<p>Volume 57 The Environmental Monitor Issue 8</p><p>February 23, 2002 Notice of Matters before the Secretary of Environmental Affairs</p><p>This Environmental Monitor, the Eighth issue in Volume 57 of a series, is intended to provide notice of all submissions received by the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30, Sections 62 through 62H inclusive, in the period February 1, 2002 through February 15, 2002.</p><p>Published by:</p><p>Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs 251 Causeway Street, Suite 900 Boston, Massachusetts 02114</p><p> http://www.state.ma.us/envir/mepa (617) 626-1031 FAX (617) 626-1181</p><p>Pursuant to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, this document is available in alternative formats upon request.</p><p>Publication Number 16945-20-90-1000-1500-9-11-91 -- Approved by State Purchasing Agent</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>New Environmental Notification Forms...... 1 New Environmental Impact Reports...... 1 New Notices of Project Change...... 1 Previous Environmental Notification Forms...... 2 Previous Environmental Impact Reports...... 2 Previous Notices of Project Change...... 3 Decisions of the Secretary of Environmental Affairs...... 3-4 Miscellaneous Notices Received...... 5 Environmental Notification Forms – EOEA # 12699R to 12722...... 5-30 Miscellaneous Notices...... 30-53 Submitting Notices to the Monitor...... Inside Back Cover Commenting on Documents...... Inside Back Cover MEPA Office Contact Information...... Inside Back Cover</p><p>Comments on New Environmental Notification Forms are due by: March 15, 2002 Comments on new Environmental Impact Reports are due by: March 25, 2002 Projects Under Review</p><p>New Environmental Notification Forms</p><p>EOEA No. Project Name Location Comments Due MEPA Analyst</p><p>Nicholas Zavolas 12699R C & D Material Processing Facility Ware 3/25/02 (617) 626-1030</p><p>Cape Cod Ambulatory Care Arthur Pugsley 12711 Barnstable 3/15/02 Complex (617) 626-1029</p><p>Thomas Marine Bulkhead Nicholas Zavolas 12712 Boston 3/15/02 Installation and Mitigation (617) 626-1030</p><p>Charles/MGH Station Accessibility William Gage 12713 Boston 3/29/02 and Modernization (617) 626-1025</p><p>North Sagamore Water Treatment Arthur Pugsley 12714 Bourne 3/15/02 Plant (617) 626-1029</p><p>Ryder’s Cove Boat Haul-Out Arthur Pugsley 12715 Chatham 3/15/02 Facility (617) 626-1029</p><p>LeAndrea Dames 12716 Shannon Meadows Subdivision Fairhaven 3/15/02 (617) 626-1028</p><p>William Gage 12717 Holmes Parking Lot Expansion Foxborough 3/25/02 (617) 626-1025</p><p>Mattapoisett Multi-Use Bicycle LeAndrea Dames 12718 Mattapoisett 3/15/02 Path (617) 626-1028</p><p>LeAndrea Dames 12719 1210 Boston-Providence Highway Norwood 3/15/02 (617) 626-1028</p><p>Nicholas Zavolas 12720 Sutton Wastewater Facilities Plan Sutton 3/25/02 (617) 626-1030</p><p>West Bridgewater Water West Arthur Pugsley 12721 3/15/02 Treatment Plant Bridgewater (617) 626-1029 Nicholas Zavolas 12722 Root Road Improvement Project Westfield 3/15/02 (617) 626-1030 New Environmental Impact Reports</p><p>Docu- EOEA Comments Project Name Location ment For Copies MEPA Analyst No. Due Type Thomas Route 2 Crosby’s Concord, Hession Janet Hutchins 10347 FEIR 4/8/02 Corner Project Lincoln (617) 973- (617) 626-1023 7498 Bourne, Kent Jay Wickersham Upper Cape Water Falmouth, Gonser (617) 626-1022 12277 FEIR 3/25/02 Supply Project Mashpee, (508) 968- Richard Foster Sandwich 5824 (617) 626-1026 Michael J. Wentworth Hills Toohill Arthur Pugsley 12339 Golf and Country Westford SFEIR 3/25/02 (978) 589- (617) 626-1029 Club 3000 Laura Quail Ridge Rome William Gage 12503 Acton FEIR 3/25/02 Country Club (978) 897- (617) 626-1025 7100 Benjamin Stone Meadow 55+ Gilmore LeAndrea Dames 12409 Bridgewater DEIR 3/25/02 Community (508) 866- (617) 626-1028 3900</p><p>New Notices of Project Change</p><p>EOEA Comments Project Name Location Description For copies MEPA Analyst No. Due The project change involves a new alignment in the connection from Union Avenue to North Elm John Fallon Great River Bridge Arthur Pugsley 7063 Westfield Street. The new Elm 3/15/02 (617) Project (617) 626-1029 Street Connector will 973-7408 result in the taking of property owned by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield. 12367 Proposed Freetown The project change 3/15/02 Richard Arthur Pugsley Warehouse and involves a request to Bourre (617) 626-1029 Distribution Center rescind the Special (617) (formerly Review Procedure; the 924-1770 Riverfront elimination of the Business Park) previously proposed Phase 2 development; and changes in the use proposed for EOEA Comments Project Name Location Description For copies MEPA Analyst No. Due</p><p>Phase 1. Previous Environmental Notification Forms</p><p>EOEA No. Project Name Location Comments Due MEPA Analyst</p><p>Barnstable and Yarmouth, Arthur Pugsley 12643 Cape Wind Project 4/05/02 Nantucket (617) 626-1029 Sound Gray Gables Maintenance Dredge Nicholas Zavolas 12687 Bourne 3/22/02 Project (617) 626-1030</p><p>Richard Foster 12696 Walnut Hill Estates Plainville 3/1/02 (617) 626-1026</p><p>LeAndrea Dames 12698 Winding River Estates Taunton 3/1/02 (617) 626-1028</p><p>Condor Street Urban Wild William Gage 12700 Boston 3/1/02 Restoration (617) 626-1025</p><p>Long Island Bridge Abutment Richard Foster 12701 Boston 3/1/02 Stabilization (617) 626-1026</p><p>Ryder’s Cove Town Landing David Shepardson 12702 Chatham 3/1/02 Maintenance Dredging (617) 626-1027</p><p>Nicholas Zavolas 12703 Westport Lakes Fall River 3/1/02 (617) 626-1030</p><p>LeAndrea Dames 12704 Maples at Little River Haverhill 3/1/02 (617) 626-1028</p><p>Mystic River Crossing William Gage 12705 Medford 3/1/02 Replacement J-1 System (617) 626-1025</p><p>Richard Foster 12706 Raynham Water Treatment Plant Raynham 3/1/02 (617) 626-1026</p><p>Arthur Pugsley 12707 Slade’s Mill Historic Restoration Revere 3/1/02 (617) 626-1029</p><p>Proposed Oakdale Plaza LeAndrea Dames 12708 Tewksbury 3/1/02 Redevelopment (617) 626-1028</p><p>Mink Meadows Pond Restoration Nicholas Zavolas 12709 Tisbury 3/1/02 Project (617) 626-1030</p><p>Deyesso Residence Revetment David Shepardson 12710 Wellfleet 3/1/02 Repair (617) 626-1027</p><p>Previous Environmental Impact Reports EOEA Project Name Location Document Comments For Copies MEPA Analyst No. Type Due</p><p>Endre Hollosi Maplebrook Richard Foster 5753 Bellingham SEIR 3/11/02 (508) 881- Condominiums (617) 626-1026 0601</p><p>Phase 1 Muddy River Flood Control, John Burck- Water Quality and Boston and hardt Arthur Pugsley 11865 Habitat DEIR 4/8/02 Brookline (617) 635- (617) 626-1029 Enhancement, and 4505 Historic Preservation Project</p><p>Lunenburg Stanley Comprehensive Single Elkerton Nicholas Zavolas 12160 Lunenburg 3/11/02 Wastewater EIR (781) 279- (617) 626-1030 Management Plan 2288</p><p>Maritimes & Northeast Phase III Mike Tyrell Arthur Pugsley 12355 and Algonquin Statewide FEIR 3/11/02 (978) 656- (617) 626-1029 Hubline Pipeline 3637 Projects</p><p>Frank Postma AKS Recycling David Shepardson 12424 Fitchburg DEIR 3/11/02 (508) 835- Facility (617) 626-1027 8822</p><p>Kent Oldfield Arthur Pugsley 12474 Orchard Hill Park Leominster FEIR 3/11/02 (978) 537- (617) 626-1029 5296</p><p>Russell New Bedford State Single Parkman Richard Foster 12655 New Bedford 3/11/02 Pier Dredge Project EIR (617) 728- (617) 626-1026 0070 Previous Notices of Project Change</p><p>EOEA Comments Project Name Location Description For copies MEPA Analyst No. Due The project change involves a request to extend the Phase I Janet waiver to include the Will Donham Boston State Hutchins 10681 Boston residential 3/1/02 (978) 450- Hospital (617) 626- development of the 7115 1023 18-acre Lot 5 part of the site before preparation of an EIR.</p><p>The project change involves a request to revise the Phase I waiver to substitute the 50000-78000 sf Joseph Janet Boston State Mass. Biologic Savage Hutchins 10681 Boston 3/1/02 Hospital Laboratories facility for (617) 482- (617) 626- the 175,000 sf 0475 1023 wholesale greenhouse previously proposed on a 15.26 acre subparcel.</p><p>The project change involves redesign of Arthur Laura Rome The Vineyard Golf Hole #16 to eliminate Pugsley 11795 Edgartown 3/1/02 (978) 897- Club a flyover of a portion of (617) 626- 7100 a frost bottom on the 1029 site.</p><p>The project change involves the Andrew Nicholas Fab 17 Expansion installation and Magee Zavolas 12313 Project Hudson 3/1/02 potential use of a (978) 897- (617) 626- Mod 4 back-up process water 7100 1030 supply well.</p><p>The project change U.S. Army Corps involves adding the Burton William Gage of Engineers dredging of 34,00 Bryan 12354 Scituate 3/1/02 (617) 626- Maintenance sf/6088 cy from the (781_ 569- 1025 Dredging Satuit Boat Club 2003 facilities.</p><p>The project change involves an increase in Richard Richard the permitted capacity Oxford Transfer Bart-helmes Foster 11094 Oxford of the facility from 100 3/1/02 Station (978) 777- (617) 626- tpd to 650 tpd of c & d 7250 1026 material and municipal solid waste. Decisions of the Secretary of Environmental Affairs February 1, 2002 through February 15, 2002</p><p>Environmental Notification Forms The following projects do not require preparation of an Environmental Impact Report:</p><p>EOEA No. Project Name Location Date of Action</p><p>Remediation of Coal Tar Deposits in the 12666 Holyoke 2/1/02 Connecticut River</p><p>12678 Handy Cranberry Bog Proposal Berkley 2/8/02</p><p>Southern New England Trunkline Trail 12679 Blackstone 2/8/02 Utility Easement</p><p>12681 Sconticut Neck Area Sewers Fairhaven 2/8/02</p><p>Salem Harbor Station Maintenance 12685 Salem 2/8/02 Dredging</p><p>12686 White Piling Project West Tisbury 2/15/02</p><p>The following projects require preparation of an Environmental Impact Report:</p><p>EOEA No. Project Name Location Date of Action 12658 267-281 Medford Street Boston 2/8/02 1/25/02 (was not listed in 2/9/02 12677 Cider Mill Pond Restoration Project Westford Monitor) Comprehensive Water Resources 12654 Hopkinton 2/1/02 Management Plan Great Barrington & 12663 Improvements at Benedict Pond 2/8/02 Monterey 12672 IKEA at Assembly Square Somerville 2/1/02 Southborough, 12673 H-160 115kV Transmission Line Marlborough, 2/1/02 Hudson 12680 Proposed Shopping Plaza Brockton 2/15/02</p><p>12682 Marketplace at Chestnut Ridge Franklin 2/8/02</p><p>12683 Bay Club at Mattapoisett Mattapoisett 2/8/02</p><p>12684 Rehabilitation of Hale Street Newburyport 2/8/02 Environmental Impact Reports February 1, 2002 through February 15, 2002 The following documents adequately and properly comply with M.G.L. Ch. 30 s.62 and with the regulations governing the preparation of EIRs:</p><p>EOEA Document Date of Project Name Location No. Type Action</p><p>12259 Wrentham Business Park Wrentham DEIR 2/1/02</p><p>12457 East Side Interceptor and Lateral Sewer Attleboro DEIR 2/1/02</p><p>11185 Winchendon Sanitary Landfill Expansion Winchendon SSFEIR 2/1/02</p><p>Bourne, Falmouth, 12277 Upper Cape Water Supply Project DEIR 2/1/02 Mashpee, Sandwich Special Logan Airport 2000 Environmental Data 3247 Report Boston Review 2/15/02 Document Somerville, 12527 Twin City Plaza Star Market Expansion Single EIR 2/1/02 Cambridge</p><p>Utilization of Louisa Lake Overflow for 11394 Public Water Supply Milford FEIR 2/1/02</p><p>11455 Cortland Manor Grafton DEIR 2/15/02</p><p>11831 Ridge View Heights Ayer DEIR 2/15/02</p><p>12283 Long-Term CSO Control Plan Chicopee DEIR 2/15/02</p><p>Special Review Procedure February 1, 2002 through February 15, 2002. A Certificate establishing a Special Review Procedure was issued on the following project:</p><p>EOEA Date of Project Name Location No. Action Comprehensive Water Resources 12654 Hopkinton 2/1/02 Management Plan Notices of Project Change February 1, 2002 through February 15, 2002. The following decisions were made on Notices of Project Change:</p><p>EOEA Date of Project Name Location Decision No. Action Project may proceed as Wagner BMW Shrewsbury/Assabet River part of 12348 Shrewsbury 2/8/02 Consortium Assabet Consortium Phase 1 Requires an 12320 Maple Meadow Landfill Project Wilmington 2/8/02 EIR Requires 10889 Dynasty Estates Milford further MEPA 2/8/02 review</p><p>Notices of Availability</p><p>EOEA Document Project Name Location Copies From No. Type Revised 11918 Everett High School Everett Informational Supplement Miscellaneous Notices Received</p><p>Agency Notice Type Project/Location</p><p>MCZM Federal Consistency Review Boston Ship Repair</p><p>USACOE/EOEA EIS/EIR Scoping Session Cape Wind Project, Nantucket Sound</p><p>MCZM Public Review and Comment Period Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan</p><p>Request to Modify Barrier Beach Inventory, MCZM Public Comment Period #Nt-56, Nantucket O’Neill Bridge, Harwich Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, Methuen and Haverhill DEP Waterways License Application MWRA Braintree-Weymouth Replacement Pump Station, Quincy Algonquin Gas Pipeline, Medford Kanzaki Specialty Papers, Ware DEP Draft Operating Permit Saint Gobain Container, Milford Former Burning Ground, Wompatuck State Park, Initial Site Investigation and Waste DEP Hingham Site Cleanup Permit Application 72 Washington St., Norwell Phase I Intial Site Investigation and DEP 47 Pond Drive, Wayland Tier IC Classification Supplemental Phase II Investigatin DEP 110 Boxford Road, Rowley and Phase III Remedial Action Plan</p><p>DEP Remedial Action Plan Burlington Dodge, Burlington</p><p>Remedy Implementation Plan and DEP CITGO Service Station, Westford Remedial Action Plan Addendum</p><p>DEP Public Meeting Announcement Draft TMDL Report, Shawsheen River Basin</p><p>Vegetation Management Plan Public DFA Town of Pepperell Hearings</p><p>DFA Yearly Operational Plan Franklin DPW</p><p>Request for Determination of Water Resources Insignificance under the Interbasin Town of Oxford Commission Transfer Act Water Resources Application for Admission to MWRA Water Supply Public Hearing Commission System, Stoughton</p><p>DCAM Public Hearing Land Disposition, Town of Holyoke</p><p>DEP/Massport Memorandum of Understanding Massport Properties, East Boston</p>
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