<p>SKOPE Wholesale Vendor Setup PROCEDURE - Store Orderable DSD Vendor Setup </p><p>This procedure outlines the steps necessary for Kroger stores to create orders for processing by a DSD vendor. These instructions are applicable for new vendors as well as existing vendors transitioning to the new EDI/DSD process. </p><p>Topics: DSD Vendor Definition Application Systems Affected Process Flow Testing References: “Store Orderable DSD Vendor Setup Task Quick Reference”</p><p>DSD Vendor Definition A store orderable DSD vendor is one where: </p><p>1. Vendor items are set up in PID DSD using the PTID transaction. </p><p>2. Orders are created at store level via CAO/ISO (by catalog, not vendor) and sent to SKOPE.</p><p>3. SKOPE creates an EDI order file.</p><p>4. Kroger EDI transmits order file to vendor using one of two vans – Sterling or GXS.</p><p>5. Vendor processes orders and delivers product to the stores’ backdoor or cross-docks product at the Division warehouse.</p><p>6. Stores receive product at backdoor using established DSD procedures.</p><p>7. Stores are invoiced and vendors paid through the DSD system. IMPORTANT! ← Please read this procedure in its entirety before starting the process. Ask questions of the appropriate application team(s) for process clarification. ← You should schedule an initial meeting involving all players to establish requirements, expectations, and timelines.</p><p>Application Systems Affected Application systems affected by this process are: EDI, SKOPE, PID/DSD, POS Host, CAO, and DSD Host. Store orderable DSD vendor items will be maintained in PID/DSD (PTID). SKOPE will validate items against the PID/DSD database. SKOPE does not provide the following:</p><p>1. Store order history data.</p><p>2. ESI (Electronic Store Invoice) file feed.</p><p>3. CAO (Computer Assisted Ordering) file feed.</p><p>4. CBS (Corporate Billing System) file feed. Store order history will continue to be available in CAO for the established retention period.</p><p>D:\Docs\2017-07-19\0dbeeae6dfc4b0c9c04e74b66ae6cec7.doc </p><p>1 of 6 1/9/18 SKOPE Wholesale Vendor Setup CAO does not provide the following:</p><p>1. CAO does not match the original catalog order with the order received through DSD backdoor system. The DSD to CAO order match logic looks for a vendor/delivery date match between a CAO DSD order and a DSD received order, not a CAO catalog order and a DSD received order. </p><p>2. CAO does not support auto create of these orders if more than one vendor’s items are grouped within a catalog, unless all the vendors within the catalog are pulled at the same time and delivered on the same day. If they are pulled at different times, each vendor’s order must be ISO’d. </p><p>3. CAO support team will limit its research of problems with these type of orders to what is within the CAO system. Questions about order adjustments or actual receipt of product should be directed to the DSD support team. If you have questions or problems with this setup, contact a member of any of the application teams involved in this process.</p><p>Process Flow These instructions will allow a Division to set up a new wholesale vendor with minimal application support assistance. Transitioning a current vendor to this process will require significant application support involvement. Depending on the number of items, this process could take from two to four weeks to test and implement. This process assumes the wholesale vendor has identified an EDI solution and is capable of accepting the standard EDI 850 purchase order format. If NEX is being used for back door receiving, the vendor must be capable of sending a standard EDI 894 invoice record.</p><p>8. Have vendor access the Kroger EDI web site for new EDI partner setup information: http://edi.kroger.com. The vendor should follow the instructions under ‘Getting Started’. </p><p>If the vendor is an established Kroger EDI partner, clarify whether the existing partner ID will be used or a new one created. If an existing ID will be used, its possible that the vendor will receive multiple record formats in the same interchange. The vendor must be able to identify the different formats and process accordingly. </p><p>9. Identify SKOPE catalog to be used for vendor item setup. In general, the catalog determines the polling schedule and CAO processes. The same catalog may be used for multiple vendors, however, there are drawbacks to this approach. If multiple vendors exist within a single catalog, either all the vendors must be on the same polling and delivery schedule or the vendor orders must be ISO’d. (i.e., If you schedule the catalog to autocreate, it will suggest an order for each active item within that catalog if it is marked as “active”, without consideration for vendor.) The more vendors you have within a catalog, the less order history you will have by each vendor as only the last six orders by catalog are kept in CAO.</p><p>10.Codes Table 0235 Setup: Update SKOPE codes table 0235 (KMA Control Catalog Table) on CTBM for your billing division to identify the catalog for DSD processing. Enter your billing division number and catalog in appropriate fields. If your division processes store orders using multiple ‘polling divisions’ (check codes table 0251, Store to Billing Div XRef), there must be a codes table 0235 entry for each.</p><p>Input for additional fields:Input Format=‘0’(zero);Output Format =‘DSD’;OEN fields=blank. </p><p>D:\Docs\2017-07-19\0dbeeae6dfc4b0c9c04e74b66ae6cec7.doc </p><p>2 of 6 1/9/18 SKOPE Wholesale Vendor Setup </p><p>TEC0973 ARCHITECT CODES TABLE MAINTENANCE 11/11/03 15 TRX: CTBM MEN: TECM KEY: 023561561586 10/17/01 PF: ACT: * (Q,U,A,D,P,N,B,F,C,R,X,L,H) ------TABLE NUMBER--: 0235 KMA CONTROL CATALOG TABLE OPERATING UNIT: 615 TABLE ROW KEY-: ROW EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/17/01 </p><p>FIELD NAME K VALUE ------STORE POLLING DIVISION NO K 615 CATALOG NUMBER K 86 EFFECTIVE DATE K 10/17/03 CHANGE TO BILLING DIVISION 615 CHANGE TO CATALOG 86 INPUT FORMAT (SPREAD) 0 OUTPUT FORMAT DSD OEN PREFIX CONVERT FROM OEN PREFIX CONVERT TO </p><p>11.CTC Setup: Enter new catalog on the SKOPE CTC screen (see sample below). Ensure that CAT = new catalog number, CAT GRP = DSD; SRC ID = your billing division number, PRC CD = NSK, FMT/UFT = D. The remaining fields should be set to ‘N’. NOTE: If you are having problems adding DSD in the CAT GRP field, verify that your Management Division has a ‘DSD’ catalog group entry on codes table 0021.</p><p>SKPCTC S.K.O.P.E. CATALOG CREATION 11/11/03 14:0 TRX: CTC MEN: CNTL KEY: 70552 PF: ACT: * (Q,B,F,C,R,X,L,H,ROW=U,A,D) ------BILL DIV: 705 CAT----: 52 SRC ID--: CAT GRP: ------CAT SRC PRC PRT SUR SUR ITM FMT SUR USR ZRO A CAT CATALOG DESCRIPTION GRP ID FAC CD CST FRC DLV DMD UFT CAT ADD P/I ------A 52 VENDOR NAME DSD 705 N NSK Y N N N D N N N </p><p>12.PTWV Setup: Enter vendor partner information on the PID PTWV screen. The PBWV screen has been created to provide a list of existing vendor codes and vendor cross-reference values across KMAs (PF13 from the PTWV screen). This will promote consistency across the Enterprise when assigning these values. If a new vendor code/vendor cross-reference is required, use the established naming conventions as described below. The PTWV transaction must be populated before you can add items to PTID. If you receive the message ‘xxx is not a DSD converted division’ during this process (xxx = your billing division), have the SKOPE representative verify that the ‘DSD Conversion Flag’ is set to ‘Y’ on codes table 0088 (Billing Division). NOTE: You must communicate new vendor cross-reference values to the Kroger EDI team for a vendor to receive its EDI transmissions. This information should be sent via email to </p><p>D:\Docs\2017-07-19\0dbeeae6dfc4b0c9c04e74b66ae6cec7.doc </p><p>3 of 6 1/9/18 SKOPE Wholesale Vendor Setup ‘EDI Coordinator’. Include your Division number, the vendor name, the new vendor cross- reference value, and your phone number. </p><p>Billing Division Your billing division number Wholesale Vendor 3 characters, meaningful value to identify vendor Code Examples are: BUN = Bunzl; SWR = Swiss Rose; PET = Petersons, etc. Vendor Name Wholesale vendor name Qualifier Code Leave Blank Receiver Code Leave Blank Vendor Cross Create an 8-character name for vendor. The first three characters Reference must be 0(zero)SK = 0SK; the next 5 characters should represent vendor name, i.e. Bunzl = 0SKBUNZL; Petersons =0SKPETRN Ship To Duns Duns number for the Kroger warehouse to which product is being shipped (cross dock delivery). Go to the Kroger EDI Website to find value: http://edi.kroger.com. Click on Locations (Duns): Ship-to Warehouse Locations List. Note the Division’s Duns number and the suffix (+4) for the appropriate warehouse. Use this same Duns number for product being delivered DSD to the stores; however, the suffix (+4) should be ‘0000’ (zeros) for store deliveries. Bill To Duns Duns number for the Kroger Management Division to which product is being billed. Go to the Kroger EDI Website to find value: http://edi.kroger.com. Click on Locations (Duns): Bill-to Warehouse Locations List. Suffix is always ‘0000’ (zeros) Vendor Vendor’s Duns number – provided by vendor</p><p>PTWV P.I.D. PID DSD WHOLESALE VENDOR MAINTENANCE 11/11/03 14 TRX: PTWV MEN: PID KEY: 705BUN PF: ACT: * (Q,F,B,C,R,X,L,H) ------BILLING DIVISION-----: 705 QUALITY FOOD SERVICE WHOLESALE VENDOR CODE: BUN </p><p>VENDOR NAME------: BUNZL EDI PARTNER ID: QUALIFIER CODE---: leave blank (FOR SENDING EDI PURCHASE ORDERS) RECEIVER CODE----: leave blank VENDOR CROSS-REF: 0SKBUNZL SKIP CROSS-DIVISION EDIT: __ (‘0’ IS A ZERO) </p><p>DUNS SUFFIX SHIP-TO: xxxxxxxxx xxxx BILL-TO: xxxxxxxxx 0000 VENDOR: Vendor’s Duns number – provided by vendor</p><p>PF13 = PBWV PF14 = PTID</p><p>PBWV P.I.D. BROWSE DSD WHOLESALE VENDORS 11/13/03 08:25</p><p>D:\Docs\2017-07-19\0dbeeae6dfc4b0c9c04e74b66ae6cec7.doc </p><p>4 of 6 1/9/18 SKOPE Wholesale Vendor Setup TRX: PBWV MEN: PID KEY: 705BUN PF: ACT: * (Q,A,U,D,F,B,C,R,X,L,H,S) 0 ------WHSL BIL CROSS- S VENDOR DIV NAME REFERENCE ------S BUN 705 BUNZL 0SKBUNZL PET 705 PETERSONS 0SKPETRN XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0SKXXXXX PF14=PTID </p><p>13.Before items can be added into PID, codes table 0170 (Valid DSD Divisions/Catalogs) must be updated. Call the PID Hotline at 513/762-4568 and tell them you need a new catalog set up for a store orderable DSD vendor. They will need your division number, the new catalog number, and the date needed. PID must set the wholesale vendor flag to ‘Y’. In addition, Step 4 (CTC setup) and Step 5 (PTWV setup) must be completed before items can be entered on PTID.</p><p>14.Set up items in PID DSD on the PTID screen. The ‘Wholesale Ven’ code equals ‘Wholesale Vendor Code’ entered on the PTWV screen (Step 5). The new item data will be sent to POS Host, who in turn will send to CAO, in a nightly batch run. Discuss any shelf tag or order guide issues with the Corporate POS Host team. NOTE: If your stores are currently ordering from this vendor and items exist in PID at the warehouse level, you will need to work closely with SKOPE and PID to transition from PID warehouse level to PID DSD. All items in PID DSD must have a valid page/item. Items with page/item values of 01/01 must be updated or flagged for discontinue. If you type ‘## ##’ in the page/item fields, the system will automatically assign the next available values. (If you are unfamiliar with the page/item update process, call the PID Hotline at 513/762-4568.) </p><p>15.Contact the Corporate CAO team to verify your stores has the correct settings. Send an email to ‘Corp CAO Team’ telling them you are setting up a new wholesale/DSD/EDI vendor and need to have the appropriate MSI flags set for DSD processing. Give them your division #, your name and phone number, and date needed. CAO needs a three-day lead-time to ensure all setup is completed in a timely manner. If you already have a wholesale/DSD/EDI vendor, this step has already been completed. CRITICAL: The divisional data processing department and a SKOPE team member should carefully review all non-SKOPE catalogs (process code = NSK on the CTC screen). This review will ensure these catalogs are not inadvertently affected during implementation. NOTE: Your divisional CAO coordinator will need to change the ‘AUTO RECEIVE’ flag on the CAO maintenance screen from ‘Y’ to ‘N’. The ‘N’ flag will keep the order from auto receiving into the CAO balance on hand on the night of expected delivery. However, CAO will mark the order for deletion since there is no match to an actual DSD received order. If you want CAO’s inventory to be updated with received product, you must line item receive the order through DSD backdoor. If you have questions regarding this flag, contact the Corporate CAO team. CAO can create suggested orders for wholesale vendor catalogs.</p><p>16.Once your division and the wholesale vendor have agreed upon ordering and delivery times, have your Data Processing staff set up store polling schedules. SKOPE will automatically default</p><p>D:\Docs\2017-07-19\0dbeeae6dfc4b0c9c04e74b66ae6cec7.doc </p><p>5 of 6 1/9/18 SKOPE Wholesale Vendor Setup to a process day of ‘8’ and process time of ’12:00’ on the APC screen for catalogs with a ‘DSD” catalog group. Step 4 must be completed before polling schedules are sent to stores. IMPORTANT: After downloading the polling schedules, verify Wholesale Vendor flag is set to ‘Y’ at store level for the new catalog. The flag should be set automatically if the SKOPE CTC screen is updated before polling schedules are sent to stores (Step 4). To verify, login to CAO and access the Catalog Maintenance option. Arrow to the appropriate catalog and press F2. “Wholesale Vendor” should be a “Y”. Hit ESCAPE to exit. If it is not “Y”, you can try sending the order schedule again. If this does not correct the issue, please contact the CAO support team.</p><p>17.In addition to being set up in PID DSD, all items must also be set up in the DSD Host system for backdoor receiving. Your divisional DSD coordinator should contact the Corporate DSD team with any DSD Host questions. If NEX receiving is being used, the Corporate DSD team is available to assist with setup and testing. </p><p>Testing A system test should be conducted between appropriate applications and the vendor before production implementation. </p><p>EDI The Kroger EDI team will establish and test communication links with new EDI partners. Ask Kroger EDI to inform you when this process is complete. In addition, once you’ve scheduled a system test, send an email to ‘EDI Coordinator’ informing them of the date and time. This will allow the EDI team to monitor their processes and alert you of any issues.</p><p>PID/SKOPE/CAO/POS Host Your Division will need to send a test order through the order cycle and ensure the vendor receives and can process the data. If a new SKOPE catalog is being used, Steps 2 through 9 must be completed for the testing. Application support will be available to assist you, if needed. If a current vendor is transitioning to the new process, the application teams will need to assist with the timing of catalog changes, the movement of item data, and system testing.</p><p>DSD Host Store invoicing and vendor payments are processed through the DSD system. The divisional DSD coordinator should work with the Corporate DSD team and the wholesale vendor for necessary data setup and DEX/NEX testing. </p><p>D:\Docs\2017-07-19\0dbeeae6dfc4b0c9c04e74b66ae6cec7.doc </p><p>6 of 6 1/9/18</p>
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