<p> Abstracts and Presentations</p><p>1. Schrader, S.M. and C.P. Merilan, 1977. X-ray Microanalysis of Bovine Spermatozoa. J. Dairy Sci. 60:86. 2. Schrader, S.M. and C.P. Merilan, 1979. Ultrastructure of Springbuck Antiodorcas marsuialis Spermatozoa. Proceedings of 145th national Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Houston, Texas. 3. Schrader, S.M. and C.P. Merilan, 1979. Calcium Localization in Bovine Spermatozoa. J. Dairy Sci. 62:174. 4. Gharib, E. and S.M. Schrader, 1982. An Immunoferritin Study of Antisperm Antibodies on the Sperm Surface During Events Proceeding Fertilization. Proceedings of the seventh International Conference of Defined Immunofluorescence, Immunoenzyme studies and related labeling techniques. 5. Schrader, S.M., R.S. Jeyendran, M., Perez-Pelaez, and L.J.D. Zaneveld, 1983. Evaluation of the Physical and Functional Integrity of the Human Sperm Membrane. J. of Andrology 4:48. 6. Bruns, E.S., S.M. Schrader and L.A. Eng 1984. A Sperm Agglutinin in Rabbit Saliva. J of Andrology, 5:P25. 7. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, B.D. Hardin, R.W. Niemeier, J.R. Burg. 1984. Morphometric Analysis of Human Spermatozoa. J of Andrology 5:P22. 8. Oluka, I.S., S.M. Schrader, M. Perez-Pelaez, A.J. Sobrero and R.S. Jeyendran. 1984. Filtration with Silica Wool to Improve Human Semen Quality. J Andrology, 5:P21. 9. Ratcliffe, J.M., S. Schrader, T. Meinhart and K. Steenland. 1984. Semen analysis as an indicator of occupational hazards to reproduction, with particular reference to ethylene dibromide. Presented at the 112 annual meeting of the Am. Public Health Assoc. Nov 13, 1984 10. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, D.E. Clapp and J.M. Ratcliffe. 1985. Sperm velocity as a measure of toxic effects of acute EDB exposure. J Andrology 6:38P. 11. Schrader, S.M., R.S. Jeyendran, K.J. Loseth and B.G. Crabo. 1985. Morphometric parameters of boar sperm heads are not correlated to fertility. J. Animal Sci. 61:411 (supplement 1). 12. Schrader, S.M., R.S. Jeyendran, J.R. Burg, H.H. Van der Ven, M. Perez-Pelaez, and L.J.D. Zaneveld, 1985. Association of sperm morphology with in vitro fertilizing capacity of human spermatozoa as assessed by different classification systems. Presented at the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologist District VI annual meeting September 27, 1985 Milwaukee WI. 13. Turner, T.W. and S.M. Schrader. 1986. Relationship of sperm velocity to semen viscosity. J. of Andrology 7:26p 14. Schrader, S.M., R.E. Chapin, T.W. Turner, J.M. Ratcliffe, J.R. Burg, M.D. Ross and J.C. Lamb IV. 1986. The effect of ethylene dibromide on sperm characteristics. J of Andrology 7:27p 15. Ratcliffe, J.M., S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, R.W. Hornung. 1986. The use of new field methods of semen analysis in the study of occupational hazards to reproduction: The example of ethylene dibromide. Presented at the Third Joint U.S. - Finnish Science Symposium. October 24, 1986. 16. DeStefano, F., J.L. Annest, M.J. Kresnow, M.L. Flock and S.M. Schrader. 1987. Automated semen analysis in large epidemiologic studies. J Andrology 8:24P 17. Turner T., S. Schrader, R.S. Jeyendran, M. Perez-Pelaez, R.F. Karuhn, and H.H. Van der Ven. 1987. A comparison of morphometry and volume of human spermatozoa. J Andrology 8:36P. 18. Peterson, G.E., S.M. Schrader and T.W. Turner. 1987. The effectiveness of an insulated jar in protecting semen quality from temperature extremes. J Andrology 8:36P 19. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, J.R. Burg and J.M. Ratcliffe. 1987. Semen Characteristics of "unexposed workers" - A comparison of five worker populations. J Andrology 8:34P 20. Schrader, S.M.. 1987. Reproductive toxicology of male workers. Presented at Reproductive Endocrine Conference, Bethesda Fertility Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. August 26, 1987. 21. Schrader, S.M.. 1987. Semen quality of male workers exposed to glycol ethers. Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of the Genetic and Environmental Toxicology Association of Northern California, Oakland California, December 3, 1987. 22. T.W. Turner, S.M. Schrader, and SD Simon. 1988. Sperm Head morphometry as measured by three different computer systems. J Andrology 9:45, 1988. 23. Schrader, S.M.. 1988. Reproductive Toxicology of the Male Worker. Presented at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 25, 1988 24. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, M.J. Breitenstein, S.D. Simon. 1988. Longitudinal Study of Semen Quality of Unexposed Workers. I. Study Overview. Presented at the Symposium on Assessing Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace in Cincinnati, Ohio on June 17, 1988 25. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, and J.M. Ratcliffe. 1988. The Effects of Ethylene Dibromide on Semen Quality: A Comparison of Short Term and Chronic Exposure. Presented at the Symposium on Assessing Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace in Cincinnati, Ohio on June 17, 1988 26. Turner, T.W., J.L. Franchi, S.M. Schrader, S.D. Simon, and D.W. Lynch. 1989. A Comparison of Monkey Semen Motility Parameters Using Two Collection Methods. J Andrology 10:31P. 27. Fogle T., B. Bean, S. Schrader, T. Turner, and L. Zotter. 1989. Observations on Hamster Ovum Penetration and Chromosome conversion of Cold-Stored Sperm of the Cynomolgus Monkey, Macaca fascicularis. J Andrology 10:29P. 28. Annest, J.L., F. DeStefano, M-J Kresnow, S.M. Schrader, and D.F. Katz. 1989. Quality Control Procedures for Semen Analysis using a Computer-Assisted (CASA) System. J Andrology 10:49P. 29. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1989. Sources of Variation of Sperm Head Measurements. J Andrology 10:48P. 30. Destefano, F., J.L. Annest, M-J. Kresnow, S.M. Schrader, and D.F. Katz. 1989. Semen Characteristics of Vietnam Veterans. J Andrology 10:25P. 31. Schrader, S.M. 1989. Longitudinal Studies of Semen Quality of Unexposed Workers: An Update. Presented at the Institute for Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. April 26, 1989. 32. Simon, S.D., S.M. Schrader, and Terry W. Turner. 1989. The Use of Tolerance Intervals for Assessing Male Reproductive Potential. Presented to the American Statistical Association, August 7, 1989 33. Williams, J., B.C. Gladen, R.E. Chapin, and S.M. Schrader, Ethylene dibromide (EDB): Comparison of rabbit and human seminal characteristic. Presented to the Society of Toxicology for presentation at the annual meeting, February 1990, Miami Beach, FL. 34. Wright, D.M., J.S. Kesner, S.M. Schrader, N.W. Chin, V. Wells. 1990. Methods to detect Ovulation in Females. Presented at workshop: Designing and Conducting Studies of Early Fetal Loss. NIEHS, Research Triangle Park , NC. 35. Turner, T., S. Schrader, W. Moorman, J Clark, S. Simon. 1990. A Study of Sperm Motion Analysis after Exposing Rats to Ethylene Oxide. Journal of Andrology 11:50-P. 36. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1990. Sources of Variation of Sperm Motility Measurements. Journal of Andrology 11:38-P. 37. Evenson, D., L. Jost, R. Baer, T. Turner, S. Schrader. 1990. Longitudinal Study of Sperm Chromatin. Journal of Andrology 11:35P. 38. Schrader, S.M., M. Breitenstein, T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1990. Longitudinal Study of Semen Quality of Unexposed Workers: Seminal Plasma Characteristics. Presented at the VI International Congress on Spermatology, Siena, Italy, September 1990. 39. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1991. Sources of Variation of the Sperm Penetration Assay under Filed Study conditions. Journal of Andrology 12:Supplement P48. 40. T.W. Turner, S.M. Schrader, and SD Simon. 1991. Sperm Head Morphometry: Fitting Populations into Tolerance Intervals. Journal of Andrology 12:Supplement P48. 41. Schrader, S.M. 1991. What is Fertility and How can it be Measured Directly and Indirectly. NIVA Course "The Effect of Chemical, Physical, and Biological Workplace Factors on Male and Female Fertility. Copenhagen, Denmark. May 26-31, 1991. 42. Schrader, S.M. 1991. Animal Studies in Male Reproduction. NIVA Course "The Effect of Chemical, Physical, and Biological Workplace Factors on Male and Female Fertility. Copenhagen, Denmark. May 26-31, 1991. 43. Schrader, S.M. 1991. Field Studies in Male Reproduction. NIVA Course "The Effect of Chemical, Physical, and Biological Workplace Factors on Male and Female Fertility. Copenhagen, Denmark. May 26-31, 1991. 44. Schrader, S.M. 1991. American Criteria for Reproductive Toxicants. NIVA Course "The Effect of Chemical, Physical, and Biological Workplace Factors on Male and Female Fertility. Copenhagen, Denmark. May 26-31, 1991. 45. Weyandt, T.B., S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1992. Semen Analysis of Military Personnel Associated with Military Duty Assignments. Journal of Andrology 13:29P. 46. T.W. Turner, S.M. Schrader, P. Shaw, R.E. Chapin and J. Williams. 1992. Sources of Variation of Rabbit Sperm Head Morphometry. Journal of Andrology 13:31P 47. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, M.J. Breitenstein, and S.D. Simon. 1992. the Measurement of Male Reproductive Hormones in Occupational Field Studies. Journal of Andrology 13:51P 48. van der Ven, H.H., K. van der Ven, S.M. Schrader, W. Heeschen, R.S. Jeyendran. 1992. Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Concentration in "Normal" Ejaculates Obtained from Men Living in Different Geographic Locations. American Fertility Society Annual Meeting. 49. Schrader, S.M. 1992. Evaluating Effects of Occupational Reproductive Hazards that Affect the Father. Federally Employed Women: 23rd National Training Program, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 23, 1992. 50. Schrader, S.M. 1992. Emerging Male Biological Markers of Reproductive Function. Presented at the International Conference on Occupational Health workshop "Reproductive and Developmental Epidemiology: Emerging Biologic and Analytical Approaches" Cincinnati, Ohio, September 22, 1992. 51. Schrader, S.M. 1992. Reproductive Toxicology of Male Workers. Presented at "Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Compliance Conference" Brooks Air Force Base, TX. September 25, 1992. 52. Schrader, S.M. 1992. Reproductive Toxicology of Male Workers. Presented at "Environmental Health Seminars" University of Cincinnati, Kettering Laboratory. Cincinnati, Ohio. September 30, 1992. 53. Moorman, W.J., P.B. Shaw, and S.M. Schrader. 1993. Regression Analysis of Sperm Count vs Blood Lead. J of Andrology 12:P33. 54. S.M. Schrader, T. W. Turner, M. Ayers-Cumbow, S.D. Simon. 1993. Semen Quality Across Populations. J of Andrology 12:P57. 55. T.W. Turner, S.M. Schrader, Z. Binienda, and W. Slikker. 1993. Semen quality of rhesus monkeys exposed to 2'3'- dideoxycytidine (ddC). J of Andrology 12:P34. 56. S.M. Schrader. 1993. Reproductive Toxicity in Men Exposed to Workplace Toxicants. Proceedings of the Russian Scientific & Practical Conference "Medical, social, and legal aspects of maternity and infancy protection" Reproductive Toxicology 7:525. 57. Weyandt, T.B., S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1994. The Effects of Lead Exposure During Military Artillery Training on Male Reproductive Function. Journal of Andrology 14:P54. 58. Breitenstein, M.J., J.C. Clark, S.M. Schrader, and S.D. Simon. 1994. The Use of a Half-Mirror for the Measurement of αt in the Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay. Journal of Andrology 14:P45. 59. Turner, T.W., S.M. Schrader, and S. Simon. 1994. Comparison of Motion Analysis Parameters using Diluted and Whole Semen. Journal of Andrology 14:P45. 60. Moorman, W.J., J.C. Clark, T.W. Turner, J.R. Pretty, D.D. Sharpnack, P.B. Shaw, and S.M. Schrader. 1994. Dose Related Effects of Lead on Semen Quality in the Rabbit Model (Pilot Study). Journal of Andrology 14:45. 61. Schrader, S.M., S.D. Simon, T.W. Turner, and T.B. Weyandt. 1994 The Stability of Human Semen Quality Across Time. Journal of Andrology 14:P46. 62. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, J.M. Ratcliffe, L.S. Welch, and S.D. Simon Combining Reproductive Studies of Men Exposed to 2-Ethoxyethanol to Increase Statistical Power. Abstract and Presentation at the International Symposium on Health Hazards of Glycol Ethers. April 19-21, 1994. Nancy-Port-A-Mousson, France. 63. Moorman, W.J., P.B. Shaw, D.D. Sharpnack, J.C. Clark, S.R. Skaggs, T.W. Turner, R.E. Chapin, and S.M. Schrader. 1995. The Interspecies Extrapolation Factor for Sperm Count in Rabbits and Man Exposed to Lead. Journal of Andrology 15:P-42. 64. Zimmerman, T.D. S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, D.D. Sharpnack, R.E. Chapin, and W.J. Moorman. 1995. Effects of Lead on Sperm Morphology in Dutch Belted Rabbits. Journal of Andrology 15:P-41. 65. Skaggs, S.R., J.C. Clark, W.J. Moorman, S.M. Schrader, R.E. Chapin, and , S.D. Simon. 1995. Correlation of Semen Lead and Blood in Dutch Belted Rabbits. Journal of Andrology 15:P-41. 66. Schrader, S.M., J.S. Kesner, T.W. Turner, E.A. Knecht, T.B. Weyandt, and E.F. Kreig. 1995. The Correlations Between Serum and Urinary Reproductive Hormones in Men. Journal of Andrology 15:P-45. 67. Nelson, B.K., W.J. Moorman, R.E. Chapin, and S.M. Schrader. Review of experimental male-mediated behavioral and neurochemical disorders & preliminary report of feasibility study using rabbits to detect lead-induced deficits. 19th Annual Meeting of the Neurobehavioral Teratology Society (Abstract in Neurotoxicology and Teratology 17(3): 375, 1995), Newport Beach, California; June 25-30, 1995. 68. Schrader, S.M., R.E. Langford, T.W. Turner, D.O. Lundy, and S.D. Simon. 1996. Reproductive Assessment of Military Personnel Associated with Military Duty Assignments. Journal of Andrology 16:P-32 69. Turner, T., T. Zimmerman, W. Moorman, S. Schrader, and S. Simon. 1996. Morphological and Morphometric Comparisons of Rabbit Spermatozoa Exposed to Lead. Journal of Andrology 16:P-43 . 70. Skaggs S.R., M.A. Hart, T.W. Turner, W.J. Moorman, J.C. Clark, S.M. Schrader, and S.D. Simon 1996. Simon Does Elevated Blood Lead Increase Sperm Velocity? Journal of Andrology 16:P-46 71. Breitenstein, M.J., and S.M. Schrader. 1996. Mannose Binding Assay in Dutch Belted Rabbits .Journal of Andrology 16:P-50 72. Skaggs, S.R., W.J. Moorman, D.D. Sharpnack, and S.M. Schrader. 1997. Urinary Creatine as a Biomarker for Lead Induced Testicular Damage. Journal of Andrology 17:P-31 73. Schrader, S.M., T. Arbuckle, L. Turner, and L. Ritter. 1997 The Use of Silastic Condoms in an Exposure Assessment Occupational Field Study. Journal of Andrology 17:P-31 74. Breitenstein, M.J., S.M. Schrader, and S.D. Simon. 1997. Variability and Power Calculations of Viability Estimates in Dutch Belted Rabbit Sperm. Journal of Andrology 17:P-31 75. Nelson, B.K., W.J. Moorrman, S.M. Schrader, P.B. Shaw, and E.F. Kreig, Jr. 1997. Paternal Exposure of Rabbits to Lead: Behavior Deficits in Offspring. The Toxicologist 36:256. 76. Sharpnack, D. C. Childress, W. Moorman, S.M. Schrader, R Chapin. 1997, Lead Exposure Causes Altered Spermatogenesis in Rabbits. The Toxicologist 36:359. 77. Brown, D.B., D.E. Sawyer, B.J. Maeker, M.J. Breitenstein, G.R. Hilllman, and S.M. Schrader. 1997. Initial Characterization of an In Vitro Rabbit Sperm Activation Assay. The Toxciologist 36:360. 78. Draheim, L. and C. Falk, H.A. Anderson, L. Handrahan, D. Steenport, S. Schrader, T. Turner, and The Great Lakes Consortium. 1997. Male Reproductive Function Studies: Challenges in Recruiting Mean for Semen Collection Clinics. For presentation at Health Conference 97, Montreal, Canada, May 12-15, 1997. 79. Breitenstein M.J., S.M. Schrader, P. B. Shaw, and W.J. Moorman Lead Effects on Variability Estimates in Dutch Belted Rabbit Sperm. 1998. ISAC Congress XIX, Colorado Springs, CO Feb 28- Mar 5. 1998, (suppl 9):CB-83.. 80. Moorman WJ, Stephen R. Skaggs, David A. Dankovic, Peter B. Shaw, Terry W Turner, Robert E. Chapin and Steven M. Schrader. 1998. Benchmark Doses from Lead Induced Spermatoxcity in Male Rabbits. Journal of Andrology 18:P 81. Schrader S.M.. 1998. Towards a Safer Occupational Environment: The U.S. Approach The Example of the Glycol Ethers. Presented at the Andrology in the Nineties Conference entitled “Environmental Influences on Spermatogenesis and Sperm Quality”. Genk Belgium April, 1998 82. Grajewski B, C Cox, SM Schrader, WE Murray, RM Edwards, TW Turner, JM Smith, SS Shekar, DP Evenson, SD Simon, and DL Conover Semen Quality Study of Radiofrequency Heat Sealer Operators. 1998. Hazardous Substances and Male Reproductive Health - An International Conference. New York May 14-15, 1998 83. S.M. Schrader. 1998. Methods of Assessing Male Reproductive Capacity. Hazardous Substances and Male Reproductive Health - An International Conference. New York May 14-15, 1998 84. Zikarge, A., and S.M. Schrader. 1998. Biomarkers of Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Induced Alterations of Seminal Plasma Biochemistry as a Function of Post-Testicular Toxicity. Tox Letters 95:190. 85. Moorman,W.J., K.L. Cheever, S.R. Skaggs, J.C. Clark, T.W. Turner, K.L. Marlow and S.M.Schrader.1999. Male Adolescent Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides: Vinclozolin Exposure in Peripubertal Rabbits. Presented at Molecular Aspects of Male Reproductive Toxicology. November 13-14, 1999, Rauischholzhausen, Germany. 86. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, P.B. Shaw, L.L. Erickson, S. Holland, and V.F. Garry. 2000. Semen Quality of Men Applying Pesticides in Northwest Minnesota. Journal of Andrology Suppl 21:50 87. Schrader, S.M. 2000. 2-Bromopropane: Adverse Human Reproductive Health Effects Trigger Animal Studies. Presented at Gender Differences in Reproductive Biology and Toxicology. Tucson Arizona November 10, 2000 88. Schrader, S.M., and V. F. Garry. 2001. Abnormal Sperm Morphology and Offspring Sex Ratio in Male Fungicide Applicators. International Workshop on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Their Toxicological Evaluation. Presented in Tsukiba, Japan, Feburary 2001 89. Schrader, S.M., M.J. Breitenstein, J.C. Clark, B.D. Lowe, and T.W. Turner. 2001. Erectile Function of Bicycling Police Officers.. Journal of Andrology Supl page 135. 90. Holland, SE, V.F. Garry S.M. Schrader, J.S. Kesner, and E.A. Knecht. 2002. Testosterone Levels in Male Pesticide Applicators and the Sex of Their Children. Journal of Andrology Supl page 39. 91. Schrader, S.M.,, T.W. Turner, V.F. Garry, and S.E. Holland. 2002. Abnormal Sperm Morphology and Offspring Sex Ratio in Male Fungicide Applicators. Journal of Andrology Supl page 40. 92. Moorman, W.J., P.B. Shaw, T.W. Turner, and S.M. Schrader. 2002 Sperm Count vs Blood Lead General Linear Model: Multiple Studies from Worksite Exposures. Journal of Andrology Supl page 40. 93. Schrader, S.M. 2002. Andrology in the Public Health Arena - From Seamen to Semen. American Society of Andrology, Trainee Colloquium. April 25, 2002. 94. Schrader, S.M., N. Nikitina, T. W. Turner, V. P.Chashchin, A. Nikanov, S.D. Simon, J. O. Odland, and E. Nieboer. Semen Quality Assessment of Nickel Refinery Workers. Presented at Sixth International Nickel Conference on Ecologic, Toxicologic and Human Health Issues Associated with the Mining, Refining and Production of Nickel and Companion Elements. September 1-6, 2002, Murmansk, Russia 95. Schrader, SM, N Nikitina, TW Turner, VP Chashchin, A Nikanov, SD Simon, Jq Odland, and E Nieboer. 2003. Semen Quality of Nickel Refinery Workers. J Andrology 24 (supplement):83 96. Occupational Exposures and Altered Semen Quality; What are the Risk Factors? Presented at the 28th meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Phoenix, AZ. March 31, 2003 97. Lowe, B.D., M.J. Breitenstein, and S.M. Schrader. 2004. Perineal Pressure Associated with Bicycle Saddle Designs. J Andrology 25 (supplement) Technical Reports, Proceedings, and book chapters</p><p>98. Ratcliffe, J.M., T.J. Meinhart, S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, K. Steenland, and S.E. Leffingwell. 1984. NIOSH - Health Hazard Evaluation Interim Report No. 1 TA 83244. Reproductive Effects of Ethylene Dibromide in Pine Beetle Fumigators. 99. Ratcliffe, J.M., S.M. Schrader, K. Steenland, D.E. Clapp, T.W. Turner and R.W. Hornung. 1986. Semen study of papaya treatment workers exposed to ethylene dibromide. NTIS PB86-221447/XAB. 100. Ratcliffe, J.M., D.E. Clapp, S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, J Oser, S. Tanaka, R.W. Hornung and W.E. Halperin. 1986. Health Hazard Evaluation Report HETA 84-415-1688, Precision Castparts Corporation, Portland Oregon. 101. Hattis D., L.S. Welch, and S.M. Schrader. 1988. Male Infertility Effects of Glycol Ethers - A Quantitative Analysis. NTIS NIOSH-00185305. 102. Wells, V.E., S.M. Schrader, C. McCammon, E.M. Ward, T.W. Turner, M.J. Thun, and W.E. Halperin. 1989. Exposure to Methylene Chloride in Male Furniture Strippers and Semen Effects. Internal Final Report 103. Annest, J.L., A.L. Baughman, E.A. Brann, F. DeStefano, O.J. Devine, W.D. Flanders, P. Holmgreen, M.R. Joesoef, D.F. Katz, M.J. Kresnow, T.R. O'Brien, M.J. Scally, S.M. Schrader, S.F. Wetterhall, R.M. Worth. 1989. Health Status of Vietnam Veterans: Volume III Medical Examination. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control. 104. Mattison, D.R., J. Bogumil, R. Chapin, M. Hatch, A. Hendrix, J. Jarrell, A. Labarbera, S. Schrader, S. Selevan. 1990. Chapter 6 - Reproductive Toxicology of Pesticides. IN: Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology. ED: Baker and Wilkinson. Princeton Scientific Publishers. 105. Schrader, S.M., M. Breitenstein, T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1992. Longitudinal Study of Semen Quality of Unexposed Workers: Seminal Plasma Characteristics. IN: Comparative Spermatology, 20 Years After. ED: B Baccetti. Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press. New York. Volume 75:905-908 106. Schrader, S.M. 1992. Chapter 9. Assessing Reproductive Potential in Men. IN: Reproductive Toxicology and Infertility.. EDs: AR Scialli and M Zinaman. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York pages 283-294. 107. Schrader, S.M. 1992. Occupational and Environmental Factors and Male Infertility. IN: Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Clinics of North America. ED: JW Overstreet. W.B. Saunder CO, Philadelphia. Volume 3:319-328. 108. Schrader, S.M. and J.S. Kesner. 1993. Chapter 1. Mechanisms of Male Reproductive Toxicology. IN: Occupational and Environmental Reproductive Hazards: A Guide for Clinicians. ED: M Paul. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. pages 3-17 109. Schrader, S.M. 1993. General Techniques for Assessing Male Reproductive Potential in Human Field Studies. IN: Methods in Reproductive Toxicology. ED. R Chapin and J Heindel. Academic Press, San Diego. Vol 3A:362-371. 110. Wyrobek, A.J., D. Anderson, S. Lewis, T. Nagao, S. Perreault, B. Robaire, and S. Schrader. 1994. Biomarkers and Health Endpoints of Developmental Toxicology of Paternal Origin: Summary of Working Group Discussion. IN: Male-Meidated Developmental Toxicity. ED: AF Olshan and DR Mattison. Pages 339-370. 111. Schrader, S.M. and M.H. Kanitz. 1994. Occupational Hazards to Male Reproduction. IN: State of the Art Reviews in Occupational Medicine: Reproductive Hazards. ED. E Gold, M Schenker, and B Lasley. Pages 405-414. 112. Schrader, S.M. 1995. Principles of Male Reproductive Toxicology In: Environmental Medicine. ED. SM Brooks. Mosby, St Louis. Pages 95-100. 113. Wyrobek, A.J., S.M. Schrader, S.D.Perreault, L. Fenster, G. Huszar, D.F. Katz, A.M. Osorio, and V. Sublet. 1996. Male Reproductive Disorders. IN: Standardized Assessment of Birth Defects, and Reproductive Disorders in Environmental Health Field Studies. ED: G.J. Terracciano, G.K. Lemasters. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 114. Schrader, S.M., T.M. Schnorr, and J.A. Wess. 1996. The Effects of Workplace Hazards on Male Reproductive Health. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 96-132 115. Schrader, S.M. 1997. Male Reproductive Toxicants. In: CRC Handbook of Human Toxicology. ED EJ Massareo. CRC Press, New York. Chapter 22, pages 961-980 116. Schrader, S.M. and Grace K. Lemasters. 1997. The Male Reproductive System and Toxicology. IN: International Labor Organization Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. 9.4-9.8 117. Kesner, J.S., DW Lynch, Schrader, S.M., T.M. Schnorr, and J.A. Wess. 1999. The Effects of Workplace Hazards on Female Reproductive Health. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 99-104 118. Schrader, S. M., M.J. Breitenstein, and B. Lowe. 2001 City of Long Beach Police Department, Long Beach, CA HETA 2000, 0305-2848 119. Schrader S.M. and JS Kesner. Reproductive Health: Developing Partnerships in the Study of Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2002-152, 2002. 120. Schrader, S.M. Environmental Issues and Challenges. In focus (newsletter of the American Infertility Association) Winter 2003 pages 22-23. 121. Harney, J.M., J.B. Nemhauser, C.M. Reh, D. Trout, and S.M. Schrader 2003. Marx Industries Inc. Sawmills, North Carolina. HETA 99-0260-2906 122. Schrader, S. M., M Breitenstein, and BD Lowe. Debate over bicycle saddles continues - Letter to the Editor. IPMBA News, Fall 2003 Journal Publications</p><p>123. Schrader, S.M., L.A. Eng, and C.B. Metz, 1981. Immunoferritin Labeling of Rabbit Spermatozoa. Gamete Research 4:379- 386. 124. Jeyendran, R.S., S.M. Schrader, J.R. Burg, H.H. Van der Ven, M. Perez-Pelaez, and L.J.D. Zaneveld, 1986. 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Gulati, J.J Heindel, D.F. Katz, C.A. Mebus, F. Obasaju, S.D. Perreault, S.R. Russell, S.M. Schrader, V. Slott, R.Z. Sokol, and G. Toth. 1992. Methods for Assessing Rat Sperm Motility. Reproductive Toxicology 6:267- 273. 146. Schrader, S.M., R.E. Chapin, E.D. Clegg, R.O Davis, J.L. Fourcroy, D.F. Katz, S.A. Rothmann, G. Toth, T.W. Turner, and M. Zinaman. 1992. Laboratory Methods for Assessing Human Semen in Epidemiologic Studies: A Consensus Report. Reproductive Toxicology 6:275-279. 147. Kesner, J.S., D.M. Wright, S.M. Schrader, N.W. Chin, and E.P. Krieg. 1992. Methods to Monitor Menstrual Function in Field Studies: Efficacy of Methods. Reproductive Toxicology 6:385-400. 148. Wright, D.M., J.S. Kesner, S.M. Schrader, N.W. Chin, V.E. Wells, and E.P. Krieg. 1992. Methods to Monitor Menstrual Function in Field Studies: Attitudes of Working Women. Reproductive Toxicology 6:401-409. 149. Schrader, S.M. 1992. 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Semen Quality Across Populations. Molecular Andrology 7:105-121. 154. Schrader, S.M., T.W. Turner, J.M. Ratcliffe, L.S. Welch, and S.D. Simon. 1996. Combining Reproductive Studies of Men Exposed to 2-Ethoxyethanol to Increase Statistical Power. Occupational Hygiene 2:411-415. 155. Seed, J., R.E. Chapin, E.D. Clegg, L.A. Dostal, R.H. Foote, M.E. Hurtt, G.R. Klinefelter, S.L. Makkis, S.D. Perreault, S.M. Schrader, D. Seyler, R. Sprando, K.A. Treinen, D.N. Rao Veeramachaneni, and D.Wise. 1996. Methods for Assessing Sperm Motility, Morphology, and Counts in the Rat, Rabbit, and Dog: A Consensus Report. Reproductive Toxicology 10:237-244. 156. Weyandt, T.B., S.M. Schrader, T.W. Turner, and S.D. Simon. 1996. Semen Analysis of Military Personnel Associated with Military Duty Assignments. Reproductive Toxicology 10:521-528 157. Nelson, B.K., W.J. Moorman, and S.M. Schrader. 1996. Review of experimental male-mediated behavioral and neurochemical disorders. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 18(6): 611-618 158. Wyrobek, A.J., S.M. Schrader, S.D.Perreault, L. Fenster, G. Huszar, D.F. Katz, A.M. Osorio, V. Sublet, and D. Evenson. 1997. Guidelines for Field Studies of Male Reproductive Disorders. Reproductive Toxicology 11:243-259. 159. Nelson, B.K., W.J. Moorman, S.M. Schrader, P.B. Shaw, and E.F. Krieg, Jr. 1997. Paternal exposure of rabbits to lead: behavioral deficits in offspring. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 19(3):191-198. 160. Moormnan, W.J, S.R. Skaggs, J.C. Clark, T.W. Turner, D.D. Sharpnack, J.A. Murrell, S.D. Simon, R.E. Chapin, and S.M. Schrader. 1998. Effects of Lead on Spermatogenic Endpoints in Rabbits. Reproductive Toxicology 12:333-346. 161. Schrader SM, Langford RE, Turner TW, Breitenstein MJ, Clark JC, Jenkins BL, Lundy DO, Simon SD, Weyandt TB. Reproductive function in relation to duty assignments among military personnel. Reprod Toxicol. 1998 Jul-Aug;12(4):465-8. 162. S.M. Schrader. 1998. Towards a Safer Occupational Environment: The U.S. Approach The Example of the Glycol Ethers. Middle East Fertility Society Journal 3 (supp 1):68-71. 163. Moorman WJ, Ahlers HW, Chapin RE, Daston GP, Foster PM, Kavlock RJ, Morawetz JS, Schnorr TM, Schrader SM. Prioritization of NTP reproductive toxicants for field studies. Reprod Toxicol. 2000 Jul-Aug;14(4):293-301. 164. Moorman WJ, Cheever KL, Skaggs SR, Clark JC, Turner TW, Marlow KL, Schrader SM. Male adolescent exposure to endocrine-disrupting pesticides: vinclozolin exposure in peripubertal rabbits. Andrologia. 2000 Sep;32(4-5):285-93. 165. Grajewski B, Cox C, Schrader SM, Murray WE, Edwards RM, Turner TW, Smith JM, Shekar SS, Evenson DP, Simon SD, Conover DL. Semen quality and hormone levels among radiofrequency heater operators. J Occup Environ Med. 2000 Oct;42(10):993-1005. 166. Schrader SM, Breitenstein MJ, Clark JC, Lowe BD, Turner TW. Nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity testing in bicycling patrol officers. J Androl. 2002 Nov-Dec;23(6):927-34. 167. Lawson CC, Schnorr TM, Daston GP, Grajewski B, Marcus M, McDiarmid M, Murono E, Perreault SD, Schrader SM, Shelby M. An occupational reproductive research agenda for the third millennium. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Apr;111(4):584-92. 168. Buck GM, Lynch CD, Stanford JB, Sweeney AM, Schieve LA, Rockett JC, Selevan SG, Schrader SM. Prospective pregnancy study designs for assessing reproductive and developmental toxicants. Environ Health Perspect. 2004 Jan;112(1):79-86. 169. Schrader SM, Breitenstein MJ, Lowe BD. Cutting off the nose to save the penis. J Sex Med. 2008 Aug;5(8):1932-40. 41. Lemasters, G.K, D.M. Olson, J.H. Yiin, J.E. Lockley, R Shukla, S.G. Selevan, S.M. Schrader, G.P. Toth, D.P. Evenson, and G.B. Huszar. 1999. Male Reproductive Effects of Solvent and Fuel Exposure during Aircraft Maintenance. Reproductive Toxicology 13:155-166.</p><p>42. Arbuckle, T.E., S.M. Schrader, D. Cole, J.C. Hall, C.M. Bancej, L.A. Turner, and P. Claman. 1999. 2,4 D Residues in Semen of Ontario Farmers. Reproductive Toxicology 13:421-429.</p><p>43. Moorman,W.J., K.L. Cheever, S.R. Skaggs, J.C. Clark, T.W. Turner, K.L. Marlow and S.M.Schrader. 2000. Male Adolescent Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Pesticides: Vinclozolin Exposure in Peripubertal Rabbits. Andrologia 32:285-293.</p><p>44. Moorman WJ, Ahlers HW, Chapin RE, Daston GP, Foster PMD, Kavlock RJ, Morawetz JS, Schnorr TM, Schrader SM. 2000. Prioritization of NTP Reproductive Toxicants for Field Studies. Reproductive Toxicology 14:293-301.</p><p>45. Grajewski B, Cox C, Schrader SM, Murray WE, Edwards RM, Turner TW, Smith JM, Shekar SS, Evenson DP, Simon SD, Conover DL. 2000 Semen quality and hormone levels among radiofrequency heater operators. J Occup Environ Med 42:993- 1005. </p><p>46. Moline, JM, AL Golden, N Bar-Chama, E Smith, ME Rauch, RE Chapin, SD Perreault, SM Schrader, WA Suk, and PJ Landrigan. 2000. Exposure to Hazardous Substances and Male Reproductive Health: A Research Framework. Env Health Persp 108:803-813.</p><p>47. Schrader, S.M., M. J. Breitenstein, J.C. Clark, B. D. Lowe, and T. W. Turner. 2002. Nocturnal Penile Tumescence and Rigidity Testing of Bicycling Patrol Officers. Journal of Andrology 23:927-934.</p><p>48. Lawson, C.C., T.M. Schnorr, G.P. Daston, B. Grawjeski, M. Marcus, M. McDiarmind, E. Murono. S.D. Perreault, M Shelby. and S.M. Schrader. 2003. An Occupational Reproductive Research Agenda for the Third Millennium. Environmental Health Perspectives 111:584-591.</p><p>49. Schrader, S.M. 2003. Man and the Workplace: Assessing His Reproductive Health. Chemical Health and Safety 10:11-16.</p><p>50. Buck, G.M., C.D. Lynch, J.B. Stanford, A.M. Sweeney, L.A. Schieve, J.C. Rockett, S.G. Selevan, and S.M. Schrader. 2004. Prospective Pregnancy Study Designs for Assessing Reproductive and Developmental Toxicants. Environmental Health Perspectives 112:79-86</p><p>51. Lowe, B., S. Schrader, and M. Breitenstein. 2004. Effect of Saddle Design on the Perineal Pressure of the Bicyclist. Sports Medicine. Med Sci Sports Exerc 36:1055-1062</p>
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