<p> HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL</p><p>MINUTES OF THE PLANNING A COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 12 JANUARY 2016 AT THE TOWN HALL</p><p>Present: Councillor Williams (Chairman) Councillors Gilham, Martyn and Weaver (substituting for Councillor Cash)</p><p>Apologies: Councillor Cash</p><p>Absent: None</p><p>In attendance: Heather Scott, Planning, Information and Facilities Officer 10 Members of the public</p><p>“Informed by the information available, the following decisions were taken by the Harpenden Town Councillors. Those Councillors who are also serving on the District Council will also consider the matter afresh at district level in the light of all the evidence including the relevant officer’s report”.</p><p>100. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE.</p><p>Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Cash. Councillor Weaver substituted for Councillor Cash. </p><p>101. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST</p><p>There were no disclosures of interest. </p><p>102. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING A COMMITTEE HELD ON 08 DECEMBER 2015.</p><p>The Minutes of the meeting held on the 08 December 2015, previously circulated, were duly signed as a correct record.</p><p>103. PUBLIC QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 61.</p><p>There were no public questions.</p><p>104. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 18/12/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 08/01/2016. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 25/12/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 15/01/2016. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 31/12/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 22/01/2016.</p><p>The Committees recommendations are attached as APPENDIX A</p><p>105. LETTERS OF OBJECTION</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx The letters of objection were duly noted by the Committee. </p><p>106. APPEALS</p><p>There were no appeals received for consideration by the Committee.</p><p>107. PRIOR NOTIFICATIONS</p><p>There were no prior notifications received for consideration by the Committee.</p><p>108. LIST OF WEEKLY ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL DECISIONS.</p><p>The decisions list was duly noted by the Committee. </p><p>109. APPLICATION FOR TREE WORKS</p><p>The applications for tree works were noted by the Committee.</p><p>110. DATE OF NEXT MEETING St Albans District Council Planning (Development Control) Committee North meeting to be held on Monday 01 February 2016.</p><p>Planning B Committee meeting to be held on Monday 26 January 2016. Heritage, Cooley, Calle and Canfield.</p><p>111. CLOSE 10.10 p.m.</p><p>…………………………………………………</p><p>Chairman</p><p>…………………………………………………</p><p>Date</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL APPENDIX A APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 18/12/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 08/01/2016. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 25/12/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 15/01/2016. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 01/01/2016. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 22/01/2016.</p><p>______Ref: 5/15/3321 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Temporary storage container (resubmission following invalid application 5/2015/2463) at Batford Springs Local Nature Reserve Lower Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire For Mr John Bagshaw</p><p>It was RESOLVED: COMMITTEE UNABLE TO COMMENT AS HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL ARE THE APPLICANT. ______Ref: 5/15/3367 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 3 (samples of materials) and 9 (details of hard and soft landscaping) of planning permission 5/2014/2622 dated 13/11/2014 for the Construction of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings with habitable basement and loft accommodation, two rear dormers and rooflights, one rooflight to front, four new vehicle crossovers, associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling at 46-48 Crossway Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4QU For Mr Sean Harries</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3391 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Change of use of land to Class C3 (dwellings) and erection of two, three bedroom detached dwellings with associated parking and landscaping (resubmission following refusal of 5/2015/2547) at The Malta PH 110 Lower Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5AH For Mr Patrick Stell</p><p>Mr Patrick Stell, Applicant, spoke for the application.</p><p>It was RESOLVED: THE COMMITTEE CONSIDERED THAT THE PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVE BEEN LARGELY MET, HOWEVER, EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PARKING PROVISION FOR THE DWELLINGS IS STILL INADEQUATE PARTICULARLY IN VIEW OF LOCAL LEVELS OF CAR OWNERSHIP. POLICY 40 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN AND PARA 39 OF THE NPPF REFER. ______Ref: 5/15/3377 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Raising of the roof, loft conversion, front, rear and side dormer windows with front and rear rooflights (resubmission following refusal of 5/2015/2483) at 9 Woodlands 04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 3BY For Mrs Liz Beedie</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS.</p><p>______Ref: 5/15/3384 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Construction of new single storey ground floor bay window over existing opening, one pair french windows to be installed in bay window at 46 Falconers Field Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 3ET For Mr & Mrs Rogerson</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/2969 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Single storey rear part first floor side and rear extension with two front facing dormer windows. Partial garage conversion and alterations to openings. Extension of front and side of roof at 8 Fairway Close Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2NN For Mrs Gemma Schofield</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NO. 10 FAIRWAY CLOSE. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/15/3389 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Two storey, six bed, detached dwelling with habitable roof, detached garage and associated landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling at 1 Hatching Green Close Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2LA For Mr Ryan O'Neil</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN. ______Ref: 5/15/3420 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Condition 3 (samples of materials) of planning permission 5/2015/2001 dated 29/10/2015 for Erection of brick wall following the removal of existing wooden fence at 8 High Elms Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2JU For Mrs Fiona Green</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/2354 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Advertisement Consent - Display of three internally illuminated and two non-</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx illuminated fascia signs, one non-illuminated printed vinyl sign and two internally illuminated totem signs at 17 Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2UA For Mr Paul Brayley</p><p>It was RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. THE COMMITTEE ARE NOT IN FAVOUR OF INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE IN THE HARPENDEN CONSERVATION AREA AND THE PROPOSED SIGNAGE WOULD ADD FURTHER LIGHT POLLUTION IN THIS AREA OF LUTON ROAD. POLICIES 78, 85 AND 90 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/15/3270 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Raising and alteration to roof to create two storey dwelling and habitable roof accommodation with two rear dormer windows. Two storey front and side extension, replacement of single storey side roof with rooflights. Alterations to openings at 16 Kirkdale Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2PT For Mr Frank Johnson</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES, POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS AND COMPLIANCE WITH POLICY 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN. ______Ref: 5/15/3273 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Front porch, two storey front and rear extension, alteration to garage, demolition of conservatory and alterations to openings and widening of hardstanding and access at 25a Townsend Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2QR For Mr & Mrs Thomas & Libby Hynes</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES, POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS AND COMPLIANCE WITH POLICY 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN. ______Ref: 5/15/3406 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Part single and part double front extension, alterations to existing rear extension with rooflight at 69 Crabtree Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5PX For Ms Carol Bill</p><p>It was RESOLVED: THE COMMITTEE EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PROPOSED TWO STOREY FRONT EXTENSION COULD HAVE AN UNACCEPTABLE IMPACT ON THE STREETSCENE AND COULD SET A PRECEDENCE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. POLICY 72 (i), (ii) AND (vi) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/15/3407 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Roof extension to existing two blocks of flats to incorporate additional fourth storey accommodation comprising in total of four apartments, erection of entrance gates </p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx and additional car parking and cycle store at Stakers Court Milton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5PA For Mr Peter Bradley</p><p>Ms Lesley Harrison, 21 Stakers Court, spoke against the application.</p><p>It was RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. THE COMMITTEE FEEL THE PROPOSED ROOF EXTENSIONS ARE AN UNACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEVELOPMENT IN THIS AREA. AS A RESULT OF THE MULTIPLE ASPECTS OF THE EXISTING FLATS, THE PROPOSED ROOF FORM AND BALCONIES WILL RESULT IN ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE CURRENT OCCUPIERS OF STAKERS COURT IN TERMS OF LOSS OF LIGHT AND AMENITY. POLICY 69 (i), 72 (i) AND (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS.</p><p>IT IS CONSIDERED THAT THE PROPOSED ADDITIONAL 4 PARKING SPACES FOR THE 4 FLATS IS INADEQUATE IN A LOCATION WHICH IS ALREADY STRETCHED WITH PROVIDING SUFFICIENT PARKING FOR THE EXISTING OCCUPIERS. THE COMMITTEE ARE DISAPPOINTED THAT THE DEVELOPER HAS NOT LOOKED TO WORK WITH THE EXISTING LEASEHOLDERS TO RE-PROVIDE THE UNDERUSED GARAGES THAT FAIL TO MEET CONTEMPORARY NEEDS. POLICY 40 AND 72 (iv) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS.</p><p>THE COMMITTEE ALSO EXPRESS CONCERN OVER THE PROPOSED ENTRANCE GATES WHICH COULD LEAD TO HIGHWAY CONFLICT WITH VEHICLES WISHING TO ACCESS THE SITE AND UNCERTAINTY REGARDING PROPOSALS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION ACCESS POLICY 34 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS.</p><p>______Ref: 5/15/3411 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Discharge of Condition 3 (sample of materials) of planning permission 5/2015/1938 dated 15/09/2015 for Ground surface alterations of two courts from grass to all weather at Harpenden Lawn Tennis Club Amenbury Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2EF For Harpenden Lawn Tennis Club </p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3462 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Conversion of existing conservatory to habitable room with pyramid light over at 11 Holly Walk Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5RG For Mr & Mrs Himpfen</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx Ref: 5/15/3195 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Part single, part two storey front and part single, part first floor rear extensions, rear rooflight and alterations to openings, new chimney at 29 Ambrose Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4DG For Mr James Mountain</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/15/3459 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 2 (samples of materials), 3 (details of tree protection), 4 (landscape design proposals) and 5 (soft landscape works) of planning permission 5/2015/2378 dated 09/10/2015 for Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a five bedroom, two storey detached dwelling with a basement, accommodation in the roof and associated parking and landscaping works (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2015/2341) at 13 Hammondswick Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2NR For Mr Russell Mackie</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3200 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Non Material Amendment - Rear Juliet balcony, front and rear rooflights and alterations to openings to planning permission 5/2015/0786 dated 27/08/2015 for Two storey rear extension, single storey front and rear extensions, first floor side extension, raising of roof to form accommodation in the loft space and rooflights at 16 Gilpin Green Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5NR For Mr & Mrs Cramb</p><p>It was RESOLVED: THE APPLICATION HAD ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED BY THE MEETING DATE. ______Ref: 5/15/3442 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Single storey rear extension at 32 Aplins Close Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2QB For Mr & Mrs Arthur O'Donnell</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3443 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Two storey side extension and part single, part two rear extension with rooflights (resubmission following refusal of 5/2015/2445) at 66 Crabtree Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5NS For Mr T and Dr S Barker</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO THE PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL BEING FULLY ADDRESSED. ______</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx ______Ref: 5/15/3447 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two semi detached dwellings with habitable roof space associated landscaping and amenity space at 26 Hollybush Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4BA For Mr Kevin McBride</p><p>Mr Scott Moore, representative for applicant, spoke for the application.</p><p>It was RESOLVED: THE COMMITTEE HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSED NEW DWELLINGS, HOWEVER, EXPRESS CONCERN THAT INADEQUATE PARKING PROVISION HAS BEEN MADE ON THE SITE GIVEN LOCAL LEVELS OF CAR OWNERSHIP. POLICIES 40 AND 70 (iv) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN AND PARA 39 OF THE NPPF REFER. ______Ref: 5/15/3453 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Non Material Amendment - Rooflight serving sun pipe to be moved from rear elevation to front elevation to planning permission 5/2012/2789 dated 21/01/2013 for the First floor side extension at 22 Hartwell Gardens Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2RW For Ms R O'Brien</p><p>It was RESOLVED: THE APPLICATION HAD ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED BY THE MEETING DATE. ______Ref: 5/15/3463 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Oak framed detached car port at 37 Park Avenue North Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2EE For Mr J A Leigh</p><p>It was RESOLVED: EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PROPOSED CAR PORT IS OUT OF SCALE AND CHARACTER IN THE STREET SCENE, DUE TO ITS SIZE, LOCATION AND MATERIALS AT THIS SITE IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICIES 72 AND 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/15/3479 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Non-Material Amendment - Amendments to fenestration all elevations, reconfiguration of hallway and removal of basement to planning permission 5/2014/2622 dated 13/11/2014 for the Construction of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings with habitable basement and loft accommodation, 2no rear dormers and rooflights, 1 no. rooflight to front, four new vehicle crossovers, associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling at 46-48 Crossway Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4QU For Mr Sean Harries</p><p>It was RESOLVED: THE APPLICATION HAD ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED BY THE MEETING DATE.</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx ______Ref: 5/15/3522 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of new Batford Springs Volunteers centre with associated landscaping and hardstanding at 91 Lower Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5AJ For Harpenden Town Council </p><p>It was RESOLVED: COMMITTEE UNABLE TO COMMENT AS HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL ARE THE APPLICANT. ______Ref: 5/15/3530 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 2 (tree protection scheme) of planning permission 5/2015/2492 dated 22/10/2015 for a Two storey side and part single, part two storey rear extension, side rooflights, new porch, replacement windows, alterations to openings and rendering of existing property at 25 Granby Avenue Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5QP For Mr & Mrs McDonogh</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3571 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Single storey rear extension and loft conversion with rear facing dormer at 2 Moorland Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4LA For Mr & Mrs M Chasler</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3459 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 2 (samples of materials), 3 (details of tree protection), 4 (landscape design proposals) and 5 (soft landscape works) of planning permission 5/2015/2378 dated 09/10/2015 for Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a five bedroom, two storey detached dwelling with a basement, accommodation in the roof and associated parking and landscaping works (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2015/2341) at 13 Hammondswick Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2NR For Mr Russell Mackie</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3478 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Non-Material Amendment - Amendments to window sizes, addition of guarding to North elevations windows, redesign of entrance screen, amendments to rear terrace balustrade, re-positioning of fireplace flue/ chimney, rendered panel returns around east elevation, garage area and removal of brise soleil on south elevation, replaced with </p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx external blinds to planning permission 5/2014/3058 dated 27/01/2015 for the Demolition of existing and erection of a five bedroom dwelling at 51 The Deerings Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2PF For Mr Daniel Luhde-Thompson</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: THE APPLICATION HAD ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED BY THE MEETING DATE</p><p>______Ref: 5/15/3526 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 2 (samples of materials), 7 (details of slab levels), 12 (landscape design proposals) of planning permission 5/2014/3058 dated 27/01/2015 for Demolition of existing and erection of a five bedroom dwelling at 51 The Deerings Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2PF For Mr & Mrs Luhde-Thompson</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3601 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 3 (samples of materials) and 4 (details of hard and soft landscaping works) of planning permission 5/2014/3259 dated 13/02/2015 for a Three bedroom chalet bungalow, new vehicle crossover and access and associated landscaping (resubmission following refusal of 5/2014/1225) at Land Adj 12 Hatching Green Close Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2LB For Mr George Knowles</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3200 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Non Material Amendment - Rear Juliet balcony, front and rear rooflights and alterations to openings to planning permission 5/2015/0786 dated 27/08/2015 for Two storey rear extension, single storey front and rear extensions, first floor side extension, raising of roof to form accommodation in the loft space and rooflights at 16 Gilpin Green Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5NR For Mr & Mrs Cramb</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: THE APPLICATION HAD ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DATE OF THE MEETING ______Ref: 5/15/3385 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: New front glazed porch at 52 Townsend Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2RG For Mr & Mrs Walker</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx It was RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/3433 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Demolition of existing outbuildings and creation of 37 dwelling units comprising of refurbishment and conversion of existing listed building to create three, two bedrooms and two, three bedroom flats and construction of six new buildings comprising of 16, two bedroom and 21, three bedroom flats, new pedestrian gate to boundary wall, ancillary parking and associated landscaping at Harpenden House Hotel 18 Southdown Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 1PE For Miss Faye Wilders</p><p>Mr Barry Watson, 13 Arden Grove, spoke against the application.</p><p>It was RESOLVED: WHILE REGRETTING THE LOSS OF THE TOWN’S REMAINING HOTEL, THE COMMITTEE SUPPORTS CHANGE OF USE OF THIS SUSTAINABLE TOWN CENTRE SITE TO C3 RESIDENTIAL.</p><p>THE COMMITTEE RECOGNISES THAT KEY ISSUES FROM THE WITHDRAWN SCHEME HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED INCLUDING THE MASSING OF THE TWO PRINCIPAL BLOCKS, THEIR OVER-DOMINANT ROOF FORMS AND THE PROLIFERATION OF BALCONIES IN THIS SENSITIVE LOCATION. FURTHER, IT IS WELCOMED THAT THE NUMBER OF ATTRACTIVELY SIZED DWELLINGS FOR THIS CONVENIENTLY LOCATED SITE HAS INCREASED BY REPLACING THE EXECUTIVE HOMES AND REASONABLE PARKING PROVISION INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PARKING HAS BEEN RETAINED. </p><p>THE COMMITTEE IS ACUTELY AWARE OF THE SENSITIVITY OF THIS SITE BOTH IN TERMS OF THE RELATIONSHIPS OF ANY NEW BUILT FORM WITH THE GRADE II * LISTED BUILDING AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO “GATEWAY VIEWS”, NOTABLY FROM THE A1081 AND HARPENDEN COMMON. THE COMMITTEE EXPRESSED CONCERN REGARDING THE INTEGRITY OF THE COMPUTER GENERATED ELEVATIONS PRESENTED, THEIR REPRESENTATION OF LEVELS INCLUDING VIEWS LOOKING DOWN AND ACROSS TO THE SITE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COMMON AND THEIR FAILURE TO CONVEY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LISTED BUILDING AND THE BLOCKS TO THE REAR OF THE SITE. THE COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTED THE KEY ROLES OF PLANNING OFFICERS AND THE HERITAGE OFFICER TO CAREFULLY ASSESS THESE ISSUES AND IF NECESSARY CALL FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. FURTHER, THE LIMITATIONS OF CGI FAIL TO REFLECT THE QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND DETAILING THAT ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE PROVISION OF AN ACCEPTABLE SCHEME IN THE CONSERVATION AREA.</p><p>WHILE SUPPORTING THE PRINCIPLE AND WELCOMING CRITICAL IMPROVEMENTS OVER THE WITHDRAWN SCHEME, CONCERN WAS ALSO EXPRESSED WITH REGARD TO:</p><p> THE USE OF FULL LENGTH GLAZING ON THE SOUTHDOWN ROAD ELEVATION OF BLOCK A THE PROLIFERATION OF THE “ALMSHOUSE” GABLE DESIGN AND THE </p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx ARCHITECTURAL RELATIONSHIP OF THE COURTYARD DWELLINGS (BLOCK A AND B) WITH THE GRADE II * BUILDING THE IMPACT ON ARDEN GROVE RESIDENTS FROM THE FACING WINDOWS IN BLOCK D, THE WINDOW TO WINDOW DISTANCE AND WHETHER A TOLERABLE LEVEL OF PRIVACY IS POSSIBLE THE LIVING CONDITIONS FOR FUTURE OCCUPIERS AND THE LACK OF PRIVACY ASSOCIATED WITH BACK TO BACK FULL LENGTH GLAZING OR SUCH WINDOWS CLOSE TO PATHS AND THE ACCESSIBLE AMENITY SPACE TO THE SOUTH OF THE GRADE II BUILDING INSUFFICIENT LANDSCAPING DETAIL TO CONTRIBUTE TO GREATER PRIVACY BETWEEN UNITS</p><p>FINALLY, THIS REPRESENTS A SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TOWN AND THE COMMITTEE EXPECTS THE DISTRICT COUNCIL TO NEGOTIATE PLANNING OBLIGATIONS THAT MITIGATE ITS IMPACT ON LOCAL SERVICES AND SECURES A COMMITMENT FROM THE DEVELOPER TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING EITHER ON OR OFF SITE. POLICIES 40, 69, 70 AND 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/15/3456 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Listed Building consent - Refurbishment and conversion of existing building to create three, two bedroom and two, three bedroom flats including associated internal works and alterations to openings at Harpenden House Hotel 18 Southdown Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 1PE For Miss Faye Wilders</p><p>Mr Barry Watson, 13 Arden Grove, spoke against the application.</p><p>It was RESOLVED: WHILE REGRETTING THE LOSS OF THE TOWN’S REMAINING HOTEL, THE COMMITTEE SUPPORTS CHANGE OF USE OF THIS SUSTAINABLE TOWN CENTRE SITE TO C3 RESIDENTIAL.</p><p>THE COMMITTEE RECOGNISES THAT KEY ISSUES FROM THE WITHDRAWN SCHEME HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED INCLUDING THE MASSING OF THE TWO PRINCIPAL BLOCKS, THEIR OVER-DOMINANT ROOF FORMS AND THE PROLIFERATION OF BALCONIES IN THIS SENSITIVE LOCATION. FURTHER, IT IS WELCOMED THAT THE NUMBER OF ATTRACTIVELY SIZED DWELLINGS FOR THIS CONVENIENTLY LOCATED SITE HAS INCREASED BY REPLACING THE EXECUTIVE HOMES AND REASONABLE PARKING PROVISION INCLUDING UNDERGROUND PARKING HAS BEEN RETAINED. </p><p>THE COMMITTEE IS ACUTELY AWARE OF THE SENSITIVITY OF THIS SITE BOTH IN TERMS OF THE RELATIONSHIPS OF ANY NEW BUILT FORM WITH THE GRADE II * LISTED BUILDING AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO “GATEWAY VIEWS”, NOTABLY FROM THE A1081 AND HARPENDEN COMMON. THE COMMITTEE EXPRESSED CONCERN REGARDING THE INTEGRITY OF THE COMPUTER GENERATED ELEVATIONS PRESENTED, THEIR REPRESENTATION OF LEVELS INCLUDING VIEWS LOOKING DOWN AND ACROSS TO THE SITE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COMMON AND THEIR FAILURE TO CONVEY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN </p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx THE LISTED BUILDING AND THE BLOCKS TO THE REAR OF THE SITE. THE COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTED THE KEY ROLES OF PLANNING OFFICERS AND THE HERITAGE OFFICER TO CAREFULLY ASSESS THESE ISSUES AND IF NECESSARY CALL FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. FURTHER, THE LIMITATIONS OF CGI FAIL TO REFLECT THE QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND DETAILING THAT ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE PROVISION OF AN ACCEPTABLE SCHEME IN THE CONSERVATION AREA.</p><p>WHILE SUPPORTING THE PRINCIPLE AND WELCOMING CRITICAL IMPROVEMENTS OVER THE WITHDRAWN SCHEME, CONCERN WAS ALSO EXPRESSED WITH REGARD TO:</p><p> THE USE OF FULL LENGTH GLAZING ON THE SOUTHDOWN ROAD ELEVATION OF BLOCK A THE PROLIFERATION OF THE “ALMSHOUSE” GABLE DESIGN AND THE ARCHITECTURAL RELATIONSHIP OF THE COURTYARD DWELLINGS (BLOCK A AND B) WITH THE GRADE II * BUILDING THE IMPACT ON ARDEN GROVE RESIDENTS FROM THE FACING WINDOWS IN BLOCK D, THE WINDOW TO WINDOW DISTANCE AND WHETHER A TOLERABLE LEVEL OF PRIVACY IS POSSIBLE THE LIVING CONDITIONS FOR FUTURE OCCUPIERS AND THE LACK OF PRIVACY ASSOCIATED WITH BACK TO BACK FULL LENGTH GLAZING OR SUCH WINDOWS CLOSE TO PATHS AND THE ACCESSIBLE AMENITY SPACE TO THE SOUTH OF THE GRADE II BUILDING INSUFFICIENT LANDSCAPING DETAIL TO CONTRIBUTE TO GREATER PRIVACY BETWEEN UNITS</p><p>FINALLY, THIS REPRESENTS A SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TOWN AND THE COMMITTEE EXPECTS THE DISTRICT COUNCIL TO NEGOTIATE PLANNING OBLIGATIONS THAT MITIGATE ITS IMPACT ON LOCAL SERVICES AND SECURES A COMMITMENT FROM THE DEVELOPER TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING EITHER ON OR OFF SITE. POLICIES 40, 69, 70 AND 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/15/3463 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Oak framed detached car port at 37 Park Avenue North Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2EE For Mr J A Leigh</p><p>It was RESOLVED: EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PROPOSED CAR PORT IS OUT OF SCALE AND CHARACTER IN THE STREET SCENE, DUE TO ITS SIZE, LOCATION AND MATERIALS AT THIS SITE IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICIES 72 AND 85 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______</p><p>Ref: 5/15/3513 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) – Roof extension at 5 Fairmead Avenue </p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx Harpenden Hertfordshire For Mr & Mrs Duffy</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3572 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Hip to gable rear dormer loft conversion at 15 Barnfield Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5TH For Mrs Alice Soule</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3593 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Part Discharge of Condition 14 (details of tree root investigation) of planning permission 5/2013/1858 dated 11/10/2013 for construction of two blocks consisting of 26 apartments, alterations to vehicular access to Townsend Lane, parking, landscaping and ancillary works following demolition of existing hotel building and section of wall fronting Luton Road at The Glen Eagle Hotel 1 Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire For Mr Michael Margereson</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/3614 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Rear dormer extension at 26 Barnfield Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5TN For Mr & Mrs Tarvin</p><p>It was RESOLVED: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______</p><p>04ad288d8326f134d1970c25fb00fc75.docx</p>
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