<p> WLF4 programme for ICL-IPL members and past WLF participants (2016.6.8 Version) 4th World Landslide Forum</p><p>Landslide Research and Risk Reduction for Advancing the Culture of Living with Natural Hazards - Date: 29 May-2 June 2017 Venue: Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana (Cankarjev dom) Ljubljana, Slovenia</p><p>Under the honorary patronage of His Excellency Mr. Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia -</p><p>Organizers: International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) Global Promotion Committee of the International Programme on Landslides (IPL)</p><p>1 University of Ljubljana (UL FGG) Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS) Co-organizers Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia (MOP) Ministry of the Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia (MI) Slovenian National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Slovenian Chamber of Engineers (IZS)</p><p>2 BACKGROUND The World Landslide Forum (WLF) is a triennial world conference of scientists, engineers, practitioners and policy makers, aiming at international exchange of knowledge, experiences and latest trends in science and engineering development and with focus on landslide risk governance. The WLF1 was organized in 2008 in Tokyo, Japan, followed in 2011 by the WLF2 in Rome, Italy, and in 2014 by the WLF3 in Beijing, China. The Fourth Forum is a contribution to the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 which was adopted by the United Nations Member States on 18 March 2015 at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3rd WCDRR) in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. It is an activity of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR). </p><p>OBJECTIVES The WLF4 has an objective to be a worldwide event for discussing how landslide research and landslide risk reduction can contribute to advancing the culture of living with natural hazards. Risk governance in the field of landslide disaster risk reduction and management means to establish an effective bottom-up system incorporating many relevant stakeholders into a risk dialogue, and enhancing risk communication with the aim to build a sustainable system of prevention and disaster relief in the field of landslide disaster risk reduction. The WLF4 will be the first opportunity to evaluate the progress in the implementation of the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, officially accepted in 2015 at the 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan.</p><p>ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Honorary Chairpersons Borut PAHOR (President of the Republic of Slovenia) * Irina BOKOVA (Director General of UNESCO) Robert GLASSER (Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction) José GRAZIANO DA SILVA (Director-General of FAO) Petteri TAALAS (Secretary-General of WMO) David MALONE (Rector of UNU) Gordon McBEAN (President of ICSU) Toshimitsu KOMATSU (Vice President of WFEO) Roland OBERHAENSLI (President of IUGS) Alik ISMAIL-ZADEH (Secretary-General of IUGG) Hisayoshi KATO (Director General for Disaster Management, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan) Kanji MATSUMURO (Director, Office for Disaster Reduction Research, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan) Fabrizio CURCIO (Head, National Civil Protection Department, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Government of Italy) Jadran PERINIC (Director General, National Protection and Research Directorate, Republic of</p><p>3 Croatia) Takashi ONISHI (President of Science Council of Japan) Juichi YAMAGIWA (President of Kyoto University) Ivan SVETLIK (Rector of University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Walter AMMANN (President/CEO, Global Risk Forum Davos) (Note: Honorary chairpersons are Leaders of signatory organizations of the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships. * to be confirmed.)</p><p>Chairpersons Matjaž MIKOŠ (Chairman, Slovenian National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction) Yueping YIN (President, International Consortium on Landslides) Kyoji SASSA (Executive Director, International Consortium on Landslides)</p><p>4 GENERAL SCHEDULE OF THE 4th WORLD LANDSLIDE FORUM </p><p>PLENARY SESSIONS 30th May (Tuesday) 2017 Opening Session (9:00-9:50) Facilitator: Matjaz MIKOS (Forum Chair of WLF4)</p><p>Opening Address: World Landslide Forum-ICL’s triennial a mainstream conference Yueping YIN, ICL President Opening Address: Hosting the Fourth World Landslide Forum in Slovenia Miro CERAR, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia* Opening Speech: UNESCO support to the foundation and progress of ICL-IPL Activities Irina BOKOVA (Director General of UNESCO)</p><p>Forum Lectures (10:00-12:00): Understanding of Landslide Disaster Risk Cultural & Natural Heritage at landslide risk (tentative) By Claudio Margottini (Coordinator of the ICL successful thematic network, Italy) Subaerial landslide-generated waves: Numerical and laboratory simulations By Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani (Editor of the thematic issue of Landslides, Iran) Rock fall occurrence and fragmentation</p><p>5 By Jordi Corominas (2016 Varnes Medal Recipient, Spain)</p><p>12:00-13:30 Lunch</p><p>High-Level Panel Discussion (13:30-15:45)</p><p>Strengthening Intergovernmental Network and the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) for “ ISDR-ICL SENDAI PARTNERSHIPS 2015-2025 for global promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk”</p><p>Objectives The International Programme on Landslides (IPL) is a programme of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL). ICL proposed the IPL in a thematic session of the Second World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR) in Kobe, 2005. The activities of IPL were defined in the 2006 Tokyo Action Plan “Strengthening research and learning on landslides and related earth system disasters for global risk preparedness” at the Round Table Discussion held in Tokyo, 2006. IPL was supported by 7 global stakeholders of UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UNISDR, UNU, ICSU and WFEO, and ICL exchanged MoU to promote the Tokyo Acton Plan with each of them in 2006. The activities of IPL include the triennial organization of the World Landslide Forum, the implementation of various IPL Projects, identification of World Centres of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction (WCoE), and the publication of the ICL bimonthly journal Landslides. Based on this background, ICL proposed the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 for global promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk at the 3rd WCDRR in Sendai, 2015 which was accepted and signed by 17 global and national stakeholders including the governments of Croatia, Italy and Japan. This high-level panel discussion aims to strengthen networking with governments in landslide-prone countries and governments supporting landslide disaster risk reduction efforts in developing countries. The close cooperation within governments, United Nation Organizations and International NGOs is necessary and effective to implement the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 and the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) as its infrastructure. </p><p>Keynote: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 by Robert Glasser (SRSG for Disaster Risk Reduction) </p><p>Chair: Robert Glasser (Chief of UNISDR) Moderator: Kaoru Takara (ICL Treasurer, Director of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)</p><p> Presentation of ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships from UNISDR and ICL Panel presentations Representatives from 17 signatories of Partnerships and Governments officers from landslide prone countries and Government officers supporting landslide disaster risk reduction efforts in developing countries. 6 Discussion for strengthening commitments of different parties Conclusion of High-level Panel Discussion</p><p>Panelists are mainly from 17 signatory organizations Flavia Schlegel (ADG of UNESCO) Vladimir Rakhmanin (ADG of FAO) Jakob Rhyner: (Vice rector of UNU) Paola Pagliara (Italy-Head of National Center of the Civil Protection) Kyoji Sassa (Executive Director of ICL) Irasema Alcantara-Ayala (on behalf of ICSU President, Gordon McBean) Roland Oberhänsli (Presidetn of IUGS) Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Secretary General of IUGG) Walter Ammann (President of Global Risk Forum) Badaoui Rouhban (Special Advisor to the Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Natural Sciences) Other panelists will be identified from UNISDR, WMO , Governments of Japan and Others</p><p>15:45-16:00 Break</p><p>16:00-17:30 Recognition of ICL and IPL Activities</p><p> Explanation of World Centers of Excellence (WCoEs), IPL Award for Success by IPL-GPC Recognition of WCoEs 2017-2020 Certificates are awarded from one of heads of IPL member organizations Brief remarks by the head of each Centre and leader. Recognition of 2014-2017 IPL Award for Success (2 awards at WLF3) Certificates are awarded from from one of heads of IPL member organizations Brief remarks by each of the recipients Explanation of Varnes Medal and Best paper Award by BOR/ICL Bestow the 2015 Varnes Medal to the recipient from ICL President. Bestow the 2016 Varnes Medal to the recipient from ICL President. Bestow the 2017 Varnes Medal (if decided) to the recipient from ICL President A short talk by each recipient Bestow the 2014 Best Paper Award to the recipient from ICL President. Bestow the 2015 Best paper Award to the recipient from ICL President. Bestow the 2016 Best paper Award to the recipient (if in time) from ICL President. A short talk by each recipient</p><p>Welcome Reception (18:30-20:30) </p><p>31 May 2017 (Wednesday) </p><p>7 Parallel Sessions (9:00-10:30, 11:00-12:15, 14:30-16:00, 16:20-17:30)</p><p>Round Table Discussion on the follow-up of the high-level panel discussion and the implementation planning will be held at 13:30-17:30 at Club CD as a parallel Session. Representatives of 17 signatory organizations, ICL-IPL members, and potential new members of the Sendai Partnerships are invited. All participants will examine an action plan/road map/Addendum to the Partnerships to implement and further develop the Sendai Partnerships effectively contributing to SENDAI Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. In the end of session, signing to the Sendai partnerships by new members may be organized.</p><p>Forum Banquet (19:00-21:00) </p><p>1st June 2017 (Thursday) Parallel Sessions (9:00-10:30, 11:00-12:15, 13:30-15:00, 15:30-17:00, 17:30-18:30,)</p><p>2nd June 2017 (Friday) </p><p>Parallel Sessions (9:00-12:30)</p><p>Lunch Break 12:30-13:30</p><p>Round Table Discussion (13:30-17:30) Chairs: NOT yet Panelists: Not Yet Reviews for five themes by chair persons Major achievements in WLF4 by panelists from different aspects Further development toward WLF5 from panelists and floor</p><p>Closing Ceremony 15:30-16:30</p><p> Speech by a new President of ICL Announcement of the Best Student Award. Announcement of the best photo in each category Introduction of new ICL officers Certificates to leaders of New IPL Projects Certificates to new ICL members (2014-2017) Welcome to 5th WLF (by Hiroshi Fukuoka, WLF5 Forum Chair)</p><p>PUBLICATION OF WLF4</p><p>5 volumes of full color books will be published around 2500 pages</p><p>8 Theme 1 – Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 (Coordinator: Kyoji Sassa, Japan) E-mail < [email protected]> ICL proposed “ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015–2025 for global promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk – Tools for Implementing and Monitoring the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals” to the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) held in Sendai, Japan on 14-18 March 2015. The proposal was formally accepted and the following seventeen intergovernmental, international and national organizations signed the Sendai Partnerships: International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations University (UNU), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Council for Science (ICSU), World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Cabinet Office, Government of Japan (CAO), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan (MEXT), Kyoto University, Japan, Science Council of Japan, National Civil Protection Department, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Government of Italy, National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Republic of Croatia, Global Risk Forum (GRF), Davos. These partnerships are the central activities within global landslide community from 2015-2025 contributing to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction.</p><p>Session 1.1 – Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 (Invited papers from ICL-IPL) Conveners: Kyoji Sassa (ICL), and other 17 signatory organization. E-mail < [email protected]> 1. Objectives and Proposed Activities of Sendai Partnerships. 2. ISDR-ICL Landslide Teaching Tools. 3. Papers from 17 signed organizations stating their profiles and possible contribution to these partnerships.</p><p>Session 1.2 – International Programme on Landslides (IPL) (Invited papers from ICL-IPL) Convener: IPL-Global Promotion Committee. E-mail <[email protected]> 1. Activities of World Centres of Excellence and its contribution to landslide risk reduction. 2. Scientific and Technological Achievements and Activity reports of IPL projects. 3. Activities of Regional and Thematic Networks.</p><p>9 Session 1. 3 – Landslides and Society </p><p>Convener: Irasema Alcántara-Ayala (Mexico), Sálvano Briceno (Venezuela/France), Paola Salvati (Italy). E-mail < [email protected]> This session focuses on the interactions between landslides and societies, as they have not been fully addressed by researchers and policy makers. Human induced modifications to landscapes, particularly land-use changes, affect the stability of slopes. What is more, quite commonly lacking of territorial planning and management in both, rural and urban areas, leads to the establishment of human settlements in areas susceptible to landslides. Owing to the present and future expansion of population, derived from rapidly expanding urbanization processes and the pressure for land and natural resources use, coupled with high levels of vulnerability and exposure, landslide disaster risk construction and landslide disasters will continue to increase around the world. In spite of great efforts made by the scientific community to understand landslide hazards, evaluations regarding social vulnerability and exposure to landslides remain as urgent pending tasks. Papers and case studies on socio-economic vulnerability, exposure, risk perception and communication, capacity building, education, institutional and governance development at local, sub- national, national, regional and international scales are invited to contribute to the discussion. 1. Legislation & Risk Communication for landslide risk reduction. 2. International, national and regional efforts of Capacity Building & Education. 3. Case studies of landslide risk reduction efforts integrating local and regional communities.</p><p>Theme 2 – Advances in Landslide Science (Coordinator: Binod Tiwari, USA) E-mail <[email protected] > There has been a significant progress in the field of landslide science in recent years. This progress can be attributed to the development of field monitoring and remote sensing technology, development of robust devices for monitoring of landslides as well as field and laboratory testing, availability of highly precision sensors, development of large scale physical modelling facilities, development of high precision and high speed computational infrastructure, 2D to 4D numerical simulation programs, availability of high resolution remote sensing imagery and data processing capabilities, and many other factors. This volume of the WLF4 will include the recent advancements made in the research and implementation pertinent to the above mentioned activities in the past couple of years.</p><p>Session 2.1 – Landslide field recognition & identification: remote sensing techniques, field techniques Conveners: Mateja Jemec Auflič (Slovenia), Filippo Catani (Italy), A A Virajh Dias (SriLanka), Ping Lu (China). E-mail <[email protected]></p><p>1. An overview of the recent developments and research studies in landslide field recognition and identificating techniques, including but not limited to various remore sensing techniques, field investigation methods, etc. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research and development pertinent to the landslide field recognition and identification techniques. 3. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various remote sensing techniques available in practice.</p><p>10 4. Individual papers pertinent to various investigation techniques pertinent to landslide recognition and identification at a micro and macro scale.</p><p>Session 2.2 – Landslide investigation: field investigations, laboratory testing Conveners: Beena Ajmera (USA), Netra Prakash Bhandary (Japan), Luciano Picarelli (Italy), Kaixi Xue (China). E-mail <[email protected]> 1. An overview of recent development at research and application of landslide investigation techniques, both in the field and laboratory levels. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent advances in field and laboratory based landslide investigation techniques. 3. Individual papers pertinent to various in-situ landslide investigation methods. 4. Individual papers pertinent to various large and small scale laboratory based landslide investigation methods, such as laboratory testing of soils and rocks.</p><p>Session 2.3 – Landslide modeling: landslide mechanics and simulation models Conveners: He Bin (China), Binod Tiwari (USA), Adrian Tohari (Indonesia), Ye-Ming Zhang (China) E-mail <[email protected] > An overview of the recent developments and research studies pertinent to physical and numerical modeling related to landslides causes, mechanism and remediation techniques. 1. Keynote and invited papers on recent research and development pertinent to the physical and numerical modeling for landslide causes, mechanism and remediation. 2. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various physical modeling techniques related to landslide causes, mechanism, and remediation. 3. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various numerical modeling techniques related to landslide causes, mechanism, and remediation.</p><p>Session 2.4 – Landslide hazard, risk assessment & prediction: landslide inventories & susceptibility, hazard mapping methods, damage potential Conveners: Basanta Raj Adhikari (Nepal), Snježana Mihalić Arbanas (Croatia), Fausto Guzzetti (Italy), Huabin Wang (China). E-mail <[email protected]> </p><p>1. An overview of the recent developments and research studies pertinent to landslide hazards, risk assessment and prediction techniques. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research and development pertinent to the landslide hazards, risk assessment and prediction techniques. 3. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of LS inventories and identification of landslide susceptibility. 4. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various landslide hazard mapping techniques available in practice.</p><p>Theme 3 – Advances in Landslide Technology (Coordinator: Željko Arbanas, Croatia) E-mail <[email protected]> This theme includes the states of the art, the best practice techniques and overall experiences on monitoring, prediction and warning of landslides caused by different triggering factors in different parts of 11 the world. Case studies about landslide disasters under different circumstances from all aspects of landslide praxis are also welcome. Well documented considerations, analyses and design descriptions used in landslide, hazard and risk reduction, mitigation and remediation are expected as contributions to this volume. </p><p>Session 3.1 – Landslide monitoring and warning: monitoring techniques and technologies, early warning systems Conveners: Željko Arbanas (Croatia), Matteo Berti (Italy), Byung-Gon Chae (Korea), Hyuck-Jin Park (Korea), Veronica Tofani (Italy), Gonghui Wang (Japan/China) E-mail <[email protected]> 1. A state-of-the-art report of the recent developments and research studies in landslide monitoring techniques and technologies and early warning systems, including various remote sensing techniques. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research and development pertinent to the landslide monitoring techniques and technologies and early warning systems. 3. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various landslide monitoring techniques and technologies available in practice. 4. Individual papers pertinent to various investigation techniques pertinent to landslide early warning systems.</p><p>Session 3.2 – Landslide disasters and relief: case studies, emergency measures, first aid, civil protection measures Conveners: Faisal Fathani (Indonesia), Biljana Abolmasov (Serbia), Francisco Dourado (Brasil) E-mail <[email protected]> 1. An overview of recent landslide disasters in the word. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent landslide disasters in the world. 3. Individual papers pertinent to case studies of landslide disasters and occurrences in the world. 4. Individual papers pertinent to case studies of activities related to landslide post-disaster emergency measures, first aid, civil protection measures etc.</p><p>Session 3.3 – Landslide mitigation, remediation and stabilization: landslide protection works, landslide stabilization and remediation, landslide non-structural measures Conveners: Janko Logar (Slovenia), Che Hassandi Abdulah (Malaysia), Sabatino Cuomo (Italy) E-mail <[email protected]> 1. A state-of-the-art report of the recent developments and research studies pertinent to landslide mitigation, remediation and stabilization. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research and development pertinent to landslide mitigation, remediation and stabilization. 3. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various methods for landslide mitigation, remediation and stabilization. 4. Individual papers pertinent to research studies and application of various non-structural methods for landslide mitigation, remediation and stabilization.</p><p>Theme 4 – Diversity of Landslide Forms (Coordinator: Nicola Casagli, Italy) E-mail <[email protected]> 12 Landslide occurrence varies according to different causes such as topographic profile, geology, tectonic history, weathering and erosion history and land use and triggers such an intense rainfall event, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, a storm wave, or rapid stream erosion. Landslides and other types of natural hazards such as floods, droughts, wildfires, tsunamis, and volcanoes can be strongly correlated to the so-called cascade effects. This WLF4 theme includes recent research achievements related to different landslide types in terms of typology, material and triggering factors. This volume will include also research outcomes made on the relationship between landslides and other natural hazards.</p><p>Session 4.1 – Earthquake-induced landslides Conveners: Vincenzo Del Gaudio (Italy), Kazuo Konagai (Japan), Gabriele Scarascia Mugnozza (Italy), Akihito Wakai(Japan) E-mail <<[email protected]>></p><p>1. An state-of-the-art report on the more recent developments in Earthquake-Induced Landslides studies, including teoretical and pratictal outcomes both from in field and laboratories experiences and analysis of the processes and mechanisms. 2. Keynote and invited papers on the most recent and innovative studies on characterization, monitoring and modelling of slopes threatened by Earthquake-Induced Landslides. 3. Individual papers pertinent to the assessment of the hazard of Earthquake-Induced Landslides at different levels ranging from regional studies to the site-specific evaluation of individual slopes. 4. Individual papers related to the evaluation of the risk assesment, management and mitigation of earthquake-induced landslides, including, but not limited to, geological, geomorphological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and economical approaches using empirical, deterministic and statistical methodologies. 5. Individual papers concerning instrumentation, monitoring technologies, prediction and early warning systems for Earthquake-Induced Landslides.</p><p>Session 4.2 – Rainfall-induced landslides Conveners: Hiroshi Fukuoka (Japan), Jonathan Godt (USA), Dalia Kirschbaum (USA), Jean Philippe Malet (France), Pasquale Versace (Italy). E-mail <[email protected]> 1. A state-of-the-art report on the more recent advances and researches in the field of Rainfall- Induced Landslides, including field investigation and monitoring, hazard assessment, risk management and design practices of stabilizing actions. 2. Keynote and invited papers on the most innovative research approaches and applications of methods for the analysis of Rainfall-Induced Landslides from predisposing factors and triggering causes up to geographic and societal implications. 3. Individual papers related to the development of numerical modelling for the analysis of the landslide initiation, propagation and spreading. 4. Individual papers on techniques for susceptibility and hazard assesment with deterministic and statistical approaches ranging from slope scale to ragional scale and considering different geological, geotechnical and climatic settings. 5. Individual papers on risk assessment and management strategies, including empirical and physically-based thresholds, monitoring techniques, early warning systems, prevention/mitigation activities and public policies. 13 Session 4.3 – Rapid landslides: debris flows, mudflows, rapid debris-slides Conveners: Giovanni Battista Crosta (Italy), Oldrich Hungr (Canada), Ko-fei Liu (Chinese Taipeh), Hirotaka Ochiai (Japan). E-mail <[email protected]> 1. A state-of-the-art report of the more recent developments and research studies in the field of rapid landslides, including field investigation and monitoring, numerical modelling, hazard investigation, development of early warning systems and design of countermeasures. 2. Keynote and invited papers on the most recent and innovative research approaches for the analysis of the rapid landslides. 3. Individual papers concerning the development of numerical modelling for the analysis of landslide initiation, flowing and depostion. 4. Individual papers on risk management strategy, including monitoring techniques, early warning systems and design of countermeasures. 5. Individual papers on in-situ and laboratory experiments for the collection of data on rapid landslides and calibration/validation of models.</p><p>Session 4.4 – Landslides in rocks and complex landslides: rock topples, rock falls, rock slides, complex landslides Conveners: Erick Eberhart (Canada), Paolo Frattini (Italy), Michael Jaboyedoff (Switzerland), Jan Klimeš (Czech Republic), Simon Loew (Switzerland), Mauri McSaveney (New Zealand) E-mail <[email protected]> 1. A state-of-the-art report of the more recent advancements and findings in the Rocks and Complex Landslides studies, including field and laboratory investigations, monitoring methods, modelling processes, hazard prediction techniques, early warning systems and risk mitigation methods. 2. Keynote or invited papers on the most innovative research approaches for the identification and analysis of the Rocks and Complex Landslides at different spatial and temporal scales. 3. Individual papers on in-situ and laboratory experiments for the landslide data collection and material characterization including invasive and not invasive technicques: geotechnical and hydrogeological analysis, remote sensing approches, geophysical techniques. 4. Individual papers concerning the identification and investigation of the preparatory factors leading to slope failure and the dynamic modelling of the post failure behavior in the spatial distribution and movement intensity. 5. Individual papers on risk management approaches, including monitoring techniques, early warning systems and countermeasures design both as prevention and as post-event solution.</p><p>Session 4.5 – Landslides and other natural hazards: floods, droughts, wildfires, tsunamis, volcanoes Conveners: Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani (Iran), Peter Bobrowsky (Canada), Jerome De Graff (USA), Farrokh Nadim (Norway), Mario Parise (Italy), Fawu Wang (Japan) E-mail <[email protected]></p><p>1. A state-of-the-art report of the more recent developments and research studies on landslides and other natural hazards.</p><p>14 2. Keynote and invited papers on the most recent and innovative research approaches for the analysis of the interaction between landslides and other natural hazards. 3. Individual papers related to the characterization and analysis of the natural hazard deriving, as cascade effect, from landslides (e.g. floods and tsunamis) or causing landslides during a subsequent domino effect (e.g. droughts and wildfires). 4. Individual papers concerning landslides on volcanoes: collapses influenced by volcanic activities and collapses not induced by the inner magmatic motion or external emission of juvenile material.</p><p>Theme 5 – Landslides in Different Environments (Coordinator: Vit Vilímek, Czech Republic) E-mail <[email protected]> The main goal of this session is to draw attention to the different variety of landslides with respect to communities, infrastructure and cultural heritage. Landslides in the natural environment will be covered as well, including all forms of aquatic environments. Recent progress in dating techniques has greatly improved the ability to determine the age of various types of landslides. Another challenge is to relate established landslide chronologies to regional paleo-environmental changes (e.g. paleo-seismic events, deglaciation, climatic changes, and human-induced deforestation). We would also like to draw attention to the variety of landslides in the context of different climatic zones, geomorphological and geotechnical settings and triggering factors, in order to gain better knowledge of the possibilities of mitigation and risk management.</p><p>Session 5.1 – Landslide interactions with the built environment Conveners: Tom Dijkstra (UK), Janusz Wasowski (Italy), Mike Winter (UK) E-mail <[email protected]> 1. An overview of methodologies and techniques used to identify devastating effects on buildings, infrastructure and large engineering works as well as cultural heritage. 2. Keynote and invited papers on most recent progress in this topic. 3. Individual papers from risk analysis and resilience to socio-economic aspects. 4. Individual papers describing the devastating effects, which could be used for education and future scientific and technological progress.</p><p>Session 5.2 – Landslides in natural environment Conveners: Ying Guo (China), Jan Klimeš (Czech Republic), Juan Carlos Loaiza (Columbia)</p><p>E-mail <[email protected]> 1. An overview of methodologies and techniques used to analyse individual case studies from different natural environment (various climatic zones – e.g. tropical environment, alpine mountains, cold regions). 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research progress on landslides in the natural environment. 3. Individual papers related to natural hazard analysis from different environments which predetermine a large variety of slope movements. 4. Individual papers which stress triggering factors or regional aspects.</p><p>Session 5.3 – Landslides and water</p><p>15 Conveners: Giovanna Capparelli (Italy), Timotej Verbovšek (Slovenia), Vít Vilímek (Czech Republic), Patrick Wassmer (France). E-mail <[email protected] > 1. An overview of methodologies and techniques used for landslide analysis associated with the aquatic environment (e.g. rivers and reservoirs, submarine and costal landslides, landslide-induced tsunamis). 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research progress in this topic. 3. Individual papers related to landslide mitigation and risk management. 4. Individual papers associated with the large variety of predisposing factors of the aquatic environment.</p><p>Session 5.4 – Landslides as environmental change proxies: looking at the past Conveners: Jan Hradecký (Czech Republic), Bjoern Kalsnes (Norway), Marko Komac (Slovenia), Tomáš Pánek (Czech Republic). E-mail <[email protected] > 1. An overview of methodologies and techniques used for landslide analysis in the context of environmental changes. 2. Keynote and invited papers on recent research progress on landslides as proxies of past climate change related to paleo-earthquakes and human-induced paleo-environmental changes. 3. Individual papers related to landslide chronologies and paleo-landslides, especially related to past environmental change. 4. Individual papers related to changes in the frequency and magnitude of landslides. 5. Individual papers related to landslide dating using historical documentary sources and tree-ring dated mass movements – high resolution datasets from the past few centuries.</p><p>SIDE EVENTS OF WLF4 WLF4 Student Session Conveners: Beena Ajmera (USA), Željko Arbanas (Croatia), Giovanni Battista Crosta (Italy), Johannes Huebl (Austria), Kofei Liu (Chinese Taipei), Janko Logar (Slovenia), Paolo Simonini (Italy), Alexander Strom (Russia) E-mail <[email protected]> Young student landslide researchers are the key of sustainable development of landslide science and community. The WLF4 is an opportunity for them to develop international collaborative networks. Students are encouraged to present their landslide research in the form of a regular Forum paper in the student session. The first author must be a student and the paper must be presented orally by the student. Eligible papers will be evaluated by a panel of participating professors. Distinguished student awards (2–3) will be made to the first authors of the best presented papers judged under the different research and educational conditions of developed and developing countries. The ICL President will present the distinguished student awards to the recipients in the closing session at 15:30–16:30 on 2 June 2017.</p><p>WLF4 Landslide Photo Contest “Landslides and Mankind” Conveners: Rok Gašparič (Slovenia), Arne Hodalič (Slovenia), Matjaž Mikoš (Slovenia), Boštjan Pulko (Slovenia). E-mail <[email protected]> Any photo showing the variety of landslide forms and their interaction with human activities, infrastructure and landscape is invited to be submitted to this Photo Contest. Each photo should have also a short explanation, describing the landslide on the photo and giving its location, causes/triggering factors and consequences. The photos should be submitted to a selected category (maximum 3 to 4). A selection of</p><p>16 photos will be published in the Forum proceedings. The best photos in each category will be recognized and awarded by a photo jury. The selected photos will be exhibited in a Photo Exhibition during the WLF4.</p><p>POST-FORUM STUDY TOURS Three Post-Forum Study Tours will be organized and offered to Forum participants, tentatively the below described ones – they will run in parallel, each Forum participant may choose one. See attached PDFs below for detailed field trips overview. NOTE: these are not final itineraries and might be subject to some changes. Each tour has a minimum and possibly a maximum number of participants. The Forum registration to be opened after September 1, 2016 will also have an option to register for a selected Post- Forum Study Tour.</p><p>Post-Forum Study Tour #1: SLOVENIA (please click to details) Living with slope mass movements in Slovenia and its surroundings (red route)</p><p>Post-Forum Study Tour #2: CROATIA AND BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA (please click to details) Landslides in the Dinarides and Pannonian Basin (green route)</p><p>Post-Forum Study Tour #3: ITALY (please click to details) Outstanding and highly hazardous landslides in the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site (orange route)</p><p>SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACT All authors are requested to submit their abstracts (400-500 words) by 30 June 2016 to:</p><p>17 Call FOR ABSTRACT in the WLF4 WEB: http://www.wlf4.org/ Directly access to: http://www.editorialmanager.com/wlfo/default.aspx </p><p>Deadline of full paper submission is 31 August 2016</p><p>SECRETARIAT OF WLF4 General Information: WEB OF WLF4 : http://www.wlf4.org/ Contact: For abstract/paper submission, scientific and other academic issues UL FGG – University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova c. 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: [email protected] </p><p>For registration, accommodation, and visa-related questions CD - Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana, Prešernova cesta 10, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: [email protected] </p><p>Information of the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 will be obtained from IPL WEB http://iplhq.org/category/home/ <http://iplhq.org/icl/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/1.-Combined-Sedai-Partnerships-2015.4.1.pdf> Inquiry : e-mail: <[email protected]></p><p>18</p>
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