<p> Middleton—Page 1</p><p>RENÉE A. MIDDLETON, Ph.D.</p><p>Home Address: Office Address: 117 North Capitol Parkway College of Education Montgomery, Alabama 36107–1405 3084 Haley Center Phone: (334) 264–4816 Auburn, Alabama 36849 Mobile: (334) 750-2364 Ph: (334) 844-4446 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (334) 844-5785 </p><p>COE Administrative Web Site: www.education.auburn.edu Departmental Web Site: www.auburn.edu/coun</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE and LEADERSHIP PROFILE:</p><p>Dynamic, creative, and innovative academic leader with broad administrative competencies and experiences. Demonstrated ability of collaborating and working with a variety of cutting edge programs in teacher and counselor education. Record of advocacy for issues related to shared governance, multicultural diversity and effective learning communities. Unique ability to conceptualize issues and problems and establish successful responsive solutions. Flexible and effective in collaborating with colleges, universities, schools, and agencies. Effective communication and human relation skills. </p><p>ACADEMIC BACKGROUND</p><p>Ph.D. Auburn University 1990 Rehabilitation Administration Auburn, Alabama (Minor Areas: Rehabilitation Counseling, Education)</p><p>M.A. University of Tennessee 1983 Clinical Audiology (Minor Area: Knoxville, Tennessee Speech Pathology, Behavioral </p><p>Sciences)</p><p>B.S. Andrews University 1981 Speech & Hearing (Minor Area: Berrien Springs, Michigan Behavioral Sciences) Middleton—Page 2</p><p>EXPERIENCE SUMMARY</p><p>Administration: 22 Years Experience</p><p>Director (Responsibilities Consistent with Associate Dean), Office of Research, Human Resources & Outreach, College of Education (COE), Auburn University </p><p>Administrative Director, AU Program for Training and Development, Department of Rehabilitation and Special Education. Clinical Director, West Georgia College Speech & Hearing Clinic, West Georgia College (University of West Georgia). Clinic Director, Alabama A&M University. Clinical Audiologist, Department of Special Education, Huntsville, Alabama.</p><p>Research: 19 Years Experience</p><p>White Racial Identity Development Multicultural Counseling Competency Disability Policy Issues Education & Workforce Diversity Aging & Disability</p><p>Teaching: 22 Years Experience</p><p>Multicultural Issues in Counseling Counseling Theory & Practice Counseling and Human Services Audiological Core Courses Research/Tests and Measurement Rehabilitation Programs & Services Introductory Speech Pathology Core Courses</p><p>Consulting: 18 Years Experience</p><p>Public School Strategic Planning for Diversity Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research Food & Drug Administration: Center for Devices & Radiological Health Rehabilitation Counseling and Multicultural Diversity Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling—Ethics/Consumer Protection Middleton—Page 3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE</p><p>Administrative/Leadership</p><p>Auburn University (1994 — Present) Director of Research, Human Resource Development & Outreach (Responsibilities Consistent with that of Associate Dean for Research & Outreach) </p><p>Direct report to the Dean coordinating all management functions of college research, outreach and human resources; including budget, staff and faculty development, and staff supervision. The Associate Dean for Outreach responsibilities were assigned in 1999 and the Associate Dean for Research responsibilities were assigned in spring of 2002. </p><p>• Member – Council of Associate Deans for Research • Member – Council of Associate Deans for Outreach • Member – Deans Administrative Council • Member – Strategic Planning Committee • Member – Curriculum Design Assurance Seminar • Member – NCATE Steering Committee 2007 • Co-Chair– Distance Education Steering Committee • Advisor/Mentor – College of Education Holmes Scholars</p><p>Signature achievements are:</p><p>Research Increased College of Education extramural funding by 60% from $ 2.8 million to 4.6 million.</p><p> Established innovative research, teaching and outreach projects e.g. Auburn City Schools Diversity Initiative, China Global Bridges Preschool Project, Hyundai Motor Company, etc. </p><p> Initiated and published Brief Impact Research Reports of premier research conducted by faculty in the College of Education, disseminated to schools, service agencies, academic membership organizations, top 100 research universities, and other state and national constituencies.</p><p>Outreach Established college-wide competitive internal funding stream for distance education to assist faculty in developing course work, curricula, and activities, disbursing and assisting in securing over $150,000 over 5 years. Over $350,000 has been directed to the College in external resources. Middleton—Page 4</p><p> Established and disbursed competitive outreach grants setting priorities linking outreach efforts to enhance partnerships with schools on alert, community agencies, and colleges. Disbursed over $100,000 over the last seven years.</p><p> Positioned the College as a central participant in focusing community and school-based issues: school violence, health disparities, poverty, equity and excellence in education via coordination and delivery of national live-interactive teleconferences. </p><p> Initiated and published Outreach & YOU briefs describing impact of outreach actives engaged in by faculty in the College of Education. Briefs disseminated to schools, service agencies, academic membership organizations, top 100 research universities, and other state and national constituencies.</p><p>Human Resources Increased retention rates of junior faculty from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds from 40% to 80% and from 80% to 95% with majority faculty.</p><p> Lead department heads and search committee’s in realigning college hiring processes and practices to increase the presence of underrepresented faculty.</p><p> Increased recruitment of racial/ethnic diversity among faculty by 900% over the last ten years. </p><p> Instituted professional development experiences for faculty and department heads e.g., promotion and tenure dossier preparation, grant-writing, qualitative data management software, writing for publication. </p><p> Advocated for and secured a 1% give back from the College Dean to all College unit budgets for the purpose of increasing staff salaries. </p><p>Administrative Director, AU–Program for Training and Development Department of Rehabilitation and Special Education (1991 — 1994)</p><p>U.S. Department of Education grants administered (management of over $400,000 annually): Community Rehabilitation Program Administration Training Project Community Rehabilitation Personnel Training Project Vocational Evaluation and Adjustment Services Training Project Centers for Independent Living Personnel Training Project</p><p>University of West Georgia (1984— 1990) Clinic Director and Audiologist; West Georgia College Speech & Hearing Clinic Established all functions and practices of the speech & hearing clinic and services for West Georgia College Community. Administered clinical program and supervised staff. Alabama A&M University (1983 — 1984) Clinical Audiologist and Part-time Instructor, Department of Special Education, Huntsville, Alabama Middleton—Page 5</p><p> Established all functions and directed clinical services in audiology for Alabama A&M University and the surrounding Community. Part-time instructor for graduate course in Audiology.</p><p>University Leadership</p><p>Women’s Leadership Advisory Council: 2005 – Present. The Women’s Leadership Institute is a member of the national network of NEW (National Education for Women) Leadership Institutes developed by The Center for American Women and Politics of Rutgers University. Goals are to prepare a new generation of women leaders with vision and courage, provide an innovative curriculum, and connect students with women leaders who are making a difference in the public and private spheres.</p><p>African American Faculty and Administrator Recruitment and Retention Committee (Title VI): 2003-Present. Federally mandated (Knight, Sims vs. State of Alabama), committee charge is to “advise their respective administrations on the best methods for increasing and retaining black representation on their respective faculties and administrative staffs.”</p><p>Holmes Scholars Coordinator and Advisor, College of Education: 1999-Present. The Holmes Scholars Program (HSP) is comprised of a select group of graduate students enrolled at The Holmes Partnership institutions. The HSP is managed by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) and George Washington University’s Graduate School of Education and Human Development (GSEHD).</p><p>AU Black Administrators Council-Vice Chair: 2004 – Present. The Council’s mission is to discuss and debate issues of concern that impede progress at Auburn University. The Council will develop programs that foster professional development of Black Administrators and periodically recommend to individuals and bodies on campus ideas that will create a better environment for Black Administrators to flourish.</p><p>Rules Committee – Member: 2002 – 2004. Elected member by university faculty The Senate Rules Committee has the responsibility for providing the President with a list of faculty nominations for University committees. The committee serves as the Committee on Committees.</p><p>Auburn University Enrollment Management — Committee Member: 2000 – 2003. The Committee was charged with making recommendations regarding the strategic direction of enrollment management and assisted in the development of a five-year plan.</p><p>Steering Committee Member—AU Faculty Senate Committee: 2000–2003. Committee consists of the Chair of the Senate, the Provost, the Chair-elect, the secretary, and the secretary-elect of the Senate. This Committee acts for the Senate on those matters requiring attention between meetings of that body. In addition, it is concerned with the academic affairs of the University, with particular attention given to the need for developing and recommending policies under which these affairs are conducted. Middleton—Page 6</p><p>Faculty Salaries Committee – Member: 2001 – 2003. Examined salaries of all University faculty and staff within the institution compared to those at other SREB universities. Recommendations are made to the University Budget Advisory Committee as to the most effective means of remedying existing salary inequities and ensuring the maintenance of equity in the salary structure. Gender and Racial equity are also a focus.</p><p>Research Grant-in-Aid Committee—AU Faculty Senate Committee: 2000 – 2001. This Committee consists of the Associate Provost and Vice President for Research as chair, and 13 faculty members (one from each college). The Committee establishes policy for the Grant-in-Aid program and reviews and recommends proposals for funding.</p><p>AU Senate Committee on the Status of Racial and Ethnic Diversity — Chair: 1999 -2001. This Committee was charged by the faculty senate and the University Provost with reviewing college/school plans for institutional diversity. The Committee also advised the President and the Provost on key issues on maters related to the retention and recruitment of racially and ethnically diverse faculty.</p><p>Student Discipline Committee — Chair: 1998 - 2000. Responsibility was to review the allegations made against students and make a determination as to whether or not the alleged behavior or conduct of the student my have violated the Code of Student Discipline. Evidence of violations was referred to the full University Discipline Committee and my responsibility was to Chair the proceedings at the Hearing.</p><p>Partners in Community Service (PICS), Center for Service Learning — Member: Member since 1999, PICS integrates service-learning throughout programs and curriculum university-wide. </p><p>Presidents Advisory Committee on the Status of Women and Minorities — Committee Member: 1995-1996. The Committee was appointed by former President Muse to formally study, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding the status of women and minorities on the campus of Auburn University.</p><p>The Auburn University Education & Health Professions Partnership — Member: Established in 1995 to operationalize an integrated, service-based model of interdisciplinary education, research, and outreach at a land-grant university. Middleton—Page 7</p><p>Committee for Persons with Disability—Committee Member: 1992 - 1995. Serves as the advocate for issues affecting the educational needs and accessibility modifications necessary for the educational advancement of persons with disabilities.</p><p>Auburn Black Faculty Caucus — President: 1992 – 1994. Serves as an advocate and voice for issues of disparity (employment, tenure and promotion, salary equity, etc.) affecting African American faculty, professional support staff, and other underrepresented groups. </p><p>Auburn Women's Caucus — Co-Chair:1993 - 1994. The Caucus is the organized body on campus that serves as a network and support for women and women’s issues.</p><p>Professional Leadership</p><p>Higher Education Partnership: --- Member, Board of Directors: 2004 – Present: Members of the Higher Education Partnership, including fifteen Alabama colleges, with links to their home pages and Partnership Action Offices. The Board Advocates for the importance of higher education in bettering the lives of people in Alabama. Responsibilities: Identify, recruit, organize and unite advocates of higher education. Advocate the needs and effectively communicate the importance of higher education to the people of Alabama and its leaders. Promote new education partnerships to improve the quality of life for citizens of Alabama. The American Counseling Association (ACA)--Public Awareness & Support Committee: 2005-2008. One of 14 standing Committees of ACA, the mission is to promote public awareness of and support for the counseling profession. The committee is responsible for implementing the strategic plan and addressing the ongoing needs of the association. </p><p>The American Counseling Association (ACA)--Co-Chair of Taskforce for a Graduate Student Association (GSA) or Network: This is a one-year appointment, commencing July 1, 2005. Committee is charged with designing a Graduate Student Association that fosters student involvement, professional development, mentoring, and leadership development. </p><p>American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) —Committee on Women’s Issues: 2000 – 2003. Committee coordinates AACTE’s efforts to promote women into leadership positions in higher education, as well as the organizations gender equity agenda.</p><p>American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) — Elected to: Deans of Color Special Study Group, Treasurer: 2001 - 2003. The Deans of Color SSG coordinates efforts and works with AACTE leadership to promote faculty from ethnically diverse backgrounds into leadership positions in higher education. Middleton—Page 8 National Rehabilitation Counseling Association Multicultural Task Force — Member: 1998 – 2000. The task force was charged with preparing a written plan to implement strategic goals toward multiculturalism with the profession. </p><p>National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns (NAMRC) — President & Immediate Past President: 1995 – 1996; 1997–1999. A Division of the National Rehabilitation Association, NAMRC is a progressive association that addresses community, social, vocational, and independent living needs of multicultural persons with disabilities. As Immediate Past President, I served on the Board of Directors for NAMRC. Officers hold two-year terms.</p><p>Consultancies</p><p>International </p><p>Global Bridges Early Learning Preschool Project (Mainland China): 2004 – Present. An international partnership established to provide developmentally appropriate content for teaching young children ages 3 to5 years. The curriculum offers a global perspective that features a balance of Chinese and Western culture and language. A cross-disciplinary team was assembled (Early Childhood and Elementary Education Architecture, Computer Engineering, Children’s Literature and Media, ESL, Special Education, Exercise Physiology and Health Education, etc.).</p><p>Universite Nationale Du Benin, Cotonou, Benin (West Africa): May 2001, assisted in a seminar series on educational research and development. Seminars were organized for the purpose of establishing links of cooperation and collaboration in research activities between the Université Nationale du Bénin and selected universities in the United States.</p><p>National/State-wide </p><p>Hyundai Motor Company: 2006 - Present. Contracted with faculty in the Department of Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology and School Psychology to provide personnel and management training to deal with employee/labor relations conflicts and challenges associated with a diverse workforce.</p><p>Discretionary Grant Projects for the Rehabilitation Services Commission, U.S. Department of Education (OSERS) — Reviewer: 1997- Present. Serving as a reviewer of discretionary grant applications to help ensure applications receive a fair and equitable review. </p><p>The Renascence Re-entry Community Program --- Board Member: 2000 -2004. One- year program for nonviolent male offenders, based on a holistic approach to psychological and spiritual wellness. Program provides education and training, mental health counseling, alcohol & drug abuse treatment, job referral and job placement, family programs, etc.</p><p>Alabama Prison Project — Board Member and Vice–Chair: 1997-2001. A state-wide organization to reduce crime through the reform of the criminal justice system (especially prison Middleton—Page 9 reform and death penalty). </p><p>Center for Devices and Radiological Health of the Food and Drug Administration: Ear, Nose and Throat Devices Panel — Consultant and Consumer Representative: 1999-2001. The FDA body that provides recommendations for approval of ear, nose, throat devices, reviews and evaluates data on the safety and effectiveness of marketed and investigational devices. Recommendations for their regulation, advise on formulation of product development protocols, etc. The role is to lead discussion on key issues from the consumer perspective.</p><p>Technical Assistance on Transition and the Rehabilitation Act (TATRA) — Advisory Committee Member: 1999-2001.To consult and advise the project director’s on key issues relating to the delivery of rehabilitation services to youth with disabilities. </p><p>Auburn City Schools Cultural Diversity Training; Auburn, Alabama: 1998-2000. This multi-year training came at the request of the Auburn Board of Education. They were part of a state-wide action taken against numerous Alabama school districts alleging that the State operated a racially dual school system i.e., a segregated school system (Lee vs. Macon County Bd. Of Education, 267 F. Supp.458—M.D. Ala.1967).</p><p>Alabama New South Coalition–Montgomery County Chapter — President: 1998 – 2000. An independent and bipartisan political organization dedicated to progressive ideas of freedom, justice, and democracy. </p><p>Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission Cultural Diversity Training: 1999. Columbus, Ohio. 150 rehabilitation counselors and vocational evaluators were trained in the area of rehabilitation work force diversity and managing diversity.</p><p>Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling—Board Member: 1991 – 1995. Licensor Board for Counselors. Board is charged with enforcing and establishing appropriate guidelines for the ethical behavior for the counseling profession. </p><p>Minnesota Rehabilitation Association's Annual Fall Conference: October, 1995. Multicultural Diversity: What is it, and do we really want it?" Craguns Resort, Brainerd, Minnesota. Invited Keynote Speaker.</p><p>The Higher Education Minority Enterprise (THEME): A Rehabilitation Cultural Diversity Initiative: July, 1994. Grant-Writing Workshop: "Accessing Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Grant Funds", Atlanta, Georgia. Middleton—Page 10</p><p>United States Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service: June, 1994. "The Americans with Disability Act: What's in it for you?” Area V Special Emphasis Program, Troy, Alabama.</p><p>Alabama Dietetic Association's 16th Annual Conference: April, 1994. "The Americans with Disabilities Act: Food for thought". Montgomery, Alabama. Served as an invited concurrent session presenter.</p><p>Annual RSA/RRCEP Human Resource Development Council Conference: June, 1993. "The Leadership Bridge Institute: A model for leadership development". Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Consultant to Rehabilitation Administrators.</p><p>Tennessee Commission on Aging Conference: June, 1992. "The American with disabilities act and the handicapped elderly". An invited consultant on managing diversity in the rehabilitation workforce. Nashville, Tennessee.</p><p>Commencement Speaker, Loachapoka Elementary School: May, 1992. "Preparing today for tomorrow's challenges", Sixth Grade Graduation: Loachapoka, AL. An invited commencement speaker.</p><p>Central Alabama Community College: May, 1990. "Attitudes, beliefs, and consequences: A larger vision". Career Days, Childersburgh, AL.</p><p>RESEARCH/OUTREACH GRANTS </p><p>Middleton, R. A., King, K. & Reed, C. (1997). “Towards multiculturalism”. College of Education Office of Outreach and Development, Auburn University, (FUNDED: $2000)</p><p>Middleton, R. A. (1996). “Towards multiculturalism: The role of the organization in reaffirming diversity--Part II.” College of Education Office of Outreach and Development, Auburn University (FUNDED: $2000).</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Crayton, E.F., & Myers, E. (1996). “Race, Poverty, and The Criminal Justice System: Challenges and Solutions.” Alabama Humanities Foundation. Birmingham, Alabama (FUNDED: $2,000).</p><p>Middleton, R.A. & Acosta-Deprez, V. (1995). “Towards multiculturalism: The role of the organization in reaffirming diversity.” College of Education Office of Outreach and Development. Auburn University (FUNDED: $2,500). Middleton—Page 11</p><p>Tew-Washburn, S., Middleton, R.A., Lair-Greve, A., Spencer, Y., Couch, R. H. (1994). "Community Rehabilitation Personnel Training Project. Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Grant, CFDA #84.129G (FUNDED for 3 years at: $300,000). Source: U.S. Department of Education.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. & Spencer, Y.D. (1992)."Rehabilitation Facility Administration Training Project". Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Continuation Grant. CFDA #84.129, $109,560 (FUNDED for 3 years at: $328,680). Source: U.S. Department of Education.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. & Marini, I.D. (1992). "Independent Living Center Training Project". Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Continuation Grant, CFDA #84.129, $100,000 (FUNDED for 3 years at $300,000). Source: U.S. Department of Education.</p><p>Pell, K.L., & Middleton, R.A. (1992). "Rehabilitation Workshop and Facility Personnel Training Project".Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Continuation Grant. CFDA #84.129, $57,000 (FUNDED for 3 years at: 171,000). Source: U.S.Department of Education.</p><p>McClanahan, M.C. & Middleton, R.A. (1992). "Vocational Evaluation and Adjustment Services Training Project". Rehabilitation Services Administration Long-Term Training Continuation Grant, CFDA #84.129, $106,743 (FUNDED for 3 years at: $320,229). Source: U.S. Department of Education.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (1989)."Identifying risk factors and predicting hospital readmission among older persons with heart disease". Grant #9020, $220.00 (FUNDED for 1 year). Source: West Georgia College Research Grant Applications.</p><p>Ekhaml, L. & Middleton, R.A. (1988). "A study of educational computing internships and employment opportunities for qualified students". Grant #2340, $285.00 (FUNDED for 1 year). Source: West Georgia College Research Grant Applications.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. & Ekhaml, L. (1986)."A selective study of the utilization of various assistive listening devices in schools, libraries, and hospitals. Grant #5943, $400.00 (FUNDED for 1 year), West Georgia College Research Grant Applications.</p><p>TEACHING</p><p>Auburn University Department of Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology and School Psychology College of Education Professor (2004 – Present) Associate Professor (1999–04) Assistant Professor (1994–98)</p><p>Graduate Courses Taught Middleton—Page 12</p><p>COUN:7320 Counseling Theory and Practice (03 credits) COUN:7330 Counseling Diverse Populations (03 Credits) COUN:7960 Directed Readings: Advanced Studies in Diversity (03 credits) CCP:610 Rehabilitation Programs, Professions and Services (4 credits) CCP:521 Counseling and Human Services (4 credits) CCP:650 Cultural Aspects of Health Care and Human Services (4 credits) CCP:725 Internship (Variable Credit) CCP:646 Directed Independent Study (4 credits) CCP:6/799 Thesis and Dissertation (Variable Credit)</p><p>Departmental Committee(s) Search Committee: Director of Training for Counseling Psychology (2003) Co-Chair Technology Committee (2000 — Present) Community Agency Counseling-Admissions (1997 — Present) Counselor Education Exam Committee (1995 — 2002) Semester Transition Committee—Department (1997 — 2000) Portfolio Development Committee (2000 — 2001) Semester Transition Committee (1998 — 2000) Student Evaluations Committee (Chair, 1995 — 2001)College Student Development Faculty Search Committee (1997/98;1998/99) College Student Development-Admissions (1995/96)</p><p>University of West Georgia(Formerly West Georgia College) Department of Special Education Speech Pathology Program School of Education Carrollton, Georgia</p><p>Instructor (1984 — 1990)</p><p>Undergraduate Courses Taught *Introduction to Audiology *Clinical Management *Articulation Disorders *Introduction to Speech Pathology *Phonetics *Language Development of the Exceptional Child *Clinical Practicum: Audiology</p><p>Graduate Courses Taught *Neuroanatomy *Adult Aphasia *Anatomy of Speech & Hearing *Individual Appraisal/Tests and Measurements *Computer Technology in Special Education *Auditory Disorders in Children Middleton—Page 13 PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Stadler, H. & Holstein, J. (Invited Publication--Manuscript #1 of a Major Contribution). Conceptualization of a national study on racial identity development and multicultural competency. The Counseling Psychologist. </p><p>Middleton, R. A., Stadler, H., Holstein, J & Erguner-Tekinalp, B. (Invited Publication —Manuscript # 2 of a Major Contribution). Racial identity development and multicultural counseling competencies: A theoretical paradigm explored. The Counseling Psychologist.</p><p>Middleton, R. A., Holstein, J., Erguner-Tekinalp, B. , DelSignore, A. M., Stowe, A., Petrova, E., & Stadler, H. (Invited Publication—Manuscript #3 of a Major Contribution). Racial identity development and multicultural competency: Implications and recommendations for training, research and practice. The Counseling Psychologist. Submitted: June 30, 2004.</p><p>Stadler, H., Suh, S., Cobia, D., Middleton, R. A., Carney, J. (2006). Reimagining counselor education with diversity as a core value. Counselor Education & Supervision.,45(3), 207-217.</p><p>Alston, R.J., Harley, D.A., & Middleton, R.A. (in press). The role of rehabilitation in achieving social justice for minorities with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.</p><p>Middleton, R. A., Stadler, H., Simpson, C., Guo, Y., Brown, M., Crow, G., Schuck, K., Alemu, Y. & Lazarte, A. (2005). Mental health practitioners: The relationship between white racial identity attitudes and self-reported multicultural counseling competencies. Manuscript under review to: Journal of Counseling and Development.</p><p>Larkin, V., Alston, R. J., Middleton, R.A., Wilson, K. B. (April/May June, 2003). Underrepresented ethnically and racially diverse aging populations with disabilities: Trends and recommendations. Journal of Rehabilitation, 46(2), 26-31.</p><p>King, K. L., Houston, I. S. & Middleton, R. A. (2001). An explanation for school failure: Moving beyond black inferiority and alimentation as a policy-making agenda. British Journal of Educational Studies, 49(4), 428-445.</p><p>Middleton, R. A., Rollins, C., Sanderson, P. L., Leung, P., Harley, D., Ebener, D. & Leal-Idrogo, A. (2000). Endorsement of professional multicultural rehabilitation competencies and standards: A call to action. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin,43(4), 219-240.</p><p>Middleton, R. A., Rollins, C. & Harley, D. (1999). The historical and political context of the civil rights of persons with disability: A multicultural perspective for counselors. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development,27(2), 115-120.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Harley, D.H., Rollins, C. & Solomon, T. (1998). Affirmative action, cultural diversity, and disability policy reform: Foundations to the rights of persons with disability. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling,29(4), 9-18. Middleton—Page 14</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Flowers, C. & Zawaiza, T. ( 1996). Affirmative action, multiculturalism, and Section 21 of the 1992 Rehabilitation Act Amendments: Fact or fiction? Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin,40(1),11-30.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (1996). Rehabilitation professionals' knowledge and sensitivity about multicultural diversity: Findings from one state rehabilitation agency. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 20(4), 291-316.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Byrd, E.K. (1996). Psychosocial factors and hospital readmission status of older persons with cardiovascular disease. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling,(4), 3-10.</p><p>Asubonteng, P., Middleton, R.A., & Munchus, G. (1996). Ambulatory patient groups (APG’s) and redefining the roles of health care providers’ delivery services in the United States. Health Management Manpower, 22(2), 16-20.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. & McDaniel (1990). The (Re)habilitation needs of the older non- disabled handicapped person: Expanding the role of the rehabilitation professional. Journal of Rehabilitation, 56,(4),23-27.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., & Ekhaml, L. (1987). A Selective study of the utilization of various assistive listening devices in schools, libraries, and hospitals. Journal of Rehabilitation Quarterly, 12, pgs. 4-11.</p><p>Books, Chapters, Articles, and Reviews</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Erguner-Tekinalp, B., Zhu, L., Chinigar, Z., & Sam, T. (In Press). Carter, R. & Thompson, C.E. (Eds). 2nd Edition Racial Identity Theory: Applications to Individual, Group, and Organizational Interventions </p><p>Middleton, R.A. (2005). Mental health challenges of African American elders: Issues, interventions and cultural consideration. (Eds. Harley, D. A. & Dillard J. M.) In: Contemporary Mental Health Issues Among African Americans. ACA Publications, Alexandria, Virginia (www.counseling.org).</p><p>Middleton, R., Arrendondo, P., D'Andrea, M. (2000, December). The impact of Spanish-speaking newcomers in Alabama towns. Counseling Today, 24. Middleton—Page 15</p><p>Stadler, H.A., Middleton, R. A., King, K. L. (1999). Diversity watch for the new millennium: Reversing the tide of exclusion. In Charlotte Griffin & Bill Emener (Eds.). Professional Counseling:Transitioning into the Next Millennium (pp. 121–135). Springfield, Illinois. Publisher: Charles Thomas.</p><p>Harley, D., Rollins, C.W. & Middleton, R. A. (1999). Discrimination and prejudice run amuck. In Larry L. Naylor (Ed.), Problems and issues of diversity in the United States (pp. 87– 95). Westport, Conn: Bergin & Garvey.</p><p>Campbell-Whatley, G. & Middleton, R.A. (I995). Current Literature Review: Journal of Reading. In Bob Algozzine (Ed.). Problem Behavior Management: Educator's Resource Service. Second Edition, (pp. CLR:9 - CLR:12). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., McLaughlin, L.A., & Hutto, K.S. (1994). Advocacy: Advancing your skill and information base. A Resource Guide for Consumers, Parents, Practitioners, and Rehabilitation Educators. Auburn University: Program for Training and Development, Department of Rehabilitation and Special Education. </p><p>McDaniel, R.S., & Middleton, R.A. (1988). Test review of the career evaluation system in: A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments. Second Edition. pgs. 249-253.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS</p><p>Alfred, D. M., Sam, T., & Middleton, R. (August, 2007). Advocating quality health care for African-American women with hypertension: A call to psychologists. Proposal for a paper presentation submitted to the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA.</p><p>Alfred, D. M., Erguner-Tekinalp, B., Harper, A., Petrova, E., Rogers, M., Sam, T., Wiggins, K., Middleton, R., & Stadler, H. (October, 2007). Teaching and mentorship through experiences of a multi phased interdisciplinary research team. Proposal for a paper presentation submitted to Association of Counselor Educators and Supervision Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH.</p><p>Middleton, R., Alfred, D. M., Blevins, T., Doolin, E., Graham, S., & Hargrove, G. (February, 2007). Help-Seeking Behavior in Trained Crisis Volunteers and Mental Health Professionals: Implications for Multicultural Counseling Training and Competence. Proposal accepted at the 6th Annual Southeastern Conference on Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling and Education, Savannah, GA.</p><p>Middleton, R., Petrova, E. & Ergüner-Tekinalp, B. (October, 2005). ″Potential workplace and clinical implications of racial identity profile constellations of Eurepean-American mental health practitioners." Boston College Diversity Challenge: The Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture. Boston, Massachusetts. Middleton—Page 16</p><p>Middleton, R. A., Ergüner-Tekínalp., Petrova, E. (October, 2005). Clinical Applications of Racial Identity Development: Profile Approach to Helm's Racial Identity Development Model. Association for Counselor Educators and Supervision. Pittsburg, PA </p><p>Barnes, S., Suh, S., Russell, M., Middleton, R., Blake, R., Ashlock, J. & Owen, L. (March, 2004). "Moving toward the future: Preparing teachers to teach in diverse settings through professional development experiences" Professional Development Schools National Conference (Southeast Holmes Partnership). Orlando, Florida.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Stadler, H., Simpson, C., Guo, Y., DelSignore, A. & Holstein, J. (April, 2004). "Racial identity development and its relationship to multicultural counseling competency: A theoretical paradigm explored." International Conference of the American Counseling Association. Kansas City, Missouri.</p><p>Stadler, H., Cobia, D., Middleton, R. A., Carney, J. & Suh, S. (April, 2004). "Re- Imagining counselor education with diversity as a core value." International Conference of the American Counseling Association. Kansas City, Missouri.</p><p>Stadler, H., Middleton, R.A., Tate, M (January, 2004). "Re-imaging graduate professional education: Diversity as a core value." National Holmes Partnership Annual Conference, San Diego, California (Paper Accepted).</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Stadler, H. & Holstein, J. (October, 2003). "Multicultural counseling competencies and racial identity development: A theoretical paradigm explored." Boston College Diversity Challenge: The Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture. Boston, Massachusetts.</p><p>Carney, J., Cobia, D., Clark, E., Driver, N., Middleton, R.A., Tate, M., & Thomas, C. (September, 2003). The doctoral portfolio. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Chattanooga, TN. </p><p>Larkin, V., Kraska, M., Middleton, R.A., Guarino, A. (June, 2003). "Students perception of diversity implementation in a college of education." American Psychological Society. Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Georgia.</p><p>Stowe, A., Bryant, T., Heard, S., Helton, J., Simpson, C. & Middleton, R.A. (March, 2002). “Operationalizing multicultural competency: Exploring the role of racial identity. International Conference of the American Counseling Association. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana.</p><p>Cobia, D. C., Buckhalt, J., Carney, J., Middleton, R. A., Trippany, R. & Ullery, E. (March 2002). Doctoral written exam replaced with portfolio assessment at Auburn University. American Counseling Association International Conference, New Orleans, LA.</p><p>Erevelles, N., Middleton, R. A., Kanga, A. (April, 2002). Race, disability, and the limits of “inclusion policies” in education. American Educational Research Association – SIG Disability Studies in Education, Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana.</p><p>Erevelles, N., Middleton, R. A. (November, 2001). “How does it feel to be a Middleton—Page 17 problem?: Race, disability, and the limits of “inclusion policies” in education. American Educational Studies Association, Miami, Florida.</p><p>Stadler, H. & Middleton, R.A. (July 2001). International Conference on Improving University Learning and Teaching.”Implementing service learning at a research-based institution.” Johannesburg, South Africa.</p><p>Rollins, C. W., Middleton, R. A., Leung, P., Sanderson, P., & Harley, D. A. (April, 2001). “Expanding our cultural competence. International Conference of the American Counseling Association. A 3-hour Workshop. Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas.</p><p>King, K. L., Middleton, R. A., & Erevelles, N. (April, 2001). “Transforming our nation’s schools: Using case studies to facilitate the adoption of more equitable teaching strategies”. American Educational Research Association. Marriott Hotel, Seattle, Washington.</p><p>King, K. L., Houston, I. S., Middleton, R.A. (March, 2001). “Educational concerns for the new millennium: Moving beyond African American inferiority as a policy-making agenda.” Comparative and International Education Society, Washington, DC.</p><p>Rollins, C. W., Middleton, R. A. (May, 2000). “Ethical issues in Native American rehabilitation.” Invited paper presentation at the Mid-Year CANAR Conference. Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Reservation. Philadelphia, Mississippi.</p><p>Middleton, R. A., King, K. L., Erevelles, N., Crow, G. & Simpson, C. (April, 2000). “Diversity awareness and cultural sensitivity: Assessing and negotiating multiple viewpoints after school desegregation for educational transformation.” American Educational Research Association – Division K. Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana.</p><p>King, K.L., Middleton, R.A., Erevelles, N., Crayton, E.F., Whang, P., et al., (June, 1999). “Rethinking research: Negotiating a resistant community.” Reclaiming Voice II: Ethnographic Inquiry and Qualitative Research in a Postmodern Age. University of California Regents, Irvine, California.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Rollins, C.W., Booker, C., Harley, D.A. & Sanders, K. (April,1999). “Conflict Management and the Skilled Helper: Keys to Attaining Multiculturalism in a Diverse Workforce.” International Conference of the American Counseling Association. A 3-hour Workshop. San Diego, California.</p><p>Middleton, R. A., Harley, D., Booker, C. (March, 1998). “Managing Intergroup Conflict: A Consequence of Enhancing Diversity.” American Rehabilitation Counseling Association/National Rehabilitation Counseling Association 15th Annual Professional Development Symposium. Vancouver, Washington.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Rollins, C., Flowers, C. & Crow, G. (April, 1997). “Counseling and older adults with disabilities: A multicultural perspective.“ International Conference of the American Counseling Association. A Mind Jazz Lecture Session. Orlando, Florida.</p><p>Harley, D., Alston, R., Middleton, R.A. & Rollins, C. (March, 1997). “Ethics and cultural diversity: Addressing rehabilitation counselor response models when working with racial Middleton—Page 18 minorities”.National Rehabilitation Counseling Association 14th Annual Professional Development Symposium. Tampa, Florida.</p><p>Chapple, B., Crow, G., Larkin, V. & Middleton, R. (November, 1996). “The Attitudes of Students Toward a Recruitment Program Targeting Members of Underrepresented Groups”. Mid-South Educational Research Association. Tuscaloosa, Alabama.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Flowers, C. & Rollins, C. (March, 1996). “Section 21 of the 1992 Rehabilitation Act Amendments: Fact or Fiction?” National Rehabilitation Counseling Association 13th Annual Professional Development Symposium. Little Rock, Arkansas.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (November, 1995). “Multicultural Diversity: Knowledge, sensitivity, and in-service education training needs of vocational rehabilitation professionals in Alabama.” Mid-South Educational Research Association. Biloxi, Mississippi.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (May, 1994). "ADA: A path to empowerment for diverse populations". Annual Conference of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Atlanta, Georgia.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Crayton, E.F. (1992). "Cultural diversity and linguistic minorities: Targeting, identifying, and motivating". National Rehabilitation Counseling Association 9th Annual Professional Symposium, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Crayton, E.F., Connell, S.L. (1992). "Diversity in the workplace: Where is rehabilitation in the face of ADA?" Southeast Region National Rehabilitation Association, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. & Pell, K. (1992). "ADA: Use of supported employment as a reasonable accommodation". National Rehabilitation Counseling Association 9th Annual Professional Symposium, Pre-Conference Session, Birmingham, AL.</p><p>Middleton, R., McDaniel, R.S., Couch, R.H., & Deaton, W.L. (November, 1991)."Identifying risk factors for the prediction of hospital readmission among older persons with cardiovascular disease". Mid-South Educational Research Association, Lexington, KY.</p><p>Middleton, R.A., Crayton, E.F., Connell, S.L. (April, 1991). "Issues in multicultural counseling of persons with disabilities". National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference, Louisville, KY.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (1989). "The (Re)habilitation needs of older non-disabled persons: Expanding the role of the health care professional". Mid-America Congress on Aging. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (1986). "Aural rehabilitation, a total health maintenance approach". Southern Regional Symposium Building Family Strengths. Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas.</p><p>Middleton, R.A. (1986). "Learning to live, hear, and age successfully". Mid-America Congress on Aging. Chicago, Illinois. Middleton—Page 19</p><p>CURRENT PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS</p><p>American Counseling Association (ACA) — Member 1995 to Present.</p><p>Public Awareness & Support Committee: Member (June 2005 – June 2008) Co-Chair of Taskforce for a Graduate Student Association or Network: (July 2005 through July, 2006).</p><p>Current Divisions: *American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Editorial Journal Consultant – Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. Reappointed: 2002 – 2004. Previous Term: 1998 – 2000. *Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development – Member Editorial Board – Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. Term: July 2004 – July 2007. *Association for Counselors and Educators in Government – Member *Association for Counselor Education and Supervision – Member Editorial Board – Journal of Counseling and Development. Term: 2001 – 2004.</p><p>National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) — Member 1995 to Present.</p><p>Consortium on Native American Rehabilitation (CANAR) — Member 1999 to Present.</p><p>National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) — Member 1987 to 2004</p><p>Current Divisions: *National Association of Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns Immediate Past President—Term: 1998 – 2000 President—Term: 1996 – 1998. Vice President—Term: 1994 – 1996 Conference Co-Chair—Term: 1994 and 1995 *National Rehabilitation Counseling Association Multicultural Task Force Committee member—Term: 1998 to 2001. This task force prepared a written plan to implement strategic goals toward multiculturalism within the rehabilitation counseling profession. *National Rehabilitation Administration Association – Member *National Association of Independent Living – Member *National Association of Rehabilitation Instructors – Member Legislative Chair—Term: 1/99 — 12/99. </p><p>National Alliance for Hispanic Health – Member 1994 to present.</p><p>Phi Delta Kappa. Professional Fraternity in Education. Alabama State University Chapter. Member Since–April 1998. Middleton—Page 20</p><p>NATIONAL and LOCAL HONORS/AWARDS</p><p>2006 AAUP Academic Freedom Award- Auburn University Chapter: The award is presented annually to a person who has demonstrated high ethical standards and professionalism in his or her field and has made significant contributions to advocating, protecting and extending academic freedom. 2004 Alabama Counseling Association Research Award 2003 Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Outstanding Service Award 2003 Outstanding Faculty Member, Black Student Union Awards 2001 Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education (HERS), Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. 1998 Auburn University, College of Education Student Council Award of Appreciation 1989 Rho Sigma Epsilon, Honorary Rehabilitation Organization 1989 Who's Who Among American College and University Professors 1988 National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association Honorary Advisor 1981 Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities</p>
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