<p> ABA OF ENGLAND LIMITED COUNCIL MEETING SATURDAY, 11TH JUNE 2011 EIS, Sheffield 11.00am</p><p>Item 1 Present I = Information Voting Council Members D= Faz Keyani (FK), Jack Danbury (JD), Eric Hoyland (EH), Ron Harvey (RH), Paul Angus (PA), Decision Keith Sessions (KS), Des Charnock (DesC), Gordon Valentine (GV), Saphire Lee (SL), A= Action Non – Voting Attendees Derek Mapp (DM), Mark Abberley (MA), Tony Attwood (Med Commission), R Caborn (RC) (President), Ted Goreham (TG), Diane Barnard – Minute taker (DB) </p><p>Apologies Keith Walters, John Donnelly, Alan Lynch, Darren Chapple, John Hallam, Fiona McKelvie, Guy Masterman, Derek Rulten, David Cockell, Chris Andrews.</p><p>Derek Mapp informed the Council that Mr Walters was on holiday and offered to Chair the meeting or alternatively requested a volunteer to take the Chair. D Unanimously agreed that DM could take the Chair.</p><p>Council agreed for DM to forward their condolences to John Donnelly, on the passing of his wife A Item 2 Declaration of Interests R Caborn (FIA) I D Mapp (Chair of BABA) Item 3 Company Secretary MA informed the Council that the Annual Accounts for the financial year 2010-11 were nd drafted as at 31.03.11. A teleconference meeting was to be held on 22 June with Auditors I and the Audit Committee representatives to approve the accounts, which would then be put forward to the Annual General Meeting on 11th September 2011.</p><p>DB had filed the Annual Company return and registered MA as Company Secretary. Item 4 Council Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Points of last Meeting (12th March 2011)</p><p>Council Minutes A Tony Attwood apologies to be added</p><p>Matters Arising CSBA Registrations - Carried forward pending attendance of CSBA representatives. Boxer Registration form – See action point 3.0 below MC & recorder registration/CRB’s SL commented that registration and CRB’s to continue as many officials/Recorders/MC’s do have access to weigh in and changing rooms PA commented that several recorders are not CRB’d EH questioned validity of CRB checks & membership fees for volunteers who do not enter club premises ( such as treasurers etc) DC commented that short notice appointments (on the day, due to absence of appointed/registered MC’s/recorders) can sometimes meant that volunteers who were not CRB’s were sometimes used rather than cancel the show.</p><p>Discussion determined that currently the requirement to register and CRB check all volunteers to be retained, pending GV reviewing the ABAE’s current stance and providing a paper to the Council on the issue of CRB’s for positions going forward. With regards to short notice substitutes, a pragmatic stance should be taken until such time as the review paper would be available for further discussion.</p><p>RC recommended that MA submit feedback to the Government review (currently being undertaken) on the issues impacting ABAE with regards to CRB checking of volunteers. Action point GV to review current CRB process report recommendations back to Board and Council MA to provide feedback to Government review of impact on ABAE of current A requirements</p><p>Coaching Party Working Group – See Action Point 9.2</p><p>Action points from previous meeting Item 3.0 – Boxer Registration Form DB informed Council that the ME1 form to remain as is and a standard registration form to be designed to include the required “Declaration of Experience”. This task would be taken to the Registrars Commission for action and the resulting form to be returned to the Council for agreement Action Point: DB to liaise with registrars commission to design a national registration form and provide back to Council for review/acceptance A Item 6.2 – AJ Court case Action point completed</p><p>Item 6.3 – Database reports for Secretaries/Associations Only four responses received from Secretaries suggesting database report formats/contents. Action point: Deadline extended to 30th June 2011, for remaining Secretaries to respond.</p><p>Item 6.4 – Boxing foundation/ Financial Support DC had previously raised the issue of the Boxing Foundation fund and suggested that a A Benevolent fund be available to assist clubs in financial difficulty. DM informed the Council that there was no bank account or pot of monies named Boxing Foundation as had been suggested and that the ABAE did not have separate monies set aside as a fund to provide grants to clubs in financial support. </p><p>If Council wished to apportion monies to a “cause” then they can propose to the Board to do so, although this would require a review of the budget to re-apportion monies currently allocated to carry out ABAE functions elsewhere. DM reminded Council Members that they had been provided with the budget for this financial th year at the Joint Board and Council meeting on 14 May and that this showed that the ABAE I were only breaking even, without making any provision for financial support packages, even with an increase in this year’s affiliation fees. Whilst it was a commendable suggestion he felt that current finances did not support this type of provision.</p><p>Item 9.2 – Coaching Courses DC gave an update on the Working Party to date, whose output/decision had determined to continue to provide Coaching Courses, via Associations, that were not UKCC endorsed. DM & RC commented that their understanding of the ABAE financial award from Sport England may have a requirement for these courses to be UKCC endorsed and any stance other than this may affect future funding. There could also be a potential impact on the Leisure Boxing area currently being looked at by ABAE.</p><p>TA commented that the primary responsibility is to have coaches who are trained to deliver boxing safely.</p><p>MA to check funding award agreement to determine what impact, if any, of not being UKCC accredited. DM suggested that a dialogue take place between ABAE/UKCC. MA to liaise with UKCC?ABAE working party and report back to Council Action point MA to feedback to Council on outcome of review of Sport England Funding Award and liaison with UKCC</p><p>Item 9.5 – Inspection of Venues. A Action Point This item should be discussed by the Championship Committee/Commission</p><p>Item 9.5 – Use of non-approved AIBA equipment by London ABA. See AOB 9.3 below A</p><p>Item 9.6 – Ampro coaches on Executive Committees. Council reminded that AL, at last meeting, agreed to raise a proposal for the AGM</p><p>Item 9.6 – Ampro coaches - allowed to coach in Regional Squads North & South Coach feedback suggested that if it were agreed that Ampro Coaches could A not coach regional squads, then certain areas of the country may have no regional coaches available to take squads. </p><p>No specific objections to Ampro coaches working with squads was voiced during this item, although several members did not believe it was correct that all regional coaches in some areas were all of Ampro status.</p><p>Unanimously agreed that the issue would be left to the discretion of the Associations, D so long as it applied the standards required of a squad coach.</p><p>Item 9.7 – Mileage Fee Action Point Audit Committee to consider and provide a recommendation, re rising costs of petrol A Item 5 Chief Executive reports</p><p>England results – See Council papers for full reports;</p><p>Commissions MA reminded the Council that the new Commissions structure had been ratified at last years AGM but that little progress had been made with some commissions. He confirmed that it was the intention to meet with all commissions and provide working guidance and I governance information. Moving on the Commissions should document and provide their minutes to the Council for each meeting.</p><p>MA then gave his view of the format/content of the CEO report going forward and provided the following updates;-</p><p>Ball Inn There have been two recent viewings. One offer has been tentatively made but is subject to the VAT status of the purchaser. The ability of the purchaser to afford the purchase price is dependent on them being VAT registered and this is not currently the case. I No feedback from second viewing. Agent is actively marketing via Sheffield Weekly Newspapers</p><p>CRM and Website Database All current regional data has now been uploaded into site. It is evident that the quality of the data needs reviewing and the Operations Manager has started this process with the I Registrars and will continue to work through the Registrars Commission.</p><p>Reports A portfolio of reports for ABAE operations is being tested and reviewed by Operations Manager. The second stage of this process is to provide reports to Association Secretaries I and input is needed regarding Secretary report requirements. Outstanding input from Secretaries required within 14 days of this council meeting </p><p>Matchmaker This website function has now been fully specified with Sport Focus. Final costs need to be ascertained and agreed. Planned timeline is to feed this into Board Meeting on the 22 nd June 2011. Action Point: MA to ascertain final Matchmaker costs and provide to Board meeting A</p><p>Whole Sport Plan MA confirmed he had met with Rebecca Gibson, regarding the excel/growth plan that is required by Sport England going forward. He also confirmed that he had met with the Performance Unit. A growth plan for the 2011 – 2013 part of the WSP is currently being discussed with Sport England by Rebecca Gibson (Head of Development). A meeting has been set for the CEO to meet Sport England in early July to discuss this matter in more detail with the executive. CEO will report back on this to Board and Council. The latest set of Active People Survey figures come out at the end of June 2011. Action Point: MA to meet with Sport England and report back to Board & Council A</p><p>DC asked for Council to have input to the Growth plan as he feels that the WSP is directed in or to the wrong areas. DM commented that input would be key but cannot conflict with the core purpose</p><p>ABAE Council Work Plan An agreement had been made to develop a Council work plan. CEO will work on instigating this and provide support and direction for Council members within its development and implementation. Within the work plan there will be a revisiting and implementation of the Commission structure that was agreed and approved at the Council meetings of September 2010 and the September 2010 Annual General Meeting of the ABAE. Action Point: MA to instigate Council work Plan A</p><p>Moore Stephens Self-Assessment and ABAE Risk Register All agreed actions have been completed on the current Moore Stephens Self-Assessment review. The 2011 – 2012 Self-Assessment Review timetable has commenced and the Operations Manager, alongside the CEO, is currently undertaking the initial stages of process. The CEO will be attending a self-assessment training and update day to be informed on the latest self-assessment protocol.</p><p>Child Protection and Equity With the retirement of Barry Jones, the Lead Child Protection Officer role has been filled, on an interim basis by Gordon Valentine (GV) from The Police Clubs Federation. This role reports into the CEO and initial meetings have been held between the CEO and GV A to review and develop both administration and work plans for this area. This review will include the reporting protocols of this departments work to both Board and Council. CEO will report back to both Board and Council on the outcomes of this work. An open recruitment process is planned to fill vacancy once a structural review around role requirements has been completed by CEO and agreed with Board.</p><p>BABA Report - (provided by Derek Mapp – BABA)</p><p>Performance I am pleased to report continued excellent performances from the men’s and women’s squads since the last ABAE Board meeting. These include the following results: Memorial Manguer I Silver – Iain Weaver (60kg – best boxer of the tournament)</p><p>Socikas Tournament – Lithuania, 5 man team, Gold: Martin Ward (60kg) and Luke Campbell (56kg -best technical boxer of the tournament) Bronze: Tom Stalker (64kg), Anthony Ogogo (75kg), Simon Vallily (91kg)</p><p>Women’s European Union Championships Gold: Nicola Adams (51kg) and Natasha Jonas (64kg) Bronze: Chantelle Cameron (60kg) We also attended a round robin event in Germany consisting of team from Ireland, Germany and England. The results in this tournament were more disappointing, but a highlight was Danny Price (91kg) who won three bouts out of three. The team’s focus is now very much on the forthcoming major competitions including the European Championships in June (Ankara), the World Championships in September and October (Baku) and the Women’s European Championships in October (Rotterdam)</p><p>Multi-nation Camps Following on from our successful camps with Russia earlier this year, we have recently hosted teams from Ireland and Poland. We also had three Estonian boxers at the same time. Again the quality of training was excellent. We look forward to hosting Germany, France and the Philippines in due course.</p><p>Parliamentary Boxing Club Lee Murgatroyd and I have met Charlotte Leslie a new Conservative MP from Bristol who is also a boxing coach. We are planning the re-launch of this old established club on 27th June. I am awaiting potential invitees from home nations. The event will feature the good work boxing is doing throughout communities and ensuring we retain strong parliamentary support.</p><p>AIBA TA notified the Council that he has been taken off the EUBC Medical Commission after many years’ service. Information received indicates that Commissions have been downsized and several members were removed.</p><p>DC asked how individuals can be nominated for AIBA/EUBC Commissions. It was confirmed that National Federations are asked to nominate members when there are roles available/for election.</p><p>Item 6 Review of Action Logs and Risk Registers</p><p>MA confirmed that all points of the current Moore Stephens Action log, (Self-Assurance) had been completed and that there had been no additions to the ABAE Risk Register since the last meeting.</p><p>Whistleblower Update DM gave a verbal update of the Whistleblower report outcomes, based on the minutes of the Joint Board and Council meeting.</p><p>A working party in respect of the Billingsate issue has been formed and is due to meet. DC is appointed Chairman of the group, with DB acting as secretariat. Action point: Working party to meet and report outcome back to Board A Item 7 Financial and Legal Reports</p><p>February reports were provided for Council’s information. Draft Year end reports were complete and provided to the Auditors ahead of a meeting on 22nd June.</p><p>At next Council meeting both 2010-11 Year End Accounts and 1st Quarter 2011 (Apr – June) finance reports would be available.</p><p>Honorary Payments DM confirmed that Tax waiver forms had been signed for those individuals provided with Honorary Payments directly from ABAE.</p><p>He suggested that Secretaries also obtain Tax Waivers from those individuals who are paid monies from the ABAE Honorary Payments received by Associations, otherwise they may be liable for payment of tax and other deductibles (NI etc) as required by HMRC. Action Point: DB to circulate electronic copy of Tax Waiver Declaration to all Association Secretaries for their use as described above. A Item 8 Child protection, Equity and Equality Reports</p><p>DM informed the Council that, following the retirement of Barry Jones as Child Protection, Equity and Equality Manager, Gordon Valentine had been appointed to that role, on an interim basis and invited GV to address the Council members.</p><p>GV gave an introduction regarding his background with the Metropolitan Police, specifically in relation to his involvement in and around child abuse and child protection issues. He informed the Council of his background in boxing, which included roles as boxer, coach and administrator duties to date. He is also a Director of the Police Community Clubs.</p><p>GV stated that he viewed his position as being in two strands, in supporting the NGB and supporting boxers, via the Council and Regional Associations. He is liaising with MA to determine a meaningful and transparent reporting process/protocol</p><p>RC asked to meet with GV for a discussion on the ABAE/PCC relationship.</p><p>SL asked if BJ remained a member of the ABAE, following his retirement from ABAE employment. It was confirmed that BJ remains a member of the ABAE by virtue of his role as Secretary of the Police Boxing Clubs. Action point: A RC to meet with GV to discuss relationship with PCC.</p><p>Item 9 Any Other Business</p><p>9.1 – Terms of reference – Board & Council A desire to review the TOR of the Council had been put forward at the last Council Meeting. It was agreed that a working party be set up to review this. DC & RH were agreed as delegates for the Council. Action Point:- MA to send out the TOR to the working party members for input and report back to the A Board & Council in early September ahead of the AGM.</p><p>9.2 – Affiliation Fees 2011-12 Season MA put into context the current process for affiliation fee approval. He suggest a way to resolve part of the issue is the timeline for the ratifiying of the current fees at the AGM each September, which results in a change of fees being applied at the start of the season and agreed at the AGM in hindsight. He suggested that ABAE agree this season and next season prices at the next AGM in Sept 2011, following which the AGM could then ratify a Season’s prices in advance.</p><p>KS commented that to date the AGM had never “not ratified” any fees, but should it do so then it would not be a great issue to arrange refunds for those who had paid a raised fee in advance of ratification.</p><p>MA also informed the Council that thought would be given to bringing the Season start date and Insurance policy date more in line with the ending of the competition schedule, which would be a more sensible way to close/start a season. However, this course of action had potential financial impacts, which would have to be borne in mind and mitigated should that be the route taken. Action point: MA to review season/competition end and insurance policy start dates and report A back to Board & Council</p><p>9.3 - Branded Equipment TG confirmed that, following the last Council Meeting, he could unequivocally state despite reports to the contrary, London now only used approved gloves. In general these were Everlast stamped gloves.</p><p>Confirmation was given by MA/DM that, in accordance with the Sponsorship agreement, adidas equipment should be worn at national level events and above. Kit, to the value of £28k is supplied to ABAE by sponsors, adidas, annually to deliver this requirement. </p><p>MA confirmed that he is to review the current levels & use of the kit to ascertain levels required by the England team and determine if there is any scope to distribute surplus down A to Regions/Clubs. The Council will be informed of the outcome of the review. Action Point: MA to conduct kit review and report outcome back to Board and Council</p><p>9.4 – Ampro Rules & Competitions</p><p>9.4.1 Ampro coaches involved in regional squads – see Section 4, point 9.6</p><p>9.4.2 Ampro Coach Registrations – An issue had been raised by a club owner that he had been charged an Ampro fee for coaches in his Ampro club that were below Level 2, despite the ABAE ruling that only Level 2 coaches could be registered as Ampro. The club owner had requested a refund of the additional, incorrectly overcharged fees. Unanimously agreed - current rule applies that only Level2 and above coaches D can be registered and charged as Ampro. Action point: All coaches below Level 2 that have been registered and charged as Ampro must be refunded/amended immediately by their Association any seasons that A they have been overcharged.</p><p>9.5 – Interclub-Region Transfers – Issues had been raised by a Registrar that members transferring between clubs/regions were not handing their card to Registrars for the correct transfer process to be followed, but were instead taking their cards to their new club.</p><p>SL also asked for clarification of when the 28 day stoppage starts – is it when the registrar receives notification or 28 days from incident? Unanimously agreed that current transfer process stands and must be adhered to, in D that all cards for transfer must be done via registrars. Unanimously agreed that 28 days stoppage is from date of incident. Unanimously agreed that transfer form to be reviewed/updated and potential stamping D of cards for 28 day stoppage – to be completed ahead of AGM D Action point: DB to ask Registrars Commission to review forms/processes ahead of AGM A</p><p>9.6 – GB 3 nations – Manchester – PA raised the fact of there not being an ABA presence and insufficient medals at these championships. Action point: A DM requested that PA take this up on an individual basis with the CEO</p><p>Next meeting 10th September 2011</p>
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