<p>CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Application Pack for</p><p>Community Outreach Researcher</p><p>Closing date: Deadline: 3rd September 2015 Interviews: 8 /10 /11 September 2015</p><p>Job description Person specification Application form Equal Opportunities monitoring form</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Dear Candidate,</p><p>Thank you for your interest in working for CoolTan Arts. Please find attached an application pack containing a full job description and person specification, application form and monitoring form. Please make sure that your supporting statement responds directly to the criteria set out in the person specification and that you tell us how your skills and experience meet the requirements of the role by providing evidence and examples where appropriate.</p><p>The closing date for applications is 5.00pm on the 3rd September 2015 and we hope to hold interviews the week of 8 /10 /11 September 2015. Please note that late applications will not be accepted. Also note that we will not accept CV’s on their own.</p><p>Completed applications and monitoring forms, along with a CV should be emailed to [email protected] </p><p>We look forward to hearing from you.</p><p>With Thanks</p><p>Herbie Taylor</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>JOB DESCRIPTION & PERSON SPECIFICATION</p><p>Job Title Community Outreach Developer Location Within CoolTan /Throughout London </p><p>Responsible to Operations Director Terms of Contract 80 hours (per month), salary £4392 (Pro Rata PA) 6 Months</p><p>Job Purpose This post exists for these key reasons: To run creative consultation events with new and existing stakeholders to gain insight into what people with mental distress need as far as services and aid in the linking up of these insights with the delivery of improved services from CoolTan Arts and throughout London. This information then being fed into a Strategic Delivery Plan for the organisation.</p><p>We aim to promote positive mental health/well being, bringing about a change in how participants perceive themselves, enabling people to gain greater focus and to re-establish their relationship with society. </p><p>CoolTan Arts is an organisation dedicated to the de-stigmatisation of mental health by the engagement of people with mental distress working, volunteering and contributing to the public environment. </p><p>We aim to achieve this through quality arts education, well-being and support services.</p><p>Ideal Candidate: Will be confident speaking in public, energetic, a vibrant personable person who is self motivated and enjoys a challenge, excellent team player, with superb interpersonal skills, able to engage a wide range of people, with the empathy and discretion required to work with sensitive and confidential issues. Excellent all round administrative and communication skills.</p><p>A good sense of humour and personal resilience is essential, as well as integrity, enthusiasm and commitment to assist us as we move forward into a new phase of development. They will also need to be a team player, outgoing and able to effectively communicate CoolTan’s understanding of the vital relationship between the creative arts and mental health.</p><p>Tasks and Responsibilities The areas of responsibility fall into these main areas: </p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p> To involve, advocate for and represent CoolTan in community networks, events and forums relating to mental health Monitor, evaluate, and maintain records relating to relevant areas of CoolTan, in order to quantifiably demonstrate to key stakeholders the success of CoolTan’s approach. - [Key stakeholders include potential and current funders, health and social care commissioners, local council, potential referrers to CoolTan within and outside of statutory mental health services] To run scoping exercises to understand and develop what people want who have mental distress, so that we ca understand the gaps in provision Collecting information on adult social care related issues; Community cohesion and engagement; Community safety / crime prevention; Disability issues; Education; Employment; Financial hardship; Health and wellbeing; Skills and Training Passing and translating collated information to Health / Public health commissioners and Social care commissioners alike as well as clinical commissioning groups and GP federations. Build and Increase the numbers stakeholders linked to CoolTan Arts Outreach throughout London focusing on Southwark/Lambeth. Use collated data and information to input into the CoolTan 5 Year Business Plan , yearly AGM report and overall strategic information Have Start to Finish ownership : Create Events, Collect Data , Summarise Data , Use Data at CoolTan Running consultation/workshops events with CCG ‘s, Health Watch, Public Health England and NHS our participants Create interesting events that engage people, i.e. running arts workshop with health practitioners and people with mental health distress together so that health practitioners can understand the benefits of this kind of intervention. Increase CoolTan Arts Reach into Socio Economically Deprived Areas Run Public Meetings and recruit supporters /ambassadors to attend meetings that currently CoolTan cannot attend i.e. CCG , Public Health England , NHS England Create an environment where co production of services is delivered and designed by all stakeholder and participants. Attract new participants from all London boroughs This work will also be needed to input into funding bids and income generation and you will be required to support this.</p><p>Corporate Responsibilities [all posts]</p><p> To be committed to the aims and values of the CoolTan Arts To maintain good communication with colleagues, participants, volunteers and partner agencies Aid in the overall development and enhancement of CoolTan’s work</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p> Display a personal belief in equal opportunities in relation to mental health and apply this in all their work Attend and participate in internal and cross-organisation working groups for training and exchange of information and best practice To work at all times to the organisation’s policies and procedures, especially Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Safeguarding To work continuously to develop user-led models of working, ensuring that participants needs, views and feedback shape the service and inform your practice</p><p>Other responsibilities [all posts]</p><p> To take on additional responsibilities commensurate to the role as and when required To be committed to developing professional knowledge through continuing professional development Be committed to Safeguarding adults at risk</p><p>This job description is not exhaustive; it merely outlines the key tasks and responsibilities of the post. These key tasks and responsibilities are subject to change. Any changes will be made in consultation with the post holder. You will be expected in undertaking the above role to comply with any policies and procedures that CoolTan Arts may issue. This post is subject to an enhanced CRB check.</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>PERSON SPECIFICATION Community Involvement Researcher </p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 Essential Assessed by or Application Form Desirable (A), Interview (I), Test (T) Qualifications/Knowledge 1. DegreeCoolTan or equivalent Arts believes professional mental well-beingqualification is enhanced by theE power of creativity.AI 2. Care of or experience working with vulnerable E AI people 3. Excellent group facilitation skills, able to E AIT accommodate complex and varying needs within the group 4. Experience and skills in training others, including D professional or equivalent qualification 5. Excellent knowledge and skills in using Microsoft E AIT Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook or European computer driving license 6. Ability to Type 40 wpm type speed. D 7. Good numeracy, and experience of collecting and E AIT preparing statistical information for funding applications and negotiating contracts 8. Good oral and written communication skills E AI 9. Knowledge of setting up and managing AI straightforward office information systems Experience 10. A minimum of two years’ experience in an E AI outreach Role 11. Excellent Public Speaking E AI 12. Group facilitation and events experience E AI 13. Project management experience, with a E AI demonstrable track record achieving successful project outcomes and targets 14. Organisation-wide monitoring and evaluation D AI 15. Consolation experience with varied group of stakeholders 16. Report writing using quantitative and qualitative E AI data Skills and Abilities 17. Demonstrable ability to work alongside E AI participants, with an approach that is underpinned by service user consultation and empowerment 18. Ability to motivate, interact with and recruit a E AI diverse range of individuals in the mental health and wider community, including outreach to BME communities 19. An ability to work collaboratively with partner E AI agencies, as well as foster new partnerships with the aim of extending CoolTan’s networks 20. Creative thinker ( when designing consultation E AI events) 21. Be well organised, able to prioritise and adapt in a E AI dynamic and busy office and manage competing We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager deadlines CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 22. Contribute to improvingW: practice www.cooltanarts.org.uk standards andE: [email protected] E AI personal competenceCompany through limited by guaranteecontinuous registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 professional development Personal 23. Able to work some irregular hours as required E AI CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>CoolTan Arts Application form Application number</p><p>Please complete this form in black ink or black type. Please attach your curriculum vitae. </p><p>Post applied for</p><p>Personal details</p><p>Surname Telephone/textphone/fax/mobile (Please indicate which) Other names Home Address Work</p><p>(Discretion will be used if we need to contact you at work) Email (Home) Email (Work)</p><p>Present or last post</p><p>Employer Main duties and responsibilities Address</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Position held Current Salary Date started</p><p>Date left Reason for leaving</p><p>Previous posts (most recent first)</p><p>Employer Main duties and responsibilities Address</p><p>Position held Date started Date left Reason for leaving</p><p>Employer Main duties and responsibilities Address</p><p>Position held Date started Date left Reason for leaving</p><p>Please list other previous posts (please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)</p><p>Date Date Employer from to Job title</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Please complete next page Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary</p><p>Education, qualifications and training Please note: Where a specific qualification is an essential requirement in the person specification you will be required to produce original certificates if you are offered the post. Qualification or course Place of study Dates</p><p>References</p><p>Please give the name and addresses of two referees. One must be your current or most recent employer, or tutor if you are a student or school leaver. Please note references from personal friends or relatives are not acceptable.</p><p>Current or most recent employer Name Name Position Position Organisation Organisation</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Address Address</p><p>Telephone Telephone Email Email May we contact this referee if you May we contact this referee if you are shortlisted? are shortlisted? Yes No Yes No</p><p>Additional information</p><p>Do you have an unspent criminal conviction? Yes No</p><p>(If yes, please give brief details) </p><p>Please note: If the post for which you have applied is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, you will be required to complete a separate form.</p><p>Total number of days absent from work due to sickness in the last 12 months...... </p><p>Reasons for any extensive sickness (10 days & over) ...... </p><p>Are you required to have a work permit? □ Yes □ No If ‘yes’, do you have one? □ Yes □ No</p><p>Are you connected to a business, which trades with CoolTan Arts □ Yes □ No</p><p>If ‘yes’, please state relationship and business name </p><p>...... </p><p>...... </p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Are you related to, or partner of, a CoolTan Arts’ committee member or employee? □ Yes □ No</p><p>If ‘yes’, please state the name(s), relationship and if an employee, their job title</p><p>Personal statement Please explain why you are applying for this post. Refer to the job description and person specification and continue on a separate sheet if necessary</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Declaration I confirm that the details given in this form are correct and understand that any false declaration may result in disciplinary action being taken, which could result in my dismissal from post. </p><p>I hereby explicitly consent to CoolTan Arts holding my personal details within a manual or electronic filing system in relation to the Data Protection Act, 1998.</p><p>Signature Date</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>Equal Opportunities Monitoring Information</p><p>PLEASE NOTE: THIS WILL BE SEPARATED FROM YOUR APPLICATION FORM PRIOR TO SHORTLISTING</p><p>Confidential Please complete in black ink and return with your completed application form </p><p>In accordance with CoolTan Arts equal opportunities policy, CoolTan Arts will select new employees on job-related criteria only: that is, the ability to meet the criteria of the job as outlined in the person specification.</p><p>The questions below will help CoolTan Arts monitor the effectiveness of its equal opportunities policy and to address areas of under- representation. The information, which you supply on this form will be used for statistical purposes and will be detached from the application form prior to shortlisting. Please, therefore, complete all questions by ticking the appropriate response or entering the information requested.</p><p>Full name</p><p>Post applied for</p><p>How did you hear about this vacancy?</p><p> Advertisement in newspaper Newspaper (please specify)……………………………………………………….</p><p> Job centre</p><p> Employment agency (please specify)………………………………..</p><p> Friend/relative/colleague</p><p> Internal advert through the charity</p><p> CoolTan Arts website</p><p> Other (please specify)………………………………</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p> Website www.cooltanarts.org.uk</p><p>Registered charity number 1064231. A company limited by guarantee and registered in England no. 3244552</p><p>Age Date of birth</p><p>Gender Male Female</p><p>Marital Single Married or in a Civil Status Partnership</p><p>Please indicate how you prefer to describe your ethnic origin.</p><p>Note: These are categories recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality</p><p> Bangladeshi Black African Black Caribbean Black other (please specify)……………………………… Chinese Indian Irish Pakistani White Other (please specify)………………………………</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552 CoolTan Arts believes mental well-being is enhanced by the power of creativity.</p><p>For employment purposes, a disabled person is defined as a person with a physical, sensory or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day- to-day activities.</p><p>For employment purposes, are you disabled? Yes No</p><p>Please state the nature of your disability</p><p>We are proud to have as Patrons: Maggi Hambling , Ali Smith, Clare Allen and Rosemary Shrager CoolTan Arts Registered charity number 1064231 Unit B 237 Walworth Rd LONDON SE17 1RL T: 0207 701 2696 M: 07952 481 566 W: www.cooltanarts.org.uk E: [email protected] Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales reg. 3244552</p>
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