<p>Running head: CURRENCY CONVERSION 1</p><p>Currency Conversion</p><p>Billy Burger</p><p>IT-210</p><p>April 29, 2012</p><p>WALLY PISTONE CURRENCY CONVERSION 2</p><p>Currency Conversion</p><p>~Application-Level Requirements List~</p><p>1. Menu-Driven Program </p><p>2. User has option to select 1 of 5 international currency types. (Canadian dollars, Mexican pesos, English pounds, Japanese yen, and French francs)</p><p>3. Program converts foreign currency to U.S. dollars if values provided are valid.</p><p>4. Program displays the equivalent dollar amount.</p><p>5. Program returns to main menu, user has option to enter another conversion or quit the program.</p><p>~Input-Process-Output Chart~</p><p>Input Process Output</p><p>Menu Options: User selects 1 of 6</p><p>Display Menu Currency Type (Integer) 1 - 5</p><p>International Value (Real) 0 - 1,000,000</p><p>Get Foreign Value Int_Value (Real) 0 - 1,000,000</p><p>Currency Type (Integer) 1 - 5</p><p>International Value (Real) 0 - 1,000,000</p><p>Convert Currency US_Value (Real) > 0 CURRENCY CONVERSION 3</p><p>Currency Type (Integer) 1 - 5</p><p>International Value (Real) 0 - 1,000,000</p><p>US_Value (Real) > 0</p><p>Display Results Currency Type (Integer) 1 - 5</p><p>Int_Value (Real) 0 - 1,000,000</p><p>US_Value (Real) > 0</p><p>~Hierarchy Chart~</p><p>~Control Flow Diagram—Main Control~</p><p>~Control Flow Diagram—Display Menu~</p><p>~Control Flow Diagram—Get Foreign Value~ CURRENCY CONVERSION 4</p><p>~Control Flow Diagram—Convert Currency~</p><p>~Control Flow Diagram—Display Results~</p><p>~Pseudocode~</p><p>Main Control </p><p>Declare Nation As String </p><p>Write "Welcome to the Currency Conversion Program"</p><p>Write </p><p>Write "This program coverts foreign currency to US dollars."</p><p>Repeat</p><p>Call Display Menu</p><p>If Selection = 1 Then</p><p>Set Nation = Canadian CURRENCY CONVERSION 5</p><p>End If</p><p>If Selection = 2 Then</p><p>Set Nation = Mexican</p><p>End If</p><p>If Selection = 3 Then</p><p>Set Nation = English</p><p>End If</p><p>If Selection = 4 Then</p><p>Set Nation = Japanese</p><p>End If</p><p>If Selection = 5 Then</p><p>Set Nation = French</p><p>End If</p><p>Until Selection = 0</p><p>If Selection = 0 Then</p><p>Write "Thank you for using the Currency Conversion Program"</p><p>End Program</p><p>End If</p><p>Call Get Foreign Value</p><p>Call Convert Currency</p><p>Call Display Results</p><p>End Main Control</p><p>Display Menu CURRENCY CONVERSION 6</p><p>Declare Selection As Integer</p><p>Repeat</p><p>Write "Select Foreign Currency"</p><p>Write ""</p><p>Write "0 - Quit The Program"</p><p>Write "1 - Canadian Dollars"</p><p>Write "2 - Mexican Pesos"</p><p>Write "3 - English Pounds"</p><p>Write "4 - Japanese Yen" </p><p>Write "5 - French Francs"</p><p>Input Selection</p><p>If Selection = 0 Then</p><p>Repeat</p><p>Write "Are you sure you want to quit program? (Y or N)"</p><p>Input Response</p><p>If Response = N Then</p><p>Call Display Menu</p><p>If Response = Y Then</p><p>Set Selection = 0</p><p>Until Response = N or Response = Y</p><p>Else If Selection < 0 Or Selection > 5</p><p>Write "Error 4: Invalid Menu Selection"</p><p>End If</p><p>Until (Selection = Int(Selection)) And (Selection > = 0) And (Selection < = 5) CURRENCY CONVERSION 7</p><p>End Display Menu</p><p>Get Foreign Value</p><p>Declare Int_Value As Real</p><p>Repeat</p><p>Write "Enter Foreign Value"</p><p>Write "Value Must Be A Positive Number"</p><p>Input Int_Value</p><p>If Int_Value < = 0 Or > 1,000,000 Then</p><p>Write "Error 1: Invalid Input"</p><p>Write "Value Must Be A Positive Number"</p><p>Else If Int_Value < > Real</p><p>Write "Error 2: Illegal Value</p><p>Write "Value Must Be A Number"</p><p>End If</p><p>Until Int_Value > 0 And < 1,000,000</p><p>End Get Foreign Value</p><p>Convert Currency</p><p>Declare US_Value, Rate As Real</p><p>Select Case Of Nation</p><p>Case Canadian: CURRENCY CONVERSION 8</p><p>Set Rate = 1.4680</p><p>Case Mexican:</p><p>Set Rate = 9.5085</p><p>Case English:</p><p>Set Rate = 0.6085</p><p>Case Japanese:</p><p>Set Rate = 104.9200</p><p>Case French:</p><p>Set Rate = 6.2561</p><p>Default:</p><p>Set Rate = 0.0</p><p>End Case</p><p>Set US_Value = Rate * Int_Vale</p><p>End Convert Currency</p><p>Display Results</p><p>Declare Currency As String </p><p>Select Case Of Nation</p><p>Case Canadian:</p><p>Set Currency = Dollars</p><p>Case Mexican:</p><p>Set Currency = Pesos</p><p>Case English: CURRENCY CONVERSION 9</p><p>Set Currency = Pounds</p><p>Case Japanese:</p><p>Set Currency = Yen</p><p>Case French:</p><p>Set Currency = Francs</p><p>Default:</p><p>Set Currency = " "</p><p>End Case</p><p>If Currency < > " " Then</p><p>Write "The conversion for $ ", Int_Value, " ", Nation, " ", Currency</p><p>Write "is $ ", US_Value, "US Dollars."</p><p>Else</p><p>Write "Error 5: Invalid Currency Type</p><p>End If</p><p>End Display Results</p><p>~Test Case 1~</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = Canadian </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 1</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Nation = Canadian</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Valid International Value (Canadian) = 200.00 CURRENCY CONVERSION 10</p><p>Inputs: 200.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Int_Value = 200.00</p><p>Convert Currency Test: Valid International Currency = Canadian</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Canadian</p><p>Int_Value = 200.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>US_Value = 293.60</p><p>Display Results Test Cases: Valid International Currency = Canadian</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Canadian</p><p>Int_Value = 200.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 293.60</p><p>Expected Output:</p><p>The conversion for $ 200.00 Canadian Dollars</p><p> is $ 293.60 US Dollars.</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = Canadian CURRENCY CONVERSION 11</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Canadian</p><p>Int_Value = 200.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 293.60</p><p>Expected Output</p><p>The conversion for $ 200.00 Canadian Dollars</p><p> is $ 293.60 US Dollars.</p><p>~Test Case 2~</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = Mexican </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 2</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Nation = Mexican</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Valid International Value (Mexican) = 100.00</p><p>Inputs: 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Convert Currency Test: Valid International Currency = Mexican</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Mexican CURRENCY CONVERSION 12</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>US_Value = 950.85</p><p>Display Results Test Cases: Valid International Currency = Mexican</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Mexican</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 950.85</p><p>Expected Output:</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 Mexican Pesos</p><p> is $ 950.85 US Dollars.</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = Mexican</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Mexican</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 950.85</p><p>Expected Output</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 Mexican Pesos</p><p> is $ 950.85 US Dollars.</p><p>~Test Case 3~ CURRENCY CONVERSION 13</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = English </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 3</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Nation = English</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Valid International Value (English) = 100.00</p><p>Inputs: 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Convert Currency Test: Valid International Currency = English</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = English</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>US_Value = 60.85</p><p>Display Results Test Cases: Valid International Currency = English</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = English CURRENCY CONVERSION 14</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 60.85</p><p>Expected Output:</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 English Pounds</p><p> is $ 60.85 US Dollars.</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = English</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = English</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 60.85</p><p>Expected Output</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 English Pounds</p><p> is $ 60.85 US Dollars.</p><p>~Test Case 4~</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = Japanese </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 4</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Nation = Japanese</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Valid International Value (Japanese) = 100.00 CURRENCY CONVERSION 15</p><p>Inputs: 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Convert Currency Test: Valid International Currency = Japanese</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Japanese</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>US_Value = 10,492.00</p><p>Display Results Test Cases: Valid International Currency = Japanese</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = Japanese</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 10,492.00</p><p>Expected Output:</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 Japanese Yen</p><p> is $ 10,492.00 US Dollars.</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = Japanese</p><p>Inputs: CURRENCY CONVERSION 16</p><p>Nation = Japanese</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 10,492.00</p><p>Expected Output</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 Japanese Yen</p><p> is $ 10,492.00 US Dollars.</p><p>~Test Case 5~</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = French </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 5</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Nation = French</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Valid International Value (French) = 100.00</p><p>Inputs: 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Convert Currency Test: Valid International Currency = French</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = French CURRENCY CONVERSION 17</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>US_Value = 625.61</p><p>Display Results Test Cases: Valid International Currency = French</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = French</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = 625.61</p><p>Expected Output:</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 French Francs</p><p> is $ 625.61 US Dollars.</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = French</p><p>Inputs:</p><p>Nation = French</p><p>Int_Value = 100.00</p><p>U.S._Value = </p><p>Expected Output</p><p>The conversion for $ 100.00 French Francs</p><p> is $ 625.61 US Dollars.</p><p>~Test Case 6~ CURRENCY CONVERSION 18</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = Quit The Program</p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 0</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Are you sure you want to quit program? (Y or N)</p><p>Inputs: Response = N</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Select Foreign Currency</p><p>0 - Quit The Program</p><p>1 - Canadian Dollars</p><p>2 - Mexican Pesos</p><p>3 - English Pounds</p><p>4 - Japanese Yen </p><p>5 - French Francs</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = Quit The Program</p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 0</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Are you sure you want to quit program? (Y or N)</p><p>Inputs: Response = N</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Select Foreign Currency CURRENCY CONVERSION 19</p><p>0 - Quit The Program</p><p>1 - Canadian Dollars</p><p>2 - Mexican Pesos</p><p>3 - English Pounds</p><p>4 - Japanese Yen</p><p>5 - French Francs</p><p>~Test Case 7~</p><p>Display Menu Test: Valid Menu Selection = Quit The Program</p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 0</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Are you sure you want to quit program? (Y or N)</p><p>Inputs: Response = Y</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Set Choice = 0</p><p>Thank you for using the Currency Conversion Program</p><p>End Program</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Valid Selection = Quit The Program</p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 0</p><p>Expected Outputs: CURRENCY CONVERSION 20</p><p>Are you sure you want to quit program? (Y or N)</p><p>Inputs: Response = Y</p><p>Expected Outputs:</p><p>Set Choice = 0</p><p>Thank you for using the Currency Conversion Program</p><p>End Program</p><p>~Test Case 8~</p><p>Display Menu Test: Invalid Menu Selection = Error </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 7</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Error 4: Invalid Menu Selection</p><p>Select Foreign Currency</p><p>0 - Quit The Program</p><p>1 - Canadian Dollars</p><p>2 - Mexican Pesos</p><p>3 - English Pounds</p><p>4 - Japanese Yen</p><p>5 - French Francs</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Invalid Menu Selection = Error </p><p>Inputs: Menu Selection = 7 CURRENCY CONVERSION 21</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Error 4: Invalid Menu Selection </p><p>Select Foreign Currency</p><p>0 - Quit The Program</p><p>1 - Canadian Dollars</p><p>2 - Mexican Pesos</p><p>3 - English Pounds</p><p>4 - Japanese Yen</p><p>5 - French Francs</p><p>~Test Case 9~</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Invalid Foreign Value = Error</p><p>Inputs: 0</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Error 1: Invalid Input</p><p>Value Must Be A Positive Number </p><p>Enter Foreign Value</p><p>Value Must Be A Positive Number </p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Invalid Foreign Value = Error</p><p>Inputs: 0 CURRENCY CONVERSION 22</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Error 1: Invalid Input</p><p>Value Must Be A Positive Number </p><p>Enter Foreign Value</p><p>Value Must Be A Positive Number </p><p>~Test Case 10~</p><p>Get Foreign Value Test: Illegal Foreign Value = Error</p><p>Inputs: Wingding</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Error 2: Illegal Value</p><p>Value Must Be A Number</p><p>Enter Foreign Value</p><p>Value Must Be A Positive Number</p><p>Currency Conversion Integration Test: Illegal Foreign Value = Error</p><p>Inputs: Wingding</p><p>Expected Outputs: </p><p>Error 2: Illegal Value</p><p>Value Must Be A Number</p><p>Enter Foreign Value</p><p>Value Must Be A Positive Number CURRENCY CONVERSION 23</p>
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