<p> FRONT & CENTER CENTER MIDDLE SCHOOL</p><p>Volume VII June 2012 Issue 5</p><p>Jennifer Pelko Adam Marino Principal Assistant Principal Web page: 440-572-7090 www.strongnet.org/center Fax: 440-572-7094</p><p>FROM THE DESK OF MRS. PELKO….. </p><p>Summer… A Time for Reflection!</p><p>I continually get the question/statement from many of you asking me, “How do you do it?” Meaning, how am I a principal who attends many evening events and also a mother of three small children. My answer/response is usually either, “I have no idea and/or my husband is really great.” The truth is I do the best I can because this is my choice to combine a career with family. I have many moments that I wish I could go back and do over differently. The hustle and bustle of the day to day battles of homework, packing lunches, running from football to gymnastics, to baseball can be overwhelming. As a result, I use the summer to reflect and promise myself to do better. I want to be a better principal, a better mother, and a better friend. </p><p>I encourage all of you to do better as well. Take the summer, even if you are still working, to reconnect with your kids when the day to day grind is not as stressful. I found this chart from Love and Logic that I thought you may appreciate. It is not easy to raise children these days, and even more difficult as the “teen years” begin. Parenting takes time and often that is what we lack the most. I see myself as all three of these types of parents at times. My friends think my kids should be perfect because I am a principal. The reality is although I have lots of patience for “my kids” at school, it is another story when they are your own. As you take a look at the chart, look for yourself and your actions in each of these parenting styles. Most of use rely on what we know which is typically how we grew up. The rationale of, “because I said so or I am the parent and you are the child” may not work as it did for another generation. Children these days want a voice, they are informed, and most importantly need guidance. Parents are their first teachers and the first partner we connect with when help is needed. </p><p>I thank you for your support throughout this year. It is clear that we have wonderful parents due to the wonderful groups of students we had. So even if you feel you are not the best parent all the time, you have taught them something because we saw the great things they accomplished this year! </p><p>Enjoy your summer and thank you again for your partnership in the education of your child and all you have done to make this year a success! Jenni</p><p>Parent E-mail Group</p><p>In an effort to increase more immediate communication between home and school, Mrs. Pelko established a “Parent E-mail Group”. Those parents who are in the e- mail list will be sent any updates, news, etc. from the principal via e-mail typically on Friday. These e-mails are also archived on the Center website. </p><p>If you are interested in receiving these e-mail updates, please e-mail me ([email protected]) stating your e-mail address and your child’s grade-level.</p><p>DID YOU KNOW???</p><p>Did you know you can see all the announcements for the day on our web page?? Just click on the Morning Announcements (left side of home page) and see what is going on for the day/week at Center Middle School. </p><p>Did you know to check out team web pages for upcoming assignments and daily homework?? Go to our websites and under “teams” find you child’s team and the homework will be posted.</p><p>Did you know that homework club is every Thursday in Center’s Media center. High school students as well as qualified teachers are there to help students understand and complete assignments.</p><p>FROM THE DESK OF THE ASSISTANT</p><p>PRINCIPAL… Mr. Adam Marino </p><p>The Lost Art of Listening When I ask you to listen to me And you start giving me advice, You have not done what I asked. When I ask you to listen to me And you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way, You are trampling on my feelings. When I ask you to listen to me And you feel you have to do something To solve my problem, You have failed me, Strange as that may seem. Listen! All I ask is that you listen. Don’t talk or do-just hear me. -Anonymous Everyone wants to understand their kids, and to understand someone you must listen to them. The problem is that most people aren’t very good listeners. There are 4 primary forms of communication, reading, writing, speaking and listening. When people talk we seldom listen because we’re usually too busy preparing a response and are just waiting for a time to jump in, judging, or filtering their words through our own paradigms. Other poor listeners tend to either space out, pretend listen, selective listening (paying attention to part of the story) or self-centered listening (when we see everything from our own point of view).</p><p>With another school year gone the summer is a great time to re-connect with the middle school child. In order to do that, listening is a must. Take the time to be a genuine listener. First, listen with your eyes, heart and ears. 7% of communication is contained in words, 53% is how we say the words and 40% is the tone and feeling reflected in our voice. Second, stand in their shoes. You must try to see the world as they see it and try to feel as they feel. Times have changed from when you went to school. In the big scheme of things, a middle schooler’s problem may not seem like a very big deal, but in their bubble it’s the biggest deal. Lastly, practice mirroring. Think like a mirror. A mirror doesn’t judge or give advice. </p><p>If I kept a journal, this would be a good entry for me. When someone tells me a problem, it is my instinct to try and fix it and give advice. But more times than not, they just want you to listen. I did this with one particular student this year and I received one of the nicest notes I have every received. So I guess I finally took the advice of my mother, “You have two ears and one mouth, you should listen more than you talk.”</p><p>“Listen, or thy tongue will make thee deaf.” Native America Proverb </p><p>7TH GRADE STAR TEAM </p><p>Is it really over? What an unbelievable year the STAR Team had. Thank you to all the students and their parents who made this school year so enjoyable. Here are some highlights from the fourth quarter.</p><p>Fourth quarter flew by for the STAR Team social studies classes. The quarter began by continuing the students’ study of Medieval China. Students learned how the dynasties of this time period took the Chinese civilization to the highest level it had ever been in history. They also learned that the Chinese were very interested in science and technology, and that many of their inventions and technologies still influence our lives today! After the study of China, students discovered how new ideas and ways of thinking brought the Middle Ages to an end. They learned that advances in the arts and learning led to an exciting time in history called the Renaissance and Reformation. The students extended their knowledge of this time period by doing a culminating project with language arts. Students wrote children’s books about famous people from the Renaissance and Reformation. Their efforts were outstanding. The students should be very proud of their hard work and creativity! As the year comes to end, it is amazing how much knowledge the students have gained this year in social studies. They should be very proud of all they have accomplished this year! Mr. Kowalski’s math classes have had a fun and interesting end to the year. They have been investigating the connection between equations and graphs. Students have used equations to generate input/output tables which they then converted to ordered pairs in which to graph. Classes also looked into the relationship between percents, ratios, and proportions, as well as exploring probability. All classes then concluded the year by taking a final exam. All in all, a fun end to a very successful year! </p><p>Mrs. Hartsough’s POLA students have been tackling Heart of a Champion by Carl Deuker which is a novel about baseball and friendship. The students seem to really be enjoying the book and have done exceptionally well on assignments relating to the story. Students also had the pleasure of a guest speaker by the name of Mr. Dave Pastors. Mr. Pastors has played and worked in baseball most of his life and was a wealth of knowledge concerning baseball. The Star Team also had the pleasure of a visit from Officer Mastnardo and his partner Dar. The students were so excited about Dar’s visit and so were the teachers! Thank you so much to our guests of honor!!!</p><p>In Science Class, we have been wrapping up the year by studying Electricity, Magnetism, and Newton's 3 Laws of Motion. With the last two weeks we will show what we learned about motion and energy as we complete a culminating unit using roller coasters. It has been a GREAT YEAR and the classes are excited to be finishing.</p><p>We as a STAR Team enjoyed all of our time with all of our students this year. Congratulations to all of our students and good luck next year in 8th grade!</p><p>COMETS TEAM</p><p>The Comets Team is wrapping up the fourth quarter with a plethora of activities, tests, projects and fun days! We WON THE SPIRIT COMPETITION for the year and we will be celebrating on June 7 with a special treat for all Comets Team members! It’s truly been a wonderful school year. The Comets teachers wish all of you a wonderful summer, good luck in your future endeavors and thank you for all your hard work this year!</p><p>In Integrated Language Arts this quarter we created a writing portfolio all about ourselves. We wrote poems, essays and even received letters of advice from important people in our lives. At the end of the quarter we will be presenting our work to the class. Students have made great progress in their writing this year and should be very proud of the work they have done!</p><p>In Mrs. Weatherlow’s Principles of Language Arts students celebrated the month of April by being a part of National Poetry Month. We learned a variety of terms, elements and creative ways to use words. Regular classes are finishing off the year by the reading of the novel, The Pigman, by Paul Zindel. Honors classes finished reading Gideon, The Cutpurse and are wrapping up the quarter with a study of the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare. Mrs. Novicky’s Principles of Language Arts have taken an in depth look at Poetry this quarter. Math 7: During the fourth quarter we are learning about volume of three-dimensional figures. The students then learned about probability and measures of central tendency prior to taking their standardized state tests. After testing the students learned about percents. The year ended with studying functions and linear equations before a cumulative exam. Pre-Algebra: Third quarter started with a continuation of volume and surface area of three- dimensional figures. After that unit was completed the students learned about probability and measures of central tendency prior to taking their standardized state tests. Next, we learned about percents and percent of change. The year ended with a chapter on functions and linear equation where the students were able to model linear equation graphs with their bodies. Finally, the students took a cumulative exam over the second semester. Algebra: At the start of the third quarter students finished their chapter on polynomials. Then we had a quick section on area, volume, and surface area of geometric figures before taking the standardized state tests. After testing we studied factoring of polynomials and the FOIL method. The students then learned about quadratic functions. The year was finished up with a chapter on rational expressions and equations before taking the final exam. Science: The students have been very busy being physicists! We studied electricity, where they used Genecons(hand held generators) to create electricity, tested conductors and insulators, and even used storage devices called capacitors. We then moved on to new vocabulary and learned the difference between speed, velocity, and acceleration. The students created their own drawing to demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion after researching them for a couple of days in the library. We are all very excited to end the year with the roller coaster unit! The students will work in groups and calculate speed and acceleration by using a 6 foot tube and a marble…FUN!! We will have many classroom challenges to find which group has the fastest roller coaster. It has been a very exciting year!! During the fourth quarter in Social Studies, students spent time exploring the Renaissance and Reformation in Europe. They researched an invention during this time period and discussed how it impacts the world today. We will conclude the school year by constructing a multi-tiered time line that will include all the material covered this school year.</p><p>Students of the Month during 4th quarter were: April – Megan Hendricks and Wade Boardman.</p><p>MAGIC TEAM </p><p>The Magic team has had a busy fourth quarter! After returning from spring break, we had the final push for the OAA tests, which were completed in late April. The month of May has been packed with special activities. Students participated in a team building/capture the flag day at Bonnie Park, and the high school principal came to give some tips on transitioning to the high school next year. We also held the second annual Reality Day here at center. During this day, students got a taste of the “real world”, having to learn to budget money and take care of their own expenses. Students also had the opportunity to hear a number of speakers during reality day. In classes this quarter, students learned about the civil war in History, and completed powerpoint presentations about it. Language Arts classes discussed non-fiction and read a Sherlock Holmes mystery. Students also gave speeches about their best/worst experiences while at Center. Math classes learned how to use and balance a checkbook in preparation for reality day, as well as adding polynomials and graphing linear inequalities. Science classes learned about heredity and genetics, as well as evolution.</p><p>We would also like to extend congratulations to Mrs. Gerish as she enters retirement. She is a gentle soul that has been a positive voice for students and all of us for many years. We will miss you and your kind spirit. Thank you for all you have done for the students and staff of Center for so many years! </p><p>We hope all of our students have a great summer!</p><p>RULERS TEAM </p><p>. With the close of the 2011-2012 school year at Center Middle School, teachers and students take one huge, collective sigh of relief and welcome the summer break. In American History/Social Studies the last quarter was built around a major unit on the Civil War in America. Mrs. Pinciotto’s students completed Civil War projects. The always popular Civil War unit culminated with the in-class viewing of the award-winning movie, “Glory.” Highlights of 8th grade science with Mrs. Silvestri for the last quarter included a unit on the universe and our solar system. Science finished with the study of the solar system and constellations that included research on the planets. We also completed presentations on “how stuff works.” as they were responsible for presentations on “how stuff works.” In Health/Physical Education the Rulers studied the abuse of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. This unit included students’ renditions of commercials which discouraged the use of drugs. The last quarter for Miss Kaul’s health students included a unit on the endocrine system. The PE classes enjoyed field games including several crazy sessions of team handballl. In math classes with Mrs. Whyte’s, the Rulers’ students continued to challenge their skills and know-how with several new concepts. A unit was provided on multiple-step equations. Sounds like great fun! Prior to this subject matter, the Rulers math students prepared for OAA testing concepts In Language Arts the Rulers continued work on writing skills in response to some literature. The students read and analyzed Sir Arthur Doyle’s “The Speckled Band.” Towards the end of the quarter, classes reviewed essential elements of effective public speaking in anticipation of many such opportunities at the high school. Their topic for this informative speech was the “highlights and lowlights” of their two years at Center Middle School. The core Rulers’ teachers wish to publicly acknowledge and thank the contribution of Mrs. Michelle Mudryk who served as So, as the teachers and staff bid adieu to another 8th grade class, plans and schedules for the next edition of Rulers at Center Middle School have already begun. However, a well-deserved summer break for all comes next. Finally, the Rulers team of teachers and students, present and past, want to publicly thank the three retiring teachers of Center Middle School, especially long-time Rulers’ teachers Karen Kaul and Al Gizzi. They have been consummate professionals whose contributions to Center Middle School and its students go far beyond their classroom lessons. Both of them served as exemplar models to the youth of Strongsville. Thank you Ms. Kaul and Mr. Gizzi; you will be missed.</p><p>EXTREME TEAM Fourth Quarter has been very busy for the Xtreme team! We wrapped up our Word Wall Wednesday competition and hopefully our students are now a little more familiar with the OAA skill vocabulary. We look forward to seeing how much our 7th grade students can improve their knowledge of these power words on Wednesdays next year! </p><p> Our art students participated in a new and improved version of our annual art show. On May 24th, all year long 8th grade art students and any additional 7th grade and semester 8th grade art students who chose to participate displayed their work. Students created their own display boards with as many pieces as they wanted to include. The student work was arranged around the lower library. Students and their families had the opportunity to walk through and view all the displays. Students were awarded both Teacher's Choice ribbons and Center Show rosette ribbons for their work. Everyone seemed to enjoy the new format and we look forward to next year's show! </p><p> Finally, the Xtreme team held the Xtreme Leadership and Problem Solving Olympics for the 7th grade. On a very hot and humid Friday afternoon the students teams of 5-8 STar and Comet students competed against each other to fight for a gold, silver or bronze medal in leadership and problem solving. Once final points are calculated the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams will win gift cards to Dairy Queen and will participate in a walking field trip to DQ during the last week of school. A special thank you goes out to the parents and volunteers who helped us facilitate the 10 events and to the 7th grade teachers for running our time clock to keep things running smoothly! In Mrs. Baker’s 8th grade Language Arts with Technology classes, students learned about propaganda techniques, marketing, and demographics. They “created” a product and marketed it through the creation of a print ad and as well as a 30-second animated ad using the GoAnimate website. Most recently, the students wrote and presented persuasive speeches. </p><p>Mrs. Baker’s 7th grade Skills for Success classes learned tips for keeping school work organized, managing time wisely, and the importance of setting goals. Students explored strategies for developing good study habits, taking more efficient notes, and being better prepared for different types of tests. </p><p>Center's Select Choir and Show Choir recently performed at the "Music in the Parks" festival, held in Sandusky. Both choirs did a wonderful job! Select Choir received an Excellent Rating and won first in their category. The Mustang Limited Show Choir received a Superior rating, taking first place in their category as well as Best Overall Choir! It was an exciting weekend, with wonderful weather. The awards ceremony was held at Cedar Point, where the choir members enjoyed the rest of their day. What a great way to the year! Thank you for representing Strongsville.</p><p>The Night of Entertainment was a great success last Thursday! Performances included singing, dancing, comedy, guitars and a band! Center is one talented school! The Night of Entertainment is held twice a year: in the Fall and the Spring. Anyone may participate. </p><p>Show Choir tryouts will be held during the second week of school next year. Show Choir is open to all 7th and 8th graders. Mrs. Foky encourages anyone thinking about trying out to attend the Kids Singin' in the Ville workshop this summer. You can contact the high school's choral department or see Mrs. Foky's music bulletin board to pick up a flier.</p><p>OMEA Solo & Ensemble participants this year included Rebbeca Wells, Allie Holka, Sarah Ludwig and Justyna Krupa. All received and Excellent or Superior ratings, again representing Strongsville's excellence! </p><p>The Xtreme team hopes all our students have a wonderful summer vacation. We wish our 8th graders well as they move on to the high school. And we look forward to seeing our current 7th graders in the fall!</p><p>Calendar of Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember</p><p>AUGUST 2012 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 First day of Mrs. Pelko and Mr. Volleyball try-outs, Marino back in the football practice, office and cross country- see website for details.</p><p>13 14 15 16 17 Center Rocks 8th grade schedule On 2:00-4:00 pick up 12:00-2:00 7th grade Fall Sports Pictures 20 21 22 23 24 FIRST DAY OF OPEN HOUSE SCHOOL 6:30</p><p>27 28 29 30 31</p><p>SEPTEMBER 2012 3 4 5 6 7 LABOR DAY NO SCHOOL</p><p>10 11 12 13 14</p><p>17 18 19 20 21</p><p>24 25 26 27 28</p>
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