<p>INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 194</p><p>LAKEVILLE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC HANDBOOK 2014-2015 EDITION</p><p>LAKEVILLE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC DEPARTMENT 21135 Jacquard Avenue South Lakeville, Minnesota 55044</p><p>WHY STUDY MUSIC? MUSIC IS A SCIENCE It is exact, specific, and it demands exact acoustics. A conductor’s score is a chart which indicates frequencies, intensities, volume changes, melody, and harmony all at once and with the most exact control of time.</p><p>MUSIC IS MATHEMATICAL It is rhythmically based on the subdivisions of time into fractions which must be done instantaneously, not worked out on paper.</p><p>MUSIC IS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Most of the terms are in Italian, German, or French, and the notation is certainly not English, but a highly developed kind of shorthand that uses symbols to represent ideas. The semantics of music is the most complete and universal language.</p><p>MUSIC IS HISTORY Music usually reflects the environment and times of its creation, often even the country and or racial feeling.</p><p>MUSIC IS PHYSICAL EDUCATION It requires fantastic coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lips, cheeks, and facial muscles, in addition to extraordinary control of the diaphragm, back, stomach, and chest muscles, which respond instantly to the sound the ear hears, and the mind interprets.</p><p>MUSIC IS ALL THESE THINGS, BUT MOST OF ALL, MUSIC IS ART It allows a human being to take all accumulated knowledge and skill and use it to create emotion. That is one thing science cannot duplicate: humanism, feeling, emotion, call it what you will.</p><p>THAT IS WHY WE TEACH MUSIC Not because we expect you to major in music. Not because we expect you to play or sing all your life. Not so you can relax. Not so you can have fun.</p><p>BUT So you will be more human. So you will recognize beauty. So you will be more sensitive. So you will be closer to an infinity beyond this world. So you will have something to cling to. So you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, and more good. In short, more life! LAKEVILLE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BAND HANDBOOK</p><p>This handbook is designed to familiarize students and parents with the Lakeville South High School Instrumental Music Department. While serving as an overview of the entire program, this “survival guide” also serves as a reference for the policies and practices of the instrumental music program. It is a reference and should be saved and referred to as necessary. In this handbook you will find that there are many opportunities for you to be involved in the band program at LSHS. There is no limit to what you can do in your four years at LSHS if you have the interest and desire. Students and parents are expected to read every word of this handbook, complete the information sheet, sign the last printed page, and return it to their instructor by Monday, September 15. We hope that you will find this year to be exciting, fun and that you experience significant growth as a musician and person through your membership in the band program. If you have any questions pertaining to this handbook or the instrumental music program, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to a musically rewarding year.</p><p>Peggy Maloney 952-232-3359 (Office) [email protected]</p><p>PROGRAM BELIEFS</p><p>In our depersonalizing technological age, the need for aesthetic education is great indeed. Music is a humanizing subject, capable of serving the need for self-expression and self-fulfillment. It is a subject that encourages sensitivity to one’s own feelings and the feelings of others.</p><p>In addition to providing enjoyment through musical experience, the study of an instrument can also help to develop listening skills, positive attitudes, self-reliance, and a greater appreciation of all things aesthetic—that is all things beautiful.</p><p>The focus of the band program at Lakeville South High School is music education, music appreciation, and music performance. We strive to develop the highest possible levels of musical achievement in our students, taking into consideration each individual’s interests, needs and abilities.</p><p>The overriding goal of the band program is to help each student develop skills needed to become a thoughtful, confident, sensitive, and independent musician and person</p><p>OBJECTIVES OF THE BAND PROGRAM</p><p>1. To teach music by its actual performance. 2. To develop performance skills of the various wind and percussion instruments. 3. To provide for the musical needs of the school and community. 4. To develop discrimination with regards to the selection of music. 5. To acquaint students with Music Theory/Music History and how history and music composition relate to students’ current life and musical experiences. 6. To provide all students with the opportunity for worthy use of their time, a means for self- expression, and a healthy social experience. 7. To develop the ability to function as a responsible member of a group, enhance interaction, and a develop Esprit de Corps. 8. To foster leadership skills within each student.</p><p>STUDENT RESPONSIBLITIES TO THE BAND As members of this organization, you have a great deal of responsibility. It is essential to any program that if certain expectations are to be met that they coordinate with the privileges, rewards and duties of the band program.</p><p>TO OURSELVES YOU have the primary responsibility of developing your own abilities. The benefits of a good instrument and private instruction can never be underestimated. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. The staff is always available for your guidance and encouragement—just ask!!!</p><p>TO THE SCHOOL The Lakeville School District provides us with the resources for rehearsals, performances and equipment. The Booster Club also provides a support network, both financially and philosophically. WE have the responsibility to provide the best possible service to our community.</p><p>TO MUSIC Music has always been a part of our culture. We must take what we have and use it for the betterment of that culture. No one expects virtuoso musicians, only your very best. The joy of music is not in everything that is apparent. It must be discovered and created.</p><p>TO EACH OTHER We must always do what is best for the WELFARE of the group. There can be no selfish acts solely for the benefit of the individual, but for all. Respect each other. If there are conflicts, find a way to resolve them. Never insult another’s integrity. </p><p>BAND CURRICULUM IN BRIEF</p><p>Membership in any of the performing ensembles in the Lakeville South High School instrumental music program is open to any student genuinely interested in learning and growing musically. Chair placement in the various ensembles is determined by audition. Complete information is provided by the director well in advance of the audition/assessment date.</p><p>Our performing ensembles serve as a laboratory for student musicians, allowing for the synthesis of individual skills and talents into unified musical expression. While the focus of the ensemble is largely on group expression, members continue to develop individual musicianship through daily attention to the fundamentals of music and music making.</p><p>The following is a listing of the curricular ensembles included in the Lakeville South High School Instrumental Music Program: Core Curricular Ensembles:</p><p>Concert Band Concert Band is primarily made up of freshmen (some upper classmen may be placed in this group due to scheduling conflicts). This ensemble rehearses daily, and performs a concert each term. In addition to furthering technical facility as individual musicians, great emphasis is placed on creating a unified musical expression by the entire ensemble. A variety of repertoire will be explored, in addition to relevant theoretical and historical concepts and information. Attendance at a limited number of rehearsals and performances outside the school day is expected of all members. Chair placement and part assignments in each section are determined by playing assessments held at the beginning of each term. Students are encouraged to do a chair challenge if they are interested in playing a more challenging part. Concert Band is open to any student with previous instrumental music experience. Members will be responsible for obtaining proper concert attire. All members of Concert Band will function as the LSHS Marching Band during the fall football season (approx. 8 weeks) and LSHS Pep Band during quarters 2 & 3.</p><p>Symphonic Band Symphonic Band is comprised of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. This ensemble rehearses daily, and performs a concert each term. In addition to furthering technical facility as individual musicians, great emphasis is placed on creating a unified musical expression by the entire ensemble. A variety of repertoire will be explored, in addition to relevant theoretical and historical concepts and information. Attendance at a limited number of rehearsals and performances outside the school day is expected of all members. In addition, members will be responsible for obtaining proper concert attire. All members of Symphonic Band will function as the LSHS Marching Band during the fall football season (approx. 8 weeks) and LSHS Pep Band during quarters 2 & 3.</p><p>Wind Ensemble The Wind Ensemble is open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors who successfully complete the audition process each spring. This ensemble rehearses daily, and performs a concert each term. In addition to furthering technical facility as individual musicians, great emphasis is placed on creating a unified musical expression by the entire ensemble. A variety of repertoire will be explored, in addition to relevant theoretical and historical concepts and information. Attendance at a limited number of rehearsals and performances outside the school day is expected of all members. Seating and part assignments are done on a rotation within each section. Players are expected to play a variety of parts during each concert. All members of Wind Ensemble will function as the LSHS Marching Band during the fall football season (approx. 8 weeks) and LSHS Pep Band during quarters 2 & 3.</p><p>Co-Curricular Ensembles: Jazz Ensemble(s) Open to all students by audition. Instrumentation will be limited to sax, trumpet, trombone and rhythm section. If interest warrants, a second jazz ensemble may be formed to meet student demand. These groups will meet outside the school day.</p><p>Marching Band Membership consists of 9-12th grade students enrolled in LSHS Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. Attendance at a limited number of rehearsals and performances outside the school day is expected of all members during the fall quarter (a schedule will be provided during the first day of class). The marching band is active during the first quarter and performs at home football games and may perform at a limited number of select off campus events. All LSHS Band members function as the fall Marching Band.</p><p>Summer Marching Band Membership in summer marching band is open to any current LSHS band member and incoming ninth grade band members. Registration materials are distributed each spring and sent to each middle school. The summer marching band typically rehearses on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 am-12:00 pm and performs at 4-6 local parades. Drumline: Open to all interested percussionists with various performances throughout the school year mostly during the summer and terms 1, 2 & 3. Placement auditions occur in the spring. This group rehearses outside the school day.</p><p>Athletic (Pep) Band Athletic Band performs at selected athletic events during terms 2 and 3. All band members will perform at a limited amount number of performances outside the school day. This group will perform at tournament games beginning with section final games and through state finals. A schedule will be provided to the students during the first day of class.</p><p>Percussion Ensemble Open to all interested percussionists. Rehearsals will begin during second term and continue through the Spring Percussion Ensemble concert. This ensemble will rehearse during the school day and possible additional after school rehearsals as needed.</p><p>Chamber Ensembles Starting second term, chamber ensembles may be formed. All band members will be encouraged to perform in a chamber ensemble. Possible groups would be Woodwind Quintet, Brass Quintet, Saxophone Choir, Horn Ensemble, Trombone Quartet/Choir, Brass Choir, Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir, as well as, additional small groups. There will be opportunities to perform in the community and at Solo/Ensemble contest in January.</p><p>Pit Orchestra Open to students interested in performing for our LSHS musical productions. A rehearsal and production schedule will be made available to all interested students in advance of the audition date. Private Instruction If you have the desire to become an outstanding musician, give serious consideration to studying privately with someone who is a specialist on your instrument. We know many professional musicians (some who even come to LSHS) who offer one-on-one instruction. As one might expect, private lessons on a musical instrument are the best way to improve performance skills. The one-on-one approach allows the student to benefit from the individual attention as opposed to a teacher monitoring a class of over fifty. Students are generally more inclined to practice diligently for a weekly music assignment and this discipline increases the student’s enjoyment with their instrument</p><p>These professionals can help you with: Improving your tone Expanding your playing range Increasing technique Selecting the correct instrument, mouthpiece, or making/adjusting your own reeds Preparing for college auditions and scholarships Finding scholarships and more.</p><p>MMEA All State Band All 9, 10, and 11 grade band members are eligible to audition for the Minnesota Music Education Associations All State Band. Auditions are held in March 2015. Those invited to participate will spend a week this summer rehearsing in preparation for their performance at Orchestra Hall during the MMEA State Convention in February 2016.</p><p>Honor Bands All students 9-12 are eligible to audition for various state and local honor bands in Minnesota and Iowa. These honor bands include, but are not limited to, Dorian Band Festival, Concordia-Moorhead Honor Band, University of Minnesota Honor Band, St Thomas Honor Band, and the regional and state MBDA Honor Bands. Usually these honor bands are over the course of a weekend and can give the student a great musical experience as well as shed some light on possible post-secondary school options. These honor bands will be made known as they are advertised.</p><p>COURSE EXPECTATIONS</p><p>Rehearsals Rehearsal time is a tremendously important time for learning about group musical expression. The atmosphere in a rehearsal directly impacts the quality of learning. Therefore, it is crucial that an atmosphere which is “conducive to learning” is maintained at all times. Anything which serves to disrupt an atmosphere conducive to learning shall not be tolerated. The director shall be the final authority in deciding what is and is not disruptive. Gross disregard for maintaining a learning atmosphere shall result in removal from the rehearsal setting. At this point, it becomes the student’s responsibility to arrange a meeting with the director to discuss the removal. Only after such a meeting will the student be allowed to rehearse with the ensemble. Each student is expected to be attentive and make an honest attempt to improve during each rehearsal. Preparation is essential to maximize learning, and therefore, each student is also responsible for the maintenance of his or her part prior to rehearsal. In such a fashion, rehearsals can be an enjoyable time of realizing musical potential.</p><p>Grades</p><p>Students who participate in band at Lakeville South High School receive an academic credit and a letter grade on their report card. Like any other course at LSHS, the credit you earn in band applies towards your graduation credit requirement, class rank, grade point average, and college admission. Grades for band are given quarterly and are based on each student’s effort and progress in the following areas: 1. Playing skill and skill mastery 2. Writing and playing assignments 3. Quizzes, tests and examinations 4. Classroom behavior and conduct 5. Performances</p><p>Classroom Supplies Each student should have the following items in class every day: A sharpened pencil Your instrument (sticks and mallets) Your music and folder At least three working reeds (clarinets and saxophones), mutes, valve oil (brass)</p><p>Percussion Accessories Each percussionist should have the following materials: One pair of general concert snare sticks (Vic Firth or Innovative Percussion) One pair of general or staccato timpani mallets (Vic Firth or Innovative Percussion) One pair of rubber xylophone mallets (Musser or Mike Balter or Innovative Percussion) One pair of medium yarn marimba mallets (Innovative Percussion or Encore) Metronome A stick bag</p><p>Minnesota State High School League Eligibility Forms You have the right to an environment free from harmful substances. You have a responsibility to abide by the rules of the Minnesota State High School League and ISD 194 concerning the possession and use of tobacco and mood-altering chemicals. MSHSL penalties, as they affect public performance, will be applied in cases of infractions of league rules regarding use of tobacco, alcohol and other substances.</p><p>PERFORMANCE RULES AND PROCEDURES</p><p> Shoes and socks must be worn at all outside practices. Gum, food or drinks are not permitted in the band room. Be in your seat, warmed up, and ready to begin on time. Respect authority and others, including their personal property. All MSHSL and District 194 rules are in force during any band activity. If you share a folder and are absent, make sure it gets to school. Students may practice in the fine arts area before school, during lunch and after school.</p><p>Seating Arrangements/Challenges In order to determine seating arrangements for band, students may be asked to prepare an audition. This audition will include prepared material, scales, and sight-reading. The director will evaluate each student’s performance and seat the band according to ability. Upon completion of the seating arrangement, students will be allowed to challenge for a higher chair. Challenges may not occur during the two weeks immediately preceding a major performance. From time to time, due to the demands of the music being performed, a student may be asked to play a different part for the good of the ensemble. Seating arrangements have no bearing on a student’s grade.</p><p>Concert Attire As performers our goal is to produce a unified body of sound without creating attention to individual instrumentalists. This rule also pertains to the ensembles appearance. We must all look like one unified ensemble.</p><p>Concert Band: Women – White long sleeve blouse, black (below the knee) skirt or slacks, Black dress shoes.</p><p>Men – White long sleeve shirt, black dress slacks, black shoes & socks.</p><p>Symphonic Band: Women—White tuxedo shirt, black bow tie (sources will be provided during the first week of class) and black (below the knee) skirt/pants, nylons and shoes. There are no exceptions. Men—White tuxedo shirt, black bow tie (sources will be provided during the first week of class), black pants, socks and shoes. There are no exceptions.</p><p>Wind Ensemble: Women—Black dress provided by school. Black shoes.</p><p>Men— School-owned tux coat. Tux shirt, black bow tie, black pants, socks and shoes. </p><p>Fees Students who use school-owned instruments will be assessed a rental fee as determined by ISD 194 school board policy. Students who switch instruments to improve the instrumentation of our ensembles will have that fee waived. </p><p>Instrument Repair Repairs should receive immediate attention whenever they arise. Students should consult the directors for a diagnosis of the problem. Small repairs and adjustments can often be made at no cost to the student. There are a variety of reputable repair companies in the metro area—several who call weekly on the school. Awards and Recognition In an attempt to recognize the members of our various ensembles, the following system of recognition has been established. These awards are presented during May of each school year. A description of each award follows:</p><p>John Philip Sousa Award- presented to a senior band member meeting the qualifications established by the Sousa Foundation. Louis Armstrong Jazz Award -presented to a jazz ensemble member who has promoted the LSHS Jazz Program through leadership and musicianship. LSHS Band Letter or Achievement Certificate-determined by participation in ensembles and service to the LSHS band program. For further information, refer to the Lettering Policy section of this handbook. Traveling Traveling to performances outside our local community is a privilege which all members may enjoy. It is not a privilege to be abused. A student will not be permitted to travel with an ensemble if rehearsal and performance discipline at school is unworthy. The director’s decision shall be final in such a situation. If the ensemble is traveling by school bus, standard school bus regulations are in effect. As always, behavior should reflect positively on Lakeville South High School. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.</p><p>State Tournament Policy If we host a section playoff game, we will ask for volunteers to play. Our policy is to play for all section final games. If any team advances to state, we will play at all state games. We will not play for consolation games. Section game dates and times will be distributed as soon as brackets are posted on the MSHSL website.</p><p>Conflicts A written course outline and syllabus will be made available to each student during the first week of each semester. It will contain a list of activities and assignments to be completed by the student. One important course outcome and expectation is public performance. It is what ensembles do, and we want to do it well. Members of the Lakeville South band program are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances. In rare instances (personal illness or death of an immediate family member) attendance will not be possible. In order to plan and prepare for our public appearances it is critical that we know who will be in attendance. If we know in advance, we can almost always work around it. Unplanned or unannounced absences cause problems that seriously effect how our young adults sound, look, and feel about their performance. I expect to be informed as soon as possible of any potential absence. Students should utilize their planner and be aware of all band dates well ahead of schedule. Work is not an excuse for missing any band activity. Students who do not attend a performance are not fulfilling a major course requirement, and will be given an incomplete and earn no credit until the student obtains a satisfactory number of substitute performance experiences. This may include the preparation of a solo and performing it for an audience at a senior citizen center, school board meeting, PTO or faculty meeting. Other make up assignments may be given.</p><p>MARCHING/PEP BAND POLICIES AND PROCEDURES:</p><p>Etiquette in the Stands Good bands look organized at all times. When you have class IT SHOWS—when you don’t, IT SHOUTS! You are to have your own flip folder, lyre and appropriate music in the stands. Be Alert!!! Watch the game as things can happen quickly, especially at football games. Be prepared to play the school song after each touchdown. Please do not play your instrument unless the entire band is playing. All students will sit together by sections in the stands. Do not invite your friends to sit with you in the stands, or visit with you while there. Watch your instrument to avoid damage, and only handle your own instrument. Stay in your “uniform” at all times. Never leave the stands without permission. Remember that you are on display every moment you are in uniform—stands included.</p><p>Third Quarter Break At football games, the third quarter may be used by students to use restrooms, visit the concession stand, and visit with others at the game. Because members remain in uniform during the break and therefore still represent Lakeville South High School, behavior is to be of the highest caliber. This is not an appropriate time for any inappropriate or unprofessional behavior. Inappropriate behavior by one person reflects poorly on all. All students are expected to be back in their appropriate seat at the conclusion of the third quarter ready to play. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: Students should always be at the assigned location at check-in time. The staff will make decisions prior to the start of an event. In some cases we may wait for weather to clear.</p><p>Cold: If the air temperature or wind chill is below 40 degrees we will not perform. Students should report, staff will decide at the site.</p><p>Heat: Heat Index up to 94 March in full uniform. Heat Index 95-101 March in full uniform, chaperones will “water & ice” during parade. Heat Index 102-105 March without coat, hat or gloves, chaperones will “water & ice” during parade. Heat Index 106-109 March in shorts, t-shirts & sneakers, chaperones will “water & ice” during parade. Heat Index 110+ We will not march.</p><p>Rain/Lightning: Staff will make the determination at site.</p><p>Severe Weather Alerts: Staff will determine the course of action on a case-by-case basis. Letter of Mutual Consent</p><p>In order to save paper and to make sure that the handbook is accessible to you, I have placed it on our LSHS school band website . Please check the website from time to time for important information on concert performances, fundraisers, etc. If you do not have access to the internet, please notate that on the form below and I will send a paper copy home with your student. </p><p>I am asking for your email address because I will send much of our correspondence via email this year. If you don’t have an email address that you check often, please notate that and I will send a paper copy of all correspondence home with your student. </p><p>Please return this form by Monday, September 15h. Information about the LSHS Booster club will be available at LSHS open house. Please consider becoming a part of the LSHS Booster Club. ------I do NOT have internet access and would like a paper copy of the handbook and all other correspondence sent home with my student.</p><p>Signatures: I, the undersigned student, accept membership in the Lakeville South High School Band and understand that I am responsible for all policies set forth in this handbook. I fully agree to carry out my responsibilities to the very best of my ability.</p><p>______Student Signature Date</p><p>______Student email Student phone</p><p>I have read and understand the policies set as set forth in the Band Handbook. I also grant full permission for my child to be an active member of the Lakeville South High School Band. In addition, my child has full permission to attend all band functions.</p><p>______Parent Signature Date</p><p>______Parent email Instrument</p><p>______Make/Model Serial Number</p>
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