<p> Counselor’s Corner December 8, 2014</p><p>Financial Aid + FAFSA 101 Session CAPPEX is hosting the Financial Aid + FAFSA 101 Session on Wednesday, December 17th, at 6 p.m. CST. Let one of our financial aid experts, a former college and career counselor, help you by reinforcing the important financial aid facts. To register please visit www.cappex.com/finaid101. This is a free online event.</p><p>Senior Class Reminder The fall semester is winding down and graduation is fast approaching! Remember that 26 credits are required in order to graduate. It is every senior’s responsibility to know where they stand. If you have any questions or concerns about your credits, please see Ms. Floyd in the Guidance Office as soon as possible. The spring semester is the last chance to pass all necessary courses and earn the credits for high school graduation in May. </p><p>Senior Diploma List A list of senior names as they will appear on your diploma will be posted in all government/economics classrooms, the counseling office, library, and principal’s office. Seniors, please double check that everything is spelled correctly. If changes need to be made to the list, please see Mrs. Ramirez in the counseling office.</p><p>Marist College Technology Scholarships Marist College offers a special opportunity for students who choose to major in Computer Science or Information Technology and Systems. Drawing off an original grant from the National Science Foundation to draw talented students into the study of Computer Science, Marist College continues this essential initiative by offering 5 full tuition, room and board scholarships. For more information on scholarships and the School of Computer Science and Mathematics, please visit us at www.marist.edu/technologyscholarshiops. </p><p>Betty Montoya Gift of Life Scholarship Apply now to be eligible for a $1,000 scholarship. To apply you must: be a New Mexico senior planning to attend a two or four year college, university, or vocational or technical school; have a 2.0 GPA or better; submit an application and three-page essay on Organ and/or Tissue Donation. The deadline to apply is February 14 (National Donor Day). </p><p>2015 Bezos Scholars Program @ the Aspen Institute Turn your passion into action: apply for the 2015 Bezos Scholars Program @ the Aspen Institute. Every year, 30 top public high school students and exceptional educators from across the U.S. and Africa are selected to participate in this year-long leadership development program. To apply, submit your application online by February 17, 2015 to be considered for the Bezos Scholars Program, an all-expenses-paid opportunity. To learn more and to apply, please visit www.bezosfamilyfoundation.org/scholars. </p><p>Hamilton Relay Scholarship As the Telecommunications Relay and Captioned Telephone service provider for the State of New Mexico, Hamilton Relay acknowledges that opportunities for higher education affect the future of New Mexico’s high school students. We are pleased to once again extend the Hamilton Relay Scholarship opportunity to graduating high school students in New Mexico who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have difficulty speaking to assist in their goals of continuing their education. The scholarship deadline is March 2 and applications must be received or postmarked by this date. The scholarship is in the amount of $500 and the winner will be determined on or before April 30. Applications are available in the counseling office. Marine Corps League Detachment 1185 Scholarship The League provides $250 for tuition and books to students for their first year of study at institutions of higher learning. The application deadline is April 2015. Applicants must have firm plans to attend college, a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, be a graduating senior at Hobbs High School, and must be unmarried.</p><p>UNM/NMSU Cooperative Pharmacy Program The UNM/NMSU Cooperative Pharmacy Program is a unique collaborative program geared to support admitted stduents as they transition from high school to NMSU and onto the UNM College of Pharmacy. Our team is availabe to meet with interested students. Please call 575-646-7529 or cpp.nmsu.edu to schedule an appointment. The application deadline is January 15.</p><p>Permian Basin Foundation Are you a senior in the top 15% of your class? Do you plan to attend Howard College, Midland College, New Mexico Junior College, Odessa College, or the University of Texas of the Permian Basin? If this describes you, please stop by the counseling office for an application. Applications are due Feb 15.</p><p>Spokeo Annual top 50 Scholarships Researching and siftinging through scholarships can be overwhelming and time-consuming. On this easy to navigate scholarship page, you will find the scholarship name, a deadline with a coundown timer, and the rewards amount. Please visit www.spokeo.com/scholarshiop/list. </p><p>UNM CAMP Are you interested in attending the University of New Mexico? The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) can help with up to $4,400 in financial assistance, turoing and study skills, step by step help applying to UNM, and academic advidsement and career exploration guidance. Fore more information please visit http://unmcamp.unm.edu.</p><p>Alice Faye Kent Hoppes Legislative Statewide Scholarship Essay Contest 2015 African American Day Council The Alice Faye Kent Hoppes Statewide Essay Scholarship was developed in honor of Alice Faye Kent Hoppes for graduating seniors of African American decent across the state of New Mexico. The scholarship is given every other year in February during African American day at the Legisature by the African American Legislative Council. The Application is due January 7. Applications are available in the Counseling Office.</p><p>Society of Petroleum Engineers The Hobbs Chapter of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is offering two $2,000 scholarships. The scholarships will be offered every year focused on incoming freshmen in order to promote growth in the petroleum industry. As a result, applicants must be pursuing a field of study related to the petroleum industry. Applications are available in the counseling office. The deadline for these applications will be January 31.</p><p>GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship The 2015 GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship is a $10,000 renewable scholarship up to $40,000 per student. Students can apply online at www.reaganfoundation.org/scholarships or http://facebook.com/GEReagansScholarships. The deadline to apply is January 8.</p><p>Burger King McLamore Foundation Created in memory of Burger King co-founder James W. McLamore, the Burger King Scholars program has awarded more than 17,000 scholaship--$17.6 million—to high school students, Burger King employees and their children across the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Scholarship grants range from $1,000 to $50,000, and are intended to help students offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. Recipients are selected based on their grade point average, work experience, extracurricular activities and/or community service. The application period for the 2015 school year began on October 15 and ends on December 15. For the application please visit www.bkmclamorefoundation.org. </p><p>NMCEL NMCEL is pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity for seniors who will graduate in May of 2014. The MNCEL Board has generously allocated funding for two $3000 scholarships to be awarded to current seniors who will enroll in a college or university in the Fall of 2015. For more information please visit www.NMCEL.org. </p><p>Air Force ROTC Scholarship The Air Force ROTC is offering scholarships to qualifying high school seniors. For more information and scholarship applications go to http://www.afrotc.com/scholarships.</p><p>Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Southwest Scholarship Program Rondald McDonald House Charities of the Southwest would like to invite seniors to apply for their scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to applicants who have either had a serious childhood illness or injury or had a sibling who had a serious childhood illness or injury which impacted the family. For more information, please visit www.RMHCsouthwest.com. The deadline to apply is January 20.</p><p>Cappex.com Scholarships Looking for college scholarships? At Cappex.com, students can uncover millions in scholarships from colleges, universities, private companies, foundations and more. Simply fill out a free profile and discover college scholarships from many sources. Search the world's largest single source of merit aid scholarships from colleges. For more information go http://www.cappex.com. </p><p>StudentScholarships.org StudentsScholarships.org was voted the number 1 free resource for students. Since 2003, StudentScholarship.org has been focused on providing scholarships information to students from New Mexico. Please visit http://www.studentscholarship.org/scholarship.php for a list of recently added scholarships.</p><p>Applying to College Because every school has its own requirements, prerequisites, and levels of selectivity, the application process at each institution is unique. You’ll need to determine the application deadline and fee schedule for each school you’re considering. Complete each application carefully and return it to each admission office as early as possible. Remember, your application form is often an admission committee’s first contact with you. Prepare a neat and legible form, and keep a copy for your records. Be sure to ask your guidance counselor to have all necessary transcripts, records, test scores, and applications sent. If a college asks you to identify people who would serve as references (teachers, counselors, principal, employers), select people who know you well, and always obtain their permission to list their names as references. Some colleges also may require a personal interview or examples of your work in special areas such as art or music.</p><p>How to Prepare for Matching Tests 1. Read the directions carefully. Look at the following examples and notice the difference in directions. a. Match the items in Column 1 with those in Column 2. You may use the items in Column 1 more than once. b. Match the items in Column 1 with those in Column 2. You may not use the items in Column 1 more than once. 2. As you match each item, mark off the ones that you use if you are not allowed to use them twice. 3. Match the ones you are sure of first. Then go through the process of elimination, paring the ones you think might belong together. 4. Don’t waste time figuring out questions whose answers you don’t know until you have answered all the questions you are certain you know.</p><p>How to Study for True False Exams 1. Remember that everything has to be true if a statement is to be marked true, but that if it is to be marked false only one detail need be false. Read each question carefully, looking for qualifying words that tend to make statements true, such as the following: some, sometimes, usually, most. 2. Read each question carefully, looking for words that tend to make statements false. The words listed below don’t always make a true-false statement false, but they should alert you to think carefully. All Always None No Never Only 3. Mark your answer sheet the way the directions tell you to mark it. Just because it is a true false test doesn’t necessarily mean you use the symbols “T” and “F”. 4. Find out whether you will lose points if you guess. Some instructors consider wrong only those answers that you actually mark incorrectly, others consider every unanswered question wrong.</p><p>How to Prepare for Multiple Choice Tests 1.Do all the questions you know first, checking or circling the numbers of the ones you want to come back to later. 2.Use key words to help you determine an answer. 3.Read all the possible answers before selecting one. 4.Use the process of elimination, discounting the answers you know are wrong. 5.Watch out for questions that begin, “Which one is not an example of …” 6.Make certain you mark the answers according to the directions. 7.Read carefully, looking for words that best qualify statements, such as good, bad, much, little, most,</p><p>Reminders The ACT will be giveon February 7. The registration deadline is January 9. To sign up, please visit www.ACTStudent.org The SAT will be given on January 24. The registration deadline is December 29. To sign up, please visit www.collegeboard.com Students who need letters of recommendation should deliver them to the recommender at least 3 weeks before the deadline. Regardless of income, all families should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after January 1 for each academic year because most aid requires it. For more tips and details on the financial aid process visit www.wellsfargo.com/fivesteps. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are invited to Discover WT on March 7 and April 25. To register, please visit www.wtamu.edu/discoverWT. </p><p>Senior Things to do List: December Sign up for you PIN, your key to a fast, online financial aid application www.pin.ed.gov. Finalize admission applications. Urge your parents to file their taxes as soon as possible after January 1. This will ease the financial aid process. As you finish and send your applications and essays, be sure to keep copies. If your college wants to see seventh-semester grades, be sure to give the form to the registrar. Research and apply for other financial aid including grants and scholarships.</p><p>Scholarships/ Deadlines For more information on these scholarships, visit the Guidance Office at Hobbs High School. </p><p>Scholarship Web Address Deadline AerSale Inc. Scholarship Avail in Counseling Office Air Force ROTC Scholarship http://www.afrotc.com/scholarships December 1 Alice Fay Kent Hoppes Legislative Avail in Counseling Office January 7 Statewide Scholarship Essay Contest All-Inc.comCollege Scholarships http://www.all-ink.com/scholarship.aspx December 31 American Legion Legacy http://www.legion.org/scholarships.legacy April 15 AXA Achievement Scholarship http://www.axa-equitable.com/axa-foundation/about.html Avail Oct 15 Barbara Trenchard Foundation http://www.barbaratrenchardfoundation.com/resources 2/1 – 4/15 Betty Montoya Gift of Life Avail in Counseling Office and online at www.OTAPNM.ORG February 14 Scholarship Big Future https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/ Various Big Sun Athletics http://www.bigsunathletics.com June 19 Broker Fish Scholarship https://www.brokerfish.com/2015-spring-university-scholarship Various Burger King McLamore Foundation www.bkmclamorefoundation.org Dec 15 CAPPEX www.CAPPEX.com Various Christian Connector www.ChristianConnector.com Various Christian Connector www.ChristianConnector.com Various Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation http://www.coca- Oct 31 colascholarsfoundation.org/applicants/#programs CollegeSTEPS Sweekstakes www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps Oct 13, 2015 Daniels Scholarship Program www.DanielsFund.org November 17 Elks National Foundation http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars/legacy.cfm Jan 30 Scholarship FastWeb www.fastweb.com Various Gates Millennium Scholars http://www.gmsp.org Jan 14 GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship www.reaganfoundation.org/scholarships January 8 Hamilton Relay Scholarship Avail in Counseling Office March 2 Higher Education Department www.hed.state.nm.us Various Horatio Alger Association www.horatioalger.com/scholarships October 25 Scholarship John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage www.jfklibrary.org January 5 Essay Contest Lea County Women’s Network http://www.lcwn.net/ June 1 Make the U www.colgate.com/HazLaU October 31 Marine Corps League Detachment Available in Counseling Office April 30 1185 Merit Scholarships www.MeritAid.com Various National Commissions for http://www.jwu.edu/content.aspx?id=29588 Feb 1 Cooperative Education National FFA Organziation http://www.ffa.org Feb 1 National Young Arts Foundation www.YOUNGARTS.ORG/APPLY2015 October 17 New Mexico High School Senior http://www.albuquerquefoundation.org/high-school- Various Scholarship scholarships.aspx NFIB Young Entrepreneur www.NFIB.com/YEA December Foundation 18 NMCEL Scholarship www.NMCEL.org February 13 NMSU Scholaships http://aces.nmsu.edu/academics/fcs/scholarships.html March 1 Odenza Marketing Group http://scholarshipguidance.com Sept 30 Scholarship Permian Honor Scholarship Available in Counseling Office Feb 15 Quest Bridge Scholarship www.questbridge.org Various Rice University http://staff.rice.edu/staff/scholarships.asp Various Ronald McDonald House http://rmhc.org/what-we-do/rmhc-u-s-scholarhips Jan 20 Ronald McDonald House http://www.rmhc.org/rmhc-us-scholarships Jan 20 Scholarship Experts www.scholarshipexperts.com Various Scholarship Guidance www.scholarshipguidance.com Various Scholarships.com www.scholarships.com Various SJ Brady STOP Hunger Scholarship http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php Various Society of Petroleum Engineers Available in Counseling Office January 31 St. Edwards University http://www.stedwards.edu/admission/newfreshmen/scholarships Feb 1 Student View Scholarships http://www.student-view.com/ScholarshipWmap.html Various Texas A&M https://scholarships.tamu.edu/ Jan 10 The 2015 Prudential Spirit of http://spirit.prudential.com or www.nassp.org/spirit November 4 Community Tuition Funding Sources (TFS) www.tuitionfundingsources.com Various University of Oklahoma http://www.ou.edu/go2/cost/scholarships.html February 1 US Senate Youth Program http://ussenateyouth.org/ March 7 – 14 Vanderbilt University http://www.vanderbilt.edu/scholarships/application.php Dec 1 Wells Fargo www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps Aug 13, 15 Wendy’s High School Heisman www.wendyshighschoolheisman.com/applicants/hot-to-apply October 3</p>
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