Annual Quality Assurance Report (Aqar) 2008-09

Annual Quality Assurance Report (Aqar) 2008-09

<p> ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT (AQAR) 2008-09 OF THE IQAC</p><p>[All accredited institutions shall submit the AQAR to the NAAC by the end of every academic year with emphasis on the following key result areas] Name of the Institution Year of Report ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY, KARAIKUDI, 2008-09 TAMIL NADU, INDIA- 630 003 (Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by the NAAC) PART - A PLAN AND OUTCOME The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year.</p><p>Plan of Action: The Plan of action aims to attain the goal of the University as enunciated in its motto, “Excellence in Action”. The IQAC reiterates that the University keeps before it the vision of excellence in all spheres of education, aptly captured in the acronym, ‘PEARL’- standing for ‘Pedagogy, Extension, Administration, Research & Learning’.</p><p>The University is committed to provide a High Quality Higher Education to the people of this region so that the human resources are groomed well and could be put to best use in uplift of the nation to Educational, Social, Technological, Environmental and Economic Magnificence (ESTEEM).</p><p>The IQAC worked out plans for the University, for the Academic Year 2008-09. S.No. Plan of Actions – Details</p><p>1 Upscale faculty strength, by about 50, creating new positions and filling up of vacant positions 2 Induce accelerated project-culture among the faculty so that funded research programs take a spirited growth 3 Enhance building infrastructure with new buildings for faculty departments, hostels, laboratories, parks, crèche, offices and so on 4 Equip laboratories with modern equipment to make the University on par with advanced Research Institutes in the country 5 Step up security arrangements for the safety of University Property including pursuing of legal cases against those who have encroached into unfenced University lands 6 Reengineer administrative tasks to increase speed and enhance accountability. 7 Get the University prepared to present itself for assessment of its performance during X Plan and its Requirement for XI plan by the UGC 8 Create the Positions of Dean for Research and Dean for Industry & Consultancy to give a fillip to quality thrust in research and consultancy activities. 9 Thrust quality culture in the affiliated colleges with improved and uniform curriculum under CBCS pattern </p><p>1 10 Get the approval of the Distance Education Council for the benefit of all stakeholders 11 Gear up the Extra-curricular activities during the Birth Centenary Year of the University to reach greater and wider coverage 12 To ensure that the Stamp of Quality- Fineness, Attentiveness, Suppleness and Thoroughness (FAST), is made default in every sphere of activity.</p><p>Outcome of Actions: The outcome depicts the achievements of the University in tandem with the plan of Action and influences the future of the University. The University is made Educationally, Socially, Technologically, Environmentally and Economically Magnificent (ESTEEM) institution.</p><p>The IQAC feels happy to report the achievements, of the University, as follows, for the Academic Year 2008-09.</p><p>Sl. No. Outcome of Planned Actions – Details Details Units 2007-08 2008-09 Change Faculty Strength Numbers 102 145 43 Non-Teaching Staff Members Numbers 201 203 2 Student Strength (Dept. only) Numbers 1497 1543 46 Projects Numbers 36 43 7 Degrees Awarded (All Streams) Numbers 21774 34683 12909 Question Papers set Numbers 6508 6858 350 Growth Computers bought Numbers 35 140 105 Air Conditioners Bought Numbers 5 45 40 Programs Offered Numbers 185 223 38 Papers Published/Presented Numbers 275 585 310 Books/Course Materials Numbers 24 56 32 Ntl. Seminars/Workshops Held Numbers 58 85 27 Syndicate/ FC/. SSC Meetings Numbers 32 56 24 University Revenue (Gen. Rs. Crs. 7.72 7.81 0.09 Fund) Net Revenue from DDE Rs. Crs. 25.28 32.83 7.55 Finances University Expenses Rs. Crs. 10.79 13.42 2.63 Equipments each > Rs.5 lakhs Rs. Crs. 1.94 1.39 -0.55 Scholarship Amount Disbursed Rs. Crs. 0.46 0.77 0.31 Projects Rs. Crs. 6.54 6.71 0.17 Centralized Tapal section to have speedy response, Centralized Remittance (Demand Draft) Handling section for quick realization of proceeds, Special Legal Cell with Legal Adviser to handle legal issues pertaining to property, administrative and other legal issues, Centralized Adminis- Records section to preserve and quick retrieval of record, Right to trative Information cell for timely dealing with queries, Purchase Section to deal Initiatives with centralized purchases and Meeting Section to look after meetings of Senate, Syndicate, Standing committee on Academic Affairs are created. New positions like Dean (Research), Dean (Industry and Consultancy), etc created. Cell for University-Industry Interaction created.</p><p>2 Faculty 43 new faculty members were inducted into and given orientation. 24 joined Induction the regular stream and 19 joined the directorate of distance Education. & Faculty members are given merit based promotions as per the UGC norms. Promotion 12 faculty members benefited. First time, all-India level Entrance Exam for admission to select Ph.D scholars held. Research Ph.D Pre-registration is streamlined to ensure quality proposals in the first Quality place. Periodic presentations for quality assessment strengthened. Entrance Exam for M.Phil students conducted in selected departments held. Alagappa University Research Fund (AURF) to provide support to faculty members to take up projects created with a corpus of Rs. 500 lakhs For about 25- 40 faculty upto Rs. 1 lakh each is to be given for research project every year from 2009 onwards. Projects For Overseas Joint Research Programs 3-5 faculty each year to be given with funds to the tune of Rs. 5-25 lakhs each. AURF Faculty members are encouraged to tap opportunities for joint project/research. The University is also committed to partly fund such initiatives with an annual allocation of Rs. 25 lakhs for the purpose. MOU with foreign and national institutions are encouraged. Faculty members permitted to go for Project Presentations, Overseas short- duration projects, conferences and invited lectures, etc. Five International Colloquia, Conferences and Seminars were organized by different Schools of learning bringing intellectual confluence to enhance, enlighten and enrich knowledge quotient ascendance and to provide Extension stimulus for learning through interactive activities reaping the benefit of synergy. Over 80 conferences held during the year, of which 5 are international with the amount spent for the seminars amounting to about Rs. 75 lakhs Experts from, USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, Canada, France, Muscat and Malaysia, and almost every part of India addressed and presented papers. Foreign delegates who attended the seminars/guest lectures ran to about 50, of whom about 30 were Westerners. The Vice-Chancellor’s visit to China during March 2009 is facilitating the fructifying of some MOU with Chinese Universities. Net- At least 12 Vice-chancellors (present and past) participated in University working Campus activities sharing rich thoughts on planning, administration and scientific and management pursuits. Faculty members have established more global/national linkages for sourcing collaborative opportunities for joint research, Post-doctoral fellowships and overseas placements for students/scholars and so on. Curriculum As per directions of the TANSCHE uniform curriculum under CBCS and pattern for the affiliated colleges introduced from 2008-09 onwards Extension Students’ Participation in Seminars/Conferences given thrust In all about 12,000 participants (some repeated) benefited. There resulted more interactive discourses with active student participation as well. Cultural fete was also given great fillip with reputed artists giving performances. Students also contributed richly to the cultural events.</p><p>3 Alumni meets were organized periodically. AIBA Meet and AIMA meets were quite grand. During 2008-09 plans to add about 200,000 sq. ft built area were afoot, of which about 20% is already accomplished. First floor of the Examination Wing, First floor of Physical Education College Men’s Hostel, First floor of Tamil Department, Upholstery for the Convocation auditorium, and exclusive Building for Education Department Space costing about Rs. 8 crores, were dedicated. Infra- Expediting the completion of the Building for Ramanujan Centre for Higher structure Mathematics University’s plans to construct a New Science Block at a cost of Rs. 14 crores. Tenders are received. Besides addition of 2 floor to the office of the Controller, 1 floor to the Guest House, 1 floor to the Management Block etc are sanctioned. The labs of the Science Departments and Computer labs of all Departments are equipped fully with latest equipment to ensure that the University is on par with her counterparts in big cities. About 140 computers were bought in 2008-09 alone. Also 45 split ACs were installed. About Rs. 4 crore worth of Lab lab equipments are in the different Departments. Orders are placed for Infra- purchasing special class equipments like Laser Scanning Confocal structure Microscope (LSM 710) and Real Time –PCR (ABI Bio Systems), costing close to Rs. 2 crores. Further sum of Rs. 6 crores is to be committed to equip our labs and buildings with state-of-art modern scientific and research equipment. Right now the university can boast of some unique equipment. New programs of studies in Animal Health & Management, Nano-science New and Nano-technology, Bio-Electronics and Bio-Sensors, Bio-informatics, Programs PG Diploma in Teacher Education, Post M.Sc studies in Bio-tech arena, etc are newly added. Alagappa Centenary Excellence (ACE) Awards are instituted for ACE outstanding contribution to Pure And Applied Sciences (PAAS) and in Award Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) with citation for and prize money of Rs. 1 lakh each. Beginning on 6th April 2008, the year long Centenary Celebrations reverberated the pleasant memories of the Illustrious founder. The Centenary Celebrations of the Illustrious founder, Vallal, Padma Bhushan Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar came to a grand finale on 6th April 2009. Many developmental activities are undertaken, some finished, some Founder’s continuing and a few to be begun very soon. Buildings, Awards and Chairs Birth instituted. Centenary The vernacular book on the Vallal ‘Alagappa’ written by Prof. Ayykkan Cele- and released on 6th April 2008 was translated into English by Prof. brations K.Chellappan and released on 6th April 2009. All the Staff members were honoured with a memento, a Pair of ‘Wrist Watches’ in memory of the Vallal. ACE Award – HASS and PAAS, Alagappa University Research Fellowships, etc to be offered from 2009 onwards. A Centenary Arch is to be built soon.</p><p>4 The UGC Peer team visited the University during 11-14th August, 2008 to assess the performance of the University during the X Plan and vet the Requirements of the University for XI Plan. Requirements for Rs. 245 cores presented. Facility-wise Financial Requirements for XI Plan</p><p>S.No. Head of Items Amount (Rs. Lakhs) Total % Non- Recurring for 5 Share Recurring for 5 Years of for 5 years Years (Rs. each 1 Buildings 4724.9 160.0 4884.9 19.9 2 General Campus UGC XI 850.2 113.5 963.7 3.9 Devt. Plan Visit 3 Staff 0.0 6695.5 6695.5 27.3 4 Books and Journals 65.5 1778.0 1843.5 7.5 5 Equipment 5289.1 75.0 5364.1 21.9 6 Research Activities 1117.0 1412.0 2529.0 10.3 7 Extension Activities 243.5 1185.5 1429.0 5.8 8 ICT 400.0 0.0 400.0 1.7 9 Schemes 400.0 0.0 400.0 1.7 Total 13090.2 11419.5 24509.7 100</p><p>DEC The Distance Education Council has approved the programs from 2008-09, Approval pending its visit to the University later for assessing ex-post approval of for DDE programs offered since inception of the directorate. Programs Attitude, Behaviour, Capacity and Dedication (ABCD) are perhaps the tools ABCD > to ensure that the Stamp of Quality- Fineness, Attentiveness, Suppleness FAST > and Thoroughness (FAST) is achieved. This ‘ABCD’ is made default in ESTEEM every sphere of activity so that the quality ‘FAST’ flowed naturally leading to the realization of super-ordinate goal, ‘ESTEEM’.</p><p>PART B</p><p>1. Activities Reflecting the Goals and Objective of the Institution</p><p>To ensure that high quality higher education is imparted and superior knowledge is disseminated in an excellent manner, all the three major activities of University education, namely Academic programs, research projects and extension activities must be carried out extensively and intensively reflecting the nuances and needs of the society. Alagappa University does this well.</p><p>5 1.1 ACADEMIC ENTITIES and their ACHIEVEMENTS Significant Academic Achievements of the academic entities are touched upon. f o</p><p>Sl.No. . o N s</p><p>Faculty School Departments/Constituent Colleges/Centres m a r g o r P 1. Mathematics 01 3 1. Mathematics 2. Ramanujan Centre for Higher Mathematics 02 - 1. Physics 03 3 2. Physics 2. Crystal Growth Research Centre 04 - 3. Instrumentation Maintenance Centre 05 - 1. Computer Science and Engineering 06 6 3. Computer Science 2. Computer Centre 07 - 4. Chemistry 1.Chemistry 08 4 5. Marine Sciences 1. Oceanography and Coastal Area studies 09 3 I. Science 1. Biotechnology 10 3 6. Biotechnology 2. Bio-informatics 11 3 3.Biosensors and Bio-electronics 12 3 7. Nano Science & 1. Nano Science and Technology 13 3 Technology 2. Centre for Nano Science 14 - 8. Animal Health and 15 3 1. Animal Health and Management Management 9. Library and 1.Library and Information Science 16 5 Information Science 1. Tamil 17 3 10. Language Studies 2. English & Foreign Languages 18 2 II. Arts 1. Women’s Studies 19 4 11. Women’s Studies 2. Centre for Women’s Studies 20 - 12. Rural Studies 1 Centre for Rural Development 21 - 1. Education 22 3 2. College of Education 23 1 3. Centre for Adult and Continuing Education 24 - 13. Education 4. Centre for Gandhian studies 25 - III. Education 5.Centre for Nehru Studies 26 - 6. Crèche Centre 27 - 7. Centre for Curriculum Development (CCD) 28 - 14. Physical Education 1. Physical Education and Health Science 29 2 2. College of Physical Education 30 4 1. Commerce and International Business 31 6 IV. 15. Business 2. Corporate Secretaryship 32 3 Management Management 3. Bank Management 33 3 4. Alagappa Institute of Management 34 3 Total Number of Programs offered by the University Departments/CCs/Centres --- 73</p><p> i. Faculty - Schools of Learning - Departments/Constituent Colleges/ Centres- The 4 Faculties of the University split in turn into 15 Schools of Learning branching out into 34 odd Departments/Constituent Colleges/Centres have done exceedingly well on most parameters.</p><p>Novelties: There are 34 Departments/Centres/Constituent Colleges in the regular wing of the University. Of these, 4 entities, namely Bio-informatics, Biosensors and Bio- electronics, Nano Science and Technology & Animal Health and Management, were quite young ones that started their academic programs only during the academic year, 2008-09.</p><p>6 Industrial visits: Students are taken by most Departments to industrial units in Chennai, Coimbatore and in & around other metros, Research Labs of repute like the Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi and those in and around Chennai. Students are given intensive training to take up competitive examinations and to earn additional qualifications. </p><p>BTISnet program: The DBT, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India is funding the establishment of Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) for the promotion of Biology Teaching through Bioinformatics (BTBI) at Alagappa University, Karaikudi under the Biotechnology Information Network (BTISnet) program. </p><p>Identified Non-SAP Departments: UGC has been supporting the Department of Biotechnology, Alagappa University, as an identified Non-SAP Department by sanctioning Rs. 10 lakhs for the year 2008 – 09, and further Rs. 12.60 lakhs for a period of 5 years for providing Research Fellowships to Meritorious Students. ii. Over 220 Programs of Studies and Research</p><p>During 2008-09, in all, 223 programs are offered by the University through its diverse limbs. The University Departments offer 73 programs consisting of, 26 Ph.D programs under both full-time and part-time streams, 16 M.Phil programs under full time, 26 PG programs under regular and week-end streams, and 5 UG, Diploma and Certificate programs. The Affiliated Colleges offer 54 programs. Directorate of Distance Education offers 52 programs and Directorate of Collaborative Programs offers 44 programs. </p><p>The University Departments offer Post-graduate, M.Phil and Ph.D Programs of Studies in Bio-technology, Business Administration, Bank Management, Commerce, Computer Science and Engineering, Corporate Secretaryship, Education, English and Foreign Languages, Industrial Chemistry, International Business and e-Commerce, Library and Information Science, Mathematics, Oceanography and Coastal Area Studies, Physics and Crystal Research, Physical Education, Tamil and Women’s Studies. Undergraduate and Certificate programs are also offered in the Education and Physical Education streams. </p><p>New Programs: From the Academic Year 2008-09 Post-graduate, M.Phil and Ph.D Programs of Studies in Animal Health and Management, Bio-Electronics and Bio- Sensors, Bio-Informatics and Nano Science and Nano Technology are also offered. The School of Marine biology offers programs on Marine Microbial Technology and Marine Biology and Ocean related consultant activities. </p><p>In all the University offers 73 programs consisting of, inter-alia, 24 PG, 19 M.Phil and 21 Ph.D, through its different Schools. iii. College Development Council</p><p>The College Development Council, the link between the University and the Affiliated institutions is taking efforts for (i) introduction of curricular reforms and development, (ii) conversion of Syllabi into CBCS format, (iii) enhancing the quality of higher education through ‘Academic Audit’ of Colleges, (iv) propagating the project culture amongst the College Administration and Faculty, and so on. The CDC encourages the Colleges to</p><p>7 enhance them to become ‘Colleges with Potential for Excellence’ by applying to the UGC. Many colleges have got more UGC fund allocation under the guidance and support from the CDC. iv. Affiliated Colleges</p><p>28 Arts and Science Colleges, comprising 7 Government Colleges, 6 Aided Colleges, 10 Self-financing Colleges under Private Management and 4 Evening Colleges under Alagappa University Management and 1 Arabic College also under Private Management are affiliating institutions, offering under-graduate, post-graduate and research programs in Science, Arts and Business Studies.. In all 59 programs, comprising 40 UG, 15 PG and 4 Research programs are offered by the affiliated colleges. The affiliated colleges are showing good progress, including deputing of teachers on FIP to enable them acquire research degrees, faculty members getting recognition as guides for doctoral works and the Institutions getting sumptuous fund allocation from the UGC. Quite a number of them are going for permanent affiliation, additional batches, additional shifts, new programs of studies, etc. there is dynamism in the academic and research pursuits. v. Evening Colleges</p><p>Alagappa University started two more evening colleges, one each at Rameswaram and Ramanathapuram during 2008-09. Thus four Evening Colleges function under the direct administrative management of Alagappa University counting those at Paramakkudi and Thondi. They cater to the rural youth who could not afford day-college studies or not interested in pursuing their studies in the day-colleges. There is great social gain, evidenced by then steep rise in enrolment of over 200% in the last 5 years in these colleges which offer 8 UG, 1 PGDCA., and 5 PG programs. The University feels its social responsibility is fulfilled immensely through this mode of opportunity being tailored to the needs of the most common sections of the society. vi. Choice Based Credit System with Uniform Syllabi</p><p>The University Departments follow CBCS for long time. In 2008-09 programs of studies and research of the Affiliated Colleges were designed or re-designed under CBCS with uniform syllabi fully as per the suggestions of the TANCHE from the Academic year 2008-09. As needed by the TANSCHE, Skill oriented courses, value-education oriented courses and the like are made part of the curriculum so that the graduates become performing assets. vii. Distance Education Programs</p><p>The Directorate of Distance Education has come of age emerging as the 3rd largest institution offering 57 programs. It is doing yeomen service by taking opportunities for education to the door steps of people, young and old, not only in the nook and corner of the nation, but also overseas. The number of students on the roll is crossing 1.1 lakhs in 2008-09. The DEC approval of the programs from 2008-09 is obtained and efforts to get post-facto approval for programs offered earlier by the DDE are on. The University has a vast Network of 192 Study Centres including those abroad in Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Dubai, Kingdom of Bahrain, Qatar and United States of America. </p><p>8 Further, the DDE is giving thrust for e-learning and is to launch all courses in the general MBA under the e-mode soon, by next academic year. 7 new programs namely, (i) M.Sc. Physics; (ii) M.Sc. Chemistry; (iii) M.Sc. (Botany with Specialization on Plant Biotechnology); (iv) M.B.A. (Human Resource Management); (v) P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management; (vi) P.G. Diploma in Library and Networking and (vii) Certificate Course in Library and Information Science are launched. The DDE academic faculty strength increased to 22 by the addition of 19 new faculty members comprising 1 Professor, 3 Readers and 15 Lecturers. It is taking efforts to offer the widely demanded B.Ed program through the DDE by next academic year or so.</p><p>The DDE has initiated many initiatives for the development of the DDE and for the benefit of the learners. The measures are as follows: i. Grievance Redressal Committee </p><p> ii Provision of Prompt Communication Service .</p><p> ii Introduction of Proper Inventory System i.</p><p> i Introduction of E-Learning Facility v .</p><p> v DEC approval for 2008- 09 .</p><p> v Speedy Clearance of Demand Drafts i.</p><p> v Separate Store Building ii .</p><p> v Website uploading of results and past question papers ii i. viii. Collaborative Programs</p><p>44 programs, comprising of 12 Certificate, 9 Diploma, 10 UG, 9 P.G Diploma and 4 PG are offered through Collaborative mode as tabled below. These are Need based and Skill oriented academic programs offered in collaboration with some of the private professional institutions who are specialists in the specialization of Catering and Hotel Management, Fine Arts, Textile Designing, Paramedical Sciences, Nautical and Aeronautical Sciences, Biotechnology, etc. Some of the Fine Arts programs are offered in USA and Malaysia. through our collaborating institutions. B.Sc., (Fashion Design), B.Sc., (Interior Design) and MBA (Airlines & Airport Management) programs are freshly introduced during the academic year 2008-09. Together with existing 37 collaborating institutions spread</p><p>9 throughout the nation and abroad, 6 more institutions have freshly joined during 2008-09, taking the strength to 43.</p><p> ix. Pedagogical Enhancement & Synergy It is a must that learners are effectively taught so that there is knowledge transfer and skill upgradation. To ensure this, progressive use of IT in knowledge dissemination is followed. Every department is provided with at least one LCD facility so that PPT presentation is encouraged. The language lab is another novelty to make leaning always hands-on. Departments can achieve better knowledge transfer effect if almost common- syllabi courses are converted into fully common syllabi so that resources (space, equipment, talents, etc) can be pooled and synergetic use of the same is possible. The Faculty of Management has done this by making the syllabi of 80 to 90% of the First year of all MBA programs common, from 2008-09. </p><p> x. Foreign Visits by VC and Faculty S. Name of Outbound Country Purpose of Visit Period No. Visitor /Institution Visited 1 Prof. P.Ramasamy, Republic of Promotion of Indian 22-28th Vice Chancellor China Higher Education March, Abroad. 2009 2 Dr. C. Sanjeeviraja Kyungpook Korea May– June National 2008 University 3 Dr.R.Sivakumar Tokyo university Annual Meeting Ceramic 16-18th March, of Science and Society of Japan, 2009 2009 Tech. 4 Dr.A. Colombo, Sri International Conference 17-20, Dec. Narayanamoorthy Lanka 2008 5 Dr.P.Vaseeharan Collaborative Taiwan May-June 2009 Project </p><p>1. 2. RESEARCH & CONSULTANCY ACHIEVEMENTS</p><p>Potentials cannot remain silent. Those will find expression always. The faculty members have got many projects funded by a diversity of central funding bodies like the DBT, DST, UGC, etc. research programs. Departments are encouraged to collaborate and raise funds for research. </p><p> i. Funded Projects</p><p>47 projects at a cost of Rs. 700.86 lakhs were handled by the faculty during 2008-09. Out of these projects, 37 were handled by Science Faculty worth Rs. 624.84, with average project cost of Rs. 16.86 lakhs, 2 handled by Management faculty with an average cost of Rs. 4.17 lakhs, 5 handled by Education faculty worth Rs. 44.38, with an average cost of Rs. 8.88 lakhs and 3 projects with an average cost of Rs. 7.69 lakh handled by Arts</p><p>10 Faculty. Out of 154 teachers of the University, 132 are guiding M.Phil and 120 guiding Ph.D works. 38 are operating Externally Funded Research Projects and 9 are offering Industrial Consultancy. ii. UGC SAP- DBT/DST FIST Departments</p><p>There are 3 SAP Departments, namely, Departments of Industrial Chemistry, Physics and Physical Education and 3 FIST Departments namely, Departments of Industrial Chemistry, Physics and Biotechnology. Fund support from central funding authorities is given below. S.No. Dept. Category Rs. Lakhs 1 Department of Industrial Chemistry i UGC-SAP 65.00 ii DST-FIST 40.00 2 Department of Physics i UGC-SAP-I(DRS) 34.00 ii DST-FIST Level-I 35.00 3 Bio-technology FIST (Level I) 50.00 4 Physical Education and Health Sciences UGC-SAP 20.30 iii. Research Quality The Deanship of Research along with the Research Advisory Committee met regularly to address issues of quality in research activities, including Entrance Examination, Eligibility for Research Supervision, Standardizing Evaluation, etc based on the TANCHE/UGC suggestive guidelines. First time Common Entrance Examination for admission to Ph.D was done in Feb. 2009. Similar entrance examination for M.Phil programs is also planned. iv. Consultancy Consultancy works get priority now. A new deanship for Industry and Consultancy was instituted and a Dean appointed on 25th July 2008. Two consultancy projects of the value of Rs. 11.77 lakhs funded by DRDL, Hyderabad and BHEL, Tiruchi were completed during this academic year. Two more consultancy research projects of the value of Rs.14.11 lakhs funded by TNRSP, Chennai and BHEL, Tiruchi are ongoing. Consultancy works are pursued through MOU and collaboration. MOU and Collaboration entered during 2008-09 are given in table below. MoU & COLLABORATION R & D labs Industry / Academic Nature of Govt. Sectors linkage & outcomes 1. KIST, Seoul, 1. DRDL, 1. Queens University, Collaborative South Korea Hyderabad Belfast, UK research & 2. Central 2. Tamil Nadu 2. Madurai-Kamaraj Consultancy Electrochemical Road Sector University, Madurai Research Research Institute, 3. WAPCOS, 3. VOC College, Funding and Karaikudi New Delhi Thoothukkudi Publications 4. BHEL, Tiruchi 1. KIST, Seoul, 1. WAPCOS, 1. Queens University, Collaborative South Korea New Delhi Belfast, UK research & 2. Central 2. Tamil Nadu 2. Korea University, Seoul, Consultancy</p><p>11 Electrochemical Road Sector South Korea Research Research Institute, 3. BHEL, 3. National Taiwan Ocean Funding and Karaikudi Tiruchi University, Taiwan. Publications</p><p>1.3. EXTENSION ACHIEVEMENTS</p><p>Extension activities create synergic interactions among the students, faculty, industry experts and administrators. The University does lot more activities on this score.</p><p> i. Conferences/Seminars/Workshops organized by the College/Department</p><p>About 85 programs were organized by the Departments/ Centres/ Constituent Colleges during 2008-09. Five International Colloquia, Conferences and Seminars were organized by different Schools of learning bringing intellectual confluence to enhance, enlighten and enrich knowledge quotient ascendance and to provide stimulus for learning through interactive activities reaping the benefit of synergy. The campus was really agog with many foreigners frequenting and fruitfully engaging in collaborative research works, interaction with scholars/students, enjoying the Chettinad Culture and so on.</p><p>Experts from, USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, Canada, France, Muscat and Malaysia, and almost every part of India addressed and presented papers.</p><p>International Conferences and Invited Foreign and National Delegates S. Date School Event Invited International and National Delegates No. of No Title Delegates . . f g 9 o n</p><p>1 Prof. K.B. Athreya, Iowa State University, 270 0 i l l 0 o e</p><p>2 USA. Prof. D.Kannan, University of Georgia, o d ) . h o 9 b c USA, Prof. V.Abramov, Monash University, 0 e S M</p><p>F s M</p><p> c Australia, Prof. Peter Jagers, Chalmers c h i t S i t t 4 s C</p><p> a University of Technology, Sweden 1 a I - ( h m h t e c 2 o h t t 1 a S M . l s a 9 2 e Dr. Gerry Brennan (Queen’s University of 650 0 c m 0 n i e 2</p><p> n Belfast, UK), Dr. Tim Day (Lowa, USA , Dr.</p><p> i , c A ) b Ian Fairweather (QUB, UK ), Dr. Hugh S , 9 e - e 0 F r</p><p> o</p><p>Ferguson (Stirling, UK), Dr. Colin Fleming i u h t B t B l 7</p><p>E (AFBI, Stormont, Belfast), Dr. Philip Skece u f 2 C c - o</p><p> i I</p><p> d (Moredun, UK), Dr. Dave Knox (Moredun, r ( s n</p><p> l g 2 y o</p><p> t UK), Dr. Dermot Mackie (AFBI, Stormont, 2 A i o</p><p> v h n i</p><p> i Belfast), Dr. Frank Malone (AFBI), Dr. Aaron c t</p><p> c S y</p><p> u Maule (AUB), Dr. Bob McCracken (AFBI), Dr. g d o l o Roger Pritchard (McGill, Canada), Dr.Terry r o P n Spithill (Wagga Wagga, Australia), Dr. Tracey h d c n e Williams (Pfizer, USA), Dr. Levon Khachigain a t</p><p> o h i</p><p> t (Sydney, Australia), Dr. Ramnath Vairavan l B</p><p> a e g (California, USA) and Dr. Nalini Jayakumar n H i (Sydney, Australia). Thiru. KR. Periakaruppan, g r</p><p> e Dr.(Mrs) Umayal Ramanathan, and Prof. P. m</p><p>E Thangaraju VC, TNVS University.</p><p>12 . r n 9 r o</p><p>3 o Richard Pollard from USA, Dr.Susan 550 f 0 i o</p><p> t f 0 s</p><p> a s</p><p>2 M.Shirreffs from UK, Sara Ashworth from n c</p><p> e o u h n i</p><p> t USA, Dr.Nagendralingam, Dr.Santhappa Raj c d t i r a E a F</p><p> c</p><p> and Dr.Vijayalaksmi (all from Malaysia) f u n M o i d</p><p> h l Dr.Susan M.Shirreffs from UK, Sara Ashworth t s E o</p><p>6 d - o d from USA, Dr.Nagendralingam, Dr.Santhappa n 5 h n e c a r</p><p>Raj and Dr.Vijayalaksmi (all from Malaysia), S T y</p><p> t i g Dr.K.Vaidyanathan, VC (TNPE&S University), v n i e</p><p> g Dr.R.Thirumalaisamy, VC (TNPE&S g r n e</p><p> o University). m L E t n e m r e w . o s p 9 p e</p><p>4 i Dr.(Ms) Kathleen Rosemiezo, Dr. Bernard 650 U 0</p><p> m d 0 2 u E</p><p>2 Emile La Berge and Shri Ram. Vairavan, (all t</p><p> p , S l</p><p> i</p><p>U from USA), Shri Saleh A. Al Kindy, t r</p><p> n r p e a Dr.Rengasamy Elango and Dr. S.K. Pemmaraju D A e</p><p> m E d G e n (all from Muscat). Dr.Sm.Chockalingam,</p><p>E g 2</p><p> a D m</p><p>Chidambaram, Dr.P.Natarajan,Pondicherry, l n & t a a s A</p><p> e Dr.R.Neelamegam, Virudhunagar, Dr.Ganesan, 1 G</p><p>M R ,</p><p>E f h</p><p> e Chennai, Sri VS Reddy, Karur, Dr.B.Srinivasan, o c c</p><p>M r l</p><p> n</p><p> a Chennai, Mr.V.R.Muthu, Vrudhunagar, o a 4</p><p> o d M S</p><p>Mr.B.T.Bangera, Madurai, Mr.A.Alagappan, h n t s c T e I 1 c S Thanjavur, Mr.Vaidhyanatha, Chennai, Mr.Joe 3 s K</p><p>A Scaria, Trivandrum, Mr.P.Nagarajan, Chennai,</p><p>A c i T Mr.TM. Lakshmikanthan, Chennai Student E m</p><p> o delegates France doing programs in Pondicherry M n</p><p> o – University and others. c E</p><p> l a b o l G</p><p>National seminars/conferences interested many scholars in collecting and disseminating knowledge. Nearly 80 such events were organized as given below. Department of Animal Health and Management No. of Sl. Name of the Conference/ Number of Date(s) Resource No. Seminar/Workshop etc. Participants Persons International colloquium on “Emerging 22nd-27th Feb. 1 Biotechnologies in a Agriculture, Animal Health 600 35 2009 and Productivity” (ICEB’09) National Seminar on “Application of 25th-26th Mar. Genomics and Bioinformatics in Animal 350 10 2 2009 Health and Management” (NSGB’09)</p><p>Department of Bioinformatics 18-19th Mar. National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Molecular 200 10 3 2009 Modeling and Drug Design - [NaSMolD’09]</p><p>Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors 19-20th, Mar. National seminar on Advancements in 4 100 10 2009 Bioelectronics and Biosensors</p><p>13 Department of Biotechnology 05-07th Feb. 5 National Workshop on Genome Informatics 22 5 2009</p><p>Department of Computer Science & Engineering 16-17th Mar. Seminar of Recent Trends and Challenges in 6 300 4 2009 Information Technology</p><p>Department of Industrial Chemistry 19 – 20th Dec. Recent Advances in Textile and Electrochemical 7 180 15 2008 Sciences – 2008 (RATES – 2008) 20 – 21th Green Process Techniques for Industrial 8 240 8 Mar.2009 Applications- (GREPTIA – 2009)</p><p>Department of Nanoscience and Technology 13-14th, Importance of nano-science and Technology 9 Mar.2009 (INST-’09) 150 10</p><p>Department of Mathematics A National Seminar on Fuzzy Mathematics and 10 45 5 3rd Mar.2009 its Applications (NSFMA) 6-7th, Mar. A National Seminar on Differential Equations 25 5 11 2009 (NSDE) 12-14th An International Conference On Stochastic 160 18 12 Feb.2009 Modeling (ICSM09) 4th Mar. Quiz on Algebra and Analysis 11 teams 1 13 2009</p><p>Department of Physics 16th Mar. National Workshop on Crystal Growth and 14 150 6 2009 Characterization</p><p>Dept. of Oceanography and Coastal Area Studies 23rd -24th National Seminar on Current Trends and Future 15 150 8 Mar. 2009 prospects of Nanomarine Sciences Department of Tamil 16 Jan. 2009 V.R.M.Chettiar Endowment, Lecture by 50 2 Dr.V.Vedachalam 17 Feb. 2009 Dr.N.Subburettiar Endowment Lecture by 50 2 Dr.C.Lakshmanan 18 Mar. 2009 The.Ki.The.Tenappa Chettiar 50 2 Endowment Lecture by Dr.A.A.Manavalan 19 5 - 6th Mar. Dr. Alagappa Chettiar Centenary Celebration 120 15 2009 Conference 20 17th Aug. NTS National Testing Service – India , one day 40 5 2009 preliminary Orientation Program</p><p>Department of Women’s Studies 21 8 -12th Sep. Capacity Building for Women Managers in 36 11 2008 Higher Education 22 5th Nov. 150 6 Human Rights: Issues & Perspectives 2008 24 30th Jan. 2009 Women Entrepreneurship Development Program 185 9 25 12-13th 52 7 Developing Women’s Studies Curriculum Mar.2009</p><p>14 Department of Education The faculty of Education consisting of Alagappa School of Education and Alagappa School of Physical Education organized international 26 5- 6th Mar. conference on “Emerging Trends in Fitness for 2009 230 23 Longevity and Education for Empowerment” to commemorate the Birth Centenary of Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar.</p><p>Alagappa University College of Education Workshop on Reflection and Assessment: 1st Nov. 2008 Supporting in-service and pre-service teachers in a 27 200 5 B.Ed program sponsored by United States- India Educational Foundation.</p><p>Department of Physical Education & Health Sciences 18th Nov. 28 National Conference 150 12 2008 2nd Mar. 29 National Conference 120 12 2009 5 - 6th Mar. 30 International Conference 200 20 09 7th Mar. 20 31 National workshop 100 03 09</p><p>Department of International Business and Commerce Triumph our Destiny: India’s Achievement- 32 5th Sep. 2008 250 7 Leveraged Progressive Growth through LPG 33 12th Jan. 2009 National Youth Day Seminar 200 5 International Conference on Global Economic 31st- Mar. – 34 Ascendance Realm- Upscale Propulsion to 2000 150 2nd Apr. 2009 Upgrade Progress- GEAR UP 2 UP 18-19th Mar. Tourism Advancement Strategies and Kinetics- 35 300 9 2009 TASK Alagappa Institute of Management 21st Aug. From Campus to Corporate 36 130 1 2008 26th Aug. Soft Skill Training 37 130 2 2008 38 5th Sep. 2008 Mock Interview 60 3 16th Dec. Investors Awareness Program 39 138 5 2008 SamrajAim – National Level Management Meet 40 30th Jan.2009 490 15 13th Finfest – Financial Workshop 41 530 6 Mar.2009</p><p>Department of Bank Management 42 09.03.2009 Seminar on Contemporary 100 10 10.03.2009 Banking 43 13.03.2009 Seminar on Challenges to Indian Bankers 75 02</p><p>Department of Corporate Secretaryship 44 22.02.09 Special Lecture on “ Leadership Potentials” 95 1</p><p>15 27.02.09 to National Seminar on “ Corporate 45 150 8 28.02.09 Executives” Special Lecture on “ Emotional Intelligence 1 46 11.03.09 95 of Corporate Executives” 47 14.03.09 Training on Communication Skills 130 1 International Conference on “Global Economic 31.03.09 to Ascendance Realm – Upscale Propulsion to 48 2000 24 02.04.09 Upgrade Progress – Gear Up 2 Up” under the School of Management</p><p>Centre for Rural Development “ Contemporary Issues in Agriculture, Irrigation 49 14-3- 2009 87 08 Water and Rural Development”</p><p>Centre for Women’s Studies UGC XI Plan Expert Committee Visit – Self 50 26.08.2008 Help Group Meet cum SHG Products 100 2 Exhibition XI Plan Internal Annual Advisory Monitoring 22.09. 2008 and Evaluation Committee Meeting – Centre 10 2 51 for Women’s Studies One day Awareness Program to SHG Members 22.09. 2008 40 4 52 54 23.09. 2008 One day Awareness Program to SHG Members 40 4 One day Awareness Program to SHG Members 40 55 24.09. 2008 4 56 25.09. 2008 One day Awareness Program to SHG Members 40 4 57 26.09. 2008 One day Awareness Program to SHG Members 40 4 30.10. 2008 Three Day Orientation program on Gender 425 58 to Gap in Girls Education for 4 01.11. 2008 Teachers, Students and Community Self Help Group Rating - Mahalir Thittam 59 18.11. 2008 300 4 Project 60 28.11. 2008 SHG – Meet with Foreign delegate – 200 3 62 07-01-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 88 3 63 08-01-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 64 4 64 29-01-2009 Village Camp 74 4 Sanitation Awareness Camp for School 65 30.01. 2009 100 4 Children at Nattucherry Women and Development : Challenges and 66 02.03. 2009 250 4 Achievements 67 04-02-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 74 4 68 05-02-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 63 4 69 03.03. 2009 Workshop on “Countering Gender Violence”. 350 3 70 04-03-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 92 4 71 05-03-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 68 4 State Level seminar on Harms of Media 72 14.03. 2009 230 3 Violence on women and children 73 15.03. 2009 International Women’s Day Celebrations. 550 5 74 24-03-2009 Women’s Day Celebrations 300 4 75 26-03-2009 Women’s Day Celebrations 250 4 76 08-04-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 55 4 77 09-04-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 72 4 78 06-05-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 87 4 79 07-05-2009 Block Level Co-ordination Committee Meeting 62 4</p><p>Centre for Nehru Studies</p><p>16 State level seminar on “Relevance of 80 23.03.2009 90 10 Nehru’s ideas on contemporary India”</p><p>Directorate of Distance Education 11th and 12th, Workshop for lesson writers of Distance 81 40 1 June, 2009 Education Program</p><p>Deanship of Student Affairs 82 5th Sep. 2008 Teachers Day Celebrations 250 5 83 23rd Jan.2009 National Education Day Celebrations 250 3</p><p>Office of the Special Officer (Planning and Development) 84 3rd Dec. 2008 Administrative Skill Ascendance Program 250 3 85 29th Nov. 2008 Higher Education in a Jinx 250 1</p><p> ii. Annual Celebrations The University celebrated the Founder’s Day (6th April), Independence Day (15th August) and Republic Day (26th January) cheerfully and purposely every year. Besides, Teachers Day was celebrated with felicitations from distinguished personalities. Prof. P.R.Subramaniam, formerly Professor of Nuclear Physics, UoM, spoke. National Education Day was observed on 23rd January 2009 and Dr.S.Bhaskaran, Member- Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, Chennai addressed. iii. Founder’s Birth Centenary Introductory Celebration</p><p>Padmabhushan Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar, the founder of Alagappa Institutions was born on 6th April 1909. He reached the heavenly abode of the Almighty on 5th April 1957, living exactly 48 years. His birth anniversary year long celebrations began on 6th April 2008, inaugurated by Hon’ble Union Finance Minister, Shri P.Chidambaram. As a mark of respect and homage to Vallal Padma Bhushan Rm.Alagappa Chettiar, all functions in the University were dedicated to the memory of Vallal Alagappar. As may be seen over 85 programs were conducted by the University Departments. Besides, the 28 Colleges were given funds for organizing seminars in memory of Vallal Alagappar. The Members of the Staff of the University were given a pair of wrist watches in recognition of their services as part of birth centenary celebrations of Vallal Alagappar. Many developmental activities were afoot again as part celebrations of Vallal’s Birth Centenary. </p><p>Vallal Alagappar's Birth Centenary Celebrations got off to a colourful start on 6th April 2008. Hon'ble Union (then) Finance Minister Shri. P. Chidambaram inaugurated the function. Dr.(Smt.)Umayal Ramanathan Life-time Syndicate Member, and others participated. Developmental works got a fillip. Great literary / judicial / research / industrial personalities, Union and State Ministers and others dedicatedly participated in all events. </p><p>The celebrations reached the pinnacle by 1st week of April 2009 The Valediction of the Centenary Celebrations took place on 6th April 2009. Presiding over the function, Prof. P Ramasamy, Vice - Chancellor, Alagappa University said, ‘Dr.RM. Alagappa Chettiar made unique contributions to not only education but also Fine Arts, Business and Society at large. He contributed about Rs. 1 Crore for education in early 1950's which would exceed Rs. one lakh crores in today’s value. The Vice Chancellor appealed to the teaching community to strive hard to realize the ideals of Dr. Vallal Rm.Alagappa Alagappar and reciprocate for the betterment of humanity. </p><p>17 The Centenary Celebrations of Dr.R.M.Alagappa Chettiar were grandly executed. The University committed over Rs.2.00 Crores for the celebrations as follows. Amount Sl.No. Development Works Rs. Lakhs 1 Renovation of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 10 2 Seminars, Symposia, Functions and Awards to staff members 50 3 Centenary Celebrations Entrance Arch 20 4 All weather payment road 10 5 Stainless Steel Cover for Four Entrance Columns 10 6 Convocation Auditorium and Seminar Hall – Fixing up Chairs 40 7 Portico at the back of Convocation Auditorium 10 8 Gen Set for Convocation Auditorium and LCTL. P.C.M. Auditorium 30 9 Miscellaneous (Including Cost Escalation) 20 TOTAL 200 Justice Dr. A.R Lakshmanan, Chairman Law Commission of India in his valedictory address paid rich tributes to Alagappar and stated that he was great Visionary and great Educationist, who in the early 50's conceived the idea of establishing a Central University at Karaikudi. He expressed his satisfaction that Alagappa University has grown strength to strength and is occupying a unique place in the field of Higher Education. He exhorted the students of the University to keep up the standards and render a good account of themselves. The year long Centenary Celebrations of the munificent Vallal Padmabhushan Dr.RM.Alagappa Chettiar got to memorable finish with a musical rendering by Kalaimamani Dr.Pushpavanam Kuppusamy and team on 6th April 2009.</p><p>1.4. OUTREACH ACHIEVEMENTS </p><p>Donation to the Sri Lankan Welfare Fund In response to the appeal by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Dr. Kalaignar M.Karunanithi the members of Staff of the University have unanimously came forward to donate their one day salary. Along with university’s fund, a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs was donated on 06-11-2008 by the University for Sri Lanka Tamils’ cause.</p><p>Ramanjuan Centre for Higher Mathematics The Centre Organized National Level Seminar on “Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Mathematics” on 28-10-09 at Madurai Sivakasi Nadar’s Pioneer Meenakshi College, Poovanthi, on “Fuzzy Logic and its Applications” on 25-01-09 at Syed Hameedah Arts and Science College, Keelakarai, on “Graph theory and Operations Research” on 19-02-09 at Ananda College, Devakottai, on “Coding Theory and Cryptography” on 04-03-09 at Seethalakshmi Achi College, Pallathur and on “Discrete Mathematics” at Dr.Umayal Ramanathan Achi College, Karaikudi on 26-03-09.</p><p>The National Service Scheme of the University organized a Blood Donation Camp on 7th September, 2008. NSS Volunteers from the Dept. of International Business and Commerce, Corporate Secretaryship and Bank Management donated blood. All Colleges conducted NSS, Camp during October – December 2008. The NSS received the grant of Rs.13 Lakhs from Tamil Nadu State NSS Cell. The 86 NSS units functioning in Alagappa University have a total of 8600 Voluntaries. The funds received from the National body were at once remitted to colleges for taking up NSS activities. </p><p>18 The Youth Red Cross Wing of Alagappa University conducted a 3 days training program for University Students on 23, 24 and 25th March 2009. Red Ribbon Club of Alagappa University organized a one day orientation program to the RRC Officers on 17-09-08. Mr. Asokan Zonal Manager, RRC and Mr. Sekar, Field Officer, RRC of Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society participated. There are 23 RRC units in the University and its affiliated institutions. These Red Ribbon Clubs carried out out-reach activities to create awareness on AIDS control, blood donation, etc. Blood donation camps were organized. </p><p>The Centre for Rural Development besides coordinating the VPP camps, conducts many EDPs for rural youth. Training programs are also conducted to train the below poverty line youth to seek gainful employment in Garment waving and other trades The Centre for Gandhian studies, Nehru studies, Adult and Continuing Education organize many programs on Skill development The Centre for Women Studies undertakes several programs to uplift the Rural Women through formation of SHGs, EDPs and SDPs. The Science Departments are doing curricular extension services like imparting modern education to School students, developing faculty of affiliating institutions.</p><p>Ex-Servicemen Re-Orientation Course: The Special Ex-Servicemen Re-orientation Course was conducted from 01-07-2008 to 31-10-2008 in the Department of Physical Education and Health Sciences. Totally 23 Ex-Servicemen studied.</p><p>1. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS Administrative machinery of the University has been reengineered and enhanced to deliver quality, quantity and speed. Important accomplishments are presented. i. Re-engineering: The administrative tasks of the University were re-engineered. Centralized Tapal section to have speedy response, Centralized Remittance (Demand Draft) Handling section for quick realization of proceeds, Special Legal Cell with Legal Adviser to handle legal issues pertaining to property, administrative and other legal issues, Centralized Records section to preserve and quick retrieval of record, Right to Information cell for timely dealing with queries, Purchase Section to deal with centralized purchases and Meeting Section to look after meetings of Senate, Syndicate, Standing committee on Academic Affairs are created. ii. e-Governance: The University is quickly moving into e-Governance with hands on ICT training for employees, intra-communication and inter-entity communication made in e-enabled format, installation of ample quantity of computer terminals, e- downloading of applications (for examination, admission, recruitment, tenders, etc.), on- line publication of examination results, comprehensive integrated software linking office of the DDE and office of the COEs and so on. iii. Establishment of New Deanships: Deanship of Industry and Consultancy and a Deanship of Research have been instituted in the University for the first time with their responsibilities defined. The Dean for ‘Industry and Consultancy’ has established quite a number of collaborations with industrial/R&D/University bodies. Quality commitment to research is addressed by the Deanship of research.</p><p>19 iv. Staff Skill Upgrading Training and Motivation: Efforts to harness the efficiency always yield great fruits. Training and motivation are given periodically to staff members by experienced administrators from neighbouring institutions. Prof. M.A. Akbarsha Emeritus Professor, Bharathidasan University, Thiru K. Thiruneelakandan, former Deputy Registrar and former Finance Officer, Bharathidasan University, and Dr.S.Muthukumaran, former VC, Bharathidasan University, gave orientations and training. Besides, a program on ‘Administrative Skill Upgradation’ was organized on 3rd Dec. 2008 when Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, s.j, formerly VC of Chennai and Bharathiar Universities, spoke on motivation on the topic, ‘Life Spring’. v. Electronic surveillance: University’s property needs to be protected in these days of heightened security threats. Hence, closed circuit televisions are installed at strategic points. A secured comfort is realized by the administration and stakeholders. vi. Creation of New Posts and Filling up of vacancies quick: The University is developing fast with swelling enrolment and launching of new programs. Matching rise in staff strength, both teaching and non-teaching, is needed. During 2008-09, 25 teaching positions were newly created and 10 Research Fellowship for RCHM were created. The DDE which recorded phenomenal growth in enrolment was sanctioned with 24 new faculty positions only last year. All these positions are filled up. During 2008-09 recruitments were conducted thrice besides implementation of Time-bound promotions and promotions under CAS. vii. New Initiatives in Examination Section: Reforms in Examinations Practice are important these days of ICT revolution. Dummy numbering, e-Hall tickets, CCTV camera in DDE examination centres and on-line ‘applications and remittances’ are adopted to ensure quality enhancement of examination system.</p><p>1.6. INFRASTRUCTURE ACHIEVEMENT</p><p>The quality of infrastructure matters most. Financial resources must be converted into skill enhancing and value adding physical assets. i. Buildings The University is taking strenuous efforts to make the Departments and Sections self- sufficient in having built-space need. Measures to construct more buildings for housing each Department comfortably and for meeting each need conveniently are taken up. During 2008-09 plans to add about 200,000 sq. ft built area were afoot, of which about 20% is already accomplished. The gestation period is much reduced for all fresh commitments.</p><p>New Buildings dedicated: First floor of the Examination Wing, First floor of Physical Education College Men’s Hostel and exclusive Building for Education Department costing about Rs. 4 crores, were dedicated on 25th January, 2009 by Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education, Dr.K.Ponmudy.</p><p>Building for Ramanujan Centre for Higher Mathematics: A mathematical symbols shaped new building at an estimated to cost over Rs. 1.2 Crores is being constructed for the Ramanujan Centre for Higher Mathematics. This is financed by the eminent</p><p>20 Scientist and Administrator, Dr. K. Kasthurirangan, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, from the Constituency Development Fund.</p><p>Extensions to Old Buildings: The University Guest House, a part of I floor of Management Block, II floor of the building of the Exam. Section, etc are undertaken at a cost of Rs. 3 crores.</p><p>New Science Block: A new multistoried Science Block with G + 7 Floors is built and it is expected to be ready in May-June 2010. Its cost might exceed Rs. 30 Crores when fully completed and installed with modern equipment, facilities and sub-structures. When completed it would be the most imposing structure in Karaikudi and its neighbourhood. </p><p>Alagappar Arch: An architecturally exquisite arch in front of the Administrative Building close to the Statue of Vallal Alagappar is under construction and expected to be completed early 2010. </p><p>Proposals for New Infrastructure: Works for New Management Block, New DDE Block, Hostels – Men and Women at both Thondi and Karaikudi campuses, Restoration of Jawahar Park, Compound Walls, New guest Houses, Extension of Existing Guest house, Stainless Steel cover for the 4 entrance columns, etc., at a cost of about Rs. 20 crores to be undertaken soon.</p><p>New Buildings on Progress (Under Construction /Approved for Rs. in Crores Construction) Property Estimated Likely cost of Cost Completion * New Science Block 8 floors 20.00 30.00 COE block (2nd Floor) 01.25 01.25 Ramanujan Centre 01.83 02.00 Guest House (Extension) 01.50 01.75 Thondi Campus (Marine Research Laboratories, Hostels, Staff 04.50 04.50 quarters, etc) Management Block (Extension) 00.50 00.50 New Management Block 04.00 04.00 New DDE Block 04.00 04.00 Hostels – Men and Women 02.00 02.00 Other Works ( Arches, Pavements, Compound Walls, Lawns, 03.00 03.00 Gardens, Stainless Steel cover for the 4 entrance columns etc) Total 42.58 53.00 * Escalations take place because of spiraling prices of building materials and labour and also quality/quantity enhancements. ii. Alagappa University – Corporation Bank Library in the L.Ct.L.Palaniappa Chettiar Memorial auditorium:</p><p>Alagappa University–Corporation Bank Public Library fully air conditioned, furnished, internet connected, and sophisticated, meant for public as well as scholars is located in the cellar of L.Ct.L.Palaniappa Chettiar Auditorium. The Corporation Bank has contributed significantly for the development of this library. The library has large number of books funded by the Corporation Bank and those donated by Hon’ble Union Finance Minister Shri P.Chidambaram. It was declared open by him on 28th Dec. 2008 in the presence of the Chairman of Corporation Bank. The Central Library of the University is having a</p><p>21 good collection and open for 8 am to 8 pm. Besides e-journals, net-browsing facility and book lending facilities are available. The reading hall is air-conditioned. iii. Lab Equipments The labs of the Science Departments and Computer labs of all Departments are equipped fully with latest equipment to ensure that the University is on par with her counterparts in big cities. About 140 computers were bought in 2008-09 alone. Also 45 split ACs were installed. About Rs. 4 crore worth of lab equipments are in the different Departments. Orders are placed for purchasing special class equipments like Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSM 710) and Real Time –PCR (ABI Bio Systems), costing close to Rs. 2 crores. A centralized Instrumentation Centre is suggested by the Planning Board of the University so that more of different equipment could be acquired, avoiding duplication</p><p>1. 7. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Institution Awarding S.No. Awardees Awards 1. Prof. P.Ramasamy, Honorary Colonel NCC and Colonel 9(TN) B11 NCC, Karaikudi Vice-Chancellor Commandant NCC 2. Mrs. R.Meenakshi, Women Scientist Scheme Department of Science and RS in Mathematics (WOS-A)Rs. 5.70 Lakhs Tech. 3 Mr. V. Pandiraja, IAS / IPS Civil Services Examinations UPSC, New Delhi Ph.D. Scholar pass 4 M.Manikandan, RS NTS Doctoral Fellowship NTS India, Mysore in Tamil 5 Ms. G. Indupriya, RS Study Award in Malayalam Regional Language Centre, in Tamil Mysore 6 Mr.Y.Samraj Certificate of Appreciation for Modern Mahakavi Bharathiar BAC, Poems Paris 7 Dr.M.Selvam Appreciation for Neat Preparation of the Syndicate, Algappa University Print Version of Alagappa University Annual Report, 2007-08</p><p>1. 8. NOTABLE VISITORS Dates Name of the Dignitary Event / Function / Purpose 24-12- 2008 His Excellency, Shri Surjit Singh Barnala, 21st Annual Convocation of Alagappa Governor of Tamil Nadu & Chancellor, Alagappa University University 28-12- 2008 Shri P.Chidambaram, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Inauguration of Corporation Bank Govt. of India sponsored Library in the L.CT.L. Palaniappa Chettiar Memorial Auditorium, Alagappa University. Dr.K.Ponmudy, Hon’ble Higher Education Minister, Govt. of Tamilnadu Inauguration of New Buildings and 18-09-2008 Shri. K.R.Periakaruppan, Hon’ble Minister for Laying of foundation for new buildings HR&C, Govt. of Tamilnadu Thiru. K. Venkatapathy, Honorable Minister of National Seminar on “ Healthy Ageing 18-09-2008 State for Law & Justice, Govt. of India Through Yoga” 25-01- 2009 Dr. K. Ponmudy, Hon’ble Minister of Higher Foundation Stone laying function for Education, Government of Tamil Nadu and Multi -storied New Science Block Pro-Chancellor, Alagappa University Thiru. K.R. Periyakaruppan, Hon’ble Minister for Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment, Government of Tamil Nadu Centenary Celebrations of Vallal Justice Dr. A.R. Lakshmanan, Chairman, Law 06-04-2009 Dr.R.M.Alagappar Valedictory Commission of India Function Address</p><p>22 24-12- 2008 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awardee Padma Shri 21st Annual Convocation of Alagappa Dr. T Ramasami, Secretary, Dept. of Science and University- Delivered Convocation Tech. Address 28-12- 2008 Inauguration of Corporation Bank sponsored Library in the Shri J. M. Garg, Chairman & Managing Director L.CT.L.Palaniappa Chettiar Memorial of Corporation Bank Auditorium, Alagappa University.</p><p>06-02- 2009 Thavathiru Kundrakudi Adikalar Centenary Year Celebrations of Vallal Alagappa Chettiar Prof. Junichi Kawamura, Deputy Director, Institute 16-06-2008 of Multidisciplinary Research for Advance Lecture on “Thin Film Batteries” Materials, Tohoku University Prof. Takeshi Hattori, Tokyo University of Science, 16-06-2008 Lecture on “Hot Burning Study” Japan Prof. S.V. Raghavan, I.I.T. Madras Workshop on “Smart and Secure 20-06-2008 Dr.S.M.Baskar, Director, NTRO, New Delhi Environment” Dr.N.Swaminathan, National University of 21-07-2008 Lecture on “Solving Crystal Structure” Singapore 11-08-2008 Prof. Harbhajan Singh Soch, Former Vice University Grants Commission XI Plan to Chancellor, Punjab Gurunanak University Assessment Team to Alagappa 14-08-2008 Prof. Abhi K.Maurya, Vice-Chancellor, Central University Institute of English & Foreign Languages, Hyderabad. Prof. Tapti Basu, Prof. of Journalism, Calcultta University, Kolkata. Prof. B.K.Sahu, Vice-Chancellor, Berhampur University, Berhampur Prof. J.S. Rana Dept. of Biotechnology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Tech., Haryana Dr.R.Ramanarayanan, Registrar, Tamilnadu Physical Education & Sports University Shri Saranjit Singh , Joint Secretary, UGC Shri S.C. Agarwal , Statistical Officer, UGC Shri G.S. Aulak, Section Officer, UGC Triumph Over Destiny- India’s Dr.P.R.Subramaniam, Prof. of Nuclear Physics, 05-09-2008 Achievements University of Madras Teacher Day Celebrations Dr. R. Brakaspathy, Scientist G, (SERC), DST, Lecture on “Function and Funding” of 16-09-2008 New Delhi DST Dr. Bernard Ette Anand, Professor Bank Street Lecture on “Fulbright Scholarship and 19-09-2008 College, New York Research Aid for Citizens of India” Col.Benz K.Jacob, Commander, NCC Group, Honorary Colonel Award to the VC 12-11-2008 Trichy Function Planning Board Meeting Prof.S.P.Thyagarajan, Formerly Vice Chancellor, 29-11-2008 Lecture on ‘Higher Education in a University of Madras Jinx’. 03-12-2008 Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, s.j, formerly VC of Administrative Skill Ascendance Chennai and Bharathiar Universities Program- A Talk on, ‘Life Spring’. Dr. Seethalakshmi, National University of Lecture on Education System in 18-12-2008 Singapore Singapore Dr.S.Bhaskaran,Member-Secretary, Tamilnadu State Council for Higher Education, 23-01-2009 National Education Day Celebrations Chennai</p><p>30-31 Mar. Shri.T.M.Lakshmikanthan, G M, Corp. Bank 3 Day International Conference on and 1 Apr. Sri Ram Vairavan, USA “Global Economic Ascendance Realm 2009 Sri VS Reddy, GM, Lakshmi Vilas Bank. Upscale propulsion to upgrade progress</p><p>23 – Gear up 2 up” Dr.B. Vijayakumar, Principal, Kerala Institute of 18-03-2009 National Seminar on Tourism Tourism & Travel Studies, Trivandrum to Advancement Strategies & Kinetics Shri.M.PonnIlango, Director, Jenneys Academy of 19-03-2009 (TASK) Tourism & Hotel Management, Trichy 19-03-2009 Dr. Bansi D.Malhotra, DST Centre, National National Seminar on “Advancements to Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. in BEBS” 20-03-2009 13-03- 2009 Prof. D. Sundaram, Member, Backward Classes Inaugural address on National Seminar Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu on “Contemporary Issues in Agriculture, Irrigation Water and Rural Development” Dr. T. Padmanaban, Vice-Chancellor, Tamilnadu Lecture on ‘Recent Trends in Teacher 02-04-2009 Teacher Education University, Chennai Education’ Dr.R.Thirumalaichamy, Former Vice-Chancellor, Seminar on “Current Trends for Fitness 02-03-2009 Tamilnadu Physical Education & Sports Development” University, Chennai 12-02-2009 International Conference on Stochastic to Prof. K.B.Athereya, IOWA State University, USA Modeling (ICSM09) 14-02-2009 Valediction of Centenary Celebrations Sri Kalaimamani Pushpavanam Kuppusamy and 06-04-2009 of Vallal Dr.R.M.Alagappar – Cultural Team Show</p><p>1. 9. ANNUAL CONVOCATION – 21st CONVOCATION</p><p>The 21st Convocation of Alagappa University was held on 24th December 2008. The Chancellor of the University and the Governor of Tamil Nadu, His Excellency Surjith Singh Barnala conferred degrees and presented medals. A total of 34683 candidates received their degrees in person and in-absentia. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awardee Padma Shri Dr. T Ramasami, Secretary, Dept. of Science and Technology, Government of India delivered Convocation Address. The Members of the Syndicate, Senate and Standing Committee on Academic Affairs, Administrative personnel of the University, graduands and invited guests participated</p><p>1.10. SPORTS ACTIVITIES</p><p>The Sports Activities of the University for the year 2008-09 are as under. Name Venue Dates Winners Table Tennis Syed Hameedha Arts & 19th August 2008 APSA College, Tiruppathur (M) Science College, Kilakarai Table Tennis Syed Hameedha Arts & Syed Hameedha Arts & 19th August 2008 (W) Science College, Kilakarai Science College, Kilakarai Football (W) AUCPE, Karaikudi 21st August 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi </p><p>Handball (M) AUCPE, Karaikudi 26th & 27th August 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Handball (W) AUCPE, Karaikudi 26th August 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Sethupathy Govt. Arts Kabaddi (M) College, 28'h & 29'h August 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Ramanathapuram Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar Badminton (M) 29111 & 30tl1 August 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi College, Kilakarai Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadar Badminton (W) 29th & 30th August 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi College, Kilakarai Kho-Kho (W) C.S.I College of Education, 8th & 9th September 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi </p><p>24 Ramanathapuram Alagappa Government. Arts 11th & 12th September Hockey (M) AUCPE, Karaikudi College, Karaikudi 2008 Alagappa Government. Arts Hockey (W) 11th September 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi College, Karaikudi Syed Hameedha Arts & Volleyball (W) 16th & 17th September 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Science College, Kilakarai Syed Hameedha Arts & Basket Ball (M) 22"d & 23rd September 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Science College, Kilakarai Syed Hameedha Arts & Sree Sevugan Annamalai Chess 28th September 2008 Science College, Kilakarai College, Devakkottai C.S.I College of Education, Kabaddi (W) 30th September 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Ramanathapuram Football (M) AUCPE, Karaikudi 3rd to 5th October 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi Raja Doraisingam Govt. Arts Basketball (W) 7th & 8th October 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi College, Sivagangai Sethupathy Government. Arts Kho-Kho (M) 16th & 17th October 2008 AUCPE, Karaikudi College, Ramanathapuram </p><p>South Zone Inter University Cricket Tournament (W) was held during 22nd to 30th Dec.2008. </p><p>I Place University of Mumbai, Mumbai II Place Calicut University, Calicut III Place Devi Ahilya University, Indore </p><p>All India Inter University Cricket Tournaments(W) was held during 2nd to 4th January 2009 </p><p>I Place University of Mumbai II Place Kurukshetra University, Punjab III Place Guru Nanak Dev University, Amirtsar IV Place M.D University, Rohtak</p><p>Alagappa University Inter-Departmental Tournaments (Men & Women) – Feb. & Mar. 2009 MEN S.No. Event Winner Runner - Up 1 Basketball Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Int. Business & Commerce 2 Ball Badminton Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Computer Science & Eng. 3 Badminton Dept. of Computer Science & Eng. Alagappa Institute of Management 4 Chess College of Education Dept. of Maths & Physics 5 Cricket Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Corporate Secretaryship 6 Football Dept. of Industrial Chemistry Dept. of Computer Science & Eng 7 Kabaddi Dept. of Tamil Alagappa Institute of Management 8 Table Tennis Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Computer Science & Eng. 9 Volleyball Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Industrial Chemistry 10 Athletics Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Corporate Secretaryship</p><p>WOMEN S.No. Event Winner Runner - Up 1 Basketball Dept. of Int. Business & Alagappa Institute of Management Commerce 2 Ball Badminton Dept. of Maths & Physics Dept. of Corporate Secretaryship</p><p>3 Badminton Dept. of Maths & Physics Alagappa Institute of Management</p><p>25 4 Chess Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Biotechnology</p><p>5 Table Tennis Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Maths & Physics</p><p>6 Volleyball Alagappa Institute of Management Dept. of Maths & Physics</p><p>7 Athletics Dept. of Corporate Secretaryship Dept. of Int. Business & Commerce</p><p>Inter-Departmental Overall Championship</p><p>1 Team - MEN Alagappa Institute of Management 2 Team - WOMEN Alagappa Institute of Management 3 Individual Champion Mr. R. Jeya Seelan, Dept. of Corporate Secretaryship</p><p>Education is Manifestation of perfection which is already in man, said Swami Vivekananda. Extension activities coupled with academic/research programs make realization of Swami Vivekananda’s vision possible. </p><p>2. New Academic Programs Initiated (UG/PG): 35 new programs launched. All programs made CBCS.</p><p> a. In the University: 18 programs in MSc, M.Phil & Ph.D in: Animal Health and Management Bio-Electronics and Bio-Sensors Bio-Informatics Nano Science and Nano Technology Marine Microbial Technology Marine Microbiology</p><p> b. In the Collaborative Mode: 10 programs Diploma in Catering and Hotel Admn. Certificate in 3D Animation Diploma in Animation Certificate in 2D Animation PG Diploma in Games Programming Certificate in Web Design Diploma in Bharata Natyam Certificate in Bharata Natyam MBA (Airlines & Airport Management) Certificate in Music</p><p> c. In the Distance Education Mode: 7 programs MSc in: Physics, Chemistry and Botany. M.B.A. in: Human Resource Management. P.G. Diploma in: Library and Networking and Human Resource Management. Certificate Program in: Library and Information Science. d. In the Affiliated Colleges All Programs of studies and research of the Affiliated Colleges were designed or re- designed under CBCS with uniform syllabi fully as per the suggestions of the TANCHE from the Academic year 2008-09. As needed by the TANSCHE, Skill-oriented courses,</p><p>26 value-education oriented courses and the like are made part of the curriculum so that the graduates become performing assets. </p><p>3. Innovations in Curricular Design and Transaction</p><p>Curricular design takes care of employability of students. Model syllabi of UGC/NCTE and prominent national and international Universities/Institutes followed. </p><p>The University refers to model syllabi of the UGC while updating its curriculum. Besides the curricula of renowned Universities/Institutes in India such as the IIMs, IITs, IISc, IIITs, University of Madras, Madurai-Kamaraj University, Madurai Delhi University and JN University, Delhi, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukkudi etc are referred to in depth. Further the curricula of Monash University, Australia, Queens University, Belfast, UK, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, etc are referred to as these are the institutions in academic/research collaboration with Alagappa University. Again prestigious world Universities like Harvard, California, Stanford and Yale Universities in USA, London School Economics are referred to. Some of the techniques followed in these prestigious institutions like case methods, team learning, multimedia simulations and more, are followed to provide wholesome learning opportunity to students.</p><p>ICT component is given importance. Practical learning is given very high importance. The credits for such components hiked.</p><p>The CBCS is an innovation long practiced in the university. this is being introduced in the Affiliated colleges as well. </p><p>Bridge courses are provided to familiarize the students who take programs that are quite different from their qualifying degrees, especially in MBA and MCA programs.</p><p>Modular approach in the form of unitization of syllabus of each course of all programs is followed in structuring the courses. This enables micro level academic planning possible, makes the students and the faculty to concentrate on all the modules or units. </p><p>Courses in Communication and Life skills are given to the students who are mostly vernacular-cult. Without this, the needy students never can enjoy the joy of learning.</p><p>Intensive Coverage of Syllabi, Practical Knowledge Impartation, Interactive Process in Learning (Student-Teacher and Student–Student Interactions), Power Point Presentation, Student Assignments, Remedial Learning for Infirm Students, etc are followed. </p><p>Village Placement Program is yet another innovation in the Curricula which exposes the students to the ground realities of rural India and develops the students into balanced citizens, when they complete the course at Alagappa University.</p><p>Experiential Learning content is very high at 83% of total credits in the case of Post M.Sc. (ADMD) program funded by the DBT, GoI. For about 50% of programs offered, the Experiential Learning content exceeds 30% to 83%. </p><p>4. Inter-disciplinary Programs Started</p><p>27 The University adopts this approach both at macro and micro levels and at post graduate and research levels as well. </p><p>B.Com (Computer Applications), BSc (Information Technology) and MA Communicative English are some programs with inter-disciplinary approach. </p><p>The Programs like Biotechnology, Women’s Studies, Bank Management, Corporate Secretaryship, ‘International Business & E-Commerce’ and ‘Oceanography & Coastal Area Studies’ are interdisciplinary in nature. The programs like Bio-informatics & the Animal Health and Management have inter-disciplinary components to a great degree.</p><p>All Non-computer Programs of study are having computer courses for 6 to 8 credit hours. The ‘International Business &E-Commerce’ has 12 credit hours of computer curriculum. The Chemistry programs have course in General Management.</p><p>In research too, inter-disciplinary approach is followed in Science and Education faculties.</p><p>S.No. Inter-disciplinary courses Programs with interdisciplinary courses 1 Quantitative Methods M.Com & MBA. 2 Business Law M.Com & MBA. 3 Managerial Economics M.Com & MBA. 4 E-Business models M.Com & MBA. 5 International Economics M.Com, MBA & MSc (AH&M). 6 Information Technology For most programs 7 Office Automation For most programs 8 Computer Lab C plus MSc (Maths.). 9 Image Processing & Pattern Recognition MSc (Maths.). 10 Micro-processor & Elec.Instrumentation MSc (Phy.) & MSc (BE & BS) 12 Numerical Methods and Programming MSc (Phy.) & MSc (BE & BS) 13 Quantum Chemistry MSc. (Phy.). 14 Fashion Design MSc (Chem.). 15 Bio-Statistics MSc (Biotech.) & MSc (Bio-info.). 16 Computer Basics MSW 17 IPR, Bio-safety & Bio-ethics MSc (Biotech.) 18 Discrete Mathematics MCA 19 Accounting and Financial Management MCA 20 Resource Management Techniques MCA 21 E-Commerce MCA 22 Management Principles MSc (AH&M) 23 Applied statistics MSc (AH&M) 24 Economics and Animal Health Magt. MSc (AH&M) 25 Fundamental of Computing MSc (Bio-info.) 26 Data Base MSc (Bio-info.) & MLISc, 27 Computer Graphics MSc (Bio-info.) 28 Mathematics for Bioinformatics MSc (Bio-info.) 29 Database Systems and Programming MSc (Bio-info.) 30 Data Base Management MSc (Bio-info.) 31 Program in Java and Visual Basic MSc (Bio-info.) 32 Computer Programming in C & C++ MSc (NS&NT) 33 Temple Arts & History MA (Tamil) </p><p>28 34 Temple Structure MA (Tamil) 34 Journalism MSW & MA (Tamil) 35 Gender & Development MA (RD) 36 Principles of Sociology MA (RD) 37 Indirect Taxes MBA (Corporate) 38 Direct Taxes MBA (Corporate) 39 Enterprise Resource Management MBA (General) & MBA (IB&EC) 40 Computer Applications in Phy.Edn. M.PEd. 41 Counseling and Behaviour Modification BPEd. 42 Human Resource Management BPEd.</p><p>4. Examination Reforms Implemented</p><p>Reforms in Examinations Practice are important these days of ICT revolution. Electronic Dummy numbering Entry of marks with e-Numbering Machines e-Hall tickets Tatkal scheme for issue of mark sheet on-line applications & remittances Inspection Squads for examination centres</p><p>Examination Schedule is published on the Website. The Examination section maintains a Data Bank on the subject experts The conduct of University Examinations is streamlined such that all examinations of the Odd semester are over by middle of December and of the Even semester are over by middle of April. The publication of results of all Regular / Collaborative Program / Distance Education are quickened. Within a month’s after examinations, results are released through University Website. </p><p>5. Candidates Qualified: NET/SLET/GATE etc.</p><p>Examinations No. of Qualified Candidates UGC-CSIR(Net) 37 UGC- SLET 23 GATE/GMAT/TOPFEL 16 Indian Civil Services 2 Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship, etc 41</p><p>6. Initiatives towards Faculty Development Program Faculty Development Programs cover: </p><p>All eligible faculty members are sent for UGC Refresher and Orientation programs All the Departments of the University are involved in research without exception. The research culture percolates down to all individuals including the new recruits. Faculty members are encouraged to do project funded by the UGC/ NABARD/DST/DBT/DRDO and the like. Foreign collaborations for research, student exchange, etc.</p><p>Research papers published by the teachers in referred journals and periodicals Particulars 2008-09 International 166 National 419</p><p>29 Impact Factor of the papers published (partial information only- Mean 1.9 for 61 papers published in 2008-09) Max 6.8 Min 1.0 Median 1.8 SD 0.9 b) Patents, if any (give details) 16 c) Number of books published 43 d) Number of PhDs awarded 82 e) Awards / recognition for research work International 4 National 6</p><p>7. Total Number of Seminars / Workshops/Guest Lectures Conducted : 104 Events Number Seminars/Lectures 42 Workshops 29 Sport Meets/Athletic Events (College level) 8 Inter University 1 Conferences International 5 National 19 Total 104</p><p>8. Research Projects</p><p>42 externally funded research projects, assisted by CSIR, DST, DBT, UGC, DRDL, DAE, Ministry of Environment, CDBR (ICT), CIIL, IGNOU and others are executed by the faculty during 2008-09. The average value of project is Rs. 16 lakhs which is of very high value. Externally Funded Projects No. Principal Department Funded Rs. Yrs. Year of Year of Investigator by Lakhs Start Finish 1 Dr.S.Karuthapandian Biotechnology CSIR 21.52 3 2005-06 2008-09 2 Dr.P.Manisankar Industrial Chemistry DST 32.42 3 2005-06 2008-09 3 Dr.A.Gopalan Industrial Chemistry DST 40.45 3 2005-06 2008-09 4 Dr.T.Vasudevan Industrial Chemistry DST 35.00 5 2005-06 2010-11 -FIST 5 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Physics DST 35.00 5 2005-06 2010-11 -FIST 6 Dept. of Physics Physics UGC-SAP 32.00 5 2005-06 2010-11 7 Dr.S.Karuthapandian Biotechnology DBT 20.00 3 2006-07 2009-10 8 Dr.S.Karuthapandian Biotechnology DBT 20.58 3 2006-07 2009-10 9 Dr.T.Vasudevan Industrial Chemistry DRDL 9.79 3 2006-07 2009-10 10 Dr.R.Roopkumar Mathematics DST 1.23 3 2006-07 2009-10 11 Dr.N.Sridharan Mathematics UGC 1.27 3 2006-07 2009-10 12 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Physics DAE 25.42 3 2006-07 2009-10 13 Dr.C.Sanjeeviraja Physics UGC- 1.02 3 2006-07 2009-10 DAE 14 Dr.K.Balamurugan Biotechnology DBT 24.94 3 2007-08 2010-11 15 A.Veera Ravi Biotechnology UGC 1.00 1 2007-08 2008-09 16 M.Ramesh Biotechnology UGC 0.95 1 2007-08 2008-09 17 Dr.E.R.Naganathan Computer Science CBDR- 100.00 3 2007-08 2010-11</p><p>30 SSE 18 G.Parimala fathima Education IGNOU 1.80 2 2007-08 2009-10 19 Dr.Paruthimal Industrial Chemistry UGC 5.63 3 2007-08 2010-11 Kalaignan 20 Department Project Industrial Chemistry UGC-SAP 37.00 5 2007-08 2012-13 21 Dr.N.Sridharan Mathematics DST 12.98 3 2007-08 2010-11 22 Dr.N.Anbazahan Mathematics DST 3.77 3 2007-08 2010-11 23 Dr.S.Ravikumar OCAS MES 13.26 3 2007-08 2010-11 24 Physical Education Physical Education UGC-SAP 37.00 5 2007-08 2012-13 25 Dr.Rajendran Physics DST 19.98 3 2007-08 2010-11 26 Dr.G.Ravi Physics DST 23.75 3 2007-08 2010-11 27 Dr.Dhamotharan Tamil CIIL 1.10 1 2007-08 2008-09 28 Dr. B. Vaseeharan Animal Health & UGC 9.46 3 2008-09 2011-12 Magt. 29 Dr. V. Dharuman Bioelectronics & UGC 9.8 3 2008-09 2011-12 Biosensors (BEBS) 30 Dr. J. Wilson (BEBS) UGC 10.21 3 2008-09 2011-12 31 Dr. K. Pandimadevi Biotechnology UGC 11.34 3 2008-09 2011-12 32 Dr. A. Veera Ravi Biotechnology UGC 10.26 3 2008-09 2011-12 33 Dr. M. Ramesh Biotechnology UGC 10.4 3 2008-09 2011-12 34 Dr. S. Biotechnology UGC 8.26 3 2008-09 2011-12 Karuthapandian 35 Dr. E. Ramaraj Computer Centre UGC 9.6 3 2008-09 2011-12 36 Dr. M. Selvam IB & C UGC 4.86 3 2008-09 2011-12 37 Dr. T.R. IB & C UGC 3.71 3 2008-09 2011-12 Gurumoorthy 38 Dr. H. Gurumallesh Industrial Chemistry UGC 4.56 3 2008-09 2011-12 Proabhu 39 Dr. S. Ravikumar OCAS ICMR 9.08 3 2008-09 2011-12 40 Dr. C. Govindasamy OCAS UGC 6.38 3 2008-09 2011-12 41 Dr. K. PEHS UGC 0.43 1 2008-09 2009-10 Balasubramainan 42 Dr. R. Thamotharan Tamil UGC 3.97 3 2008-09 2011-12 Total 671.18</p><p>9. Patents Generated, if any</p><p>16 (Sixteen) patents generated by the Dept. of industrial chemistry. Authors: A.Subramania, T.Vasudevan, R.Gangadharan</p><p>No Title Patent Number Patented in A novel process for the synthesis of LiNiVO as cathode 1 4 NF-256/00 India material for the rocking chair lithium ion cells A novel solid-state method for the synthesis of lithium</p><p>2 molybdate Li2MoO4 as cathode material for secondary NF-257/00 India lithium intercalation cell A Low temperature procedure for the synthesis of NF-276/00 3 LiCoMnO4 battery cathode material. rocking chair India lithium ion cell A novel process for the preparation of LiNiMnO as NF-277/00 4 4 India battery cathode material for high voltage lithium cells. A thermal procedure for the synthesis of LiCo Ni O NF-278/00 5 0.5 0.5 2 India battery cathode material for reversible lithium ion cells. A novel process for the preparation of LiCoVO useful as NF-279/00 6 4 India cathode material for the secondary lithium ion cells.</p><p>31 A novel wet grinding thermal process for the synthesis of NF-381/00 7 LiNiPO4 cathode material for rocking chair lithium ion India & US cells India 8 A process for the preparation of LiBF4 NF-382/00 An improved process for the synthesis of LiCo B O NF-419/00 9 0.5 0.5 2 India useful as cathode material for reversible lithium in cells A method for preparation of LiClO useful as electrolyte NF-421/00 10 4 India for non-aqueous batteries A novel process for the synthesis of lithium meta borate 11 NF-422/00 India (LiBO2) A new solid state thermal method for the synthesis of 12 US 033432-013 US LiPF6 as battery electrolyte A new solid state process for the synthesis of lithium 13 US 23373 US meta phosphate (LiPO3) US 10/108,696 A solid state method for the synthesis of lithium meta EU 2718509 14 US & EU arsenate (LiAsO2) 9-2111- IN0200086) NF-453/2001; US Preparation of lithium hexafluoro arsenate (LiAsF ) by a 6, 682,712 B2; India & US 15 6 novel method for lithium cells EU 02718503.2- & EU 211-in 0156NF2002/IN 16 Process for preparing cathode materials for Li-batteries WO World 03/086975A1</p><p>10. New Collaborative Research Programs The Sethu Samudram Ship Channel Project, a nationally important and much sensitive Environmental Impact Monitoring study was carried out as an inter-departmental collaborative program (with the collaborations of the Departments of Bio-technology, Industrial Chemistry and Oceanography and Coastal Area Studies) at a cost of Rs.73 lakhs for the Ministry of Shipping and Surface Transport, Govt. of India- Environmental Impact study. </p><p>CSIR sponsored New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI) Project on Biotechnology for Leather Towards Cleaner Processing is being carried out with the collaborations of 11 National Institutes /Universities. The outcome of the Project was that the culturable bacteria associated with goat skin were identified through 16S rRNA based typing and that in turn paved the way for coming out with suitable technologies for bio and ambient preservation of skin without common salt. Marine bacterial enzymes have successfully been employed for de-hairing of goat skin. This technology has already been transferred to Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai.</p><p>One of our faculty members was awarded Australian Government Endeavour Research Fellowship to carry out collaborative research work at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia for a period of six months, June 2007 to Dec 2007.</p><p>32 Another faculty member was awarded KOSEF fellowship to carry out research work at Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea for a period of one year from Feb 2007 to Feb 2008. </p><p>Five International Collaborative Research Projects funded through the Alagappa University Research Fund are on stream with collaborations from Queens University, Belfast, UK, (involving exchange of Scholars for 2 to 3 years of Research at Queens University Belfast, UK), and few other Overseas institutions. </p><p>Collaborating International Universities: FISK University, Tennesse, USA, KIST, Seoul, South Korea, Ben Gurion University, Israel, University of Camerino, Italy, Monash University, Australia, Queens University, Belfast, United Kingdom, Korea University, Seoul, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, Yonsei University, South Korea, Korean Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea, Korean University, South Korea, National Institute Bio-Medical Innovation, Osaka, Japan, etc.</p><p>Collaborating Indian Institutions : Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, BHEL, Trichy, Dredging Corporation of India, WAPCOS, New Delhi, DRDL, Hydrabad, HEMRL-EMD & Safety Division, Pune, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukkudi, Madurai-Kamaraj University, Madurai, Agarkar Research Institute (DST), Pune, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR), Chennai, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CSIR), Hyderabad, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (DBT), Hyderabad, Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR), Chandigarh, National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR), Pune, Spic Science Foundation, Tuticorin, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Mediclone, Chennai, DRDL, Hydrabad, University of Pune, Pune and few more. </p><p>11. Research Grants Received from Various Agencies (Fig. Rs. Lakhs)</p><p>Agency UGC DST DBT/CSIR Ministries Others Total Rs. Lakhs 94.7 13.1 27.0 32.7 12.7 180.2</p><p>12. Details of Research Scholars</p><p>S.No. Program Number of Scholars Male Female Total 1 Ph.D 32 14 46 2 M.Phil 48 109 157</p><p>13. Citation Index of Faculty Members and Impact Factor Details of papers with Impact Factor are given. The highest impact factor is 6.79. The average impact factor is 1.9 with standard deviation of 0.87. Name of the Title of the Papers Name of the journal Impact teacher Factor Dr. B. Vaseeharan Molecular cloning and phylogenetic analysis Developmental & 2. 833 on Comparative Immunology a2-macroglobulin (a2-M) of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei., Volume 32, Issue 4, Pages 317-329, 2008</p><p>33 RpoN gene, RAPD profile, antimicrobial Letters in Applied 1.679 resistance and plasmids of Vibrio anguillarum Microbiology, isolates from vibriosis Infected Penaeus monodon. Volume 47 Issue 5, Pages 380 – 385, 2008 Identifcation and phylogenetic analysis on Developmental & 2. 833 lipopolysaccharide and b-1,3-glucan binding Comparative Immunology, protein (LGBP) of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicas. Volume 32, Issue 11, Pages 1260-1269, 2008 Dr. R. Manikandan R.Manikandan, R.Thiagarajan, S. Beulaja, S. Chemico-Biological 3.00 Chindhu, K. Mariammal, G. Sudhandiran and Interaction M. Arumugam. 2009. Anti-cataractogenic effect of curcumin and aminoguanidine against selenium induced oxidative stress in eye lens of Wistar rat pups: An in vitro study using isolated lens. 2009 (In Press R. Manikandan, R. Thiagarajan, S. Beulaja, G. Current eye Research 1.509 Sudhandiran and M. Arumugam. 2008. Effect of curcumin on selenium-induced cataractogesis in Wistar rat pups. 2009 (In Press) Srinivasan Kalayarasan, Ponnuraj Nagendra European Journal of 2.37 Prabhu, Narayanan Sriram, Ramar Pharmacology Manikandan, Munusamy Arumugam and Ganapasam Sudhandiran. 2009. Diallyl sulfide enhances antioxidants and inhibits inflammation through the activation of Nrf2 against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in Wistar rats. RamarManikandan,RamalingamSundaram,Ra Microscopy Research and 2.31 manThiagarajan,Ramasamy Sivakumar, Technique Velayutham Meiyalagan, and Muswamy Arumugam. 2009. Effects of Black Tea on Histological and Immunohistochemical Changes in Pancreatic Tissues of Normal and Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Mice (Mus musculus). M. Pandi, R. Manikandan and J. Muthumary. Biomedicine 1.80 2009. Anticancer activity of fungal taxol pharmacotherapy derived from Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat., an endophytic fungus, against 7, 12 dimethyl benz(a)anthracene (DMBA)- induced mammary gland carcinogenesis in Sprague dawley rats. - 2009 Sanjeev K. Singh Nishi K. Rao, Sanjeev K. Singh, Arpita Yadav J. of Mol. Mod. , 5, 417, 2.5 An ab initio quantum mechanical drug 2009. designing procedure: Applications to design of balanced dual ACE/NEP inhibitors. Dr. S. Karutha 2.Paramasivam Nithyanand, Shunmugiah FEMS Microbiology 3.30 Pandian Karutha Pandian Phylogenetic Ecology 10.1111/j.1574- characterization of culturable bacterial 6941.2009.00723.x) diversity associated with the mucus and tissue [Wiley-Blackwell] of the coral Acropora digitifera from Gulf of Mannar. Dr. K.Balamurugan 1.Craig Willis Lamunyon, Wei- Siang Liau, The FASEB Journal. Misa Aurtin, Krishnaswamy Balamurugan and 2008;22:936.15 Hamid Said, A knockout of the C. elegans 6.79 folate transporter folt-1 results in defective</p><p>34 oocytes. Dr. K. Pandima 1. N. Suganthy, S. Karutha Pandian, K. Journal of Enzyme 1.421 Devi Pandima Devi, Cholinesterase inhibitory Inhibition and Medicinal effects of Rhizophora lamarckii, Avicennia Chemistry officinalis, Sesuvium portulacastrum and 2008,1-6 Suevada monica: Mangroves inhabiting Indian coastal area (Vellar Estuary). Dr. K. Pandima N. Suganthy, P.Kesica S. Karutha Pandian, K. Research in 1.185 Devi Pandima Devi, Mangrove Plants Extract: Complementary Medicine Radical Scavenging Activities and Its Battle 2009, 16, 41- 48 against Food Borne Pathogens Voltammetric determination of analgesics Applied Clay Science, Dr.P.Manisankar 2.005 using a montmorillonite modified electrode 42(1-2), 2008, 206-213 Differential pulse stripping voltammetric determination of heavy metals simultaneously Microchimica Acta, 163(3- Dr.P.Manisankar 1.91 using new polymer modified glassy carbon 4), 2008, 289-295 electrodes. Development of structural stability and the electrochemical performance of La substituted Solid State Ionics 179, Dr.P.Manisankar 2.425 spinel LiMn2O4 cathode materials for 2008, 580-586 rechargeable lithium- ion batteries Square-wave stripping voltammetric International Journal of determination of some organic pollutants Environmental Analytical Dr.P.Manisankar 1.114 using modified electrodes chemistry 89 (4), 2009, 245-260 Determination of analgesics in pharmaceutical Journal of Applied Dr.P.Manisankar formulations and urine samples using nano Electrochemistry, 39, 1.54 polypyrrole modified glassy carbon electrode 2009, 1177-1184 Synthesis and electrochemical Journal of Solid State characterizations of nano-crystalline LiFePO4 Electrochemistry, Dr.P.Manisankar 1.597 and mg-doped LiFePO4 cathode materials for 13(2), 2009,301-307 rechargeable lithium-ion batteries Preparation of ultra long Poly (1,5 Diamino J. Nanoscience and Dr.P.Manisankar Naphthalene) Nano Belts/ Nano Discs through Nanotechnology 1.929 a Hard-Soft combined Templates Approach (Accepted for Publication) Synthesis and electrochemical characterization J. Solid State Dr. G. Paruthimal of Nano-Crystalline LiFePO and Mg-doped 4 Electrochemistry 1.542 Kalaignan LiFePO cathode materials for rechargeable 4 624 (2008) lithium ion batteries Synthesis and electrochemical performances J.Electroanalytical Dr. G. Paruthimal of Chemistry, 2.339 Kalaignan Nano-SiO -coated LiMn O cathode materials 2 2 4 13 (2009) for rechargeable lithium batteries Extraction, Characterization and Application J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1.306 Dr.S.Thambidurai of Seaweed Nano Particles on Cotton Fabrics Vol.113, pp. 2287-2292, 2009 Dr.S.Thambidurai Modification of Bioscoured Cotton Cellulose Iranian Polymer Journal, 1.072 by Grafting and Hydrolysis Process Vol. 18 (5), pp. 393-400, 2009 Synthesis and characterization of 1.812 Materials Research nanocrystalline La Mo O fast oxide-ion Dr.A.Subramania 2 2 9 Bulletin, Vol.43, pp 1153, conductor by an in-situ polymerization 2008 method</p><p>Effect of nanoscale CeO2 on PVDF-HFP- Journal of Solid State 1.535 Dr.A.Subramania based nanocomposite porous polymer Electrochemistry, 12, pp electrolytes for Li-ion batteries 143, 2008 Host-guest interaction of L-tyrosin with  - Spectrochim acta, Sec.A, 2.1 Dr.T.Stalin cyclodextrine Vol 71, pp125, 08</p><p>35 Dr. K.Gurunathan Visible light active pristine and Fe3+ doped Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2.7 CuGa2O4 spinel photocatalysts for solar 33( 2008)2646-2652 hydrogen productionK. Gurunathan, Jin-Ook Baeg, Sang Mi Lee, E. Subramanian, Sang-Jin Moon, and Ki Jeong Kong Dr. K.Gurunathan K. Gurunathan, Jin-Ook Baeg, Sang Mi Lee, Catalyst Commun. 2.5 E. Subramanian, Sang-Jin Moon, Chul Wee 9(2008)395-402 Lee, and Hyunju Chang Visible light assisted</p><p> highly efficient hydrogen production from H2S decomposition by CuGaO2 and CuGa1-xInxO2 delafossite oxides bearing nanostructured co- catalysts Dr.A.Arumugam S.P. Kamala Nalini, P. Saravanan, A. AJMBES No.2(2008). 1.5 Arumugam. and D. Lalithakumari. 2008. A 301-308 Novel Bacteria for Biocontrol and Plasmid Mediated Antibiosis. Dr.A.Arumugam S.P. Kamala Nalini P. Saravanan,. A. AJMBES No.2(2008). 1.5 Arumugam and D. Lalithakumari. 2008. 251-255 Chemotaxis and Colonization A Positive Approach for Effective Biocontrol by Pseudomonas chlororaphis Dr. V. Sugumar Serotonin modulation of hemolymph glucose Aquaculture 2008 281: 1.62 and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone titres 106-112 in Fenneropenaeus indicus Dr. V. Sugumar Serotonin stimulation of ovarian maturation Aquaculture 2009 291: 1.62 and hemolyph veitellogenin in the Indian 192-199 white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus C.Sanjeeviraja Influence of metal organic and inorganic Journal of Non-Crystalline 1.4492 precursors on spray pyrolysed ceramic MgO Solids 354(2008) 3773- (200) thin films for epitaxial over layers 3779 C.Sanjeeviraja High temperature growth transition metal J.Phys.D:Appl.Phys.41(20 2.200 oxide thin films:tuning physical properties by 08)125304 MeV N+-ion bombardment C.Sanjeeviraja Reactive DC Magnetron sputtering Zirconium J. Physics: Conference 1.900 nitride (ZrN) thin film and its characterization Series 114(2008) 012039 C.Sanjeeviraja Synthesis and characterization of spray Physica E : Low- 1.230 pyrolysed MgIn2O4 spinel thin films for dimensional Systems and novel applications Nanostructures 40(2008) 467-473 C.Sanjeeviraja Studies on Transparent Spinel magnesium Thin Solid Films 517 1.884 indium oxide Thin Films Prepared by (2008) 510-516 Chemical Spray Pyrolysis C.Sanjeeviraja Single step synthesis–poly(3- Polymers for Advanced 1.504 octylthiophene)/multi-walled carbon nanotube Technology(2008) composites and their characterizations DOI:10.1002/pat.1325. C.Sanjeeviraja Synthesis and characterization of Materials Chemistry and 1.871 CuFe2O4/CeO2 nanocomposites Physics 112 (2008) 373- 380 C.Sanjeeviraja Magnesium indium oxide (MgIn2O4) spinel Journal of Colloid and 2.443 thin films: Chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) Interface Science, 328 growth and materials characterizations (2008) 396-401 T.Mahalingam Effect of pH and current density in Materials Chemistry and 1.871 electrodeposited Co-Ni-P alloy thin films Physics.112 (2008) 249</p><p>T.Mahalingam, Characterization of electrosynthesized iron Journal of Materials 1.054 C.Sanjeeviraja diselenide thin films Science: Materials in Electronics.19 (2008) 1086 S. Rajendran Ionic conduction in Poly(vinyl chloride) J. Power sources, 3.477 /Poly(ethyl methacrylate) based polymer 180(2008) 880.</p><p>36 blend electrolytes complexed with different lithium salts S. Rajendran Investigations on PVC/PAN composite J. Memb. Sci. J. Memb. 3.247 polymer electrolytes, Sci., 315 (2008) 67. S. Rajendran Characterization of PVC/PEMA based Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 3 2.483 polymer blend electrolytes (2008) 282 S. Rajendran Study of Li ion conduction behaviour of J.Appl.Polym.Sci., 1.008 hybrid polymer electrolytes based on PEMA 110(2008)2802 K.Sankaranarayanan Directional growth of organic NLO crystal by J.Crystal Growth, 310 1.950 different growth methods: A comparative (2008) 4587-4592 study by means of XRD, HRXRD and laser damage threshold K.Sankaranarayanan Growth of longest <100> oriented J. Crystal Growth, 310 1.950 benzophenone single crystal from solution at (2008) 1493-1496 ambient temperature T.Thenappan The dielectric study of hydrogen bonded J. Mol. Liq. 140(2008) 1-5 1.188 complexes of anisole with alcohols T.Thenappan Concentration and temperature dependent J. Mol Liq. 106(2008) 937- 1.188 interaction studies using dielectric and 943 thermodynamic methods on mixture of anisole with O-toluidine and m-toluidine T.Thenappan Dielectric investigations of dilute solutions of Philosophical Magazine 1.878 anisole with H-bonded liquids Letters 88(2008) 251-258 T.Thenappan Dielectric relaxation in ternary system of Philosophical Magazine 1.878 alcohols and nitriles in benzene at microwave Letters 88(2008) 889-895 frequency C.Sanjeeviraja Optimized deposition and characterisation of Materials Research 1.484 nano crystalline magnesium indium oxide thin Bulletin (2008) - Available films for opto-electronic applications online 11 November 2008 C.Sanjeeviraja Influence of substrate temperature on the Current Applied Physics 1.291 structural properties of ZnO films prepared by (CAP-D-08-00163) - RF Magnetron Sputtering Technique accepted</p><p>C.Sanjeeviraja Crystal structure and thermal characterization Inorganica Chimica 1.713</p><p> of cadmium oxalate [CdC2O4 · 3H2O] and Acta, In Press, Corrected barium-doped cadmium oxalate Proof, Available online 30</p><p>[Ba0.5Cd0.5(C2O4)2 · 5H2O] single crystals grown July 2008 in silica gel C.Sanjeeviraja Structural, optoelectronic and electrochemical J. Mater.Sci.: Mater. 1.181 properties of nickel oxide films Electron (2008) in press T.Mahalingam Characterization of electroplated FeSe thin Journal of Materials 1.181 films Science: Materials in Electronics (In Press). S. Rajendran Optimization of PVC-PAN based polymer J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (In 1.008 electrolytes print). M.Sivakumar, Studies on the Effect of Anions of various J.Appld. Polym.Sci. (In 1.008 S.Rajendran Lithium salts in PEMA Gel Polymer Press) Electrolytes K.Sankaranarayanan Growth aspects and characteristic properties J. Crystal Growth (2008) 1.950 of pure and Li-doped l-arginine acetate (LAA) in press single crystals: A promising nonlinear optical material C.Sanjeeviraja Optimized deposition and characterisation of Materials Research 1.484 nano crystalline magnesium indium oxide thin Bulletin (2008) - Available films for opto-electronic applications online 11 November 2008</p><p>14. Honors / Awards to the Faculty Dr.B.Vaseeharan Young Scientist Award, Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. Jun. 2008</p><p>37 Dr.B.Sivakumar Fast Track Young Scientist Award from SERC – Dept. of Science & Oct. 2008 Technology, Govt. of India.</p><p>Dr.R.Thamodaran Presidential Young Tamil Scholar Award, Central Institute of Classic Oct. 2009 Tamil, Union Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. Dr.R.Srinivasan Young Scientist Award Association of Bio-technology & Pharmacy, Oct. 2009 Guntur.</p><p>15. Internal Resources Generated The Instrumentation Maintenance Centre generates resource by rendering maintenance and service provision. The consultancy Program generates revenue. The Directorate of Distance Education is a great avenue of resource generation The Directorate of Collaborative Programs generates resources. Regular Departments generate revenue through tuition fee income, special fee income, etc. Rental income earned through letting out few property for Banks, Post Office, Police Out- post, etc.</p><p>16. Details of Departments Getting SAP,COSIST(ASSIST) /DST.FIST, etc/ assistance / recognition</p><p>Ten Departmental projects funded by the UGC-SAP, DST- FIST, CDA and CDBR worth Rs. 13.39 Crores are on-going.</p><p>Five Departments and two Constituent Colleges have got Departmental project assistances under UGC SAP –DRS I & II, DST-FIST, CDA & CDBR, as given below. Type of Departments/Colleges Number Assistance UGC SAP Units Physics (DRS I & Dept. of Physical Industrial 4 DRS II) Education. Chemistry DST FIST Units Industrial Chemistry Physics Bio-technology 3 CDBR*/CDA** Department. of Alagappa Alagappa College 3 Computer Science College of of Phy. & Engineering* Education** Education.** Total 10 *Collaborative Directed Basic Research in Smart and Secure Environment (IIT) ** College Development Assistance (UGC)</p><p>The financial supports from the UGC/DST/IIT for the SAP/FIST/CDBR units are as below. A sum of Rs. 606 lakhs are sanctioned by the funding agencies for SAP/FIST/CBDR/CDA support, during the last 5 years (2005-10) S. Department/Constituent Colleges Title Funding Amount No. Agency Rs. Lakhs 1 Physics SAP UGC- DRS I 34.00 2 Physics FIST DST 35.00 3 Physics SAP UGC- DRS II 70.50 4 Industrial Chemistry SAP UGC 37.00 5 Industrial Chemistry FIST DST 35.00 6 Dept. of Biotech FIST DST 44.50</p><p>38 7 Dept. of Physical Education SAP UGC 20.30 8 Alagappa University College of Education CDA UGC 79.30 9 Computer Science CDBR IIT, Chennai 171.00 10 Alagappa University College of Physical Education CDA UGC 79.30 Total 605.90</p><p>17. Community Services</p><p>Village Placement Program (VPP) The University has been promoting University- neighborhood network wherein the students go to villages and stay in the village itself to acquire exposure about the rural society. This is helpful for community development. For the first time in the history of State Universities in Tamil Nadu, Alagappa University has introduced a novel course in the curriculum namely Village Placement Program (VPP) from the academic year 2005- 06 onwards. This program is introduced with aim to provide exposure to students about the issues confronting the Indian villages.</p><p>In order to fulfill the dream of the philanthropist Dr. Alagappa Chattier that village development is country’s development, the University has newly introduced this course to the students. Under this program, students (both girls and boys) will be staying in the selected villages, wherein they would study the socio-economic conditions of people belonging to various communities besides conducting various awareness and extension programs. This program also helped identifying the demands and requirements of the village community. </p><p>Specifically the students participating in this program have carried out the works such as cleaning the villages, planting saplings, and conducting various awareness programs on topics of village development. Students had also met and discuss with various stakeholders of the village to understand the overall requirements of the village. Awareness campaigns on female literacy, drop-outs, health and nutrition, environment, drinking water were organized under this program. This program is expected to help the students for making appropriate intervention when they become government officials, administrators, teachers and people’s representatives</p><p>Between the academic year 2005-06 and 2008-09, a total of 2000 students (864 boys and 1136 girls) had participated in VPP. Along with the students, the faculty members also stayed in the selected villages not only to guide the students but also develop network with the different stakeholders of the villages. Besides helping the students in understanding the socio-economic conditions of the villages, the VPP has also created a permanent bridge between the rural people and the University. </p><p>National Service Scheme (NSS) has been an integral part of the Alagappa University since its inception. The objective of NSS is to providing opportunities to the youth to involve themselves in social activities and ultimately developing their personality. The students and the faculties of the University are always encouraged to involve in all the activities related to NSS. The activities such as health, sanitation, literacy, blood donation, environment conservation, community works, reproductive health, family welfare and</p><p>39 nutrition, women empowerment, etc are some of main programs the NSS volunteers often involved in. The students enrolled in NSS also played crucial role in rescue, relief and rehabilitation works during local and national disasters. </p><p>At least two programs on different themes are conducted every month under the banner of NSS. NSS Unit of the University organized NSS Day function, Teachers Day function, National Youth Day function along with the Deanship of student Affairs. It also organized Personality Development Seminar with the Dept. of Physical Education and a Blood Donation camp with School of Management.</p><p>The National Service Scheme of the University has 83 units with 8300 students involved who commit to out-reach activities such as institution-society interaction, social service, social leadership development, etc. Annually fund is released by the TN NSS Cell to Alagappa University and the grant is distributed to all NSS units of Departments/Affiliated colleges who conduct annual 10day/7-Day camps. Students gained experience of rural upgrading and rendered social service, besides creating awareness regarding healthy livelihood.</p><p>The NSS Unit awards Best NSS Program Officer Award and Best Volunteer Award to 8 NSS volunteers, from both the University Departments and Affiliated Colleges. The meeting of NSS Advisory Committee is held twice a year in the University. The Youth Officer, NSS Regional Centre, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and TN State NSS Liaison Officer, besides University officials participated.</p><p>Youth Red Cross: The Youth Red Cross organizes out-reach camps to create awareness on, Blood Donation, First Aid, Disaster Management, Road Safety, etc. Every year Voluntary Blood Donation Rally is conducted and about 300 students participate. Elocution Competition on special themes such as ‘Blood Donation’, ‘Road Safety’, etc are also held. District Level YRC study camp is conducted for the students. YRC of Alagappa University participates in the YRC Workshops. </p><p>Red Ribbon Club: Alagappa University’s RRB involves itself actively in the mandates of The Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society in conducting awareness and counseling program on control and caution on AIDS related issues. Grant received from the Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society is distributed to various Affiliated Colleges for organizing the above kind of programs in their respective beat area to ensure wider coverage.</p><p>18. Teachers and officers newly recruited Teaching Staff Members Newly recruited 43 Non-Teaching Staff Members Newly recruited 02</p><p>19. Teaching – Non-teaching staff ratio: 145 / 203 = 72%</p><p>20. Improvements in the library services</p><p>The Central Library is G+1 building with lift facility having a plinth area of 1811 .5 </p><p>40 The Library is kept open about 345 days in an academic year, leaving only National/State holidays. It is kept open for 12 hours during week days and 7 hours during weekends. Library services are computerized. SOUL promoted by INFLIBNET is the Library Management Software used in this Library. The University is a member of UGC - INFONET, getting on-line journal access, and the level of the access is third.</p><p>A new Adjunct library, the Corporation Bank sponsored library of 300 area in the cellar of the L.CT.L.P.C.M. Auditorium was dedicated in December, 2008. There are Department Libraries of various size and forms, dealing in program specific books and journals. The facilities offered are: S. Facility Details S. Facility Details No. No. i Book Stakes for 73,000 volumes ix Journal Stakes for 200 volumes ii Internet Cafe x Periodicals section iii CCTV xi Barcode Printer & Scanners iv INFLIBNET facilities xii DELNET/ IUC facilities v On-line and Print journals xiii Generator (Alternative power) vi Computers with net connectivity xiv Scanner/ Photocopying machine vii Air-conditioned Reading Halls xv University Web-site Centre viii Display boards of faculty papers xvi Services (Bindery/ References)</p><p>21. New books / journals subscribed and their value</p><p>S. No. Resources Rs. Lakhs i Books/ Plan Fund 3.30 ii Books/Projects fund 0.31 iii Journals 0.75 Total 4.36</p><p>22. Courses in which student assessment of teachers is introduced and action taken on student feedback Almost for all the courses in this University the student assessment of teachers is introduced and the students’ feedback were got and filed.</p><p>Department PG/UG/Dip M.Phil Ph.D 1. Mathematics Yes Yes Yes 2. Physics Yes Yes Yes 3. Computer Science Yes Yes Yes 4. Chemistry Yes Yes Yes 5. Marine Biology Yes Yes Yes 6. Biotechnology Yes Yes Yes 7. Nanoscience and Technology Yes Yes Yes 8. Bioinformatics Yes Yes Yes 9. Bioelectronics and Biosensors Yes Yes Yes 10. Animal Health and Management Yes Yes Yes</p><p>41 11. Library and Information Science Yes Yes Yes 12. Rural Studies Yes Yes Yes 13. Tamil Yes Yes Yes 14. Women’s Studies Yes Yes Yes 15. English Yes Yes Yes 16. Dept. of Education Yes Yes Yes 17. Dept. Physical Education &Health Sci. Yes Yes Yes 18. International Business &Commerce Yes Yes Yes 19. Corporate Secretaryship Yes Yes Yes 20. Bank Management Yes Yes Yes 21. Alagappa Institute of Management Yes Yes Yes 22. College of Education Yes Yes Yes 23. College of Physical Education Yes Yes Yes 24. Lifelong Learning Yes Yes Yes 25. DDE (selected programs) Yes Yes Yes</p><p>23. Unit cost of education in 2008-09 Item Measure Value Total Expenditure Rs. 173,616,884 Total Students Numbers 1,500 Unit Cost of Education Rs 115,744 Total Exp. Less Salary & Pension Rs. 116673884 Total Students Numbers 1500 Unit Cost of Education (Excluding of Salary & Pension) Rs 77,782</p><p>24. Computerization of administration and the process of admissions and examination results, issue of certificates</p><p>All the processes of admissions, examination results and issue of certificates are fully computerized. Entrance examination evaluation, ranking of candidates, selection and communication are computerized.</p><p>25. Increase in the infrastructural facilities total 1300 lakhs</p><p>S.No. Items Cost Rs. Lakhs 1. Buildings completed 450 2. On going 150 3. Equipment/Upholstery 200 4. AURF Fund creation 500</p><p>26. Technology up-gradation Examination results are published in the University website and the replies to the students e-mail letters are given through e-mail. Library records are computerized. Ph.D thesis evaluation process is partially e-enabled to speed up the adjudication Air-conditioning of Library, Rooms of HoDs and Labs carried out</p><p>27. Computer and internet access and training to teachers and students All the Departments / Constituent Colleges are provided with Computer facilities.</p><p>42 The non-teaching staff members are given compulsory computer training All the non-computer science faculty departments are also given computer lab facilities with 5 to 40 computers each There is net access in the Computer labs and almost all-table tops of officers up to the rank of Assistant Registrar.</p><p>28. Financial aid to students: Total aid comes to Rs. 79,27,576.</p><p>Assistance form Rs. Assistance form Rs. Adi Dravida Welfare 6,81,000 BC/MBC/DNC Scholarship of 12,51,530 Scholarship, Government of Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Government of India 34,40,257 Disable Student Scholarship 27,400 Scholarship Government of India 4,26,505 Bank loans 21,00,884 Scholarship ( SC/ST for DDE Students) Total 45,47,762 Total 33,79,814</p><p>29. Activities and support from the Alumni Association The University has a registered Alumini Association by the name ‘Alagappa Alumini Association’. The AAA helps giving feed-back on curricular modification Another important outcome of the Alumini meeting is the placement assistance Alumni also contribute financially to respective Departments AIBA (Alagappa International Business Alumni) and AIMA (Alagappa Institute of Management Alumni) meet regularly 3 to 4 times a year, with one annual summit.</p><p>30. Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association Regular and frequent PTA meetings are conducted for involving the parents of the students in institution governance Feed-back from the parents is obtained so as to fine tune the educational system at the University</p><p>31. Health Services The Department of Physical Education and Health sciences gives free physiotherapy treatment to the staff, students and the public There is a Physician who cares for the staff and students Health Insurance Policy is taken for every student and employee Health care of employees even with CVDs is well taken care of.</p><p>32. Performance in Sports Activities</p><p>Students of the University and Affiliated Colleges participate in Inter-University competitions in good number. 100-120 students participate in such competitions held in different places like Sivaji University, Gwalior, S.V.University , Tirupati, MS University, Tirunelveli, Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada,</p><p>43 JN Tech. University, Hyderabad, Amaravathi University, RPM University, Nagpur, Kannur University, Kerala, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi, Periyar University, Salem, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, and so on .</p><p>S.No. Game Dates Venue Performance</p><p>1 Football (M) Dec.2008 Periyar University, Salem Qualified upto the II round 2 Football (W) Dec.2008 Periyar University, Salem Qualified upto the II round 3 Volley Ball (M) Jan.2009 Mangalore University Participated 4 Volley Ball (W) Nov.2008 Kannur University Qualified upto the II round 5 Hockey (M) Oct.2008 Annamalai University Participated 6 Kabaddi (M) Nov.2008 Acharya Nagarjuna Qualified upto the II round University 7 Kabaddi (W) Jan.2009 Manonmaniam Participated Sundaranar University 8 Ball Badminton (M) Feb.2009 University of Madras, Qualified upto the IV Chennai Round 9 Ball Badminton (W) Jan.2009 Bharathidasan University, Qualified upto the IV Trichy Round 10 Badminton (M) Oct.2008 Kuvepu University Participated 11 Kho-Kho (M) Jan.2009 Acharya Nagarjuna Qualified upto the II University Round 12 Kho-Kho (W) Jan.2009 RTM, Nagpur Qualified upto the II Round 13 Cricket (W) Dec.2008 Alagappa University Qualified upto the II Round 14 Handball (M) Nov.2008 Shivaji University Qualified upto the II Round 15 Handball (W) Nov.2008 Shivaji University Qualified upto the II Round 16 Basketball (M) Nov.2008 Kamatak University Qualified upto the III Round 17 Basketball (W) Dec.2008 Amaravathi University Qualified upto the II Round 18 Chess Oct.2008 VTU, Belgaum Participated 19 Athletics (M&W) Dec.2008 Mahatma Gandhi Participated University</p><p>33. Incentives to outstanding sportspersons Through the Sports quota, Sports persons can take up the academic programs of their choice Travel concession are given to the sports persons to participate in sports events anywhere in India Awards, Medals and certificates are issued to the concerned winners and participants Financial assistance is rendered to students to participate in State, Zonal and National level tournaments</p><p>34. Student achievements and awards Two Girls students from the Thassim Beevi Abdul Kadhar College for Women, Kilakarai and one girl from Alagappa University Evening College Paramakudi were received Indra</p><p>44 Gandhi Scholarship for Singly Girl Child from the Ministry of Human Resource Development. This Scholarship is given for PG students for two years at Rs. 20000/- per year.</p><p>35. Activities of the Guidance and Counseling Unit In collaboration with the TN state legal aid and advice board, Chennai, a free legal aid centre has been functioning under the centre for Women’s Studies since Jan. 1995. The Legal aid centre renders free legal services to disadvantaged women such as destitute, deserted women and helpless senior citizen. Every Saturday an advocate, the district legal aid administrative officer, centre director and staff and a women police hear the petitions admitted. Student counseling is effected regularly. Each student and each faculty have counseling tasks</p><p>36. Placement Services Provided to Students 1 Campus interview is organized through respective Departments 2 Placement Brochures released both in CD and Print formats 3 Alumni association of respective Departments take responsibility 4 Sporadic requests for hands received from Industry are converted into jobs 5 The Dean, CDC arranges placement services for students of affiliated colleges 6 Managements of Affiliated Colleges are encouraged to arrange placement services 7 Placement ratio varies between 30 and 90%, with average at 45%</p><p>37. Development programs for non-teaching staff Computer training program for non-teaching staff is conducted regularly Motivational Programs organized with leading personnel giving the training Administrative Skill Ascendance training organized with experienced administrators from Universities/Government Departments Sports and other Competitions conducted Vehicle Loan facilities to all Non-Teaching facilities. Group Insurance Scheme for all the staff. Examination duty Exposures and Allowances</p><p>38. Healthy Practices of the Institution The University facilitates the members of the University community to develop moral and ethical commitments to work, to society and to the world. Pension Corpus Fund created to take care of pension liabilities of the University. The fund at credit amounts to about Rs. 110 crores. Group Insurance cover is taken for all employees and students. When an employee dies in harness, an eligible heir is given an appointment on compassionate grounds. Students are given some financial assistance from state government/central government/banks/University resources. Alagappa University Research Fund for Projects and Alagappa University Research Fellowship for doctoral research works created. It is the intent of the University that compliance with the code of ethics will foster a work- environment that stimulates and encourages the development of abilities and pursuit of personal and professional growth while maintaining the highest ethical standards and</p><p>45 goals of the University. Transparency in dealings is introduced.</p><p>39. Linkages developed with National / International, Academics / Research Bodies</p><p> a. International: The University has tie-up with Queens University, Belfast, United Kingdom, Korea University, Seoul, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, Monash University, Australia KIST, Seoul, South Korea, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China for research and consultancy projects. Research Projects undertaken with UNESCO funding</p><p> b. National: The University has taken up research projects with State Level and Central Level Organization/Ministries/Financial/Business institutions. University offers programs through Public-Private collaborative mode. </p><p>The Department of Biotechnology is supported by a grant from CSIR New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI) Project on Biotechnology for Leather Towards Cleaner Processing is being carried out with the collaborations with 15 National Institutes /Universities like IIT, Chennai, CLRI (a unit of CSIR), Chennai, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, University of Pune, etc. Besides the Dept. of bio-technology, the Departments of Industrial Chemistry, Physics, Animal Health and Management, Bio-Informatics, Bio-Sensors and Bio-electronics have Research collaboration with foreign and national Universities/Institutes.</p><p>40. Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add :</p><p>Massive infrastructure building works are afoot. </p><p>Innovative cutting-edge technology oriented programs with state of art scientific infrastructure are introduced. </p><p>During the Birth Centenary Year of the founder of the University, Padma Bhushan Philanthropist, Dr.Rm.Alagappa Chettiar, the University really made certain laudable efforts, whose benefit would soon flow to enlighten many lives.</p><p>Campus is stirred with activities of diverse nature like international conferences, workshops, lectures by eminent persons, cultural extravaganza, National/Global Commemoration Day Celebrations, etc.</p><p>Protection of University Property from encroachment is given thorough attention with due legal recourses. </p><p>The faculty strength is increased by about 45% in just one year, most of them newly created.</p><p>PART C</p><p>46 Detail the plans of the institution for the next year. </p><p>Plan of Action: The Plan of action aims to attain the goal of the University as enunciated in its motto, “Excellence in Action”. The IQAC reiterates that the University keeps before it the vision of excellence in all spheres of education, aptly captured in the acronym, ‘PEARL’- standing for ‘Pedagogy, Extension, Administration, Research & Learning’. The IQAC decides to give a quantitative, qualitative and multifaceted development in its ‘PEARL’ that will make the University distinctly superior.</p><p>The University is committed to provide a High Quality Higher Education to the people of this region so that the human resources are groomed well and could be put to best use in uplift of the nation to Educational, Social, Technological, Environmental and Economic Magnificence (ESTEEM).</p><p>S. Plan of Actions - Details No. 1 Enhancing the quality of academic inputs in terms of ‘Pedagogical’ design and delivery. 2 Giving a great push forward in the ‘scale, scope and style of ‘Extension’ activities so that the stakeholders give their best and get the best. 3 Streamlining the ‘Administration’ so that responsiveness, accountability, swiftness and effectiveness of actions are benchmarked. 4 Increasing the quality, quantity, and diversity of ‘Research’ activities to make the University on par with advanced Research Institutes in the country. 5 Making every effort to ensure that maximum ‘Learning’ experience is provided to the learners, faculty included. 6 Take measures to get the University re-accredited by the beginning of the academic year 2010-11. 7 Make a quantum addition in the infrastructure facilities of the University so that every School/Faculty is provided with independent Seminar hall, one/two smart class-rooms and state of art ICT / Laboratory equipment 8 Institute Chairs in the name of epoch-making leaders of Tamilnadu, marking the birth centenary of Peraringnar Anna and the Silver Jubilee of the University. 9 Thrust quality culture in the affiliated colleges with emphasis on Annual Academic Audit 10 Gear up the Extra-curricular, Campus beautification and Asset creation activities during the Silver Jubilee Year of the University 11 Launching of e-leaning mode MBA through the Directorate of Distance Education in 2009-10 with every interaction with the learner in the e-format. 12 To ensure that the Stamp of Quality- Fineness, Attentiveness, Suppleness and Thoroughness (FAST), is made default in every sphere of activity.</p><p>47 MEMBER SECRETARY, IQAC REGISTRAR i/c</p><p>-=-=-=-</p><p>48</p>

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