<p> Pathfinder Flying Club 1. INITIAL CHECKS</p><p>SLINGSBY FIREFLY T67C - G-BYYG On approaching the aircraft check:</p><p>CHECKLIST (Feb 07) General position Safe location to taxy Ground fire extinguisher Available Airframe Free from ice, contamination 1. INITIAL CHECKS 2. EXTERNAL CHECKS Before commencing the external checks carry out the following in the cockpit: 3. PRE-START CHECKS 4. START CHECKS Rudder pedals Adjust Parking brake On 5. AFTER START CHECKS Fire extinguisher Check, secure 6. TAXY CHECKS First aid kit Secure 7. RUNUP/POWER CHECKS Escape axe Stowed 8. PRE TAKE-OFF CHECKS VITAL ACTIONS Headsets Available 9. RUNWAY CHECKS Documents Stowed Baggage area Loose articles secured 10. CHECKS DURING TAKE-OFF Flaps Select landing 11. AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKS Magnetos Off, key out 12. AIRFIELD DEPARTURE CHECKS Master Switch On 13. CRUISE & DESCENT/REJOIN CHECKS Alternator Warning Cancel flasher 14. ENTERING LOW LEVEL CHECKS Structural Temperature Press – check below 50C 15. STALLING/AEROBATIC CHECKS Pitot heater On/check/off Stall Warning Check light and horn 16. ERECT SPIN RECOVERY CHECKS Landing lights On/check/off 17. CIRCUIT JOINING CHECKS Navigation lights On/check/off 18. CIRCUIT SPEEDS Strobe lights On/check/off 19. PRE LANDING CHECKS Trim Note position 20. FINALS CHECKS Fuel contents gauge Check quantity Master switch Off 21. AFTER LANDING CHECKS Fuel Cock On, locate fuel tester 22. SHUTDOWN CHECKS 23. FITTING FLYING CONTROL LOCKS 24. BASIC DATA 2. EXTERNAL CHECKS Rear Fuselage Canopy Starboard Side Condition, clean Start at left wing inboard edge. Static Vent Starboard Side Plug out, clear VHF Aerial Condition, security Left Wing Fin fairing Secure Flap Condition, play, stiff nut Tailplane – starboard Condition Undercarriage Tyre, torque link, brake leaks Elevator Condition, drains clear Aileron Condition, play, stiff nut, drains Access panel Aligned and secure Wing surfaces Condition Strobe Light Condition Wingtip Nav & strobe lights - condition Rudder DO NOT MOVE. Condition, stiff nut, nav light Leading Edge Condition Trim Tab Condition, position, stiff nut, security, play Inspection cover Security Tail Bumper Unmarked Fuel cap Correctly fitted and locked Static Vent Port Plug out, clear Fuel drain Check for water contamination Canopy Port Side Cracks, clean Pitot Head Remove cover/hole clear Undercarriage Condition, extension, tyre condition/creep, 3. PRESTART CHECKS inflation. Brakes – damage and leaks Flap Underside Condition, drains clear Passenger Briefing Stated Harness Secure (5 straps) Solo, secure RH harness Forward Fuselage Headset Plugged in, don Fresh Air Intake Clear Tacho Time (RPM gauge) Note reading Cowling Port Side Security, 7 fasteners, 2 pins, oil leaks Master Switch On, intercom check Landing Lights Undamaged Alternator Warning Cancel if flashing Propeller Condition, spinner Pitot Heat Off Nosewheel Condition, extension, tyre-cuts/creep/inflation Flight Instruments Check Condition Ram Air Inlet Check foam filter is clean Accelerometer Condition, reset 1g Cowling Starboard Side Security, 6 fasteners, 2 pins External Lights Off (except nav lights night flying) Oil Contents-maximum 8 US quarts, minimum 4 Instrument Lights Off (except night flying) US quarts (7 quarts for aeros), panel secure Radio Off (do not over tighten dipstick) Nav Equipment Off Fresh Air Intake Clear, temperature probe Transponder Off Circuit Breakers All made Right Wing CO Monitor Checked - Normal Leading Edge Condition Throttle Full movement and Closed Fuel cap Correctly fitted and locked Carburettor Heat Full movement and Cold Fuel drain Check for water contamination Mixture Full movement and Idle Cut Off (ICO) Undercarriage Condition, extension, tyre condition/creep, Fuel contents Check both gauges inflation. Brakes – damage and leaks Fuel Cock On - select tank with lower contents Flap Underside Condition Fuel Pump Off Wing surfaces Condition Alternator Off Inspection Cover Security Parking Brake On Wingtip Nav & strobe lights - condition Flaps Full check, leave up Aileron Condition, play, stiff nut, drains Trim Full free movement and set Neutral Wing Drains Controls Full free movement – correct sense Undercarriage Tyre, torque link, brake leaks Canopy Closed and locked Flap Condition, play, stiff nut 4. START CHECKS 7. RUN UP/POWER CHECKS</p><p>Navigation Lights On Park aircraft into wind with the nosewheel straight Fuel Pump On - check fuel pressure Mixture Full rich Parking Brake On Key In Mags off Safety Canopy locked, controls central, clear behind Throttle Prime as required, (up to 15 strokes) Fuel cock Change tanks set ¼” to ½” open Engine Temps & Pressures Check Magneto Left Throttle Set 1800 rpm - check brakes holding Intercom Off Suction Green Propeller Clear both sides-call “Clear Prop” Oil Pressure Green Intercom On Ammeter Positive charge indicating Starter Press, release when engine fires Carburettor Heat Hot – drop in rpm, cold – rpm restored Starter Engaged Light Out Magnetos Max drop 175 rpm, max 50 rpm difference Magnetos Both Throttle Close check smooth idle (600-800) - reset Throttle Set 1200 rpm 1200 rpm Oil Pressure Rising within 30 seconds Alternator On 8. PRE TAKE-OFF CHECKS (VITAL ACTIONS) Throttle Friction As required 5. AFTER START CHECKS Pitot Heater As required Suction Check Fuel Pump Off TC Flag Clear Alternator Positive charge, warning light out Flight Instruments Check – AI, DI, TC Magnetos Check for dead magneto Accelerometer Reset 1g Suction Indicating Engine Ts and Ps Check Horizon Erecting, adjust datum, operate quick erection Transponder Test (check light on) set to ALT knob on electrical artificial horizon Carburettor Heat Cold DI Synchronise with compass Mixture Full rich Radio On, frequencies set Magnetos Both Nav Equipment On, frequencies set Fuel Cock On, check contents – both gauges Transponder Standby, 7000 set Fuel Pump On, check pressure Radio RT check (2 frequencies), taxy clearance Flaps Up or Take-off - check lift off speed Flap up - 60 KIAS 6. TAXY CHECKS Flap take - off - 55 KIAS Trim Set at Neutral Brakes Check immediately (dual, both sides) Harness Inertia reel locked Flight Instruments Check turn co-ordinator, slip ball, compass, Controls (Aileron/Elevator) Full & free movement DI, AI, ADF Canopy Closed & locked Right turn: needle right, ball left, numbers Take - off Brief State increasing, AI steady Strobe lights On Left turn: needle left, ball right, numbers Radio Call ready for departure when approaching decreasing, AI steady holding point Rudder Check full and free movement 13 CLIMB, CRUISE & DESCENT (REJOIN) CHECKS Take-off Brief: The following points must be briefed: To be completed every 3000 ft in the climb, and at intervals of not greater than every 15 minutes in the cruise i. Operating pilot for the departure ii. Runway length, surface and crosswind Fuel Fuel pumps as required Fuel cock on, tank selected iii. Action in the event of an engine failure on the ground Throttle set as required Mixture set as required iv. Action in the event of an engine failure after take-off Contents & pressure checked v. Action of non-operating pilot/passenger Radios/Navaids Set as required Transponder to ALT 9. RUNWAY CHECKS Ammeter charging Circuit breakers in Take-off Time Note Approach & Departure lanes Clear Engine Ts & Ps checked Compass/DI/Rwy Heading Aligned Carb ice check CO detector - Normal 10. CHECKS DURING TAKE-OFF Direction Indicator Align with compass Throttle Full power, minimum 2200 rpm Check suction Engine Temps & Pressures Check ASI Increasing Altimeter Set as required Lift-off a) 55kias - take-off flap b) 60kias - flaps up 14. ENTERING LOW LEVEL Crosswind take-off Delay lifting nosewheel & rotate at 60 kts Climb Take-off flap – 70kts, flapless 75 kts Before descending carry out FREDA checks, then:</p><p>11. AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKS Harnesses Secure External Lights All on Engine Temps & pressures Check Lookout Clear entry area Flaps Raise at 300 ft, climb at 75 kts</p><p>12. AIRFIELD DEPARTURE CHECKS</p><p>Fuel Pump Off Landing Light Off Radio/Nav Equipment Set (obtain FIS/RIS/RAS) Altimeter Set (Note airfield QNH/QFE if returning) 15. STALLING/AEROBATIC/SPINNING CHECKS 16. ERECT SPIN RECOVERY</p><p>Height Sufficient to recover by briefed height Throttle Closed Flaps Up Airframe Flaps up for spinning and aerobatics Turn Co-ordinator Check direction of spin Structure temperature below 50 C Ailerons Central No mist/ice on canopy Rudder Apply full rudder opposing direction of spin PAUSE Security Harness secure Elevators Centrally and progressively forward (ailerons Canopy locked neutral) until spin stops Loose articles stowed IMMEDIATELY</p><p>Engine Fuel pump on Rudder Centralise when spin stops Fuel cock selected to fuller tank Ailerons Level wings to horizon and recover from dive Mixture rich Fuel contents & pressure checked WARNING: With C of G at rearward limit, the pilot must be prepared to Ts & Ps checked move the control column fully forward to recover from the spin Carb ice check</p><p>Location Clear of: 17. CIRCUIT JOINING CHECKS: FREDA Active airfields Built up areas 18. CIRCUIT SPEEDS Controlled airspace & cloud Danger areas/airspace restrictions Normal Flapless Not above monochromatic surface/sea (Spinning) Flap Position Speed (Knots) Speed (Knots) Good horizon Downwind Up 85 85 Lookout Clear above and below Min 180 deg before first stall, then Base turn T/O 70 78 90 deg Minimum 360 deg before spinning Finals Land 66 76 NOTE: Cage RH Electrical A/H before aerobatics 66 76 Threshold Land 19. PRE-LANDING CHECKS 22. SHUTDOWN CHECKS Brakes Off. Undercarriage Down & Locked. Parking Brake On Mixture Rich. Throttle Set 1200 rpm Fuel On tank with sufficient fuel Radios Off Fuel pump On Alternator Off – check failure warning light operates Indicators Ts & Ps. Magnetos Dead Cut check Carb. Heat Se;lect hot Mixture Idle Cut Off Hatches Secure. Harnesses Inertia reel locked When propeller has stopped</p><p>20. FINALS CHECKS Magnetos Off, key out Fuel Cock Off Carburetor Heat Cold, if no risk of icing External Lights Off Brakes Toes Clear Master Switch Off Clearance Obtained Flaps Down Accelerometer Check for stress Tacho Time (RPM GAUGE) Note reading Headsets Remove to baggage area Harness Release, loosen straps Aircraft Vacate - remove personal belongings 21. AFTER LANDING CHECKS</p><p>Landing time Note Pitot Heat Off External Lights As required (leave strobe light on) 23 FITTING FLYING CONTROL LOCKS (MOD 316) Nav Equipment Off Transponder Off Flaps Select up Carb Heat Cold Control Lock Fit to control sticks and flaps (carefully move Fuel pump Off assembly into forward stick position) Flaps Up Trim Set neutral SLINGSBY FIREFLY T67C – BASIC DATA 7. ENGINE LUBRICATION Oil type (all temps) : SAE 15W-50 or 20W-50 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Oil capacity (max/min) 8.0 US qts (club min = 7.0 ) The Slingsby T67C Firefly is a twin seat, single engine, low-wing monoplane of Oil capacity (normal range) : 7.0 – 8.0 US qts composite material construction. Oil consumption (cruise power) : Approx 0.37 US quarts/hour Oil circulation : Wetsump,Engine-driven pump o o 2. REGISTRATION CATEGORY & PERFOMANCE GROUP Oil temperature (normal range) : 40 – 118 C (green arc) Aircraft classified as - Aeroplane (Landplane) Oil pressure (normal range) : 4.2 – 6.2 bar (green arc) Aircraft classified in - Performance Group ‘E’ Aircraft certificated in - Public Transport Category Oil pressure must be in green arc within 30 seconds of engine start.</p><p>3. FLIGHT CONDITION LIMITATIONS 8. FUEL SYSTEM Flight in known or forecast icing conditions - Not cleared Fuel type : AVGAS 100 LL Flight at night - Cleared* Fuel pump : Engine driven + electric booster Flight in instrument Meteorological Conditions - Cleared* Fuel capacity (total) : 35.5 Imp Gals (161.4 Litres) Fuel capacity (usable) : 34.62 Imp Gals (157.4 Litres) * Flight permitted subject to carriage of appropriate equipment Fuel pressure – normal range : 0.5 – 8.0 psi (Green arc) Fuel consumption : Approx 7 Imp Gal/Hr @ 2300 RPM 4. DIMENSIONS Fuel drain positions : Lowest point of each wing tank Length : 7.32 m Carburettor type : Marvel-Schebler MA3A / MA-3PA Wingspan : 10.60 m Height : 2.36 m Associated controls / indicators : Fuel cock, mixture control, throttle, fuel contents gauge, fuel pressure gauge, 5. LOAD FACTOR LIMITATIONS carburettor heat control.</p><p>‘ G’ Limitations – Structural Temperature below 50 oC 9. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Flaps up + 6.0 g to - 3.0g Battery voltage/current : 24 Volts DC / 12 Ampere hours Flaps down + 2.0 g to - 1.0g Battery position : Forward side of firewall, left hand side of engine ‘ G’ Limitations – Structural Temperature above 50 oC Alternator : 24 Volt / 70 Ampere Flaps up + 4.4 g to - 2.0 g Flaps down + 2.0 g to - 1.0 g Associated controls / indicators: Ammeter, circuit breakers, battery master switch, alternator switch, alternator 6. ENGINE warning light. Engine type :Avco Lycoming 0-320-D2A, 4 cylinder, 4 stroke Engine rating :160 HP at 2700 RPM Max permitted RPM :2700 Cylinder head temp range :0o to 230o (Green arc) – Maximum 260 o Propeller type :Sensenich M74 DM6-0-64 Propeller diameter :1.88 m Propeller pitch :Fixed</p><p>Associated Engine controls / indicators: RPM gauge, throttle, magneto switch, starter button, starter engaged light, oil pressure gauge, oil temperature gauge, cylinder head temperature gauge. 10. ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN INSTRUMENTS & SYSTEMS 14. UNDERCARRIAGE Artificial Horizon (right) Type : Fixed, tricycle with shock absorbers and Turn coordinator pneumatic tyres and steerable nosewheel. Stall warning light and alarm Tyres : With inner tubes Pitot head heater Pressure - nosewheel : 50 PSI Clock Pressure - mainwheels : 25 PSI Outside air temperature gauge Oleo extension : Structural temperature gauge nosewheel strut : Approx 3 inches Radios mainwheel struts : Approx 3 inches Navigation aids Nose wheel steering : By rudder pedals Internal and external lighting & strobe Wheel brakes : Hydraulic disc brakes Fuel booster pump and contents gauge Braking methods : Toe brakes and parking brake Starter motor and warning light Engine instruments 15. CRITICAL SPEEDS Alternator and warning light Vne Velocity never exceed 180 Kn Vno Velocity normal operations 140 Kn 11. IGNITION SYSTEM Va Velocity manoeuvring 140 Kn</p><p>Number / type of magnetos - Two x Bendix Vfe Velocity flaps extended - Take-off position – 18 ° 88 Kn Magneto switch settings - Off – R – L – Both Landing position - 40 ° 88 Kn Impulse & spark retard device (for engine starting) - Left Magneto Lift-off speed (take-off flap) 55 Kn Dead cut check performed at - 1200 RPM Lift-off speed (no flap) 60 Kn Magneto drop check performed at - 1800 RPM Climb speed (take-off flap) 70 Kn Acceptable magneto drop @ 1800 RPM - 175 RPM Climb speed (no flap) 75 Kn Acceptable difference @ 1800 RPM - 50 RPM Powered approach (take off flap) 70 Kn Best glide speed (range approx 2nm per 1000 feet) 78 Kn NB 1. Magnetos are ground to earth when switched off. Best glide speed (endurance) 70 Kn 2. Ignition key should only be removable with magnetos switched off. Threshold speed (flaps extended) 66 Kn Threshold speed (no flap) 75 Kn 12. VACUUM SYSTEM o Vso Velocity stall (take off flap : 18 ) 52 Kn Vacuum pump : Engine driven V Velocity stall (full flap : 40o) 47 Kn Vacuum pressure (normal range) : Green arc (4.5” to 5.5” Hg) so Vs1 Velocity stall (no flap) 55 Kn Minimum RPM for green arc : 1500 RPM Max cross-wind for take-off & landing 25 Kn Vacuum driven gyro instruments: AH (left) & DI Time to reach operating speed : 2 minutes 16. CRITICAL WEIGHTS Reliable time after vacuum failure : 1 minute Maximum all up weight for take off and landing 975 Kg Failure indication on AH and DI : Nil Basic empty weight (inc engine oil) 610 Kg Maximum luggage compartment weight 30 Kg 13. PITOT & STATIC PRESSURE SYSTEMS Weight of full fuel load (161.4 litres) 84 Kg Pitot tube location : Under leading edge port wing Max crew weight with full fuel and baggage 151 Kg Pitot heating : Electrical Instrument supplied : Airspeed indicator Static source locations(s) : Each side of rear fuselage Instruments supplied : Airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator & altimeter WARNING: The BCF Extinguisher is toxic. Keep use to the EMERGENCY DRILLS minimum necessary and ventilate well.</p><p>1. ENGINE FIRE IN THE AIR 1. ENGINE FIRE IN THE AIR 2. ENGINE FIRE ON THE GROUND Carry out Engine Mechanical Failure (Para.7) and Forced Landing 3. ELECTRICAL FIRE (Para.13) checks 4. COCKPIT FIRE 5. FUMES IN THE COCKPIT 2. ENGINE FIRE ON THE GROUND 6. OIL PRESSURE FAILURE 7. ENGINE MECHANICAL FAILURE Carry out Engine Mechanical Failure checks 8. ENGINE FAILURE - PROPELLER STOPPED Vacate aircraft ASAP 9. ENGINE RESTART PROCEDURE 3. ELECTRICAL FIRE 10. ENGINE FAILURE - PROPELLER TURNING 11. ROUGH RUNNING ENGINE Master Switch Off 12. FORCED LANDING CHECKS Alternator Off Circuit Breakers Trip All 13. DITCHING Cockpit Fire Drill Action if necessary 14. ALTERNATOR FAILURE 15. COMMUNICATIONS/RADIO FAILURE Land as soon as possible</p><p>4. COCKPIT FIRE</p><p>Fire Extinguisher As required Fresh Air Vents Open Radio Emergency call Squawk 7700</p><p>5. FUMES IN THE COCKPIT</p><p>Cockpit Hot Air Off Fresh Air Vents Open Engine Instruments Check for sign of malfunction</p><p>If smell is electrical, carry out Electrical Fire checks If smell is petrol, do not make electrical selection Land as soon as possible 6. OIL PRESSURE FAILURE 9. ENGINE RESTART PROCEDURE</p><p>Throttle Use minimum practicable power Fuel Fuel pump ON Monitor Oil temperature Fuel cock ON other tank Throttle ¼ open Assume engine failure is imminent Mixture full rich Land as soon as possible via precautionary forced landing pattern Pressure checked Contents checked (both gauges) If engine seizes carry out Engine Mechanical Failure and Forced Landing checks Ignition Both</p><p>7. ENGINE MECHANICAL FAILURE Electrics Alternator OFF Master ON Fuel Throttle closed Mixture ICO Either: Fuel cock off Starter Button Press Fuel pump off Or: Carry out Air Start Ignition Magnetos Off DIVING TO START THE PROPELLER TURNING USES AT LEAST Radio Emergency call 600-800 FEET Squawk 7700 Dive to 115 Kts to start propeller turning, do not exceed g limits on pull-out Electrics Master off Alternator off NOTE: If the propeller stops during aerobatics, with no unusual mechanical DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RESTART noise, press the starter button to restart engine</p><p>8. ENGINE FAILURE - PROPELLER STOPPED</p><p>Mechanical Failure: If the engine failed with unusual mechanical noise do not attempt restart.</p><p>No Apparent Reason: </p><p>Carburetor Heat Change setting Engine Restart Procedure Complete 10. ENGINE FAILURE – PROPELLER TURNING 13. DITCHING</p><p>If there is no Oil Pressure, or there is an unusual mechanical noise, carry Warning: Ditching is best carried out whilst engine power is still available to out Engine Mechanical Failure drill, otherwise attempt restart procedure. control the rate of descent.</p><p>Fuel Fuel pump ON Flaps Landing Fuel cock ON other tank Speed 60 kias Throttle ¼ open Rate of descent 300 fpm</p><p>Mixture full rich Do not round out - continue descent into water Fuel Pressure indicating Fuel contents sufficient In strong wind, land into wind; otherwise land parallel to the swell</p><p>Ignition Select best of L-R-BOTH 14. ALTERNATOR FAILURE Electrics Master ON Alternator OFF Alternator Off, then On</p><p>11. ROUGH RUNNING ENGINE If output not restored - </p><p>Try alternative carburetor heat setting then check Electrical Equipment All off Alternator Off Excitation CB Check set 12. FORCED LANDING CHECKS Alternator CB Check set Alternator On Glide at: (a) 70 kts - clean (still air glide range about 1.6nm/1000’) If alternator output restored, re-establish only essential electrical loads, land as (b) 65 kts - flap take-off/land soon as practicable</p><p>Select suitable landing area If alternator output not restored, use minimum electrical services and attain Plan engine out approach VMC. Battery duration approx 30 minutes.</p><p>If appropriate and time permitting, carry out: 15. COMMUNICATIONS/RADIO FAILURE</p><p>(1) Engine Restart Drill (Para 9) Radio/Intercom Switches Check Circuit Breakers Check (2) Engine Mechanical Failure Drill (Para.7) Radio Change to Comm 2 Tx and Rx Change frequency Harness Inertia reel locked Headset Check connections Passengers Brief Change headsets if possible Plug mic/tel into other seat position and Use other transmit button Radio Switch Off, allow to cool for 5 minutes then On Transponder Squawk 7600</p>
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