg NOTAMS, AFOR, etc) and suitable route selection. . 2</p><p>NVE 8 Navigation Exercise #1 AL: 2 Period(s):As Req’d (May be omitted if facilities are limited or unavailable) </p><p>Plan and navigate a simple one hour, three-leg local flight with emphasis on precision pre-flight planning and observation of ground references.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.13 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>NVE 9 Radio Procedures AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline the radio procedures likely to be required during a flight within two hours of the local airport. B b. Locate and set radio frequencies on a standard COM set likely to be encountered in GA. 2</p><p>NVE 10 Lost Procedures AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline the procedures and action to be taken in the event of becoming lost B b. Demonstrate the 1: 60 rule 2</p><p>NVE 11 Navigation Aids AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the use and limitations of VOR, NDB and GPS navaids. B b. Demonstrate the use of VOR, NDB and GPS navaids for simple homing to a station and assisting outbound tracking (PPL standard only). 2</p><p>NVE 12 Navigation Exercise #2 AL: 2 Period(s): As Req’d (May be omitted if facilities are limited or unavailable) </p><p>Plan and navigate a single stage, local flight to include the following: a. Two hours duration (approx.) b. Four legs (minimum) c. One leg to exceed 30NM, and d. Two diversions.</p><p>NVE 13 Navigation Assessment Exercise AL: 1 Period(s): As Req’d (May be omitted if facilities are limited or unavailable) </p><p>Plan and navigate a local flight to include all pre-flight information and lodgement of a Flight Note and incorporating: a. Two hours duration, b. Four legs including one low level leg c. One leg to exceed 30NM d. Intermediate landing (if possible) e. One diversion.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.14 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>Students may be marked as a syndicate of two and three and are expected to attain accuracy of planning and navigation to PPL standards. References: PPL/CPL Theory Kit - Trevor Thom & CAA Publications AIP/MAP, ERSA and associated publications.</p><p>NVE 14 Assessment Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Instructor Note: Should the option of a Flight to cover NVE 8,12,13 not be available, cadets should be given the option of completing a scenario in the classroom via a Flight Log/Flight Plan. </p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.15 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AIR POWER (APE) (6 Periods)</p><p>Please note that this course is identical to APO – CUO Course except there is no mandatory case study.</p><p>APE1 Functions of Air Power AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the three main elements of combat power. b. Compare and contrast air power with sea and land power. c. Describe the primary and secondary functions or air power. d. Describe the limitations, relative advantages & positive attributes of air power.</p><p>APE2 Principles of War AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>List the principles of war.</p><p>APE3 Composition & Role of an Air Force AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. State the composition of a balanced air force. b. Describe the “Force Multiple Effect”. c. State the role of the RAAF. d. Outline the structure and rationale of the operational groups of the RAAF. e. Describe, within the context of air power, the role and operation of the following forces: (1) Strike Reconnaissance Group, (2) Tactical Fighter Group, (3) Maritime Patrol Group, (4) Operational Support Group, and (5) Air Lift Group.</p><p>APE4 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>APE5 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.16 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATE) 14 Periods plus 1 day as required.</p><p>Instructor Note: Instructors should ensure all information is current before teaching this subject. Any amendment/s should be advised to ADTC-AAFC immediately.</p><p>ATE 1 Air Traffic Organisation AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the organisation of Air Traffic Control, especially: a. purpose of ATC and historical development b. how it is organised within Australia c. organisation & utilisation of airspace</p><p>(1) aerodrome control (2) terminal area control (3) sector(airway) control.</p><p>ATE 2 Airspace Designation AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the identification and usage of the following airspace: a. CTR (Control zone) b. CTA (Controlled airspace) c. CTAF & MTZ d. P R&D (Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas) e. OCTA (Outside controlled airspace).</p><p>ATE 3 Flight Planning AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe Flight Plan Preparation including weather, facilities, aerodromes, rules & procedures, and NAPS. b. Explain Flight notification requirements concerning: (1) IFR (2) VFR (3) SARTIME c. Describe Flight Plan/note contents</p><p>ATE 4 Terms and Definitions AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.17 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>Explain the terms & definitions used in ATC, together with commonly used abbreviations.</p><p>ATE 5 Air Legislation AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the publications used by pilots & air traffic controllers (1) Civil Aviation Act (2) Civil Aviation Regulations(CAR) (3) Civil Aviation Orders (CAO) (4) AIP (5) ERSA (6) Manual of Air Traffic Services (7) Notam/AIC b. Explain ICAO: its functions and responsibilities.</p><p>ATE 6 Air Traffic Services AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the services provided by: a. Aerodrome Control (inc GAAP) by: (1) ADC (aerodrome controller) (2) SMC (surface movement controller) b. TMA (terminal area control) c. Sector Control, including arrivals & oceanic control d. Flight Information & Radar advisory services.</p><p>ATE 7 Aerodrome Management AL: B Period(s): 1 (with regard to aircraft movements)</p><p>Describe: a. runway selection b. taxiways c. flight strips d. lighting & marking e. signals f. military equipment, eg hook cables & barriers</p><p>ATE 8 Search & Rescue AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe Search and Rescue under the following headings;</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.18 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> a. Purpose b. organisation c. responsibilities d. alerting procedures e. ELT (emergency locator transmitters) and crash beacons</p><p>ATE 9 Communications & Co-ordination AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Explain Air-Ground Communication wrt the following: a. methods & frequencies used b. phrases & abbreviations c. AFTN Network d. the need for co-ordination & how it is achieved</p><p>ATE 10 Radar AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the radar equipment in use by ATC and its operation in the following areas: (1) primary radar (2) SSR/Emergency Codes (3) Display equipment b. Explain Radar Separation standards and their significance in the following areas: (1) 3m, (2) 5m, (3) 7/10miles</p><p>ATE 11 Meteorology AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the following: (1) Forecasts – TAF’s, TTF’s, ARFOR’s (2) Reports – Types (inc AIREPS) (3) SIGMET/METAR (4) Codings (5) AWIB b. Describe met charts & satellite pictures c. Describe the effects of weather on Air Traffic Control especially: (1) good visibility v bad visibility (2) Hazards such as: (i) thunderstorms & micro bursts</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.19 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(ii) wind shear (iii) turbulence (iv) low cloud and/or poor visibility</p><p>ATE 12 Separation Standards AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Illustrate aircraft separation techniques used to achieve a safe, orderly & expeditious flow of air traffic using the following: (1) vertical/lateral/longitudinal separation (2) radar (3) wake turbulence</p><p>ATE 13 Visit to an Air Traffic Control Unit AL: C Period(s):As req’d Including a aerodrome work sheet: example provided in Instructor/Cadet Notes.</p><p>ATE 14 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>ATE 15 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.20 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AIRCRAFT (GROUND) HANDLING (AHE) (10 Periods)</p><p>Please Note: 1. Perquisite for this course is the successful completion of ASE.</p><p>2. Practical testing is best preformed on a RAAF Flight Line or Civilian equivalent under the direction of a LAME.</p><p>AHE1 Prepare & Use GSE for starting AL: B Period(s): 1 and Servicing of Aircraft</p><p> a. Describe the necessity of Ground Support Equipment (GSE) for the servicing of aircraft. B b. Describe the procedure to apply electrical power to an aircraft. B c. Describe the procedure to remove electrical power from an aircraft B d. State the safety precautions to be observed when: A (1) applying electrical power to, and (2) removing electrical power from an aircraft. e. Apply electrical power to an aircraft. 1 f. Remove power from an aircraft. 1 NOTE: AHE 1e-1f should be carried out under the control of a suitable qualified person on either a RAAF Flight Line or Civilian LAME equivalent.</p><p>AHE2 Man Fire Extinguisher During AL: B Period(s): 1 Engine Starts</p><p> a. State the responsibilities of a fire guard during engine starts. B</p><p> b. State the safety precautions to be observed during engine starts. A c. Man fire extinguisher during engine starts. 1</p><p>AHE3 Aircraft Marshalling AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. State the need for marshalling aircraft. B b. State the responsibilities of an aircraft marshaller. A c. List the equipment required for marshalling aircraft. B d. State the safety precautions to be observed when marshalling aircraft. A</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.21 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> e. Demonstrate the signals used when marshalling aircraft. 1 f. Marshal aircraft by day 1 g. Marshal aircraft by night. 1 NOTE: AHE11g will be dependent upon the standard obtained in AHE11f before carrying out AHE11g.</p><p>AHE4 Aircraft Refuelling AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. State common units of fuel measurement. B b. Identify the common fuel content marking symbols. B c. Describe the types of fuel delivery methods. B d. State the safety precautions to be observed while refuelling aircraft A e. Perform the earthling procedure prior to refuelling an aircraft. 1 f. Refuel an aircraft. 1</p><p>AHE5 Aircraft Towing, Picketing & Securing AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. State the responsibilities of a towing & moving crew. A b. Describe the procedure for preparing & towing an aircraft. B c. State the safety precautions to be observed when towing an aircraft. A d. Assist in moving an aircraft. 2 e. Perform the following duties of an aircraft towing crew: 2 (1) wingtip walker (2) tail walker, and (3) brake rider. f. State the need for picketing & securing an aircraft. B g. Install, remove & stow flight control locks. 1 h. Describe the procedure for picketing & securing an aircraft. B i. State the precautions to be observed when picketing securing & an aircraft. A j. Picket an aircraft. 1 k. Secure an aircraft. 1 NOTE: AHE 5d, 5e, 5j, & 5k will be assessed in conjunction with each other.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.22 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AHE6 Aircraft Washing AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. State the need for cleaning & washing aircraft. B b. State the need for using dedicated aircraft wash points. B c. State the safety precautions to be observed when cleaning & washing an aircraft. A d. Clean & wash an aircraft. 2 NOTE: The cadet will be required to observe & apply safe working practices at all times when in the work area.</p><p>AHE7 Aircraft Documentation AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Explain the need for & requirements of the EE500.</p><p>AHE8 Consolidation Exercise AL:1 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Perform duties on a simulated maintenance & flight line environment including, but not limited to: (1) launch & recover aircraft (2) preparation of GSE (3) assist in towing & moving aircraft (4) picketing & securing aircraft, and (5) aircraft earthing. b. Perform the following replenishments: (1) fuel, and (2) engine oils. c. Complete aircraft documentation associated with tasks.</p><p>NOTES: 1 Observe & apply safe working practices at all times in the working area. 2. Demonstrate, as part of a team, competency when performing tasks. 3. Commit to RAAF aircraft maintenance philosophy. 4. Consolidation Exercise is to be conducted 5. An assessment of pass in the Consolidation Exercise will be a pass in AHE.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.23 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>AIRCRAFT (GROUND) SAFETY (ASE) (9 Periods)</p><p>ASE1 Aircraft Maintenance & Environment Safety AL: A Period(s): 2</p><p>State the safety precautions associated with the following: a. power actuated surfaces & equipment b. engine & auxiliary power unit intakes & exhausts c. turbine planes of rotation d. propeller & rotor blade areas e. aircraft strobe lights f. storage of oils & lubricants g. the use of platforms, gantries & trestles around aircraft h. movement around aircraft fitted with explosive ordnance.</p><p>ASE2 Aircraft Markings AL: B/1 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Identify common types of aircraft markings. B b. Recognises, without error, colour markings on emergency controls & aircraft markings encountered in the aircraft maintenance environments. 1 NOTE: para 2b will be achieved by the cadet being assessed during Aircraft Maintenance & Flight Line Duties.</p><p>ASE3 Occupational Health & Safety AL:A/B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. List the hazards associated with ionizing & non-ionizing radiation. B b. State the safety precautions & protective measures to be taken to A c. Prevent over exposure to ionizing & non-ionizing radiation. d. List the hazards associated with liquid solvents & solvent vapours. A e. State the safety precautions & protective measures to be taken when f. Undertaking solvent cleaning & degreasing procedures. A</p><p>ASE4 Crew Egress Systems AL: A/1 Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.24 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> a. State the precautions to be observed when working in or around Cockpits fitted with explosive egress systems. b. Identify cockpits fitted with explosive egress systems. c. Identify a safe ejection seat.</p><p>NOTE: RAAF Safety posters may be used for ASE 4b & 4c. Practical assessment should be carried out on RAAF Flight Line depending upon availability. </p><p>ASE5 Aircraft Earthing AL: A/1 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. State the need for earthing aircraft. A b. Describe the procedure for earthing aircraft. A c. Earth an aircraft. 1</p><p>ASE6 Undercarriage Locks& Protective Covers AL: A/1 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. State the purpose of undercarriage control locks A b. Describe the procedure to be carried out when engaging, removing & stowing undercarriage control locks. c. State the safety precautions to be observed when engaging, removing & stowing undercarriage control locks. d. Engage, remove & stow undercarriage control locks. 1</p><p>ASE7 Fire Extinguishers AL: 1 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform a serviceability check on a current type fire extinguisher used for aircraft engine starts. 1 NOTE:ASE7 is conducted by a representative of the Base Fire Services or local Airport Fire Services or Fire Brigade.</p><p>ASE8 Assessment & Review AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p>Assessment is an oral questioning to assess the knowledge of the cadets. All areas of safety must be assessed without error for the cadet to obtain a pass.</p><p>NOTE: The cadet will be required to observe & apply safe working practices at all times when in the working area.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.25 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>BIVOUAC PLANNING ELECTIVE – BPE (14 Periods + weekend)</p><p>BPE 1 Bivouac Standing Instructions AL:B 4</p><p>Introduction a. Explain the purpose of bivouacs and the need to comply with Bivouac Standing Instructions b. State the recommended number of bivouacs a SQN should conduct in a year c. Explain the necessity for ensuring every cadet brings an up to-date Medical NOK form to a bivouac Duties and Responsibilities d. State the duties of the following: (1) OIC of the Bivouac (2) Bivouac Training Officer (3) Bivouac Commander/Advisor (4) First Aid “Officer” (5) Communications Officer (6) Equipment Officer (7) All personnel e. Outline the Bivouac Chain of Command Preparation and Planning f. Explain why planning is required. g. State the various steps in the planning process, specifically the following: (1) Formation of a planning team (2) Determine the objectives of the bivouac (3) Site selection and inspection (4) Safety risk management plan (5) Preparation of an OA86 or AI (6) Preparation of the training program (7) Conducting a bivouac briefing (8) Equipment requirements (9) Selection of an Advanced Party Conduct of Bivouacs h. State what items should not be brought to bivouacs i. Explain the requirements in relation to fires, including (1) Camp fires</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.26 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(2) Total fire bans (3) Bush fires (4) Fire hazards (5) Fire picquets j. Explain the importance for knowing the location of all personnel k. List the factors to consider when setting up a camp site l. Explain the importance of water at bivouacs m. Explain the need for appropriate maps and outline their use n. Outline the types of activities that can be undertaken in night exercises o. State the procedure for dealing with unauthorised persons p. Explain what needs to be done at the completion of a bivouac Emergency Procedures q. State the role of the Safety Vehicle r. Outline the procedures to follow in the case of missing personnel s. Outline the procedures to follow in the case of a medical emergency t. Explain the requirements of the policy in relation to unacceptable sexual behaviour and harassment </p><p>BPE 2 OA86 Completion AL:A 1</p><p> a. Know when an OA86 is required b. Be able to correctly complete an OA86, including the following areas (1) Activity type and duration (2) Personnel attending (3) Cadets attending (4) Assistance required from HQ (5) RAAF assistance required (6) Contact numbers (7) Training program (8) Consent for use of land (9) Signature of CO (10) Completion of request for rations if required</p><p>BPE3 Preparation of Training Programs AL:B 5</p><p> a. In groups, compile the training requirements for the various stages of cadets attending the bivouac</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.27 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> b. Prepare a training program based on the various requirements established above. Allocate personnel to instruct and/or supervise the activities planned c. Prepare the outlines for the specific exercises to be conducted on the bivouac</p><p>BPE4 Bivouac Brief AL:B 1 Conduct a brief for all staff and directing CNCOs in relation to the running of the bivouac and the training requirements</p><p>BPE5 Pre-Bivouac Brief AL:B 1</p><p>Conduct a brief for all cadets in relation to the planned bivouac using a SMEAC. Include the following: a. Objectives of the bivouac b. Equipment and other requirements c. Location and timings d. Administrative requirements</p><p>BPE6 Bivouac Activity AL:2 Weekend</p><p>Conduct and manage the bivouac as planned over a weekend.</p><p>BPE7 Bivouac Debrief AL:B 1</p><p> a. Conduct a debrief of all personnel in relation to the overall conduct of the bivouac b. Conduct a debrief of the staff and CNCO’s in relation to conduct of the bivouac c. Prepare a report on the bivouac outlining training objectives met and general conduct of the bivouac. Identify any deficiencies that could have been better planned. </p><p>BPE8 Examination (of Theory aspects) AL: 1 Subject assessment is essentially practical – ie the actual planning and execution of the bivouac. However, there is a theoretical component.</p><p>Assessment is to be weighted 70% practical and 30% theory.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.28 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>DRILL & CEREMONIAL (DCE) PT 1 - SLR L1A1 PART 1 (DCE 1-9)</p><p>(10 Periods)</p><p>The following DC 1-17 syllabus is based on the L1A1 SLR</p><p>DCE 1 Introduction to Rifle Drill AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Identify and recognise parts of the SLR L1A1 rifle. b. State and practise the procedures of proving the weapon.</p><p>DCE 2 Stand at Ease and Attention with Arms AL:2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform Standing at Attention and At Ease with rifle.</p><p>DCE 3 Shoulder Arms AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform: a. Shoulder arms from the Order at the Halt. b. Order Arms from the Shoulder.</p><p>DCE 4 Present Arms AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform: a. Present Arms from the Shoulder and Shoulder from Present. b. Paying compliments with arms, ie; to the front salute.</p><p>DCE 5 Ground Arms AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform:</p><p> a. Ground Arms. b. Take up arms.</p><p>DCE 6 Port Arms AL: 2 Period(s): 2</p><p>Perform:</p><p> a. Port Arms from the shoulder and vice versa at the Halt. b. Port Arms from the Order and vice versa at the Halt.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.29 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> c. High Port Arms from the shoulder and vice versa and vice versa. d. High Port Arms from the Order and vice versa at the Halt.</p><p>DCE 7 Trail Arms AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform the Trail Arms from the Shoulder and vice versa at the Halt.</p><p>DCE 8 Change Arms AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform:</p><p> a. Change Arms from the Shoulder. b. Change Arms from the Trail. c. Right, Left and About turn at the trail at the halt.</p><p>DCE 9 Assessment and Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.30 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>DRILL & CEREMONIAL (DCE) PT2 – SLR LIA1 PART 2 (DCE 10-17)</p><p>(12 Periods)</p><p>DCE 10 Revision DCE Part 1 AL: 2 Period(s): 1 Revise DCE Part 1</p><p>DCE 11 Rifle Drill on the March AL: 2 Period(s): 9</p><p>Perform: a. Shoulder arms from the short trail. b. Order arms from the shoulder. c. Change arms on the march. d. Trail arms on the march. e. Change arms at the trail. f. High port arms from the shoulder and vice versa. g. High port arms from the short trail and Order arms from the high port. h. Right, Left and About turn at the trail on the march.</p><p>DCE 12 Static Rifle Drill AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Perform the recover arms and shoulder from the recover.</p><p>DCE 13 Assessment and Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.31 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>DRILL & CEREMONIAL (DCE) PT3 - SLR LIA1 PART 3 (DCE 14-17)</p><p>(12 Periods)</p><p>DCE 14 Revision AL: 2 Period(s): 2</p><p>Revise DCE Part 1</p><p>DCE 15 Ceremonial Rifle Drill AL: 2 Period(s): 8</p><p>Perform: a. Reverse arms from Present. b. Rest on arms reverse from present. c. Present arms from the rest on arms reverse. d. Rest on arms reverse from the reverse. e. Reverse arms from the rest on arms reverse. f. Shoulder arms from the reverse arms. g. Change arms from the reverse. h. Present arms from the rest on arms reverse (2nd method)</p><p>DCE 16 Slow march at the reverse. AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Practise slow marching at the reverse arms.</p><p>DCE 13 Assessment and Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.32 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>FIELD OPERATIONS (FOE) 8 Periods + Assessment</p><p>FOE 1 Camouflage & Concealment AL: B2 Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Demonstrate skills to defeat spotting techniques and use more effective personal camouflage and concealment. b. Describe specific environmental camouflage and concealment for the following environments: (1) Arid (2) Savannah (3) Arctic (4) Urban</p><p>FOE 2 Spotting & Tracking AL: BI Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Distinguish and be able to relay information on a quarry and recent events by looking at evidence left at sites. b. Distinguish and follow trails left by quarry by means of visual contact. c. Distinguish and identify movement and other actions by means of audio and pheromone contact.</p><p>FOE 3 Navigation AL: Al Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Demonstrate how to navigate at night or in low - light conditions. b. Describe how to correctly follow a trail, either natural or artificial. c. Demonstrate navigation without a compass and explain why a GPS should not be relied upon.</p><p>FOE 4 Infiltration AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe how to move silently, both per step and per trip, by individual and by section. b. Describe how to correctly enact rest stops and general conduct in the field. c. Describe how to detect antipersonnel traps and triggers.</p><p>FOE 5 Site Security AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe how to properly patrol and challenge whilst on Picket Duty. b. Describe how to erect a campsite to defend against intrusion.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.33 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> c. Describe how to conceal an individual or group campsite.</p><p>FOE 6 Signals AL: B2 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Practice the Morse code signal for letters a-z and numbers 0-9 b. Demonstrate all field signals and what groups they belong to.</p><p>FOE 7 Assessment Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Practical assessment conducted in a field environment.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.34 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS (FSA) (14 Periods + 1 practical + visit)</p><p>Note: It is recommended that Squadron Training Officers contact the local Fire Service to ascertain if any supportive videos or training aids are available. </p><p>FSA1 Fire Science AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Describe the basic components or elements of any fire: especially (1) Fire & the Elements which give rise to its occurrence (2) Fire Triangle & the fire Tetrahedron (3) Combustion & how heat travels. b. Describe the smoke & fire gases, especially:</p><p>(1) the hazards of smoke & its components (2) the effects of smoke & fire gases. </p><p>FSA2 Fire Detection AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Explain the actions to be taken when detecting a fire using the acronym “SAFE”. b. Understand the preventative requirements of “being ready”. c. Understanding Unit Fire orders (UFOs) & actions to be taken. d. Think “SAFETY” when fighting a fire. e. Understand what occurs in a fire, in particular (1) fire in a room (2) fire in a building (3) fire behind the door.</p><p>FSA3 Theory of Extinguishing a Fire AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Revise the methods a fire can be extinguished: refer FSA1 b. Classify a fire ie what is burning. c. Applying the principles of extinguishment.</p><p>FSA4 Firefighting Equipment AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Introduction to the types of extinguishing equipment, ie extinguishers, hose reels, fire blankets, etc. b. Explain the various fire extinguishers.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.35 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> c. Explain how to use the various fire extinguishers, fire blanket, and fire hose reels.</p><p>FSA5 Wildfire/Bushfire Behaviour AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Introduction to Bushfires/Wildfires. b. What determines a bushfire’s intensity c. Types of bushfires/wildfires d. Firefighting equipment: (1) knapsack spray (2) rake/hoe, axe</p><p>FSA6 Principles of Fire Survival AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the principles of fire survival, especially: (1) Radiation Heat (2) Heat exhaustion. (3) The dangers to you! b. Describe how to protect yourself in the event of a bushfire c. Outline the principles of surviving a bushfire.</p><p>FSA7 Basic First Aid AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Smoke inhalation b. Burns c. Heat stress, heat exhaustion, heat stroke</p><p>FSA8 Practical Exercise AL: 1 Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Arrange for cadets the use of fire extinguishers, ensuring the safe use and procedures in their operation. This exercise should be conducted with the assistance of a trained operator. b. Squadrons may be able to arrange the use of extinguishers from local fire departments, fire extinguisher suppliers, obtain used extinguishers and fill with water for the sake of this exercise.</p><p>FSA9 Visit local Fire Station AL: 3 Period(s): As req’d</p><p>Where possible, visit your local fire station, with the view to consolidating the lessons learnt. It is suggested that a trip during a weekend may be logistically more suitable then a normal parade night. Alternatively, the fire station may visit the Squadron. </p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.36 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>FSA10 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>FSA11 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.37 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>FIREARMS TRAINING (FTE) (13 Periods)</p><p>The following FTE syllabus is based on the Single Bolt Action .22”LR</p><p>FTE 1 Introduction, Basic Parts and Safety Precautions Period(s): 2</p><p> a. State the purpose for instructing FTE. AL: C b. Identify the parts of a .22” Long Rifle (LR). B c. Describe the operation of a rim-fire and centre-fire rifle. C d. State the safety precautions of a .22” rifle. A e. Prove a rifle 'safe'. 1 f. State the common terms (glossary) used in FTE C</p><p>FTE 2 Stripping and Cleaning Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline the procedure for stripping, cleaning and reassembling a .22”LR B b. Strip, clean and reassemble a .22” LR. 2</p><p>FTE 3 Magazine Filling & Loading a Rifle Period(s): 1</p><p> a. a. Revise Safety Precautions b. b. State the procedures for: B (1) Filling a magazine (2) Unloading and loading a magazine c. Fill a magazine 2 d. Unload and load an empty magazine into a rifle. 2</p><p>FTE 4 Sighting, Aiming and Firing a Rifle Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Describe the operation of the open U-sight mechanisms. B b. Describe the ‘prone’ position and the method for holding and aiming a rifle. B c. Sight and aim a rifle 2 d. Describe the method of firing a rifle while aiming. B e. Aim and fire a rifle. 2</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.38 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>FTE 5 Identifying and Rectifying Stoppages (IAs) Period(s): 1</p><p> a. State the probable causes of repeated stoppages and malfunctions. B b. Describe the corrective action (ie Immediate Actions) to be taken to rectify stoppages. B c. State the procedure to be adopted an IA drill is unable to rectify the fault. A d. Rectify contrived stoppages 1 e. Practice IAs 1</p><p>FTE 6 Progress Test (see Annex ‘M’ to Chapter 1) Period(s): 1</p><p>FTE 7 Test Review & Revision (Annex ‘M’) Period(s): 1</p><p>FTE 8 Range Procedure and Practices Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Explain: (1) Principal command positions and their respective roles. A (2) Principal functions of an operational range; ammunition control, coring/administration, first aid and firearms control. B (3) Types of practices and the methods of scoring. B (4) Range orders and degrees of firearms readiness. A b. Practice responding to range orders. 1</p><p>FTE 9 Examination (Annex ‘M’) Period(s): 1 + DEMO</p><p>FTE 10 Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.39 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>HOVERCRAFT (HCE) (Periods 9 + visit)</p><p>HCE 1 Introduction to the Hovercraft AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Definition of a hovercraft b. Types of hovercraft c. History of the hovercraft, including, (1) a brief mention of the work of the Cockerell, (2) a brief look at SRN1,SRN2, SRN3, &SRN4, (3) the development of the hovercraft d. Outline the capabilities and limitations of the hovercraft. e. Outline the modern uses of the hovercraft.</p><p>HCE 2 How the Hovercraft Works. AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Define the following: (1) air cushions, and explain how hovercraft use them, (2) cushion pressure, using an example, (3) ‘skirts’ and show the skirt type as seen on the Hornet. b. Explain: (1) how a hovercraft eliminates friction and the importance of this, (2) how a hovercraft changes direction. c. Discuss the factors, which affect hovercraft performance, eg power/weight ration and aerodynamic drag. d. Plan and prepare for the manufacture of a model hovercraft.</p><p>HCE 3 Margarine Container Model Building AL; 2 Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Make a simple hovercraft model using a margarine container, a battery, a motor and a small propeller. b. Demonstrate the model and show its effectiveness. c. Discuss the success of the model.</p><p>HCE 4 Deterioration of Hovercraft Skirts. AL; B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline factors which affect skirt deterioration & identify those parts which deteriorates most rapidly,</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.40 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> b. Detail the types of wear and damage that can occur, c. Identify the effect of water on tear resistance.</p><p>HCE 5 Australian Hovercraft Regulations AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Identify the following: (1) The personal requirements to operate a hovercraft, and how to attain the qualifications, (2) Areas in which the use of the hovercraft is restricted, and (3) The responsibilities of a hovercraft user.</p><p>HCE 6 Demonstration of the Use of the Hovercraft Period(s): As Req’d</p><p>Arrange a visit to a Hovercraft supplier, manufacturer, or owner for a demonstration of a hovercraft.</p><p>Explain how the hovercraft controls are used.</p><p>HCE 8 Revision Period(s): 1</p><p>HCE 9 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>HCE 10 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.41 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>LIFE SAVING ELECTIVE (LSE) The Bronze Medallion</p><p>This subject is to be taught by qualified instructors as prescribed by the Royal Life Saving Society – Australia.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.42 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>METEOROLOGY (MEE) (15 Periods)</p><p>MEE1 Introduction AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain the need for weather forecasting b. Outline the different types of weather forecasting systems c. Briefly describe its use by pilots in Flight Planning.</p><p>MEE2 Description of the Atmosphere AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain the composition of the atmosphere b. Explain Vertical Divisions of the atmosphere c. Explain the Heat Exchange Process in relation to: (1) Solar Radiation (Short-wave) (2) Terrestrial Radiation (Long –wave) (3) Conduction, convection & Albedo.</p><p>MEE3 Weather Terms & Measurements (Part 1) AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Explain Air Temperatures: (1) scales & measurements (thermometers, Stevenson Screen) (2) Diurnal Variation (3) Vertical Variation (Lapse Rate) b. Explain Atmospheric Pressure wrt: (1) Scales & measurements (Barometers) (2) Pressure variation with altitude (Station Level, MSL & altimeters & ISA) MSL Synoptic Chart (Isobars & Pressure Gradient)</p><p>MEE4 Weather Terms & Measurements (Part 2) AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Explain Surface Wind in relation to the following: (1) Measurements (2) Variations – Veering/Backing, Gust/Squall (3) The forces driving the wind (4) Geostrophic Flow & the weather map (5) Convergence/Divergence form the smallest(local) scale to the Global scale. b. Explain Moist Air Concepts; (1) Change of State Process for water (2) Condensation Nuclei</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.43 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(3) Adiabatic Process (4) Latent Heat (5) Relative Humidity & Measurement.</p><p>MEE5 Weather Terms & Measurements (Part 3) AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain Cloud Classification: (1) The Ten Cloud Genera (2) Cumulifom/Stratiform, Height & Vertical b. Explain Meteors & Precipitation: c. Discuss the Definitions & measurements of weather.</p><p>MEE6 Weather Processes & Systems AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Definition of Scale Concepts & Systems: (1) Micro-scale: eg showers & thunderstorms (2) Mesco-scale: eg sea breezes & fronts (3) Synoptic Scale: eg cyclones & anticyclones (4) Global Scale: eg the general circulation. b. Discussion of Tropical Systems.</p><p>MEE7 Aviation Meteorology AL: C Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Define wind shear and explain its affects on aircraft b. Explain icing and its affects on aircraft c. Define turbulence d. Outline the various forecast products.</p><p>MEE8 Communications & Co-ordination AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Briefly describe the method of communicating meteorological data between ; (1) Met stations and offices (2) Remote and automatic met stations (3) Observers and forecasters, and (4) End users b. Satellite communications and maps c. Radiosonde air temperature and density reports (1) Met balloons and high altitude balloons (2) Remote and autonomous aircraft.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.44 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>MEE9 Visit to a Meteorology Station AL: C Period(s): 2</p><p>MEE10 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>MEE11 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.45 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>MODEL ROCKETRY (MRE) - PART 1 (5 Periods + 2 days)</p><p>Introduction:</p><p>1. This subject is suitable for cadets from the age of 13years, and is a prerequisite to Model Rocketry Part 2.</p><p>2. The recommended group of model rockets suitable for this stage are:</p><p> a. Estes E2X Series for cadets aged 13 to 15 years b. Estes Level 1 Series for cadets aged 14 years and older</p><p>3. Personnel supervising the construction of the model rockets require previous modelling experience. It is recommended that they also have experience building model rockets.</p><p>4. Personnel conducting model rocket launches must be approved by Wing SOT(G).</p><p>5. OA86 approval is required for model rocket launches.</p><p>MRE1 Introduction to Rocketry AL: C 2 Periods</p><p> a. Overview (1) History of rockets (2) Types of rockets (3) Applications for rockets b. Describe the basic components of a model rocket & launch facility (1) Payload (2) Nose cone (3) Recovery device (4) Body tube(s)- as many as stages (5) Fins (6) Motors –Black Powder and composite (7) Range / Launch pad / ignition controller (8) Tracking / recovery</p><p>MRE2 Model Rocket Construction AL: A 2 Periods</p><p> a. Describe & demonstrate how to make the following rocket components. (1) Body tube (2) Fins (i) delta / clipped delta (ii) oval (iii) rectangular</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.46 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(iv) swept (3) Nose-cones (i) parabolic (ii) ogive (iii) conical (iv) spherical (4) Recovery devices (i) parachute (ii) streamer (iii) helicopter (iv) tumble b. Describe how & where these parts are attached to the rocket. c. Demonstrate the installation of the rocket motor.</p><p>MRE3 Model Rocket Safety AL: A 1 Period</p><p> a. State & explain the Australian Rocketry Association’s Model Rocketry Safety Code. b. List & explain the safety aspects of the following pre-flight preparations: (1) Recovery device – parachute and streamer (2) Recovery wadding (3) Rocket motor – installation in rocket, installation of igniter, ignition sequence (4) Range layout, size and spectator safety</p><p>MRE4 Practical Rocket Building AL: A/2 As Req’d</p><p>Construct, under supervision, a simple model rocket, using the techniques learnt in MRE2, including the following: a. Balsa wood: cutting, sanding, sealing & painting b. Paper tube: cutting and painting c. Recovery device assembly</p><p>MRE5 Launch & Recovery AL: A/2 As Req’d</p><p>Launch and recover rocket safely.</p><p>MRE6 Practical Assessment AL: 2 As Req’d</p><p>Assess the construction and flight of each rocket built by the cadets in this class.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.47 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>Instructor Note: MRE4,5& 6 can be conducted over a weekend, including the Friday evening parade, if suitable. No timetable is provided as Squadron instructors should consider the Squadron logistics at the time.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.48 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>MODEL ROCKETRY (MRE) - PART 2 6 Periods + 2 days</p><p>Introduction: </p><p>1. Cadets must have completed Model Rocketry Elective Part 1 before undertaking this subject.</p><p>2. This subject is suitable for cadets from the age of 15years.</p><p>3. Personnel supervising the construction of the model rockets require previous modelling experience. It is recommended that they also have experience building model rockets.</p><p>4. All rockets designed and built by cadets must be assessed for safety, stability and strengthprior to launching. No rocket is to be designed or built in a manner which could pose a risk to any person or property when launched.</p><p>5. Personnel conducting model rocket launches must be approved by Wing SOT(G).</p><p>6. OA86 approval is required for model rocket launches.</p><p>MRE1 Theory of Rocketry AL: B 1 Period</p><p> a. The Rocket motor b. The rocket trajectory (1) powered phase (2) unpowered, free-coast phase (3) unpowered, recovery device controlled phase</p><p>MRE2 History of Rocketry AL: C 3 Periods</p><p> a. Outline the history of rocketry (1) 1000AD - 1920AD (approx.) single stage solid fuel rockets. (2) The first liquid fuel rockets (1920's) (3) The German V2: the definitive (single stage / liquid fuel) breakthrough (4) Post World War 2 - Sputnik (1957) (5) Manned missions (i) Gagarin (Russia) (ii) Mercury (iii) Gemini (iv) Apollo (lunar landing) (v) Shuttle</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.49 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>(vi) Space stations (especially Russian endurance) U.S. / Russia / Europe / Other players</p><p>(6) Unmanned missions (i) telecommunications (ii) navigation (iii) military (iv) lunar (v) planetary (7) Australian history (especially Woomera) b. Outline the state of rocketry today within: (1) the World (2) Australia (i) ARA (Australian Rocketry Association) (ii) ASRI (Australian Space Research Institute) (iii) Professional (military and commercial)</p><p>MRE3 Model Rocketry Design AL: A 2 Periods</p><p> a. Detail the physics behind and how to design the following model rocket components: (1) Fins (2) Nosecone (3) Motor mount (4) Body Tube (5) Recovery Device (6) Launch Pad / Launch Pad Controller b. Describe and demonstrate the techniques required to perform the following: (1) Balancing a model rocket (2) Testing the stability of a model rocket</p><p>MRE4 Practical Rocket Building AL: A/2 As Req’d</p><p> a. Construct, under supervision, a simple model rocket of your own design, using the techniques learnt in MRE 2, Part 1, including the following: (1) Balsa wood: cutting, sanding, sealing & painting (2) Paper tube: cutting and painting (3) Recovery device assembly b. The specifications for this rocket are: (1) Uses one (1) 18mm blackpowder motor only (2) Maximum Weight: 200 grams (3) Maximum Length: 500 mm (4) Maximum body tube diameter: 24 mm (5) Only use materials such as balsa wood, cardboard, plastic for the nosecone, fins and body tube</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.50 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>MRE5 Launch & Recovery AL: A/2 As Req’d</p><p> a Safely launch and recover rocket.</p><p>MRE6 Practical Assessment AL: 2 As Req’d Assess the construction and flight of each rocket built by the cadets in this class.</p><p>Instructor Note: MRE4,5& 6 can be conducted over a weekend, including the Friday evening parade, if suitable. No timetable is provided as Squadron instructors should consider the Squadron logistics at the time.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.51 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>MOTOR CAR AWARENESS (MCA) (13 Periods)</p><p>MCA1 Introduction AL: B Period(s); 1</p><p> a. Describe the major systems of a motor car, especially: (1) Engine (2) Transmission (3) Control (4) Electrical (5) Wheels & suspension. b. Outline those systems that have a direct effect on the safety of the vehicle</p><p>MCA2 Engine Systems AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe the various components that make up the following engine systems: a. lubrication b. fuel c. cooling d. ignition.</p><p>MCA3 Transmission System AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe how engine power is transmitted to the wheels. b. Outline the differences between front and rear wheel drive cars. c. Briefly describe the operation of a manual and automatic gearbox.</p><p>MCA4 Control Systems AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Describe, in detail, the following separate control systems: a. brakes b. steering c. clutch d. throttle</p><p>MVA5 Electrical System AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.52 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> a. Describe the basic system for electrical generation in a car. b. Detail the following electrical components: (1) lights (2) signals (3) horn (4) wipers (5) washers</p><p>MCA6 Wheels & Suspension AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the various wheel and suspension components & their purpose. b. Demonstrate the correct procedure for changing a wheel. (Emphasise safety). c. Discuss the need for wheel rotation, correct alignment & tyre inflation.</p><p>MCA7 Bodywork AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline the various problems that can occur with the bodywork. b. Discuss the correct ways of cleaning the exterior and interior of a car.</p><p>MCA8 Periodic Inspections AL: A/1 Period(s): 2</p><p> a. List the components that should be regularly inspected by the driver of a car. b. Demonstrate the correct method for checking fluids with the emphasis on personal safety: (1) oil (2) radiator coolant (3) power steering (4) brake fluid (5) battery (6) windscreen washers</p><p> c. Demonstrate the correct method for checking Electrical Component Operation (1) horn (2) lights (3) signals (4) wipers d. Demonstrate the correct method for checking wheel , tyre condition and correct inflation e. Demonstrate the correct method for checking drive belt condition and tension f. Demonstrate the correct method for checking seat belt operation and abnormal wear.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.53 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> g. Demonstrate the correct method for checking operation of engine instruments & warning lights h. Demonstrate the correct method for checking the car body for damage.</p><p>MCA9 Elementary Fault Finding AL: B/2 Period(s): 1 Discuss & demonstrate fault finding and rectification.</p><p>MCA10 Accidents AL: A Period(s): 1</p><p>Detail the steps that should be taken if involved in a car accident.</p><p>MCA11 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>MCA12 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.54 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>RADIO GROUND COMMUNICATIONS (RCE) (12 Periods)</p><p>RCE 1 Introduction AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> i. Explain the reasons for formal radiotelephone procedure. j. Explain the purpose of prowords. k. Outline basic prowords and their meanings. l. State the phonetic alphabet and the reason for its use.</p><p>RCE 2 Speaking on the Radio AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain the rules for radio net discipline. B b. Explain the technique and rules for speaking on the radio B c. Practise use of the phonetic alphabet. 1 d. State the technique of sending numbers when using a radiotelephone B e. Practise sending numbers. 2</p><p>RCE 3 Radio Nets AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the structure and purpose of a radio net. B b. Describe the roles and tasks of: C (1) Net Control Station. (2) Command Post Radio Operator (3) Staff Radio Net Supervisor c. Describe the nature and purpose of the various types of call signs and address groups. B d. Outline basic appointment titles and standard fixed call signs. B</p><p>RCE 4 Radio Calls AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the parts of radio calls and answers. B b. Describe single, multiple, net collective and exempt calls. B c. Practise calls. 2 d. Explain abbreviated procedures. B</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.55 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> e. Practise abbreviated procedures. 2</p><p>RCE 5 Establishing Communications AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe the information required by operators before opening a net. B b. Describe how to open a radio net in good and bad conditions. B c. Explain the procedures for radio checks. B d. Practise establishing radio communications . 2</p><p>RCE 6 Transmission of Messages AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe how to arrange a radio conversation. b. Outline how to offer messages. c. Outline the format and purpose of routine and emergency reports.</p><p>RCE 7 Codes and Security AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain the need for security, accuracy and discipline in radiotelephone procedure. b. State and explain the security rules. c. Describe the purpose and use of OPSCODES, NUMCODES and authentication and limitations on their use. d. Practise radio calls using codes.</p><p>RCE 8 Corrections, Repetitions, Verifications, Acknowledgments and Cancellations. AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Describe correction of errors during transmission and after message is sent. B b. Practise error correction. 2 c. Describe repetition procedure, unknown station procedure, verification, acknowledgment and cancellation. B d. Practise procedures for repetitions, verifications, acknowledgments and cancellations. 2</p><p>RCE 9 Procedures for Difficult Working Conditions AL: Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Outline delegating and assuming control. B b. Outline the procedures for relay, read back and words twice. B c. State the differences between free and directed nets. B</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.56 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> d. Describe the responses by the Net Control Station for directed nets. B e. Practise the procedures for difficult conditions. 2</p><p>RCE 10 Operation of Radio Sets on AAFC Radio Nets AL: B/1 Period(s): 1</p><p>Using a AN/PRC-77 radio set and/or UHF/VHF Citizens Band radio: a. Outline the technical characteristics of the radio b. State the components and demonstrate the controls or the radio. c. Demonstrate operating procedures. d. State allowable frequencies / channels. e. State the need for strict observance of correct procedures. f. Practise operation of the radio. g. State emergency channels, and restriction on use of channels.</p><p>RCE 11 Examination Period(s): 1</p><p>RCE 12 Examination Review Period(s): 1</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.57 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>BASIC VISUAL TRACKING (VTE) (21 Periods which includes a bivouac)</p><p>VTE is for cadets who have completed Advanced Stage and is a non-assessed course. The VTE course is designed to enhance the skills and training in survival techniques that has already been achieved throughout the cadets other stages of training. VTE can also be used in FC and SV training where the identification of animal and human tracks may lead to the possibility of rescue and or the dangers of wild animals in the vicinity.</p><p>VTE 1 Introduction AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>State the principles of tracking</p><p>VTE 2 Types of Sign AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain Temporary and Permanent sign b. Describe Big and Small Top Sign c. Understand Large and Small Ground Sign</p><p>VTE 3 Techniques for Detecting Sign AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Understand where to look for sign b. Understand how to look for sign c. Explain how the environment assists the tracker</p><p>VTE 4 Practical AL: 2 Period(s): 1</p><p>Construct three date/time boxes side by side.</p><p>VTE 5 Animal Tracks AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Understand the difference in animal tracks. b. Explain the eating habits of carnivores and herbivores. c. Understand the animal habits and likely movement times</p><p>VTE 6 Practical AL: 2 Period(s): 3</p><p> a. Demonstrate the techniques for making plaster moulds of animal tracks b. Cadets to use Plaster of Paris to search and make moulds of at least three different animal prints.</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.58 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p>VTE 7 Information Gained From Sign & Tracks AL: B Period(s): 2</p><p>Determine the following information from tracks and sign: a. Age of track b. Direction of movement c. Number in the party d. Speed of the movement e. Confident or cautious movement f. Weapons or Equipment carried g. Male or Female h. Morale of the group i. Food eaten j. Any Deceptive measures used</p><p>VTE 8 Practical AL: 2 Period(s): 2</p><p> a. Staff are to lay out a set scenario in soft earth for practical demonstrations. Cadets are to move to the layout and from the tracks, glean out the series of events that took place. b. Repeat a. – b. three times.</p><p>VTE 9 Practical AL: 2 Period(s): 4</p><p> a. Two cadets from each group are to blaze a trail up to 300 metres long while other members practise the techniques of sign detection.</p><p> b. Cadets of each group are to rotate until all members have tracked someone.</p><p>VTE 10 Deceptive Measures AL: B Period(s): 1</p><p>Explain the measures used to hide tracks and trails: a. Dragging foliage behind b. Walking in streams and creeks c. Walking backwards d. Walking on rocks or hard surfaces e. Stepping in one another’s prints to confuse numbers</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.59 1 Jan 07 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS MANUAL OF GROUND TRAINING</p><p> f. Wearing rags or foliage on footwear</p><p>VTE 11 Revision Period(s): 3</p><p>Revise VTE 9 with cadets using deceptive measures to conceal tracks.</p><p>VTE 12 Conclusion Period(s): 1</p><p> a. Explain the need for continued personal practice b. Explain how the visual tracker can use his/her skills in FC c. Explain how the Visual Tracker can use his/her skills in SV</p><p>Part 2, Chapter 7 2.7.60 1 Jan 07</p>
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