<p> 1 1 2 1 STATE OF CONNECTICUT 2 3 SITING COUNCIL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CELLULAR SYMPOSIUM 16 17 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 18 19 AMONG JURISDICTIONS 20 21 MARCH 2, 2006 22 23 (3:00 P.M.) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 THE BUSHNELL PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 36 37 HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT</p><p>3 4 5 POST REPORTING SERVICE 6 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 2 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 . . . proceedings of a Cellular Symposium </p><p>2 held by the State of Connecticut Siting Council at the </p><p>3 Bushnell Performing Arts Center on March 2, 2006.</p><p>4</p><p>5</p><p>6 CHAIRMAN PAMELA B. KATZ: We ask everyone </p><p>7 to take a seat please. Our plan is to conclude by 4:30 </p><p>8 and we’d like to keep --</p><p>9 (Pause)</p><p>10 CHAIRMAN KATZ: While we’re getting </p><p>11 everyone settled, I was not surprised when T-Mobile was </p><p>12 talking about how many teenagers had cell phones. When </p><p>13 our son was a teenager, when he got his driver’s license, </p><p>14 we put him on the plan. And his orders were -- we didn’t </p><p>15 give him any minutes, but he was on the cell phone plan, </p><p>16 and when he was out in the car with his friends, he was </p><p>17 under orders to have the cell phone on. So, I understand </p><p>18 why there are that many kids in this day and age who are </p><p>19 teenage drivers who have cell phones.</p><p>20 When Derek and I were laying out the </p><p>21 agenda for today, one of the items that we talked about is</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 3 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 that the fact that Connecticut is one of the few states </p><p>2 that has a Siting Council and how the State can override </p><p>3 local planning and zoning on the siting of cell towers -- </p><p>4 oh, that’s right, we’re not calling them cell towers -- </p><p>5 cell sites. So, we could override local planning and </p><p>6 zoning. And one of the questions was well is this a good </p><p>7 idea? Should we go back to the old system? And I’m a </p><p>8 former selectman. And in the old system, you know, we </p><p>9 know what’s best on the town level. Home rule is big in </p><p>10 Connecticut. And so I thought it was a very interesting </p><p>11 topic of discussion.</p><p>12 Now over lunch I called them volunteers </p><p>13 for the panel. And Natalie Ketcham reminded me they were </p><p>14 draftees, they were not really volunteers.</p><p>15 MS. NATALIE KETCHAM: Willing, but </p><p>16 nevertheless.</p><p>17 CHAIRMAN KATZ: Right. And as I say, one </p><p>18 of the few perks about the Siting Council job is that when</p><p>19 you make that phone call, you do -- they do take the call.</p><p>20 And they were willing to participate in this. So, I’d </p><p>21 like to introduce the panel and then I’m going to turn it </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 4 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 over to Vice-Chairman Colin Tait, who is going to moderate</p><p>2 this discussion. On the panel we have two municipal </p><p>3 leaders who got to know the Siting Council process up </p><p>4 close and personal from dockets that we did in their </p><p>5 towns, and they can indicate to you how -- perhaps </p><p>6 differing opinions on how that went.</p><p>7 First, on the end of the panel we have </p><p>8 Natalie Ketcham, who is First Selectman of Redding.</p><p>9 Next to her is Jim Finley. Jim is from </p><p>10 CCM, the Connecticut Council of Municipalities, which </p><p>11 represents the interests of Connecticut towns and before </p><p>12 the legislature especially.</p><p>13 And next to him is Karl Kilduff. We did a</p><p>14 docket in North Branford and so he can speak from that </p><p>15 experience on how this works.</p><p>16 And Bill Voelker, who is town planner of </p><p>17 Cheshire and my former town planner when I was a Simsbury </p><p>18 selectman. Bill has been proactive on the towns getting </p><p>19 involved on a municipal level in the siting of cell </p><p>20 towers.</p><p>21 So at this time, I would like to turn it </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 5 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 over to -- as moderator to Vice Chairman Colin Tait.</p><p>2 (Applause)</p><p>3 MR. COLIN TAIT: I’m not sure of my role. </p><p>4 I thought I might be a referee. I’m not sure I’m going to</p><p>5 be a punching bag. (Laughter). These are all local </p><p>6 officials, so -- or have had local process with us.</p><p>7 I’m going to go back to government 101 for</p><p>8 a little bit. I’m a professor, but I don’t teach in </p><p>9 political science, but you’ve heard today the various </p><p>10 jurisdictions that are involved. The FCC, we had a very </p><p>11 nice one on what they do and what they don’t do. </p><p>12 Basically, they delegate it to us. And so we’re not </p><p>13 getting into federalism right now, but I suspect that if </p><p>14 we don’t do our job well enough at the town level or the </p><p>15 state level, the FCC may come in and decide they can do a </p><p>16 better job than we can. So, the federal presence is sort </p><p>17 of like a brooding and ominous presence there that we have</p><p>18 to keep in mind as we think about what governmental level </p><p>19 should be doing the regulation of siting and those sorts </p><p>20 of things. So the real decision in Connecticut has been </p><p>21 should towns do it or do -- or should the State do it?</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 6 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 We don’t have in Connecticut a regional </p><p>2 zoning authority with any teeth. Back in 1959 we had </p><p>3 counties which might have served the function for being </p><p>4 regionalism, but in our finite wisdom we did away with </p><p>5 them in 1959. So we have no interim body that can deal </p><p>6 with this other than an advisory system. And as Pam </p><p>7 mentioned, home rule in Connecticut is a given. We have </p><p>8 169 towns and we -- myself and my town also are very </p><p>9 jealous of our town and we know what’s best for our town. </p><p>10 The question is this is not a local issue. It’s not even </p><p>11 a State issue. It’s a national issue of how we get a </p><p>12 seamless reliable web. And the question is what’s the </p><p>13 best way about going and doing that? And so in </p><p>14 Connecticut we have -- initially the State and the towns </p><p>15 -- we did -- the Siting Council did cellular and the towns</p><p>16 did PCS. And we got two systems going on and the carriers</p><p>17 had to deal with both local zoning boards and the Siting </p><p>18 Council. The Second Circuit -- the Federal Second Circuit</p><p>19 Court of Appeals upheld a case that said no, the Siting </p><p>20 Council has it all. And I don’t think that was a happy </p><p>21 decision for many towns. It’s something that we now have </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 7 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 to live with.</p><p>2 But the discussion today is how can we do </p><p>3 it better? What is a good role for the towns? What is a </p><p>4 good role for the Siting Council? And how can we work </p><p>5 together to get the best solution for the State of </p><p>6 Connecticut?</p><p>7 So, I think the first thing to do is for </p><p>8 each member of the panel to give a short statement as to </p><p>9 what they think the problem is and the solution is, and </p><p>10 then let’s open it up for questions and answers. Natalie.</p><p>11 MS. KETCHAM: Yes, sir. Good afternoon. </p><p>12 If you can hear me? I’m Natalie Ketcham from the Town of </p><p>13 Redding. And I can consider myself coming from the </p><p>14 heartland of home rule.</p><p>15 In the Town of Redding we rarely have any </p><p>16 political contests at election time. Political </p><p>17 affiliation takes a backseat to philosophical evolution </p><p>18 and orientation. There is a decided Redding vision. And </p><p>19 candidates who get it, will not have opposition by either </p><p>20 party. The Redding vision is about preservation of the </p><p>21 environment, of our historical heritage, and of our rural </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 8 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 landscape. The trappings of modern society such as </p><p>2 utility transmission poles and cellular towers are most </p><p>3 unwelcome. And left to our own devices, they would be </p><p>4 uniformally rejected.</p><p>5 Even as the staunchest supporter of home </p><p>6 rule, intellectually I recognize that that approach begs </p><p>7 the question of our role in greater society. By </p><p>8 protecting our borders from unwanted structures, we </p><p>9 deprive other citizens in the State, and has been noted </p><p>10 today, in the country and even the world of energy </p><p>11 upgrades and continuous cellular service. Do we have that</p><p>12 right? Some would say yes and some would say no, just as </p><p>13 with any other political question.</p><p>14 This is where I think that the Connecticut</p><p>15 Siting Council has a constructive role to play. It </p><p>16 provides a mechanism for balancing the needs of our </p><p>17 society with local priorities. I speak from experience. </p><p>18 My first term in office I was confronted with what seemed</p><p>19 to be the largest utility upgrade in the world. Phase 1 </p><p>20 of CL&P’s 345-kV transmission line upgrade which was going</p><p>21 to march right through Redding from Bethel to Norwalk, </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 9 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 replacing 80-foot innocuous wooden structures with 130-</p><p>2 foot steel monopoles. This proposal horrified our </p><p>3 community, as have subsequent cell site applications.</p><p>4 Since the decision-making body in both </p><p>5 cases is the Siting Council, it would be easy to take a </p><p>6 hands off approach, saying literally it’s out of our </p><p>7 hands, there is nothing we can do about it. I have </p><p>8 learned from experience that that is simply not true. And</p><p>9 municipal officials who think that way are doing a </p><p>10 disservice to their communities and to the Siting Council,</p><p>11 which welcomes and very definitely needs municipal input </p><p>12 in its decision-making. Unfortunately though, it has also</p><p>13 been my experience that this opportunity for municipal </p><p>14 input is under-used. When attending Siting Council </p><p>15 meetings, which routinely have 20 to 30 applications on </p><p>16 the agenda, the room is filled with applicants and their </p><p>17 representatives and very few, if any, municipal </p><p>18 representatives.</p><p>19 The Town of Redding has been willing to </p><p>20 invest significant resources to tell our story to the </p><p>21 Siting Council. We battled a nilpotent utility by hiring </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 10 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 the best legal counsel we could find and energy experts </p><p>2 who would give us the knowledge and the ability to enter </p><p>3 into the technical dialogue. The Siting Council listened.</p><p>4 When CL&P proposed to place a transition station for the </p><p>5 upgraded line in a spot that was unacceptable to an entire</p><p>6 neighborhood, we didn’t roll over. We hired a viewshed </p><p>7 analyst to digitally compare the impact on neighboring </p><p>8 homes from that location and other locations. We proved </p><p>9 to the Siting Council that there was a better location and</p><p>10 one that impacted fewer homes. The Siting Council heard </p><p>11 us and ordered CL&P to build the station in the town’s </p><p>12 preferred location.</p><p>13 We have had similar experiences with cell </p><p>14 tower applications. In every case we have participated </p><p>15 vigorously in the process. I have found that the Siting </p><p>16 Council welcomes information from the municipality so that</p><p>17 they are not just relying on the applicant’s data. My six</p><p>18 years in office have taught me that there is usually more </p><p>19 than two sides to the story, but if you can at least hear </p><p>20 two sides, decision-making is greatly enhanced.</p><p>21 In multiple dockets the Siting Council has</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 11 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 demonstrated to Redding that it wants and respects </p><p>2 municipal participation in the process. I would encourage</p><p>3 the carriers and their representatives here today to take </p><p>4 that to heart and to sincerely engage municipalities in </p><p>5 the consultation process. I would also encourage towns </p><p>6 who are not satisfied with the results of that process to </p><p>7 take their case to the Siting Council, it will get a fair </p><p>8 hearing. Thank you.</p><p>9 MR. TAIT: Thank you, Natalie. Jim, </p><p>10 you’re next.</p><p>11 MR. JIM FINLEY: Thank you. Derek told me</p><p>12 that my role is to say I’m mad as hell and we’re not going</p><p>13 to take it any more -- (laughter) -- but you know, I don’t</p><p>14 have that much energy at this point in the afternoon. But</p><p>15 seriously, the First Selectman said many things very well </p><p>16 concerning the issues facing municipalities and the </p><p>17 relationship between the Siting Council and cities and </p><p>18 towns. And as one that went through the metamorphosis in </p><p>19 regard to jurisdiction and the like and fought the battles</p><p>20 in the legislature and saw things go forward, part of -- </p><p>21 part of the fact is that there are 169 towns and cities in</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 12 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 Connecticut. Seventy percent of them are 30,000 and below</p><p>2 in population. They basically on the general government </p><p>3 side have a road crew and a town hall clerical staff, your</p><p>4 board of ed has the most employees, the most </p><p>5 administrative resources and things of that nature. And </p><p>6 so municipalities start off in the equation on the </p><p>7 defensive and vulnerable. They don’t have a cohesive bank</p><p>8 of resources in order to weigh in with the Siting Council </p><p>9 on siting decisions and things of that nature. And it </p><p>10 often takes neighborhood groups to try to prod their town </p><p>11 government officials to get involved in siting decisions, </p><p>12 and as the First Selectman mentioned, to take full </p><p>13 advantage of the opportunities that they have in the </p><p>14 siting process to let the views of the town and its people</p><p>15 be known in that regard.</p><p>16 A couple of things that I hear from local </p><p>17 officials across the State in regard to siting decisions, </p><p>18 in a perfect world it would be great if the Siting Council</p><p>19 could have determined locational grids for cell towers to </p><p>20 reduce the amount of proliferation instead of relying on </p><p>21 the vagaries of individual carrier service gaps to </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 13 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 determine where the siting of a cell tower would go. And </p><p>2 I know that the Siting Council has pushed co-location when</p><p>3 it’s appropriate and things of that nature, but the fact </p><p>4 of the matter is there are multiple carriers out there, </p><p>5 locational decisions are based upon the idiosyncrasies of </p><p>6 each carrier’s service areas. It doesn’t make sense when </p><p>7 you think about it if you’re concerned about the </p><p>8 environment, the aesthetics, property values and things of</p><p>9 that nature. That’s some of the things that we hear from </p><p>10 communities across the State. And we understand some of </p><p>11 the impediments of the Siting Council taking a stronger </p><p>12 role in that regard. But I think we could all wipe the </p><p>13 chalkboard clean and we could figure out locational grids,</p><p>14 try to ameliorate some of the disputes in regard to owns </p><p>15 the towers, who gets to rent a space and things of that </p><p>16 nature, which really put a big impact and a negative one </p><p>17 on many communities and forces a lot of foment at the -- </p><p>18 particularly the neighborhood level. When somebody has </p><p>19 spent their resources to purchase their homes and the next</p><p>20 thing they know there’s a big to do about a 150-foot cell </p><p>21 tower that’s going to be put in their neighborhood -- and </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 14 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 you know, that’s the biggest resource that people have. </p><p>2 It’s -- to many folks that’s the money in the bank for </p><p>3 their retirement and things of that nature. And -- and I </p><p>4 know the Siting Council is sensitive to the concerns that </p><p>5 these siting issues present to folks.</p><p>6 We also hear a lot at the local level </p><p>7 about health concerns and things of that nature. Again, </p><p>8 the science is a little murky in that regard. But it </p><p>9 forces local officials to really bear the brunt -- even </p><p>10 though the decisions are made at the state level, the </p><p>11 impacts are local. And often municipal officials feel </p><p>12 that they’re not on a level playing field with the </p><p>13 industry in regard to bringing their concerns before the </p><p>14 Siting Council and because of limited resources at the </p><p>15 local level too. The ability of local governments to </p><p>16 represent the views of their citizens in the most </p><p>17 effective way in a very complicated regulatory framework </p><p>18 puts municipalities I think in the backseat, and they feel</p><p>19 uncomfortable in that regard.</p><p>20 So the bottom line is, you know, the </p><p>21 jurisdictional issues have been -- have been settled to a </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 15 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 great extent. Municipal officials have the promise and </p><p>2 the ability to represent their interests and the interests</p><p>3 of the people and businesses that live in their </p><p>4 communities before the Siting Council, but there’s a </p><p>5 distinct lack of resources. And because we have a </p><p>6 patchwork of 169 towns and cities in Connecticut, there’s </p><p>7 no cohesive ability on an organized level for </p><p>8 municipalities to bring their views and the resources that</p><p>9 are necessary to represent their interests before the </p><p>10 Siting Council. Thank you.</p><p>11 MR. TAIT: Thank you, Jim. I guess, Karl,</p><p>12 you’re next.</p><p>13 MR. KARL KILDUFF: We’ve had two dockets </p><p>14 in our community. One -- one went quickly and one was </p><p>15 rather protracted. The protracted one provided a lot of </p><p>16 opportunities for drives between North Branford and New </p><p>17 Britain and back to think about process and technology </p><p>18 beyond however the day went before the Siting Council.</p><p>19 The technology question, some of the </p><p>20 things seen earlier from T-Mobile is certainly exciting </p><p>21 when you can put a smaller box on a telephone pole, which </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 16 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 is more acceptable, rather than a neighborhood group </p><p>2 having an initial visceral reaction to the 150-foot tower.</p><p>3 Normally land use decisions are within the</p><p>4 purview of local government. The public is attenuated to </p><p>5 being able to go to their P&Z, their mayor, their town </p><p>6 council, their first selectman, to appeal for relief, and </p><p>7 it becomes problematic when trying to explain rules and </p><p>8 responsibilities for how the local government has a role, </p><p>9 but the Siting Council has a very different role as it </p><p>10 come to the location of these facilities.</p><p>11 Having dealt with directly on the </p><p>12 periphery of a number of utility issues, gas pipelines -- </p><p>13 I sat through a presentation earlier this week on a </p><p>14 liquefied natural gas platform in Long Island Sound, plus </p><p>15 siting of cell towers. In both cases it raises the </p><p>16 question as to whether or not we ought to be looking at </p><p>17 things on an application-by-application basis or whether </p><p>18 there ought to be a more proactive big picture approach to</p><p>19 looking at where service gaps in the case of cellular </p><p>20 might be, and then more of a collaborative relationship </p><p>21 between the applicant and the municipality to identify </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 17 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 land areas where it might be more appropriate.</p><p>2 There may be needs for a regulatory </p><p>3 amendment to overcome policy issues by other property </p><p>4 owners that are in the public or quasi-public environment </p><p>5 where siting makes sense from RF mapping, but because they</p><p>6 have a policy decision, that policy decision precludes </p><p>7 that location. The resident puts an awful lot of burden </p><p>8 on the local government to be responsive and you have to </p><p>9 fight this thing tooth and nail. That creates odd </p><p>10 positions for elected officials. As an individual that is</p><p>11 appointed, it puts me on the receiving end of having to </p><p>12 deal with political officials saying we need to move this </p><p>13 -- we need to oppose this application.</p><p>14 If there is a longer period of time for that back and </p><p>15 forth, and as was presented during the T-Mobile </p><p>16 presentation that there is a sincere discussion and a </p><p>17 sincere dialogue so that the municipality can understand </p><p>18 the needs of the carrier and it gives the opportunity for </p><p>19 the carrier to understand the needs of the municipality, </p><p>20 the 60 days works fine as long as there is a true back and</p><p>21 forth. The true back and forth can help move dockets </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 18 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 forward where you can get feedback from the local </p><p>2 government to suggest sites, to suggest potential impacts </p><p>3 and how this thing is going to go. If you go to Site B, </p><p>4 you might have an easier go of it because at the local </p><p>5 level we can concur that Site B is perhaps the better </p><p>6 location. Of course that raises an issue as to whether or</p><p>7 not it provides adequate coverage, but at least that </p><p>8 proper back and forth, which is probably the spirit of the</p><p>9 60-day discussion can take place.</p><p>10 The proactive piece, be it the Siting </p><p>11 Council or others, becomes critical to being able to put </p><p>12 together that seamless reliable network rather than </p><p>13 fighting these things on a cell tower -- or cell site by </p><p>14 cell site application and where a vendor has to go to a </p><p>15 fall back position to put something in a preexisting </p><p>16 utility corridor because that will provide half of the </p><p>17 coverage of a different site. That collaboration back and</p><p>18 forth is really what gets down to being critical and </p><p>19 coming up with a coherent plan, which is -- if that’s the </p><p>20 ultimate goal of this symposium, is to have a coherent </p><p>21 direction of where we’re going for a seamless reliable </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 19 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 network, it requires everyone to be a partner, and if </p><p>2 that’s the Siting Council taking the leadership position </p><p>3 to identify potential coverage gaps, that would probably </p><p>4 be interesting for a start, if as Jim said you could back </p><p>5 and clean the chalk board and start from zero.</p><p>6 MR. TAIT: Thank you, Karl. Bill.</p><p>7 MR. BILL VOELKER: Good afternoon. Can </p><p>8 everybody hear? Yes? It’s nice to come into a room where</p><p>9 I meet half a dozen people who have cross-examined me once</p><p>10 or twice -- (laughter) -- at Siting Council hearings. And</p><p>11 incidentally, when -- I will tell you as a municipal </p><p>12 planner, when the Chairman of the Siting Council calls and</p><p>13 asks you if you’d be interested in coming, you readily say</p><p>14 absolutely -- (laughter) -- I’m happy to be here.</p><p>15 MR. TAIT: Absolutely.</p><p>16 MR. VOELKER: Yes. I’ve had the great </p><p>17 experience of working -- I work for Cheshire now, but have</p><p>18 only been there since November, so I haven’t had any </p><p>19 experience with cell sites there. But I had about 10 </p><p>20 years in Simsbury and we worked very very well with the </p><p>21 Siting Council. And I hear you, Jim, talking about </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 20 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 municipalities, and I’m not sure we’re all victims. I </p><p>2 think -- it did take us a lot of work to have a </p><p>3 constructive relationship with the Siting Council to get </p><p>4 the information we needed in order to evaluate </p><p>5 applications in a constructive way, to have public input </p><p>6 and to get good results. And I’ll briefly review what we </p><p>7 were able to do. And of course I had the -- fortunate at </p><p>8 the time Derek’s predecessor was a friend of mine who I </p><p>9 went to graduate school with, so he was very good to me in</p><p>10 giving me some assistance there, but it’s a model that </p><p>11 does not take a lot of effort by municipalities no matter </p><p>12 what you may get.</p><p>13 The -- we called the Siting Council and </p><p>14 asked them for a map showing where we had gaps in our </p><p>15 coverage. It’s very easy to produce. And Derek will tell</p><p>16 everybody here that he’d be happy to get them for them, </p><p>17 all you have to do is call. But it’s true, we -- we </p><p>18 recently got them in Cheshire, thank you very much -- and </p><p>19 basically it’s an information base on where you have -- </p><p>20 where you may expect the carriers, who are not necessarily</p><p>21 idiosyncratic but more market driven, and I certainly </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 21 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 appreciate and understand that part of it, where they’re </p><p>2 going to want service. What the -- what the map helps us </p><p>3 do from a municipal level is to look at alternate sites, </p><p>4 even ones that we may own some property that may be </p><p>5 revenue producing, and to -- and to have some constructive</p><p>6 dialogue about that.</p><p>7 What we did in Simsbury while I was town </p><p>8 planner there was we developed a set of wireless </p><p>9 telecommunication guidelines. We developed them at the </p><p>10 staff level in collaboration with the planning commission,</p><p>11 the zoning commission, our design review board, and the </p><p>12 board of selectmen. And we were able to do that fairly </p><p>13 quickly. And by the way, I’d be happy if CCM would want </p><p>14 me to come and address the municipalities to tell them -- </p><p>15 this took a matter of hours, not weeks, not months to do. </p><p>16 And we got an endorsement by those groups with their </p><p>17 inputs. What we were able to do then was to use those </p><p>18 guidelines during the 60-day comment period -- which was a</p><p>19 true back and forth, we did have the applicants come in </p><p>20 and talk to us, they did submit -- we did have a dialogue </p><p>21 with them. We even had what we called public information </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 22 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 meetings. We didn’t call them public hearing because </p><p>2 attorneys in the room know that’s a term of art and you’re</p><p>3 really not enabled under the statute to have a public </p><p>4 hearing per say but have a public information meeting </p><p>5 where the applicants would come forward, make their -- and</p><p>6 we would invite all these boards and commissions and the </p><p>7 general public to come in, there would be an overview of </p><p>8 the application, the boards and commissions would take a </p><p>9 look at it to see to what extent it made sense in </p><p>10 accordance with their wireless telecommunication </p><p>11 guidelines, take a look at the maps that were provided to </p><p>12 us by the Siting Council, make an evaluation of the </p><p>13 proposal, and make a constructive recommendation to the </p><p>14 Siting Council.</p><p>15 Natalie, I think you’re right, the Siting </p><p>16 Council is very good listeners. And if you go in there </p><p>17 with good information, your comments based on a </p><p>18 constructive review of what you have, the Siting Council </p><p>19 will pay attention to that. If there are critical </p><p>20 resources, if there are scenic roads that you believe that</p><p>21 should be protected and you can suggest to the Siting </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 23 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 Council alternate sites or other ways to look at an </p><p>2 application, they will listen, they will listen.</p><p>3 It’s interesting, it was like six or eight</p><p>4 months later, after we had some success with the Siting </p><p>5 Council, somebody from another town called me up and said,</p><p>6 hey, I heard you were able to get wireless towers denied. </p><p>7 I said no you missed the point, that’s not what we do, we </p><p>8 were able to get the Siting Council to pay attention to </p><p>9 what we would like them to do based on good constructive </p><p>10 work. And I made a recommendation to somebody from </p><p>11 another municipality on how to do this. It’s not that </p><p>12 hard to have constructive dialogue with the Siting </p><p>13 Council. It’s not that hard for municipalities even if </p><p>14 they have a first selectman and a road crew to do the </p><p>15 work. The Siting Council is very very supportive of the </p><p>16 municipalities. The Siting Council recognizes the role </p><p>17 that we play. And I have found that process to be a very </p><p>18 very good process for us. And have felt that the people </p><p>19 who serve on that board, Colin among them, they want to </p><p>20 hear, they want to know what it is that the municipalities</p><p>21 want. And if we do our homework, which is not that hard </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 24 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 to do and we do it right, we can get good results.</p><p>2 MR. TAIT: Listening to our four </p><p>3 panelists, it seems to me -- two things occur to me. Is </p><p>4 there enough time for you to do this dialogue before they </p><p>5 come to us? Is the 60-day period too short, just right </p><p>6 because it doesn’t extend too long? Any comments that you</p><p>7 might have as to how we start the process? The Siting </p><p>8 Council would love to have it brokered before it even gets</p><p>9 to us. So we might be very interested in giving you more </p><p>10 time if you think it would be useful. Statutorily at this</p><p>11 point, we --</p><p>12 MS. KETCHAM: I do think it would be </p><p>13 useful, particularly because, as we discussed, very often </p><p>14 to bring information to the Siting Council we do need to </p><p>15 check with outside resources. We don’t have most of us on</p><p>16 staff ready and willing to drop everything to pick up this</p><p>17 particular issue. So it’s complicated and we do need to </p><p>18 have some time to develop the data to bring to you. So </p><p>19 either -- maybe a 90-day period or the opportunity for the</p><p>20 municipality to request an extension at the end of the 60 </p><p>21 days I think would be helpful.</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 25 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 MR. TAIT: Jim.</p><p>2 MR. FINLEY: I would agree with what the </p><p>3 First Selectman just said.</p><p>4 MR. TAIT: The time is a problem to </p><p>5 municipalities --</p><p>6 MR. FINLEY: Yes --</p><p>7 MR. TAIT: -- so --</p><p>8 MR. FINLEY: Yeah. And I think -- you </p><p>9 know, there’s varying capacities at the local level to </p><p>10 deal with these issues. And as the First Selectman just </p><p>11 said, most communities do not have the in-house resources </p><p>12 and the time to deal with this within a 60-day time </p><p>13 period.</p><p>14 MR. TAIT: Okay. Karl.</p><p>15 MR. KILDUFF: I concur with what has been </p><p>16 stated already. It depends on the time when the </p><p>17 application comes in. The application could come in when </p><p>18 a municipality is in full blow budget preparation or </p><p>19 collective bargaining or any other issue that may pull </p><p>20 staff time and resources away from the project. So </p><p>21 additional time for true productive dialogue would </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 26 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 certainly be helpful in trying to mitigate issues before </p><p>2 the application gets in front of the Siting Council.</p><p>3 MR. TAIT: Or a chance to request more </p><p>4 time because it hits you at the wrong time or it’s a </p><p>5 particularly complicated application?</p><p>6 MR. KILDUFF: Either -- either mechanism.</p><p>7 MR. TAIT: Okay. Bill, any --</p><p>8 MR. VOELKER: Yeah. I’m not sure how the </p><p>9 General Assembly selected 60. Ninety days to me seems a </p><p>10 much more appropriate time period. Fortunately, I’ve been</p><p>11 lucky to be able to run hard and run fast in this 60-day </p><p>12 period, but 90 days would be good to do that. What’s </p><p>13 important in that context is that you who come to </p><p>14 municipalities, and I know you’re out there, and to do </p><p>15 these applications come early, come often, come before </p><p>16 you’re going to submit. Let us know when you’re coming in</p><p>17 -- come in, call us up, we want to hear, we want to know </p><p>18 what you’re going to do, give us time. You can jump start</p><p>19 that even with -- whether it becomes 60, 90, 120, or a </p><p>20 chance to ask for an extension, come to us, come as early </p><p>21 as you possibly can and let us know what your intentions </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 27 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 are --</p><p>2 MR. TAIT: Yes --</p><p>3 MR. VOELKER: -- and give us a chance to </p><p>4 --</p><p>5 MR. TAIT: -- you don’t need to wait, you </p><p>6 can come in earlier.</p><p>7 MR. VOELKER: Absolutely.</p><p>8 MR. TAIT: Yeah, okay.</p><p>9 MR. PHILIP ASHTON: Isn’t that in fact </p><p>10 what often happens, that they come in informally --</p><p>11 MR. VOELKER: Yes --</p><p>12 MR. ASHTON: -- and talk?</p><p>13 MR. VOELKER: In my experience, Phil --</p><p>14 MR. ASHTON: So the 60 days is really a </p><p>15 formal consultation --</p><p>16 MR. TAIT: But --</p><p>17 MR. ASHTON: -- the process actually goes </p><p>18 on longer than that, doesn’t it, in most cases?</p><p>19 MR. VOELKER: Yeah, I would say -- from my</p><p>20 experience -- when someone comes in, it gives me a chance </p><p>21 at the staff level to prepare the presentation that I’m </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 28 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 going to make to a board or commission about it. It gives</p><p>2 us a chance to make the phone calls. If I need more </p><p>3 information, I call Derek or someone else on his staff to </p><p>4 give us more information that we might need in order to </p><p>5 prepare ourselves for that formal process, that formal </p><p>6 timer period. It’s very helpful.</p><p>7 MR. TAIT: And the other --</p><p>8 MR. KILDUFF: I guess -- (inaudible) -- </p><p>9 the shorter process that my community had experience with </p><p>10 was the applicant came in before it had picked up -- </p><p>11 (inaudible) -- in the community. So that I was in a </p><p>12 position to know what was going on, I could answer the </p><p>13 elected official’s questions, in advance we could have a </p><p>14 back and forth before the 60-day clock started. That’s </p><p>15 not required. And it was incredibly helpful in that </p><p>16 process in order to articulate what the town’s position </p><p>17 was going to be and to mitigate some of those NIMBY </p><p>18 people, or whatever acronym you prefer, that come out </p><p>19 against these applications, that we at least had more of </p><p>20 that informal back and forth and an understanding </p><p>21 intimately of the project as opposed to getting something </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 29 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 cold and then you’ve got 60 days to respond.</p><p>2 MR. TAIT: The other thing that I see </p><p>3 developed here is development of alternatives and the </p><p>4 thought of some sort of statewide grid. One of the </p><p>5 problems is it depends upon a willing buyer and a willing </p><p>6 seller. So we can’t just say that’s the best place, you </p><p>7 folks can’t choose that’s the best place. Any suggestions</p><p>8 on how we might develop realistic practical alternatives </p><p>9 that will work?</p><p>10 MR. FINLEY: Well one thing that comes to </p><p>11 mind is -- I assume it’s within the Siting Council’s </p><p>12 ability on an advisory level to put out grids and to </p><p>13 perhaps think about some incentives to the industry to use</p><p>14 alternatives, whether it’s -- whether they’re financial or</p><p>15 other incentives that could be put out there so that </p><p>16 there’s a voluntary decision made, but that it meets, you </p><p>17 know, a mutually agreed upon public policy goal.</p><p>18 MR. ASHTON: Would one of you define what </p><p>19 you mean by the word grid?</p><p>20 MR. TAIT: I’d like to have Natalie -- it </p><p>21 looked like she wanted to --</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 30 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 MS. KETCHAM: It was your turn. Would you</p><p>2 like to --</p><p>3 MR. FINLEY: You know, basically not being</p><p>4 an expert on the subject, I -- you know, I will boldly go </p><p>5 where -- you know, where others fear to tread. What -- my</p><p>6 -- just -- intellectually I could view that there would be</p><p>7 grids or avenues where it might make sense to locate cell </p><p>8 towers if you could start it all over again, so that you </p><p>9 could -- you could reduce the proliferation, the number of</p><p>10 cell towers in order to maximize the efficiency of the </p><p>11 network instead of relying upon each industry’s gap in </p><p>12 service to dictate where they need to locate the next cell</p><p>13 tower.</p><p>14 MR. VOELKER: If I may on that point? I </p><p>15 wonder how you’re going to do that though. I mean -- </p><p>16 knowing what I know about how to evaluate things on the </p><p>17 ground inside a municipality, I would guess that would be </p><p>18 an extremely difficult task for the Siting Council. As </p><p>19 much as you can take a map of the state and even do </p><p>20 coverage locations, you really don’t take into </p><p>21 consideration topography, visual barriers. It’s extremely</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 31 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 difficult to do that at that kind of a macro level. And I</p><p>2 -- I understand your point, but I -- I don’t think the </p><p>3 carriers would pay a whole lot of attention to it. I just</p><p>4 think it’s extremely difficult to do that effectively. </p><p>5 And I wonder what kind of staff -- I see my friend Dave </p><p>6 Martin out there, who works on the staff -- Dave, if </p><p>7 they’re going to do it, you know you’ve got a job for a </p><p>8 couple of years -- (laughter) -- but it would be hard to </p><p>9 do -- I mean extremely hard to do.</p><p>10 MR. TAIT: Well each of them have their </p><p>11 own different coverage things and so one grid doesn’t -- </p><p>12 wouldn’t fit all.</p><p>13 One of the thoughts that has come to some </p><p>14 of us, and I think some of you mentioned it, some of the </p><p>15 state property, such as DOT property, is not open to </p><p>16 discussion. Is that something that we ought to urge the </p><p>17 legislature to address, at least it not being off bounds </p><p>18 for the companies to talk to?</p><p>19 MR. KILDUFF: Again, that may be -- there </p><p>20 may be that best site that exists there, but the property </p><p>21 is encumbered due to some other land use restriction that </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 32 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 the State stepped in and its DOT property, or there may be</p><p>2 an individual that sold the development rights on the </p><p>3 property, and is the placement of a cell tower in keeping </p><p>4 or out of keeping with development rights. And I guess </p><p>5 the battle that’s being discussed is whether or not a golf</p><p>6 course constitutes development rights. But those sorts of</p><p>7 options that could potentially exist expand the </p><p>8 opportunities for tower placement in areas that may be </p><p>9 beneficial to both the municipality and to the potential </p><p>10 landowner --</p><p>11 MR. TAIT: I was thinking that, you know, </p><p>12 there are lots of rights-of-way on the super highways that</p><p>13 may or may not be as suitable. And in your own towns </p><p>14 there will be some state property that might be -- but at </p><p>15 this point it’s not available --</p><p>16 MR. FINLEY: Yeah, I think that -- that’s </p><p>17 an idea that has some promise. I mean we have, you know, </p><p>18 the beginnings of a real land use policy debate going on </p><p>19 in Connecticut that involves transportation, it involves </p><p>20 the Connecticut Department of Transportation. And there </p><p>21 are many folks that feel that the Department of </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 33 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 Transportation has been a hindrance in looking at mass </p><p>2 transit and alternatives to roads and things of that </p><p>3 nature. And DOT wheels a lot of power politically and the</p><p>4 like in the State. And there is an ability I think there </p><p>5 for them to rethink and to have more of an openness to </p><p>6 using some of the vast tracts of land that they -- that </p><p>7 are under their control, and for Connecticut to develop, </p><p>8 you know, at sometime in the near future a more coherent </p><p>9 local, regional, and statewide land use plan for the State</p><p>10 of Connecticut. As opposed to many other states in the </p><p>11 south and the west, we don’t really have a coherent land </p><p>12 use policy in Connecticut. The State plan of conservation</p><p>13 and development is essentially the tool that is advisory </p><p>14 and really the only teeth in it is in a way that it </p><p>15 directs State investments, but it is not a statewide land </p><p>16 use tool.</p><p>17 MS. KETCHAM: And yes, I would just </p><p>18 concur. I think that certainly if we’re going to as a </p><p>19 State try to come to some solutions, all state agencies </p><p>20 should be at the table and be playing by the same rules.</p><p>21 MR. TAIT: Let me ask a loaded question --</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 34 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 my prerogative. To get the best site in your town, should</p><p>2 towns have the right of eminent domain to place cell </p><p>3 towers -- (laughter) -- would you welcome that power?</p><p>4 MR. VOELKER: It took -- it took 35 </p><p>5 minutes for a key loaded decision to come out and I’d just</p><p>6 like to note that. I don’t know. I’d have the elected </p><p>7 official answer that one.</p><p>8 MS. KETCHAM: The buck stops here. No, I </p><p>9 do not believe that eminent domain would be suitable for </p><p>10 any -- even though it might be the best location. With </p><p>11 private enterprise that play here, I think negotiations </p><p>12 are a far better way to go.</p><p>13 MR. TAIT: I’m told there’s one last </p><p>14 question for you; is how can we do our job better than we </p><p>15 haven’t already discussed? Do we -- do we -- we’ve talked</p><p>16 about the time from which to get to the first application.</p><p>17 Any suggestions for the hearing process itself or anything</p><p>18 that we can take home with us?</p><p>19 MR. VOELKER: I would recommend in </p><p>20 addition to the extension of time, for the Siting Council </p><p>21 to be -- to work proactively with municipalities to make </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 35 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1 us aware of how you can work constructively with us, the </p><p>2 kinds of information resources that are there. I know you</p><p>3 do your formal notices on the public hearings, but this --</p><p>4 I would say this session we’re having today is very very </p><p>5 valuable, and I wish more of my planning brethren here, </p><p>6 but this -- this outreach is -- I think is very very </p><p>7 important.</p><p>8 MS. KETCHAM: I would concur. And I would</p><p>9 suggest that perhaps the Siting Council could hold a </p><p>10 workshop maybe every two years after the elections because</p><p>11 certainly people change and newly elected municipal </p><p>12 officials have no idea about the Siting Council process </p><p>13 until you’re faced with it, and by then it’s too late. So</p><p>14 maybe to just hold a workshop, tell us what it’s all </p><p>15 about, and if we have some applications, how to best work </p><p>16 together would be helpful.</p><p>17 MR. TAIT: I found this very helpful to </p><p>18 the Siting Council. We’ll take your suggestions home with</p><p>19 us. I’m also told it’s starting to snow and to get myself</p><p>20 off this podium -- (laughter) -- thank you very much.</p><p>21 MR. VOELKER: Thanks for having us.</p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102 1 36 2 RE: COORDINATION AND COOPERATION 3 MARCH 2, 2006 4 5 1</p><p>2 (Presentation concluded) </p><p>6 7 8 POST REPORTING SERVICE 9 HAMDEN, CT (800) 262-4102</p>
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