lii Hydrological data UK 1982 YEARBOOK INSTITUTE OF HYDROLOGY • BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY á 1 HYDROLOGICAL DATA UNITED KINGDOM 1982 YEARBOOK á HYDROLOGICAL DATA UNITED KINGDOM 1982 YEARBOOK An account of rainfall, river flows and groundwater levels January to December 1982 Institute of Hydrology British Geological Survey @ 1985 Natural Environment ResearchCouncil Published by the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon OX 10 8BB ISBN 0 948540 02 8 A note for buyers of the looseleafversion: So that this Yearbook can stand alone as a separatevolume, it has been necessaryto repeatmuch of the background information which has alreadyappeared in the 1981volume. Readersmay wish to savespace in the binder by discarding someof the repeatedpages e.g. 121to 142.Future editions will be planned to make this a simpler operation. Cover: Demonstrating the measurementof dischargeby the moving boat method on the River Exe during the IAHS Assembly at Exeter, July 1982. Photograph: M. Lowing HYDROLOGICAL DATA: 1982 FOREWORD In April 1982, care of the United Kingdom national archive of surface water data passed from the Department of the Environ- ment's Water Data Unit (which was disbanded) to the Institute of Hydrology (IH). In a similar move, the Institute of Geological Sciences, subsequently renamed the British Geological Survey (BGS), took over the national groundwater archive. Both IH and BGS are component bodies of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The BGS hydrogeologists are located with at Wallingford and close cooperation between the two groups has led, among other things, to the decision to publish a single series of yearbooks and reports dealing with nationally archived surface and groundwater data and the use made of them. The work is overseen by a steering committee with representatives of Government departments and the water industry from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The published series - Hydrological Data: UK - will include an annual yearbook and, every five years, a catalogue of river flow gauging stations and groundwater level recording sites together with statistical summaries. These six volumes of the 5-year cycle will be available individually but are also designed to be inserted in a ring binder. Further details of these arrangements are given on page 166. The series - but not the binder - will also include occasional reports dealing with significant hydrological events and analyses. The first of these reports provides a review of the 1984 drought. J.S.G. McCulloch Director, Institute of Hydrology " 97 1 `I 95 3 106 \-/ "-C ,-, \ -, '... 94 4 6::,-.7- / IT 9 7 •0 / n I (' C.' N___ C 93 11 105 \ --V> 0 ,-----.1192 9°,5 Water Authonty or River Purification Board boundary 1-47-_ • • 171(2 Hydrometric area number 104 85 and boundary 07(.151L-5, , f 1 20 84 0?/) 7 ; \ BLY 21 j 83 TWEED R B 82 79 78 22 14 204 77 SO ). AY P.B 202 (\ 81 80 23 •. pt 201 pt 203 76 24 \ IRE:. ANC 205 r \ 235k) In 236 .7?. pt226 •-•• pt 206 )103 SEVERN TRSNT W.A. ANOLLAN 33 35 36 37 C/1 40 42 SOUTHERN W.A. - 50 41 / BeLITH 49 j<i101 HYDROLOGICAL DATA: 1982 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 SCOPE AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION 2 REVIEW OF THE WEATHER in relation to water resources 3 REVIEW OF RUNOFF 11 RIVER FLOW DATA 19 Computation and accuracy of gauged flows 19 Scope of flow data tabulations 19 Daily flow tables 23 Monthly flow tables 76 THE SURFACE WATER DATA RETRIEVAL SERVICE 119 List of surface water retrieval options 119 Concise register of gauging stations 128 Summary of archived data 141 GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT 143 The observation borehole network 143 Register of selected groundwater observation wells 143 THE GROUNDWATER SITUATION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM UP TO THE END OF 1982 151 Representative groundwater hydrographs 153 THE GROUNDWATER DATA RETRIEVAL SERVICE 159 List of groundwater retrieval options 159 DIRECTORY OF MEASURING AUTHORITIES 164 PUBLICATIONS 166 á INTRODUCTION This volume is the second Yearbook published in Following the transfer of the surface water the Hydrological Data: United Kingdom series. archive to the Natural Environment Research Apart from summary information, surface water Council in 1982, the final edition of Surface Water: and groundwater data on a national basis were United Kingdom, for the years 1977-80, was published separately prior to the introduction of prepared by the Institute of Hydrology at the the Hydrological Data: United Kingdom series. request of the Water Directorate of the Department The 1982 Yearbook brings together the principal of the Environment, and published in 1983. data sets relating to river flow, groundwater levels The 1981 and 1982 Yearbooks were prepared and rainfall throughout the United Kingdom. concurrently and are the first Yearbooks published A description is also given of the surface water and by the Natural Environment Research Council. groundwater archives together with the data This volume represents thc twenty-third edition in retrieval facilities which complement this volume. the series of surface water publications which Publication of river flow data for Great Britain began with the 1935-36 Surface Water Yearbook. started with the series of Surface Water Yearbooks. As a result of the incorporation of groundwater The first edition, which was published in 1938 for data in the Yearbook, this volume is also the the water year (October-September) 1935-36 also seventh edition in the series of groundwater data included selected data for the previous fifteen years; publications which bcgan with the 1964-66 the edition for 1936-1937 followed in 1939. Both Groundwater Yearbook. these publications were prepared under the direc- A compilation of "Groundwater levels in tion of the Inland Water Survey Committee, the England during 1963" which was produced by the fiftieth anniversary of whose founding falls in 1985. Geological Survey of Great Britain prior to its Assisted by the Scottish Office, the Committee incorporation into the Institute of 'Geological continued to publish hydrological data after the Sciences, was the precursor to the publication of war; the Yearbook for the period 1937-1945 being groundwater level data on a national basis. The published as a single volume in 1952. more formal Groundwater Yearbook series was Due to economic stringency, the Survey was instigated by the Water Resources Board which suspended in 1952 for a period of two years but was published the inaugural edition, and a further then reformed as the Surface Water Survey Centre volume for 1967, both covering England and of Great Britain. A Yearbook covering the years Wales. In 1975 a third Yearbook, for 1968-70, was 1945-1953 was published in 1955. published by the Watcr Data Unit. The In 1964 the Survey was transferred to the Water Groundwater: United Kingdom series was intro- Resources Board where it remained until 1974 duced in 1978 with the production of the 1971-73 when thc work of collection and publishing surface volume, also published by the Water Data Unit. water information in England and Wales was again Following the transfer of the groundwater transferred, this time to the Water Data Unit of the archive to the Institute of Geological Sciences, Department of the Environment. the second edition of Groundwater: United King- Yearbooks were published jointly each year by dom, covering the period 1974-80, was prepared these organisations and the Scottish Office for the by the Institute of Hydrology at the request of water years 1953-54 to 1965-1966, but thereafter the Water Directorate of the Department of the information for the five calendar years 1966 to 1970 Environment. was published in one volume in 1974. Following The 1982 Yearbook may be seen as part of the editions were renamed 'Surface Water : United United Kingdom's contribution to UNESCO's Kingdom' to mark the inclusion of the first records International Hydrological Programme in contin- from Northern Ireland and in recognition of the uing the exchange of hydrological information move away from single year volumes. Two volumes begun in 1965 for thc International Hydrological of Surface Water: United Kingdom, covering the Decade. years 1971-73 and 1974-76 were published jointly The Natural Environment Research Council by the Water Data Unit, the Scottish Development acknowledge and extend their appreciation to all Department and the Department of the Environ- who have assisted in the collection of information ment for Northern Ireland. for this publication. SCOPE AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION The format of the yearbooks in the Hydrological the rainfall data, and much of the Material incor- Data: United Kingdom series differs substantially porated in the review of the weather, has been from that of previous yearbooks. A greater variety provided by the Meteorological Office. of hydrological information is provided and empha- Some slight variations from the contributors' sis is placed upon ready access to basic data both figures may occur; these may be due to different within the yearbook and through the complemen- methods of computation or to the need for unifor- tary data retrieval facilities. mity in presentation. The contents have been abstracted primarily The practice, followed in previous yearbooks, of from the surface water and groundwater archives. publishing river water temperature data has been Responsibility for the collection and initial process- discontinued. Monitoring of water quality, includ- ing of the data rests mainly with the ten Water ing temperature, is thc responsibility of water Authorities in England and Wales, the seven River authorities and river purification boards. Some Purification Boards in Scotland and the Depart- temperature data are held by the Department of the ment of the Environment (NI) in Northern Environment in association with the Harmonised Ireland. Additional material has been provided by Monitoring Scheme (contact WQ5, Room A4.26, the Greater London Council, the Department of Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, London, Agriculture in Northern Ireland and by research SWIP 3PY, tel.
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