<p> PPS 8.10 Form 1A TEXAS STATE VITA</p><p>I. Academic/Professional Background</p><p>A. Name: Max Warshauer Title: Regents Professor of Mathematics</p><p>B. Educational Background Degree Year University Major Thesis/Dissertation Ph.D. 1979 Louisiana State University Mathematics “Witt Classification of Inner Product Spaces BA 1973 University of Chicago Mathematics</p><p>C. University Experience Position University Dates Professor Texas State University 1989- Associate Professor Texas State University 1984-1989 Assistant Professor Texas State University 1979-1984 Instructor Louisiana State University 1978-1979</p><p>II. TEACHING</p><p>A. Teaching Honors and Awards: 1. 2010 Piper Professor Award, Mini Stevens Piper Foundation. 2. 2010 Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Teaching Award, Texas State University. 3. 2009 Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Teaching Award, Texas State University. 4. 2008 Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University. 5. 2008 Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Teaching Award, Texas State University. 6. 2007 Department of Mathematics, Teaching Excellence Award 7. 2006 Teacher Recognition Award, U. S. Department of Education, U. S. Scholars Program. 8. 2001 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring, one of 10 individuals in the country, Washington, DC. 9. 1999 Texas Section Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics Award, Mathematical Association of America. 10. 1996 Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Teaching Award. 11. 1995 SWT Math Department Teaching Excellence Award.</p><p>B. Courses Taught: Math 1315: College Algebra Math 1316: Survey of Contemporary Mathematics Math 1317: Trigonometry Math 1319, 1329: Business Mathematics Math 2471, 2472: Calculus Math 3323: Differential Equations Math 3325: Number Systems Math 3373: Multivariable Calculus Math 3377: Linear Algebra Math 4307: Group Theory Math 4330: Topology Math 5306: Ring Theory Math 5307: Group Theory Math 5314: Number Theory Math 5381: Set Theory Honors 3392: Elementary Number Theory Math 7307: Abstract Algebra</p><p>C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate): Kristin Stoley, Quadratic Forms and the Witt Ring, 1989 (supervisor).</p><p>Undergraduate Honors Thesis: Gregory Gillenwaters, “Applications of Artificial Intelligence to the Game of Go,” 1987 (supervisor). Negar Taradji, “Interface Builder and Objective-C with the NeXT Computer,” 1990, (supervisor). Eric Alan Harper, “Evaluating Algebra Readiness,” 2011, (supervisor). Michelle Pruett, “An Introduction to Proof-Based Math Through Number Theory,” Dean’s Scholars and Plan II Honors Thesis, Co-Supervising Professor, April 20, 2012.</p><p>D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development: Honors 3392: Elementary Number Theory</p><p>Page 1 of 6 PPS 8.10 Form 1A I. Other: Dr. Max Warshauer is a Regents Professor of Mathematics at Texas State University and Director and founder of Texas Mathworks. He founded the Honors Summer Math Camp for talented high school students in 1990 and has taught the number theory course in this program each summer. He extended the program to include younger students in 1996 with the Mathworks Junior Summer Math Camp and developed this into a replicable model that included teacher training in 1997. Mathworks is a center of excellence in mathematics education that coordinates student and teacher training programs, curriculum development, and research projects.</p><p>Over 8000 students and 700 teachers have attended Mathworks Summer programs. Mathworks was one of five programs in Texas to receive the 2001 Texas Higher Education Star Award for Closing the Gaps. Dr. Warshauer was one of 10 individuals in the country to receive the 2001 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring, presented by Rita Colwell, Director of the National Science Foundation on behalf of President Bush. Mathworks sent the first U. S. teams ever to compete in the Primary Math World Contest (PMWC) in Hong Kong. These teams have won the Po Leung Kuk Cup 8 times as the top non-Asian team, and finished first overall in 2008, 2013, and 2014.</p><p>In December, 2007, Mathworks received the Siemens Founders Award which each year recognizes one person or program in the country for their contributions to developing future leaders in math, science, and technology. In 2008, Dr. Warshauer was recognized as a Regents Professor, the highest honor in the Texas State University System. He also received the 2008 Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, the 2008, 2009, 2010 Everette Swinney Faculty Senate Teaching Award, and in 2010 was named a Piper Professor.</p><p>Dr. Warshauer uses grants to support Texas State undergraduates to learn about teaching. Grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), and 4 Teacher Quality Grants through the Texas Education Agency supported teacher training that resulted in training over 660 teachers. Grants from the Kodosky Foundation and Siemens Foundation provided opportunities for disadvantaged students to attend the Junior Summer Math Camp and Honors Summer Math Camp. Finally, 13 grants from the American Math Society Epsilon Fund, which each year recognizes the top 6 or so summer programs in the country, along with other sponsors and donors has provided over $100,000 each summer in scholarships for disadvantaged students to attend the Mathworks summer math camps. Dr. Warshauer has always tried to ensure that financial background is not a problem for students to attend Mathworks summer programs, while using grants to introduce Texas State undergraduates and graduate students to exciting opportunities in teaching and curriculum development. </p><p>III. SCHOLARLY/CREATIVE A. Works in Print 1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate) a. Textbooks: 1. “Math Explorations Part I,” 4th edition, with Terry McCabe and Hiroko Warshauer, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 2014 (reviewed for state adoption by TEA) 2. “Math Explorations Part II,” 4th edition, with Terry McCabe and Hiroko Warshauer, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 2014 (reviewed for state adoption by TEA) 3. “Algebra I,” 4th edition, with Alex White, Terry McCabe and Hiroko Warshauer, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 2014 (reviewed for state adoption by TEA) 4. “Discovering Discrete Mathematics, Level 4,” with T. McCabe and D. Shapiro, Stipes Publishing, 2001 (not refereed). 5. “Math Explorations, Level 3,” with T. McCabe, D. Shapiro, and H. Warshauer, Stipes Publishing, 2001 (not refereed). 6. “MathQuest, Level 2,” with T. McCabe and H. Warshauer, Stipes Publishing, 2000 (not refereed). 7. The Mathematical Mystery Tour, Level 1,” with T. McCabe and H. Warshauer, Stipes Publishing, 2000 (not refereed). b. Chapters in Books: 1. Chapter 8: Equity, “The Peak in the Middle, Developing Mathematically Gifted Students in the Middle Grades, with McCabe, T., Sorto, A., Strickland, S., Warshauer, H, and White, A., National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA, 155-170, 2010. 2. Articles a. Refereed Journal Articles: 1. “A Modest Proposal Research Base,” Notices of the American Math Society, Volume 60, No. 1, Jan. 2013. 2. “Understanding the value of a question: An analysis of a lesson,” Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education, Sorto, M. A., McCabe, T., Warshauer, M., & Warshauer H., 4(1): 50 – 60, 2009. </p><p>Page 2 of 6 PPS 8.10 Form 1A 3. “The Locker Puzzle,” with Eugene Curtin, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 28, Number 1, 2006. 4. "Mathworks: An Innovative Approach to Systemic Change in Mathematics Education," with Joyce Fischer, The Journal of the Society of Educators and Scholars, Carolyn Morales, Chief Editor, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 26, 2003. 5. “Mathematical Explorations,” Mathematics Informatics Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2003. 6. “Geometric Explorations with the Geometer’s Sketchpad,” with Willie Yong and Agus Susanta, Menemui Matematik (Discovering Mathematics), Vol. 25, No. 1, 2003. 7. “ Mathworks: Preparing Young Hispanic Students for Algebra,” with K. Reinke, 2003 Education Monograph Series, National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, Heritage and History: A Celebration of Diversity, Houston, Feb. 2003. 8. “Arithmetic and Geometric Mean,” with Willie Yong, Menemui Matematik (Discovering Mathematics), Vol. 24, No. 2, 2002, p. 17 –22. 9. “Factoring by Grouping,” with P. Kennedy and E. Curtin, Mathematics and Computer Education, Vol. 25, Number 2, Spring 1991. 10. “ Suzuki Meets Polya, Teaching Algebra to Elementary School Children,” with D. Hazlewood and S. Stouffer, The Arithmetic Teacher, Volume 37, Number 3, 1989. 11. “Conway’s Parallel Sorting Algorithm,” Journal of Algorithms, No. 7, 1986, p. 270-276. 12. “Canonical Localizers and Non-Maximal Orders in the Witt Setting,” Journal of Number Theory, Volume 20, 1984, p. 81-9. 13. “Diagonalization up to Witt,” Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Volume 98, No.2, 1982, p. 469-475. 14. “The Witt Group of Degree k Maps and Asymmetric Inner Product Spaces,” Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 914, Springer Verlag, 1982. 5. Reports: 1. “Why Number Theory is an Ideal Subject for an Honors Course,” with T. McCabe, The National Honors Report, Vol. XXII, No. 1, Spring 2001. 2. “Algorithms,” with H. Warshauer, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Routledge Falmer, New York, London, 2001. 3. “Mathematics, Nature,” with H. Warshauer, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Routledge Falmer, New York, London, 2001. 4. “Different Approaches to Summer Programs,” Summac Forum, Volume 3, Number 1, February, 1995.</p><p>B. Works not in Print 1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings: 1. "Algebra, Problem Solving, and Higher-level Mathematics for Middle School students" with H. Warshauer and J. Acosta, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Conference & Exposition, April 25, 2009, Washington, DC. 2. “Using on-line tutoring to strengthen pre-service teachers mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge for teaching,” with Terry McCabe and Hiroko Warshauer, Assn of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), 12th Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK, Jan. 26, 2008. 3. “Early undergraduate experiences in middle school classrooms,” with Alejandra Sorto, Hiroko Warshauer and Terry McCabe, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), Irvine, CA, Jan. 27, 2007. 4. “Forming a mathematical learning community using interactive TV (ITV) and distance learning,” with Alejandra Sorto, Hiroko Warshauer and Terry McCabe, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), Irvine, CA, Jan. 27, 2007. 5. “MAA Panel Discussion—MathNerds, Moore Method, and mathematics: What do they have in common?” with Alex White, Hiroko Warshauer and Terry McCabe, Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, Jan. 8, 2007. 6. “Creating Math Learning Communities Locally and using ITV,” AMS-MAA-MER Special Session on Mathematics and Education Reform, I, with Alex White, Terry McCabe, and Hiroko Warshauer, New Orleans, Jan. 8, 2007. 7. “Not a Fishing Expedition: Posing Questions Seeking Understanding,” with Alejandra Sorto, Terence McCabe and Hiroko Warshauer. National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO. April 2006. 8. “Recruiting future math teachers with an early K-12 classroom experience,” with Hiroko Warshauer, Alex White, and Alejandra Sorto, MAA Session on Research and Other Mathematical Experiences for Students Outside the Classroom, Joint Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 2006. 9. “Math Inquiry Groups,” NCTM national meeting, with Terry McCabe, Hiroko Warshauer, Susan Brown, Catalina Barrones, Aaron Wilson, and Sheri Stein, Anaheim, April, 2005. 2. Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:</p><p>Page 3 of 6 PPS 8.10 Form 1A 1. “Using Journals to Support Student Learning: The Case of An Elementary Number Theory Course,” Preliminary Report, with Hiroko Warshauer and Christina Starkey Richardson, MAA Session on The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Collegiate Mathematics, I, Joint Math Meetings, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 10, 2015 2. Invited Keynote Speaker, “Mathworks, Math Problems, and Math Education Research,” International Conference on Recent Research and Issues in Mathematics, Sciences, Technology, Education, and their Applications, State University of Makassar, August 20, 2014. 3. “Research Problems and Opportunities in Mathematics Education,” General invited Lecture on Mathematics: Education, Development and Research to undergraduates and teachers, State University of Makassar, Aug. 21, 2014 4. “Mathematics Education Research,” invited talk, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia, January 7, 2013. 5. “Developing Problem-Solving Abilities for Middle School Students,” Invited 90 minute Gallery Workshop with Hiroko Warshauer and Nama Namakshi, 2012 Regional Meeting of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Chicago, Nov. 29, 2012. 6. “Mathworks Programs and Research Projects,” Math Dept., Texas State, March 23, 2012. 7. Mathematics Teachers’ Circle of Austin, “Mass Point Geometry,” Jan. 26, 2012. 8. Invited panelist, “Summer Math Camps: The AMS (and mathematician’s role),” with Moon Duchin, and Glenn Stevens, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA, Jan. 5, 2012. 9. Math Circle, “Mass Point Geometry,” Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Oct. 2, 2011. 10. Invited Panelist, “High School Research Symposium,” The University of Texas at Austin, UTeach Outreach and Siemens Foundation, Austin, TX, Nov. 5, 2010. 11. Invited Panelist, American Math Society Joint Meeting, MAA Panel Discussion, “Cultivating mathematical interest and talent of precollege students: Outreach through summer math camps and academies,” San Francisco, Jan. 13, 2010. 12. “An Introduction to Mass Point Geometry,” S. –T. Yau High School Mathematics Awards Public Lecture, Zhejiang University, China, Nov. 11, 2009. 13. Invited panelist, American Math Society Joint Meeting, “The Power of Three: How the public, private, and academic sector need to work together to restore education in America,” with Jim Whaley, Lydia Logan, Alex Hahn, and Wendy Hawkins, Jan. 7, 2009. 14. “Mathworks,” Invited presentation with Terry McCabe, Cody Patterson, David Price, Stephanie Chan, Karen Vazquez, Ted Mahavier, The 10th Annual Legacy of R. L. Moore Conference, April 13, 2007. 15. “Developing Projects for the Siemens Research Competition,” invited talk at the Siemens Regional Finals at Georgia Tech, Nov. 17, 2006. 16. “Mathematics Competitions and Summer Math Programs,” National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology, NCSSSMST Professional Conference 2006, San Antonio, TX, March 18, 2006. 17. “Research, Questioning and the Siemens-Westinghouse Competition,” invited talk, National Consortium for Specialized Secondary Schools of Mathematics, Science and Technology, NCSSSMST Student Conference 2005, Atlanta, Nov. 19, 2005. 18. “Workshop for Career and Technology Math, Health Science, and Science Teachers of the Greater Austin Area,” Capital Area Training Foundation, with Hiroko Warshauer, June 2004. 19. “Primary Math World Contest and Summer Math Camps,” 37th Annual Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, U. Texas Pan American, Nov. 16, 2002. 20. “Discovery Learning: Mathematics for all students,” Keynote address, Northwest Regional Conference, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Lubbock, TX, Feb. 2, 2002. 21. “Challenging Problems for the Primary Mathematics World Contest,” 36th Annual Council of Teachers of Mathematics, U. Texas Pan American, Edinburg, Nov. 3, 2001. 22. “Setting Up a Summer Math Camp,” 35th Annual Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, U. Texas Pan American Edinburg, Nov. 11, 2000. 23. Invited talk to Texas Section of American Math Society, “What is Good Teaching,” Austin, TX, April 8, 2000. 24. “Enrichment Activities for All Students,” 34th Annual Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, TX, Dec. 4, 1999. 25. “Intervention Projects for Minority Pre-college Students,” Invited Panelist, San Antonio Joint Mathematics Meetings, Jan. 16, 1999. 26. “Beginning a Junior Summer Math Camp,” 33rd Annual Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, TX, Nov. 14, 1998. 27. “Math Magazines for Young Students,” 33rd Annual Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Edinburg, TX, Nov. 14, 1998.</p><p>Page 4 of 6 PPS 8.10 Form 1A 28. “Challenging Gifted Students in Math K-12,” Keynote Speaker, SWTSU Saturday Workshop on Gifted Education, San Marcos, TX, Feb. 28, 1998. 29. “DraMathics –Teaching Math with Drama to Elementary Students,” 32nd Annual Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Weslaco, TX, Nov. 15, 1997. 30. “Gifted Students and Their Teachers: What Do They Expect?” invited panelist with Terry McCabe and Nora Perez, National Collegiate Honors Council Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 23, 1997. </p><p>3. Consultancies: Member of the Templeton Foundation Technical Assistance Group for the Shing-Tung Yau Mathematics Competition in China. Provided input, support, and recommendations on three visits to China in November 2008, April 2009, and November 2009.</p><p>C. Grants and Contracts 1. Funded External Donations, Grants and Contracts: Summary: $10.01 million total, including National Science Foundation, NSF (4 grants, $1.1 million) Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, FIPSE (2 grants, $467,000) American Math Society, AMS Epsilon Fund (13 grants, $147,000) Siemens Foundation (15 grants, $226,300) Intel Foundation (7 grants, $228,000) Kodosky Foundation (22 donations, $1,875,000) Meadows Foundation (8 grants, $936,000) Richardson Foundation (8 grants, $416,250) RGK Foundation (9 grants, $550,000) Teacher Quality Grants (5 grants, $498,950) Park City Math Institute partnership (5 grants, $530,000) D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors: 1. 2010 University Distinguished Professor, Texas State University. 2. 2008 Regents Professor, Texas State University System Board of Regents 3. 2007 Siemens Founders Award, Siemens Foundation, NY, Texas Mathworks. 4. 2003 San Marcos CISD Recognition Plaque, Max Warshauer and Mathworks Team. 5. 2001 First Annual Texas Higher Education Star Award, Closing the Gaps, Mathworks. 6. 1994 Presidential Seminar Award, Southwest Texas State University.</p><p>IV. SERVICE A. University: University Orientation Committee, 2006 – 2007 University Honors Committee, 1997 - 2010 University Standards Committee, 2004 – 2007 University Scholarship Committee, School of Science, 2000 - 2006. University Housing Committee, 2005 - 2006. Honors Chair Search Committee, 2003 Sponsor: Texas State Chess Club, 2008 – 2009 Piper Selection Committee – 2010-2012 Dean Evaluation Committee—2015 B. Departmental: Recruitment Committee, 2003 – 2004, 2010-2012 Ph.D. Committee, 2004 – 2007, 2014-present Mathworks Advisory Board Committee, 2001 – present Colloquium Committee, 2007 – present C. Other External reviewer for promotions at State University of New York, Stony Brook and Texas A&M (2012) Co-organizer with Ellen Maycock, American Math Society, for a workshop “How to Run a Math Camp,” Held at the American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, March 6-8, 2013. E. Organizations 1. Professional memberships: American Math Society (AMS) Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Page 5 of 6 PPS 8.10 Form 1A National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)</p><p>Page 6 of 6</p>
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