<p> CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>Hans P. Nooteboom, born in Waingapu on the isle of Sumba, Indonesia, on July, 2, 1934. Nationality Dutch. Returned to the Netherlands in 1939. After leaving school and having done his duties in military service, which he left as an officer, he studied Biology at Leiden University. He finished his studies with his doctoral exam at December, 12, 1961, and passed his thesis to become D.Sc. at June, 25, 1975. He lectured at grammar school from 1959 until 1974. From 1961 until 1977 he was engaged as taxonomist at the Laboratory for Experimental Plant Systematics of the Leiden University. During this time he lectured Plant Taxonomy and related subjects to all grades of students. Also during this time he was several years member of the University Council and of the Faculty Council. From 1977 onwards he was senior scientist at the Rijksherbarium, Leiden. After his retirement in 1999 he stayed at the herbarium as quest scientist doing taxonomical work, and as general editor of Flora Malesiana. Further he is engaged with nature conservation in SE Asia. From 1969 onwards he worked many times together with the Herbarium Bogoriense and LIPI on several projects and expeditions. In his capacity of member of the board of TROPENBOS he worked several times together with the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia. In 1993 and 1994 he worked together with UNPATTI (The main university in Ambon, Indonesia) in a project (vegetation survey and conservation) in the Aru archipelago. During his many stays in Indonesia he acquired a working knowledge of the Indonesian language. He also co-operated with scientists in P.R. of China and is co-author for some families in the Flora of China</p><p>FUNCTIONS Dr. Nooteboom often is asked as adviser on the issues of the Tropical Rainforest for the Dutch Government, as well as on the theme of Biodiversity. He was asked to give his opinion on project proposals for ITTO (International Timber Trade Organisation) and GEF (Global Environment Facility). He was secretary of the Dutch Commission for International Nature Conservation and member of its working group Ecology and Development. Also he is Hon. Secretary/treasurer of the board of the Foundation for International nature Conservation ("de van Tienhoven Stichting) – finished January, 1, 2004 and member of the Scientific Authority of CITES (The Washington Convention on threatened animal and plant species) in the Netherlands and the EEC) – finished December, 1, 2004.. He was member of the scientific committee of the foundation "Keurmerk", the foundation that gives a hallmark to imported certified timber – finished December 1, 2004. In 1998 he was asked by the Canadian Embassy to assess forestry and forest related issues in the provinces British Columbia, Quebec, and Nova Scotia in Canada. He visited the provinces in October Since 1997 he is general editor of Flora Malesiana. Since 2001 he is member of the editorial committee for the ferns of the Flora of China (English edition).</p><p>EXPEDITIONS 1 January - 22 March 1969 in Thailand, Singapore, West Java, and Sabah (E. Malaysia). 1 March - 1 May 1970 in Sabah and Sarawak. </p><p>1 1 September - 20 December 1977 in Sri Lanka and the Andaman Islands (India). 21 August - 22 September 1981 in Kalimantan, Indonesia. 24 October 1982 - 1 March 1983 in Kalimantan, Indonesia (Bukit Raya). 12 October - 16 December 1984 in Buru, Indonesia. 10 - 25 April 1985 in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. 26 October - 30 November 1991 in Yunnan and Hainan, China 9 - 15 February 1992 a team of Dutch timber merchants, a T.V. crew, and several others made a mission to Myanmar, invited by the Myanma Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. They were to assess the way in which the forests are managed for the extraction of teak wood. I participated in this mission as an independent observer. During the mission both natural teak forests and teak plantations in several places in South Central Myanmar (Pegu and Pyinmana districts) were studied. 3- 27 April, 1993, to the Aru Archipelago, Indonesia. 11 October - 17 November 1994 to the Aru Archipelago, Indonesia</p><p>LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Preliminary revisions of some genera of Malesian Papilionaceae (with M.S. van Meeuwen and C.G.G.J. van Steenis). Reinwardtia 5 (1961) 431--436, 438--443, 446--450, 453--456. (With D.J. Kuenen) Olfactory orientation in some land isopods (Oniscoideae, Crustaceae). Ent. Exp. & Appl. 6 (1963)133--142. Generic delimitation in Simaroubaceae tribus Simaroubeae and a conspectus of the genus Quassia L. Blumea 11 (1962) 133--142. Simaroubaceae. Flora Malesiana 1, 6 (1962) 193--226. Flavonols, Leucoanthocyanins, Cinnamic acids, and Alkaloids in dried leaves of some Asiatic and Malesian Simaroubaceae. Blumea 14 (1966) 309--315. The taxonomic position of Irvingoideae, Allantospermum Forman, and Cyrillopsis Kuhlm. Adansonia II, 7 (1967) 161--158. Simaroubaceae. Addenda, corrigenda et emendenda. Flora Malesiana I, 6 (1972) 968--972, fig. 15 & 16. Ailanthus fordii Nooteboom, an endemic species of Hong Kong refound. Memoirs Hong Kong Natural History Society 9 (1974) 16, 17. Revision of the Symplocaceae of the Old World, New Caledonia excepted. (Thesis). University Press, Leiden. 1975. pp. 335, with ill. Symplocaceae. Flora Malesiana I, 8 (1977) 205--274. (With J.E. VIdal) Symplocaceae. Flora Cambodja, Laos & Vietnam 16 (1977) 1--75, incl. ill. Symplocaceae. Flora of Taiwan 4 (1978) 112--132. A Taxonomic revision of the Malesian and Australian species of Uncinia. Blumea 24 (1978) 511--520. A new Hypolytrum from Middle Andaman. Blumea 25 (1979) 319. (with Dr. Kern+) Cyperaceae-II. Flora Malesiana I, 9 (1979) 107-- 187. Symplocacées. Flore de la Nouvelle Caledonie 9 (1980) 135--158. Review of Symplocos from New Caledonia. Blumea 26 (1980) 411--415. A new Symplocos (Symplocaceae) from Sumatra. Blumea 26 (1980) 416--417. Symplocaceae. A Revised handbook to the flora of Ceylon III (1981) 454--478. Symplocaceae. Brunonia 4 (1981) 309--326. Simaroubaceae and Symplocaceae. Flora of Thailand 2, 4 (1981) 439--464. Bukit Raya Expedition, preliminary report. Leiden, Rijksherbarium (1983) 23 pp.</p><p>2 Summary of a lecture: The genera of tribe Magnolieae, family Magnoliaceae. Acta Bot. Neerl. 322 (1983) 119--120. Conservation. Chapter in Flora Malesiana Bulletin 36 (1983) 3910--3919. idem 37 (1984) 40--45. idem 38 (1985) 167--172 Dugandiodendron (Magnoliaceae) erroneously described. Taxon 33 (1984) 696--698. Symplocos (Symplocaceae) from the Bukit Raya. Blumea 30 (1984) 73--76. Op de drempel van een drama, ontbossing in Indonesie. Global Forest Magazine 1 (1984) 13-- 17. Bosbranden in Kalimantan. Panda 20 (1984) 93--94. (Also in NRC/Handelsblad 12 April, 1984). Een brand zo groot als Nederland. Panda 21 (1985) 3 pp. Het Tropisch Regenwoud. NRC/Handelsblad 10-10- 1985. 1p. Notes on Magnoliaceae with a revision of Pachylarnax and Elmerrillia and the Malesian species of Manglietia and Michelia. Blumea 31 (1985) 65--121. Research. In Flora Malesia Bulletin 39 (1986) 2 pp. Symposia. idem 1 p. Conservation. idem, 5 pp. Reviews. idem 5 pp. Additions to Bornean Symplocaceae. In Blumea 31 (1986) 277--280. Research and publications, in FM bulletin 39 (1986) 277--279. Symposia, in FM bulletin 39 (1986) 286. Conservation, in FM bulletin 39 (1986) 289--294. Reviews : LANLY, J.P., Shifting cultivation, in FM bulletin 39 (1986) 319-320; Michon, G. De l'Homme de la Forêt au Paysan de l'Arbre, l.c. 320--321; Ross, M.S., Forestry in land use policy for Indonesia, l.c. 321--322; Yeom, F.B.C., Lesser-known tropical wood species: how bright is their future? and Bethel, J.S., Sometimes the word is "weed": a critical look at lesser-known species, l.c. 322--323; Government of Indonesia (ed.), A Review of policies affecting the sustainable development of forest lands in Indonesia, l.c. 323--324. (editor) Report of the 1982--1983 Bukit Raya Expedition (1987) Rijksherbarium, Leiden. pp. 93 Wallaceana 47 (1987) pp 10--11: Further views on environmental impacts of (de) forestation in the tropics. Notes on Magnoliaceae II. Blumea 32 (1987) 343--382. Laumoniera, a new genus of Simaroubaceae from Sumatra. Blumea 32 (1987) 383--383. An updated classification of Magnoliaceae. MAGNOLIA, journal of the Magnolia Society 23, 1, (1987) 1--8. What should botanists do with their time? Taxon 37 (1988) 134. (editor) Conservation. Flora Malesiana Bull. 10 (1988) 24 - 26. id. Reviews: BEUSEKOM, C.F. et al. (1987). Tropenbos, wise utilization of tropical rain forest lands, Fl. Mal. Bull. 10 (1988) 51; GIESEN, W. Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve, inventory, ecology, and management guidelines. l.c. 252; N. N. Proceedings of the conference on 'forest resources crisis in the third world' 6 - 8 september 1986. l.c. 54 - 55; SIMONS, H. Gunung Niut Nature Reserve, proposed management plan, l.c. 55 - 56. Magnoliaceae. Flora Malesiana sér. I, 10 (1988) 561 - 605. A new species of Symplocos (Symplocaceae) from Sulawesi. Blumea 33 (1988) 263 - 264. With A.M.N. van HOOREN. Linaceae. Flora Malesiana sér. I, 10 (1989) 607 - 619. With A.M.N. van HOOREN. Ctenolophaceae. Flora Malesiana sér. 1, 10 (1989) 629 - 634. </p><p>3 Symplocaceae of New Caledonia, Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris, 4e, sér. 11 (1989) section B, Adansonia. 1989. Het tropische regenwoud: van levensbelang. In L. Cnossen & G. Janszen (red.) kap ermee (1990) 14-24. Reviews in Fl. Males. Bull. 10 (1990) 250: Anonymous, World Plant Conservation Bibliography; p. 254-255 and Blumea 34 (1990) 504: Conservation and utilisation of Malayseian Palms (special issue Malayan naturalist. In Blumea 35 (1990) 232: H. Lieth & M.J.A. Werger (eds), Tropical rain forest ecosystems, Biogeographical and ecological studies. In Blumea 36 (1991) 86: Anonymous, World Plant Conservation Bibliography. Notes on Davalliaceae I. The Genera Araiostegia, Davallodes, Leucostegia, and Gymnogrammitis. In: Blumea 37 (1992) 165-189. La forêt tropicale: son importance vitale. In: Des Forets Sous la Coupe (Les forêts tropicales: richesses et fragilités). ORCADES-FRANCE. ISBN 2-903908-17-8 (1992) 10 pp. Reviews in FM Bull. (1992): N. Mark Collins et al. The Conservation Atlas of tropical forests.Botanicc Gardens, Kew. l.c. 126. Kiew, R. (Ed.). 1991. The state of nature conservation in Malaysia. A point of view on the species concept. Taxon 41 (1992) 318-320. A short report on the status of elephants in Burma. Gajah 9 (1992) 30-31. Magnoliaceae. in: K. Kubitzky, editor, The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants II: Flowering Plants (1993) 391--401. with CHEN, BAO-LIANG. Notes on Magnoliaceae III: Magnoliaceae of China, Annals Missouri Botanical Garden 80 (1993) 991--1104. Extremen in het tropisch regenwoud van Malesië. Kameleon mrt 1993: 32-33. The role and functions of Mangroves and Terrestrial Forests in the coastal zones. In: Coastal Zone management of small island ecosystems, Proceedings International Seminar of Small Island Ecosystems. M.K. Moosa et al., editors. (1993) 71--72. Michelia banghamii (Magnoliaceae), a new species from Sumatra. Blumea 38 (1994). 334. Proposals to reject Magnolia tomentosa (Thymelaeaceae) and conserve Magnolia kobus (Magnoliaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 43 (1994) 467-468. Notes on Davalliaceae II. A revision of the genus Davallia. In: Blumea 39 (1994) 151-214. With GISELA RÖDL-LINDER. Notes on Davalliaceae III. 1. Spores of Davalliaceae: S.E.M. study and taxonomical evaluation. 2. Generic delimitation. Holttum memorial volume (1997) 67-80. Davalliaceae of China. Acta Phytotax. Sinica 34 (1996) 162-179. With WU RONG-FEN. Symplocaeae. In: Zheng-yi Wu & Peter Raven (eds). Flora of China 15 (1996) 235-252. Microsorum aurantiacum, a new species of Microsoroid ferns. Blumea 41 (1996) 17-18. How to deal with complex species with two examples from East Asian Symplocop. In: Floristic characteristics and diversity of East Asian Plants. Proceedings of the first international symposium of floristic characteristics and diversity of East Asian plants (1996) 335-340. Eds. Zhang Aoulo & Wu Sugong. China Higher education Press. Beijing, Springer Verlag, Berlin etc. The Microsoroid Ferns (Polypodiaceae). Blumea 42 (1997) 261-395. Some new combinations in Plagiogyriaceae (with X.Y. Zhang). Blumia 42 (1997) 483-484. Davalliaceae in: Flora Malesiana II-3 (1998) 235-276.</p><p>4 (with X.Y. Zhang) A Taxonomic revision of Plagiogyriaceae (Pteridophyta). Blumea 43 (1998) 401-469. Plagiogyriaceae (with X.C. Zhang) Flora Malesiana II-3 (1998) 295-316. Microsorum (with P. Hovenkamp & M. Bosman) in Polypodiaceae in Flora Malesiana II-3 (1998) 90-131. Podosorus (with P. Hovenkamp) in Polypodiaceae in Flora Malesiana II-3 (1998) 143-144. Review: Blumea 44 (1999) 72. Flora of Australia 48, Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups. Davalliaceae, CD ROM Expert centre for taxonomic Identification (2000). & P. Chalermglin. A new species of Magnolia. Blumea 45 (2000) 245-247. Review: Blumea 45 (2000) 496-498. Robert Morley: Origin and evolution of tropican rain forests. Species complex or complex species: an example from Symplocos. In: L.G. Saw, L.S.L. Chua and K.C. Khoo (eds.), Proceedings of the fourth international Flora Malesiana symposium 1998. (2001) 148-153. A new species of Microsorum (Polypodiaceae) from Thailand. T. Boonkerd & H.P. Nooteboom. Blumea 46 (2001) 581-583. Symplocaceae. In K. Kubitzki. The Families and Genera of Flowering Plants 6 (2004) 443—449. H.P. Nooteboom & D. Figlar. Notes on Magnoliaceae IV. Blumea 49 (2004) 87-100. H.P. Nooteboom. 2005. Additions to Symplocaceae of the old World, including New Caledonia. Blumea 50: 407–411. H.P. Nooteboom. 2005. A CD Rom with a complete, updated revision, a list of synonyms, and an interactive illustrated digital key to all the taxa. H.P. Nooteboom. 2005. An illustrated updated revision of Symplocaceae of the old world with an illustrated interactive key (in INTKEY) and a list of all names is now on our website. H.P. Nooteboom. 2005. Digital, illustrated key in LUCID PHOENIX to Malesian Ficus, published together with Flora Malesiana Volume 17 part 2. Moraceae – Ficus. Xian-chun Zhang, Qiao-ping Xiang & Hans P. Nooteboom. 2005. A new species of Selaginella from Hainan Island, China, with a key to the Hainan species. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 148: 323–327. With 7 figures H.P. Nooteboom. 2005. Digital illustrated key in LUCID PHOENIX of Moraceae, genera other than Ficus. H.P. Nooteboom. 2007. Digital illustrated key in LUCID PHOENIX of Apocynaceae. P. Chalermglin & H.P. Nooteboom. 2007. A New species and a new combination in Magnolia (Magnoliaceae). Blumea 52: 559–562. Hoang Van Sam & H. P. Nooteboom. 2007. Ailanthus vietnamensis (Simaroubaceae): A new species from Vietnam. Blumea 52: 555–558. H.P. Nooteboom. 2008. How many genera have Davalliaceae? In Amoroso, Victor B. Proceedings of the 4th symposium on Asian Pterodology and Garden show, Cenral Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon: 63–68. Nianhe Xia, Liu Yuhu & Hans P. Nooteboom. 2008, Magnoliaceae in Flora of China VII. 48– 91. Nooteboom, H.P. & Piya Chalermglin . 2009. The Magnoliaceae of Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 37: 111–138. Nooteboom, H.P.. 2010. Symplocaceae in: Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Series II: Seed Plants 1: 219–264. Hans P. Nooteboom. 2010. Digital illustrated key in LUCID PHOENIX of Malesian Cucurbitaceae</p><p>5 Hiroshi Azuma, Piya Chalermglin & Hans Peter Nooteboom. 2011. Molecular phylogeny of Magnoliaceae based on plastid DNA sequences with special emphasis on some species from continental Southeast Asia in Thai Forest Bull. (bot.) 39: 148–165. Hans P. Nooteboom. 2011. How did Magnolias (Magnoliaceae: Magnolioideae) reach Tropical Asia? In Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 63(1 & 2): 299–306. Piya Chalermglin* & Hans Peter Nooteboom. 2011. Two Magnolia species new to the Flora of Thailand. Thai Forest Bull. (bot.) 39: 166–172. ( Magnolia cathcartii (Hook.f. & Thomson) Noot. and M. carsonii Dandy ex. Noot. var. drymifolia Noot.) Hans P. Nooteboom. 2012. Magnoliaceae in Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Seed Plants vol. 3. 219–247 plus photos pp 356–361. Hans P. Nooteboom. 2012. How did Magnolias (Magnoliaceae: Magnolioideae) reach Tropical Asia? In Proceedings of the second International Symposium on the family Magnoliaceae, 5–8 May 2009: 39–46. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Tach.Press, Wuhan, China H.P. Nooteboom et al. 2012. Blechnaceae. In Flora Malesiana sér. II, 4, 1--84. H.P. Nooteboom 2012. Hypodematiaceae. In Flora Malesiana sér. II, 4, 85--91 H.P. Nooteboom. 2012. Monachosoraceae. In Flora Malesiana sér. II, 4, 93—96/ H.P. Nooteboom et al. 2012. Pteridaceae subfam. Parkerioideae. In Flora Malesiana sér. II, 4, 137--144 H.P. Nooteboom 2013. Hypodematiaceae. In Flora Peninsular Malaysia sér. I, 2, 43—50 H.P. Nooteboom 2013. Davalliaceae. In Flora Peninsulat Malaysia sér. I, 2, 73—96 H.P. Nooteboom 2013. Key to Malesian Lecythidaceae. Digital illustrated key in LUCID PHOENIX. Epinomy: Magnoliaceae Magnolia × nooteboomiana Geerinck Taxonomania 34: 6. 2013 [7 Apr 2013]</p><p>6</p>
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