<p>Research Plan</p><p>Who was involved?</p><p>The whole school was involved in this program. The fitness program was run by the Captain </p><p>Cook FIT Club. The FIT club met every Monday morning, and ran workshops on Friday’s. In </p><p>December, we ran a pilot program with the club, and teacher’s asked the FIT club to come into their classes. Our FIT club consists of 30 students, and two teachers. In January, we ran FIT </p><p>Friday’s. The first Friday of the month all classes did the brain dance together in the morning, and the last Friday of the month the students and teachers participated in a school run. On the other Friday’s the FIT club ran whole school games and dance, and classes signed up for the FIT club to come in and teach brain breaks, brain dance, dance fitness, or healthy eating. </p><p>What was our Schedule?</p><p>FIT Club meetings were on Monday mornings. We had FIT Friday’s, with the whole school participating January to March.</p><p>Timeline?</p><p>We will continue to run this program until the end of the year. The study analysis took place from January to the beginning of March.</p><p>How was my work be organized?</p><p> Trained FIT Club leaders: The FIT club leaders were trained by myself and a colleague. Establish Friday’s as FIT Friday’s at Captain Cook: Every Friday from January to March </p><p> was labelled as FIT Friday.</p><p> Had Action School’s lead student workshop training for healthy eating and dance </p><p> fitness: Action school’s came in and trained all of our FIT club leaders as well.</p><p> Established four programs that were taught to school, brain breaks, brain dance, dance </p><p> fitness, and healthy eating: The whole school participated in brain breaks, the brain </p><p> dance, dance fitness, and there was a greater emphasis on eating healthy. Students </p><p> were encouraged to bring water as their main drink at school.</p><p> Communicated with staff through staff meetings, staff bulletin, email: Weekly emails </p><p> were sent out to staff, instructions were given at staff meetings and weekly through the </p><p> staff bulletin.</p><p> Encouraged dance through bringing in hip hop dance in February with dance company </p><p>Boogoloo: This program was a success, brought the whole school together, and created </p><p> a sense of community. We had a record number of parents attend this performance.</p><p> Encouraged new sports at school, a Golf program was supposed to come in January, a </p><p>Field Hockey program was introduced to Cook in March with field hockey coaches, </p><p>Netball BC will come in April, Cycling BC came in September: All programs were a </p><p> success with the exception of golf. The schedule at school was too busy, and we have </p><p> arranged for golf in the next school year. Post Nutrition Newsletters on school website monthly: The newsletters are set for April,</p><p>May and June, and will be posted on our school site. They are attached.</p><p> Applied for Healthy Living Grant: Received a grant for $500 and $750.</p><p> Received Quality (Daily) Physical Education Award from Physical & Health </p><p>Education Canada. </p><p>What Ethical Principles Guided my Conduct?</p><p>Benefiting Others and Maximizing Benefit: The actions conducted actively promoted the well being of others</p><p>Respecting Autonomy: Each teacher had the right to exercise freedom of choice. They chose if they wanted to participate or not. Teacher’s and students were given the opportunity to withdraw without consequence.</p><p>Doing No Harm/Minimizing Harm: Students did not engage in activities that harmed them.</p><p>Respect for Vulnerable Persons</p><p>Careful planning was needed to promote the development of values and ethics through this program.</p><p>Where did I get the information I needed?</p><p> Through a teacher survey, student survey, and FIT club journaling</p><p> Interviews, observations and documents ABC FITT: Beginning and end of study</p><p>How was it be collected?</p><p> Journal at the end of every FIT club session </p><p> Interviews at the end with selected teachers, parents, students, and FIT Club members</p><p> Classes were chosen to fill out surveys before sessions in January and once again in February</p><p> Teachers were asked to fill out surveys in January and February</p><p> Kept track of teacher’s who signed up for extra FIT sessions on Friday’s and attendance</p><p> Each child in the school handed in a fitness goal for the month of January and February</p><p>What was my data management plan?</p><p> Collection of Journals after Monday sessions</p><p> Distributed surveys beginning of January and Collect</p><p> Distributed surveys end of Feb and Collect</p><p> Interviewed selected teachers, students, and FIT Club members in January and March</p><p> ABC FITT Circuit before and after (Jan and Feb)</p><p> Collected fitness goals from students. Research Results FIT Friday’s at Captain Cook Elementary: Class Participation</p><p>Every class in the school was present for every session with the exception of one class who missed the first session because they forgot. Each class showed up on time, and many looked forward to doing school wide fitness together. Attendance was optional, but every class continued to attend sessions regularly and on time.</p><p>Jan 9 Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 Date→ Division</p><p>↓</p><p>1 2 X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 </p><p>Fit Club Journal Responses and Student Responses</p><p>These responses were collected from fit club members and Cook students. Questions were asked about the fitness level of students at Cook, participation in fitness, the effects of fit club on the student population, and personal fitness. Many of the results were positive, and the confidence amongst the majority of students at Cook school improved, and many began to feel great about their athletic abilities.</p><p>“Captain Cook Students have gotten stronger.” “Fit Club people have been helping us exercise and dance a lot.”</p><p>“I got faster.”</p><p>“It made Zen Stronger.”</p><p>“It made Kaushik better at soccer.”</p><p>“It made Joshua faster.”</p><p>“Kids are getting more fit.”</p><p>“Kids are eating more healthy.”</p><p>“Fit Club has made a big change in the school.”</p><p>“By having sports clubs and having different activities people are getting stronger.”</p><p>“Kids are eating healthy and excercising more.”</p><p>“I am getting more exercise, I have more stamina, I excelerate more, and have more speed.”</p><p>“Fitness has changed at Captain Cook this month, kids are becoming more healthier, and more fitter.”</p><p>Teacher Comments </p><p>The following comments were taken from colleagues in regard to FIT Friday’s and the fit club at Captain </p><p>Cook school. The responses were all positive, and many liked that the students were so involved, many looked forward to these days, they felt the school community had bonded, and many were impressed by the leadership skills of FIT club leaders.</p><p>“I keep telling everyone but you: the Physical Education Program you have created is truly remarkable. I am incredibly impressed by what you have done. Cook is so lucky. FIT Fridays are great and I love that students are so involved. I love how sweaty my kids are when they come back from gym and I love your emphasis on cooperation, team work and general fitness. My students LOVE going to gym. “</p><p>“I love the idea. Could you put it on the agenda for this Wednesday’s Staff/SAC Meeting. I’m sure there will be no resistance from the staff but we should discuss it so there are no misunderstandings or grumbling in the background. It would be good to get the consensus recorded in the minutes. Again, I love the idea and don’t expect that there will be issues but it’s better to discuss it as a group. Thanks for taking this on, I really appreciate the initiative and I’m excited about seeing what the students can do!” ”This is awesome! What a great addition to the school.”</p><p>“I love fit Friday, and I look forward to it.”</p><p>“I like that we do it every week, and it is a good way to get the kids here on time.”</p><p>“Fit Friday’s are awesome.”</p><p>“Fit Friday’s are creating a strong community.”</p><p>“Fit Friday’s are fun, and building leadership skills amongst our students.”</p><p>ABC FIT Test Results</p><p>These are the results of the fitness testing that took place in January, and in the end of February and beginning of March.</p><p>Captain Cook: Individual Class Results March 2015</p><p>Intermediate Students</p><p>Level→ Not Meeting Approaching Meeting Exceeding NM/M Division↓ 1 Fitness: 8% 20% 50% 22% 28%/72% Balance: 8% 20% 50% 22% 28%/72% Core: 7% 21% 49% 23% 28%/72% 2 Fitness: 26% 16% 36% 22% 42%/58% Balance: 3% 10% 23% 64% 13%/87% Core: 6% 26% 26% 42% 32%/68% 3 Fitness: 6% 46% 30% 18% 52%/48% Balance: 6% 45% 31% 18% 51%/49% Core: 5% 46% 30% 19% 51%/49% 4 Fitness: 20% 36% 30% 14% 56%/44% Balance: 21% 36% 30% 13% 57%/43% Core: 20% 35% 31% 14% 55%/45% 5 Fitness: 13% 26% 33% 28% 39%/61% Balance: 6% 13% 26% 55% 19%/81% Core: 13% 10% 30% 47% 23%/77% 6 Fitness: 10% 30% 40% 20% 40%/60% Balance: 5% 3% 33% 59% 8%/92% Core: 23% 20% 33% 24% 43%/57%</p><p>7 Fitness: 20% 26% 26% 28% 46%/54% Balance: 3% 16% 40% 41% 19%/81% Core: 10% 20% 30% 40% 30%/70%</p><p>Captain Cook: Individual Class Fitness Results January 2015</p><p>Intermediate Students</p><p>Not Meeting Approaching Meeting Exceeding NM/M</p><p>Level ⟶</p><p>Division ↓</p><p>1 Fitness: 31% 16% 47% 6% 47%/53% Balance: 5% 33% 50% 12% 38%/62% Core: 12% 33% 36% 19% 45%/55% 2 Fitness: 15% 50% 35% 0% 65%/35% Balance: 29% 7% 32% 32% 36%/64% Core: 36% 15% 17% 32% 51%/49% 3 Fitness: 25% 55% 15% 5% 80%/20% Balance: 19% 36% 18% 27% 55%/45% Core: 28% 54% 9% 9% 82%/18% 4 Fitness: 35% 27% 27% 11% 62%/38% Balance: 27% 27% 27% 19% 54%/46% Core: 30% 37% 20% 13% 67%/33% 5 Fitness: 46% 32% 18% 4% 78%/22% Balance: 18% 18% 26% 38% 36%/64% Core: 23% 10% 45% 22% 33%/67% 6 Fitness: 35% 45% 10% 10% 80%/20% Balance: 4% 31% 45% 18% 35%/63% Core: 27% 27% 19% 27% 54%/46% 7 Fitness: 28% 59% 13% 0% 87%/13% Balance: 22% 7% 21% 50% 28%/71% Core: 27% 9% 16% 48% 36%/64%</p><p>NM= Not Meeting</p><p>M= Meeting</p><p>Student Fitness Goals</p><p>These fitness goals were collected from students after our first ABC FIT test. “My first P.E. goal is to improve my basketball. I am really good defensively in my zone of the court, but improving my offensive game play by practising layups and shots but still continue my defensive game play.”</p><p>“My goal is to get better at planking and to get better to not get a rest because I get those sometimes and to get better at basketball and that is my goal.”</p><p>“My goal is to get better at passing the ball. Because it’s hard to pass the ball when lots of people are blocking me. My goal is passing the ball.”</p><p>“My goal is to not sit down in P.E. To actually try and participate, and to run when it is a competitive game instead of walking.”</p><p>“My goal: Planks. Achieve: I will practice doing the plank and be good at it. In Feb I will get it right.”</p><p>“What I want to work on is balance. How I am going to do it: I’m going to stand on each leg for 30 secs each day, and after about a week I’ll increase to 45 secs then 60 secs.”</p><p>“My goal is to stay balanced when I do the balancing test. Plan: Do three sets of 3 balancing tricks.”</p><p>“My P.E. goal is to be more fit. I am going to work really hard by running faster and by not being lazy and by eating healthy stuff.”</p><p>“My goal is to be accomplished for the fitness circuit. How will I improve? I will exercise every day by running and jogging.”</p><p>“My goal is to do the fitness circuit in 10 minutes. I will improve my stamina.” Teacher Survey: The results from the teacher survey in January and March (bold).</p><p>1. How many days do you do daily physical activity with your class?</p><p>1 day (60%) 3 Days (20%)/(20%) 5 days (20%)/(80%)</p><p>2. What level of intensity of physical of activity is involved?</p><p>Light (60%) Moderate (20%)/(40%) Vigorous (20%)/(60%)</p><p>3. How long is the duration of your daily physical activity sessions?</p><p>15 min (100%) 30 min (20%) 45 min (60%) 60 min or more (20%)</p><p>4. Are you satisfied with your participation in school wide physical activity?</p><p>Yes (60%)/(100%) No (40%)</p><p>5. Do you offer brain breaks to your students through out the day?</p><p>Yes (60%)/(20%) No (40%)/(80%)</p><p>6. If you do, how many brain breaks do you offer per day?</p><p>1 (50%) 2 (50%) 3 (20%) 5 (80%) 7. In the morning do you do the brain dance, yoga, exercises or mindfulness with your </p><p> class?</p><p>Yes (60%)/(100%) No (40%)</p><p>8. If you do, do you find your students:</p><p>No difference (20%) ready to learn (20%)/(20%) fully ready to learn (80%)/(60%)</p><p>9. Do you participate with your students during physical activity sessions?</p><p>Sometimes (20%) Usually (20%)/(100%) Always (60%)</p><p>10. Do you feel there is enough time to implement daily physical activity in your day?</p><p>Yes (20%)/(100%) No (80%)</p><p>Student Survey: The results from January and March (bold).</p><p>1. How many days do you exercise during the week?</p><p>1 (20%) 3 (40%) 4(20%) 5(20%) 6 (20%)/(40%) 7 (20%)</p><p>2. What type of exercise do you participate in?</p><p>Running(20%)/(20%) Team Sport (60%) School activities (80%)/(20%) </p><p>3. What level of intensity do you exercise?</p><p>Light (20%) Moderate (60%)/(80%) Vigorous (20%)/(20%) 4. For how long do you participate in your exercise sessions?</p><p>15 min (40%)/(20%) 30 min (40%) 45 min (20%)/(20%) 60 min or more (60%)</p><p>5. Are you satisfied with the amount of exercise offered at school?</p><p>Yes (80%)/ (100%) No (20%)</p><p>6. Do you think the amount of exercise at school is:</p><p>Just right (100%)/(80%) Too much (20%)</p><p>7. Are you a member of a school team or fit club?</p><p>Yes (40%)/(40%) No (60%)/(60%)</p><p>8. Is exercise important to you?</p><p>Yes (100%)/(100%)</p><p>9. Do you enjoy school wide physical activity?</p><p>Yes (100%)/(100%)</p><p>10. What type of physical activity do you enjoy the most?</p><p>Running (20%)/(20%) Playground Play(20%) Team Sports (20%)/(60%) </p><p>Individual Sports (40%)/(20%)</p>
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