<p> RF 30 Page 1 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>Learning Objectives: Viewers will learn about Live Health On-Line (a new program that delivers healthcare services online) and understand how and when to use it Members will better understand their health and wellness offerings Members will better understand what is available on Empire's enhanced member website empireblue.com </p><p>[Music]</p><p>Laurel Machado: Good morning, and welcome to Learning Tuesdays! My name is Laurel Machado and I am an HR associate for the Research Foundation at Central Office. Welcome to today’s Learning Tuesday where representatives from Empire Blue Cross will share with us some of their latest programming, including online doctor visits.</p><p>Panelists will address as many of your questions as they can during the next hour and a half or so. And, as always, I encourage you to submit your questions to be addressed live. You may either call or email the studio. Email the studio at [email protected] or you may call 888-313-4822. This information will appear on the screen periodically throughout the session.</p><p>Also, a link to the very brief exit survey is already posted on the live stream page, so after the program concludes please take two minutes and complete it. Your feedback helps us improve these programs so please share your reactions with us. Today’s program and all Learning Tuesdays programs are archived and available on the RF website soon after the live event which means you have access to these training resources on demand any time you need them.</p><p>Be sure to tell your colleagues who were unable to join us today that they can access this program as soon as noon today just by visiting the webpage you are on right now. With that, I will turn today’s program over to Christa Taylor, RF Benefits Manager, and she will introduce the panel.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Thank you Laurel, and good morning! I’m pleased to be joined by Joan Conlin, Strategic Account Executive for Care Management Health and Wellness, and Judy Moore-Kelman, Account Manager from Empire Blue Cross to learn about Live Health online. Live Health Online is an exciting new program that delivers healthcare services online.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 1 of 29 RF 30 Page 2 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>In addition to Live Health Online we will provide an overview of the Empire Blue Cross health and wellness offerings and enhanced member website. With that, I turn the program over to Joan Conlin from Empire Blue Cross to talk about Live Health Online.</p><p>Joan Conlin: Thank you, Christa. So as Christa said, this morning we wanted to go through a variety of options that you currently have available through Empire on your plan. So I will review those as well as give the updates that we just discussed. We have access to various discounts that you would like to take advantage of so I’ll provide you with a review of what those options are and some of the recent additions we've made to our discount program.</p><p>Then we’ll also go through the Live Health Online, as Christa said, where you have the option to get an online doctor visit. So as long as you have a web cam and an internet connection you could take advantage of an online visit when you can’t get into see a physician either due to their appointments are backlogged or you just don’t feel well enough to go outside.</p><p>Then Judy Moore-Kelman will go through the gym reimbursement program and some enhancements we've made recently to our member website.</p><p>So with this, I thought I would start out today by just highlighting some of the information that we have around how we support our members with wellness programs, health risk management, case management and disease management. </p><p>So the wellness programs, obviously, are there to support you to maintain a healthy life or to become healthier. Our health risk management is going to teach you ways that you can change your behaviors to become a healthier individual. And then case management and disease management programs we have nurses available to help you make better informed decisions to better manage your current situations.</p><p>So with this we have a variety of programs and nurses available to support all of you. So our utilization management nurses work with your providers on medical necessity with your hospitals and making sure you're approved for the right length of stay for your medical conditions and so forth.</p><p>Then our case management and complex care, neonatal intensive care unit nurses and transplant nurses obviously service those </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 2 of 29 RF 30 Page 3 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> particular needs of people going through a very catastrophic event and helping them navigate through those times.</p><p>The condition care program, there are five chronic conditions that we help members manage. So things like asthma, diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure. So for people with those chronic ongoing conditions throughout their lives we have nurses available 24/7 to help them make care plans around how to keep those conditions under control, as well as end-stage renal disease. So, again, a very specialized program.</p><p>Then we also offer various tools and resources to all of you. So things that you can tap into on our Empireblue.com website that touch upon health-related topics. You can go out to the My Health at Empire portion of our site and Judy later will talk about some other enhancements to our site and to our portal. But I wanted you to know that you have this health content out there at your disposal. </p><p>So you can go out and complete a health risk assessment which helps us better understand what your clinical needs are and maybe our nurses can support you.</p><p>You can look at your My Health Record to see the various claims you've had. And maybe you want to let us know that you're taking an over-the-counter medication or some other over-the-counter medications and maybe even a flu shot that maybe you didn't receive in your doctor’s office. So you can make up dates there.</p><p>You can also go out and estimate your costs. Say that you need to have a procedure done and you’d like to know what providers in your area would charge for that sort of a service and also the quality of care that members generally receive from different providers. So how many procedures they do of that sort, what sort of outcomes they've had – like hospitals and the outcomes they've had. So that cost and quality information is available to you under the Estimate your Costs Section of our website.</p><p>Then, as I said, we’ll talk about the special offers and I’ll review that with you. And then finally we have programs that help just guide members day-to-day with certain needs they have. Potentially, if you didn't need a doctor’s visit but you had questions in the middle of the night about maybe a child with a fever and ways to bring that down, you can call the nurse line. Behavioral health resources are available too.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 3 of 29 RF 30 Page 4 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>As well as the Future Mom’s Maternity Management Program! So we want members to know, if they're expecting, that they have nurses at their disposal 24/7 to help them with any questions they have. The nurses would ask them, an evaluation, to see if they might have any high-risk opportunities that they can help them manage, and also do some depression screenings. And this is true after the baby is born to do screenings for post-partum depression as well. And expecting moms would get a variety of resources available through this program where they can get a maternity book similar to a What to Expect When you're Expecting. It’s through the Mayo Clinic. We have a maternity book. Then we have Labor, Delivery and Beyond Guides for moms to plan for bringing the baby home and newborn care, and other resources available. So we encourage people to call in and register for Future Moms and call in early in your first trimester, preferably.</p><p>Then we have the My Health Advantage Program. This is where if any of you have received a note coming from Empire that indicates that we see that for your particular medical condition maybe you should have a screening. If you have diabetes; maybe your blood sugar, your hemoglobin A1C testing. We need to see that that’s been completed in a timely manner.</p><p>Or maybe we see that you've been taking certain prescription medications and then either those have stopped or that we think a beneficial medication should be added. Those are just notes that could go out to members so that we can help people keep on track and better manage their own care.</p><p>Finally, we have different worksite wellness services and that’s something we would, again, make available to you on an optional basis.</p><p>So let’s talk about the special offers at Empire. So these are the various programs where anything health and wellness related – this image here is just a snapshot under our Fitness and Health tab that highlights various wellness weightless programs that we have. So discounts on Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and others.</p><p>Also on our site we have discounts to different gyms like Gold’s Gym and others. So for the latest listing of where to find this information you would go out to Enpireblue.com and in your Special Offer section you can see a variety of discounts and health and wellness-related products and services.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 4 of 29 RF 30 Page 5 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>So, some of the examples of things that we've recently updated! We have online shopping discounts for health and wellness products. So almost online coupons through Life Smart is a new addition.</p><p>Vision and hearing examples and dental discounts through 1-800- CONTACTS. You can see eyewear and Lasik surgery discounts as well; hearing aids and other dental services. Again, this would be separate from any dental coverage you have.</p><p>Under the Family and Home topic, maternity and baby care, senior care, even discounts for pet care and home and living. Then under the Medicine and Treatment category we have discounts through Drugstore.com. Alternative therapies – that’s often a common question is if Empire covers alternative therapies so anything that’s not covered under your plan, you can look for discounts through special offers.</p><p>Finally, for infertility services this is something that regardless of what your plan covers or does not cover, we know that members often who are going through struggles to conceive, they pursue infertility services. And this program allows members to seek that care and get discounts through Win Fertility. </p><p>And Win Fertility is an organization that tries to move more quickly through the different options available to members to get them pregnant, hopefully with one healthy baby, as opposed to other avenues which may have a successful conception but maybe with two or three babies. So again, that’s just another discount we make available to our Empire members.</p><p>Then under the Fitness and Health category, I did highlight some of those others previously with Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. But a new addition we had recently is Fit Orbit. So Fit Orbit is a digital coaching program. So almost like a personal trainer that you would have access to in a gym, </p><p>Fit Orbit is a digital coaching for people who don’t have access or the resources financially to hire a personal trainer in their gym. Fit Orbit is a 6-month membership or a 12-month membership with discounts on those memberships where this, again, coach would interact with you online and give you exercises or other fitness goals that they'll set with you and work through with you. And then, again, I highlighted some of the other fitness club discounts that we offer.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 5 of 29 RF 30 Page 6 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>Today we also wanted to education you about other options to the Emergency Room. So we know that not only is an Emergency Room the most costly avenue to get care when you're not feeling well, it’s also very time-consuming. On average, people wait maybe four hours in an Emergency Room and surrounded by, obviously, people who are in desperate need of more critical assistance. But because sometimes after-hour care is not available, sometimes people feel that they have no choice but to go to the Emergency Room.</p><p>So what we wanted to do is education people around the urgent care center benefits to let you know that with – again this is an image of a flier that we can make available to you that highlights a website where you can log in your zip code and it’ll show you with a Google map exactly where there’s an urgent care center within you and the distance to that as well as we offer examples of certain types of things that can be treated in an urgent care center versus things that definitely, obviously, need to be treated in an Emergency Room.</p><p>But surprisingly, people think that a lot of things like x-rays and stitches and things you must go to the Emergency Room when, in fact, you do have that option. And you can see here your traditional PPO is a $20.00 copay for the urgent care benefit, and the deductible on the PPO is a $30.00 copay.</p><p>So now beyond the urgent care center benefits that we were just speaking of, I mentioned before the option to get a live doctor visit. You can see here on this tablet image this member is interacting with a physician through a web cam on their tablet. And again, it could be any internet connection with a web cam. So it could be a computer. It could be a tablet. It could be a Smartphone. So as long as that sort of an internet connection and the web cam you can have a doctor’s visit 24/7 wherever you are, any time.</p><p>So next I’m going to allow you to view a short video – less than three minutes, and we’ll speak more about the member’s experience on the other side of the video.</p><p>Video: You know that moment when you wake up and think oh, oh, I’m sick? I’m Kate and it happened to me last week. The problem was I had a big presentation due at work, and I couldn't get in to see my doctor anytime soon. I could go to the retail clinic but that’s 25 minutes from my house, and then there’s the traffic and the wait. You know the drill.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 6 of 29 RF 30 Page 7 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>[Music]</p><p>Then I remembered that new service offered by my employer. I’ve got access to Live Health Online. Doctor visits, live on the internet, any time! So I logged on! When I got there I knew I was in the right place. The doctors were all part of my health plan network. I could see their profiles, including their video introduction, their degrees and how other patients rated them. Best of all, I could choose the doctor that was right for me.</p><p>Before my online visit I gave Dr. Lopez some information about my symptoms and paid my regular office visit copay. That’s because Live Health Online is part of my healthcare benefits.</p><p>And that was it! I started my visit! During our conversation, I shared my health history with Dr. Lopez and she asked me about my symptoms and gave me some information so I could read up about them as well. Then she ordered a prescription to help me feel better and sent it directly to my local pharmacy.</p><p>At the end, I forwarded a record of the online visit to my primary care doctor so he can stay informed. And I got a record of the visit too so I could go back later and remind myself what the doctor said. A great doctor, ready to treat me on my terms! Online care that’s part of my health plan. Easy! The way healthcare ought to be!</p><p>Obviously, the video showed you a little bit about the experience and how a member, right in the convenience of their own home can interact with their doctor, how they would log on and how they would explain what their health condition was and how they would be treated and so forth.</p><p>So now we’ll take a little bit of time to go through some slides to show you more detail about what that member experience would be like.</p><p>So what is Live Health Online? Obviously, it’s a convenient way for employees to interact with their doctor. And when we say “their doctor” this is not to replace a primary care physician. This is to make just another way of accessing care just as you would go to an Emergency Room or an urgent care center or a retail clinic or your own physician office if they're closed, this just gives you another option to seek treatment after hours.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 7 of 29 RF 30 Page 8 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>But the great thing about Live Health Online is you can actually share information about these visits with your primary care physician. So it does keep that partnership with your physician alive so that they know how you've been treated and what’s going on and they can take over from there.</p><p>So Live Health Online, as I said, is available anywhere where you have an internet connection, 24/7, 365 days a year. It provides access to in-network US board-certified doctors. So the important point about that is, again, any doctor who you would see through Live Health Online is an in-network physician. So they may or may not have an office-based practice. Some doctors may choose to participate in Live Health Online as just another way to have flexible office hours, or to have a more flexible work schedule. But again, any doctor seen would be considered in network.</p><p>Then they can help you as a member at the same price that a regular doctor’s office visits. So in other words, your physician office copay is what you would pay for these visits. And it’s just, obvious, just another convenient way for you to access the care. So it’s no additional cost. It’s just another way for you to get care when you need it.</p><p>Any of the physicians, if appropriate and they were to issue a prescription, maybe you have bronchitis or sinusitis, and if a prescription for an antibiotic is warranted then they can submit an ePrescription to local pharmacies if those pharmacies do accept that method. Otherwise, obviously, they can contact those pharmacies directly and handle that prescription. </p><p>So your copay would be handled as you would any other online purchase with a credit card. So it’s convenient, secure and easy to use.</p><p>What this benefit is for a Research Foundation would be, obviously, the savings of fewer visits; time that’s not devoted to leave the office to go and have these visits. So you have the savings of the cost of these visits are less expensive services. There’s also less time and energy taken away to travel to other settings. </p><p>And the satisfaction rate of people who have these visits, on a five- point scale we ask all members, at the end of every visit to provide their feedback as to what the experience was what the specific physician they saw as well as their experience with Live Health Online in general. And right now, the average satisfaction rate is </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 8 of 29 RF 30 Page 9 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>4.8. So, obviously, you can see very highly satisfied members using this tool.</p><p>When I mentioned before about the savings we did an analysis based on utilization of Life Health Online. As I said, we asked for member feedback at the end of these visits and it’s just only a couple questions: Their experience with the provider, their experience with Live Health Online technology, and then also where would the member have gone if they didn't have this Live Health Online visit?</p><p>So if we know your options are Emergency Rooms, urgent care centers, retail clinics and your physician office or somebody could have simply chosen to do nothing, based on the responses of people for each category, and what we know the average cost of those different services and categories to be, the estimated savings in New York every time somebody uses a Live Health Online visit is about $102.00 per visit. So that takes into account even those people who would have done nothing that would have actually incurred a cost.</p><p>Now other benefits for you as employees and members of this plan you have access to live consultations anywhere and anytime so you could be away on vacation or it could be the middle of the night or on the weekends. So you have that convenient access. And again, you could have it on any Smartphone, tablet or computer device that as long it’s equipped with a web cam and an internet connection. </p><p>You also have a choice of physicians so when you log onto Live Health Online, on your screen and you'll see a screen shot of this in a moment, you'll have a choice of different physicians and you can choose based on if you want a male versus a female, based on where they went to medical school, based on different languages they speak and so forth. So you have the choice of which physicians that can help you right then and there. You'll have a list of those who are online right then to treat you.</p><p>So again, the benefit of this is that it’s an immediate service. So it’s a real-time visit. It’s not some other tele-medicine options where maybe members log in what their complaint is or their health concern and somebody would call them back later. So on average, we expect that this saves people time; travel time plus your time even waiting in the physician’s office. I mean obviously, most physicians’ office visits are only about seven </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 9 of 29 RF 30 Page 10 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> minutes long, and people spend a lot more time in the waiting room, so there’s a lot of time savings involved.</p><p>We've already mentioned that this is a lower cost option to you so, again, it’s the PCP office visit copay is all you would pay, and the ease of use. So again, all you need to do is register, log in and express your health concern.</p><p>So as I said before, we do capture some patient satisfaction. Actually, we also capture data about whether or not a member’s health concern was resolved. So 85 percent of the time members had all of their health concerns resolved from that visit. </p><p>So just like other times you go to a physician’s office and you seek treatment, sometimes you do need to return for follow-up care or it maybe if let’s say it’s allergies and your physician sends you to an allergist like to check into more asthma testing or allergy testing, sometimes you might be referred to a specialist. But 85 percent of the time members are indicating that their health concerns were completely resolved. And, of course, 90 percent of the members who used this said that they saved time by using Live Health Online.</p><p>Some other unique features – as far as for Research Foundation we don’t charge anything to make this service available to all of you to take advantage of. Other tele-medicine vendors do charge an administrative fee to make their option available. So, obviously, your visits are a covered benefit.</p><p>As I mentioned, you get a provide choice up front. You have that immediate interaction or if maybe you've had a Live Health Online visit and you liked the particular provider you used. And maybe another family member or yourself needs to use Live Health Online at some future date, you can actually – if that particular physician isn’t available online at that particular time since it is 24/7, you can schedule a visit with that particular provider. So you have the option to choose whoever’s available right then or to schedule a visit with a particular provider.</p><p>As I mentioned, all physicians are considered in network for Empire. And Research Foundation would have the option to do some branding on our site when you log in, if you wanted to indicate Research Foundation right up front when the member logs into Live Health Online.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 10 of 29 RF 30 Page 11 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>And because you actually – we interface directly with our Claim System, the copay is collected up front. Obviously, Live Health Online would know what your copay is for a physician office visit and would collect that, and then that claim just flows through as any other automated claim. </p><p>So there’s a variety of benefits available to all of you and your family members.</p><p>Now I mentioned before about prescriptions being issued and so forth. So the next thing I wanted to point out to you is the fact that tele-medicine is something that is regulated by every state. Currently, Live Health Online is available in 44 states plus the District of Columbia, but that is a very fluid number. I would say this time last year, maybe half of those states actually permitted tele-medicine and online visits.</p><p>Then among those states, different states also allow prescriptions to be issued from an online visit, and then some do not. New York does allow both online visits as well as allowing the providers who are treating members in New York to issue a prescription. Whereas other states may allow online visits but do not yet permit prescriptions to be issued.</p><p>So the best scenario would be to go to LiveHealthOnline.com and right when you log in there, on that page if you scroll down there’s a map that shows current state availability.</p><p>So now I just want to walk you through the steps on how you would get started in registering for Live Health Online and using the tool.</p><p>[Music][Video]: Live Health Online is a web-based communication tool that allows patients to have online visits with their doctors. With Live Health Online I can use the internet or my mobile device or tablet to talk to a doctor any time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without sitting in a waiting room or scheduling an appointment. I can view more information about a specific doctor by clicking on the doctor’s name. Here I can view a star rating given by other patients, the amount he charges for a visit, his education, board certifications and other qualifications. To start my visit I just click connect.</p><p>Much like an office visit, I’m asked a few brief questions before my visit. I can also choose a pharmacy so if the doctor believes I need a prescription after the visit and prescribes medication the </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 11 of 29 RF 30 Page 12 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> prescription can be sent there automatically. I just enter my zip code to find pharmacies near me. If a visit with Live Health Online is covered by my health plan, I’ll see the appropriate copay in the payment area and I can pay for the visit using my credit card. </p><p>Even if online visits are not a part of my health plans benefits, I can still use Live Health Online to see a doctor and pay the full visit cost. I can choose to share my health history with a doctor, giving him important information to help treat me. Last, I read and agree to the terms and conditions, and I’m ready to start my visit!</p><p>Once the visit begins, I can see and hear the doctor using live videoing conferencing. While talking via video with the doctor, I can also communicate using secure chat or continue the visit over the phone. The Health History tab allows me to share relevant health information with the doctor. This may include previous visits, articles I’ve read, health questionnaires and other information.</p><p>With the click of a button, I can share these items with the doctor immediately. During the visit, the doctor can add notes, prescriptions, and diagnoses, just like an office visit, and I can see these items as soon as they're added.</p><p>I can also use full screen video so the doctor can see me more clearly. The doctor may also recommend follow up actions based on the visit which may include taking a health assessment, talking to another physician or specialist or reading articles on specific conditions.</p><p>When the conversation is over, I’m asked to rate my experience with the doctor. A detailed report of my conversation is captured automatically in the system. I can log in and access it at any time and also have an easy way to share it with other healthcare professionals. Then I’m done!</p><p>Live Health Online, a service that lets me connect to an available doctor ready to treat me anywhere I have an internet connection. It’s easy; the way healthcare ought to be!</p><p>Joan Conlin: So now I’ve told you a little bit about how Live Health Online works. The video you just saw also shows you a little bit about how you would register for Live Health Online. So what I want to do is encourage all of you to go out and register today because now</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 12 of 29 RF 30 Page 13 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> is the time. Now that it’s top-of-mind it’ll only take a few minutes, and I’m actually going to through some slides to walk you through that process and you'll see how easy it is.</p><p>But this way here if sometime down the road you do need a Live Health Online visit that process is already taken care of, so you're already registered. You and your family members can begin to take advantage of this at any time you need to.</p><p>So now I’m going to go to the slides and walk you through how you would go in and register.</p><p>So first, employees should go in and enter, obviously, your name, date of birth, your gender and the state where you reside and your zip code. However, I do want to mention about the state. If you were, let’s say, traveling whether on vacation or for work and you're not in your home state, you would want to change your state location at the time of your visit because really, you need a provide who is licensed to treat you in that particular state where you're receiving the care.</p><p>Obviously, we want to have your email address so that the providers can interact with you and maybe send you any follow-up information that they have for you. And we do ask for your insurance ID number so again, we can access your claims information and pull your plan’s copays and so forth. </p><p>But as you heard in the video, if a member is not an Empire member but an employee of Research Foundation you can also use Live Health Online and there’s a drop down to select “other.” And at some point down the road, we do envision the ability to interact directly with other carriers’ plans to collect specific copay information. But for the time being, you would still be able to go into Live Health Online and actually pay the full cost of a visit which is $49.00, and then it would be obviously up to you and your health insurance carrier if you can coordinate and submit that for reimbursement, but I did want to mention that option.</p><p>So we say that it’s as easy as one, two, three to have your face-to- face visit with a doctor. Obviously, today we're talking about the first step, signing up. So again, I encourage you all to do so!</p><p>Then you're going to choose a doctor. And I spoke briefly about that but you'll see some other options for that when I get to a screen shot just showing how Research Foundation could potentially brand the site, but you'll also see some images of the </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 13 of 29 RF 30 Page 14 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> different providers available that you can click on and choose to learn more information about that particular provider. And then you would begin your consultation!</p><p>So as I mentioned before, you can take Live Health Online with you! So from your computer to a tablet to any sort of Smartphone, it’s available on both iPhones as well as Android devices. With this you can see the image here of a provider and this is after the member has chosen their particular provider and has input what their health concern is.</p><p>So, for example, if you're a member – maybe you've had what you think are cold-like symptoms for a week, maybe a week and a half, two weeks, you've taken over-the-counter medications and it doesn’t seem to be working, so you think maybe you have a sinus infection at this point. So you'd like to get in to see your physician and, of course, it’s the weekend because we're too busy during the week to get these things taken care of. Or you couldn't get into your physician’s office right away!</p><p>So with Live Health Online you would, assuming you registered today or at some point soon, you would go in. You would indicate what your health concern is and you'd be able to pick one of the available providers. So in this image here you see the provider. Mostly you'll have the interaction through audio and video but if there is some reason why there is no audio connection or you lose the audio connection, or maybe for privacy reasons – if you're around other people and you don’t want to voice what your health concerns are. There’s also the secure chat feature so you can see a little bit of that image on the tablets below the provider’s image there’s the exchange of the chat feature. So we do have that option so that members can see and log on what their concerns are.</p><p>And there’s also a history of what’s recorded in the chat feature so that later, if you need to refer back to what the physician told you, you have access to that information.</p><p>So this image here on the screen is how you would see and choose your providers. So this is after you've indicated what your health concern is. You're going to choose your provider. As you can see, there are assortments of providers by gender. Again, you can see their ratings by members so you'll see some of them on this image have stars below their names. So this is after a number of members have provided feedback on that one-to-five scale.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 14 of 29 RF 30 Page 15 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>You can also see who is available now with the connect button. So with the green connect buttons you can choose one of the providers. or, as I said before, if you’ve previously had a visit and you know a particular provider is one that you would like to have a visit with again, you can schedule that and there’s a way to email that communication off to schedule that time with the providers.</p><p>You can see what their specialty is. Obviously, this is to treat acute needs so as I mentioned, cold, flu-like symptoms, bronchitis, and sinusitis, things that you would typically go to an urgent care center or to your physician’s office for. But so the variety of physicians generally ranges from family practice, internal medicine, emergency medicine, pediatricians and so forth.</p><p>When you click on the image of these providers, what will come up is information about where they went to medical school, where they did their residency, what languages they speak, what states they're licensed to practice medicine in. Obviously, they will be licensed in whatever state you are having your visit in, in order for them to even appear as an optional provider for you.</p><p>But if you know, let’s say, that you're going to be going away on vacation, you can also see if that physician that has treated you before is also somebody who treats people at your vacation destination – Florida or elsewhere, for example.</p><p>Okay. In this image here I also offered before the option for Research Foundation to do some storefront branding, should you choose, where your company name appears, and that could be customized. So your landing page would have Research Foundation’s logo there.</p><p>So next we’ll talk a little bit about some of the support that Empire offers to engage members to make you aware of all these benefits and make this option available more readily to you.</p><p>We've already told you that Live Health Online can be accessed on any computer, tablet or Smartphone but we wanted to indicate some other options that are available. If, in your location you needed to set up an area that’s maybe more private for people to have a computer there to have their online visits. Obviously, you can choose in your workplace to set up a designated area for these visits. So that’s one option!</p><p>Next, we offer a couple of other solutions. If there’s no extra space where you located that can be designated as a private area </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 15 of 29 RF 30 Page 16 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> for people to have their visits, Empire also offers, through our vendor, the option to set up both these med suites and the consoles. The med suite, as you can see, is an enclosed model somewhat like a little free-standing booth-like room. And inside that booth would be the type of equipment that you can see on the console. The console is just like a panel that would have some biometric data that can be captured there. </p><p>So there’s actually a way to measure blood pressure, pulse, other biometrics with looking into the ears and so forth as well as a credit card swipe feature. But members can, again, have a little option there to have an online visit and also capture a little bit of other detail through those blood pressure monitors, thermometers, weight scales and other things. So it expands that virtual office visit experience to collect a little bit more data.</p><p>Now starting the discussion, as I said today, I wanted to encourage everyone to go out and sign up for Live Health Online. So I just wanted to highlight some of the communication’s pieces that we make available to promote this in your specific area and get the word out.</p><p>We have, obviously, various post cards, fliers. There’s also videos that you saw today that could be made available as well to get the word out so that people who couldn't attend today, obviously, they can access this Learning Tuesday Session. But again, we just have other resources once you get out to Live Health Online they too have those same videos and resources available. But Empire can make these posters, fliers, and post cards available to your population to communicate this option out.</p><p>So, again, some more examples. We do have frequently-asked questions so if you do find that as people have either attended today’s Learning Tuesday Session or maybe come to you as a follow-up, we do have frequently-asked questions’ fliers that may answer some of those. And anything, of course, that’s not covered in those myself and Judy Moore-Kelman would be happy to respond or provide additional information to you.</p><p>So again, I encourage you all to sign up and register for Live Health Online today. And with that, I’ll turn it over to Christa!</p><p>Christa Taylor: Thank you, Joan! We've had a few questions come in about the Live Health Online so I thought we could take a few moments to do some question and answer. I know you've covered some of it in your presentation but are all members guaranteed that the doctor </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 16 of 29 RF 30 Page 17 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> they're having their Live Health Online session with are in network!</p><p>Joan Conlin: Yes. So as I mentioned, we do have – all of the providers are contracted and credentialed physicians. So, meaning that Empire has put them through the same credentialing process as our office- based physicians, so they also have to carry the same liability limits for malpractice and follow the same medical standards. And, as I said, even though they don’t have an office visit setting necessarily (some may, some may not) but any time a member uses a provider on there, they will be considered in network. So there are no concerns about out of network.</p><p>Christa Taylor: That’s great! And the copays – they're the same as under your regular plan?</p><p>Joan Conlin: The physician office copay – not the special physician office copay, is what would be collected. Yes.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Okay. Great. Another question. Can dependents use the service as well?</p><p>Joan Conlin: Yes. All dependents would have access to use Live Health Online. Any dependents that are under 18 would need to have the adult or parent available and participating in that office visit as well.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Okay. And where would someone find the Live Health Online app?</p><p>Joan Conlin: Yes, so we do have, again, for the Smartphones and the tablets, an app through the app store. You'd look up under Live Health Online and the – as we like to shorten it, LHO app would show up.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Okay. And one of the other questions is how will a doctor know over the web if someone needs an antibiotic or not?</p><p>Joan Conlin: Okay. So that is a commonly-asked question. People assume that if you're having a virtual visit it’s not the same as obviously sitting right in front of the physician for them to examine you. And all the physicians we've spoke to who are these Live Health Online physicians have said that when they are in front of a member, looking into the web cam, they may have the member point a little flashlight and look into the web cam more closely. They can see just as clearly how their throat looks as if they were standing in front of them.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 17 of 29 RF 30 Page 18 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>Alternatively, if it’s something that – the physicians have also said there’s a lot of reasons that they're treating members that they need to know what their medical history is; what their current symptoms are; and just using their clinical expertise to treat that member that doesn’t change whether you're online or not. </p><p>There are a lot of questions and what the member is telling them; what they're presenting for symptoms and signs. So they're using all of their training as well as what they can see and in some cases, I know people are asking about well, strep throat and don’t they need to send it out for a culture and so forth? </p><p>Different physicians have said that, in fact, by looking and examining visually into the throat they can see a lot of the same things that even in an office-based settings – I have a coworker who also had strep throat recently, who the physician didn't even order a throat culture. So I think some of that is, again, just using current medical guidelines and their clinical expertise as well as what that patient’s history is. Maybe every winter they come down with strep or bronchitis or something like that; that’s a pattern! So they use all the information clinically to evaluate and treat that member.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Thank you. I think we have time for one last question. How can I find out if a list of states where the Live Health Online is not available/</p><p>Joan Conlin: Right, so that’s where you would want to go to the website, LiveHealthOnline.com. As I mentioned, if you scroll down there is a map that shows the current availability for both Live Health Online visits or any tele-medicine vendor would have to adhere to those same restrictions. So whether tele-medicine is allowed in those states, and then also whether or not those states allow those tele-medicine providers to issue prescriptions. So, and that does get updated regularly so you would want to go to the site and look for the most current listing. But as I said, New York does allow both tele-medicine visits as well as prescriptions to be issued.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Judy Moore-Kelman will be discussing some additional health and welfare offerings such as the gym membership and the enhanced member website.</p><p>Judy Moore-Kelman: My name’s Judy Moore-Kelman and I’m your account manager at Empire Blue Cross. For the rest of the Learning Tuesday presentation I’m going to be going over the last two topics. I’ll be </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 18 of 29 RF 30 Page 19 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> talking about the gym reimbursement and I will also be talking about the enhancements that we made to our member portal.</p><p>I know the gym membership was introduced to everyone in January. We had some questions and we think it was a good idea to reinforce what the benefits are with the program and also hopefully to garner some interest for people to take advantage that gym reimbursement.</p><p>Everyone knows that there is a correlation between exercise, good health and well-being. And that’s what the gym membership is there to help you is to get you to go to the gym as well as to give you reimbursement for the program.</p><p>What I’m going to be talking about are the basics of the benefits and talk about what type of fitness centers qualify, and how do you go about getting a gym reimbursement?</p><p>So why don’t we start with the basics? With the gym membership what there is is a $300.00 annual reimbursement, and that $300.00 annual reimbursement is per contract. So whether I have just myself that’s on the insurance or whether it’s myself, my husband, or my children, there reimbursement is going to be $300.00 annually.</p><p>And the way we work that program is that we divide it into two six-month periods. So the reimbursement for the first would be January through June and that would be reimbursed up to $150.00. The second part will be through July through December and that will be the remainder of the $150.00.</p><p>Now with the gym membership reimbursement what it includes is a $50.00 visit required semi-annually before you can submit for reimbursement. So also included are the steps that you need to follow, and what you need to do is work out 50 times at a qualifying fitness center for each 6-month period. </p><p>What the qualifying fitness center is is it has to meet certain criteria. It has to be open to the public; that is staff or oversight. So it has to be open to the public. It has to have a staff oversight; that there has to be people there conducting classes, providing information. There has to be regular cardio and flexibility or weight training programs.</p><p>So some people will ask the question what about I have a gym where I live. So a lot of the condos or apartment complexes do </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 19 of 29 RF 30 Page 20 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> have a gym. That wouldn't qualify as a fitness center under this program because it’s not open to the public. And typically you don’t pay dues to be a member there.</p><p>So you have to go to a fitness center that’s qualified, and then you need to track your workout sessions. So you need to keep track of all the different activity that you're doing and have that documented.</p><p>So once you meet that visit requirement then you're going to send in proof of your fitness membership, your payment record and that you had your workout sessions.</p><p>So just to reinforce, it’s for a 6-month period. You'll get up to one- half the yearly max of $150.00, and the reimbursement amount, or membership due for the 6-month period – which is ever less. So basically the member would be reimbursed up to the total of the membership fee or the annual maximum amount for the member’s plan – whichever is less.</p><p>So if it’s just me that’s on the program and I go to a gym that the dues are not that expensive, I completed my 50 visits so I’m ready to submit for reimbursement. So say it only amounted to $130.00, I would be eligible to continue submitting more visits to get my full reimbursement for the balance up to $150.00.</p><p>Or say, for instance it’s my husband and I that we both go to the gym together and it’s the same gym that we go to. It’s not – the dues aren't that expensive. I mean a little bit more ambitious say than my husband and I meet my first 50 visits right away. What I would do is I would submit all the things that are required to show that I have proof that I did my 50 visits. I would get reimbursed to whatever the charge was for my dues. Say it was $130.00. So that leaves $20.00 remaining for that 6-month period.</p><p>My husband met his 50 visits so he can submit for that and he would be reimbursed the remaining of my maximum for that 6- month period, or the $30.00. So that’s how that program would work as far as getting the reimbursement.</p><p>So this next slide that we're looking at, this talks about what’s needed in order to get reimbursed. So there are the different things that we need to do is you need to fill out a reimbursement form. You also, too, on the initial submission, you need to fill out the facility fitness member verification form. So that lets us know that this gym is meeting the criteria that we've talked about; that it has </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 20 of 29 RF 30 Page 21 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> to be a public gym and they have to have a supervised staff as well as organized activity there.</p><p>We also need to submit the valid proof of payment. So what you would need is a receipt from your credit card that includes what you paid, the dates that you paid, the months that you paid, the method of payment and the specific name of the members for whom those charges did apply.</p><p>And then you need the documentation of your visits are required. Now you can do it on the back of the form but a lot of the gyms also have an opportunity that they will do a computer printout that logs every time that you've been to the facility so you get credit for that workout session.</p><p>So those are the items that have to be submitted when you're ready to submit after you've met your 50 required visits within that first 6-month period.</p><p>So how long will this process take? Once you have everything in order, everything is submitted, what we do allow is 30 days to have everything reviewed and a reimbursement check sent out. The program will only process based on how the claim form is filled out, so we're not going to make any assumptions that you need to make sure that you have all the detail that’s necessary in order for you to qualify to get your first $150.00 back.</p><p>One important thing though is always remember, for the exercise rewards program, you have to get your request, your paperwork for dues paid for the prior period – no later than 90 days after the end of each benefit plan year. So please don’t hold onto that. As soon as you have your 50 visits please submit it, but always keep in mind that it has to be submitted within the 90-day period in order to get your reimbursement.</p><p>The next thing that we're going to look at is the website. Now our website is called EmpireBlue.com. And if you haven't registered I would encourage you to register. What we have here on this slide is, on the left, we have what the older website looked like. And we have the new what we feel is an enhanced website.</p><p>If you notice the note, it says, “Access to Core Enterprise Functionality” and we have immediate leverage with the latest capability improvements as they happen. Empire Blue Cross is a WellPoint Company and we have 14 other plans. And at one time, each plan kept their own website, so if something new technology </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 21 of 29 RF 30 Page 22 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> or new program was coming to fruition, it would have to be implemented separately across each plan.</p><p>With the new website enhancement that launched, it’s available through all of our plans. So if something new comes out we're able to get that to our members at Empire more quickly than if we were waiting for a separate implementation. So we're pretty excited about this, so that allows us to get information to our members, to you, when it becomes available. So this is what the landing page – or the page is going to look like if you go in on the member website. And it’s EmpireBlue.com. And this website is the first page of the public website. So it’s for people that don’t have our insurance yet; are looking to buy insurance. So it will not have specific information to you.</p><p>If you look at the way the website is set up you can see, over to the left where it says, “It’s Easy. It’s Convenient.” Right below there is – it’s going to be a scrolling bit of information. So right now you see the gentleman on the phone calling us with a question. But it would also advertise any other types of programs that we want to make our members available.</p><p>So there is going to be information there. If you currently right now at Empire Blue there’s information there on our 24/7 nurse line that Joan talked to you about where you have access to a registered nurse 24/7, and it’s not going to charge you a copay.</p><p>There’s also going to be scrolling information on the urgent care centers and the importance of going to an urgent care center if you have not a life-threatening illness but that you need to see somebody. So we’ll talk about the benefits of selecting an urgent care say over the expensive emergency room type of coverage so that it will save you money and it will save the plan money.</p><p>There’s also information that’s going to scroll across there that’s going to talk about the Live Health Online that Joan just went over with us.</p><p>If you look up over to the right it’s information on the log in. So it’s going to give you the opportunity to log in, and that’s there it’s going to be more personalized to you. So you would – if you've already logged in you would just go in and enter your log in information and we’ll take you direct to your page.</p><p>If you haven't logged in, up to the right there’s going to be an opportunity for you to register. Right where it says, over to the </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 22 of 29 RF 30 Page 23 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> right where it says, “Member Log On ID – Log On.” There’s something blue there that says, “A Virtual Tour.” And I would encourage you to take the opportunity that if you see any of our educational videos that it will help you to go through and just to see what’s exactly out there.</p><p>So if it’s your first time; you haven't registered, there’ll be a slide that you can go through that will be a step-by-step on how do I register on the website? So it will take you through each step on how to register and it’ll ask for personal information. It will ask for your user password. It will ask for your specific email setup and it will confirm your registration, and you'll go through various prompts because it’s important that you want to make sure that this is tailored just for you and that will go into what is your personal health information. And again, I can’t express enough about taking the guided tour too when you do register.</p><p>If you look at, you've registered, once you register, what’s going to happen, you're going to go to the member dashboard. And what the member dashboard – this is with your own personal information. And what we did when we did the enhancements, we wanted to make it user-friendly, that the graphics look more welcoming, that information is there right at your fingertips. So it’s going to be, again, more personalized. It’s going to give you the opportunity to navigate within your personal pages.</p><p>And the whole point is though to give you information to help you manage your healthcare needs. So if you look up at the top, it’s indicated in blue across the line and it’s “Benefits, Claims, Health and Wellness Information, Resources and Customer Support.” On this page it’ll say your name and it’ll welcome you to the site. </p><p>If you look the middle there there’s information that says, “My Messages.” So there could be specific information that we are transmitting to you. It’s either maybe you sent an email to us and you had a question, or we wanted to remind you about My Health Online or remind you about the nurse’s line or to remind you about some of the other programs that we have available. So that messaging is going to be there and it’s going to be personalized just to you.</p><p>If you look over to the left, there’s information on benefits. And it will indicate the specific benefits. Now this screen shot is not specific to Research Foundation but it gives you an idea of what would be out there, so this particular screen shot for this person’s personalized page they happen to have medical and dental with us </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 23 of 29 RF 30 Page 24 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> and vision and pharmacy. So it would give the person an opportunity to look at what their active coverage is for each of those plans. And it would also provide detailed information on the benefits that the member could click on each of those.</p><p>If you look over to the right, there’s a section that says, “Who’s Covered.” So it’ll say who’s covered under each of those plans. And it will talk about the covered children that are covered as well.</p><p>If you look down where it says, “Recent Claims” you'll also have an opportunity to see what are the claims that I’ve had recently. And I can see detailed information that I can click down and it will allow me to even look at the explanation of benefits to see what is there.</p><p>Way over to the right, there’s the box that has the general tools, and the general tools are that I can find a doctor. I can look at, and we’ll look in more detail at these other items is I can estimate what my costs are if say I have surgery that’s coming up. I can check looking, again, at a claim status and I can even participate in an A Zagat health survey.</p><p>So across the top is how I’m going to use this getting drilling down even more. So across the top I could either click on “I want to know more about my benefits,” “I want to look at claims” or “I want to look at the health and wellness programs that are available to me.” “I want to look at other resources” or “I want to look at customer support.” So that’s the dashboard.</p><p>So what we're going to look at next is the health and wellness. So this member wanted to look and drill down more like what’s available to me for health and wellness? So if you look to the right that looks familiar to us. It’s still giving the opportunity to go right to the tools – if I want to find a doctor; if I want to find urgent care or if I wanted to check on a claim status.</p><p>There’s also, to the right, there will be updated with various videos and Podcasts – will also provide information on healthcare guidelines. </p><p>So looking over to the left it’s talking about what’s available to me for health wellness that I can click on, and if I want to I can take a health risk assessment which we encourage people to do, because by taking the health risk assessment it will let you know what opportunities that you have to improve your health or to maintain your good health. And we would send information to you based </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 24 of 29 RF 30 Page 25 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> on how you did and how you responded on the health risk assessment.</p><p>There are also basic topics too that if you look in the middle underneath the person on the skateboard. And what it will talk about is various topics in general that are related to say health heart, topics on vision, chronic and pulmonary disease, autism, diabetes, cancer, so there’s various different topics that would be of interest to me or the people in my life. There’s also information currently that we have there on patient safety, so the details of that. You would just go in you would click on the “Patient Safety.” And we also have a new venture that we're doing with Disney, Habit Heroes for Children about teaching children about the benefits of good health and what it can mean in their lives. So that’s a promotion that we're doing right now.</p><p>So we looked at health and wellness. The next is, the next topic, and you can see where it flipped with green that it went to “Resources.” So underneath “Resources” I would have a chance to talk about or look at what the helpful tools are. </p><p>We also have information on healthcare reform which is a very important topic these days, and what it means to us as citizens and having health insurance. We’re able to look at healthcare resources, and there’s also the continuing education with the video tours. Also, if you look over to the right it is also giving me the opportunity if I want to click immediately to find a doctor or find an urgent care center, check on a claim status.</p><p>If you look below where the tools are I can click on that and that will get me to those other tools that we had talked about: Find a doctor, to learn about alternatives or check on a claim status. Resources – there’s a resource section in discounts. And what this does it highlights the frequently used tools and for easy access. So you can see where I’ve highlighted on that. It’s in green, so I’m on the page now where I can click anything that’s underneath Resources.</p><p>And what it’ll do is it provides access to the discounts as the benefit of membership. So Joan had talked about the special offer’s program that you have access through Empire Blue Cross, so that not part of your health insurance program but you do get discounts, and that will spell out and give you the opportunity to see what the current discounts are that are available to you. So we encourage you to take advantage of that discount program as a way</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 25 of 29 RF 30 Page 26 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p> to enhance what you have under your normal health plan to also contribute to your health and well-being.</p><p>Over to the right it’s going to allow us again to go and check on a claim status, to find a doctor or to speak to a doctor through the Live Health Online. So that’s where the program that Joan was sharing us is where you'll go in and register. And again, we can’t emphasize enough, now’s the time to register for that.</p><p>And then the next slide is going to be Customer Support. And on the Customer Support you're going to have an opportunity to do the following that you can download forms. You can request an ID card. Say you lost your ID card, you can request a new one or you're a new member. You can request a temporary ID card. You can get information on how do I file for a grievance or how do I update my other insurance if you happen to have COB information – coordination of benefits that you have coverage through another carrier. You can update that as well.</p><p>This next slide is talking about find a doctor. And it’s very similar to the former tool. I think the best way for doing this for the find a doctor is to use your own ID card. And what I would encourage you to do is click on “What Insurance Plan (it says) you would like to See.” I would click on “I am a current member.” But use the prefix that is on your card which you have the PPO product, and that is a YLD prefix. So that will take you immediately into the provider search that is specific to the doctors that part of your PPO plan.</p><p>What we've also done as far as an enhancement tool is the doctor snap shop. And what it will do it give you more information to help you with selecting the right doctor for you that we’ll talk about; if they had any recognitions for quality programs. What about a third-party certification? And how do your fellow members, would they rate this provider? So that’s available.</p><p>Something new that we have is estimating your costs. So it will provide greater clarity in personalized experience. So what you can do is you have access to about 300 procedures. You can learn what facilities are doing that procedure, and to obtain a cost estimate for that. So it will talk about what hospitals are available. It will give an idea of what your out-of-pocket expense would be and what the plan would pay. So it’s giving people better tools to manage their care, and the financial aspect as well.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 26 of 29 RF 30 Page 27 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>One thing new that we have that I think is helpful is something that’s called “Show me the Math.” And this is coming in a future capability where it will show you, when looking at a claim, that you'll see okay, yes, that claim was paid for my surgery but how did Blue Cross derive at what the payments were for that? So what it will do is will go through a step-by-step on how we came up with the allowed amount, what the member responsibility is and what the plan will pay.</p><p>We also have access for members through continuing us updating our digital product enhancements. So you would go to the app store and get the free app and it’s titled, “Empire.” And right now you will have the opportunity that you can do the provider search online. So it will, just like you're doing on your regular computer you can do it through your iPhone or your Android. Locate your doctor. It will also provide mapping and provider detail just like you see on the regular main frame.</p><p>Also too, that we have the capability that you can do, through your Smartphone, is you can provide ID card information. So you would log in and you would have a view of what your ID card is. Say you didn't have your card with you but you can do it through your Smartphone and you can also email or fax that card to your doctor to their office. So that’s available.</p><p>There’s also future updates, and with the future updates that we have coming, everything that you saw that you could do directly with estimate the cost for procedures or treatments, claim information, benefit summary and details, those are available as well. So we would encourage you, please register and please take advantage too of the gym membership.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Thank you, Judy. That’s a great demonstration of the member website. I know that the gym reimbursement in particular garnered a lot of attention during our open enrollment last year and our members and employees have been very excited about that. So I just wondered if maybe you could answer just a couple of questions, frequently-asked questions if you will that we received.</p><p>Judy Moore-Kelman: One of them is I work out twice a day. Would that count as credit for two visits or is that still one visit? How exactly does that work?</p><p>Christa Taylor: Well, I respect that they're working – everybody is very ambitious doing the twice a day, but under the program there are certain criteria where the member has to qualify for a one workout session.</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 27 of 29 RF 30 Page 28 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>It has to be in a 24-hour period, and it has to be 8 hours separated from that.</p><p>Judy Moore-Kelman: Okay. Another question we received has a lot to do with personal trainers so employees who are not members of a fitness club or a gym but they work out with a personal trainer. Can they get credit for their work sessions with a personal trainer?</p><p>Judy Moore-Kelman: You know, Christa, we get that question quite frequently as well with other groups. And, unfortunately, the answer is no because it doesn’t meet the criteria of having to go to a gym that’s open to the public and all the other things that go towards that. So no we wouldn't – we would not do that for a personal trainer.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Thank you. The last question is someone who’s already met their 50 visits in the 6-month period and they were reimbursed say $120.00 for the cost of their gym dues. What happens to that remaining $30.00 in the semi-annual reimbursement bank?</p><p>Judy Moore-Kelman: Okay. So if the person met their 50 visits, they already submitted everything that they need; they got their reimbursement, what we would allow that member to do is to continue submitting for their visits, having the proof that they've been to the gym, that it’s documented, and we will reimbursement that member up to the remaining balance for that – for 6 months, or the $30.00.</p><p>Christa Taylor: Great. Thank you so much. I just want to thank both of you for participating in the Learning Tuesday today to give an overview not only of the Live Health Online but the gym membership and the tools available to our employees and Empire Blue Cross members on the website. I think it’s great that there’s so much technology out there, that they're available to do such amazing things on the website.</p><p>If you have any additional questions, I think on the next slide members can contact the RF Dedicated Service Unit at 1-800-409- 0272 and ask any questions about any of the programs that were discussed today. </p><p>So again, thank you both for participating. And I’d like to thank you for making time to attend this Learning and Development Program today! Please take two minutes to let us know what you thought of today’s program by completing the exit survey. If you registered in advance you will receive a link to the survey in an email very shortly. </p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 28 of 29 RF 30 Page 29 of 29 Laureal Machado, Joan Conlin, Christa Taylor, Judy Moore-Kelman</p><p>However, if you did not register we still want to hear from you, and I encourage you to use the link on the live stream web page you are on right now. As always, your feedback is used to improve future programs.</p><p>The next Learning Tuesday Program is scheduled for April 8 and will feature topics relating to Professional Development Month at the RF. As always, we encourage you to attend to register and mark your calendars. Thank you again and have a great day!</p><p>[Music] </p><p>[End of Audio]</p><p> www.verbalink.com Page 29 of 29</p>
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