<p> Come and Learn . . . Go and Share . . . Honor and Serve Our Savior Lutheran Church –June 2016 Newsletter 1010 – 8th St. South - Brookings, SD 57006 www.oslcbrookings.net Church Office (605) 692-6989; Church e-mail – [email protected] Pastor Ken Brokmeier - Home - (605) 692-9249; e-mail – [email protected] Vicar Matt Stuebs - Home – 920-903-2221; e-mail – [email protected]</p><p>“Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed” (Luke 7:6,7).</p><p>JESUS LOVES TO HEAL we might become the righteousness of God” (2 It was an unlikely scene. A man of rank, a Corinthians 5:21). Through Jesus, God declares us Roman centurion—a captain of 100 soldiers—sends “not guilty.” an urgent message for help to a lowly Jewish rabbi What are you facing today? Whatever it is, you named Jesus. The captain’s valued servant was on matter deeply to Jesus. He has both the power and his deathbed. The physicians had exhausted their the desire to help. He has the wisdom and love to remedies. Time was running out. Jesus was his only give us exactly what we need. He needs only to say hope. the word. This wasn’t a last-ditch cry of desperation, With his Word Jesus also works the greatest though. It was a prayer of trust. The centurion had miracle of all. He gives us the faith to trust in him. heard about—maybe even witnessed—some of Jesus wants to come to us in His Word which is Jesus’ miracles. He was convinced that Jesus had why Christians understand that worship is the power to do anything. The Lord only needed to something you naturally want to do. Jesus wants us say the word, and the centurion’s servant would be to clearly trust him and know his forgiveness. And healed. And that’s just what Jesus did. best of all, he give the confidence to trust him for Jesus still has the power to do anything. He everything. cares about what we’re going through. He’s the only one who can really help. But like the WELS WOMEN’S MINISTRY CONFERENCE centurion, we must admit that we are not worthy of The WELS Women’s Ministry also hosts a his attention. God is holy. We are not holy. We fail conference every three years. Our next conference him. We fail others. Why should he bother? is July 21-23, 2016, at Wisconsin Lutheran Every miracle showed God’s good intentions Seminary, Mequon, Wis. The theme is "Mentors – toward the unworthy. Each one was saying, “God Follow my example as I follow the example of loves you!” By delivering people from impossible Christ" based on I Cor 11:1. It will highlight the problems, Jesus proved his power over the far Christian influence women have on a society in greater problems of death and hell. Jesus exchanged decay when they lovingly share the Word of God his life for ours and paid the horrific penalty for and intentionally live in such a way as to point those every sin when he died on the cross. “God made around them to Jesus. Registration costs: Early Bird Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him = $140, Regular = $160 Lodging costs: Baymont</p><p>- 1 - Hotel costs = $80/night for a 4 or 6 woman room 4. Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 – This OR dorm rooms at WLS = $20/night. group is also doing Five Things You Can Do to CPGP???? Read the Bible Prayerfully. At the April 24 Quarterly Voters’ meeting the 5. Bible Information Class – Pastor and Vicar congregation decided to participate in the Martin have several different BIC classes going right Luther College’s CPGP (Congregational Partner now. Bottom line is that if you or someone you Grant Program). Here is how it works. We=Our know is interested in BIC, please speak with Savior Lutheran Church. Vicar or Pastor to get started! We agree to participate and fund the CPGP. We designate money in the CPGP fund towards UPDATE ON PASTOR students who have been admitted to MLC as On April 15 I had an IV PIC installed in my first-year, full-time undergraduate students. arm and will continue to get an IV infused antibiotic We print and complete the CPGP form listing for 4-6 weeks to try and get rid of the infection that the student(s) who will receive the grant. is still in my knee. Thanks again for your continued We mail the form and check to MLC by June 1 prayers and patience. . . Pastor Brokmeier for the following academic year. MLC matches the congregational grant from FURNACE REPLACED AND PARSONAGE $250 (minimum) to $1,000 (maximum) per BASEMENT FINISHED student. We are still receiving gifts to cover the costs for MLC matches grants received after June 1 as the furnace that was replaced in church and also for funds are available. the finishing of the parsonage basement. The Planned Giving Committee was able to “advance” Megan Winghart will be a first year student at the funds necessary to pay for the costs so the hope Martin Luther College this fall so our congregation is to replenish some of those funds. You can simply voted to participate in the CPGP for this year. We label your gift – Building and Parsonage Fund and invite our members to bring a special gift between place in the offering plate. Every dollar given will now and May 22 with the goal of getting $1,000. be matched $1 up to $40,000. Checks can be made out to church. Gifts can be placed in an envelope and marked MLC Grant. ORGAN COMMITTEE If more than $1,000 is raised - any excess would be On April 13 members of the church council and added to the Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund. our organists had a meeting with Mr. Howard Nolte, If you have any questions, please speak with our organ tuner. Howard has been servicing our Matt Fenske, the Stewardship representative on the organ for many, many years and studied under the council or with Pastor Brokmeier. family who built the organ. An organ committee is being formed to look at BIBLE STUDY OPPORTUNITIES our current instrument as well as other options with 1. Sunday Morning (10:00 AM) - Family Bible goal of having several options to present in the Study coming months for the congregation to consider. If 2. Teens – We will continue with the Topic there are any men or women from our Christian Life Planning. congregation interested in serving on this 3. Thursday morning Breakfast Bible Study – committee, please contact Seth Hansen, Jim Meets on Thurs. mornings from 7:00-7:45AM. Behnken or Pastor Brokmeier by May 23. The 7AM class is finishing a study called – Five The committee plans to explore options and ask Things You Can Do to Read the Bible questions which include: Prayerfully. Watch the bulletin for the next Is our current organ still viable and desirable for topic to be studied. leading worship for the next fifty or more years?</p><p>- 2 - What modifications would need to be made to Seth and Nolan Hansen for their work in using our current organ to make it suitable for playing the software to prepare the services each week and leading worship? for projecting. How much more space would be needed to Lynne Wellberg, Linda Schumacher, Scott make modifications on our current organ? Thompson and Gladys Bren for their secretarial Are there other organs available that would and custodial work. meet or needs? All who make our visitors feel welcome at How much is a new pipe organ? A new worship. electronic organ? What is the difference? Those who are serving on the Church Council and various committees and various serving And there are many, many other questions. The groups. fall of 2017 marks the 50th year or our The various individuals and families who congregation’s official organization. The voters provide treats on Sunday mornings. noted that forming this committee would be a May the Lord richly bless these and so many other labors of worthwhile endeavor as we look at possible projects love for his Kingdom! for that special Anniversary. ALTAR GUILD There is a signup sheet on the back counter for USHERS taking care of set/cleanup for the Lord’s Supper for The ushering schedule is printed in the 2016. If you have questions, please talk to Linda newsletter and bulletin for the next four weeks; Berkland. Still looking for volunteers for June, If you are scheduled to serve, Lynne will October and December. typically contact you by phone, e-mail or both or Not sure if you can handle it? Before you say, put a reminder in your mail box to remind you of “no,” stop and look at the simple duties/instructions the schedule prior to the month beginning. If you that are printed out and placed on the refrigerator are not able to serve during the scheduled time, we door in the kitchen. Thanks for considering this. ask that you identify and contact a replacement for yourself. We also ask that you contact Lynne YOUTH GROUP to help keep the schedule as updated and accurate as The WELS International Youth Rally is June possible. 28-July 1, 2016 in Fort Collins, CO. The following A contact list for all ushers is available to assist are planning to attend from our congregation. in locating and contacting a replacement. Please Hunter, Megan and Kathy Winghart (chaperone), double check that list and notify Lynne of changes. Ben and Tori Diersen, Jon Dykstra, Pam Dahl, If there is an upcoming period where you would Jasmine Johnson and Pastor. like to be scheduled, please let Lynne know as well and we will do our best to accommodate you. BOOK CLUB</p><p>THANKS TO PRAYER REQUEST/UPDATE ON MEMBERS Our ushers and greeters, and those who take Please remember in prayer our homebound. We care of the flowers/plants for church – also include the following who are living with especially Arlene Klavetter. cancer in various forms or continue to recover from Those who have been blessed and bring special surgery or other ailments. At the time of this writing gifts in addition to regular Sunday offerings. they include: Myron Olson and Amber Hartmann Laura Seidl for tabulating the HyVee receipts. who are both receiving chemo treatments for Our counters who faithfully count and record cancer; Crystal Blum, and Sandy Lujan as they deal the offerings each week. with illnesses and recover from surgery. Jonathan Dykstra, Hunter Winghart, Ray We have the following addresses for our Widner and Robert Bertelsen who regularly tape members who are in the military: and run the worship service software. Lcpl Trent Krogman</p><p>- 3 - 4196 Williams Ct. frames, box spring and mattresses, chest of Tarawa Terrace, NC 28543 drawers, small refrigerators, antiques, jewelry, Jordan Zmuda bedding and linens, boots and snow pants, old hats, PO Box 3394 canes, walkers and shower chairs. We also accept Fort Polk, La. 71459 new items – anything from perfumes and lotions to Please get Newsletter prayer requests to Linda unopened toys. by the 20th of the month. Donations to GSI Thrift can be considered a charitable deduction. Let us know if you need a CHOIR charity receipt when dropping off your donations. Although there will not be any official choir practices; however, if you are interested in singing LWMS in a small group or singing a solo, please contact The Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society Kathy Winghart or Sue Brokmeier. will be meeting May 9, 7:00 PM. Please note the time change. All ladies of the congregation are AV- COMMITTEE invited to attend and learn more about the many A TV has been installed in the kitchen that can ways we serve and encourage mission support as be utilized to view the worship service as it is being well as behind the scenes support of various church conducted in the sanctuary. The committee also activities in our congregation. installed some more speakers in church to help with LWMS Greeting Cards: Just received 18 boxes sound distribution. Two hand held microphones of sympathy cards .These are located beside the were purchased and used on examination Sunday. mailboxes. Prices are marked on the boxes. Still If you have any thoughts or suggestions for the selling other cards/napkins located below the AV committee, feel free to share them! mailboxes as marked which are less then cost.</p><p>SUNDAY SCHOOL GREETERS WELCOMED We ask that you return the binders for NT B, Set We would love to expand our group of greeters. 2 so that we can reuse materials. The last Sunday of College students, we welcome you to become SS for this school year will be on May 22. greeters, too (a good way to learn the names of the members of the congregation and for them to get to MONDAY SERVICES know you). If you have questions or are interested, please speak with Pastor or Linda Schumacher. JUNE GREETERS JUNE USHERS If you can’t greet on the Sunday assigned to you, please find a replacement WORSHP SERVICES ON THE WEB SCRIP Past Sunday morning services can be viewed We thank Judy Miller & Cal Cook for handling online. Go to – www.oslcbrookings.net SCRIP. Turn in your order by 11 AM on Sunday and it should be here by Friday noon. Your support CAMP LUTHER & PANTHER CAMP of Great Plains Lutheran HS is very much Pastor Brokmeier has dates for both Panther appreciated. During the week, you can stop by the Camp (June 5-10) for students entering Grades 6-9 office and also purchase SCRIP. and Camp Luther (July 10-15). See Pastor for more information or go visit the Great Lutheran High STEWARDS INC. (GSI) Thrift School Website looking under the Latest News tab. Never underestimate what you might find in a thrift store. Items we could use at GSI include: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!!! rugs, towels, sheets, gardening tools, furniture, bed SADDLE UP for a great ride to learn about</p><p>- 4 - Jesus and join us for Bible stories, games, snacks, music and much more! For children four years old through current 7th graders. Please register by May 20th. If you would like to teach or help with VBS, please speak with Vicar. </p><p>- 5 -</p>
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