Somerdale Public School District

Somerdale Public School District

<p> SOMERDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT</p><p>Board of Education 301 Grace Street Somerdale, NJ 08083</p><p>Reorganization Meeting and Regular Meeting of the Board of Education</p><p>6:30 p.m.</p><p>AGENDA </p><p>January 9, 2014 ALL AGENDA ITEMS WERE APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION ON JANUARY 9, 2014, EXCEPT ITEM A-11 WAS TABLED. </p><p>I. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER </p><p>II. ROLL CALL/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE </p><p>Russel Dunnings Susan Lowden James Walsh</p><p>Also Present:</p><p>Dr. Dennis M. Vespe, Superintendent/Principal Melissa Engelhardt, Business Administrator/Board Secretary John Kennedy, Solicitor</p><p>III. OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT:</p><p>Sunshine Law:</p><p>The Somerdale Board of Education Meeting is called to order. The Board of Education is in compliance with the sunshine regulations. This meeting was appropriately advertised by notifying The Record Breeze and The Courier Post, as well as posting notices in Borough Hall, the Somerdale Post Office and the Somerdale Park School.</p><p>IV. ELECTION RESULTS FROM: November 5, 2013</p><p>Candidates: For a Three Year Term: Number of Votes Victoria Burckley 487 Colm Fidgeon 475 Monique Howard 27 2</p><p>V. ADMINISTER THE OATH OF OFFICE TO VICTORIA BURCKLEY, COLM FIDGEON, MONIQUE HOWARD AND THOMAS TOFF</p><p>VI. ROLL CALL </p><p>Victoria Burckley Susan Lowden Russel Dunnings Thomas Toff Colm Fidgeon James Walsh Monique Howard</p><p>Also Present:</p><p>Dr. Dennis M. Vespe, Superintendent/Principal Melissa Engelhardt, Business Administrator/Board Secretary John Kennedy, Solicitor</p><p>VII. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF BOARD OFFICERS</p><p> a. On a motion by ______, seconded by ______, ______is nominated for President of the Board of Education</p><p> b. On a motion by______, seconded by ______, a request was made to close nominations for President.</p><p> c. On a motion by______, seconded by ______, approval is made of ______for the Office of Board President.</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>The Board meeting is officially turned over to the Board President.</p><p> d. On a motion by ______, seconded by ______, ______is nominated for Vice-President of the Board of Education.</p><p> e. On a motion by ______, seconded by ______, a request was made to close nominations for Vice-President.</p><p> f. On a motion by ______seconded by ______, approval is made of ______for the Office of Vice-President.</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES ______NO ______ABSTAIN ______ABSENT ______</p><p> g. Appointing ______as representative to Camden County Education Services Commission.</p><p> h. Appointing ______as Alternate Representative to the Camden County Educational Services Commission. </p><p> i. Appointing ______as Delegate to New Jersey School Boards Association.</p><p> j. Appointing ______as Alternate Delegate of New Jersey School Boards Association.</p><p> k. Appointing ______as Legislative Chairperson of New Jersey School Boards Association.</p><p> l. Appointing ______as representative to Camden County School Boards Association. 3</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>VIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS on any action items.</p><p>NOTATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS</p><p>The Board President will recognize those individuals in the audience whom wish to comment on any action items on this Agenda. Please respect the following procedures:</p><p>1. Be recognized by the Board President. 2. State your full name and address. 3. Identify the resolution/item number on which you wish to comment. 4. Wait to be recognized before you make your comment (Just before the resolution is voted on). 5. Limit your comments to the specific resolution/items. 6. Limit your comments to (3) minutes per person.</p><p>IX. APPROVAL OF MINUTES</p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______</p><p>Recommend that the Board of Education approve the regular and executive session minutes of the December 16, 2013 BOE Meeting.</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>X. REPORTS A. Superintendent’s Report</p><p>B. Business Administrator’s Report</p><p>XI. NEW BUSINESS</p><p>A. Personnel Committee, L. Giambri, Chairperson, M. Frontera, T. Toff</p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______</p><p>Recommend that the Board of Education on the recommendation of the superintendent, approve the following:</p><p>1. To approve Nicole Hoffman as a Long-term Substitute on or before March 21, 2014 for a twenty day period as a 1st Grade Teacher . </p><p>2. To approve Greg Francis as a Long-term Substitute on or before March 14, 2014 for a twenty day period as a 2nd Grade Teacher. </p><p>3. To approve Greg Francis as a Long Term Substitute as a 2nd Grade Teacher after the twenty day period through June, 2014 at pro-rated salary of $49,541.00 at a level BA Step 1.</p><p>4. To approve the Source for Teachers substitute teacher list for the month of January 2014. (attachment) 4</p><p>5. To approve Kaitlin Dannibale, Rowan University student to complete student teaching program with Lauren Baldyga, 4th Grade Teacher, during the Spring 2014. </p><p>6. To approve Tufeka Baines Potts, Grand Canyon University student to complete field experience from March 13, 2014 through April 30, 2014 with Valerie Priolo, Kindergarten Teacher.</p><p>7. To approve the addition of Nicole Hoffman to the districts’ list of substitute teachers for the 2013-2014 school year at the approved district substitute rate.</p><p>8. To approve Steven Jakubowski as a Long-term Substitute for an additional 20 days with a start date of January 2, 2014 at $90.00 per day as a Middle School Math Teacher for the 2013-2014 school year.</p><p>9. To approve Christa Lash, Rutgers University student to complete student teaching program with Cristin Butler, 5th Grade Teacher, from January 3, 2014 through January 15, 2014. </p><p>10. To approve to advertise a full-time IT position for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year at a salary to be determined at a later date. </p><p>11. To approve to accept the resignation of Yenith Baron-Santana, Spanish Teacher at the conclusion of the 2013-2014 school year. (attachment)</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>B. Finance Committee, R. Dunnings, Chairperson, M. Frontera, V. Burckley</p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______</p><p>Recommend that the Board of Education on the recommendation of the business administrator approve the following: </p><p>Financial Report</p><p>1. Recommend that the Board of Education certify that as of this date and after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge, no major fund balance has been overspent in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13 (b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations as of this date.</p><p>Check Journal #1: Fund 60 $42.28</p><p>Check Journal #2: Fund 10 $4,045.28 Fund 20 $962.50 $5,007.78</p><p>Check Journal #3: Fund 10 $3,700.00</p><p>Check Journal #4 Fund 10 $20,926.94</p><p>Check Journal #5 Fund 10 $157,352.14 Fund 20 $1,867.92 5</p><p>$159,220.06</p><p>Check Journal #6 Fund 60 $11,731.48</p><p>December 31, 2013 Payroll: Fund 10 $229,904.69 Fund 20 $11,841.36 $241,746.05</p><p>December 27, 2013 Payroll: Fund 10 $163,044.80 Fund 20 $11,841.36 $174,886.16</p><p>2. To approve the tuition of student 1408940742 to attend The Children’s Home from November 12, 2013 through June 17, 2014 at a per diem rate of $315.09 per day.</p><p>3. To approve to terminate all Technology Services with Sterling High School and SJTP.</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>C. Curriculum Committee, Susan Lowden, Chairperson, M. Frontera, V. Burckley</p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______</p><p>A recommendation is requested to approve the following:</p><p>1. To approve Mary Dow, School Nurse to conduct Dental Assemblies on 2/26/14 for Kindergarten through 5th Grade, no cost to the district.</p><p>2. The following field trips:</p><p> a.) Eighth grade class trip to Pocono Valley, PA, on June 3, 2014, at a cost of $68.00 per student any difference in transportation will be paid by 8th grade.</p><p> b.) 2nd Grade Students to visit Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge, Medford, NJ, on 5/09/’14. Cost per student $8.00 plus $5.00 transportation fee. </p><p> c.) Fifth Grade field trip to Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation, Ridley PA on May 13, 2014 at a cost of $18.00 per student and transportation cost of $5.00 per student.</p><p> d.) Student Council and Safety Patrol field trip to New York City, NY, on May 20, 2014 at an approximate cost of $50.00 per student and transportation cost of $5.00 per student.</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>D. Buildings and Grounds Committee, T. Toff, Chairperson , V. Burckley, T. DiPaolo </p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______</p><p>A recommendation is requested to approve the following: 6</p><p>1. To approve the NJ School Boards Association to hold Camden 8th Grade Dialogue Program on March 4, 2014 from 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm in the Cafeteria. (attachment)</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>E. Policy Committee, Susan Lowden, Chairperson, M. Frontera, T. DiPaolo</p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______</p><p>The following item will be recommended for approval:</p><p>1. A recommendation is requested to accept the donation of a telescope from Mr. & Mrs. Nevius which will be used by our Science Department. 2. A recommendation is requested to accept the donation of $1,000.00 from Mr. Michael Kidd- Gilchrist of the Charlotte Bobcats Basketball Team. </p><p>Recommend that the Board of Education on the recommendation of the Superintendent approve the following for first reading:</p><p>1. None at this time</p><p>ROLL CALL VOTE: YES_____ NO_____ ABSTAIN______ABSENT______</p><p>XII. DISCUSSION ITEM: </p><p>XIII. OTHER REPORTS:</p><p>Student Attendance Faculty Attendance Health Report, Security/Fire Drill Reports listed below:</p><p>Drills conducted by: Mr. Mike Eckmeyer, Vice-Principal/Dr. Dennis Vespe, Superintendent</p><p>DATE: 12/19/13Alarm Sounded: 3:15 pm Building Cleared: 3:17 pm Returned to Building: 3:20 pm Alarm Station Used: E-Wing All Staff in attendance participated in drill Number evacuated: All Students & Staff remaining after school Special conditions simulated: none at this time Problems encountered: none Weather: 48 degrees</p><p>Lock Out Drill:</p><p>DATE: 12/19/13Alarm Sounded: 11:12 am All Staff in attendance participated in drill (85 Staff Members) Problems encountered: No Problems Encountered 7</p><p>IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS (on any item)</p><p>Audience Recognition and Public Comment</p><p>The public is reminded that all public complaints against a district employee must be made through a specific grievance process.</p><p>A description of this process may be found in BOE policy (File Code 1312). This policy is available upon request in the office of the Board Secretary.</p><p>Any individual naming an employee in a complaint before the Board of Education, without the employee’s permission, could be cited for violating that employee’s civil and contractual rights.</p><p>X. EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary)</p><p>WHEREAS, while the Sen. Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-12 et seq.) requires all meetings of the Somerdale Park School District, Board of Education to be held in public, N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b) sets forth nine types of matters that may lawfully be discussed in Executive Session,” i.e. without the public being permitted to attend; and WHEREAS, the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education has deemed it necessary to go into closed session to discuss certain matters which are exempted from the Public; and WHEREAS, the nine exceptions to public meetings set forth in N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b) are listed below, and next to each exception is a box within which the number of issues to be privately discussed that fall within that exception shall be written, and after each exception is a space where additional information that will disclose as much information about the decision as possible without undermining the purpose of the exception shall be written. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education will go into closed session for the following reason(s) as outlined in N.J.S.A. 10:4-12(b): _____Any matter which, by express provision of Federal Law, State Statute or Rule of Court shall be rendered confidential or excluded from discussion in public _____Any matter in which the release of information would impair a right to receive funds from the federal government; _____Any matter the disclosure of which constitutes an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy such as any records, data, reports, recommendations, or other personal material of any educational, training, social service, medical, health, custodial, child protection, rehabilitation, legal defense, welfare, housing, relocation, insurance and similar program or institution operated by a public body pertaining to any specific individual admitted to or served by such institution or program, including but not limited to information relative to the individual’s personal and family circumstances, and any material pertaining to admission, discharge, treatment, progress or condition of any individual, unless the individual concerned (or, in the case of a minor or incompetent, his guardian) shall request in writing that the same be disclosed publically; _____Any collective bargaining agreement, or the terms and conditions of which are proposed for inclusion in any collective bargaining agreement, including the negotiation of terms and conditions with employees or representatives of employees of the public body _____Any matter involving the purpose, lease or acquisition of real property with public funds, the setting of bank rates or investment of public funds where it could adversely affect the public interest if discussion of such matters were disclosed; _____Any tactics and techniques utilized in protecting the safety and property of the public provided that their disclosure could impair such protection; _____Any investigations of violations or possible violations of the law; _____Any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party. Any matters falling within the attorney-client privilege, to the extent that confidentiality is required in order for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer; _____Any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individual employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in writing that such matter or matters be discussed in public; _____Any deliberation of a public body occurring after a public hearing that may result in the imposition of a specific civil penalty upon the responding party or the suspension or loss of a license or permit belonging to the 8</p><p> responding party as a result of an act of omission for which the responding party bears responsibility; WHEREAS, the length of the Executive Session is undetermined; however, the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education will make every attempt to estimate the time of the session prior to convening the session after which the public meeting shall reconvene at ____ pm and the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education will proceed with business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education will go into Executive Session for only the above stated reasons; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the aforementioned subject(s) may be made public at a time when the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education attorney advises that the disclosure of the discussion will not detrimentally affect any right, interest or duty of the school district or any other entity with respect to said discussion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Somerdale Park Public School District, Board of Education, for the aforementioned reasons, hereby declares that the public is excluded from the portion of the meeting during which the above discussion shall take place and hereby directs the board secretary to take the appropriate action to effectuate the terms of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Secretary on the next business day following this meeting, shall furnish a copy of this resolution to any member of the public who requests one at the fees allowed by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.</p><p>XI. RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION</p><p>XII. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>Motion by ______Seconded by ______TIME ______</p>

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