<p> ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 1 Ask and answer questions to learn about unfamiliar words Ask and answer questions for clarification of unknown VU: Ask, answer, clarify, CCSS: in literature texts. words in a text, read aloud or independently, using a checklist RL.K.4 guiding questions checklist. WIDA ELDS: LFC: Interrogatives, nouns, 1,2 verbs, sentences with Reading context clues added Listening LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Objectives about the meaning of about the meaning of about the meaning of key, about the meaning of key, about the meaning of content-based words in L1 content-based words in L1 words in a leveled text unknown words in a unknown words in a grade- and/or answer Choice and/or answer questions using simple, related grade-level text using level text using multiple, questions about high- about key words in a leveled sentences. expanded and some complex sentences. frequency, unknown words text using pictures, phrases complex sentences. in a leveled text using and short sentences. single words and short phrases. Learning Pictures/Photographs Pictures/Photographs Pictures/Photographs Checklist for guiding Supports Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall questions L1 Support L1 Support Checklist for guiding Choice questions Checklist for guiding questions Checklist for guiding questions questions </p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 2 With prompting and support, ask and answer Ask and answer questions about unfamiliar words in text, VU: Ask, answer CCSS: questions to learn about unfamiliar words in read aloud or independently, by using pictures, RI.K.4 informational texts. photographs and Gestures. LFC: Subject verb agreement, WIDA ELDS: declarative and interrogative 1 -5 Note: When CCSS is RI (Reading Informational Text), sentences Reading the WIDA ELDS could be Language Arts, Math, Science Listening or Social Studies. However, teachers should only cite LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking the specific content used. ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Ask and answer Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Ask and answer questions Objectives questions about the about the meaning of about the meaning of key, about the meaning of about the meaning of meaning of content- content-based words in L1 words in a leveled text using key, unknown words in a unknown words in a grade- based words in L1 and/or answer questions simple, related sentences. grade-level text using level text using multiple, and/or answer Choice about key words in a expanded and some complex sentences. questions about high- leveled text using pictures, complex sentences. frequency, unknown phrases and short words in a leveled text sentences. using single words and short phrases. Learning Pictures/Photographs Pictures/Photographs Pictures/Photographs Pictures/Photographs Supports Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall L1 Support L1 Support Gestures </p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 3 With prompting and support, state reasons an author Describe the reasons the author gives to support his VU: Describe, Graphic CCSS: gives to support points in a text. point of view using a Graphic Organizers. Organizers, support RI.K.8 WIDA ELDS: LFC: Present progressive text, 1-5 adverbs, adjectives Reading Listening LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Describe the reasons Describe the reasons the Describe the reasons the Describe the reasons the Describe the reasons the Objectives the author gives to author gives to support his author gives to support his author gives to support author gives to support his support his point of point of view using L1 and/or point of view by using key his point of view point of view using precise, view in L1 and/or using using key vocabulary in vocabulary in simple, producing key vocabulary vocabulary in multiple, high-frequency, single phrases or short sentences. related sentences. in expanded and some complex sentences. words in phrases. complex sentences. Learning L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Small group/ triads Small group/ triads Supports Partner work Partner work Visuals Visuals Visuals Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers </p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 4 With prompting and support, compare and contrast Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of VU: Character, adventure, CCSS: the adventures and experiences of characters in characters in stories using pictures to complete a Venn experiences, compare, RL.K.9 familiar stories, utilizing pictures clues or other story Diagram. contrast WIDA ELDS: props. 1,2 LFC: Comparative and Reading superlative adjectives; Listening sentences with conjunctions Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Compare and contrast Compare and contrast the Compare and contrast the Compare and contrast the Compare and contrast the Objectives the adventures and adventures and experiences adventures and experiences adventures and adventures and experiences of experiences of of characters in leveled of characters in leveled experiences of characters characters in stories using characters in stories stories with pictures using stories with pictures using in leveled stories using precise vocabulary in multiple, with pictures using L1 L1 and/or using phrases key vocabulary in simple, key vocabulary in complex sentences. and/or using single and short sentences. related sentences. expanded and some words. complex sentences. Learning Venn Diagram Venn Diagram Venn Diagram Venn Diagram Supports L1 Support L1 Support Partner work Partner work Partner work Partner work Pictures and Photographs Pictures Choice questions Pictures and Photographs Pictures and Sentence Frame Photographs Gestures</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 5 Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable Demonstrate phonemic awareness of rhyming words VU: Rhyme, word family CCSS: spoken words. through spoken language using Pictures and Photographs RF.K.2.c LFC: Nouns WIDA ELDS: 1,2 Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Reading Listening ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Recognize and produce Recognize and produce Recognize and produce Recognize and produce Recognize and produce Objectives rhyming words in L1, if rhyming words in L, if known rhyming words from known rhyming words. unknown rhyming words. applicable, and/or by applicable, and/or by nursery rhymes. repeating nursery rhymes reciting nursery rhymes. and rhyming picture cards. Learning Pictures and Photographs Pictures and Pictures and Photographs Pictures and Photographs Supports L1 Support Photographs Chart of rhyming words Chart of rhyming words Chart of rhyming words L1 Support Chart of rhyming words</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 6 Read emergent reader texts with purpose and Read with purpose and demonstrate comprehension of VU: Purpose, comprehension, CCSS: understanding. text by using Graphic Organizers. understanding RF.K.4 WIDA ELDS: LFC: Simple and compound 1,2 sentences Reading Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Read with purpose and Read with purpose and Read emergent reader texts Read with purpose and Orally explain the purpose and Objectives demonstrate demonstrate with purpose and demonstrate demonstrate comprehension comprehension in L1 comprehension in L1 demonstrate comprehension comprehension of an of an emergent reader in and/or read an and/or read an emergent in simple sentences. emergent reader in multiple, complex sentences. emergent reader and reader and state the expanded and some state or repeat the purpose and demonstrate complex sentences. purpose and comprehension. demonstrate comprehension. Learning Illustrated, leveled texts Illustrated, leveled texts Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Supports L1 text and/or support L1 text and/or support Word Wall Choice questions Sentence Frame Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 7 With guidance and support, add details to strengthen Add details to writing after exchanging ideas by using VU: detail, edit, revise CCSS: writing (e.g., adding the names of characters to a Visuals, Graphic Organizers and suggestions from peers. W.K.5 story) in response to questions and suggestions from LFC: Simple present tense, WIDA ELDS: peers. past tense, adjectives, 2 adverbs, punctuation marks. Writing Listening LC: Varies by ELP level Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Add details to writing Add details to writing after Add details to writing after Add details to writing Add details to writing after Objectives after exchanging ideas exchanging ideas with exchanging ideas with peers after exchanging ideas exchanging ideas with peers with peers in L1 and/or peers in L1 and/or using key using key vocabulary in with peers using key using precise vocabulary in answer wh – questions vocabulary in short phrases simple, related sentences. vocabulary in expanded multiple, complex sentences. in English and add one- to add one or two-word and some complex word or picture details details. sentences. to writing. Learning Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall Peer support Supports Teacher Support Teacher Support Peer support Graphic Organizers L1 Support L1 Support Graphic Organizers Visuals Visuals Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Sentence Frame</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 8 With guidance and support from adults, recall Recall information from experiences to answer questions VU: Recall, experience, source CCSS: information from experiences or gather information using a model and a Graphic Organizers. W.K.8 from provided sources (e.g., magazines, websites) to LFC: Conjunctions, transitions, WIDA ELDS: answer a question. past tense 1,2 Speaking Writing LC: Varies by ELP level Listening ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Recall an event to Recall an event and answer Recall an event and answer Recall a well-elaborated Recall a well-elaborated event Objectives answer questions in L1 questions in L1 and/or use questions using key event and answer and answer questions using and/or answer yes/no illustrations and phrases to vocabulary in simple, related questions using key precise vocabulary in multiple, questions by using complete Sentence Frames. sentences. vocabulary in expanded complex sentences. illustrations or single and some complex words. sentences. </p><p>Learning Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Supports Word/Picture Wall Word/Picture Wall Word Wall Word Wall L1 Support L1 Support Visuals Visuals Visuals</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 9 Produce and expand complete sentences in shared Communicate using complete sentences by participating VU: Express CCSS: language activities. in shared language activities. LK 1.f LFC: Nouns, verbs, WIDA ELDS: prepositions 1,2 Listening Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Participate in shared Participate in shared Participate in shared Participate in shared Participate in shared language Objectives language activities in L1 language activities in L1 language activities expressing language activities activities expressing clear and and/or using high- and/or using pictures and related ideas using key expressing organized coherent ideas using precise, frequency single words key vocabulary in phrases vocabulary in multiple, simple ideas using key vocabulary in multiple, in key phrase patterns. and short sentences. sentences. vocabulary in multiple, complex sentences. complex sentences. Learning L1 Support L1 Support Pictures and Photographs TPR Supports Pictures and Pictures and Photographs TPR Songs/Chants Photographs TPR Songs/Chants TPR Choral Reading Partner work Choral Reading Songs/Chants Songs/Chants Partner work Partner work</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 10 Identify new meanings for familiar words (e.g., Identify new meanings of words with guidance and support VU: Meaning, relate CCSS: knowing fly is a bug and learning flies is something an by relating real-life objects to the familiar word. L.K.4.a airplane does) and apply them accurately. WIDA ELDS: LFC: Simple sentences, verbs, 1,2 nouns Listening Speaking LC: Varies by ELP level Reading Writing ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Identify everyday Identify everyday familiar Identify everyday familiar Identify everyday familiar Identify everyday familiar Objectives familiar words and words and objects with words and objects with new, words and objects with words and objects with objects with new, new, varied meanings using varied meanings using varied meanings using varied meanings using varied meanings in L1 L1 and/or using Gestures, pictures and simple, related expanded and some multiple, complex sentences. and/or by using pictures, and phrases in sentences. complex sentences. Gestures, pictures or English. single word in English. Learning Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Manipulatives Supports Pictures and Pictures and Photographs Pictures and Photographs Word Wall Photographs Word/Picture Wall Word Wall Word/Picture Wall L1 Support L1 Support Gestures</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Student Learning Objective (SLO) Language Objective Language Needed SLO: 11 With guidance and support, identify the meaning of Make connections between frequently occurring verbs VU: Connections, opposite CCSS: frequently occurring verbs (e.g., walk) and adjectives and adjectives to their antonym by using TPR and shared L.K.5.b (e.g., big) and relate them to their antonyms (e.g., language activities. LFC: Verbs, adjectives WIDA ELDS: walk-run; big-small). 1,2 Reading LC: Varies by ELP level Writing Listening Speaking ELP 1 ELP 2 ELP 3 ELP 4 ELP 5 Language Make connections Make connections between Make connections between Make connections Make connections between Objectives between frequently frequently occurring verbs frequently occurring verbs between frequently frequently occurring verbs and occurring verbs and and adjectives to their and adjectives to their occurring verbs and adjectives to their antonyms adjectives to their antonyms in L1 and/or antonyms using multiple, adjectives to their using multiple, complex antonyms in L1 and/or using pictures and phrases simple sentences. antonyms using expanded sentences. using pictures and or short sentences that and some complex single words in phrase represent a word and its sentences. patterns. opposite. Learning L1 Support L1 Support Pictures and Photographs TPR Supports Pictures and Pictures and Photographs TPR Songs/Chants Photographs TPR Songs/Chants TPR Choral Reading Partner work Choral Reading Songs/Chants Songs/Chants Partner work Partner work</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. ELA – Kindergarten - Unit 4 - ELL Scaffold</p><p>Review Unit assessment for suggested texts, vocabulary, and skills which will be evaluated this unit. In all instances, activate and/or build: background knowledge, key vocabulary and critical language structures connected to the actual tasks and texts that students will use. Emphasize these points throughout the lessons. Moreover, ELLs may need additional processing time when responding to questions. It is important for ELLs to have an opportunity to practice the academic language prior to answering, so Turn and Talk, Think/Pair/Share and Small group/ triads activities are effective strategies that build academic language. In addition, ELLs benefit from using dictionaries (picture, bilingual, English, personal) across all levels of proficiency. </p>
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