<p> Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>MSTA Newsletter</p><p>Mississippi Science Teachers Association 2018 年 5 月 8 日 Table of Contents Presidential Posts to MSTA Members------1 2008 MSTA Convention will be held at the Legislative Updates and Other Information Excerpts Marroitt Hotel in Jackson on October 20- from NSTA Reports------1-2 21. Room Rates are $114. Make your Freebies for Science Teachers------2-3 Save the Dates—A Southern Flair------3 reservations before September 19. Mention Personal Development by John Ammons------3-4 MSTA when you make your reservations. Mississippi Department of Education News------4 From the NSTA Teacher Awards Banquet------4 communication, the deadlines for most submissions Scholarship and Grant Opportunity------4-5 Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Calendar of would have expired. I hope you find the legislative Events for April------5-7 updates and online resources to be useful. Sheila Modeling Instruction Science Workshops------7-9 Smith Online Ops: ------9 MSTA 2008 Convention Advanced Registration Legislative Updates and Other Forms------10 Information Excerpts from NSTA Reports MSTA 2008 Convention Exhibitor Request Form- 11 Volunteer for the NSTA 2009 New Orleans “It’s official: Reauthorization of the NCLB Act, the Convention ------12 federal education law, did not happen before the MSTA 2008 Convention Program Proposal Form-13 110th Congress adjourned in December. It is unclear Testing Oral Antiseptics ------14 Annotations from Aleta------14 whether the federal law will be renewed during 2008 Membership Form------15 because the nation is right in the middle of an MSTA Boar Members------16 election year. A huge obstacle to renewing the law Presidential Posts to MSTA Members, this year stemmed from the teachers unions’ fierce With the end of the school year fast approaching, opposition to performance-pay language in the House I know you don’t want to hear anything about NCLB discussion draft. Including science in AYP MCT, SATP, and ACT assessments. I know you continues to draw more Congressional support. have worked very hard all year in preparing Three influential members of Congress sent letters your students to learn and appreciate science. over the past couple of months to leaders of the Your dedication to science education will reflect House Education and Labor Committee, urging in your school’s data reports. Good luck! science proficiency be counted in a school’s AYP.” Many of you have emailed to inquire about NCLB, “Last summer, the Center for Education Policy legislative updates, teaching resources, and summer (CEP) issued a report that confirmed what many opportunities. I hope I have responded to each science educators have long suspected: A majority of request satisfactorily. I have compiled data from the the nation’s school districts were increasing time last three issues of NSTA Reports that will address spent teaching reading and math in elementary some of these inquires. I will not include summer schools since NCLB became law in 2002, and most opportunities because by the time you receive this of these districts decreased the time spent on other </p><p>1 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 subjects, including science. Instructional Time in Center for Science Education (CSE). CSE and its Elementary Schools: A Closer Look at Changes for initiatives will promote science literacy, produce the Specific Subjects is available online at www.cep- next generation of science education standards, and dc.org.” create a state-of-the-art facility that will allow “On February 4, President Bush submitted his science educators nationwide to engage in leadership budget for fiscal year 2009 federal programs. The and content-based learning opportunities.” president is requesting $59.2 billion in discretionary On April 1, NSTA announced a call for entries for appropriations for the U.S. Department of Education the 2008–2009 NSTA New Science Teacher (ED). The president is seeking level funding for Academy. Co-founded by the Amgen Foundation, ED’s Math and Science Partnerships ($179 million). the NSTA New Science Teacher Academy is a To support his American Competitiveness Initiative, fellowship program created to help promote quality the administration is seeking funding for other math science teaching, enhance teacher confidence and and science programs: $70 million to train teachers classroom excellence and improve teacher content to teach AP/IB courses and expand low-income knowledge. NSTA Fellows selected for the program students’ access to these courses; 95% million for will receive a comprehensive membership package, Math Now, to prepare K-8 students for more online mentoring with trained mentors who teach in rigorous high school math classes; and $10 million the same discipline, and the opportunity to participate for an Adjunct Teacher Corps to bring math and in a variety of web-based professional development science professionals into high-need schools as activities, including web seminars. In addition, each teachers. The administration is seeking $2.8 billion NSTA Fellow will receive financial support to attend for Teacher Quality State Grants (Title II B), which and participate in NSTA’s 2009 National Conference help ensure teachers are highly qualified. Program on Science Education in New Orleans. This year’s funding for National Science Foundation’s 150 new science teachers supported by the Amgen Education Program fared better than those at ED. Foundation will be named Amgen-NSTA Fellows. For FY 2009, the president is proposing $6.85 Science teachers located throughout the country who billion to NSF, which represents an increase of $822 will be entering their second or third year of teaching million above FY 2008 levels.” and whose schedule is a minimum of 51 percent “The Council of Chief State School Officers has middle or high school science, can apply to the released its 2007 State Indicators of Science and become an NSTA Fellow. For more information Mathematics Education. National and state about the NSTA New Science Teacher Academy or information on key issues and trends in math and to learn how to apply to become a fellow, please visit science education can be found in this publication. www.nsta.org/academy. Applications must be Access the publication at submitted no later than May 23, 2008, to be www.ccsso.org/projects/Science_and_Mathemati considered. cs_Education_Indicators. Freebies for Science Teachers “Three websites are helping science educators examine the candidates’ views on science and WolfQuest - In this 3D simulation game, players education issues as the presidential race continues. learn about ecology by living the life of a wild wolf Culled from debates, official statements, and in Yellowstone National Park. Fact sheets and 20 interviews, the sites offer the candidates’ views on classroom activities are also included at science and education issues, often in their own www.wolfquest.org. words.” The sites are: Physics Website – This website from England at http://blogs.physicstoday.org/politics08, www.schoolphysics.co.uk offers access to www.sefora.org and www.edweek.org. thousands of pages of materials for physics “NSTA announced on February 26 the launch of a teachers and students. $43 million, five-year effort to create a national </p><p>2 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>Earthwatch’s Teaching Tools – More than 50 Hands-on Activities for Middle Schools – This lesson plans from educators who have participated website includes experiments and activities. in Earthwatch expeditions are available at www.scienceoutreach.org/science_mania www.earthwatch.org. Endangered Species Ringtones – The Center for Secrets of the Sequence – The Center for Life Biological Diversity’s website at Sciences Education at Virginia Commonwealth www.rareearthtones.org allows visitors to listen to University offers K-12 teachers access to 50 and download endangered wildlife ringtones, as videos on genetic research and the latest advances well as photos, cell phone wallpapers, and facts for in the life sciences at each of the featured species. www.pubininfo.vcu.edu/secretsofthesequence. Biology Browser – At www.biologybrowser.com, Meet the Greens – At www.meetthegreens.org, you will find useful life science information students can watch the animated adventures of the collected from a variety of sources, along with Green family and find environmental science links to current science news stories and relevant games, news, downloads, a blog, printable tips and websites. Internet links. Songs for Teaching – Nearly 200 artists have Periodicity – This weekly podcast from the contributed to http://SongsforTeaching.com, a Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers features website that offers music related to science and science news and current issues in science other academic subjects and classroom education, with contributions from leading management. scientists, researchers, and science writers. To subscribe and to access more than 50 archived Save the Dates – A Southern Flair additions, see www.wsst.org/podcasts.asp. Make plans now to attend state and national science The Little Shop of Physics – Colorado State conferences for the 2008-2009 school year. Active University’s hands-on science outreach program participation in science conference workshops will has posted activities on allow you to network with your peers, fulfill http://littleshop.physics.colostate.edu/onlineexp professional development requirements, learn new eriments for the classroom and online activities. science strategies and be among the first to know about new innovative science teaching resources and Science Gems – This website at products. http://sciencegems.com features links to science The MS Science Teachers Association (MSTA) resources sorted by category and grade level. Conference will be held October 20-21, 2008 at the Astronomy Learning Aids – Printable resources Marriott Hotel in Jackson. If you have a classroom for astronomy lessons available at strategy or activity that works, consider sharing it www.dale93108.com/Meteor.html. with other teachers around the state. Submit a proposal before leaving for the summer. Proposal Online Science-related Resources from Rice and registration forms are included in this University – Three new resources involve communication. Your board members are hard at students in science related activities: The work preparing for our fall conference. Reconstructors, CSI: The Web Experience and the N-Squad. Teaching tips and student handouts can The National Association of Biology Teachers be downloaded from http://reconstructors.rice.edu, (NABT) will be held on October 15-18, 2008 at the http://forensics.rice.edu, and Marriott Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. Registration http://Nsquad.rice.edu. and hotel information can be found at www.nabt.org.</p><p>3 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) our peers, through solving common problems and Conference will be held on March 19-22, 2009 in attend meetings. New Orleans, Louisiana. Information can be found Attend science meetings. Nothing makes me at www.nsta.org. personally feel more renewed and reenergize than to Professional development for teachers is a crucial attend a science meeting. Next year we have a component of improving student achievement in the wonderful opportunity to attend meetings at all science classrooms. This summer, I encourage you levels. Once again our own MSTA will be held in to not only take some time for yourself, but also to October next year in Jackson. In March of 2009 the learn something “new” by participating in a summer granddaddy of all science teacher meetings, the workshop. NSTA will be held in New Orleans. So, now is the Please feel free to contact me across the summer at time to talk to your principal or supervisor and begin [email protected]. to plant the seed for your personal development. MSTA does offer scholarships, so do not delay in Have a great, relaxing summer vacation! applying for one. Offer to make a presentation at a Sheila Smith, MSTA President meeting. All of us have something unique or special that we do in our class, so for my personal Personal Development by John Ammons, development or someone else’s share those skills or President Elect ideas. I am looking forward to meeting and greeting each one of you at these meetings with a reenergized We all know those truly energetic and creative and invigorated self. John Ammons teachers. Have you ever wondered what makes them keep going and going, like that “Pink Bunny Mississippi Department of Education Rabbit” we have all see on those TV commercials. I News: The 2010 Mississippi Science Framework think it is Personal Development within our craft is nearing completion. Plans are being made to that allows us as teachers to remain positive and present a draft of competencies and objectives to innovative for the long haul. Yes, I believe that the State Board of Education in May 2008 and then personal development can be an important place the draft on the MDE webpage component of professional development for each (www.mde.k12.ms.us/acad1/index.html). The one of us. For me these tenets are; technology, 2010 Mississippi Science Framework will be attitude, and attend meetings at all levels. piloted for two years and implemented in the 2010- Technology is growing and expanding at such a 2011 school term. The first assessment of the new rapid pace that we must keep up or our students will framework is planned for the leave us behind. Technology bring new avenues in teaching with allow us to introduce many different 2010-2011 school year. Look for more details in upcoming issues of Mississippi Science Spots! teaching strategies in our classrooms. With so many rapid technological upgrades what are we to do? The Mississippi Department of Education Ask students for help, talk to your peers and attend announces the Mississippi Rising Summer meetings. Conference to be held June 2-5 in Biloxi, Attitude should be reflected in a positive manner Mississippi. Find more information at one that reflects a respect of all students and peers. http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/olpd/summer/index. Attitude allows us to be creative when the budget html Mary Wroten, MDE Science Coordinator says “no money”. As teachers with attitude we can From the NSTA Teacher Awards Banquet draw on that trait to overcome classroom roadblocks Holly Bailey, 7th grade science teacher Tupelo and turn them into avenues of learning. How do we Middle School, is a CIBA Foundation Exemplary sustain or re-charge our attitude? Get to know our Middle Level Teaching Award Winner. In Bailey's students’ learning styles and abilities interact with unique way of engaging students with science and </p><p>4 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 math content, she invites firefighters to her classes assist teachers in developing outdoor classrooms, and teaches Newton's laws using their fire trucks; nature centers, or nature trails at their respective they also enlighten students about how science and schools. Maximum funding that can be obtained math are used in fighting fires. Her students design by one teacher from one school at a particular and create solar ovens and conduct experiments time is $100. Applications for funding must featuring a "solar cookout" Her principal notes that show that additional funds from sources other Bailey is "highly requested for professional than R. C. Roberts have been obtained to support development raining" and frequently presents the proposed project. This may be “in kind” sessions at state conferences. Recipients of the Ciba support as well as monetary. Individuals who Awards are presented with a check for $2000 and receive support from the R. C. Roberts Funds $500 toward expenses to attend the NSTA National may apply for additional funding provided a Conference. Jean May-Brett period of three years has elapsed since the original funding was granted.</p><p>Scholarship and Grant Guidelines for the R. C. Roberts Fund Opportunity Individuals interested in applying for funding Otis Allen Criteria should get an application form the Newsletter or request an application form from the Executive 1. Request a scholarship application (national Officer or President of the Mississippi Science or regional) from the scholarship Teachers’ Association. The completed chairperson). application must be attached to the proposal and returned to the Executive Officer. The Executive 2. Requests must be received two months Officer will assemble a committee of at least prior to the national convention or regional three individuals involved in science education meeting to be attended. who will examine the proposal and recommend funding status. The decision of the review 3. A person may receive a scholarship once in committee to fund or reject the proposal is final. three to five years. R. C. Roberts Grant Form 4. Earliest application received will receive first consideration. Name: ______5. Each recipient will receive scholarship monies as partial expense reimbursement after School: submitting a copy of their registration and a ______letter signed by his/her principal stating that the recipient attended the meeting. School Address: ______To request a scholarship application, contact the chairman of the scholarship committee. Send Phone: the request to the following: Minnie C. Parham, ______Chairman, Otis Allen Scholarship Committee 402 Bell Avenue, Greenwood, MS 38930 Principal: ______</p><p>R. C. Roberts Grant Form 1. How long have you been at the school? </p><p>The R. C. Roberts Fund was initiated to honor 2. What do you plan to do with the money? Mr. Roberts, a long-time science supervisor in the Mississippi Department of Education and 3. List the materials and cost of supplies for </p><p>5 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p> this project. entertaining millions of children and families. Don’t miss your chance to experience this high-energy, 4. Where is this project located in relationship interactive musical science adventure! to the school? Botanists and volunteers will conduct guided tours of the nature trails. The Native Plant Garden will be in 5. Do you have the support of the principal? full bloom and we will offer a plant sale, too. _____ other teachers? _____ If so, name/s. Buffalo Peak Outfitters will demonstrate the latest in ______outdoor equipment and will offer kayak paddling on ______Mays Lake! __ Come celebrate with us! 6. What kind of monetary or “in kind” Native Plant Garden Tours, April 26 10 am – 3 pm support do you have? List. If “in kind” Come join us for tours of the Museum’s lush native support is provided, estimate its monetary plant garden. See Mississippi natives like swamp value. azalea, bell flower, smooth phlox, mountain laurel, and sweet shrub. You can see displays of indigenous Complete the grant form and attach the proposal plants near the Museum’s entrance; visit our Liberty and return to: Bess Moffatt, MSTA Executive Garden where victims of 9/11 are remembered; stroll Officer, 1510 Oldfield Road, Gautier, MS 39553 through the Millennium Grove – dedicated to perpetuating America’s Famous & Historic Trees; Mississippi Museum of Natural Science and explore our nature trails. The Museum’s tour is Calendar of Events for April - August part of The Garden Club of Jackson’s 2008 House & 2008 Garden Tour. Call 601-354-7303 for details. First Tuesday Lecture: May 6, 2008 BATS : a Fly NatureFest!: April 12, 2008 The Museum opens its by Night Affair Chester Martin, Research Emeritus, indoor and outdoor spaces for a celebration of Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer nature. Research & Development Center, Corps of The 8th annual Nature FEST will commence Engineers, Vicksburg Chester will present an Saturday, April 12 at 10:00 a.m., featuring activities overview of the biology, life history, ecology, and for the entire family. management of bats, with emphasis on species native Come meet the “Snake Man”, Terry Vandeventer, to Mississippi and their ecological importance. He enjoy birds of prey demonstrations with Master will describe bat anatomy, including skeletal Falconer David Hall, see divers feed the fish, and features, and morphological adaptations for flight and watch live animal presentations by the Museum foraging. Other topics include hibernation, education staff. Go behind the scenes with our migration, roosting habitat, formation of maternity scientists and researchers to learn about some of colonies, and habitat management. their unique research tools. Take a tour of the International Migratory Bird Day: May 10, 2008 Museum Collections area and discover how these Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day on valuable specimens are collected and maintained. Saturday, May 10 from 10 am to 3 pm. Join us for Flumpa and Friends LIVE! the nationally Did you know the Museum’s grounds and nature acclaimed, multi-award winning family trails offer stopover spots for migratory birds? Mark entertainment duo starring Flumpa, the blue eyed, your calendar for May 10, when we’ll gather for bird red footed, adventurous tree frog and Wendy watching, nature hikes, and lots of hands-on Whitten - ‘The Singing Scientist’. Flumpa and activities. Join in the fun and help support migratory Friends LIVE! has been touring since 1995 bird conservation.</p><p>6 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 “Dinosaurs!” exhibit: May 24, 2008 – January 4, Speaker: Terry Majure, is Aquarium Coordinator for 2009 Watch for Humps! the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. DINOSAURS are on the move! Nine amazing and Snake exhibits are provided by Terry Vandeventer, lifelike robotic creatures, including the multi-plated Living Reptile Museum, of Terry, MS Stegosaurus, will take you back millions of years. Katfishin’ Kids: June 14, 2008 All it takes is a trip to the Museum! Sightings Daily MAY 24, 2008 through January 4, 2009. Bring the kids and join us for a fun-filled day where children can learn the basics of fishing. Visit the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science and travel back millions of years as you roam Join us at Turcotte Lab for this free event open to amongst the dinosaurs. From a Protoceratops with children ages 5-14 - no fishing equipment is needed. hatchlings to a Tyrannosaurus rex - see them walk, Children will learn what a fish is and become roar, feed, fight and care for their young. This familiar with its habitat, how to tie a knot, select the robotic dinosaur exhibit will fascinate children and correct lure, bait hooks and cast and try their hand at adults of all ages! fishing in the stocked catfish pond. Each child participating will receive a free T-shirt and goodie According to Kokoro, the company that created the bag while supplies last. Lunch is provided free of robotic dinosaurs, “each creature is individually charge. computer-programmed and handcrafted. As pliable as living tissue, the outer skin is finished with the The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, the model in motion, to achieve and maintain uncanny Mississippi Wildlife Federation (verifying if they resiliency. And Kokoro models embody every bit as are a sponsor), the Mississippi Department of much science as they do technology: distinguished Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, and all local Wal-Mart paleontologists are consulted every step of the way Stores are working together to bring this free event to on all aspects of the creatures’ attributes and our community. functioning. So Kokoro dinosaurs don’t just look Mark your calendars: June 14th from 8:30 AM – 11 like dinosaurs, they behave like dinosaurs. Motion is AM at Turcotte Lab off Hwy 43 at the Ross Barnett amazingly fluid and lifelike and beautifully Reservoir. For more information or to volunteer call complex. Walking, feeding, roaring, fighting, 601-354-7303. hatching and caring for their young – Kokoro models act and interact with captivating realism”. Fun Friday: June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27 and July 11, July 18, July 25 (from 10 am – Noon) Snake Day: June 3, 2008 Learn how to tell the difference between venomous and non-venomous “Prehistoric” Fun Fridays snakes. Hands-on activities for everyone. Biologist Terry Majure will de-mystify our much Fun Fridays are interactive, hands-on programs maligned native reptiles – SNAKES! Learn the offered every Friday in June and July (except July 4) characteristics that will help you recognize the from 10:00 AM to Noon. Program topics coordinate differences between the six venomous and 55 non- with the “Dinosaurs!” exhibit opening at the Museum venomous snakes found in Mississippi. Majure will on May 24th. An adult must accompany children. separate myth from reality and provide accurate DATES TOPIC natural history information about our native snakes June 6 Dinosaurs and their valuable place in the ecosystem. Live June 13 Fossils Mississippi snakes will be exhibited, with experts June 20 Prehistoric Mammals on-hand to answer your questions. June 27 Prehistoric Fish One hour lectures are scheduled at 10 AM and July 4 Museum Closed Noon. There will also be displays of venomous and July 11 Prehistoric Insects non-venomous snakes from 10 AM until 3 PM. July 18 Prehistoric Birds</p><p>7 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 July 25 Prehistoric Reptiles o Modeling Instruction in Physics: Mechanics o Modeling Instruction in Physical Science First Tuesday Lecture: July 1, 2008 Noon – 1 pm Where: Briarwood Christian High School SPEAKER: JOHN DAVIS, Retired, Science 6255 Cahaba Valley Road, Birmingham, AL 35242 Educator, St. Andrews Episcopal School and When: One Week, Two Weeks, or Three Weeks Volunteer Research Entomologist, Mississippi Workshop Museum of Natural Science Opportunities Week #1 – June 9-13 How YOU Can Prevent Dinosaurs from Going Week #2 – June 16-20 Extinct!! Week #3 – June 23-27 “Dinosaur” always means huge and extinct? June 9- 27, 2008- Complete Workshop Experience* WRONG!!! Discover how scientists found that there Typical weekly schedule are MORE dinosaurs living today than in the PAST! Monday – Thursday – 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Lunch LEARN how the adventurer who discovered T. rex provided) also found the clue to living dinosaurs!!! THRILL to Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. amazing discoveries, such as a RAPTOR with four Optional activities Friday evenings and each Saturday. wings!! LEARN about a society which fights to Sunday (Worship). Goals: PREVENT the extinction of dinosaurs. LEARN Introduce the Modeling Instruction Method and equip how YOU can actually attract, enjoy and protect science teachers to enhance and expand student interest dinosaurs. in science and develop a practical, conceptual First Tuesday Lecture: August 5, 2008 Noon – 1 understanding of science. pm Prepare teachers to implement modeling instruction pedagogy and materials into their classroom in the SPEAKER: Dr. David Dockery, Chief, Surface Fall of 2008. Geology Division, Mississippi Office of Geology. Demonstrate Modeling Instruction as a very effective How the Dinosaurs Come to the Shores of methodology for teaching science courses and for Mississippi in the Late Cretaceous Period Pre-AP science classes. Support: This presentation will illustrate the Cretaceous Ongoing Modeling Instruction support would be formations of Mississippi and the dinosaur fossils available for our Workshop participants from our they contain. Mississippi was covered by an ocean teachers, resources on the Arizona State University in the Cretaceous Period that extended from the Modeling Instruction Program website, and Gulf of Mexico to Alaska and which separated a membership in the A.S.U. Modeling teachers western landmass from the remnants of the Listservs. Teachers will not be alone after the Appalachian Mountains to the east. Dotting this Workshops! seaway were volcanic islands located at Jackson, General Information: Valuable information about the Mississippi and in the Delta area around southern Modeling Instruction Humphreys County. Were these islands inhabited by Program can be obtained from the Arizona State dinosaurs? Based on dinosaur fossils in the University Modeling website: http://modeling .asu.edu/ Cretaceous marine formations of Mississippi, the For 17 years, the Modeling Instruction Program has answer would have to be yes. been helping teachers attain knowledge and skills needed to benefit their students. Modeling Instruction Subject to change. Please call the Museum at 601- is the only high school science program recognized 354-7303 to confirm an event. as Exemplary by the U.S. Department of Education. Modeling Instruction Science Workshops Faculty: Research Consultant Miss Kimberly Carraway Workshops Learning Specialist and Education Consultant, B.S., What: BCS will host Modeling Science Workshops Vanderbilt University, Ed. M., Harvard University, The for: Carraway Center for Learning, Nashville, TN </p><p>8 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 Physics Workshops Dr. Byrle Kynerd Dr. Tim Burgess Director: Chancellor, Briarwood Christian School, Science Department Co-Chair McGill-Toolen Catholic B.S. and M.A., Mississippi College, Ph.D., University High School, Mobile, AL, Masters of Education in of Georgia, Van Lunen Fellows Faculty, Calvin Secondary Science Education, University of South College, ACSI Board Member Alabama, Doctor of Philosophy in Instructional Tuition/Fees: The goal of BCS is for the Workshops to Systems Design, University of South Alabama, be self-supporting and to keep the cost reasonable and Presidential Award for Excellence in Science modest while providing exemplary Science Teaching National Winner Advancement Training. A Resource Notebook, Lab Mr. Victor Nichols Book, lunch Monday through Thursday for twelve Science Department Coordinator/Physics Teacher, days, and one informal dinner are included in the fee. Briarwood Christian School, Birmingham, AL, B.S., The tuition/fee for Modeling Instruction Science Physics, Samford University, M.A., Science Workshop is: One Week - $425.00, Two Weeks - Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham, $850.00, Three Weeks - $975.00 *Recommended Highly Qualified Teacher – Physics, National Board Registration: An Application may be obtained by Certified Teacher – Physics, E. Scott Barr Award visiting www.bcsk12.org or calling Mrs. Calderini at recipient for Excellence in Physics Teaching (given 205-776-5909. Completed Applications and a non- through University of Alabama Physics Department) refundable deposit of $200.00 should be sent to Dr. Mr. Donald Yost Byrle Kynerd, Workshop Director, Briarwood Christian Taught High School Physics for 35 years School, 6255 Cahaba Valley Road, Birmingham, AL B.A., Physics, Sacramento State College 35242. Timely registration is encouraged to secure M.A., Physics, University of Notre Dame enrollment. Active Modeler since 1991, Modeling Workshop Questions: Content questions about the Workshops instructor at ASU and University of California at may be directed to Mr. Walker, Davis, Co-authored second year Modeling Physics [email protected] . Enrollment questions and program at Arizona State University questions about lodging possibilities may be directed to Physical Science Mrs. Martina Norton Dr. Kynerd at [email protected] or 205-776- Physics, Physical Science Teacher, Vestavia Hills 5909. High School, Vestavia Hills, AL, Credit: ACSI has authorized us to grant CEU credit for Bachelor of Science, Biology Education with Physics, Workshop attendance. and Chemistry Minors, Louisiana State University, GCRL Summer Field Program 2008 Master of Arts, Physics Education, University of This course explores the diverse avian habitats found Alabama at Birmingham, Graduate Studies – Physics Modeling, Arizona State University, Highly Qualified along the Mississippi Gulf Coast with an emphasis Teacher – Physics, National Board Certified Teacher – on the study of avian ecology in the field. The course Physics will include the use of both sight and sound as means Mr. Dennis Glass of field identification. Students will explore barrier Physical Science, Chemistry Teacher island nesting grounds, kayak the pristine Pascagoula Briarwood Christian School, Bachelor of Science in River, explore local marshes and other unique coastal Natural Science, University of Alabama at habitats and conduct both individual and group- Birmingham, M.Ed., Secondary Biology, UAB, oriented field projects during the term. Prerequisites: Graduate Studies – Chemistry Modeling, ASU two semesters of biology or permission of instructor Mr. Barry Walker (Ecology recommended but not required). Dr. Paul Chairman, Math and Science Departments Mack. Special Topics: Coastal Ornithology; COA Briarwood Christian School, Birmingham, AL, B.S., 490, 590. Five semester hours credit. Physics, Montana State University, M.A., Education, PAUL D. MACK, Ph.D. Visiting Instructor Azusa Pacific University, Presidential Scholars’ Mississippi University for Women Teacher Recognition Award, U.S., Department of www.usm.edu/gcrl Education, Highly Qualified Teacher – Physics and GCRL Summer Field Program 2008 Mathematics BARRIER ISLAND ECOLOGY</p><p>9 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 Second Term (June 23 – July 18) This field course will familiarize students with The "Workshop Biology" project at the concepts of coastal ecology with emphasis on the University of Oregon specifically fostered diversity of plant and animal communities unique to integrated lecture approach. The project the Mississippi Sound barrier island ecosystem. was developed with various kinds of grant Students travel to the four Mississippi barrier islands funding during the 1990's, but you can and cover topics from marsh and barrier island still find much information about it at vegetation and animals to geologic processes of island dynamics. Prerequisites: three semesters of http://www.uoregon.edu/~udovic/WB/i science or permission of instructor. Dr. Kevin ndex.html Dillon. Special Topics: Barrier Island Ecology; COA 490, 590. Five semester hours credit. KEVIN Integrated introduction biology course for DILLON, Ph. D. Assistant Professor Gulf Coast majors. The web site is at Research Laboratory JERRY McLELLAND http://campus.murraystate.edu/academ Instructor Gulf Coast Research Laboratory ic/faculty/terry.derting/bio116/bio116in Got Questions? For course information: Dr. Dillon, 228.818.8809 or [email protected] tropage.html For admissions: Kalin Lloyd, 228.872.4201 or [email protected], 703 East Beach Drive • Online Kitchen Lab resources available: Ocean Springs, MS 39564 http://www.science- www.usm.edu/gcrl house.org/learn/CountertopChem/inde OnLine Ops: x.html, http://www.uncwil.edu/chem/Courses/ Check out this website and connect with Reeves/OnLineLabs/Index.html the people there - they specialize in distance learning and they provide http://www.microchem.de/ecoteensE.ht students with kits for home labs. ml http://science.pc.athabascau.ca/chem.n sf</p><p>10 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 Mississippi Science Teachers Association (MSTA) Advance Registration Form - 2008 MSTA Annual Conference October 20-21, 2008 (Marriott Hotel – Jackson, Mississippi) Phone: 601-969-5100 Registration Information* Registration Fees</p><p>Name ______Full Program (Monday and Tuesday)** ____ Member/Nonmember - $70.00 School/Organization (For Convention Badge) ____ Undergraduate/Graduate Student - $25.00</p><p>Professional Address ____ Non-teaching Family/Guest/Spouse-$35.00 Street ______The registration fees above include the MSTA Awards ______Luncheon on Tuesday. City/State/Zip ______Daily Admission: (Check the day)</p><p>School Phone ______Monday – October 20, 2008 Only ____ Member/non-member - $40.00 Email ______Full-time Undergraduate/Graduate Student Grade(s) and/or Subjects $15.00 ______Non-teaching Family/Guest/Spouse-$20.00 ______Tuesday – October 21, 2008 Only** ____ Member/non-member - $70.00</p><p>Home Address ____ Full-time Undergraduate/Graduate Student Street ______$25.00 ______City/State/Zip ____ Non-teaching Family/Guest/Spouse-$35.00 ______** Tuesday’s registration fee includes admission to the MSTA Awards Luncheon. Home Phone ______</p><p>Email ______Advance registration fee includes T-shirt. * On-site registration fees will be $5.00 higher T-Shirt Size ______and does not include a T-shirt. Total Payment - $______* Teachers who are also part-time graduate students must register at the Make check payable to MSTA and send completed member/nonmember rate. form and payment to:</p><p>Bess Moffatt 1510 Oldfield Drive Gautier, Mississippi 39553</p><p>For Official Use Only ____ Personal Check ____ Cash ____ School Check ____ Purchase Order Total Amount Received $______By: ______Date: ______</p><p>11 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>M L A I e F P A Y</p><p> n</p><p> i</p><p>- a</p><p> o</p><p> h</p><p> d d</p><p> s</p><p> d</p><p>S m</p><p> x</p><p> u</p><p> o</p><p> d d</p><p> t</p><p> i</p><p>T</p><p>:</p><p> r</p><p> a n</p><p> v</p><p> r r</p><p> n</p><p>A </p><p> e e</p><p>(</p><p> i</p><p> i</p><p> e</p><p>O</p><p> a</p><p> d</p><p> l</p><p>_</p><p> s s</p><p>:</p><p>:</p><p> e P M W P H B</p><p>_</p><p> m</p><p> r</p><p>C</p><p> u</p><p> s s</p><p>_</p><p> g</p><p>-</p><p> h h</p><p>:</p><p> a :</p><p> e</p><p>(</p><p> e</p><p> o</p><p>_</p><p> 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a</p><p>,</p><p> n</p><p> t</p><p> c</p><p>.</p><p>.</p><p> h</p><p>12 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>CELEBRATE THE YEAR OF SCIENCE with the National Science Teachers Association!</p><p>VOLUNTEER NSTA 2009 NEW ORLEANS! CALLING SCIENCE TEACHERS AND FRIENDS! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!</p><p>Name:______</p><p>Address______</p><p>City______State______ZIP______</p><p>Telephone & Area Code______</p><p>E-Mail:______</p><p>Interested in volunteering? Contact: Jennifer Williams Isidore Newman School 1903 Jefferson Avenue New Orleans, LA 70115 [email protected]. Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! A reminder to all MSTA members interested in presenting during the New Orleans NSTA Annual Conference March 19-22, 2009, you must submit your proposal using the online system by April 15, 2008.</p><p>13 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>Mississippi Science Teachers Association (MSTA) Conference Program Proposal Form October 20-21, 2008 Marriott Hotel – Jackson, Mississippi Please type the information as you wish it to appear in the conference program. Information preceded by an asterisk will appear in the conference program. Presenters *Name ______*Name ______*School/Inst. ______*School/Inst. ______Work Address ______Work Address ______*City/State/Zip ______*City/State/Zip ______Work Phone ______Work Phone ______Home Phone ______Home Phone ______Fax ______Fax ______E-mail ______E-mail ______ Information concerning additional presenters is attached. Type of Session (50-Minute)</p><p>Session Type Subject Area Intended Audience Hands-on Workshop Assessment Elementary Demonstration Astronomy Middle School Lecture Update Biology High School Share-a-thon Chemistry College Commercial/Exhibitor Presentation Earth/Space Science General Ecology/Environmental Science Inquiry Equipment Needs Presentation Day Literacy Overhead Projector Either Day Physical Science Slide Projector Prefer Monday Physics Screen Prefer Tuesday Teacher Preparation Technology </p><p>Session Title: ______25 words or less description (To appear in the Official Conference Program) </p><p>Return this proposal by September 14, 2008 to: Ken Wester School Phone: 1-800-400-4656 Home Phone: 662-328-3684 MSTA Program Chairman 505 7th Street South Fax: 662-329-7205 Columbus, MS 39701</p><p>14 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>Upon acceptance, I understand I will be expected to pay the appropriate conference registration fee as well as travel expenses and lodging. </p><p>Mississippi Science Teachers Association cordially invites you to become a member. To do so, please complete the items below. Return completed form and the $10.00 annual membership fee ($5.00 student) to: Bess Moffatt, Executive Officer/Treasurer, Mississippi Science Teachers AssociationMississippi cordially Science invites Teachers you to Association,become a member. To do so, please complete the items below. Return completed form1510 and the Old $10.00 Field Road,annual membership fee ($5.00 student) to: Bess Moffatt, Executive Officer/Treasurer,Gautier, MS 39553 Name: ______Mississippi Science Teachers Association, 1510 Old Field Road, Last First Middle Initial Gautier, MS 39553 Name: ______Home Address: ______Street or Box City State Zip Last First Middle Initial Home Address:Name ______of School or Institution: ______Street or Box City State Zip Name of SchoolWork address:______or Institution: ______Street or Box City State Zip</p><p>Work address:______Grade Level: Circle the correct grade K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College Informal Street or Box City State Zip E-mail address if you have one: ______Grade Level:Subject(s) Circle the Taught: correct grade______K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College Informal E-mail address if you have one: ______15 Subject(s) Taught: ______Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 TESTING ORAL ANTISEPTICS Materials: filter paper petri dish of sterile nutrient agar paper punch small paper cups Sterile cotton swabs graduated cylinder samples of oral antiseptics forceps china marker The use of oral antiseptics (mouth washes) has increased in popularity the past few years. The question most often is asked by students of microbiology is, How effective are they? The; following exercise is not intended to provide conclusive evidence of the effectiveness. of various antiseptics, but it will provide a reasonable means for testing their 'germicidal" qualities. A. Obtain a sterile plate of nutrient agar. With the china marker (or magic marker), divide the bottom of the agar plate into six parts and number the parts 1 through 6. (Fig. 15-1) B. Place 15 ml of tap water in your mouth, swish thoroughly for one minute and expectorate this water back into the cup. C. Soak a cotton swab in the wash water from your mouth thoroughly streak the surface of the agar plate. Be sure the entire surface is covered. D. Punch out six discs from the filter paper with the paper punch. E. Using forceps that have been flamed, saturate a disc in the #1 antiseptic to be tested. Place this disc on the agar surface in the section labeled #1. Flame the forceps before proceeding to the next antiseptic. F. Saturate a second disc in the #2 sample and place it on section #2 of the agar plate. G. Follow the same procedure for the remaining samples incubate the plate for 24 hours. After incubation the surface of the plate will be covered with bacterial growth. A clear circle (ring of inhibition) will appear around the discs that contained an antiseptic that inhibits bacterial growth. See Figure 15-2.</p><p>On the chart, rank the antiseptics according to the size of the ring of inhibition. Part Name of Antiseptic Rank Part Name of Antiseptic Rank</p><p>#1 #4</p><p>#2 #5</p><p>#3 #6 Compare your results with other members of the class and fill in the blanks below. Class Results Most effective antiseptic: ______Least effective antiseptic: ______</p><p>QUESTIONS: 1. How would you redesign the experiment for testing hand soaps? Where would you obtain bacteria for such an experiment? Explain. 2. Did some antiseptics have a different germicidal effect on different people? How do you account for this?</p><p>16 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018</p><p>Annotations from Aleta: Do something special for the environment today - just one thing - you'll be glad you did. Drink one less "bottled" anything. Are you already using your own reusable shopping bags? I hope so - because that's an easy way to make a difference. We are one of the few nations where people don't bring their own bags to market. Why is that? 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Recycling: http://discovermagazine.com/2008/may/20-things-you- didn.t-know-about-recycling Spring has sprung, and with it, the recognizable sound of trilling frogs and toads can be heard across the country. This is also the perfect time to discuss the important topics of phenology, ecological communities and wildlife protection with your students. Engage your class and get them outside for May 3rd for FrogWatch 2008: Record the Ribbit. Taking part in the Record the Ribbit program is easy, free and a fun educational activity for beginning scientists. Visit www.nwf.org/ribbit to learn about amphibians in your area by listening to their calls and viewing photos of local species. On May 3rd, students and their families can take a nature walk and listen for frogs and toads. When they are finished, they can share their findings online! The Record the Ribbit Web site includes special sections for journal entries and reporting on other wildlife sightings. The frogs are calling; will your students be there to listen? NABT and Amphibian Ark are proud to join the National Wildlife Federation's FrogWatch USA program, a frog and toad citizen-science monitoring program. To learn more, please visit www.frogwatch.org. Help NABT commemorate the discovery of DNA's double helix by celebrating National DNA Day on April 25th. This unique day is set aside to help students, teachers, and the public learn more about genetics and genomics, and includes a live-online chatroom where you can talk to the leading researchers in the field. More information can be found by visiting http://www.genome.gov/10506367. The National Human Genome Research Institute would also like to invite teachers to join its Community of Genetic Educators, (https://www.coge.nih.gov/Welcome/tabid/36/Default.aspx) where you can access dozens of illustrations and resources, meet other teachers, and much more, all for free. Do you have time this summer to help evaluate NHGR's new Talking Glossary of Genetics. From May until August, teachers will be needed to review definitions, illustration, animations, term lists, and more. The teachers and their schools will be recognized on the final project, so please visit http://www.coge.nih.gov/NewTalkingGlossaryProject/tabid/109/Default.aspx if you are interested. Aleta Sullivan Mississippi Science Teachers Association cordially invites you to become a member. To do so, please complete the items below. Return completed form and the $10.00 annual membership fee ($5.00 student) to: Bess Moffatt, Executive Officer/Treasurer, Mississippi Science Teachers Association, 1510 Old Field Road, Gautier, MS 39553 Name: ______Last First Middle Initial Home Address: ______Street or Box City State Zip Name of School or Institution: ______</p><p>Work address:______Street or Box City State Zip</p><p>Grade Level: Circle the correct grade K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 College Informal E-mail address if you have one: ______Subject(s) Taught: ______</p><p>17 Mississippi Science Teachers Association 05/08/2018 2007-08 MSTA Board of Directors Long Range Goals Ms. Minnie Parham ([email protected]) Officers Scholarships Ms. Minnie Parham ([email protected]); President Ms. Sheila Smith ([email protected]) Ms. Bess Moffatt ([email protected]) President-Elect Dr. John Ammons ([email protected]) Profession Liaison Dr. Joe Sumrall (Sumrall @olemiss.edu) Immediate Past President Dr. Aleta Sullivan ([email protected]) Executive Officer/Treasurer Ms. Bess Moffatt ([email protected]) Regional Directors Secretary Dr. Beth Dunigan ([email protected]) District A Ms. Corky Vess ([email protected]) State Science Coordinator Mary Wroten ([email protected]) District B Dr. Wilber Walters ([email protected]) District C Ms. Marilyn Castle/Claudette Williams Committee Chairs ([email protected]/ [email protected]) Awards Ms. Ann Huber ([email protected]) District D Dr. Johnnie Maddox ([email protected]) Building-a-Presence Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh District E Ms. Sherrie Wiygul ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Lilly Tucker-Akin ([email protected]) District F Ms. Shani Gauthier ([email protected]) Exhibitor Chairman Ms. Belinda Matlock ([email protected]) Convention Registration Ms. Johnette Bosarge Representatives ([email protected]) Elementary Ms. Belinda Matlock ([email protected]) Convention Program Mr. Ken Wester ([email protected]) Middle School Ms. Jackie Stevens ([email protected]) Historian Ms. Jane Lusk ([email protected]) High School Ms. Cindy Alsworth ([email protected]) Membership Dr. Malcolm McEwen ([email protected]) Secondary School Ms. Carrie Bell ([email protected]) Editor Ms. Deborah Duncan ([email protected]) Private Schools Ms. Ann Huber ([email protected]) Public Relations Ms. Rheta Ann West ([email protected]) Pre Service Dr. Burnette Hamil ([email protected]) Ms. Dot Broussard ([email protected]) Community Colleges Dr. John Ammons ([email protected]) Sale Items Ms. Betsy Sullivan ([email protected]) College and University Dr. Angela Bedenbaugh Science Fair Dr. Larry Bellipanti ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Share-a-Thon Ms. Carrie Bell ([email protected]) Informal Education Ms. Libby Hartfield Convention Evaluation Dr. Burnette Hamil ([email protected]) ([email protected]) Convention Reception Ms. Jo Anne Reid ([email protected]) Pre-service Dr. Burnette Hamil ([email protected]) Join us at the MSTA Listserv by visiting this site http://lists.ms-meca.org/mailman/listinfo/msta and filling out the form found there. Visit our website at www.MS-Scienceteachers.org The listserv and website are services provided for MSTA members at no additional cost. Please send information on workshops, announcements, other matters of interest to our membership to me, Deborah Duncan, 1402 Golf Course Rd., Philadelphia, MS 39350 or email me at [email protected].</p><p>MSTA Newsletter USM Box 8466 Hattiesburg, MS 39406-8466</p><p>18</p>
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