<p>But because which have been with us about with the position to be said of the land, and we have defined the whole globe, now which may be into them indications one by one we will name. </p><p>Out of which then the first two Big Dippers and Dracon, then with Arctophylaca with Corona we will say and him/it, which [Engonasin] is called; </p><p>Thence Lyra with Olor and Cepheus and with the wife of him/it Cassiepia and the daughter of him/it with Andromeda and son in law Perseus. </p><p>We will say also immediately Auriga, from Greeks Heniochum called, Ophiuchus besides when the eagle-standard and the arrow and with the small dolphin, thence we will say there the horse have settled, which [Deltoton] is called. </p><p>With these bodies specified, towards twelve indications we will reach. </p><p>They are this: </p><p>O ram, Taurus, O Geminuses; </p><p>Then the crab with Leon and Uirgin; </p><p>Besides with Libra, the half part with Scorpionas and him/it/theirself Scorpius with Sagittarius and Capricornus; </p><p>The water-bearer but has with Piscs remaining the parts. </p><p>With these specified, with his/her/their rank Cetus is with the Eridan with the river and Lepor; </p><p>Then [Orion] with the dog and with that indication, which [Procyon] is called. </p><p>S/he/it is besides [Argo] with Centaurus and altar; </p><p>Then Hydra with Pisc the southern which is called. </p><p>Of these all men not useless s/he/it is seen the histories to display, which surely or the usefulness towards the knowledge, or will report to the reader the charm towards the delight. </p><p>One. </p><p>Then, as above we have said, the beginning with us is the most great Big Dipper. </p><p>This but Hesiodus says to be to Callistus in name only, with Lycaonas the daughter, which of him/it in Arcadia has reigned; </p><p>And her/it with the eagerness of the hunting induced, towards Diana with himself to have connected, from which not moderately to be beloved near the like nature of the each. </p><p>Afterwards but from Jupiter constricted feared his/her/their of Diana to say the outcome. </p><p>Which more by day has been able to conceal not; </p><p>For I will go with the womb growing heavy, near the day the birth in the river the body weakened with the exercise with might restore, is from noted Diana not to have preserved the maidenhood. </p><p>To which god on behalf of the size of the suspicion not s/he/it recompenses the minor the penalty. </p><p>Indeed rescued with the maidenly shape, into the appearance of the she-bear s/he/it is you consort!, which O Greek is called ~close. </p><p>In that shape of the body Arcada has produced. But as the writer says to Amphas of the comedies, Jupiter imitated the copy to Diana, when the maiden hunting that was pursuing contributory, has pressed together withdrawn from the view of the other. </p><p>Which asked from Diana might have happened which to him/it, which so with the grand womb was being seen, of that to the error it has said to have happened. </p><p>And so near the answer of him/it, into which shape above we have said, Diana turns her/it. </p><p>Which when in the wood that the wild beast was wandering, from the certain of the Aetolian you entice!, towards Lycaon on behalf of the service into Arcadia with the son is escorted and is said into of the law of Jupiter Lycaeus the temple with himself to have concluded with the ibis unskilled; </p><p>As immediately the son has followed. </p><p>And so when Arcads followed were attempting to kill them, the remembering Jupiter of the error has arranged rescued with Callistus with the son inter-out of the stars, and that Big Dipper, the son but Arctophylaca has named, about which late we will say. </p><p>The some also have led, with Callistus from Jupiter might be you press!, I may go to have turned Juno been indignant into the she-bear; </p><p>Which hostile to Diana the hunting made, from her/it killed, and afterwards noted between the stars arranged. </p><p>But the others say, with Callistus Jupiter might have in the wood pursued, it which happens Juno mistrusted, to have stretched, in order that was saying to have seized him/it clearly. </p><p>Jupiter but, where more easily his/her/their error might be covered, into the inverted appearance of the she-bear to have relinquished. </p><p>Juno but in that place on behalf of the maiden the she-bear to have discovered; </p><p>As to Diana the hunting, in order that s/he/it was killing her/it, to have explained. </p><p>Which fact in order that was being examined, Jupiter scarcely to have brought; </p><p>The copy of the she-bear with the stars formed to have placed. </p><p>This indication, as the many have said, kills not. </p><p>And which wish to be somehow about the cause the custom, deny [Tethyn] the wife it of Ocean to receive, when the remainders reach the stars into the setting, which [Tethys] of Juno may be the nurse, to which Callistus will have fallen as the mistress. </p><p>Araethus but Tegeats of the histories the writer not with Callistus, but says to Megistus called, and not with Lycaonas, but the daughter of Ceteus, with Lycaonas the granddaughter; </p><p>Besides with Cetea him/it/theirself [Engonasin] to be named. </p><p>The remainders but convene more above. </p><p>Which thing in the mountain of Nonacrus of Arcadia borne is explained. </p><p>2. </p><p>More small Big Dipper. </p><p>Which Naxica has enrolled this Aglaosthens, says Little Bear to be, one about the nurses out of Idaeas of Jupiter to the nymphs; From each with the name in the city of him/it which with Histo is called, from Nicostratus and companions the agreements, and the port which is there, and more great part of the field Little Bear called. </p><p>This but between Curetas to have been, which Jupiter have been the assistants. </p><p>The some also [Helicen] and Little Bear the nymphs to have been the nurses say of Jupiter; </p><p>And with this thing also on behalf of the kindness in the universe arranged, and the which Big Dippers called to be, our Septemtrions have said which. </p><p>But the many of the wagon have said more great Big Dipper like, and [amaxan] Greeks have called; </p><p>This of which to the memory is the projected cause. </p><p>In the beginning which have envisaged the stars and have placed the number of the stars in each one appearance of the body, not Big Dipper, but two equal which have named concerning Plaustrus out of 7 stars and might be seen especially in the one place, might be had on behalf of the oxes, remaining but might imitate 5 shape of the wagon. </p><p>And so and the most nearest which to this is the indication [Booten] have wished to be named, about which late we will say the mores. </p><p>Indeed ploughed not with this thing [Booten], nor that says to be called Plaustrus, but concerning Big Dipper may be seen as the wagon around the little, the northern which is called, to live, and may be said to stir I may go Boots. </p><p>In which not moderately s/he/it is seen to err. </p><p>Indeed afterwards, about 7 stars as Parmeniscus says,5 and 20 from the certain astronomers placed they are, as to the she-bear the appearance, might be completed not 7 stars. </p><p>And so and that, which before was being called the wagon following Boots, [Arctophylax] said is, and with same times to which Homerus has been, this Big Dipper is called. </p><p>Indeed about 7 ploughing-oxens that says, this to both places in name only and Big Dipper and Plaustrus to be called; </p><p>[Booten] but nowhere Arctophylaca to be named remembers. </p><p>Happens also with the many the err-ing, with which about the causes more small Big Dipper Phoenicia will be driven to, and those which watch this, may be said to sail more true and more careful; </p><p>Whereby, if this is more reliable as more great, not the all men may watch this. </p><p>Which not are seen to understand, about which history it may have the departed account, as Phoenicia will be driven to. </p><p>Indeed the such Milesius, which carefully about these things has sought out and this the chief has called Big Dipper, with the nation the phoenix has been, as Herodotus says. </p><p>Therefore the all which live Peloponnesus, use with Big Dipper with the ancestor. </p><p>The phoenixes but have taken which from his/her/their inventor, watch, and are valued to sail this more eagerly with the examining more carefully, and call truly her/it from the specie of the inventor Phoenicia. </p><p>3. The serpent. </p><p>This with the huge body is showed between two Big Dippers arranged. </p><p>Which is said the golden evils Hesperidum to have guarded and from Hercules killed, from Juno between the stars arranged, because of that you labour! Hercules towards him/it has departed. </p><p>Which usual is valued the garden of Juno to see. </p><p>Indeed says Pherecyds, Juno when Jupiter was leading the wife, Terra to have came bringing the golden evils with the branchs. </p><p>Which Juno admired, you long! for from Terra, in order that in his/her/their gardens was sowing, which were being all the way towards Atlant the mountain. </p><p>Of which daughter when more often about the trees the bad were plucking, Juno is said this to the ibis the guard to have placed; </p><p>This also of the indication will be, because in the stars above that dragon of Hercules the likeness is showed, as explains Eratosthens; </p><p>Whereby s/he/it is permitted to understand hence especially which whoever the dragon to be said. </p><p>The some also have said this dragon opposite from the giants to Minerva to be, when was attacking them; </p><p>Minerva but the seized involved dragon towards the stars to have thrown, and towards him/it/theirself axle of the sky to have fastened. </p><p>And so hitherto him/it with the entangled body to be seen, as recently towards the stars borne. </p><p>4. </p><p>[arctophylax]. </p><p>About this is brought in order that is Arcas in name only, Callistus and Jupiter the son, is said [Lycaon] which, when Jupiter towards him/it into the hospitality had came, with the other meat cut uping on behalf of the feasts to have placed. </p><p>Indeed was desiring to know, if the god was being, which his/her/their hospitality might desire; </p><p>With which fact not more small penalty the disposition is. </p><p>For at once Jupiter, the precipitate table, rouses the house of him/it with the lightning; </p><p>Him/it/theirself but turns into the shape of the wolf. </p><p>But the collected members of the boy and well-arranged into the single s/he/it has given to the certain feeding of the Aetolian. </p><p>Which young man made in the woods when was hunting, unskilled has seen the mother into the inverted appearance of the she-bear; </p><p>As to kill thinking s/he/it has pursued into the temple of Jupiter Lycaeus, with which to him/it which might have constituted, the death was being Carthaginian Arcadus with the law. </p><p>And so when the each was being necessary to be killed, Jupiter of them pitied, has arranged rescued between the stars, as before we have said. This but out of the fact following is examined Ursa, and Big Dipper protecting [Arctophylax] is called. </p><p>The some this Erigons of Icas have said the father, to which near the justice and the responsibility Book the father is valued the wine and the vine and the grape to have delivered, in order that was showing with the men, might be sowed how, and which out of him/it might be born; </p><p>And when was being be borning, how it might ought to use. </p><p>Which when had sowed the vine, and might have made most carefully with the administering blooming with the sickle, the he-goat into the made of wine himself to have concluded is said, and which with the most tender ibis the leaves might see, to have plucked. </p><p>With which fact of Icas with the angry mind to have brought and him/it to have killed, and out of the skin of him/it the skin to have made, and with the wind full [praeligasse], and into the middle to have abandoned and his/her/their companions around him/it to dance to have collected. </p><p>And so s/he/it says Eratosthens: </p><p>[Ikarion] [posi] Protuses you die! [tragon] [orchesanto]. </p><p>The others say of Icas, when from Liberus father the wine had taken, at once the full skins into the wagon to have imposed; </p><p>With this thing also [Booten] called. </p><p>Which when walking about in the boundaries of the Attic, might show with the shepherds, the some of them with the greed full, with the new specie of the drinking induced, are stupefied with the sleep, and one repulse other with himself into the part. </p><p>As the half-dead arrogant members, the others and were speaking was becoming, I have relinquished the poison of them of the arbitration from Icarus given with the shepherds, in order that was expelling into his/her/their boundaries the cattle of them, killed of Icas into the well have overthrown, but as have buried the others explain after the certain tree. </p><p>Which but had fallen asleep, awoke with himself never more well might admit to have rested, and might require of Icas, in order that on behalf of the kindness were being given, the killers of that mind with the conscience influenced, at once the flights have entrusted himself and had reached into the island of Ceuses; </p><p>From which as the hosts received, the residences to himself have placed. </p><p>But with Erigon of Icarus the daughter, influenced with the longing of the obeying, when was seeing to return him/it not and might attempt to pursue, the dog of Icarus, to which Maera has been the name, the howling you might be seen the approaching of the owner to shed tears, has returned about [Erigonen]. </p><p>To which not s/he/it shows most small the suspicion of the deliberate death; </p><p>Nor indeed the timid girl was musting to mistrust unless the father killed, which so many day and the months might be away. </p><p>But holding with the tooths you sing the garment of him/it, s/he/it leads towards the corpse. </p><p>Because the daughter likewise as has seen, with the desperate hope, with the solitude and poverty suppressed, with the much pitied with the tears into same with the tree, under which the obeying grave was being seen, has ordained with the self-hanging to himself the death; </p><p>To which with his/her/their breath of the dead dog s/he/it has appeased the dead. </p><p>Indeed the some have said to have overthrown this you enter! the well with himself, Anigrus in name only; Whereby afterwards the memories have delivered the nobody out of that well to have drunk. </p><p>Fallen Jupiter pitied of which, has designed in the stars the bodies of them. </p><p>And so the many of Icas [Booten], have named [Erigonen] Uirgin, about which [posteriusdicemus]; </p><p>The dog but with his/her/their appeal and appearance they have said Canicula. </p><p>Which from Greeks, which before more great Can emerges, is called [Procyon]. </p><p>The others say these from Liberus father formed between the stars. </p><p>Meanwhile when in the boundaries of Athenians the much maidens without the cause to the self- hanging to himself were ordaining the death, which with Erigon dying had have+ed entreated, in order that with same death the daughters of Athenians were being affected, where him/it/theirself might be soon falling, unless Icaruses the death pursued and him/it avenged they might have; </p><p>And so when it had happened, as before we have said, with the petitioning them Apollo has given the answer, if were wishing to be freed with the outcome, Erigonas might make amends. </p><p>Which she/it with himself had hanged up, have built that with the record inserted paying with the ropes were disturbing himself, as which paying with the wind is moved. </p><p>They have built which solemn sacrifice. </p><p>And so and in private and publicly make, and call it [aletidos], because I may go the father pursuing with the dog, as was oughting the unknown and solitary, they were calling paltry, Greeks [aletidas] name which. </p><p>Besides Canicula emerging with the agitation of Ceuses was bereaving the places and the fields with the enjoyments and was collecting to bear themselves minded with the sickness the penalties with Icarus with the pain, the robbers might have received which. </p><p>The king of which Aristaeus of Apollo and Cyrenae the son, with Actaeonas the father, has petitioned from the parent, might be able to free with which fact with the loss the community. </p><p>Which the god orders the death of Icarus with the much victims to expiate, and from Jupiter to petition, as, with which time Canicula might emerge, the day 40 wind might give, which might heal the agitation to Canicula. </p><p>Aristaeus has made which order and has obtained from Jupiter in order that the etesian winds were breathing, have said which the etesian winds of the some, because indeed every year with the reliable time emerge gone O Greek the year is in Latin; </p><p>The some also have called the etesian winds, because demanded are from Jupiter and thus relinquished. </p><p>But about this in the middle s/he/it will be relinquished, lest we are valued to have forestalled us in all respects. </p><p>But in order that towards the intention we are returned, Hermippus which about the stars has written, says Ceres with Iasion of Thuscus to the son to have lain with, why with the lightning the many with Homerus have said the buffeting. </p><p>Out of these, as Petellids Gnosius of the histories explains I am written, the sons two are born, Philomelus and Plutus; </p><p>They deny which between himself to have convened. </p><p>For Plutum, which will have been more rich, the nothing to his/her/their brother about the goods to have relinquished; Philomelum but unavoidably persuading, the whichever will have had the oxes two to have bought out of him/it, and him/it/theirself chief the wagon built to be. </p><p>And so with the ploughing and with the tilling the fields out of him/it with himself to have fed; </p><p>The mother of which discovered marvelled, as the ploughing him/it between the stars to have placed and [Booten] to have called. </p><p>Out of this but with Parianta they explain the son, which about his/her/their name has called Pariuses and the town [Parion]. </p><p>5. </p><p>The crown. </p><p>This is valued Ariadns to have been from Liberus father between the stars arranged. </p><p>Indeed is said in daylit island with Ariadn Liberus was marrying, this the first the crown to the service to have taken from Venus and Horas, when the all men gods in the marriages of him/it were collecting the gifts. </p><p>But as says which Cretica has enrolled, with which time Book about Minoa comes, thinking [Ariadnen] to press together, has given this crown to that service; </p><p>Which delighted, has rejected not the agreement. </p><p>S/he/it is said also from Vulcan the facts out of the gold and of the sign to the jewels, through which Theseus is valued about the darknesses of the labyrinth towards the light to have came; </p><p>Which gold and the jewels in the obscure were effecting the brightness of the light. </p><p>Which but have enrolled with Argolica, report here the cause. </p><p>Which Book when had obtained from the parent, in order that was restoring Semela the mother from the those belows, and asking towards them the descent, towards the boundaries of Argiuuses might have reached, against to him/it the certain made in name only Hypolipnum, the worthy man of this age, which with the petitioning Liberus might show the descent. </p><p>This but when Hypolipnus had seen the boy excellent with the age marvelling with the beauty of the body to the remainders, the pay you long! for from him/it, which without the detriment of him/it might be given. </p><p>The free but eager of the mother, if had restored her/it, which was wishing to have sworn himself soon making; </p><p>Thus yet, the god to the man not shameful might swear which. </p><p>Where Hypolipnus has showed the decent. </p><p>Therefore when Book towards that place had came and might wish to dismount, had taken the crown as from Venus to the service, has deposited in that place, which Stephanuses is from the fact called;</p><p>Indeed s/he/it has been unwilling to bring with himself, lest the immortal gift of the corpses with the touch was being contaminated. </p><p>Which when had restored the unharmed mother, is said between the stars to have arranged the crown, in order that the eternal memory of the name was being affected. </p><p>The others say this crown of Theseus to be, and with this thing near him/it arranged. For which in the stars is said [Engonasin], that Theseus is valued to be, about which late we will say the mores. </p><p>Indeed is said, when Theseus Creta about with Minoa with 7 maidens and might have came six boys, with Minoa about the maidens the certain Eriboea in name only, with the whiteness of the body induced, to have wished to press together. </p><p>Because Theseus has denied himself soon suffering, in order that which the son of Neptune was being and might farewell against the tyrant on behalf of the safety of the maiden to dispute; </p><p>And so when I will go not about the girl, but about the specie of Theseus the controversy might be made, each you go the son of Neptune might be or not, is said Minuses the golden ring about the finger to himself to have removed and into the sea to have abandoned. </p><p>Thesea orders to refer which, if was wishing to be with himself to be believed the son of Neptune; </p><p>Indeed himself out of Jupiter easy produced to be able to declare. </p><p>And so implored has petitioned the father some of the indication, in order that was making amends with himself out of him/it the birth; </p><p>And at once the thunder and the brightness of the sky of the signs of the signal to have made. </p><p>With the like about the cause Theseus, without the any with the prayer or taboo of the obeying, has abandoned in the male himself. </p><p>Which immediately the great multitude of the dolphins with the sea prostrated oneself, has led with the most gentle waves towards Nereidas; </p><p>From which the ring with Minoas, and from Thetid the crown, s/he/it had taken which with the marriages from Venus to the service, s/he/it has concerned, with the many shining with the jewels. </p><p>The others but say to have taken from the wife of Neptune the crown, Theseus of Ariadna to the gift is said to have given which, when to him/it near the strength and the size of the mind the wife might be permitted; </p><p>This but after Ariadns the death Liberum between the stars to have arranged. </p><p>6. </p><p>[engonasin]. </p><p>S/he/it says this Eratosthens Hercules, above the dragon arranged, about which row we have said, and that preparation as towards fighting, with the left hand the skin of the lion, with the pledge the club holding. </p><p>Hesperidum the guard attempts to kill the dragon, which never the eyes to have covered with the sleep the compulsion is valued, where more the guard to be adjacent is explained. </p><p>Himself where also to Panyasas in Heraclea s/he/it says. </p><p>Of these then the battle Jupiter admired, places between the stars. </p><p>Indeed the dragon has the erect head, Hercules but with the skilful knee of the straining, attempts to suppress with the left foot you capture the skilful part of him/it; </p><p>With the skilful hand lifted as hitting, the precipitate left hand with the skin of the lion, as when especially fighting appears. Although which may be this Aratus denies to be able to explain any, yet we will attempt to explain, in order that the plausible some we say. </p><p>Araethus but, as before we have said, this with Cetea to Lycaonas the son, Megistus the father, says; </p><p>Which is seen, as lamenting the daughter into the inverted shape of the she-bear, with the knee of the straining the diverse palms to stretch towards the sky, in order that the gods restore her/it to himself. </p><p>[Hegesianax] but Thesea has said to be, which with Troezen is seen to raise the stone, which is valued Aegeus under him/it [ellopium] the sword to have placed, and to Aethra of Theseus to the mother to have predicted, lest was sending before him/it Athenas, as with his/her/their strength with the stone lifted, might have been able to refer the sword to the father. </p><p>And so s/he/it is seen to struggle, in order that s/he/it is able which most high, s/he/it may raise the stone. </p><p>Here also about the cause of the some the lyre, the most nearest which to that indication is arranged, Theseuses have said to be, because as learned with the all specie of the skills, was being seen to have learned the lyre likewise. </p><p>And it and says [Anacreon]: </p><p>[agchou] [daigeideo] you have gone Theseuses to the lyre. </p><p>Some but [Thamyrim] from Musas blinded, as they say the suppliant towards the knees lying; </p><p>Some with Orphea from the Thracian women to be killed, which will have seen the beginnings of Liberus the father. </p><p>Aeschylus but in the story, Prometheus [lyomenos] is inscribed which, Hercules says to be, not with the dragon, but with Ligurs fighting hard. </p><p>Indeed s/he/it says, with which time Hercules from Geryon will have detached the oxes, I may be gone to have made the boundaries through Ligurus; </p><p>Which attempted from him/it of the herd to detach, the hands to have collected and the many of them with the arrows to have fastened together. </p><p>But after with Hercules the darts will have failed, with the multitude of the barbarians and with the lack of the arms become exhausteding, himself to have kneeled, with the much I will go with the acceptable wounds. </p><p>Jupiter but pitied of the son, to have looked after, in order that around him/it great the plenty of the stones was being; </p><p>With which himself Hercules to have defended and the enemies to have routed. </p><p>And so Jupiter the likeness of the fighting between the stars to have placed. </p><p>This also with Ixiona of the some with the arms bound they have said to be, which will have wished to report the strength to Juno; </p><p>Some with Promethea in the mountain to Caucasus bound. </p><p>7. </p><p>The lyre is inter-out of the constituted stars here, as says Eratosthens, about the cause, because I initiate the facts about the tortoise from Mercury, with Orpheus delivered is, which Calliops and the son of Oeagrus, of that thing especially eager has been. And so s/he/it is valued the wild beasts with his/her/their art also towards himself hearing [adlicuisse]. </p><p>Which complaining Eurydics of the wife the death, is valued to have dismounted towards the those belows, and there the race of the gods with his/her/their song to have recommended, besides Liberus the father; </p><p>Indeed the conducting has omitted this with the oblivion, as Oeneus in the sacrifice Diana. </p><p>Afterwards then Orpheus, as the many have said, in Olympus mountain, which divides Macedonia from Thrace, but as says Eratosthens, with Pangaeus sitting, might be delighted with the song, Book to have objected is said Bacchas to him/it, which might rend the body of him/it killed. </p><p>But the others say, which you initiate! of Liberus may have watched, it to him/it to have happened; </p><p>The muses but the collected members to the burial to have entrusted, and they have been able the lyre with which especially with the kindness, with the cause of that memory formed with the stars between the stars to have placed with the will of Apollo and Jupiter. </p><p>Orpheus of which had recommended Apollo especially, Jupiter but has relinquished the kindness of the daughter. </p><p>The others but say Mercury, when the first had made the lyre in Cyllen mountain to Arcadia, seven catguts to have built out of Atlantidus just now, which May one out of the number of those might be, which of Mercury is the mother. </p><p>Then afterwards when had expelled the oxes of Apollo, seized from him/it, where might pardon to himself more easily, to the petitioning Apollo, in order that was being permitted to say himself to have discovered the lyre, has relinquished, and s/he/it has taken from him/it the certain little bough to the service. </p><p>As with the hand the holding Mercury, when was departing into Arcadia and might have seen two dragons between himself with the adjoining body other to desire, in order that which to fight between himself were being seen, has exposed the little bough between the each; </p><p>And so they have departed. </p><p>With which fact, that little bough of the peace the cause has said to be constituted. </p><p>The some also when make the wand of Mercuries, make two entangled dragons with the little bough, which beginning with Mercury had been of the peace. </p><p>With the example and athleticses of him/it and in the remainders of this sort with the strivings the little bough they use. </p><p>But in order that towards the intention we are returned, Apollo the acceptable lyre is said with Orphea to have taught, and after him/it/theirself will have discovered the cithara, to that the lyre to have relinquished. </p><p>The some also have said Venus with Proserpina towards the judgement of Jupiter to have came, to which of them [Adonim] might relinquish. </p><p>With which [Calliopen] from Jupiter given the judge, which muse of Orpheus is the mother; </p><p>And so to have judged, that each one was seizing the half part of the year of them. </p><p>Venus but been indignant, which not to himself own might have relinquished, to have objected with the all which might be in Thrace with the women, in order that with Orphea with the love induced thus to himself the each were desiring, in order that the members were rending. The head of which into the sea about the mountain borne, with the waves into the island Lesbum is repulsed; </p><p>Which from these the lifted and is soon burying entrusted. </p><p>On behalf of which kindness towards the musical skill most clever they are valued to be. </p><p>The lyre but from Musas, as before we have said, between the constituted stars is. </p><p>The some say, because the first Orpheus will have induced the boyish love, with the women seen the indignity to have made; </p><p>With this thing from these killed. </p><p>8. </p><p>The swan. </p><p>They call this the swan of Greek; </p><p>Which the many, near the unknown with those the history, have called with the common specie the wilderness [ornin]. </p><p>About which this to the memory is to be projected the cause. </p><p>Jupiter with, with the love induced, might have began to select nor from her/it [Nemesin] in order that had been able to obtain with himself was cohabiting, with this thinking with the love freed is. </p><p>Indeed s/he/it orders Venus to the eagle-standard the imitated himself to follow; </p><p>Him/it/theirself inverted into the swan as fleeing about [Nemesin] flees the eagle-standard and has arranged in the lap with himself of him/it. </p><p>Which with Nemesas not despised, surrounded holding with the sleep s/he/it has stupefied; </p><p>Jupiter has pressed together which sleeping. </p><p>Himself but has rushed away, and was being seen which from the men high flying with the sky, between the stars is to be said the meeting. </p><p>Which lest was being said the falsehood, Jupiter out of the fact has placed that bird and the subsequent eagle-standard in the universe. </p><p>With Nemesas but, in order that which was being of the birds to the specie contiguous, with the months conducted, the egg has produced. </p><p>Because Mercury stealing has conveyed Sparta and has abandoned to Leda the sitting into the lap; </p><p>There where Helena is born, other with the appearance of the body excellent, has named as [Leda] his/her/their daughter. </p><p>The others but when have said [Leda] Jupiter to have lain with into the inverted swan; </p><p>About which in the middle we will relinquish. </p><p>9. </p><p>[cepheus]. This Euripids with the other Phoenicas the son of Ethiopians the king has explained to be, Andromedas the father, the most notable histories have said which to the whale displayed. </p><p>This but Perseus from the danger the freed wife to have led. </p><p>And so in order that the whole specie of them constantly was remaining, him/it/theirself with the each Cephea between more above the stars to have counted. </p><p>10. </p><p>[cassiepia]. </p><p>About this Euripids and Sophocls and the others many have said, in order that boasted it has with himself form Nereidas to excel. </p><p>On behalf of which fact between the stars sitting s/he/it is in the pepperwort plant constituted. </p><p>Which near the failure in duty, with the turning himself universe, is seen with the overthrown head of the iron. </p><p>11. </p><p>[andromeda]. </p><p>This is said of Minerva to the kindness between the stars arranged, near the strength of Perseus, which had freed her/it with the whale displayed with the danger. </p><p>Nor indeed from her/it s/he/it has taken the minor of the mind the benevolence on behalf of the kindness. </p><p>For nor the father Cepheus, nor Cassiepia the mother from her/it have been able to obtain, that the relinquishing Persea might follow the parents and Fatherland. </p><p>But about this Euripids this with same name writes the story most conveniently. </p><p>12. </p><p>[perseus]. </p><p>This with the cause of the nobility and which with the unusual specie of the sexual intercourse might be the son, is said to have reached towards the stars. </p><p>Which sending from Polydect to Magnetas with the son towards Gorgonas, from Mercury, which is valued to have selected him/it, has taken the winged sandals and the hat; </p><p>Besides the helmet, with which the putting-on out of the obstacle was being able to be seen not. </p><p>And so Aiduses of Greek the helmet they have said to be, not as the certain most unknowing-edly explain, him/it the helmet used of the death; </p><p>Which is able to be approved the things to the learned nobody. </p><p>S/he/it is brought also from Vulcan the sickle to have taken out of the steel made, which Medusa Gorgona has killed; Which the fact the nobody has enrolled. </p><p>But as Aeschylus of the tragedies says the writer into of Phorcisus, Graeas have been Gorgonum the guards; </p><p>About which in the first book of Genealogias we have written. </p><p>Which the each with the one eye used are valued, and thus with his/her/their each with the acceptable time eye the watches to have conducted. </p><p>This Perseus, one with the delivering of them, has abandoned removing into the swamp Tritonida. </p><p>And so with the guards blinded, easily s/he/it has killed Gorgona with the sleep stupefied. </p><p>The head of which Minerva in the breast is said to have arranged. </p><p>Indeed Euhemerus Gorgona from Minerva says killed; </p><p>About which with the other time we will say the mores. </p><p>13. </p><p>[heniochus]. </p><p>We say this us the charioteer in Latin, in name only Erichthonium, as shows Eratosthens. </p><p>Which Jupiter when the first between the men horses with the team-of-fours to have joined had seen, it has admired the nature of the man towards the inventions of Sun god to have constituted, because that prince with the team-of-fours between the gods is the use. </p><p>But Erichthonius and the team-of-fours, as before we have said, and the sacrifices to Minerva and the temple in the citadel of Athenians the chief builds. </p><p>About the race of which s/he/it says Euripids thus: </p><p>Vulcan to Minerva with the beauty of the body induced, you long! for from her/it, that to himself s/he/it was marrying, nor to have obtained; </p><p>And to have began Minerva with himself to hide in that place, which near the love of Vulcan Hephaestius is called. </p><p>Where the pursued Vulcan, they bring to have began the strength to report, and when full towards her/it of the enthusiasm that was connecting to the surrounding himself, repelled has showered the pleasure into the land. </p><p>With which Minerva, with the decency influenced, with the foot s/he/it has injected the dust. </p><p>Out of this but Erichthonius the snake is born, which out of the land and has seized with the disagreement of them the name. </p><p>Minerva in certain little box is said him/it as the mysteries protected, towards the daughters of Erechtheus to have conveyed and with these to have given protecting; </p><p>With which s/he/it has forbade, lest they were uncovering the little box. </p><p>But as of the men is the eager nature, in order that there more they desire, where may be forbade more often, the maidens have uncovered the chest and have seen the snake. </p><p>With which fact, with the insanity from Minerva injected, about the citadel of Athenians they have thrown headlong himself. The snake but flees towards the round shield of Minerva and from her/it trained is. </p><p>The other but of snakes only have said the legs to have had Erichthonius, and him/it with the first time to the youth the games of Minerva with Panathenaea to have made and him/it/theirself with the team-of-fours to have run; </p><p>On behalf of which facts between the stars arranged s/he/it is said. </p><p>The some also, which about the stars have written, this with the nation Argeus, Orsilochus in name only, the first the inventor of the team-of-fours have said to be and on behalf of the invention of the stars the place to have seized. </p><p>Some but this the son born of Mercury out of Clytia, in name only Myrtilus, to Oenoma they have defined the charioteer, after the mark of which with the all men the death the parent is valued to have placed the body in the universe. </p><p>In of this left number with Capra to pursue, and in left hand Haeduses formed are seen; </p><p>About which the some thus say: </p><p>The certain Olenus to have been the son of Vulcan; </p><p>Out of this two nymphs [Aega] and [Helicen] you swim, which of Jupiter have been the nurses. </p><p>The others but also have said to be called from these the certain cities, and [Olenon] in Aulid, [Helicen] but in Peloponnesus, and Aega in Haemonia ibis to be named, about which Homerus in Iliadas with the second says. </p><p>Parmeniscus but Melissea says certain to have been the king of Creta; </p><p>Towards the daughters of him/it Jupiter suckling to be conveyed. </p><p>Which will have had not which milk, the she-goat to him/it to have admitted, Amalthea in name only, which is said to have trained him/it. </p><p>This but the twin kids usual to be to produce and almost there with the time to have borne, where Jupiter is to be suckled reported. </p><p>And so near the kindness of the mother and s/he/it is said the kids likewise between the stars to have arranged. </p><p>These but the kids Cleostratus Tenedius is said the first between the stars to have showed. </p><p>The poetical but Amalthea the bride says Jupiter suckled from Themid and; </p><p>With which the mother the power is valued to have delivered him/it. </p><p>Amalthea but to have had the certain she-goat as in the pleasures, which is said to have fed Jupiter. </p><p>The some also have said [Aega] the daughter of Sun god, with the much with the whiteness of the body excellent, to which opposite the appearance of the awful beauty was arising. </p><p>Where the very frightened Titans have petitioned from Terra, in order that the body of him/it was darkening; </p><p>Creta is said to have concealed which with Terra the certain cave in the island. </p><p>Which afterwards of Jupiter to have been the nurse, as before we show, is explained. But with the confident Jupiter the youth, the war against Titans might prepare, the answer is to him/it, if was wishing to conquer, as [aigos] with the skin hidden and with the head to Gorgonas the war might administer, Greeks have called which with the son of Aegeus. </p><p>And so with the made him/it, which above we have declared, Jupiter Titans the overcoming power has gained, and the remaining bones [aigos] with the of goats skin protected, the soul has presented and has entrusted to the stars formed to the memory; </p><p>And afterwards, with which him/it/theirself hidden had conquered, has relinquished to Minerva. </p><p>Euhemerus says [Aega] certain to have been Panuses the wife; </p><p>Her/it constricted from Jupiter to have borne, s/he/it might say which Panuses of his/her/their man the son; </p><p>And so the boy with Aegipana, Jupiter but Aegiochum called. </p><p>Which, which was selecting him/it most, between the stars to the she-goat the cause has arranged the shape of the memory. </p><p>14. </p><p>[ophiuchus], which at our writers the serpent-bearer is said, is placed [suprascorpionem], holding with the hands the middle snake body of him/it involving. </p><p>The many with Carnabonta in name only have said this of Getas, which stitch in Thrace, the king to have been; </p><p>Which with same time of the things has acquired, where the first the seed-germs of the crops with the mortal to be delivered are valued. </p><p>Indeed Ceres with his/her/their the kindnesses might grant to the men, Triptolemum, him/it/theirself of which had been the nurse, in the chariot of the dragons all arranged which chief with the one wheel is said used, lest has ordered with the running was delaying the fields encircling the seed- germs of the all nations to be shared, where more easily themselves and the descendants of them from the wild living might be removed. </p><p>Which when had reached towards him/it, we have said which above the king of Getas, from him/it the first in a hospitable manner acceptable, then not as beneficent the foreign and innocent, but as the most cruel enemy with the ambushes of the capacity, the preparations of the other to reveal, has ruined his/her/their nearly the life. </p><p>Indeed with Carnabontas with the order when the single dragon of them was being killed, lest when Triptolemus had perceived the ambushes to himself to be prepared, with the chariot the protection to himself might expect have placed, Ceres there to have came and rescued to the young man the chariot, with the one dragon I apply below, to have returned, is told to have affected the king on behalf of the begun crime with the penalty not medium. </p><p>Indeed [Hegesianax] says, Ceres to the memory of the men with the cause thus Carnabonta with the stars to have formed, with the hands the holding dragon in order that is valued to kill. </p><p>Which thus had lived stridently, in order that was ordaining most pleasant to himself the death. </p><p>The others but Hercules explain to be, in Lydia at the river [Sagarim] the snake killing, which with you was killing the many men and was bereaving the bank with the crops. </p><p>On behalf of which fact from Omphala, which there was reigning, with the much the preparation relaxed with the services Arguses, from Jupiter but near the strength between the stars arranged. </p><p>The some also [Triiopan] the king of Thessaluses have said to be; Which when his/her/their residence was attempting to cover, from the ancestors of Ceres arranged destroys the temple. </p><p>On behalf of which fact from Ceres opposite hunger, never afterwards with the any crops they are valued to have been able to be sated. </p><p>Most newly near towards the boundary to the life with the opposite dragon, the bad most endured fully, sometime the death of the attainment, between the stars of Ceres with the will the meeting is. </p><p>And so hitherto the dragon encompassed eternal to affect with the penalty is seen him/it merit- worthy. </p><p>Polyzelus but Rhodius explains this with Phorbanta in name only, which is explained with Rhodias with the most great help to have been. </p><p>For when the island of them, with the multitude of the serpents occupied, the countrymen might have called Ophiussa, and in that multitude of the wild beasts the dragon might have been with the huge size, which might have killed most much of them, and Fatherland and might have began to miss then the deserts, the son born out of Hiscilla to Myrmidonas with the daughter is said Phorbas of Triopa, I go with the season conveyed, the all wild beasts and that dragon to have killed. </p><p>Which when especially to Apollo the selection was being, placed between the stars is said, in order that killing the dragon of the praise and memory the cause was being seen. </p><p>And so Rhodiuses however often more far from the shore emerge with the division, sacrifice with Phorbantas with the arrival the earlier times, in order that the such outcome of the unexpected strength happens with the countrymen, such unskilled Phorbanta of the future praise towards the stars to the glory has borne of the fall. </p><p>The many also the astronomers have moulded this Aesculapius, Jupiter of Apollo with the cause between the stars has arranged which. </p><p>Indeed Aesculapius when was being between the men, and the medicine with the other might be better, in order that was being seen not the enough to him/it the pains of the men to lighten, unless also might revive towards the life the corpses, is brought most newly Hippolytus, because with the unfairness to the stepmother and the ignorance of the parent was being killed, to have cured, thus that says Eratosthens. </p><p>The needs have said to have lived again Glaucus of the some Minouses the son of him/it; </p><p>On behalf of which, as with the error, Jupiter the house of him/it with the lightning to have roused, him/it/theirself but near the art and Apollo of him/it I may accomplish the snake holding to have placed between the stars. </p><p>As the certain have said, about this cause is said softly the snake. </p><p>Which when was being collected to cure Glaucus, with the certain of the confining separate place, the stick holding with the hand, when was thinking which was conducting, the snake towards the stick of him/it to have creeped towards is said; </p><p>Aesculapius excited with the mind has killed which, with the stick fleeing hitting more often. </p><p>Afterwards the one snake to the same place to have came is brought, with the mouth bringing the herb, and into the head of him/it to have imposed; </p><p>With which fact,each in the place of to have fled; </p><p>Whereby Aesculapium used same herb and Glaucum to have lived again. </p><p>And so the snake and in the tutelage of Aesculapius and in the stars arranged is said. With which habit the led descendants of him/it have delivered with the remainders, in order that were using with the snakes of the doctor. </p><p>15. </p><p>The arrow. </p><p>The single this about the darts of Hercules they explain to be, which is said to have killed the eagle- standard, which is brought to have hollowed the livers of Prometheus; </p><p>About which to the mores to say not useless s/he/it is seen. </p><p>The ancestors with the most great ceremony of the immortal gods the sacrifices might administer, usual are the whole victims into of the sacred to destroy with the flame. </p><p>And so when near the costs the sacrifices with the poor men were befalling not the size, Prometheus, which near the excellence wonderful of the nature is valued to have moulded the men, is said from Jupiter to have obtained with the refusal, in order that the victims into the fire were concluding the part, might destroy with the living the part in his property; </p><p>And the habit has strengthened it afterwards. </p><p>Which with the easy from the god, not in order that had obtained with the avaricious man, him/it/theirself Prometheus sacrifices the bulls two. </p><p>The first of which the livers when in the altar had placed, one well-arranged the skin connects the remaining meat out of to both places the bull in the bull's; </p><p>The bones but the whichevers have been, has arranged the remainders with the skin protected in the middle and with Jupiter has made the power, in order that was wishing which of them was accepting the part. </p><p>Jupiter but, although has made with the thinking not on behalf of the divine, nor as was becoming the god, which has had to foresee before the everything, but because we build to believe the deceptions from Prometheus with the histories, the each thinking to be the bull, has chosen the bones on behalf of his/her/their the halfs with the part. </p><p>And so after them in the solemn and pious with the sacrifices with the meat of the victims destroyed the remains, which part has been of the gods, with the fire scald. </p><p>But in order that towards the intention we are returned, Jupiter when had learned the fact, has rescued with the mind influenced with the mortal the fire, lest the more gratitude of Prometheus of the gods with the power was farewelling, or not the useful use of the meat with the men might be seen, when was being able to be cooked not. </p><p>Prometheus but accustomed to lie in ambush, was thinking his/her/their needs rescued with the mortal have restored the fire. </p><p>And so with the other with the remote, s/he/it reaches towards the fire of Jupiter; </p><p>With the diminished which and into the stick I conjecture, German farm-worker, in order that was being seen to run to fly not,? </p><p>The stick arrogant, lest the breath blockaded with the steams was quenching the light in the strait. </p><p>And so the men hitherto generally, which the gladnesses happen of the messenger, come most quickly. </p><p>Besides in the striving of the games with the runners they have built out of the likeness of Prometheus, in order that arrogant they were running the torch. On behalf of which Jupiter made with the mortal the equal gratitude referring, has delivered with these the woman, the will of the gods with the all service has presented which from Vulcan made; </p><p>And so Pandora is called. </p><p>Prometheus but in the mountain of Scythia in name only with Caucasus the iron chain has bound; </p><p>Which fettered slave towards thirty thousands of the years Aeschylus of the tragedies the writer says. </p><p>Besides s/he/it has admitted the eagle-standard to him/it, which continually by night might hollow the being born again livers. </p><p>This but the eagle-standard of the some out of Typhon and Echidna born, some out of Terra and infernal region, the many of Vulcan explain made with the hands, and the soul they from Jupiter say delivered. </p><p>But about the loosing of him/it this to the memory is the projected cause. </p><p>With Jupiter Thetidas induced might petition the marriage with the beauty of the body, nor from timid maiden might obtain, nor with that thing less might think to effect, with that time Parcas are brought to have sung the utterances, the nature has wished to be completed which of the things. </p><p>Indeed they have said, the whichever with Thetidas might have been the husband, the son more clear of him/it with the paternal door with the praise; </p><p>Because Prometheus not with the will, but with the obligation watchful, reports the hearing to Jupiter. </p><p>Which feared it, him/it/theirself to Saturn the father might have made which in the like cause, lest was being deprived with the paternal power, the compulsion has stopped the wife [Thetin] to wish to lead, and has concerned to Prometheus on behalf of the kindness deserved the gratitude and has freed him/it to the chains. </p><p>Nor it, which had been sworn, has sent back, empty with the all band O future; </p><p>But to the memory the cause out of and with the which thing, this is with the stone and iron, has ordered to be bound the finger to himself. </p><p>With which habit the men used, where might be seen to make amends with Prometheus, have began to have the rings with the stone and iron restricted. </p><p>The some also have said to have had the crown, in order that was saying to have sinned himself conqueror with impunity. </p><p>And so the men in the most great gladness and victories have built to have the crowns; </p><p>It with the exercises and feasts will be permitted to examine. </p><p>But rather towards the beginning to the cause and perished to the eagle-standard we may be returned. </p><p>Hercules sent from Eurystheus towards Hesperidus bad, unaware to the way reaches about Promethea, which in Caucasus mountain bound to have been above we show. </p><p>From which way explained, the conqueror now towards him/it stretches to make the journey, such as the dragon, about which row we have said, killed might say, and might refer the gratitude on behalf of the kindness. </p><p>For immediately s/he/it has been able the honour which, the low-lying which has returned to the merit-worthy, the men have built, in order that with the victims sacrificed the livers were destroying in the altars of the gods, in order that to satisfy Prometheuses were being seen them on behalf of the entrails. </p><p>As Eratosthens but about Sagitta explains, here Apollo has killed Cyclopses, which have made the lightning with Jupiter, where the many have said Aesculapius killed. </p><p>This but the arrow in Hyperboreus mountain Apollo to have buried. </p><p>When but Jupiter will have pardoned to the son, him/it/theirself arrow with the wind towards Apollo borne with the crops, which there with the time were being born. </p><p>They explain this then on account of the cause between the stars. </p><p>16. </p><p>The eagle-standard. </p><p>This is which is said Ganymed to have snatched and with the loving Jupiter to have delivered; </p><p>This also the first Jupiter out of the specie of the birds to himself is valued to have chosen. </p><p>Which the grounds delivered is the memories against of the sun emerging the rays to stretch to fly. </p><p>And so above Aquarius s/he/it is seen to fly; </p><p>Indeed this the many have moulded Ganymed to be. </p><p>The some also have said the certain Merop to have been, which will have held Coan wine the island with the power, and from the name of the daughter [Coon] and might call the men themselves before himself Meropas. </p><p>This but to have had the certain wife in name only Ethemea, to beget produced of the nymphs. </p><p>Which when will have abandoned to till Diana, begins to be fastened from her/it to the arrows. </p><p>At last from Proserpina I will live towards the those belows abducted to be. </p><p>The bird but with the longing of the wife influenced, the death to himself to have wished to ordain; </p><p>Juno but pitied into the eagle-standard of him/it the body of him/it to have turned and between the stars to have placed, not, if with the copy of the man s/he/it was placing him/it, the memory of the man holding, with the longing of the spouse s/he/it might be moved. </p><p>Aglaosthens but which Naxica has written, the snatched away Naxum conveyed says Jupiter with Cret and to the ibis to be suckled. </p><p>Which after will have reached towards the manly age and will have wished to provoke with the war Titans, to the sacrificing him/it the auspicious eagle-standard; </p><p>With which divination to have used and I may go between the stars to have arranged. </p><p>The some also have said Mercury, some but Anaplad with the beauty of Venus induced into the love to have happened; </p><p>And with him/it the plenty might happen not, with the mind, as the acceptable indignity, to have failed. </p><p>Jupiter but pitied of him/it, when Venus in Achelous with the river was dispeling the body, to have sent the eagle-standard, which the comedy of him/it into Amythaonia of Egyptians conveyed with Mercury might deliver; The pursuing Venus towards the desirous of himself reaches which. </p><p>Which the plenty made, on behalf of the kindness has placed the eagle-standard in the universe. </p><p>17. </p><p>The dolphin. </p><p>This which about the cause may be between the stars arranged, says Eratosthens thus with the other: </p><p>Neptune, with which time will have wished to lead the wife [Amphitriten], and the desirous that to preserve will have fled about the maidenhood Atlanta, I may go the many the question to have dismissed, in these and with Delphina certain in name only. </p><p>Which pervaded the islands, reaches sometime towards the maiden and has persuaded to him/it, in order that was marrying with Neptune, and him/it/theirself has administered the marriages of them. </p><p>On behalf of which fact between the stars of Delphinus s/he/it has arranged the copy. </p><p>And more great this. </p><p>Which with Neptune the likenesses make, of the dolphins or in the hand, or have placed under the foot of him/it we see; </p><p>Which most pleasing with Neptune they observe to be. </p><p>Aglaosthens but, which Naxica has enrolled, says Tyrrhenuses to have been the certain ship owners, which the boy also Liberus the father received, in order that Naxum with his/her/their comrades transported were returning with the nurses nymphs; </p><p>From which him/it suckled and our men in the race of the gods and the Greek many have said. </p><p>But in order that towards the intention we are returned, the ship owners with the hope to the booty induced, have wished have averted the ship. </p><p>Because Book mistrusted, orders his/her/their comrades the symphony to sing; </p><p>With which unheard noise Tyrrhenuses when were being delighted all the way so far, as also in the dancings occupied might be with the enthusiasm, with himself into the sea unskilled have abandoned and there the dolphins are made. </p><p>The thinking of which when Book to the memory of the men had wished to deliver, has arranged the copy between the stars of the one. </p><p>The others but say this to be the dolphin, which Ariona has transported the singer-musician out of the Sicilian sea of Taenas. </p><p>Which with other art might be better and around the islands of the gain the cause might wander, the young slaves of that arbitration more much in the treacherous freedom suitable, as in the gentle slavery to be, have began to think, as with the owner precipitate into the sea, the goods between himself might share. </p><p>Which when had perceived the thinking of them, has petitioned, not as the owner from the slaves and innocent from the shameless, but as obeying from the sons, in order that with himself was being permitted to equip, with which hedge had conquered with the garment, because the nobody might be other, which in order that him/it/theirself his/her/their with the complaint was escorting the occurrence. Which when had obtained, the cithara accepted, begins to weep his/her/their the death; </p><p>With which noise the led dolphins out of the whole sea before-swim about the song with Arionas. </p><p>And so with the power called upon of the immortal gods, over them s/he/it has overthrown himself; </p><p>One Ariona of which has borne removing towards Taenarius the shore. </p><p>The cause which of which memory there with the statue decided is with Arionas, into them the joined to likeness of the dolphin is seen; </p><p>On behalf of which thing between the stars from the old astronomers formed s/he/it is. </p><p>The slaves but, which were thinking himself with the slavery escaped, with the season of Taenas led, from the owner caught firmly, are not with the medium punishment of the disposition. </p><p>17. </p><p>The horse. </p><p>This Aratus and the others many Pegasus, have said of Neptune and Medusa to Gorgonas the son; </p><p>Which in Helicon to Boeotia with the mountain the hoof hitting the stone, has uncovered the spring, which out of the name of him/it with Hippocren is called. </p><p>The others say, with which time Bellerophonts towards Proetus with Abantas the son, the king of Argiuses, will have reached, Antia of the king foreign the wife with the love induced, you long! for from him/it, that to himself was making the plenty, promising to him/it the power of the spouse. </p><p>Which when had been able to obtain not, feared lest was accusing himself towards the king, occupies: </p><p>S/he/it says him/it to himself the strength to have wished to report to Proetus. </p><p>Which had selected him/it, him/it/theirself has been unwilling to accept the punishment, but which was knowing to him/it Pegasus the horse to be, sends him/it towards Iobat, the father of Antia, as the others have said Stheneboea, as that to the daughter the chastity defending, might upbraid to Chimaera Bellerophont, which there with the time of Lyciuses the fields the flame was laying waste. </p><p>From where the conqueror escaping, after the invention of the spring when was stretching to fly away towards the sky, nor might be away far now, disdaining towards the land, with the fear influenced drops and is said to have died to the ibis. </p><p>The horse but to have flown upwards and between the stars from Jupiter constituted is valued. </p><p>Some not accused from Antia, but was hearing not more often which was being unwilling, or might be moved with the prayers of him/it, to have escaped to Argas they have said. </p><p>Euripids but in Melanippa [Melanippen], with Chironas of Centaurus the daughter, [Thetin] before s/he/it says called. </p><p>Which when was being fed in the mountain to Pelius, and the eagerness most great in the hunting might have, with the certain time from Aeolus to Hellenas with the son of Jupiter with the grandson persuaded to have conceived; </p><p>Whenever now the birth might approach, to have escaped into the wood, lest to the father, when was expecting the maiden, might be seen to have produced the grandson. </p><p>And so when the parent was pursuing her/it, is said you long! for from the power of the gods, lest bearing from the father was being observed. Which with the will of the gods after has borne, into the mare you consort!, between the constituted stars. </p><p>The some have said that prophet to have been; </p><p>But which the debates of the gods to the men may be to reveal usual, into the mare to be inverted. </p><p>Callimachus but says, which will have abandoned to hunt and to till Diana, into which above we have said the appearance, that Diana to have turned. </p><p>This is said also with this thing not to be in the view of Centaurus, which with Chirona to be the some have said, and also half to appear, which will have been unwilling to be to be known himself woman. </p><p>19. </p><p>[deltoton]. </p><p>This star which as the letter is Greek in the triangle placed, and so is called. </p><p>Because Mercury above the head with Arietas is valued to have decided therefore, as the darkness with Arietas of this with the brilliance, with which place might be, might be signified, and Jupiter in name only O Greek might design daylit the first letter. </p><p>The some of Egypt the position; </p><p>Of the other, which Nile have said Ethiopia and Egypt might restrict. </p><p>The others have thought Sicily formed; </p><p>The other, because more above in three ways have divided the circle of the lands, have said three angles to be constituted. </p><p>20. </p><p>The ram. </p><p>This is valued to be, which Phrixum and [Hellen] to have transferred said is through Hellespontus. </p><p>Which Hesiodus and Pherecyds says to have had the golden skin; </p><p>About which elsewhere we will say the mores. </p><p>But [Hellen] to have dropped into Hellespontus, and from Neptune bound with Paeona to have produced the many, the some have said Edonus. </p><p>Besides the unharmed Phrixus towards Aeeta to have reached, the ram with Jupiter to have sacrificed, the skin in the temple to have fastened and the copy constituted of the ram him/it/theirself from the cloud between the stars, to have the time of the year, with which the grain is entwined; </p><p>Which will have sowed before it [Ino] parched, which has been especially to the flight with the cause.</p><p>Says Eratosthens the ram him/it/theirself to himself the golden skin to have removed and to Phrixus of the memory the cause to have given, him/it/theirself towards the stars to have reached, whereby, as above we have said, more obscure may be seen. </p><p>This but the some have said in the town to Orchomenus, which is in Boeotia, born; Some into Salonus to Thessalia with the boundaries produced. </p><p>The others say with Crethea and Athamant with the others many of Aeolus the sons to have been; </p><p>The some also have said to Athamantas the son with Salmonea to be the grandson of Aeolus. </p><p>The made of clay but to have had [Demodicen] the wife, the others [Biadicen] have said which. </p><p>This but with Athamantas of Phrixus of the son with the body induced into the love to have happened, nor from him/it, in order that to himself s/he/it was making the plenty, to have been able to obtain. </p><p>And so unavoidably compressed, to accuse him/it about with Crethea to have began, which might say the strength to himself with the penis reported from him/it, and like of these with the habit of the women to have said. </p><p>With which fact Crethea as was becoming the steel and the king of the wife, influenced, of Athamantus in order that about him/it the punishment was accepting to have persuaded. </p><p>The cloud but to have occurred, and the rescued Phrixus and [Hellen] the sister of him/it in the ram to have imposed and through Hellespontus as most far they might be able to have ordered to escape. </p><p>[Hellen] to have dropped and to the ibis the debt soon being born to have returned, and out of the name of him/it Hellespontum called. </p><p>The roasted Colchuses to have reached and, as before we have said, the skin of the ram killed in the temple to have fastened. </p><p>Himself but from Mercury. </p><p>Towards Athamant to be receding deeply, which to the father will have made amends, him/it with the harmlessness believed to have escaped. </p><p>Hermippus but says, with which time Book will have attacked Africa, to have reached with the army into that place, which near the multitude of the dust Ammods is called. </p><p>And so when into the most great danger had reached, which journey unavoidably to be making was seeing, has constituted there, in order that to the water the most great want was being; </p><p>With which fact the army towards the most great desertion was being collected to come. </p><p>Which now might conduct which think, the certain ram accidentally towards the soldiers separately erring reaches; </p><p>Which when had seen, the flight the protection to himself has prepared. </p><p>The soldiers but, which him/it they had have+ed observed, although were advancing with the dust and agitation I have pressed hardly, yet as the booty out of the flame petitioning, have began to follow all the way towards that place the ram, which Jupiter with Hammonas afterwards with the constituted temple is called. </p><p>Where when they had reached, I may collide which followed they had have+ed, nowhere they have been able to discover; </p><p>But which had been with the magic these to be chosen, the waters the great plenty in that place they have obtained, and have announced with the regained bodies to Liberus at once. </p><p>Which been glad towards them boundaries exercised has escorted and Jupiter with Hammonas the temple with the from a ram horns with the likeness made places. Has formed the ram between the stars, thus as when the sun was being into of him/it with the indication, the everything being born might be restored, which with the time of the spring happen, with this thing especially, because the flight of that of Liberus has restored the army. </p><p>Besides 12 the prince indications s/he/it has wished to be, which most good of that to the army had been the leader. </p><p>But about Hammonas to the likeness [Leon], which has enrolled the Egyptian things, says: </p><p>When Book Egypt and might hold the remaining boundaries to the power and in all respects the chief to the men might be said to have showed, the certain Hammon out of Africa to have came and the multitude towards Liberus of the cattle to have persuaded, where more easily and the gratitude of him/it might use and the chief might be said to have discovered some. </p><p>And so on behalf of the kindness to him/it Book is valued the field to have given, which is against the Egyptian Thebas; </p><p>And which make the likenesses with Hammonas, build with the horned head, in order that the men with the memory hold that chief of the herd to have showed. </p><p>Which but have wished to assign with Liberus the fact, which will have petitioned not from Hammon, but may be besides towards him/it contracted, the likenesses those with the horned animal make and say the ram fixed fast of the memory with the cause between the stars. </p><p>21. </p><p>The bull. </p><p>This between the stars to be constituted is said, which will have transported the unharmed Europe Creta, as says Euripids. </p><p>The some say, with it into the ox may be you consort!, in order that Jupiter to him/it was being seen to make amends, between the stars to have placed, more ahead part of him/it may appear which as of the bull, but may be seen the remaining more obscure body. </p><p>S/he/it observes but about emerging of the sun; </p><p>The copy of which mouth which hold the stars, the five stars are called. </p><p>These but Pherecyds Athenian explains of Liberus you may raise to be, I count seven, which also before the nymphs Dodonidas called. </p><p>The names of these are this: </p><p>With the antidote, O Eudora, O Pedilus, with Coronas, with Polyxus, with Phytus, O Thyonus. </p><p>These are said from Lycurgus routed and besides Ambrosia the all men about [Thetim] before- routed, as says Asclepiads. </p><p>But as s/he/it says Pherecyds, towards Thebas Inonuses have delivered Liberus borne. </p><p>As on account of the cause from Jupiter to these the gratitude is referred, because between the stars placed they are. </p><p>Pliads but called are, as Musaeus says, because out of Atlant and Aethra of Ocean with the daughter may be the daughters 15 produced, explains of which 5 five stars called, because the five star of them will have been the brother, from the sisters most much of the selection. </p><p>Which when hunting from the lion it had killed, five, about which above we have said, with the constant lamentations influenced, they are said to have perished; Whereby you may go, they might work which greatest amount about the death of him/it, Hyadas called. </p><p>The remaining but ten sisters to have weighed about the death of the sisters and of them seven death to himself O rent; </p><p>Whereby concerning more they will have perceived it same, Pliadas said. </p><p>Alexander but says Hyadas said, because to Hyantas and Boetia the daughters may be; </p><p>Pliadas but, because out of Plion of Ocean and with Atlant the daughters may be. </p><p>These to the number seven are said, but the nobody further 6 is able to see; </p><p>The cause of which is emerged this, will have lain with which about seven six with the immortals, three with Jupiter, two with Neptune, one with Mars, the remain but of Sisyphus to have been the wife is explained. </p><p>Out of Electra and Jupiter of which Dardanus, out of the May Mercury, out of Tayget Lacedaemona produced; </p><p>Out of Alyon but and with Neptune with Hyriea, out of Celaenus Lycum and Nyctea born. </p><p>Mars but out of Sterop Oenomaus to have produced, as the others to Oenoma have said the wife. </p><p>[Meropen] but with Sisyphus the bride Glaucus to have begat, which the many have said to Bellerophontas I may accomplish to be. </p><p>Whereby near the remaining the sisters between the stars constituted of him/it; </p><p>But which to the man will have married, the star of him/it darkened. </p><p>The others say Electra not to appear therefore, which Pliads may be valued the dancers to lead with the stars; </p><p>But after Troy may be captured, and the race of him/it which from Dardanus will have been, overturned may be, with the pain influenced from these himself to have withdrawn, and in the circle the initial which is said, to have stopped, out of which so with the long time lamenting with the hair spread out to be seen; </p><p>And so out of the fact the comet to be called. </p><p>But the old astronomers separately from Taurus have designed these Pliadas, as before we have said, Plions and with Atlantas the daughters. </p><p>Which when through Boetia with the girls the journey was making, with Oriona the company-of- soldiers to have wished to report to him/it the strength; </p><p>They have fled to have began that, with Oriona but to have followed the years 7 nor to have been able to discover. </p><p>Jupiter but pitied of the girls, the journey towards the stars to have placed, and afterwards from the several astronomers the tail of Taurus called. </p><p>And so hitherto [Orion] s/he/it is seen to follow the fleeing them towards the setting. </p><p>Have called them stars of our man Pleiadeses, emerge which after the spring, and indeed these have more great with the other the honour, the summer is signified which with the indication emerging of them, with the west but the winter is showed, which is with the other not delivered with the indications. 22. </p><p>The twins. </p><p>These the many astronomers have said Castor and Pollux to be; </p><p>Which they explain between of the all brothers the most loving himself to have been, they will have stretched which nor about the rule, nor they will have borne the any thing without the common debate. </p><p>On behalf of which duties of them Jupiter is valued to have placed the most notable stars them. </p><p>Neptune but with the equal debate to have given; </p><p>For they use the horses to which s/he/it has presented and s/he/it has given the power with the shipwrecked to the health to be. </p><p>The others have said Hercules to be and Apollo; </p><p>The several also Triptolemus, we have said which above, and with Iasiona from Ceres beloved and towards the stars borne. </p><p>But which about Castor and Pollux say, add more great this, in order that Castor in the town to Aphidnas is killed, with which time Lacedaemons with Athenians have borne the war. </p><p>The other but, when Lynceus were attacking Sparta and [Idas], to the ibis have said to have died. </p><p>Pollux Homerus to have relinquished to the brother says the half life; </p><p>And so with the alternate days of them each to shine. </p><p>23. </p><p>The crab is said of Juno to the kindness between the stars arranged, which, when Hercules against the water-serpent had stopped Lernaea, might have seized out of the swamp the foot of him/it tenaciously; </p><p>Whereby Hercules influenced, him/it to have killed. </p><p>Juno but between the stars to have placed, in order that s/he/it was being with twelve indications, which especially with the running of the sun are held. </p><p>In the part of that design are the certain the Asian which are called, from Liberus into you testify! Cancruses with the two stars entirely formed. </p><p>Indeed the child from Juno with the opposite madness, the capacity to have fled through Thesprotia is said with the mind, thinking from the oracle of Jupiter Dodonaeus to reach, was petitioning from where the answer, might reach with which more easily towards the former position with the chins. </p><p>But when had came the great swamp towards the certain, s/he/it might be able to go over not which, with the certain small asses with the two against made one of them to have seized is said and thus to be transported, as entirely will have touched not the water. </p><p>And so when s/he/it had came towards the temple of Jupiter Dodonaeus, at once freed to the small asses s/he/it is said the gratitude to have concerned with the madness and between the stars them to have arranged. </p><p>The some also have said to the stupid that, where borne will have been, the human voice to have given. And so him/it afterwards with Priapus to have stretched about the nature and the living from him/it killed. </p><p>On behalf of which Liberus of him/it pitied in the stars to have counted; </p><p>And in order that s/he/it was being known it on behalf of the god, not with the timid man, because s/he/it will have fled Juno, to have made, above Cancrus s/he/it places, which with the kindness of him/it had been pierced with the stars. </p><p>Is said also the other history about Asellas. </p><p>As says Eratosthens, with which time Jupiter, with the war not said to the giants, might have assembled towards them attacking the all men gods, to have came Liberus the father, Vulcan, Satyruses, Silenuses with the small asses borne. </p><p>Which when were being away not far from the enemies, the small asses to have became scared are said, and thus on behalf of himself each the great shout and learning with the giants to have made, as the all men will have concluded the enemies of them with the shout into the flight with himself and thus overcome are. </p><p>To this is like history about the shellfish to Tritonas. </p><p>For he/it likewise is brought, when had hollowed out the mollusk discovered, with himself towards the giants to have brought and to the ibis the certain noise unheard through the mollusk to have sent. </p><p>The enemies but feared not which was being huge the wild beast from the enemies persuaded, might be whose that lowed, to the flight himself to have entrusted, and thus lived into the power of the enemies to have reached. </p><p>24. </p><p>The lion. </p><p>This constituted is said from Jupiter between the stars, which the prince is valued of the all wild beasts to be. </p><p>The some also say more great this, which the first of Hercules will have been this striving, and which him/it unarmed will have killed. </p><p>About this and Pisandrus and the others many have written. </p><p>Above the likeness of which most near Uirgin are the others 7 stars towards the tail with Leonas in the triangle arranged, which the hairs Berenics to be [Conon] the Samite mathematician and Callimachus says. </p><p>When Ptolomaeus [Berenicen] of Ptolomaeus and might have led Arsinos the daughter his/her/their sister the wife, and with the few after with the days Asia attacked the progress might be, to have vowed [Berenicen], if the triumphant Ptolomaeus had returned, himself hair soon shearing off; </p><p>With which vow condemned the hair into Arsinos of Venus with Zephyritidas to have placed with the temple, and him/it with the following day not to have appeared. </p><p>Which the fact when the king scarcely was bringing, [Conon] the mathematician as before we have said desirous to enter the gratitude of the king, has said the hair between the stars to be seen arranged and shows the certain empty from the shape seven stars, might mould which to be the hair. This [Berenicen] the some with Callimachus have said the horses to feed and about with Olympia to send accustomed to have been. </p><p>The others say more great this Ptolomaeum Berenics I accomplish, with the multitude of the enemies frighten greatlying, with the flight the health you long! for; </p><p>The daughter but often accustomed, to have attacked into the horse, and remaining the plenty of the army to have placed, and the many of the enemies to have killed, remaining into the flight to have concluded; </p><p>On behalf of which also Callimachus has said the noble in spirit her/it. </p><p>Eratosthens but says and with the maidens Lesbias I may endow which forsaken to the each from the parent the nobody will have loosened, to have ordered to be returned, and between them to have placed the candidacy. </p><p>25. </p><p>The maiden. </p><p>This Hesiodus Jupiter and says to Themidas the daughter; </p><p>Ploughed but the daughter of Astraeus and Aurora to be valued, which will have been with same time with the bridle of a horse the ages of the men, and the prince of them explains to have been. </p><p>As near the diligence and the justice Iustitia called; </p><p>Nor with that time pretty from the men the outer nations provoked to be, nor with the vessel the any use, but with the fields tilling the life to conduct to have inured. </p><p>But after the approaching of them which may be the sons, them less dutiful, more the misers to have began to happen, whereby less Iustitia between the men to have been consorted. </p><p>Finally the cause to have reached all the way there, while the copper specie born of the men might be said. </p><p>And so now not to have been able to suffer further and towards the stars to have flown away. </p><p>But this Chance of the other, the others have said Ceres, and this more convenes not between them, which the head of him/it too obscure is seen. </p><p>The some have said her/it [Erigonen] the daughter of Icarus, about which above we have said. </p><p>Some but the daughter born of Apollo out of Chrysothemus, and the infant [Parthenon] in name only called; </p><p>And I may go, which small will have perished, from Apollo between the stars arranged. </p><p>26. </p><p>The scorpion. </p><p>This near the size of the members into two indications is divided, they have said the copy of which of the one Libra of our man. </p><p>But entirely the whole indication here about the cause decided is valued: Which [Orion] when was hunting, and in him/it the most trained himself might believe to be, to have said also to Diana and Latona himself in all respects, which out of the land may rise, to kill to prevail.</p><p>Whereby Terra influenced, Scorpion to have sent, which is showed to kill him/it. </p><p>Jupiter but the mind admired of the each, Scorpion between the stars to have arranged, in order that the appearance was being of him/it with the men to the lesson, lest which with some thing of them to himself was believing. </p><p>Diana but near the eagerness with Orionas you long! for from Jupiter, in order that he/it same to that the kindness was giving petitioning, which to Terra besides might have divided. </p><p>And so him/it thus constituted, as, when Scorpius emerges, may kill [Orion]. </p><p>27. </p><p>The archer. </p><p>This the many have said Centaurus to be; </p><p>The others but have denied here about the cause, because the nobody Centaurus with the arrows may have used. </p><p>This but is asked, why with the concerning horses legs designed may be and may have the tail as of Satyrus. </p><p>Indeed the some say this to be Crotus in name only, Euphems of Musas of the nurse the son. </p><p>As Sositheus of the tragedies says the writer, him/it the residence in the mountain with Helicon to have had and with Musas be accustomeding to be delighted, sometimes also with the eagerness of the hunting to be exercised. </p><p>And so on behalf of the deserved diligence the great praise overtook; </p><p>For and most swift in the woods and most sharp in the muses to be made. </p><p>On behalf of which eagerness of that you long! for Musas from Jupiter, in order that in some of the stars just now s/he/it was designing him/it. </p><p>And so Jupiter to have made; </p><p>And when in all respects s/he/it was wishing to signify the arts of that with the one body, the legs of him/it concerning horses to have made, because with the horse the much may be of the use; </p><p>And the arrows to have added, as out of these and might be seen the sting and the speed of him/it. </p><p>The satyr-ic tail in the body to have fastened, because I will go not more small this with Crotus to Musa, as Book with Satyras may be delighted. </p><p>Before the feet of this the stars are little and in the round designed, which the crown of him/it as the some have said downcast of the playing. </p><p>28. </p><p>Capricorn. </p><p>The copy of this is like of Aegipanus. Which Jupiter, which with him/it was being suckled, in the stars has wished to be, in order that I raise the she-goat, about which before we have said. </p><p>This also is said, when Jupiter was attacking Titans, the chief to have objected with the enemies the fear, which [panikos] is called, as says Eratosthens. </p><p>Here also about the cause of him/it more below part of the fish to be the shaping, and which with the purple fishs the enemies may have hurled on behalf of the shaking of the stones. </p><p>Egyptians but poets say the priests and the some, when the many gods into Egypt had convened, suddenly to have reached with same Typhona, the most sharp giant and especially the enemy of the gods. </p><p>With which fear influenced into the others shapes with himself to have turned; </p><p>Mercury made to be the ibis, Apollo but, Threicia of the bird is called which, Diana with the cat imitated. </p><p>To which about the causes they species to be violated not explain to allow Egyptians, the likenesses of the gods may be said which. </p><p>With same time the breads say into the river with himself to have overthrown and more following part of the body the copy of the fish, one but of the he-goat to have made and thus from Typhon to have escaped. </p><p>The deliberate Jupiter admired of which, between the stars the copy of him/it to have fastened. </p><p>29. </p><p>The water-bearer. </p><p>This the many have said Ganymed to be, which Jupiter near the beauty of the body rescued with the obeying, is valued to have made the attendant of the gods. </p><p>And so s/he/it is showed as the water with the ewer pouring in. </p><p>[Hegesianax] but Deucaliona says to be, because with him/it reigning the so great strength to the water will have poured himself from the sky, in order that the deluge to be made was being said. </p><p>Eubulus but Cecrop explains to be, recalling you are begat the antiquity and showing, before the wine may be delivered with the men, with the water in the sacrifices of the gods used to be, and before Cecrop to have reigned as the wine may be discovered. </p><p>30. </p><p>The fishs. </p><p>Diognetus Erythraeus says Venus with Cupid son into Syria towards the river [Euphraten] to have came with the certain time. </p><p>With same sudden place with Typhona, about which above we have said, to have appeared; </p><p>Venus but with the son into the river with himself to have abandoned and there the shape of the fishs with the form to have moved; </p><p>With which fact, with the danger to be freed. And so afterwards Syrians, which are in these places of the neighbour, to have stopped the fishs have eaten, may fear which them to capture, lest with the like cause or the protections of the gods may be seen to fight against, or them themselves to entice. </p><p>Eratosthens but out of that fish says the born these, about which late we will say. </p><p>31. </p><p>The whale. </p><p>About this is said which from Neptune is the sending, in order that was killing Andromeda, about which before we have said; </p><p>But which from Perseus may be killed, near the brutality of the body and the strength between the stars of that arranged. </p><p>32. </p><p>[eridanus]. </p><p>This some Nile, the many also Ocean have said to be. </p><p>Which but wish to be called Nile, near the size of him/it and the usefulness to be most level explain, besides which below this the certain star may be, more aloud with the other shining, in name only Canopuses called. </p><p>Canopuses but the island with the river is beset with Nile. </p><p>33. </p><p>The hare. </p><p>This is said the dog to flee of the hunting to Orionas. </p><p>For with, as was oughting, might have moulded that hunter, have wished also to signify some about the cause; </p><p>And so they have moulded the charm towards the feet of him/it fleeing. </p><p>The some from Mercury constituted have said which, and to him/it the present to be besides the other species galloping, in order that was bearing other, might have other in the stomach. </p><p>Which but dissent from this cause, deny so the noble and so the great hunter, about which and before in Scorpionas to the indication we have said, to ought to hunt to be moulded the charm. </p><p>Callimachum likewise to be accused, which when was writing to Diana the praises, her/it with the blood of the hares to be glad and might have said to hunt them. </p><p>And so with Oriona with Taurus they have made fighting. </p><p>Of the charm but the memories have projected this history. </p><p>At the ancestors in the island I will have smeared the no charm to have been, but out of community of them young certain, with the eagerness you are begat induced, from the outer boundaries the charm the pregnant woman to have reported and borne of him/it most carefully to have attended. And so when s/he/it had borne, with the many of that community the eagerness to have happened and partly with the price, partly with the kindness the traded all men charms to feed to have began. </p><p>Thus not with the long interval the so great multitude of the charms produced, in order that the whole island from these occupied was being said. </p><p>With which when from the men the nothing was being given, into the seed-germs of them with the attack made the everything have consumed. </p><p>With which fact to the inhabitant with the loss of the disposition, with the hunger suppressed they might be, with the common debate of the whole community hardly finally they are said to have expelled them out of the island. </p><p>And so afterwards the shape of the hare in the stars to have placed, in order that the men were remembering the nothing to be so longing for in the life, that out of him/it the pole of the pain which the gladnesses to capture late might be collected. </p><p>34. </p><p>Of the mouths. </p><p>This Hesiodus of Neptune says the son born out of Euryal to Minoas with the daughter; </p><p>Relinquishing but to him/it, in order that above the waves was running as in the land, as to Iphiclus the present is said, in order that was breaking above the awns was running nor them. </p><p>Aristomachus but says certain with Hyriea to have been to Thebas, Pindarus but in the island with the Chian. </p><p>This but, when s/he/it had received Jupiter and Mercury with the hospitality, you long! for from these, in order that to himself some of the free was being born. </p><p>And so where more easily petitioned s/he/it might obtain, the ox to have sacrificed and with these on behalf of the feasts to have placed. </p><p>Which when had made, to have asked Jupiter and Mercury which skin about the ox might be removed, and the urines into the skin to have poured in had made which, and it under the land to be placed to have ordered. </p><p>Out of which afterwards the born boy, Hyrieus out of the fact with Uriona might call which. </p><p>But with the attractiveness and habit the fact is, in order that [Orion] was being called. </p><p>This is said to Thebas Chian to have came and to Oenopionas the daughter [Meropen] through the wine with the enthusiasm inflamed to have pressed together. </p><p>On behalf of which fact from Oenopion blinded and about the island the expulsion is valued Lemnus towards Vulcan to have reached and from him/it the certain leader Cedaliona in name only to have taken. </p><p>Bringing s/he/it is said which to the neck towards Sun god to have came and from him/it cured, in order that s/he/it was avenging himself, Chian to have returned. </p><p>Oenopiona but from the countrymen under the land to be guarded. </p><p>Which after with himself s/he/it might despair to be able to discover [Orion], into the island Creta to have reached, and there to hunt to have began with Diana, and to him/it to promise we have said which above, and thus towards the stars to have reached. The some but say with Oriona with Oenopion near the excessive the connection with the friendship to have lived, and which to him/it will have wished to approve his/her/their eagerness in the hunting, to Diana likewise the promise which above we have said; </p><p>And thus killed. </p><p>The others say with Callimachus, when will have wished to report the strength of Diana, from her/it to the arrows to be fastened together and towards the stars near like hunting the eagerness designed. </p><p>Istrus but says with Oriona from Diana to be the selection and nearly made, in order that was being valued to have married to him/it. </p><p>Which when Apollo scarcely was bringing, and often scolding the nothing might have conducted him/it, with Orionas of the swiming far the only head to be seen observed, stretches with Diana her/it not to be able to send the arrow towards it, the black which in the sea might be seen. </p><p>Which with himself might wish to be said the artist in him/it to the eagerness especially, the arrow sent has transferred the head with Orionas. </p><p>And so him/it when the wave killed towards the shore had expelled, and Diana to have beaten might hurt himself him/it most, with the much fallen of him/it escorted with the tears, between the stars is valued to have decided. </p><p>But Diana will have made which after the death of him/it, in the histories of him/it we will say. </p><p>35. </p><p>You sing. </p><p>This from Jupiter the guard to Europe be adjacent is said and about with Minoa to have reached. </p><p>The wife working is said to have cured which to Procras of Cephalus and on behalf of him/it to the kindness the dog to the service to have taken, which will have been the eager those of the hunting, and which had been with the dog given, lest the any wild beast was being able to disregard him/it. </p><p>After the approaching of him/it the dog towards Cephalus reaches, which with Procras of him/it had been the wife. </p><p>Which that leading with himself reaches Thebas, where the fox was being, to which the present was being said, in order that was being able the all men have escaped the dogs. </p><p>And so when into the single they had reached, the unaware Jupiter might make which, as Istrus says,turns each into the stone. </p><p>The some have said this dog to Orionas to be, and which will have been eager to be hunted, with him/it the dog likewise between the stars arranged; </p><p>The other but the dog of Icarus have said to be, about which row we have said. </p><p>Which have the much intentions his/her/their the authorities. </p><p>But the dog has the single star in the tongue, which is called themselves with Canas, in the head but one, is valued to have decided which [Isis] with his/her/their name and [Sirion] to have called near the whiteness of the flame, which may be of this sort, in order that is seen to shine before the other. </p><p>And so where more they might recognise her/it, [Sirion] to have called. </p><p>36. [procyon]. </p><p>This before more great Can is seen to emerge, but from the several Orionas is valued to be. </p><p>Here also about the cause [Procyon] called s/he/it is, but with same everything to the histories to which Can more above s/he/it is counted. </p><p>37. </p><p>[argo]. </p><p>The some near the speed O Greek have said this [Argo] called; </p><p>Some concerning Argus of him/it will have been the inventor. </p><p>This but first in the sea to have been the many have said, and with this thing especially with the stars to be formed. </p><p>Pindarus says this ship made in the town of Magnesia, to which Demetrian the name is. </p><p>Callimachus but in same to the boundaries towards the temple of Apollo Actius, Argonautas departing are valued to have decided which in that place, which to Pagasa is called, therefore the ship [Argo] to the ibis close-packed is said which first, which is O Greek [pagasai]. </p><p>Homerus explains this same place in the boundaries of Thessalia to be; </p><p>Aeschylus but and the some say from Minerva the certain wood speaking to the same place to be adjoining. </p><p>But of this not the whole copy between the stars is seen; </p><p>Indeed divided s/he/it is from the stern all the way towards the bad, significant, lest the men with the ships broken were becoming scared. </p><p>38. </p><p>The centaur. </p><p>This in name only [Chiron] the son is said of Saturn and Philyra to be, which not only the other Centauruses, but the men with the each justice to have overcome. </p><p>Aesculapium and Achilles is valued to have suckled. </p><p>With the responsibility then and the diligence has effected, in order that was being counted between the stars. </p><p>At this Hercules when was being diverted and likewise with Chiron sitting might examine the arrows, one of them to have dropped above the foot to Chironas is brought and thus him/it to have killed. </p><p>The others but say Centaurus marvelled, which so with the short arrows so will have killed the great bodies of Centauruses, have stretched him/it/theirself the bow attempted, and so out of the hand of him/it the arrow collapsed into the foot of him/it to have happened. </p><p>On behalf of which thing Jupiter of him/it pitied between the stars places him/it with the victim, holding is seen to sacrifice which above the altar. This the others have said [Pholon] to be Centaurus, him/it which with the divination besides the other the most much might have prevailed; </p><p>And so towards the altar with the victim to come with the will of Jupiter formed. </p><p>39. </p><p>The altar. </p><p>In this the first the gods are valued the sacrifices and the conspiracy to have made, when were attempting to attack Titans; </p><p>I may go but Cyclopses to have made. </p><p>From that habit the men are said to have built to himself, as when were thinking to effect some thing, might sacrifice the earlier times, might have began to conduct which. </p><p>40. </p><p>The water-serpent. </p><p>Into which Coruus to occupy and the situated depression is valued; </p><p>About which we have this to the memory the projected cause. </p><p>The raven of Apollo with the tutelage used, with him/it sacrificing, the sending towards the spring has seen the pure water petitioned the many unripe trees of the figs; </p><p>Them awaiting now might become ripe, in certain tree of them s/he/it has alighted. </p><p>And so after the some days with the cooked figs, and from the raven to the many of them with the consumed, the awaiting Apollo the raven has seen with full depression to fly hastening. </p><p>On behalf of which crime of him/it is said, which by day may be gentle, O Apollo, which compulsion the delay of the raven with the other water is the use, here then the disgrace him/it to have affected, in order that how long the figs were being cooked, have drunk the raven may be able not, therefore which the throat may have bored through with those days. </p><p>And so when was wishing to signify the thirst of the raven, between the stars the depression has placed and has substituted the water-serpent, which might delay the thirsting raven. </p><p>Indeed is seen with the beak the tail of him/it most outer to beat, as Istrus but and the many as may allow with himself towards the depression have said to go over with Coronida of Phlegya the daughter to have been; </p><p>This but out of Apollo Aesculapiumprocreas, but afterwards [Ischyn] the son of Elatus with her/it to have lain with. </p><p>Which when the raven will have seen, to Apollo to have announced; </p><p>Which when before bright will have been, Apollo on behalf of the inconvenient message the black him/it to have made and [Ischyn] with the arrows to have fastened together. </p><p>About the depression but Phylarchus writes this history. </p><p>In Chersonesus which is adjoining to Troy, where to Protesila the many have said the grave decided, the city with Elaeusa in name only is said. Into which [Demophon] the certain when was reigning, the sudden desolation happens with the boundaries of them and of the countrymen I interpose marvelling. </p><p>With which thing Demophonta influenced they bring to have sent the remedy of the desolation towards the oracle of Apollo asking. </p><p>I answer but with the present, in order that every year one about the specie of the nobles the maiden with the daylit Penateses of them was being sacrificed. </p><p>[Demophon] s/he/it was killing the daughters besides of the all men his/her/their with the lot led, all the way while to the certain with the most noble place of the countrymen of them with the son s/he/it has very-hurt the beginning with Demophontas. </p><p>Which begins to deny himself soon suffering to choose about his/her/their daughter, unless to the same place the daughters of the king were being concluded. </p><p>With which fact the king influenced, has killed the daughter of that without the lot led. </p><p>Because Mastusius in name only, the father of the maiden, indeed with the eager time has imitated himself the cause of Fatherland not scarcely to bring the fact might have been able to perish afterwards with the lot led nevertheless; </p><p>Which gradually has led the days to the king into the oblivion. </p><p>And so with himself near the most friendly to the king of the maiden the father might have showed, the solemn sacrifice has said to have himself, and him/it and has invited the daughters of him/it towards it making. </p><p>Which the nothing otherwise O future mistrusted, has sent the daughters before, in order that him/it/theirself occupied in civil thing afterwards was coming. </p><p>Which when had happened out of the chosen Mastusius, has killed you rule the daughters and mixed to the developing king on behalf of the drinking has ordered to be given the blood of them with the wine in the depression. </p><p>Which when was desiring the daughters, and which with these the fact might have learned might be, Mastusium with the depression into the sea has ordered to be abandoned. </p><p>With which fact the mythical character, with which that is precipitate, the cause of the memory Mastusium the sea called is; </p><p>The ports but hitherto the depression is called. </p><p>The ancestors of the astronomer with the stars have designed which, in order that the men were remembering the crime the nobody rashly to be able to gain, nor the oblivion of the unfriendlinesses to happen to be accustomed. </p><p>The some say with Eratosthen him/it with the depression to be, where Icarus may have used, with the men might show the wine; </p><p>The others but say the earthenware vessel to be, where Mars from [Oto] and may be with Ephialt of the throwing. </p><p>41. </p><p>The fish the southern which is called. </p><p>This is seen the water to remove from the indication of Aquarius with the mouth. </p><p>Which is valued to have protected working formerly [Isim]; On behalf of which kindness the likeness the fish and of him/it of the sons, about which before we have said, places between the stars. </p><p>And so the many of Syrian fishs not [esitant] and the likenesses gilded of them on behalf of the daylit Penateses till. </p><p>About this and s/he/it writes Ctesias. </p><p>42. </p><p>The remainder is with us to discuss about the stars five, the many which as roving, Oh thus Greeks have said the planets. </p><p>One of which is Jupiter, in name only [Phaenon], Pontic says which Heraclids, with which time Prometheus will have moulded the men, this excellent with the beauty of the body remaining to have made; </p><p>Whenever s/he/it might think to suppress, nor to Jupiter in order that s/he/it was returning other, Cupid to Jupiter to have announced. </p><p>With which fact the sent Mercury towards Phaenon to have persuaded, in order that towards Jupiter s/he/it was coming and of the immortal s/he/it might happen. </p><p>And so him/it between the stars arranged. </p><p>The second star is said of Sun god, have said which of the other Saturn. </p><p>Says this Eratosthens from the son of Sun god Phaethonta called. </p><p>About which the many have written, as of the father ignorantly with the chariot borne, will have roused the lands; </p><p>With which fact from Jupiter with the lightning of the buffeting, into Eridanus s/he/it will have dropped and from Sun god between the stars borne s/he/it may be. </p><p>The third is the star of Mars, have said which of the other Hercules, following of Venus the star here, as says Eratosthens, about the cause. </p><p>Because Vulcan when had led the wife Venus, and near the respect of him/it with Mars the plenty might happen not, in order that the nothing the other was being seen to overtake, unless his/her/their star of Venus has obtained the star to pursue from Venus. </p><p>And so with vehemently the love might rouse him/it, significant out of the fact the star Pyroenta has called. </p><p>The fourth star is of Venus, Lucifer in name only; </p><p>As the some have said of Juno to be. </p><p>This her/it same the evening-star to be called, with the much delivered s/he/it is with the histories. </p><p>This but of the all stars to be most great is seen. </p><p>The some this Auroras and Cephaluses have said the son, with the beauty much excellent. </p><p>Out of which thing also with Venus is said to have vied, as also says Eratosthens him/it here about the cause of Venus to be called, and with the emerging sun and west to be seen. </p><p>Whereby, as before we have said, justly this and Lucifer and the evening-star named. </p><p>The fifth star is of Mercury, in name only [Stilbon]. But this is short and clear. </p><p>This but is valued with Mercury the presents, because the chief will have built the months and the running of the stars will have envisaged. </p><p>Euhemerus but says the first Venus the stars to have placed and to Mercury to have explained. </p><p>42. </p><p>Besides the certain circle in the stars is showed, with the bright colour, the milky which to be the some have said. </p><p>Indeed Eratosthens the unskilled Juno to have given the milk says with the speechless Mercury to the boy; </p><p>But after s/he/it will have learned him/it May the son to be, to have repulsed him/it from himself; </p><p>Thus the brilliance between the stars of the excessive milk to appear. </p><p>The others have said Hercules substituted to the sleeping Juno, and we have said to have made awoke it concerning above. </p><p>Some but Hercules near the excessive greed the multitude of the milk you seek! eagerly after nor in the mouth to have been able to hold: </p><p>Because out of the mouth of him/it pouring, the circle to have signified. </p><p>The others say, with which time the power with Saturn has reported the stone on behalf of the birth, to have ordered to him/it the milk to present. </p><p>Whereby when s/he/it had pressed the breast, with the excessive milk the circle designed, we have explained which above. </p><p>Us but we build to say the design of the all bodies. </p>
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