<p> QUESTIONNAIRE: </p><p>Upon approval of your Immigrant Visa petition, you and your immediate family members, depending on immigrant visa availability will be eligible to apply for adjustment of status to permanent resident with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. In anticipation of this process, the following information is required to complete the necessary applications. </p><p>Last name: First name: Middle: List all other names used: Home Address: Home telephone #: Home fax #: Office Address, including M/S#: Office telephone #: Office fax #: Title of your position: H. R. Contact: H.R. Telephone # & e-mail: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: (mo/day/yr) (City, State, Country) Social Security #: Nationality: A# (if any): Male/Female: Current Non-immigrant status: Expires on: </p><p>Have you ever before applied for permanent residence status? If so, give date and place of filing and final disposition: </p><p>1. Information about your father: Last name First name Date, city and country of birth City and country of residence </p><p>2. Information about your mother: Maiden name First name Date, city and country of birth City and country of residence </p><p>3. Your residence for the last five years. List present address first. Street and Number City State Country From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 4. Last residence outside the U.S. for more than one year.</p><p>Street and Number City State Country From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>5. Employment for the last five years. List present employment first. Name of Employer, Street and Number City State Country Occupation From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>6. Last occupation abroad if not shown above. Name of Employer, Street and Number City State Country Occupation From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>7. Date of last arrival: </p><p>8. No. on I-94 card: </p><p>9. Place of last entry in the U.S.: </p><p>10. City and country where visa was issued: 11. 8 Digit Non-immigrant visa #: ______Date Visa was issued: ______Visa Expiration Date: ______</p><p>12. Have you ever been in the U.S. on an F-1 student visa?: If yes, please list the dates you were in U.S. under F-1 visa status:</p><p>13. Have you ever before applied for employment authorization from CIS? If yes, which CIS office? Date(s) of application: Granted or denied? </p><p>Please provide copies, front and back, of your work authorization card.</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 14. Information about your spouse:</p><p>Last name (for wife, give maiden name) First name Date and place of marriage Applying with you? Current Status? </p><p>15. Your former husbands or wives (if none, so state) Last name (for wife, give maiden name) First name Date of birth City and country of birth Date and place of marriage Date and place of termination of marriage </p><p>16. List all of your children: Child #1 Child #2 Child #3 Last name First name Middle name Male or Female? Date of birth Place of birth Country of Citizenship A# (if any) Social Security # or T.I.N.: Applying with you? </p><p>17. List your present or past membership in or affiliation with every political association, fund foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United States or in any other place since your 16th birthday. Include any military service in the past. If none, write “none.” Include the name of the organization, location, dates of membership from and to, and the nature of the organization . If additional space is needed, use separate paper.</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO TAX ISSUES</p><p>Are you self-employed? Mark yes if you own and actively operate a business in which you share in the profits other than as Yes No an investor?</p><p>Have you been in the United States for 183 days or more during any one of the three calendar years immediately preceding Yes No the current calendar year? Mark “yes” if you received income paid by individuals or institutions located in the United States. Income includes, but is not limited to, compensation for services provided by you, interest, dividends, rents, and royalties. </p><p>Did you file a United States Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, or 1040NR) in any of the last Yes No three years? If so for which tax year was the last return filed?</p><p>Tax year </p><p>18. Annual income: $ Deposits in saving banks in the United States: $ Value of personal property: $ Market value of stocks and bonds: $ Life insurance in the sum of: $ With cash surrender value of: $ Value of any real estate you own: $ With mortgage or other encumbrances thereon amounting to: $ Address of such real estate: </p><p>19. List all persons who depend upon you for support wholly or partially. Name of person: Wholly or partially dependent? Age: Relationship to you: </p><p>20. List all the persons for whom you have submitted affidavit(s) of support . If none, state “None.”</p><p>21. List all the persons for whom you have ever personally sponsored for an immigrant visa.</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 COMPLETE ONLY IF THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL OVER THE NEXT SIX MONTHS.</p><p>22. Date of intended departure: 23. Expected length of trip: 24. Purpose of trip: </p><p>THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS APPLICATION. PLEASE CHECK YES OR NO.</p><p>1. Have you ever, in or outside the U.S: </p><p> a) knowingly committed any crime of moral turpitude or a drug-related offense for which you have not been arrested? Yes No </p><p> b) been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violation any law or ordinance, excluding Yes No traffic violations?</p><p> c) been the beneficiary of a pardon, amnesty, rehabilitation decree, other act of clemency or similar action? Yes No</p><p> d) exercised diplomatic immunity to avoid prosecution for a criminal offense in the U.S.? Yes No</p><p>2. Have you received public assistance in the U.S. from any source, including the U.S. government or any state, country, Yes No city, or municipality (other than emergency medical treatment), or are you likely to receive public assistance in the future?</p><p>3. Have you ever: </p><p> a) Within the past 10 years been a prostitute or procured anyone for prostitution, or intend to engage in such activities in Yes No the future? </p><p> b) Engaged in any unlawful commercialized vice, including, but not limited to, illegal gambling? Yes No</p><p> c) Knowingly encouraged, induced, assisted, or aided any alien to try to enter the U.S. illegally? Yes No</p><p> d) Illicitly trafficked in any controlled substance, or knowingly assisted, abetted or colluded in the illicit trafficking of Yes No any controlled substances?</p><p>5. Do you intend to engage in the U.S. in: </p><p> a) Espionage? Yes No</p><p> b) any activity of purpose of which is opposition to. or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States, Yes No by force, violence or other unlawful means?</p><p> c) any activity to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the United States of goods, technology or Yes No sensitive information?</p><p>6. Have you ever been a member of, or in any way affiliated with, the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party? Yes No</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 7. Did you, during the period March 23, 1933 to May 8, 1945, in association with either the Nazi Government of Yes No Germany or any organization or government associated or allied with the Nazi Government of Germany, ever order, incite, assist or otherwise participate in the persecution of any person because of race, religion, national origin or political opinion?</p><p>8. Have you ever engaged in genocide, or otherwise ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in the killing of Yes No any person because of race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, or political opinion? </p><p>9. Have you ever been deported from the U.S. or removed from the U.S. at government expense, excluded within the Yes No past year, or are now in exclusion or deportation proceedings?</p><p>10. Are you under a final order of civil penalty for violating section 274C of the Yes No immigration act for use of fraudulent documents, or have you, by fraud or willful misrepresentation of a material fact, ever sought to procure, or procured, a visa, other documentation, entry into the U.S. or any other immigration benefit?</p><p>11. Have you ever left the U.S. to avoid being drafted into the U.S. Armed Forces? Yes No</p><p>Have you ever been a J nonimmigrant exchange visitor who was subject to the 2 year foreign residence requirement Yes No 12. and not yet complied with that requirement or obtained a waiver?</p><p>13. Are you now withholding custody of a U.S. Citizen child outside the U.S. from a person granted custody of the child? Yes No</p><p>14. Do you plan to practice polygamy in the U.S.? Yes No</p><p>PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WITH THE QUESTIONNAIRE: </p><p>COMPLETE COPY OF PASSPORT (ALL FAMILY MEMBERS) COPIES OF ALL FORMS I-797s, I-20s, IAP-66s, EAD cards (ALL FAMILY MEMBERS) COPY OF I-94 CARD (ALL FAMILY MEMBERS) COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE, WITH TRANSLATION (IF APPLICABLE). This must be the "long form,” with names of BOTH parents of each applicant. Please provide “long form” which includes your name and both parent’s names. (ALL FAMILY MEMBERS) COPY OF MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE & DIVORCE DECREE, WITH TRANSLATION (IF APPLICABLE) COPIES OF U.S. TAX RETURNS FOR PAST 3 YEARS, or YEARS YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE U.S., WHICHEVER IS LESS LETTER FROM YOUR BANK VERIFYING YOU HAVE A CHECKING AND/OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT, WHEN THE ACCOUNT WAS OPENED AND THAT YOUR ACCOUNT IS IN GOOD STANDING</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449</p><p>IF YOU ARE MARRIED, THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ARE TO BE ANSWERED BY YOUR SPOUSE:</p><p>Last name: First name: Middle: List all other names used: Home Address: Home telephone #: Home fax #: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: (month/day/year) (City, State, Country) Social Security #: Nationality: A# (if any): Male/Female: Current Non-immigrant status: Expires on: </p><p>Have you ever before applied for permanent residence status? If so, give date and place of filing and final disposition: </p><p>25. Information about your father: Last name First name Date, city and country of birth City and country of residence </p><p>26. Information about your mother: Maiden name First name Date, city and country of birth City and country of residence </p><p>27. Your residence for the last five years. List present address first.</p><p>Street and Number City State Country From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>28. Last residence outside the U.S. for more than one year. Street and Number City State Country From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 29. Your employment for the last five years. List present employment first. (If none, please say “None”)</p><p>Name of Employer, Street and City State Country Occupation From To Number (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>30. Last occupation abroad if not shown above. (If none, please say “None”) Name of Employer, Street and Number City State Country Occupation From To (mo./yr) (mo./yr)</p><p>31. Date of last arrival:</p><p>32. No. on I-94 card: </p><p>33. Place of last entry in the U.S.: </p><p>34. City and country where visa was issued: </p><p>35. 8 Digit Non-immigrant visa #: Date Visa was issued: Visa Expiration Date: </p><p>36. Have you ever been in the U.S. on an F-1 student visa? If yes, please list the dates you were in U.S. under F-1 visa status:</p><p>37. Have you ever before applied for employment authorization from CIS? If yes, which CIS office? Date(s) of application: Granted or denied? </p><p>Please provide copies, front and back, of your work authorization card.</p><p>38. If applicable, former husbands / wives (if none, so state) Last name (for wife, give maiden name) First name Date of birth City and country of birth Date and place of marriage Date and place of termination of marriage </p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449</p><p>39. List all of your children: Child #1 Child #2 Child #3 Last name First name Middle name Male or Female? Date of birth Place of birth Country of Citizenship A# (if any) Social Security # or T.I.N.: Applying with you? </p><p>40. List your present or past membership in or affiliation with every political association, fund foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United States or in any other place since your 16th birthday. Include any military service in the past. If none, write “none.” Include the name of the organization, location, dates of membership from and to, and the nature of the organization . If additional space is needed, use separate paper.</p><p>41. Did you file a U.S. Individual Income Tax Return in any of the last three years (even if joint)? If yes, for which tax year was the last return filed? </p><p>42. If spouse is employed, their annual income: $</p><p>COMPLETE ONLY IF THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL OVER THE NEXT SIX MONTHS. 43. Date of intended departure: 44. Expected length of trip: 45. Purpose of trip: </p><p>THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS APPLICATION. PLEASE CHECK YES OR NO .</p><p>1. Have you ever, in or outside the U.S: </p><p> a) knowingly committed any crime of moral turpitude or a drug-related offense for which they have not been arrested? Yes No </p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 b) been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, fined or imprisoned for breaking or violation any law or ordinance, excluding Yes No traffic violations?</p><p> c) been the beneficiary of a pardon, amnesty, rehabilitation decree, other act of clemency or similar action? Yes No</p><p> d) exercised diplomatic immunity to avoid prosecution for a criminal offense in the U.S.? Yes No</p><p>2. Have you received public assistance in the U.S. from any source, including the U.S. government or any state, country, Yes No city, or municipality (other than emergency medical treatment), or are they likely to receive public assistance in the future?</p><p>3. Have you ever: </p><p> a) Within the past 10 years been a prostitute or procured anyone for prostitution, or intend to engage in such activities in Yes No the future? </p><p> b) Engaged in any unlawful commercialized vice, including, but not limited to, illegal gambling? Yes No</p><p> c) Knowingly encouraged, induced, assisted, or aided any alien to try to enter the U.S. illegally? Yes No</p><p> d) Illicitly trafficked in any controlled substance, or knowingly assisted, abetted or colluded in the illicit trafficking of Yes No any controlled substances?</p><p>4. Have you ever engaged in, conspired to engaging, or do they intend to engage in, or have they ever solicited Yes No membership or funds for, or have they through any means ever assisted or provided any type of material support to, any person or organization that has been engaged or conspired to engage, in sabotage, kidnapping, political assassination, hijacking, or any other form of terrorist activity</p><p>5. Do you intend to engage in the U.S. in: </p><p> a) Espionage? Yes No</p><p> b) any activity of purpose of which is opposition to. or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States, Yes No by force, violence or other unlawful means?</p><p> c) any activity to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the United States of goods, technology or Yes No sensitive information?</p><p>6. Have they ever been a member of, or in any way affiliated with, the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party? Yes No</p><p>7. Did you, during the period March 23, 1933 to May 8, 1945, in association with either the Nazi Government of Yes No Germany or any organization or government associated or allied with the Nazi Government of Germany, ever order, incite, assist or otherwise participate in the persecution of any person because of race, religion, national origin or political opinion?</p><p>8. Have you ever engaged in genocide, or otherwise ordered, incited, assisted or otherwise participated in the killing of Yes No any person because of race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, or political opinion? </p><p>9. Have you ever been deported from the U.S. or removed from the U.S. at government expense, excluded within the Yes No past year, or are now in exclusion or deportation proceedings?</p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449 10. Are you under a final order of civil penalty for violating section 274C of the immigration act for use of fraudulent documents, or have they, by fraud or willful misrepresentation of a material fact, ever sought to procure, or procured, a visa, other documentation, entry into the U.S. or any other immigration benefit? Yes No</p><p>11. Have you ever left the U.S. to avoid being drafted into the U.S. Armed Forces? Yes No</p><p>12. Have you ever been a J nonimmigrant exchange visitor who was subject to the 2 year foreign residence requirement Yes No and not yet complied with that requirement or obtained a waiver?</p><p>13. Are you now withholding custody of a U.S. Citizen child outside the U.S. from a person granted custody of the child? Yes No</p><p>14. Do you plan to practice polygamy in the U.S.? Yes No</p><p>If you would like further information about specific case scenarios or situations, please call our office or email us at [email protected] to speak to one of experienced immigration attorneys. </p><p>DISCLAIMER: The confidential information provided in this memorandum is for information purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice. This information is not intended to create an attorney-client or other relationship between Kuck Immigration Partners LLC and the recipient. The reader should consult with an immigration attorney before acting in reliance on any such information. </p><p>ATLANTA | T: 866.286.6200 | T: 404.816.8611 | F: 404.816.8615 CHARLOTTE | T: 704.568.9228 | F: 704.568.9449</p>
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