<p> Minutes of a meeting of Sawtry Parish Council held on June 10th 2015 </p><p>Present: Cllrs Riddle, Emerick, Custance, Tuplin, Scott, Day, Morris, Laxton, Chisnall, Rayson, North, District Cllr Tysoe15 members of the public (until after item 101/15) and the Clerk. 95/15 Apologies For Absence Cllr Alexander, County Cllr Bywater 96/15 To Sign And Approve Minutes Approved Dated May 8th 2015 97/15 Matters Arising From Previous The Clerk corrected minute 85/15 – Sawtry In Bloom – Minutes (for information only) Gidding Road should read Green End Road 98/15 Members’ Declaration Of Interest None for items on the Agenda Public forum – no members of the public wished to speak 99/15 To Receive Reports From Representatives Of Outside Bodies</p><p>Sawtry Sports and Leisure Cllr Tuplin: Association – Cllrs Tuplin/Chisnall It is the SSLA AGM next week The last 3 meetings have not been attended by the treasurer The Clerk advised the rent due 1st May had not yet been received – Cllr Tuplin to raise this at the AGM</p><p>Sawtry Show – Cllr Tuplin Cllr Tuplin – the Schedules are now produce – they will be given out at the carnival on Saturday </p><p>Sawtry Carnival – Cllr Emerick Cllr Emerick – everything is in place for a bigger and better carnival this year.</p><p>Sawtry in Bloom – Cllr Rayson Cllr Rayson – summer planting is now in the village signs and planters</p><p>District Council – Cllr Tysoe Cllr Tysoe – the Local Development Plan is still not nearing completion. A briefing paper for Parish Councils explaining the delay is to be produced shortly. - Cllr Tysoe is now portfolio holder for Customer Services and IT - a new HDC website will be launched in the autumn</p><p>District Council – Cllr Tuplin Cllr Tuplin – changes to legislation will result in brownfield sites not needing to include affordable housing in plans if certain criteria regarding the size of the plot are met. </p><p>County Council – Cllr Bywater Cllr Bywater – not present. He had forwarded an email for information – the proposed switching off of street lights will not happen until at least 1st April 2016 to allow time for Parish Council consultation. 100/15 To Receive The Chairman’s Report The chairman attended the Feast Parade service on May 31st. £60 was raised in the collection for Sawtry First Responders. </p><p>Future plans for chairman’s challenge: The ex-servicemen’s club are organising a fund raising disco and a sponsored walk Another quiz is being planned The next challenge will be a sponsored side car event at Wood Walton in September – the chairman to complete 4 laps in the side car</p><p>101/15 To Receive And In So Far As Required, Ratify Recommendations Contained In The Minutes Of The Following Committees (attached to this Agenda as listed) Amenities No meeting. </p><p>From May 8 2015 Full Council: To consider request from Sawtry Youth Project (paper previously circulated with Amenities agenda April 15th 2015) for the Parish Council to work closely with them, the District Council and the young people of Sawtry to build on their ideas and provide a meaningful and well utilised outside facility for their targeted age group – request supported. Referred to Amenities Committee to progress. </p><p>Proposal from Cllr Custance To consider the financial implications of the long term maintenance of attenuation ponds – it was agreed that the Clerk would contact Cambs CC Flood Division to ask who would be responsible for the funding of the maintenance once the developers leave the site. Churches and Civic June 3rd 2015 – minutes attached </p><p>Representatives approved: Cllrs North and Laxton – Feast Parade planning group Cllrs Day and Chisnall – Carol Service planning group Cllrs Alexander and Laxton – Lead Councillors for Cemeteries Community June 3rd 2015 – minutes attached </p><p>Request was received for a donation to a 12 year old Sawtry resident who is a member of a Huntingdon Dance group that have been invited to perform in America. </p><p>It was agreed to make a donation of £150. </p><p>F & GP to consider a policy at their next meeting for making payments from the Young Persons Project fund. Finance and General No meeting Purposes Planning May 27th – attached June 10th – attached 102/15 Changes to committee membership Cllr Day added to Churches and Civic Cllr North removed from Amenities Cllr Custance added to Amenities </p><p>Membership of F & GP was confirmed as: Chairman Vice-Chairman Chairman of Committees Cllr Laxton (Buildings) Cllr Morris (Finance)</p><p>Cllr Morris will hand in to the Parish Council office the paperwork in his possession regarding the chairmanship of the staffing committee, to be passed on to Cllr Emerick. 103/15 Financial Report 104/15 To Approve Payment and signing of Cllrs Custance and Tuplin confirmed cheque cheques payments corresponded with invoices. Payments were approved. Cheque Invoice Budget Heading To Amount NET VAT No No 305891 1 Pension Conts CCC Pension 1953.13 1953.13 0.00 Fund 305892 2 Tax & NI HMRC 928.38 928.38 0.00 305893 3 - 7 Salary/Wages (5 Admin 4233.22 4233.22 0.00 - members of 305897 staff) 305898 8 Donation (from Sawtry First 60.00 60.00 0.00 Feast Parade Responders Collection) 305899 9 Van Expenses Premier Motor 144.76 120.63 24.13 Vehicle Servicing Ltd 305900 10 Grass Cutting CGM Landscapes 4639.56 3866.30 773.26 Mar/Apr 305901 11 Property Maint Key Industrial 100.80 84.00 16.80 Equipment Ltd 305902 12 Subscription CommuniCorp 12.00 12.00 0.00 305903 13 Village Maint – ESPO 438.76 365.63 73.13 373.20 Property Maint – 65.56 305904 14 Vandalism County Windows 330.00 275.00 55.00 305905 15 Room Hire Grafton Projects 48.99 48.99 0.00 Refreshments Ltd 305906 16 St Andrews Trade UK 85.26 74.34 10.92 Maint 305907 17 Property Maint S G Electrical 75.00 62.50 12.50 305908 18 Village Maint Arthur Ibbett Ltd 377.67 314.72 62.95 305909 19 Office Expenses Viking 171.68 151.90 19.78 305910 20 Carnival Account Sawtry Marquees 306.00 306.00 0.00 305911 21 Carnival Account Julia Houston 272.20 272.20 0.00 305912 22 Carnival Account Dawn Quince 185.00 185.00 0.00 305913 23 Carnival Account Sawtry Marquees 39.00 39.00 0.00 305914 24 Carnival Account Martin Sales 172.74 172.74 0.00 Additional payments agreed at the meeting: 305915 25 Feast Parade CCPB 250.00 250.00 0.00 305916 26 Carnival Account Sawtry Marquees 320.00 320.00 0.00 105/15 To note Direct Debit payments HDC – St Andrews Rates- £64.00 Eclipse Internet - £14.95 106/15 Correspondence:</p><p>Consultation: 1. Electoral Review of Cambridgeshire – closing 1. It was noted that the proposals date July 6th would mean that the allocated District and County Councillors areas would not be the same. For referral: 1. S137 Application from MAGPAS – referred to F & GP in September 2. S137 Application from EACH – referred to F & GP in September </p><p>For Information: 1. Re: Workplace Pension Scheme 2. Sawtry Youth Project Paper – as presented to Amenities Committee 3. Resignation received from Cllr Bacon 3. It was agreed to ask the Clerk to 4. Luminus re: Supporting Local Communities write and thank Cllr Bacon for all his hard work on the Council and on the committees he served on. Newsletters: 1. A P Partnership – May 2015 2. Police & Crime Commissioner – May 2015 3. Local Council Update</p><p>107/15 To consider Parish Council presence on Sawtry Referred to F & GP Scene 108/15 To consider Parish Councillor training – roles and It was agreed that no training was responsibilities currently required on roles and responsibilities 109/15 Next Meeting July 8th 2015 at 7.30pm (NB No meeting in August) Appendix 1 – Minutes of a meeting of the Churches and Civic Committee held on June 3rd 2015</p><p>Present: Cllrs Alexander, North, Rayson, Morris, Day, Laxton, Custance, Chisnall, Emerick, Riddle, Christine Mynott (St Benedicts), Imogen Falvey (All Saints) 1 Election of Chairman Cllr Alexander 2 Apologies for absence Cllr Tuplin, Revd Rosie Ward (All Saints), Tony Stefanelli (St Benedicts) 3 Minutes of last meeting April 1st 2105 4 Matters arising from previous minutes None 5 Members Declaration of Interest None 6 Feast Parade – feedback on this Cllr Alexander reported that he felt the band were very year’s event held on May 31st good, the service was very good, unfortunately the weather wasn’t. The number of people taking part in the parade was lower than last year. Thanks were expressed to Matt Coates and the other members of the Methodist Church Band for accompanying the service. The collection raised £60 for Sawtry First Responders. </p><p>For consideration at the next meeting: Worth continuing? Hold indoors Parade fatigue? Local knowledge – new residents unaware of the tradition of the parade Involvement from schools, guides, scouts etc to be encouraged 7 TO AGREE REPRESENTATIVES ON WORKING GROUPS: 7.1 Feast Parade 7.1 Cllrs North and Laxton 7.2 Carol Services 7.2 Cllrs Day and Chisnall 8 TO PROPOSE TO FULL COUNCIL Cllrs Alexander and Laxton THE LEAD COUNCILLOR FOR CEMETERIES 9 UPDATE/REPORTS FROM CHURCH REPRESENTATIVES: 9.1 All Saints 9.1 Food Bank – the churches and CARESCO are involved with this Hoping to start ‘Open the Book’ with the Junior School from September – the churches working together to present bible stories. Clarification was sought on the need for the food bank – over 40 parcels have been provided since the start of the scheme in Sawtry in January. It is for the surrounding villages as well as Sawtry. As well as food parcels, referrals are also given to other agencies for help. The food bank not only helps the unemployed but also those on low incomes. 9.2 St Benedict’s 9.2 Four volunteers are involved with the food bank. A banner will be displayed outside the WI hall when services are taking place to advertise them. 9.3 Methodist 9.3 No representatives from the Methodist Church were in attendance.</p><p>10 REVIEW OF CEMETERIES: 10.1 All Saints 10.1 The Clerk reported that the fence to screen the 10.2 St Andrews spoil heap was in hand. 10.3 Closed Churchyard 10.2 Nothing to report 10.3 Cllr Alexander had been approached with the request that the vegetation is cut down to allow access to the grave stones. Cllrs Alexander and Laxton will present a report to the next meeting with a proposed maintenance plan. 11 WORLD WAR 1/11 There are two commemoration services planned this COMMERATIONS year for the fallen of World War 1 – 16th August and 20th September. It was confirmed that the relatives of those commemorated were invited to attend by the British Legion. Discussions to take place between Cllr Alexander, The British Legion and the Revd Rosie Ward on how to proceed next year. Cllr Riddle wished it to be recorded that she felt the commemorations should continue so as not to treat any of the fallen differently. 12 NEXT MEETING September 2nd at 7.00pm (Next Carol Services planning group meeting September 7th). </p><p>Appendix 2 – Minutes of a meeting of the Community Committee held on June 3rd 2015</p><p>Present: Cllrs Rayson, Custance, North, Chisnall, Morris, Emerick, Riddle, Mandy Carpenter (Infant School) and 2 members of the public 1 Election of Chairman Cllr Rayson was elected. 2 Apologies for absence Cllr Tuplin, Sarah Wilson (Community College) 3 Minutes of last meeting April 1st 2015 4 Matters arising from previous minutes The Clerk advised that she now had information relating to the operation of Speedwatch. 5 Members Declaration of Interest None 6 YOUTH UPDATE: 6.1 Infant School 6.1 Mandy reported that there were two new teacher who were covering maternity leave. Building work is currently taking place to provide a larger dining area. There are plans currently being discussed to extend the building to provide for two new classrooms due to the expected increase in numbers over the next 5 years. There are currently between 27 and 30 children in each class. Mandy will be leaving Sawtry to pursue her career so this is her last meeting. The committee thanked her involvement with the committee over several years and wished her well for the future. </p><p>6.2 Junior School 6.2 No representative present.</p><p>6.3 Community College 6.3 No representative present.</p><p>6.4 Youth Service 6.4 No representative present. 7 SAWTRY SHOW No representative present. 8 SAWTRY CARNIVAL Cllr Emerick advised that all is going well with the planning for the Carnival which takes place on June 13th. It is expected to be a bigger event than last year with more stalls and more involvement from the College this year. The event will be opened by Cllr Riddle and the Carnival Queen and Princesses. 9 POLICE UPDATE/CRIME FIGURES Crime figures had been circulated and it was noted that there had been an overall decrease.</p><p>Cllr Emerick reported on the Police Community Day of Action in May. If the event happens again next year it was agreed that the Police should be encouraged to improve the advertising of it.</p><p>The Clerk was requested to contact Sgt Aaron Murphy to find out when the temporary speed check wires were to be installed. 10 FINANCIAL REPORT Noted. 11 NOTICES & CORRESPONDENCE: Request was received for a donation to a 12 year old 11.1 Request for funding from Youth Sawtry resident who is a member of a Huntingdon Project budget Dance group that have been invited to perform in America. </p><p>It was agreed to recommend to Full Council that the request is supported. The Clerk to find out more information before the Full Council meeting: How many Sawtry residents involved What are the expected costs per person to attend the event </p><p>If Full Council approve a donation it is recommended that:</p><p> If more members of the group are resident in Sawtry they are encouraged to apply. All applicants to receive the same amount. Payments to be made from the Youth Projects budget 12 NEXT MEETING September 2nd 2015 at 8.00pm</p><p>Appendix 3 – Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on May 27th 2015</p><p>Present: Cllrs Day, Riddle, Emerick, Laxton, Custance, Scott, Bacon 1 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN Cllr Day was appointed 2 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Alexander, Morris, Tuplin 4 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS May 13th – approved at Full Council – none MINUTES (for information only) 5 MEMBERS ‘DECLARATION OF None INTEREST for Agenda items 6 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 6.1 15/00771/FUL – Garage North West 6.1 Recommend approval – it would improve the of 4 Belgrave Square – erection of streetscene and would be a good addition to the bungalow following demolition of housing stock being close to village amenities. detached double garage</p><p>6.2 15/00766/FUL – Telephone 6.2 Recommend approval as it is a detailed planning Exchange, Old Great North Road – application and a good use of a site which is change of use of Telephone Exchange currently unused, this is subject to the highways to Day Nursery and Beauty Salon authority approval of the visibility of users of the site relating to the incline of the proposed ingress and egress and that parking restrictions (zig-zag or yellow lines) are in place on the B1043 to ensure visibility for vehicles on the road is not adversely affected. 7 PLANNING DECISIONS: Noted </p><p>15/00237/FUL - 5 Huntings Drive, Two storey extension (revised proposed rear elevation) – approved </p><p>1402145FUL - Sawtry Community College - Erection of three storey classroom building to replace English Language building and three temporary classrooms – approved </p><p>8 TO CONSIDER REPRESENTATION TO It was agreed that Cllr Scott would draft ideas for the GOVERNMENT REGARDING THE basis of a document and this would be presented to OVERDEVELOPMENT OF SAWTRY the planning meeting on July 22nd. Initially, the report to remain confidential to the Parish Council. 9 NEXT MEETING 10th June at 7.00pm Appendix 4 – Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on June 10th 2015 Present: Cllrs Day, Morris, Scott, Tuplin, Emerick, Custance, Riddle, Laxton. 1 Apologies for absence 2 Minutes of last meeting May 27th 2015 3 Matters arising from previous minutes None 4 Members Declaration of Interest None 5 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 5.1 15/00667/S73 – Sawtry Infant 5.1 Recommend refusal – would prefer to see plans School – variation of condition 1 of for a permanent structure as temporary approval has planning permission 1201121FUL to been granted twice already. allow the retention of a 6 bay mobile unit Cllr Tuplin abstained from voting. for dual use for school/community and pre-school for a further 3 years 5.2 15/00725/HHFUL – 15 Manor Drive 5.2 Recommend approval – no impact on – single storey flat roof extension to rear neighbours 5.3 15/00755/HHFUL – 6 Scotney Way 5.3 Recommend approval – no adverse effect on – extension to front and side and neighbours. Concern is raised about arrangements relocation of front door for run off/storm drainage – there does not appear to be any on the plans.</p><p>The Clerk was requested to contact HDC to advise that the Committee have noticed a general deterioration of standards of drawings on planning applications and would hope to see an improvement in the future.</p><p>To consider a planning seminar for the future with a planning officer from HDC in attendance. 6 PLANNING DECISION: Noted </p><p>15/00566/HHFUL - 6 Devonshire Close Sawtry Huntingdon PE28 5SG - Proposed replacement garage and porch canopy – approved 7 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY (CIL) – information for Councillors 7.1 Noted attached: 7.1. To note receipt of £11,487.01 from HDC which is the Parish Council portion (15%) of CIL for planning application – 1201740FUL – Demolition of Sawtry Village Garage and the erection of 5 detached homes. 7.2 To consider suggestions for the use 7.2 Referred to Planning Committee meeting to be of CIL. held on January 27th 2016 to allow Councillors to bring forward suggestions. 8 NEXT MEETING June 24th at 7.00pm</p>
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