LAY DOMINICANS ST. ALBERT T H E G R E A T CENTRAL PROVINCE contemplata VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 AUGUST, 2013 OLDEST WORKS OF NEW TESTAMENT ( 9 0 - 100+) 2 P E T E R In/Re/Pro/active ? ( 1 0 0 + ) cess? Are we willing to lead despite criticism? We are Here is a good question Do we wait until the prob- PROACTIVE! REVELATION to ponder on a lazy lem demands action? Is our ( 9 0 S ) August Summer after- modus operandi crisis man- noon—are you basically agement? Is our back 1 & 2 & 3 JOHN inactive? reactive? against the wall and we must ( 9 0 S ) proactive? do something? Most are in this boat. We are REAC- In honesty we might admit all three but TIVE.! probably more one than the other two. As Dominicans we can learn I N S I D E Do we tend to ignore from anywhere including the THIS ISSUE: problems? Avoid costly business world. In The Seven solutions? Let some- Habits of Highly Effective Peo- Active??? 1 one else solve difficult ple (#1 business book of 20th What a situations. We are IN- century—15 million copies) Month! ACTIVE! author Stephen R. Covey se- But there is a 3rd possibility. lects ‘Be Proactive’ as his 1st August Saint 2 Do we plan ahead? Do we Habit! “Our basic nature is to September analyze a situation and act, and not be acted up- Saints choose a coarse of action? on.” (p. 75) Take charge of St. Dominic Do we seize control and plot your life, your health, your out a map leading to suc- Dominican way of life! Happenings 3 Rule canonized Saint of the New Formation What a Month! World. Indeed! What a month for rything. On Aug. 28 we celebrate one Fresh Air 4 of the Church’s greatest Dominicans! And on Aug. 15—the Feast Who am I? Saints—St. Augustine from We begin with Aug. 2 and of the Assumption of our Contemplari whom we have taken his the feast of St. Dominic’s Patroness, the Blessed Vir- Rule to follow. mother, Bl. Jane of Aza. Im- gin. agine this Guzman family On Aug. 18 we celebrate (or with 1 Saint and 2 Blesseds! should) the feast of his older The influence of the mother brother, the humble Bl. must have been the best. Mannes who would go obedi- Then Aug. 8 and the feast of ently wherever sent. our beloved Founder, St. St. Rose of Lima is celebrat- Dominic. We owe him eve- ed on Aug. 23. She is the 1st P A G E 2 Saint of the Month for August August is a wonderful He was such a humble monastery of cloistered month for the Guzman man to be one of the 1st nuns where he was the family. Aug. 8 is the feast 16 disciples of St. Dominic chaplain for 10 years. of St. Dominic and Aug. 2 seeking to convert the Upon the canonization of is his mother’s feast, Bl. Albigensians in southern Dominic he encouraged the .Jane de Aza. Aug. 18 is France. building of a chapel in honor the feast of his older In 1217 he made profes- of his brother in Calaruega, brother, Bl. Mannes. sion in his younger broth- Spain, Dominic’s birthplace. A special shout-out to er’s hands, promising obe- this humble and largely dience to Dominic, whom forgotten man, our man he had helped raise from of the month. He was his infancy. about 15 when St. Domi- Bl. Mannes was sent to nic was born and had al- found the convent of St. ready begun his studies Jacques at Paris and then for the priesthood. to Spain to found the 1st Calaruega September Saints Sep 2—Bl. Walter (Guala) of Sep 20—Bl. Mark of Modena Bergamo +1244 +1498 Bl. Ingrid of Skanninge +1282 Bl. Francis de Posadas +1713 “If we die, we die Sep 4—Bl. Catherine of Racco- Sep 22—The 233 Martyrs of nigi +1547 Valencia, Spain +1936 (20 are to the Lord.” Sep 6—Bl. Bertrand of Garrigue Dominicans) Romans 14: 8 +1230 Sep 24—Bl. Dalmatius Moner +1341 Bl. Michael Czartoryska +1944 St. Lorenzo Ruiz Bl. Julia Stanislava Rodzinska Sep 28—Bl. Lawrence of Ri- +1945 pafratta +1456 Lay Dominican These last 2 martyred by Nazis. The 16 Martyrs of Nagasaki 1st Filipino Saint +1633-1637 including St. Lo- Sep 18—St. John Macias +1645 renzo Ruiz (LD) & 2 more LDs St. Dominic—8/8 “He was This is the month of the for regular life and was a “He was patient and patient and feast of St. Dominic. Here great observer of the Rule happy in all trials.” is the testimony of Broth- happy in all of the Order...He had er Stephen of Spain: trials.” cheap clothes made out “When he was cele- of coarse, though clean, brating Mass, particularly material...He was most during the words of the sparing in food and drink, Canon, he used to weep to such an extent that and show all the signs of when the brethren had a most intensely fervent love. He was enthusiastic two dishes, he contented himself with one... CONTEMPLATA VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 P A G E 3 .The General Chapter of the Order of Preachers will be held In Trogir, Croatia, Provincial Happenings 7/22—8/8. The Master requests our pray- ers for its success. Mae Frances Busby OP Dr. Vyvian Gorbea OP, Blessed (1926-2013), Blessed Sacra- Sacrament Chapter, Farmington Hills, The Central Province Lay Domincans ment Chapter, Farmington MI., returned from a trip to Nicaragua will hold their Provincial Council at the Hills, MI. passed on July 25. on a mission with the World Vets for She was a very beloved Lay spaying/neutering animals there. Chicago Cenacle from 10/3—10/6. We do Dominican for 25 years. She need your prayers for a fruitful meeting. can now be heard playing her Anastasia Maroney OP, St. Cathe- Check out our website: guitar for the Lord and His rine of Siena Group, Carmel, IN. Angels. and her husband, Sean, welcomed (laydominicancentral.org) for new info Peter James Maroney into their on ‘News’, ‘Promoters’, ‘Jubilee’ and At their July meeting the Queen of the Holy family. Perhaps a future Lay Domini- brand new—Vocations’ etc. Rosary Chapter, St. Louis, MO. Received can! Michael Pulsateri OP into the Order and Modesta Perales began the Initiate program. St. Thomas Aquinas Group, E. Lansing, MI. welcomed Tom Weber into their Group. Lay Dominican Rule c.) Soon we Lay Dominicans of the 1st of all remember that Thus the Provincial Central Province will hold our Council has jurisdic- Provincial Council Meeting we have promised to “live in Chicago (10/3—10/6). according to the Lay Do- tion over us, its Continuing in the democratic minican Rule.” Not a part members. We must spirit of St. Dominic and the but the complete Rule accept and abide by Order of Preachers, each Chap- (truly a blessing). its decisions, if we ter/Group elected a Delegate to are to fulfill our represent them and attend and Under Jurisdiction: “A Lay promise to follow vote in this meeting. Provincial Council...must of them. It’s the the Rule, even if we Why is this important and what be established in the terri- ‘Dominican Way.’ do not agree with all does it have to do with the Rule? tory of its province.” (20. Provincial Formation the laity to live a “radical, evan- To recap (and correct the unit tunity to catch some of his wonder- gelical style of life.” It is still numbering of the June issue) the ful spirit. our ‘raison d’etre’ or should be. 1st 2 Units of Candidacy I (similar Unit 4 is concerned with The Do- Something to meditate upon and to a Novitiate Program) examine minicans, especially the Golden question ourselves today. We through Apostolicam Actuositatem Years. What a wonderful start for also look at an article by Thom- the role of the lay man/woman in the Order. as Johnston OP on the medieval the Church. We found that a Lay Order of Penance and Lay Do- Dominican vocation perfectly fulfills Unit 5 brings us to ourselves: Lay minicans. this role. Dominicans. We study an excellent treatment by Richard Weber OP In the 1st half of Candidacy I the Unit 3 treats our beloved Founder, on our history. We began 800 Candidate is acquiring an appre- St. Dominic, and allows the oppor- years ago through the desires of ciation for the Order of Preach- ers FRESH AIR—THE SECRET Edwardo’s parish threw a “Well, you see, my wife and big party for him when he I were married 75 years turned 100. He received ago,” Edwardo explained. many compliments on how “On our wedding night we athletic and well-preserved made a solemn promise: LAY DOMINICANS ST. ALBERT he was. whenever we had a fight, the one who was proved THE GREAT Asked his secret he said, CENTRAL PROVINCE wrong would go outside . “My friends, I have been in and take a walk!” Send us your news on the hap- the open air every day for penings in your Chapter/Group some 75 years now.” We don’t stop laughing and we will be pleased to post The party-goers were very because we grow old; them in contemplata and on our impressed and asked how we grow old because we Provincial website: he managed to keep up stop laughing such a vigorous fitness rou- laydominicancentral.org tine.
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