<p> OFFICIAL MINUTES RINCON CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 107 W. 17TH STREET 7:00 PM</p><p>Councilmembers Present: Paul Wendelken Levi Scott Jr. Christi Ricker Reese Browher James Dasher</p><p>Present: Ken Lee, Mayor Wesley Corbitt, City Manager Raymond Dickey, City Attorney Dulcia King, City Clerk LaMeisha Kelly, City Planner Mike Osborne, Recreation Director Tim Bowles, Public Works Director</p><p>The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM. The invocation was given by Councilmember Scott and the pledge to the flag was recited.</p><p>Approval of the agenda: Agenda was approved with addition of item #16A, accept or reject resignation of City Manager, Wesley Corbitt effective February 5, 2016. The previous motion was amended.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote: Unanimous</p><p>Approval of the January 12, 2016 minutes:</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Browher Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote: 4 yes votes, Councilmember Scott abstained</p><p>Old Business:</p><p>1. Approval of contract language proposed by contracting engineer, P.C. Simonton & Associates, Inc., Sec. 6.2.1 with attached standard exclusions, for the design and oversight of WWTF headworks projects.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Wendelken Second: Councilmember Ricker Vote by Council: Unanimous 2. Review and approval of design and oversight contract with South Atlantic Engineering, Inc. (Tommy Blewett, P.E.) for Lost Plantation club house renovations and expansion.</p><p>Vote to remove from table: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Ricker Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>Wesley Corbitt stated that he understood Council had concern about the $21,500 fee. Only phase done in 2016 would be phase 1 and 2; the design, duct work and replacement of the failed handler. Last two phases would not come into play unless Council decided to build out. The breakdowns of the fees were discussed as well as the language on page 21 “fees will be billed to the contractor”. Mayor Lee stated the contract needed to specify “these fees will be billed to the contractor”. Councilmember Wendelken wanted to know if the contract could say if Phase 1A bids has come in over the price Council would not accept the bid. Councilmember Wendelken thought they would have specific cost for the design. Mr. Corbitt said it is in the 90% part of the $21,500.00. He also stated the air handler, duct work and design had been budgeted.</p><p>Table item for lack of clarification.</p><p>Motion to table: Councilmember Browher Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>New Business:</p><p>1. The Kroger Company requests approval of the Final Subdivision plat for a 26.81 acre property located on S. Columbia Ave. Property is owned by The Kroger Company and is zoned GC-General Commercial (Map#R212-12 and Map #R212-17).</p><p>Paul Harold was present. LaMeisha Kelly said everything has been reviewed, and once the new Brentwood Drive was built it will be deeded to the City and this was reflected on the subdivision plat.</p><p>Motion to approve pending receipt of deeded property: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Browher Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>2. James F. Reardon requests approval of the Final Site Plans for the Fuller (Rincon) Chevrolet building expansion on a 4.0 acre property, located at 5480 Hwy 21 South. The property is owned by Pittman Real Estate Holdings and is zoned GC- General Commercial (Map #R-257-1).</p><p>Connor Blain with Ward Edward Engineering was present. Mrs. Kelly stated all issue has been address and Council approved the easement at the last Council meeting. </p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Ricker Second: Councilmember Scott Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>3. Maranatha Assembly of God requests approval of the Preliminary Site Plans for a 9,000 sq. ft. multi-purpose building, on a 12.3 acre property, located at 454 Weisenbaker Road. The property is owned by Maranatha Assembly of God and is zoned R-4 Residential (Map #R-236-34).</p><p>Tommy Byrd with B & E Builders and Pastor Riner were present. Mrs. Kelly said the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval, and wanted to work it out so Maranatha did not have to have a new fire hydrant. Councilmember Ricker had some concerns about the 1” water line. Mrs. Kelly stated that it could be handled before the final plans. Councilmember Wendelken asked about the parking pavers that would be under the grass. He wanted to know if they would be parking on the grass. Pastor Riner said yes and that they park on the grass now.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Wendelken Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>4. Salvador Figouera requests approval of the Preliminary Site Plans for a restaurant on a 0.97 acre property located at 598 Towne Park West Dr. The property is owned by Salvador Figouera and is zoned GC-General Commercial (Map #R-264-5).</p><p>J. Maupin, Engineer and Salvador Figourea, property owner were present. Mr. Maupin spoke, noting issues were addressed, and they would like to do preliminary and final site plan approval at this time. Mrs. Kelly stated all plans have been submitted and there were no outstanding issues. Planning and Zoning recommended approval of both preliminary and final site plans at one time.</p><p>Motion to approve preliminary and final site plans: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote by Council: 4 yes votes, Councilmember Wendelken abstained</p><p>5. Effingham Mini Storage requests approval of the Preliminary Site Plans for additional storage facilities on a 2.18 acre property located at 1262 North Columbia Ave. The property is owned by L. Abbott, Ltd. and is zoned GC General Commercial (Map #R-218-1).</p><p>Cliff Kennedy with Kennedy Engineering was present, he requested preliminary and final site plan approval at one time. Mrs. Kelly stated that Effingham Mini Storage has already been using the space and they need to pave and secure the area. It will be used for parking boats and campers. Planning and Zoning recommended approval of both preliminary and final site plans at one time.</p><p>Motion to approve preliminary and final site plans: Councilmember Dasher Second: Councilmember Wendelken Vote by Council: Unanimous 6. Request for Council to issue a 10 day notice according to the ordinance for nuisance on property located at 118 Fox Trace.</p><p>Roger Beall, property owner, said the animals had been removed and are no longer at the residence. Mrs. Kelly said she would like Travis Grubbs, Building Inspector and an officer to verify that the dogs have been removed. Attorney Dickey recommended council take no action on the item.</p><p>Sal Giavitto who lives at 116 Fox Trace spoke. He wants to make sure no dogs are at the home.</p><p>No action taken until Travis and police go to see if the dogs are removed.</p><p>7. Discussion of accepting the Lift Station at Wadley Station. (Town Park East)</p><p>The owner’s attorney, Ted Carrellas, stated the owner thought this was taken care of. Everything has been approved through the city when Cathy Hughes was here and since then the Lift Station has been in operation. The fence has a lock and it was not their lock (they thought it was the City’s lock) so he thought the City had already accepted the lift station. Attorney Carellas stated the City’s use of the lift station, assumes acceptance of the station. Mr. Bowles stated the lift station is pumped through our system and that is the only way they get water at Town Park. Council discussed the cost to bring it to Rincon specs. The subdivision was accepted, but not the lift station. Mayor Lee asked if everything is in good working order, the answer was yes. </p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Browher Second: Councilmember Scott Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>8. Request to surplus outdated and unusable electronic equipment.</p><p>These items are located at City Hall; they included three old computers and a Ricoh copier. </p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Wendelken Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>9. Bowen Refrigeration & Appliance Co. requests approval of Pay Request in the amount of $8,550.00 for installation of a new Heat Pump at the Hinely Center. LI#10.4650.2235</p><p>Mike Osborne, Recreation Director said all the work has been completed.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Wendelken Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote by Council: Unanimous 10. JMS Electrical requests approval of Pay Request in the amount of $12,132.00 for electrical work completed at Macomber Park due to lightning strike. LI#10.4650.4412</p><p>Mayor Lee asked if a claim has been filed. Mr. Osborne said yes.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Ricker Second: Councilmember Scott Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>11. Ricketson Construction requests approval of Pay Request #1 in the amount of $61,335.00 for the Richland Avenue Drainage project. LI #10.4430.4415</p><p>Alec Metzger, With EMC, recommends approval. Councilmember Scott asked if we have to verify a change in contractors. Mrs. Kelly said they have to notify us if they change contractors.</p><p>Councilmember Dasher asked about traffic control. He noted that every time he goes by they only have barriers, so he wondered do they do traffic control? Alec Metzger said the line item for traffic control is not all traffic control; it could be mobilization along with traffic control and other factors. Councilmember Scott noted we have had bad incidents with traffic control. </p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Ricker Second: Councilmember Scott Vote by Council: 4 yes votes, Councilmember Wendelken abstained</p><p>12. Request approval to purchase portable radios in the amount of $9,953.70 for the two positions created for the Police Department. LI #20.4210.4412</p><p>Chief Scholl said the radios will be for the two positions that Council has approved.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Ricker Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>13. Administrative Reports:</p><p>City Manager - The permit for Lower Floridan wells came in and gallons per day would go down. Up to January 1, 2020 will have 1.6 million gallons per day; up to January 1, 2025 1.4 million gallons after that will go down to 1.2 million.</p><p>City Engineer – No written report. 9th Street has been paved; they will need to do shoulder dressing and stripping.</p><p>Chief of Police – No written report. The upgraded camera system will deploy tomorrow. </p><p>Building/Zoning Dept. – No written report. In next 30-45 days the water audit will be submitted and CDBG 2016. The gifts for Mayor’s Day at the Capital were well received. Recreation Dept. – The work has been started for replacing the roof at the Macomber building. They are in process of baseball registration and wrapping up basketball and going to championship.</p><p>Water/Sewer/Public Works – A written report was in the agenda packet. The water tower is up and running. Hargray Wireless nicked a service line and it took 3 hours to fix. Councilmember Browher asked who is responsible for that, Mr. Bowles said the City would be responsible for their utilities. Mr. Bowles said there is no tracer wire or locator tape on the line, it was one of those unforeseeable things. </p><p>Wastewater- Mark from PC Simonton gave update on the well, they do not have contracts yet, but there 106 construction days estimated. The project is 5% complete and it is right on track. </p><p>Mayor and Council – Councilmember Scott wanted to thank the City for their participation in the MLK Jr Day Parade.</p><p>14. Executive session to discuss personnel, pending litigation, attorney client privilege, and real estate.</p><p>Motion: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Dasher Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>Motion to return to meeting: Councilmember Scott Second: Councilmember Ricker Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>15. Follow the statutes of executive session, to put on file an executive session affidavit and resolution.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Ricker Second: Councilmember Wendelken Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>16A. Accept or reject resignation of City Manager, Wesley Corbitt effective February 5, 2016. </p><p>Motion to accept: Councilmember Browher Second: Councilmember Ricker Vote by Council: 4 yes votes, Councilmember Scott voted no </p><p>16. Take any action that is needed on the items from executive session.</p><p>Motion to appoint LaMeisha Kelly Interim City Manager. </p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Dasher Second: Councilmember Scott Vote by Council: 2 to 3 Councilmembers Browher, Ricker and Wendelken voted no</p><p>Motion to appoint Wanda Simmons as Interim City Manager.</p><p>Motion to approve: Councilmember Wendelken Second: Councilmember Ricker Vote by Council: 3 to 2 Councilmembers Scott and Dasher voted no</p><p>Adjourn:</p><p>Motion to adjourn: Councilmember Dasher Second: Councilmember Scott Vote by Council: Unanimous</p><p>______Ken Lee, Mayor</p><p>______Wanda Hendrix Simmons, City Clerk</p>
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