<p> LIST OF ADDRESSES OF THE FIRMS FOR RUNNING CONTRACT: Previous Running Contract Tender No.08/2014 File No. Proc-3(337)/2014/NIBGE Extended upto 31-12-2016</p><p>2 M/s Molecular Biology Products, Karachi Quotation No. 05/16 List of Chemicals S. No. Part No. Description Make Unir Rs Qty. Status of GST Custom DNA Oligos (Primers) Eurofins MWG Operon – Per 167 OLG 24.00 GST Exempted (Synthesized at 50 nmol scale) USA Base</p><p>5 M/s LAB CHEM, Lahore Quotation No.09/16 List of Chemicals S.No. Description Origin Price (Rs) Packing Status of GST 27 2-Propanol (Isopropanol) Chem-Lab Belgium 1,440.00 2.5 ltr 17 % Included 105 Glycerol Chem-Lab Belgium 3,940.00 2.5 ltr 17 % Included 115 ISO Propanol Chem-Lab Belgium 1,440.00 2.5 ltr 17 % Included List of Glassware & Plastic-Ware 1 Aluminum Foil UAE 220.00 foil 17 % Included 44 Gloves Disposable Latex Top Malaysia 498.00 pkt 17 % Included 84 Tips (Filtered, 200ul) Bolton Uk 660.00 box 17 % Included 86 Tips Blue (1ml) China 550.00 500pcs 17 % Included</p><p>6. M/S THE WORLD WIDE SCIENTIFIC, Lahore Quotation No.11/16 LIST OF CHEMICALS:- S.# Description CAT NO. MAKE U/PRICE QTY Status of GST 35- Acetosyringone A-104 PHYTO-USA 11,349.00 1x5 g 17 % Included 62- Carbencillin C-346 PHYTO-USA 8,775.00 1x5 g 17 % Included 1x100 64- RevertAid™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit K1622 Fermentas-Thermo 19,500.00 0 % GST rxns 66- Cefotaxime C-380 PHYTO-USA 10,296.00 1x5 g 17 % Included 1x(5x50 84- GeneRuler™ 1kb DNA Ladder SM0311 Fermentas-Thermo 6,300.00 0 % GST µg) 1x(4x0.2 86- dNTP Set, 100 mM Solution R0181 Fermentas-Thermo 5,900.00 0 % GST 5 ml) 1x200 87- DreamTaq PCR Master Mix (2X) K1071 Fermentas-Thermo 11,500.00 0 % GST rxns 1x1000 88 DreamTaq™ Green PCR Maser Mix (2X) K1082 Fermentas-Thermo 36,000.00 0 % GST rxns 92- Ethanol Absolute 98-99% 32221 RDH-Germany 4,563.00 1x2.5 L 17 % Included 101 1x50 GeneJET™ Genomic DNA Purification Kit K0721 Fermentas-Thermo 11,500.00 0 % GST - Prep’s 117 Kanamycin R2538 ACTGene-USA 4,329.00 1x25 g 17 % Included - 147 1x200 PCR Master Mix (2X) K0171 Fermentas-Thermo 9,700.00 0 % GST - rxns 152 1x500 Roti® Phenol/Chloroform/Isoamyl Alcohol A156.2 ROTH-Germany 17,316.00 17 % Included - ml 154 Gelzan (Gelrite) G-3251 PHYTO-USA 23,049.00 1x1 Kg 17 % Included - 1x250 158 GeneJET™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit K0503 Fermentas-Thermo 18,700.00 0 % GST Prep’s 1x50 170 GeneJET™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit K0502 Fermentas-Thermo 8,000.00 0 % GST Prep’s 1x50 171 GeneJET™ Gel Extraction Kit K0691 Fermentas-Thermo 8,700.00 0 % GST Prep’s 178 1x4000 Restriction Enzyme BamHl ER0051 Fermentas-Thermo 2,300.00 0 % GST - U 179 Restriction Enzyme Dpnl ER1701 Fermentas-Thermo 4,700.00 1x500 U 0 % GST - 180 Restriction Enzyme Ncol ER0571 Fermentas-Thermo 3,400.00 1x500 U 0 % GST - 181 Restriction Enzyme Ndel ER0581 Fermentas-Thermo 3,200.00 1x500 U 0 % GST - 183 1x2500 RiboLock™ RNase Inhibitor EO0381 Fermentas-Thermo 4,800.00 0 % GST - U 187 Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate (SDS) 5136.1 ROTH-Germany 11,115.00 1x1 Kg 17 % Included - 198 Spectinomycin Dihydrochloride S-742 PHYTO-USA 14,040.00 1x25 g 17 % Included - 200 D-Sucrose S-391 PHYTO-USA 1,872.00 1x1 Kg 17 % Included - 202 1x200 Maxima™ SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix K0221 Fermentas-Thermo 13,800.00 0 % GST - rxns 203 1x200 Maxima™ SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix K0221 Fermentas-Thermo 13,800.00 0 % GST - rxns 205 1x1000 T4 DNA Ligase EL0011 Fermentas-Thermo 5,600.00 0 % GST - U 206 1x30 InsTAclone™ PCR Cloning Kit K1214 Fermentas-Thermo 17,700.00 0 % GST - rxns 207 Taq DNA Polymerase (recombinant) EP0402 Fermentas-Thermo 1,785.00 1x500 U 0 % GST - LIST OF GLASSWARE & PLASTICWARE:- - Microcentrifuge Tubes (RNase & DNase Free)2.0 1000/Pa 49- 80-1500 Biologix-USA 2,047.50 17 % Included ml ck Pack of 51- 384-Well Storage Plate Square Well Conical AB-1178 ABGene-Thermo 4,387.50 17 % Included 50 1000/Pa 52- Flat Cap PCR Tubes (RNase & DNase Free)0.2 ml 60-0082 Biologix-USA 1,608.75 17 % Included ck 1000/Pa 54- Flat Cap PCR Tubes (RNase & DNase Free)0.2 ml 60-0082 Biologix-USA 1,608.75 17 % Included ck 500/Pac 56- Petri Dish Fully Stackable 90x15 mm 66-1501 Biologix-USA 7,839.00 17 % Included k 1000/Pa 57- Pipette White Tips (RNase & DNase Free) 10 µl 20-0010 Biologix-USA 573.30 17 % Included ck 1000/Pa 59- Pipette Yellow Tips (RNase & DNase Free) 200 µl 20-0200 Biologix-USA 573.30 17 % Included ck 500 / 75- Flat Top Cap Falcon Tubes 15 ml Oct-52 Biologix-USA 6,552.00 17 % Included Pack 500 / 76- Flat Top Cap Falcon Tubes 50 ml Oct-02 Biologix-USA 8,892.00 17 % Included Pack 1000/Pa 82- Pipette Yellow Tips (RNase & DNase Free) 200 µl 20-0200 Biologix-USA 573.30 17 % Included ck FT-1000- 1x(10x9 87- Filter Pipette Tips (RNase & DNase Free) 1000 µl GenERA Biotech 5,616.00 17 % Included R-NS 6 Tips) 88- Pipette White Tips (RNase & DNase Free) 10 µl 20-0010 Biologix-USA 573.30 1000/Pa 17 % Included ck</p><p>7 M/s MUSAJI ADAM & SONS, FSD Quotation No.12/16 List of Chemicals UNIT PACKIN S.No Description MAKE Status of GST PRICE G 36 Acetyl chloride Cat # 1113-4400 Deajung,Korea 4,000.00 1Lit. 17 % Included 37 Acetylsalicylic acid, extra pure Cat # AC03551000 Scharlau,Spain 5,300.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 44 Ammonium hydroxide Cat # 1065-4100 Deajung,Korea 700.00 1Lit. 17 % Included 45 Ammonium chloride Cat # 1060-4400 Deajung,Korea 1,100.00 1Kg. 17 % Included Alfa- 47 Ampicillin Cat # J60977 11,600.00 5gm. 17 % Included Aesar,Germany 59 Cresol Red Cat # 2598-4125 Deajung,Korea 2,900.00 25gm. 17 % Included 61 Calcium gluconate Cat # 2509-4405 Deajung,Korea 2,500.00 500gm. 17 % Included 67 Celite 545 Cat # 2537-1405 Deajung,Korea 1,400.00 500gm. 17 % Included 73 Copper(II) Sulfate pentahydrate Cat # 2588-4400 Deajung,Korea 1,800.00 1Kg. 17 % Included di-Ammonium hydrogen citrate, reagent grade 78 Scharlau,Spain 7,500.00 1Kg. 17 % Included Cat # AM03321000 79 Dichloromethane HPLC Cat # 3030-2304 Deajung,Korea 4,900.00 4Lit. 17 % Included 93 Ethyl acetate HPLC Cat # 4016-2304 Deajung,Korea 5,000.00 4Lit. 17 % Included Formaldehyde, solution 37%, extra pure 95 Scharlau,Spain 2,900.00 2.5Lit. 17 % Included Cat # FO00102500 103 Dextrose Cat # 3020-4400 Deajung,Korea 1,100.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 109 Hydrazine monohydrate Cat # 4087-4400 Deajung,Korea 2,600.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 111 3-Indolebutyric acid Cat # 5007-4425 Deajung,Korea 4,100.00 25gm. 17 % Included 112 Imidazole Cat # 5000-4100 Deajung,Korea 13,000.00 1Kg. 17 % Included Magnesium sulfate anhydrous, powder 124 Deajung,Korea 1,600.00 1Kg. 17 % Included Cat # 5514-4400 130 Methyl alcohol 99.9% HPLC Cat # 5558-2304 Deajung,Korea 1,900.00 4 lit 17 % Included 131 Iodomethane Cat # 5014-4405 Deajung,Korea 14,800.00 500gm. 17 % Included 137 Sodium chloride Cat # 7548-4400 Deajung,Korea 900.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 139 Hexane 95% HPLC Cat # 4081-2304 Deajung,Korea 4,100.00 4Lit. 17 % Included 148 Polyethylene glycol 8,000 Cat # 6556-1405 Deajung,Korea 1,100.00 500gm. 17 % Included 161 Potassium acetate Cat # 6560-4400 Deajung,Korea 2,000.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 163 Potassium carbonate anhydrous Cat # 6564-4400 Deajung,Korea 1,400.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 165 Potassium phosphate monobasic Cat # 6613-4400 Deajung,Korea 1,800.00 1Kg. 17 % Included 169 Pyridine Cat # 6631-4400 Deajung,Korea 4,100.00 1Lit. 17 % Included 195 Sodium iodide Cat # 7696-4405 Deajung,Korea 7,800.00 500gm. 17 % Included 220 Urea Cat # 8578-4400 Deajung,Korea 1,200.00 1Kg. 17 % Included List of Glassware, Plastic-Wares 7 Beakers (Borosilicated Glass) 500ml Borosil 220.00 Each. 17 % Included 8 Beakers (Borosilicated Glass) 500ml Borosil 220.00 Each. 17 % Included 24 Eppendroff Tubes 1.5ml (K.298) Kartell,Italy 1,150.00 1000Pcs. 17 % Included 35 Glass Cylinder 1000ml (Cat # 4022) Borosil 3,210.00 Each. 17 % Included</p><p>8. M/s Advance Bioscience International, Lahore Quotation No.13/16 List of Chemicals Sr. N0 Description Make Unit Price Quantity GST Included 65 Cefotaxime Cat # 1539 Chem Impex/USA 8,500.00 5g Exempted 72 Colchicine Cat # 23019 Chem Impex/USA 24,000.00 5g Exempted List of Glassware, Plastic-ware, 39 Glass slides China 89.00 Pkt/72 17% included 42 Polythene Gloves (Plain) China 38.00 Pkt/100 17% included</p>
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