Water Heaters and Storage Tanks Ecodesign and Energy Label Review Study Task 2 Market Analysis FINAL REPORT Review study Commission Regulation (EU) No. 814/2013 [Ecodesign] and Commission Delegated Regulation No. (EU) No. 812/2013 (Energy Label) Prepared by VHK for the European Commission in collaboration with BRG Building Solutions, London (UK) July 2019 The information and views set out in this study are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. Prepared by Study team: Van Holsteijn en Kemna B.V. (VHK), The Netherlands, in collaboration with BRG Building Solutions, London (UK) Authors: René Kemna, Martijn van Elburg, Sanne Aarts (all VHK), Andrea Corso (BRG subcontract) Study team contact: René Kemna ([email protected]) Contract manager: Jan Viegand, Viegand Maagøe Project website: http://www.ecohotwater-review.eu Specific contract: no. ENER/C3/SER/FV 2016-537/08/FWC 2015-619 LOT2/03/SI2.753935 Title: Review Study existing ecodesign & energy labelling Water Heaters & Tanks Contract date: 9.6.2017 Consortium: Viegand Maagøe, VHK, Wuppertal Institute, Armines, Oakdene Hollins Cover: DHW storage tank with coil [picture VHK 2016-2017] _______________________ This study was ordered and paid For by the European Commission, Directorate-General For Energy. The inFormation and views set out in this study are those oF the author(s) and do not necessarily reFlect the oFFicial opinion oF the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy oF the data included in this study. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalF may be held responsible For the use which may be made oF the inFormation contained therein. This report has been prepared by the authors to the best oF their ability and knowledge. The authors do not assume liability For any damage, material or immaterial, that may arise From the use oF the report or the inFormation contained therein. © European Union, July 2019. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. More inFormation on the European Union is available on the internet (http://europa.eu). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is the Final Task 2 report oF the preparatory review study on the Ecodesign Commission Regulation (EU) No. 814/2013 and Energy Label Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 812/2013 For (dedicated) water heaters and hot water storage tanks. Task 2 not only serves as an update oF market Figures For the subsequent Tasks, Following the MEErP methodology, but also reviews speciFic aspects mentioned in Article 7 oF the regulations and evaluates the eFFectiveness oF the current regulations in as much as can be derived From market data. Most raw stock and sales data were produced by subcontractor BRG Building Solution. Other data and the elaboration oF BRG data was done by VHK. Generic economic data Eurostat production and trade data For water heaters are largely inconclusive, because the 8-digit (CN8) product groups contain also items that are not in the scope oF the Ecodesign and Energy Label regulations For water heaters, such as electric kettles and solid Fuel water heaters. Hot water storage tank are not speciFied as such in any statistical 8-digit product group. Stock In 2014, according to BRG, 89 million EU dwellings (36% oF total) used dedicated water heaters as a primary source oF sanitary hot water. Apart From that, there are around 53 million secondary dedicated water heaters, used as single tap solution e.g. For the kitchen or bathroom sink. Also in the scope oF current water heater regulations are the standing losses oF 40 million indirectly heated cylinders. The energy eFFiciency oF the boilers heating those cylinders as well as the energy eFFiciency oF combi-boilers (65 million installed) and large boilers For collective heating oF 21 million dwellings are in the scope oF the Ecodesign and Energy Label boiler regulations, i.e. not the water heater regulations discussed here. District heating equipment to supply water heating solutions (24 million dwellings) is not regulated under Ecodesign or Energy Label legislation. For the non-household sector it is estimated that the number oF hot water tapping points is approximately one-third oF that oF the household sector. Sales Total EU water heater sales, including combi-boilers, dropped over 15% aFter the 2007 Financial crisis, i.e. From 18.5m units in 2006 to 15.6m units in 2016. Since 2012 the sales are more or less stable at this level. Dedicated water heaters are some 60% oF unit sales (9.5m units). Largest riser is the (monobloc) Heat Pump Water Heater, selling 136k units in 2016, 109k more than in 2007. Sales oF solar thermal panels are declining at a rate oF over 6% per year. The largest sales drop, on aggregate 50% over the last decade, comes From gas-Fired storage water heaters (GSWHs). Reliable energy eFFiciency data For water heaters is as yet scarce. ManuFacturer’s association APPLiA was able to supply a data-set For electric water heaters, but For Fossil- III Fuel Fired and solar water heaters eFFiciency data are estimated on the basis oF technical characteristics. According to new Eurostat statistics the total 2015 residential energy consumption For all water heating, including combi-heaters and excluding water heating From solid Fuel boilers, is around 1978 PJ (47.2 Mtoe) in primary energy. Including an extra one-third For non-household applications this amounts to 2637 PJ (62.9 Mtoe) primary energy. Prices and rates Energy prices increased considerably less, or even declined, compared to the trend beFore 2011. This means that the more comprehensive LiFe Cycle Cost calculation method will have to be used in Future tasks. Product prices were derived From on-line oFFers. Market actors Suppliers oF dedicated water heaters and storage tanks are mainly large companies, although there are also some larger SMEs that are active in the Field. The interim Task 2 report From December 2017 has not stimulated stakeholders to give more speciFic inFormation over the course oF 2018 and thus to draw any Firm conclusions regarding the eFFectiveness oF the current water heater regulations is premature. Once manuFacturers have Filled the database oF the European Registry For Energy Labelling (EPREL)1 in June 2019, it should be possible to have a better insight. 1 Since 14/12/2018 the EPREL database is online product registration: https://energy-label.ec.europa.eu. IV GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS See Task 1 report V Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................... III GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS ................................................................... V 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1 1.1 Update (MEErP)....................................................................................... 1 1.2 Review (Art. 7) ....................................................................................... 3 1.3 Evaluate ................................................................................................. 3 2 GENERIC ECONOMIC DATA ............................................................... 4 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 4 2.2 Production .............................................................................................. 5 2.2.1 EIWH ........................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 ESWH ........................................................................................... 6 2.2.3 Non-electric dedicated water heaters ................................................ 7 2.2.4 Trade by origin .............................................................................. 8 3 MARKET AND STOCK DATA ............................................................. 10 3.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 10 3.2 EU Water heater stock ............................................................................ 10 3.2.1 Residential sector, primary water heaters ........................................ 10 3.2.2 Residential sector, secondary water heaters ..................................... 14 3.2.3 Non-residential sector ................................................................... 15 3.3 Sales .................................................................................................... 16 3.3.1 Total EU ...................................................................................... 16 3.3.2 Technical market segmentation ...................................................... 20 3.3.3 Market segmentation by tapping proFile ........................................... 23 3.3.4 Sales solar thermal ....................................................................... 25 3.4 Energy EFFiciency .................................................................................... 28 3.4.1 Stock energy use (Eurostat) ........................................................... 28 3.4.2 EFFiciency electric water heaters sold in 2016 (APPLiA data) ............... 30 3.4.3 Other dedicated water heaters ........................................................ 32 3.4.4 Storage tanks ............................................................................... 33 3.5 Average age and product liFe ................................................................... 33 4 PRICES AND RATES .....................................................................
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