<p>VCE Systems Engineering Resources 2013–2017 Some of the print resources contained in this list may be out of print. They have been included because they may still be available from libraries, bookshops and private collections. At the time of publication the URLs (website addresses) cited were checked for accuracy and appropriateness of content. However, due to the transient nature of material placed on the web, their continuing accuracy cannot be verified. Teachers are strongly advised to prepare their o wn indexes of sites that are suitable and applicable to the courses they teach, and to check thes e addresses prior to allowing student access. BOOKS Electrical/Electronic Baker, T 2001, Experiments in DC/AC Circuits with Concepts, Thomson Delmar Lear ning, New York, USA. Bishop, O 2011, Electronics, A First Course, 3rd edn Newnes, New York, USA. Cernasov, A 2004, Digital Video Electronics, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Fardo, S & Patrick, D 1999, Understanding DC Circuits, Newnes, New York, USA. Fletcher, R & Warner, N 1996, Introducing Design in Electronics, The Jacaranda Pres s, Milton, Queensland, Australia. Gates, E 2001, Introduction to Electronics: A Practical Approach, 4th edn, Thompson Delmar Learning, New York, USA. Gibilisco, S 2011, Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Green, M 2000, Power to the People, Sunlight to Electricity Using Solar Cells, UNS W Press, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Horn, D 1993, How to Test Almost Everything Electronic, TAB Books, USA. Iannini, R 2005, More Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius: 28 Build-It-Yourself P rojects, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, New York, USA. Johnston, G 2000, Short Circuits Volume 3, 1st edn, Jaycar Electronics Group, Silverwater, Australia. Johnston, G 2004, Short Circuits Volume 2, 1st edn, Jaycar Electronics Group, Silverwater, Australia. VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Lincoln, D 2005, Programming and Customizing the PICAXE Microcontroller, McGr aw-Hill, USA. Mawson, D 2001, Electronic Products – Design and Make It, Stanley Thornes, Chelte nham, UK. Miller, R & Miller, M 2008, Industrial Electricity and Motor Controls, McGraw-Hill, New York. Patrick, D 2000, Understanding AC Circuits, Newnes, New York, USA. Payne, B & Rampley, D 2006, Real World Technology – Electronic Products, Collins, UK. Phillips, P 1996, Electrical Principles 1, Nelson Thompson Learning, Melbourne, Australia. Pratley, J 1997, Electronic Principles and Applications, Arnold, UK. Predko, M 2005, Digital Electronics Demystified, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Predko, M 2005, 123 PIC Microcontroller Experiments for the Evil Genius, McGraw- Hill, New York, USA. Scherz, P 2006, Practical Electronics for Inventors, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Sclater, N 1999, Electronics Technology Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.</p><p>Clean energy technology systems Aubrecht, G 2005, Energy: Physical, Environmental, and Social Impact, 3rd edn, Pre ntice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Ball, M & Wietschel, M 2009, The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities and Challenges, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Dell, R & Rand, DAJ 2004, Clean Energy, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.</p><p>Droege, P 2009, 100% Renewable: Energy Autonomy in Action, Earthscan, London, UK. Gibilisco, S 2007, Alternative Energy Demystified, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Hinrichs, R & Kleinback, M 2006, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 4th edn, Tho mson Learning, New York, USA. Holland, G & Provenzano, JJ 2007, The Hydrogen Age: Empowering a Clean-Energy Future, Gibbs Smith, Layton, USA. Kirkwood, RC & Longley, AJ 1995, Clean Technology and the Environment, Blackie Academic and Professional, Glasgow, UK. Kothari, D P, Singal, KC & Ranjan, R 2009, Renewable energy sources and Emerging Technologies, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi. Landes, D 2003, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial De velopment in Western Europe from 1750 to Present, Cambridge University Press, UK. Wilder, C & Pernick, R 2008, The Clean Tech Revolution, HarperCollins, New York, USA. Designing with systems</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 2 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Beeden, R & Atkin, S 2003, Practical Design and Technology: Mechanical Construct ions, Heinemann Educational Books – Library Division, UK. Beeden, R & Atkin, S 2004, Practical Design and Technology: Electronic Constructi ons, Heinemann Educational Books – Library Division, UK. Beeden, R & Atkin, S 2003, CAD/CAM Constructions: Practical Design and Technol ogy, Heinemann Educational Books – Library Division, UK. Biggs, A, Hoffman, M & Sheppard, T 2002, Design and Make It: Systems and Contro l Technology, revised edn, Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham, UK. Caldwell, R 2003, Higher Technology and Design, Hodder & Stoughton, London, UK. Chapman, C 2003, Total Revision: GCSE D & T Resistant Materials, Collins Educati onal, Scotland, UK. Norman, E, Urry, S, Cubitt, J & Whittaker, M 2000, Advanced Design and Technolog y, 3rd edn, Longman, UK. Sharman, R 2001, Solar Electricity, a User’s Guide for Design Installation and Use, Tasmin Publishing. Thompson, R 2011, Prototyping and Low Volume Production, Thames & Hudson, London, UK. Tickoo, S 2010, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0: for designers CADCIM Technolgies, Indiana, USA. Timings, R 2004, Basic Manufacturing, 3rd edn, Newnes, Oxford, UK.</p><p>General systems Brain, M 2003, How Stuff Works, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland, Australia. Brain, M 2003, More How Stuff Works, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland, Aus tralia. De Rooy, B & Barclay, S 1998, Systems Technology for Schools (Australian Technol ogy Series), Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, Australia. Harfield, D (ed.) 2011, How it Works Book of Amazing Technology, Imagine Publishing, Dorset, UK. McCauley, D 2004, The Way Things Work, 3rd edn, Dorling Kindersly, London, UK. O’Neill, P & Prosper, JP 2006, Systems Engineering VCE Units 1–4, Thomson Learni ng Australia, Melbourne. Ramsey, B et al. 1998, Technology 2, Cambridge University Press, Australia. Ramsey, B et al. 1998, Technology 1, Cambridge University Press, Australia. Wing, C 2007, How Boat Things Work: An Illustrated Guide, McGraw-Hill, New Yor k, USA.</p><p>Mechanical systems Bloomfied, L 2006, How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, USA. Boundy, A 2007, Engineering Drawing, 7th edn, McGraw Hill, Roseville, Australia.</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 3 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Cave, J 2001, Access Technology – Constructional Materials, Nelson Thornes, Glasg ow, Scotland, UK. Ellse, M 1997, Mechanics and Electricity (Advanced Modular Science), Nelson Thor nes, UK. Erjavec, J 2004, Automotive Technology A Systems Approach, 4th edn, Delmar Publis hing, New York, USA. Lokensgard, E 2010, Industrial Plastics – Theory and Applications, 5th edn, Delmar, New York, USA. Parr, A 1999, Hydraulics & Pneumatics: A Technician’s and Engineer’s Guide, Butte rworth & Heinemann, Oxford, UK. Schwaller, A 1998, Motor Automotive Technology, 3rd edn, Delmar, New York, USA.</p><p>Sclater, N & Chironis, N 2011, Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill, USA. Stacey, C 1998, Practical Pneumatics, Butterworth-Heinemann, USA.</p><p>New and emerging technologies Einsiedel, EF 2009, Emerging Technologies: From Hindsight to Foresight, UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada. Janocha, H 2007, Adaptonics and Smart Structures: Basics, Materials, Design and Applications, 2nd edn, Springer – Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Jones, MT 2009, Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, USA. Mackenzie, D & Wajcman, J 1999, The Social Shaping of Technology, 2nd edn, Open University Press, UK. (Digitised edition, 2009.) Phaiden, 2009, New Technologies, Phaidon Press, London.</p><p>Robotics Arrick, R & Stevenson, N 2003, Robot Building for Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Indi ana, USA. Graham, B & McGowan, K 2004, Build Your Own All-Terrain Robot, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Iovine, J 2001, Robots, Androids and Animatrons, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Johnson, D 2002, Robot Invasion, McGraw-Hill/Osbourne, California, USA. McComb, G 2006, The Robot Builders Bonanza, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, USA. Severin, E 2003, Robot Companions: MentorBots and Beyond, TAB Books, New Yor k, USA.</p><p>JOURNALS AND PERIODICALS Australian Popular Science</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 4 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Australian Media Properties Pty Ltd Surry Hills NSW 2010 www.popsci.com.au/ Design and Technology Online www.dtonline.org DesignandTech.com www.designandtech.com Gizmag PO Box 110 St Kilda South Vic 3182 www.gizmag.com.au/home/ Good Design Australia www.designawards.com.au/application_detail.jsp?applicationID=3961 Journal of Design and Technology Education, The Design and Technology Association (DATA) www.data.org.uk New Scientist Magazine www.newscientist.com/news Popular Mechanics Hearst Magazines Division Hearst Communications Inc. Iowa, USA Science, Technology & Engineering www.enged.com.au Shambles Design and Technology www.shambles.net/designtechnology Silicon Chip Silicon Chip Publications Pty Ltd PO Box 139 Collaroy NSW 2097 Tech Directions Magazine www.techdirections.com Technotes Design and Technology Teachers’ Association of Victoria 150 Palmerston Street Carlton Vic 3053 Ties The online magazine for Design and Technology Education www.tiesmagazine.org/</p><p>AUDIOVISUAL Automotive Design: CAD-CAM case studies (DVD) 2002, Video Education Australasi a.</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 5 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Auto Electrics (DVD) 1990, Classroom Video. Biomorphic Mouse (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. CAD –CAM Series (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. CAD –CAM in the Classroom (DVD) 2003, Video Education Australasia. CAD –CAM in Industry and Schools (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. Composites (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Composite Materials Series (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. Cutting Metal (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Design Applying the Elements (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. Designing a Lawnmower (DVD) 2007, Classroom Video. Designing a Workshop Project (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Designing on Screen (DVD) 2009, Classroom Video. Developing a Design Brief (DVD) 2010, Video Education Australasia. Elements and Principles of Design (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. Electric Dreams Series (DVD) 2009, Classroom Video. Electricity: A 3-D Animated Demonstration Series (DVD) 2007, Video Education Australasia. Electricity and Electronics Series (DVD) 2006, Classroom Video. Electronics – Industry Applications (DVD) 2002, Video Education Australasia. Electronics Series (DVD) 2002, Video Education Australasia. Electrical Safety (DVD) 2001, Classroom Video. Engineering at the Cutting Edge (DVD) 2004, Classroom Video. Essentials of Design and Technology Skills: Drilling, lathes and soldering (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. Evaluating a product (DVD) 2008, Video Education Australasia. Factors of design Series (DVD) 2011, Video Education Australasia. Forming and Shaping Metal (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Inclusive Design: How industry designs for the user (DVD) 2010, Video Education Australasia. Innovation and Emerging Technologies (DVD) 2009, Classroom Video. Joining Metals (DVD) 2006, Classroom Video. Materials Super Series (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. Max Wolff: Industrial Designer (Designer People Series) (DVD) 2008, Video Education Australasia. Mechanical Systems (DVD) 2000, Classroom Video.</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 6 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Non-Ferrous Metals (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Performance Series (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Plastics (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Plastics in Manufacturing (DVD) 2003, Classroom Video. Practical Use of Materials Series (DVD) 2010, Video Education Australasia. Printed Circuit Boards: Uses, design and manufacture (DVD) 2002, Video Education Australasia. Product Design and Sustainability Series (DVD) 2009, Classroom Video. Safety in Technology Workshops (DVD) 2001, Video Education Australasia. Safety in the Workshop – Avoiding Accident and Injury (DVD) 2009, Classroom Video. Simple Machines – Junior (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Simple Machines – Senior (DVD) 2002, Classroom Video. Simple Machine Series – Force varies but work is constant (DVD) 1996, Classroom Video. Smart Car: Launching Daimler-Chryslers New Product (DVD) 2001, Video Education Australasia. Structures (DVD) 1999, Classroom Video. Sustainability in Australia Series (DVD) 2009, Classroom Video. Technology and the Workplace of the Future (DVD) 1998, Video Education Australas ia. Testing Consumer Products (DVD) 1999, Classroom Video, Bendigo. The Birth of a Sports Car Series (DVD) 2004, Video Education Australasia. The Riddle of the Tay Bridge Disaster (DVD) 2001, Video Education Australasia. The Seven Wonders of the Industrial World Series (DVD) 2003, Video Education Australasia. Tools of the Trade Series (DVD) 2007, Classroom Video.</p><p>Using Mathematical Models in Engineering: Terror, Tragedy and Vibrations (DVD) 2006, Video Education Australasia. Washing Machine – Design and Manufacture (DVD) 1999, Classroom Video.</p><p>WEBSITES</p><p>CAD softeware Aspire 2011, Vectric Ltd. www.vectric.com/ AutoCAD 2011, Autodesk, Inc. </p><p>©VCAA March 2012 7 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES www.autodesk.com.au Cut 3-D 2011, Vectric Ltd. www.vectric.com/ Google SketchUp 2011 http://sketchup.google.com/ Modela Player 4 2011, Roland DGA Corporation. www.rolanddg.com/index.html Photo V carve 2011, Vectric Ltd. www.vectric.com/ Pro ENGINEER, Wildfire 5.0 Schools Edition 2009, Parametric Technology Corporati on www.ptc.com/community/landing/wf5.htm Rhinoceros: 2011, NURBS modelling for Windows Robert McNeel and Associates. www.rhino3d.com/ SOLIDWORKS 2011, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. www.solidworks.com/ 2D PCB 2010-2011, TechSoft UK Limited. www.techsoft.co.uk/products/software/2D_PCB.asp V Carve Pro 2011, Vectric Ltd. www.vectric.com/ Yenka/Crocodile Clips simulation software www.crocod-ileclips.com/</p><p>Component, kit and equipment suppliers 555 Electronics www.555electronics.com.au/ Pasco scientific, science, design and technology equipment for Australian schools. Altronics www.altronics.com.au/ Electronics company that supplies electronic components and goods. Hare & Forbes MachineryHouse www.machineryhouse.com.au/Home?link=top Intellecta Technologies Pty.Ltd. www.intellecta.net/index.html Intellecta Technologies produces and develops resources for science and technology e ducation. Jaycar Electronics www.jaycar.com.au/ An Australian electronics retail company that sells electronics components and electro nic kits. Mechatronic Motion Solutions www.festo.com/cms/en-au_au/index.htm Supplier of automation technology and industrial training and education programs.</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 8 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Oatley Electronics www.oatleyelectronics.com/ Online electronics company. School Electronics Supplies PO Box 636 Heathmont Vic 3135 Tel: (03) 8802 0628 Scorpio Technology www.scorpiotechnology.com.au/ Supplies schools with technology kits and components. Wiltronics www.wiltronics.com.au/ Electronics company based in Ballarat that sells, imports, distributes, and manufacture s an extensive range of electronic goods.</p><p>Associations – Technology Design and Technology Teachers' Association http://dattaaustralia.cloudaccess.net/members.html Association representing design and technology organisations and educators in Austra lia. Design and Technology Teachers' Association Victoria (DATTA Vic) www.datta.vic.edu.au/ International Technology Education Association (ITEA) www.iteaconnect.org Professional organisation for technology, innovation, design and engineering educator s. The Design and Technology Association (DATA) www.data.org.uk Association promoting and supporting design and technology organisations and educa tors based in the United Kingdom.</p><p>Educational STEP: Sustainable Technology Education Project www.stepin.org The RACV Energy Breakthrough www.racvenergybreakthrough.net A program for students, teachers, parents and the local industry to design and construc t a vehicle, machine or innovation in technology that represents an 'energy breakthrou gh'. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/systemseng/systemsengindex.html VCAA Systems Engineering page.</p><p>Electronics and robotics Arrick Robotics</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 9 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES www.robotics.com EduTek www.edutek.ltd.uk Electronic Resources for students and teachers. Festo www.festo.com Intellecta Technologies Pty Ltd www.intellecta.net L.A.P. Tech www.laptek.com.au/ Workbook courses covering vehicle repairs/service and the automotive industry, elect ronics, microelectronics and VELS Design, Creativity and Technology. MicroZed Computers www.microzed.com.au Mondo Tronics Jameco Robot Store www.robotstore.com Picaxe Revolution Education Ltd www.picaxe.co.uk Professor Martin Smith’s Robotics Resource www.robot.org.uk SMC Pneumatics SMC Online www.smcusa.com</p><p>Materials information Alibaba Online Plastic Supplier Locator www.alibaba.com/countrysearch/AU/plastic-sheet.html Australian Steel www.australiansteel.com/ MatWeb, Material Property Data www.matweb.com Plastics.org The American Plastics Council www.plastics.org</p><p>New and emerging technologies Andreadis, D, Technology: Scramjets Integrate Air and Space, no date, The Industrial Physicist www.aip.org/tip/INPHFA/vol-10/iss-4/p24.html Australian Government Department of Defence Defence Materiel Organisation, Projects</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 10 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES www.defence.gov.au/dmo/tap/index.cfm Better Place Australia www.betterplace.com.au/ Information on electric cars. CSIRO, Research and Reports www.csiro.au/ Macinnis, P, On the Trail of the Scram Jet, 17/10/2002, Australian Broadcast Corpora tion www.abc.net.au/science/slab/hyshot/default.htm McGowan, JF, Cheap Access to Space: Lessons from past Breakthroughs, 11/05/2001, The Space Review www.thespacereview.com/article/1368/1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, What’s a Scramjet?, NASA www.nasa.gov/missions/research/f_scramjets.html Metallurgy for Dummies, Nanomaterials – The Future Technology http://metallurgyfordummies.com/nanomaterials-the-future-technology/ Metallurgy for Dummies, What are Nanomaterials? http://metallurgyfordummies.com/what-are-nano-materials/ SolarImpulse, SolarImpusle: Around the World in a Solar Plane www.solarimpulse.com/ The Australian Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Researc h (DIISR), TechNyou http://technyou.edu.au/</p><p>Clean energy technology systems Australian Government Clean Energy Future, 2012 www.cleanenergyfuture.gov.au/clean-energy-future/our-plan/clean-energy-australia/ Centre for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) Stevens Institute of Technology, Engineering Projects www.ciese.org/engineeringproj.html Victorian Department of Primary Industries, Energy in Victoria www.dpi.vic.gov.au/energy</p><p>Workplace health and safety DEECD Health, Safety and WorkSafe (general information) www.education.vic.gov.au/hr/ohs/default.htm Technology specific safety information www.education.vic.gov.au/hr/ohs/hazards/techareas.htm On Guard Safety Training www.1300beonguard.com/index.htm Safe Work Australia http://safeworkaustralia.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 11 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Standards Australia www.standards.org.au/ Victorian WorkCover Authority, Worksafe Victoria website www.worksafe.vic.gov.au</p><p>General British Broadcasting Corporation, Design and Technology, British Broadcasting Corp oration. www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/design/ BBC site explaining mechanics, pneumatics, electronics and systems principles. HowStuffWorks www.howstuffworks.com Includes alternative energy production and a broad range of information on machines. Instructables www.instructables.com/technology/ Shows a range of simple to more complex projects – useful for project ideas. Lego www.lego.com Everything about the world of lego, including engineering and design. MicroZed Computers Microzed.com.au Useful site for Picaxe projects. Simple Machines www.dynamicscience.com.au/tester/solutions/hydraulicus/simplemachinesindex.htm Mechanics animation site. Ryan, V, Technologystudent.com www.technologystudent.com/index.htm Includes mechanic animations that students can easily follow. Picaxe http://picaxe.co.uk Useful site for Picaxe projects. The Futures Channel www.thefutureschannel.com/ Teachers can subscribe to receive vodcasts on recent STEM developments.</p><p>ORGANISATIONS The Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies (CERES) Corner Roberts and Stewart Streets Brunswick East Vic 3057 Tel: (03) 9389 0100 Website: www.ceres.org.au Design and Technology Teachers Association (DATTA) http://dattaaustralia.cloudaccess.net/</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 12 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>Education Services Australia Level 5 440 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Email: [email protected] Website: www.esa.edu.au/ Energy Safe Victoria Level 3 4 Riverside Quay Southbank Vic 3006 Website: www.esv.vic.gov.au The technical electrical regulator responsible for ensuring the safe supply and use of e lectricity in Victoria. It also encourages efficient use of electricity. Engineers Australia (Victorian division) 21 Bedford Street North Melbourne Vic 3051 Tel: (03) 9329 8188 Fax: (03) 9326 6515 Website: www.ieaust.org.au (National) www.vic.engineersaustralia.org.au Engineers Australia is dedicated to the growth and long-term support of the engineeri ng profession. Engineers Without Borders PO Box 708 North Melbourne Vic 3051 Tel: (03) 9329 1166 Fax: (03) 9696 9034 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ewb.org.au/ Engineers Without Borders collaborate with developing communities both within Aus tralia and overseas. Providing access to knowledge, resources and appropriate technol ogies these communities need to improve their livelihoods. Monash University Boat and Model Solar Car Challenge Department Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, Caulfield Campus PO Box 197 East Caulfield Vic 3145 Tel: (03) 9903 1808 Fax: (03) 9903 2766 Website: www.modelsolar-vic.net The Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC) At Strathmore Secondary College 400 Pascoe Vale Road Strathmore, Vic 3041 Tel: (03) 9379 3456 Fax: (03) 9374 3855 Email: [email protected] Website: www.vssec.vic.edu.au</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 13 VCE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013–2017 RESOURCES</p><p>A dedicated science centre which promotes science education. It engages students by using space as a setting for learning.</p><p>©VCAA March 2012 14</p>
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