<p> Easter Sunday Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 April 5, 2015 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13- I shall not die, but live, 35 and declare the works of the LORD. Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; — Psalm 118:17 Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31</p><p>SAVE THE DATE ST. FERDINAND FIESTA JUNE 12, 13 &14, 2015</p><p>EASTER MESSAGE FIESTA MEETING “Yes, tell us again, Mary: what did you see on your There will be a Fiesta Meeting Friday, April 10, 2015 journey? I saw the tomb of one who still lives and the at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. glory of the risen one.” The core of Easter faith resounds through these words. Mary Magdalene, Bands, Singers, Entertainers, Performers! whose love brought her to the cross and who The community would like you to bless us with your gift. watched as Jesus was wrapped for burial, was last If you are interested in sharing your talent during the seen in the Gospel sitting at the tomb. After the Parish Fiesta, give us a call at (818) 365-3967. Sabbath, she and the other Mary came again to the tomb, the abode of the dead, and were the first to NEED DONATIONS FOR FIESTA see it emptied of its power and to experience the Need donations of: 9” styrofoam plates, 16oz. cups, paper presence of the risen one. Each Easter morning towels and napkins & sugar. Your donations of these items Gospel has its own distinctive beauty. The women offset a big expense for fiesta, and are greatly appreciated. arrive at dawn, symbolically the dawning of a new Please bring your donations to the rectory. day in human history. Matthew’s Gospel records that the angel—rolls the stone away and sits on it, GLASSWARE FOR THE DIME PITCH another visual symbol of the victory over death. The Easter proclamation is not simply a happy ending to If you have any glassware such as: glasses, plates and a tragic story. It captures the unending rhythm of cups, that you don’t use at home, bring them to the confrontation with suffering and death transformed by rectory and we’ll use them at the Fiesta for the Dime life. The women were seeking not Jesus the teacher, Pitch game. We have someone that can pick it up but “the crucified one,” and find that death could not from your house, just give us a call! contain him. These women, faithful followers and heralds of the resurrection, have many brothers and CELEBRATIONS AT ST. FERDINAND sisters today who nurture a culture of love and joy in All information regarding weddings, quinceañeras, and the face of death. Fundamentally such people believe baptisms must be picked up in writing from the rectory or that death is not the meaningless end of life, but the from our website: door to the fullness of life with the risen Christ, who in www.stferdinandchurch.org his transformed humanity remains one of us, NO INFORMATION IS GIVEN OVER THE PHONE! wounded and transformed. They are those Christians Domingo de Pascua whose fear does not lead to a distortion of the truth but to joyful proclamation, and who enact a Gospel of joy and life in their daily lives. The women ran from Abril 5, 2015 the door of death to proclaim the word of life. Shall No moriré, continuaré viviendo we follow? para contar lo que el Señor ha hecho. READINGS FOR THE WEEK — Salmo 118 (117):17 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; APARTE LA FECHA FIESTA DE ST. FERDINAND JUNIO 12, 13 Y 14, 2015</p><p>JUNTA DE LA FIESTA Habrá una junta para sobre la fiesta el viernes 10 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. en la Biblioteca.</p><p>MENSAJE DE PASCUA ¡Bandas, Cantantes, Grupos y Artistas! “Sí, dinos otra vez, María: ¿Qué viste en tu viaje? Vi Si usted está interesado a compartir su talento durante la Fiesta la tumba de uno que vive todavía y la gloria del Parroquial, favor de llamarnos al (818) 365-3967. resucitado.” El corazón de la fe de Pascua resuena con estas palabras. María Magdalena, cuyo amor la NECESITAMOS DONACIONES PARA trajo a la cruz y vio como Jesús fue envuelto para el LA FIESTA entierro, fue visto por última vez en el Evangelio Necesitamos: platos desechables de 9”, vasos de 16oz, sentado en la tumba. Después del día sábado, ella y toallitas, servilletas y azúcar. Las donaciones de estos la otra María volvieron a la tumba, ya estaba vacía, y artículos disminuyen los costos de las cosas que más se usan fueron las primeras en experimentar el poder del en la Fiesta. Favor de traer sus donaciones a la rectoría. resucitado. Cada Evangelio de la mañana de Pascua tiene su propia belleza distintiva. Las mujeres llegan al amanecer, simbólicamente el amanecer de un día Vidrio Para El Tiro De Diez Centavos nuevo en la historia humana. El Evangelio de Mateo Si usted tiene vasos, platos, copas o cualquier objeto nos dice que el ángel—mueve la piedra de la tumba de vidrio que no use tráigalo a la rectoría. Nosotros y se sienta en ella, otro símbolo visual de la victoria lo usaremos en el juego de Tiro de Diez Centavos en sobre la muerte. La proclamación de Pascua no es la Fiesta. ¡Tenemos a alguien que lo puede simplemente una conclusión feliz a un cuento levantar de su casa, solo llámenos! trágico. Esto capta el ritmo del fin de la confrontación con el sufrimiento y la muerte transformados por la CELEBRACIONES EN ST. FERDINAND vida. Las mujeres no buscaban a Jesús el maestro, Toda la información referente a bodas, quinceañeras, sino “al crucificado,” y encontraron que la muerte no bautismos deben pedirse por escrito en la rectoría o lo pudo contener. Estas mujeres, los seguidores y los nuestro sitioweb: www.stferdinandchurch.org que anuncian fielmente la resurrección, hoy tienen ¡NO DAMOS NINGUNA INFORMACION POR muchos hermanos y hermanas que nutren una TELEFONO! cultura del amor y la alegría en presencia de la muerte. Fundamentalmente la gente cree que esa ¿HAS PENSADO EN EL SACERDOCIO muerte no es el fin de vida sino la puerta a la plenitud O EN UNA VIDA RELIGIOSA? de la vida con el Cristo resucitado, que en su ¿TIENES PREGUNTAS? ¡Comunícate con Padre transformación humana permanece entre nosotros, herido y transformado. Ellos son esos cristianos cuyo Carlos al tel. (818) 365-3967! temor no dirige a una deformación de la verdad pero a la proclamación alegre, y que decreta un Evangelio LECTOR SCHEDULE de la alegría en su vida diaria. Las mujeres corrieron PROCLAMADORES DE LA PALABRA de la puerta de la muerte para proclamar la palabra All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is de la vida. ¿Seguiremos nosotros? profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS for instruction in righteousness: Domingo: Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – del Señor; Lunes: Lunes de la Octava de Pascua Sábado 11 Martes: Martes de la Octava de Pascua 5:00 PM Jacquelyn Flores & Charles Lloyd Miércoles: Miércoles de la Octava de Pascua Jueves: Jueves de la Octava de Pascua Domingo 12 Viernes: Viernes de la Octava de Pascua; 7:00 AM Sara & Juan Moreno Sábado: Sábado de la Octava de Pascua 8:30 AM Jose & Rose Cárdenas 10:30 AM Cirilo Zúñiga & María Calleros SABADO 11 12:00 PM Agar Dogue & Don Marx 5:00 PM Luis & Jill De La Cerda, Gerald De La 1:30 PM Jose Acevedo & Adelina Alcocer Cerda, Evy Levine, Esther Pérez, Gerado De La Cerda, Lita Natividad</p><p>DOMINGO 12 7:00 AM Maricarmen Jasso, Rita Rubio, Janet Corona, Salvador Díaz, Yolanda Hurtado 8:30 AM Manuela Quintana, Virginia Daniels, Linda Medina, Estela Perallón, Joey Vásquez, Manuel Landin, Connie Umali, INTENCIONES DE MISA Rita Ontiveros, Joe McKenna MASS INTENTIONS 10:30 AM Silvia Hernández, Guadalupe Melgosa, Abril 4, 2015 – Abril 10, 27, 2015 Socorro Alcázar, Juan Carmona, María Carmona, Ignacia Pastor, Adrián Gómez, Sábado Ramona Gómez, Oscar & Jessica 5:00 PM Holy Saturday Mendoza, Juan Hernández Domingo 12:00 PM Edgar & Rozanne Gonzáles, Alex 7:00 AM Salud de la Familia Padilla, Santa Guzmán, Angie Herrera, Laura Ascencio Estrada (RIP), Celestina Ormeño (RIP), Real, Samuel & María Elena Pérez Genoveva González de Urriola (RIP), 1:30 PM Ramona Figueroa, Trini Sánchez, Jose Alberta Urriola González (RIP), Gómez, Luz María González, Armando Tranquilino Sonora (RIP) & María Elena Águila, José Chávez 8:30 AM Dr. Cárdenas and Family, Robert and Maribel Arellano, Marvel Arellano Agustina Supin (RIP), Dominic Dattilo (RIP), Claudia Vaquero (RIP), Ines HELP IS AT HAND Wilson (RIP), Isabel Luna (RIP) Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-540-4000 10:30 AM Sagrada Familia, Benjamín Puebla, Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-978-3600 María Jiménez e Isidro Medina (RIP), Prenancy Counceling 1-818-895-2500 Robert García y María Zepeda (RIP), S.F. Valley “Info Hotline:” 1-818-501-4447 Jesús y Margarita Alcázar (RIP), Familia For questions on how to deal with difficult situations call Espinoza Maciel (RIP) the Victim Assistance Office, Los Angeles Archdiocese, 12:00 PM Tito González (RIP), Cynthia Guerrero Suzanne Healy 1-213-637-7650 (RIP), Manuel Romero (RIP) 1:30 PM María Rubio (Cumpleaños), Margarita Ramos, Artemio Montero Huerta, Daniel YOUR OFFERING TO GOD Romero (RIP), Trinidad Hernández SU OFRENDA PARA EL SEÑOR (RIP), Ignacia y Daniel Díaz (RIP) Last Sunday you donated $13,018.28 to maintain Lunes Pro Populo our parish. The Building Fund received $713. Martes María de Jesús y Ramón Orozco Thanks to all for your generosity. Miércoles Pro Populo +++++++++++++++ Jueves Pro Populo ¡Gracias a todos por su generosidad! Viernes Pro Populo Weekly Events / Eventos Semanales Abril 5 – 11, 2015 Sunday 6:00am Hombres de Fe, Library 8:30am Children’s Liturgy, Library 3:00pm Hora Santa, Church 6:00pm Bingo, Hall EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Monday ======7:00am Mass, Church MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA 6:00pm The Edge, Hall 7:00pm Ministros de Eucaristía, Library Tuesday For more information please email: 7:00am Mass, Church [email protected] or contact Ryan Spencer at 7:30am Exposición del Santísimo, Church (818) 837-5229 7:00pm Social Justice, Hall 7:00pm Divina Misericordia, Church THE EDGE Wednesday The Edge program meets Monday evenings from 7:00am Mass, Church 6:00-8:00 pm in the Parish Hall. It’s a program for middle school youth, ages 11-13 that gives teachings 1:00pm 50 Plus Club, Hall about the Bible and current issues. We also keep it 7:00pm Grupo de Oracion, Hall fun for the kids by playing games that encourage Thursday them to interact with other middle school youth. It's 7:00am Mass, Church free of charge, and Edge is a good way to keep the 7:00pm Mariachi Practice, Library kids motivated to have God in their lives and continue Friday their religious journey with the confirmation program 7:00am Mass, Church after middle school. 10:00am Funeral of Domingo Martínez, Church 7:00pm Fiesta Meeting, Library REGISTER IN THE PARISH Saturday **REGISTRESE EN LA PARROQUIA** 8:00am Retiro de la Divina Misericordia, Hall If you are not registered or have moved to a new 8:30am Baptismal Class, Library address in the parish, or if you are planning to move, 5:00pm Mass, Church please use the form below and drop it in next week’s collection. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **¡Si es nuevo en la parroquia, ha cambiado de dirección recientemente o piensa cambiar de domicilio, use la forma de abajo y déjela en la colecta de la siguiente semana!** Name/*Nombre* ______WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Address*Dirección*______Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one ______another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive Phone / Teléfono______the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your CHECK / MARQUE relationship, rekindle your romance -and renew your _____ Need Envelopes - Necesito Sobres sacrament by attending the next WWME _____ Change of Address – Cambio de Domicilio weekend April 17-19 in Thousand Oaks or June 27- 28 at St. Jude in Westlake Village. Contact Jeanine _____ New in the Parish -- Nuevo en la Parroquia and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better. Casino Night Saturday, April 18th, 2015 Bishop Alemany High School Alumni Hall Poker Tournament, gambling, silent auction, and raffles! Enjoy mouthwatering authentic Cuban food and refreshing Mojitos! Dance the night away to the sounds of Latin Band, Yari Moré and DJ Ish! Tickets - $50 per person. Purchase your tickets early and receive up to $1500 extra in casino money! You may purchase tickets on line at bbcommunity.alemany.org/casino-night-2015</p>
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