MONDAY, JANUARY 11,194S iOtmrltrstrr EtttttittB Hrralb AYorace Doily Cireulotioif T h o W o o t k c r For toa If oato of Deoeotoer, Ittt FniSBsat •( D. ■* W sotosr ■*••■ Sergt Frederick Hettinger, son Members o f Mlantonomob ’Tribe TTie Woman’s G M stian T em ­ A special meeting of Orford Private Gustave Luther who is Members of the Asbury group perance Union will have an all­ Hose No. 3 of the South Manches­ "M Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hettinger No. 58, Improved Order of Red with the Aircraft Corps at Boll­ are reminded of the meeting t(^ MlaMly coMer toolghtt noder- of North Main street, now sta­ Men, are requested to meet in tbe day sewing meeting tomorrow for ter Are department will be held to ing Field, Washington, D. C., spent morrow afternoon at twu o’clock H A V E YOU 7,858 M tiau rnFB iFr i w u F u x i w i n F r c u i i the Red Cross, at the home of their houae tomorrow night; The ato to fresh wtods slMC sosst. tioned in Texas with the United Socliu Club rooms on Brainard a 34-hour furlough yesterday with at the South Methodist church, EXPERIENCED Menber- of toe Audit States Arm y Air Corps, has been place this evening at 7:30 to dis­ Mrs. William Rush, 214 South meeting ia called to hear a report his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. and that dues will be payable. THIS, Barsan sf Otaeolatteas ■•wing Ciltel* o f tiM Cbn- promoted’ to staff sergeant. cuss plans for an emergency Main street. A pot luck luncheon ol the committee arranging for Julius Salonik.of Middle Turnpike The hostesses will be Mrs. ^ r t h a Manchester A CUy of Village Charm tAthenm ehutxdi will moot lodge room due to the fact that will be enjoyed at noon. The busi­ the annual dinner of the company W est vA Dowd and Mrs. Rachel McCor­ m TH1S ' ■t 7:M with Mn. Fred Memoiial Temple, Pythian Sis­ because o f the fuel shortage ness meeting will take place at to be held January 30. mack. WINTER? mt TT Middle Turnpike 2:30. Members traveling by bus (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ters, will meet tomorrow evening Tinker hall will be unavailable for ’The annual meeting of Wash­ (ClaaadUMI Adverttslng on Fag* 16) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1943 H m Toung People’s society should board the bus lea v^ g the ® in Odd Fellows hall, when installa­ the present. , ington L.O.L., Social Club will be VOL. LXIL, NO. 87 North terminus at 15 minutes Daughters of Liberty No. 125, Bum dependable coal and * church will meet tonight nt tion of the new officers will take held in the club rooms at 2:30 o'otock in the psrsonsge. after the hour. A bus ruhj hourly L. O. L. L, Will hold their monthly coke and be oertaln of home place. A social time with refresh­ Saturday afternoon, January 16. Manchester Assembly No. 15 Or­ to South Main street meeting tomorrow evening at 7:M comfort. ments will follow in charge of Mrs. der of Rainbow will bold a regular o’clock in Orange hall. A fter the TTie annual supper win follow at C A TER IN G P rt Midisei Weiss, who enlist- Blisabeth Caverly and her com­ meeting at the Masonic Temple at business session refreshments will six o’clock. The executive board ot Hornet Lists After Jap Plane Attack In the U. 8. Army Air Forces mittee. ’The North Methodist Woman’s FIREPLACE COAL All Troubles 1 7:30 tonight. Election of officers Society of Cfiristian Service will be served by Miss Dorothy John­ the club w ill meet tonight at eight For All Occasions •<V AJlMUiy, N. T., on November 13, ston, chairman, and her compilt- o’clock in the club rooms. Impor­ Cossacks Aid Soviet will be held. Following the meet­ meet Wednesday afternoon at two Is now St the Hesdquarters The meeting of the North tee. ing an important rehearsal for o’clock at the church, when the tant business la to be transacted. Is Our Business SEAMAN O f Buglers ato-.. « s •• • • . • - H lM m ie s l School s t Sioux Fells, Methodist Church Council which Initiatory Degree which is to be newly elected officers will be in­ g:"flouth Dskots. He is the son of was to. have been held this eve­ given at the Eastern Star meeting stalled. Annual reports will be Past Chiefs o f Helen Davidson FUEL & SUPPLY CO. ' Mr. end Mrs. John Weiss, o f 81 ’The Epworth CThcle ot. the South ning. has been postponed to Mon­ Wednesday Jan. 13th. A full at­ submitted at this meeting. The Lodge No. 98 will meet tomorrow Successors to Seaman Coal rldmess street, end previous to en- Methodist church will meet this Not Usual day evening of next week at 7:15 tendance is desired. hostesses will be Mrs. Leonard night with Mrs. Mary Thomas of Arnold Pagani Co. and Pola Coal Co. at the church. The Booster Club’s evening at 7:30 with Miss Eleanor listing was an accountant with Burt and Mrs. Iva Wilson. Mem­ 203 Center street a t '7:45. — 1741/2 Spruce St. Tel. 5790 Forces to Roll Nazis Gordon of 43 WeUington Road. ' the General Flectric Company at meeting will follow at eight bers attending are requested to Schenectady, N. T. o’clock. The Manchester Garden club provide their own tea bags. will omit Its meeting scheduled for Tooters* Headaches Not this ex’ening at Center church Solely with Disgrun house because of transportation Ever Ready Circle of King’s difficulties. ' Daughters will hold its regular tied Soldiers; Lose Back in Kuban Area meeting tomorrow evening in the social rooms of the North Meth­ Teeth and Lip Skin. HALE'S SELF SERVE The second lesson m the First odist church. A devotional service The Original In New England! Aid class at the Salvation Army will be held at 7:30 followed by Region Penetrated After ’ citadel will be given tomorrow the installation of three members. Pine Camp, N. Y., Jan. 12.— (A’) evening at 7:30 by Mrs. Nora Ad- 'The speaker will be Mrs. Marjory — Thoae guys who blow so sweet­ Yank Bombers Raid Caucasian Provinces o f dy McLeary. An invitation is ex­ B. Swicker, of Hartford. ly in here and make it come out so tended to all interested to Join. North Osetia and Ka« ” NOTICE! sour here— the Arm y’s buglers— hardino Bakaria Are have their troubles, and not aolely Naples by Daylight The Stanley group of the South Freed in Continuing Due to the war emergency which has Methodist Woman’s Society of OUR JANUARY with disgruntled soldiers at dawn. Christian Service will meet tomor­ Corp. Herb Dube, who conducta Winter Drive; Cavalry created an acute shortage^ of help, gasoline, row evening, January 12. at the Anderson a class for tooters of the instru­ HU H«r6or Batter home of Mrs. Everett Keith. 119 ment 80 abhorred by men In the And Shipping in At­ Pushes 15 Miles into etc., we are forced to announce that Pitkin street. The hostess will be ranks, begs to report, air: Eneiny^s Positions. assisted by Mrs. Wa.lter Fox. Greenhouses 'That one of his students showed tack; Heavy Cloud Foi’t; Frcncll Ur recently with a lisp, looking Cover Hides Results, i ^ Effective Immediately like he had stopped somebody's Moscow, Jan. 12.— (^P)«- Artistic flat with his mouth. He admitted 5 Capture Pass Led by Cossacks slashing having blown two front teeth loose Cairo, Jan. 12.— (/T*)— Four- ' their way triumphantly back OLD Floral Arrangements from a dental plate while practlc engined Liberators of the NO MORE C O. D. AND ing hia calls. into their homeland, the Red United States Army’s Ninth Flying Fortresses in RECORDS for Yields Area of Up Skin Army has rolled the Ger­ A ir Force bombed Naples by mans back into the Kuban Must b* tamed ki for sal­ That another gave every ap daylight yesterday, hitting Heavy Blow at Rom- TELEPHONE ORDERS vage If you want to keep Weddings, Funerals, peanuice of having struck his face river region of the western ph^lng toe new onee. into the business end of a sausage harbor installations and ship­ nieLs Forces; At Least Caucasus between the moun­ SV]e eaob paid for oM rec­ White Sale! machine. He had attempted a Tew Severely damaged by a morning attack of Jap war planes dur ing the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands last Oct. tae U. S. air­ ping, a communiejue an­ ords Irreepeetlve of quantity. Anniversaries craft carrier Hornet lists badly. A cruiser and a destroyer stand by to help in the light to save the ship. A later attack, however, dam­ 180 Prisoners Taken. tains and the Don, the Rus­ Can Be Delivered From nounced today. ' I ^ attack sians announced today. Re<$' Star (Oontlnned on Page Seven) aged the ship BO badly she was sunk b y U. S. siuTace units. (Asso dated Press photo from U. S. Navy.) Est. 1922 was the 38th of the war on Allied Headquarters in North declared that the Kuban region K p M P 'S the hard-hit Italian supply port was penetrated after the Cauco/- 153 Eldridgo Street Africa, Jan, 12—(IP)— Flying fort­ Inc. and the first attack of 1943 after Sian provinces of North Osetta Our Food Departments repeated December raids.
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