Tracking Known Issues

Tracking Known Issues

<p>VDX KNOWN ISSUES: Last updated: 13 December 2010 saw TRACKING KNOWN ISSUES</p><p>CDL tracks known issues that the VDX vendor, OCLC, has described in release notes or other communications, or that CDL has reported to the vendor. OCLC uses two tracking systems:</p><p>TopDesk: OCLC VDX ticketing system that CDL uses to report problems to OCLC VDX support.</p><p>Jira: OCLC ticketing system that OCLC VDX uses to send items to development staff for review. </p><p>The TopDesk and Jira numbers have been included for CDL’s convenience in tracking the issues. In addition to the CDL ticketing system, accessed via the list [email protected] CDL has an internal tracking system for known issues, and enhancement requests. </p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>VDX Web and Windows 3.x and 4.1...... 2</p><p>Lenders not sending "Send Public Note" or "Send Message”...... 2</p><p>Incorrect Shipped and Received dates created during a batch process...... 2</p><p>OCLC Maxcost not translating into VDX...... 3</p><p>VDX Web and windows 4.1...... 4</p><p>VDX does not handle daylight savings time correctly...... 4</p><p>Authorizing a request without setting Service type 1 creates unusable Lender request...... 4</p><p>Alerts use the patron location, not the request location to send messages...... 4</p><p>VDX part publication date did not transfer to Stanford...... 4</p><p>VDX Web 4.1...... 5</p><p>VDX does not refresh web form when you change service type on loan requests...... 5</p><p>Web client “ROTA” search Button wipes out New Note...... 5</p><p>Blank request Created via VDXWeb BibSearch...... 5</p><p>VDX web bulk action Local Change Request Details resets the patron email address for all requests in the batch to the email address of the ILL staff member doing the bulk action...... 6</p><p>Adding a location to the rota multiple times has changed...... 6</p><p>HOW TO Change IFM AMOUNT in VDX Web...... 7</p><p>VDX WINDOWS 4.1...... 7</p><p>Windows bulk action attaches shipped note only to first item in group...... 7</p><p>Stanford’s Illiad Character Limit on Notes and Conditional Response...... 7</p><p> diva\projects\request\VDX\VDX4.1\documentation\KnownIssuesVDX41.doc VDX WEB AND WINDOWS 3.X AND 4.1</p><p>LENDERS NOT SENDING "SEND PUBLIC NOTE" OR "SEND MESSAGE”</p><p>When mailing an article directly to the patron the Lender should include a note to the Borrower that the article was emailed directly to the patron. This note prompts the Borrower to update the article to “Received”. The VDX auto- complete script then completes the ILL 30 days after the “received” date.</p><p>IF THE LENDER DOESN’T SEND A MESSAGE, OR APPENDS THE MESSAGE TO THE “SHIPPED” ACTION</p><p> The Borrower never sees the message and does not update the request to “Received”. </p><p> The record will sit in the queue until it is marked “Received”</p><p>If many of the items come from the same Lender, you may want to send a note to the lending ILL unit to remind their staff to send a note to the Borrowing unit when shipping directly to the patron.</p><p>WORK-AROUND: </p><p>USE VDX WINDOWS ADMIN to run a filter to find these records and mark them received. Because the filter uses a date attribute, you cannot run this filter using the Web Admin interface. The filter attributes are:</p><p>ROLE: One of Requester STATUS: One of Shipped SERVICE TYPE 1: One of Copy non returnable STATUS CHANGE DATE: Before (enter date) COMPLETED DATE: Equals (check accept null date box and leave the date blank)</p><p>INCORRECT SHIPPED AND RECEIVED DATES CREATED DURING A BATCH PROCESS</p><p>This the bug occurs on both the borrowing and lending side when an ILL unit does a bulk action in VDX Windows, for example Checked In.CDL runs a script every night that resets the incorrect shipped and received dates created during a batch process to the correct dates. It runs every night, after 10pm. </p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 2 OCLC MAXCOST NOT TRANSLATING INTO VDX </p><p>The Maxcost field on the Pickslip is not the same as the Maxcost field in the OCLC request. The Maxcost field is one of the criteria commonly used to determine if a request will be filled. Invoicing the Borrower doesn't always recover the total costs of the transaction.</p><p>MAXCOST PROBLEMS ARE HAPPENING IN TWO DIFFERENT WAYS. </p><p>1) The Maxcost in OCLC was IFM $20.00 and the amount on the Pickslip displayed 0</p><p>This happens when the Borrower updates their request in WCRS with a new max cost AFTER the request has already been sent via ISO to VDX. VDX does not get any notifications on Maxcost updates done in WCRS.</p><p>There is no way to know if the borrower changes the Maxcost after the fact. </p><p>WORK-AROUND: </p><p>If the Lender does not want to supply the item for no fee, the Lender can respond with a Not supplied indication or a Conditional indicating the Lender’s fee. </p><p>2) When manually brokering, the Maxcost in OCLC was FREE and the amount on the Pickslip displays 35IFM. </p><p>The Maxcost is required to be numeric in ISO. If the Maxcost in WCRS is non-numeric it is put into the notes as "MAXCOST:FREE" and the Maxcost sent is null. When manually brokering an item in VDX 3.2.2 or VDX 4.1 where the Maxcost is null, the Maxcost in the brokering campus’s defaults is picked up and inserted to the request.</p><p>WORK-AROUND: </p><p>Staff need to keep an eye when manually brokering, if the request comes up with the campus VDX default Maxcost and the notes contain "MAXCOST:FREE" ; the Lending staff will need to delete the home campus Maxcost before submitting the request</p><p>FIX:</p><p>This does not happen in VDX 5.0.</p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 3 VDX WEB AND WINDOWS 4.1</p><p>VDX DOES NOT HANDLE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME CORRECTLY.</p><p>There is a known bug that shows the time a message came in off by an hour for PDT. There is no adverse effect. ILL processing uses Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) not local time.</p><p>VDX TopDesk ticket I1007646</p><p>FIX:</p><p>Fix is scheduled for VDX 5.0 </p><p>AUTHORIZING A REQUEST WITHOUT SETTING SERVICE TYPE 1 CREATES UNUSABLE LENDER REQUEST</p><p>If you submit an authorized request without setting Service Type 1, the borrower side correctly remains IDLE, and an unusable IDLE lender side request is created. </p><p>Reported to vendor, OCLC assigned Jira ticket VDX-5384. No timeframe has been set for a fix</p><p>WORK-AROUND: </p><p>The borrower should “Complete” any IDLE requests created in this way, and create a new request for the item. </p><p>ALERTS USE THE PATRON LOCATION, NOT THE REQUEST LOCATION TO SEND MESSAGES </p><p> Patron may have multiple requests outstanding with different pickup locations for the requests. VDX uses the most recent patron location for messaging. </p><p> If the patron location has no associated Send User Alert message, VDX uses the borrower’s location alert instead.</p><p>For Example </p><p>VDX Send User Alert (web) from UR1 and found that the email message that was being sent was the UR2 email format since UR2 was the most recent patron location. </p><p>Reported to vendor, OCLC assigned Jira ticket VDX-9791. No timeframe has been set for a fix.</p><p>WORK-AROUND: </p><p>NONE- ILL staff need to be aware of this issue. </p><p>VDX PART PUBLICATION DATE DID NOT TRANSFER TO STANFORD</p><p>VDX part publication date does not transfer to Stanford‘s ILLIAD system for a LOAN request. VDX sends the data in the ISO request in the "publication-date-of-component" field.</p><p>FOR COPY NON-RETURNABLE REQUESTS</p><p>The publication date of component transmits into ILLiad'’s month field within article requests</p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 4 WORK-AROUND: </p><p>FOR LOANS:</p><p>Include the part publication date information in the NOTE field, e.g., “Please loan 1980”</p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 5 VDX WEB 4.1</p><p>VDX DOES NOT REFRESH WEB FORM WHEN YOU CHANGE SERVICE TYPE ON LOAN REQUESTS</p><p>When you change the Service Type from Copy Non Returnable to Loan on any requests, this does not trigger the form to refresh. Until the form is reset to Loan you cannot enter a Due Date for the item. </p><p>WORK-AROUND:</p><p>Do something that causes the form to refresh. For example, Reset Default Cost will do the job. CDL has reported this to OCLC as a bug.</p><p>Reported to vendor OCLC VDX-9694 Jira ticket No timeframe has been set for a fix.</p><p>WEB CLIENT “ROTA” SEARCH BUTTON WIPES OUT NEW NOTE LENDING:</p><p>A "Local Change Request Details", action clicking the rota "Library symbol or location name" "Search" button will wipe out any new item or private note data, regardless of what is in the search box; even an empty search box does it.</p><p>Reported to vendor OCLC VDX-9672 Jira ticket No timeframe has been set for a fix.</p><p>WORKAROUND: </p><p>Create rota first, then update notes, then save. </p><p>BLANK REQUEST CREATED VIA VDXWEB BIBSEARCH</p><p>Creating a request via BibSearch with the authorization status of Acknowledged instead of Authorized will not update the information in the Request, the symptom is a blank request.</p><p>FIX: </p><p>Authorize the request and the bibliographic data will appear.</p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 6 VDX WEB BULK ACTION LOCAL CHANGE REQUEST DETAILS RESETS THE PATRON EMAIL ADDRESS FOR ALL REQUESTS IN THE BATCH TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS OF THE ILL STAFF MEMBER DOING THE BULK ACTION </p><p>When you bulk action Local Change Request Details (possibly other actions as well) in the web, VDX populates the patron information with YOUR ILL Staff email address in the request. Alerts for all of these requests then go to the ILL staff member, not to the patron. CDL is working with OCLC on a possible resolution. </p><p>VDX TopDesk Ticket I10091657</p><p>WORKAROUND:  Do not put an email address in your VDX staff ILL accounts. CDL has confirmed that a blank email address does not update the requests.</p><p> Before you bulk action Local Change Request Details, look at your VDX ILL staff account user record to verify that the email address field is blank.</p><p> Use another bulk action if possible, for example Add Private Note. (If you use bulk action Local Change Request Details, please advise CDL what you are changing so we can share this information with OCLC.) </p><p>ADDING A LOCATION TO THE ROTA MULTIPLE TIMES HAS CHANGED Some WCRS locations, such as Library of Congress and Harvard, require that their institution be listed multiple times in the rota, to extend their allotted time to fulfill the ILL request. For example, Harvard needs to be listed two times. In VDX 3.2.2, this was done by placing the symbol in the “Add to Rota” box multiple times and the location would appear multiple times in the rota. This does not work in VDX 4.1 In VDX 4.1, you need to </p><p>1. Place the symbol in the “Library symbol or location name” box multiple times, then click the Search button or hit enter to move the entries to the “Available” box. </p><p>2. Choose the location from the Available box and then click the “Add” link to move the item to the rota. Repeat this using the next entry in the Available box to add the location to the rota twice. </p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 7 HOW TO CHANGE IFM AMOUNT IN VDX WEB</p><p>For example </p><p>OCLC library sends a conditional asking us to change an IFM amount. How do we do this in VDX web?</p><p>WORKAROUND: </p><p>METHOD 1: Create a new request in WCRS from VDX, on the same record, and raise the IFM amount </p><p> Submit a "Local Change Request Details" action on the record, input the location symbol of the OCLC lender who sent the conditional and wants more $$, </p><p> Input the new amount in the "Max. Cost" field. Save your changes.</p><p> Next, submit a "Conditional Reply No" action. This will delete the present OCLC record</p><p> Create a new OCLC record with the new Maxcost amount, sending it to the same lender. </p><p>This eliminates the need to have a de-ISOed record out in OCLC that cannot be updated by VDX. </p><p>If you choose this work-around, you will probably want to directly contact the lender and tell them you will be sending a new request their way with the adjusted Maxcost.</p><p>METHOD 2: DE-ISO THE ITEM AND RAISE THE COST IN WCRS  Put a note in the VDX record indicating you de-ISOed the record.  You will need to manage this item in WCRS</p><p>VDX WINDOWS 4.1</p><p>WINDOWS BULK ACTION ATTACHES SHIPPED NOTE ONLY TO FIRST ITEM IN GROUP</p><p>This is a known bug in Windows.</p><p>Reported to vendor, OCLC assigned Jira ticket VDX-4958. No timeframe has been set for a fix</p><p>WORK-AROUND:</p><p>Use VDX Web instead of VDX Windows Admin Client. </p><p>Using the web for bulk action is preferred, since it also prevents inadvertently actioning an item from another location.</p><p>STANFORD’S ILLIAD CHARACTER LIMIT ON NOTES AND CONDITIONAL RESPONSE</p><p>ILLiad allows maximum 255 characters in notes field. If you exceed the character limit, Stanford will NOT receive your note. Be very aware when responding with a conditional!</p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 8 Example:</p><p>Stanford requested multiple items from UC earlier this month. NRLF responded with a Conditional and we show the message going out from VDX. Everything looks OK on our side. All Stanford saw was that the requests were sent on Oct. 7 and the ILLiad conditional option is grayed out.”</p><p>VDX 4.1 Known Issues last updated 13 December 2010 saw 9</p>

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