Obligation of Public Authorities As Per Section 4 (1) (B) of RTI Act, 2005

Obligation of Public Authorities As Per Section 4 (1) (B) of RTI Act, 2005

<p> Obligation of Public Authorities as per Section – 4 (1) (b) of RTI Act, 2005</p><p>4 (1) (b) (i) The particulars of the organization, its functions and duties </p><p>Manual- 1</p><p>NAME OF THE OFFICE: OFFICE OF THE TAHASILDAR, REMUNA</p><p>1. Objective / Purpose of the Public Authority.</p><p>Maintenance of Land Records, Collection of Revenue, Disposal of Revenue cases, to ensure timely correction of ROR & to update Land Records, Issue Misc. certificates, to supervise & coordinate Election & Census works, to oversee evacuation, rehabilitation & relief distribution works during flood and other natural calamities, & Maintenance of law & order.</p><p>2. Mission / Vision statement of the Public Authority.</p><p>This Organisation is striving hard to accelerate agrarian reforms in its true letter & spirit and thereby focus on reaching out to the poorest of the poor to settle their land disputes, to maintain & up to date land records, to provide land to the landless & homestead less families, to provide various services (e.g. Issue Miscellaneous Certificates, Certified Copies, etc.) ensure timely disbursement of Ex-gratia to the victims of natural calamities like fire/flood/any natural calamity. It functions with utmost sincerity, transparency & commitment with the objective to deliver justice to the public.</p><p>3. Brief history of the Public authority and context of its formation.</p><p>This Tahasil started functioning at Remuna since 01.05.2008 after bifurcation from its mother Balasore Tahasil. At present Sri Manas Ranjan Padhi, OAS (I) JB is working as Tahasildar, Remuna since 27.09.2010. One Additional Tahasildar is working in this Tahasil. The following staff are working in this Tahasil. The staff position is detailed below: Staff position of the Tahasil</p><p>Sanctioned Staff in No. of Post Sl No. Category of staff Strength position laying vacant</p><p>1. Tahasildar 1 1 - 2. Additional Tahasildar 1 1 - 3. Head Clerk 1 1 - 4. Senior Clerk 4 3 1 5. Junior Clerk 3 2 1 6. Revenue Supervisor 1 1 - 7. Revenue Inspector 8 7 1 8. Asst. Revenue Inspector 8 7 1 9. Amin 2 2 - 10. Chainman 2 1 1 11. Collection Peon 8 4 4</p><p>12. R.S. & Office Peon 7 4 3 13. Process Server 2 2 -</p><p>14. Daftary - - - 15. Watchman 1 1 0 16. Driver - - -</p><p>4. Duties of the Public Authority:</p><p>Disposal of various Revenue cases and to maintain up date Land Records, collection of Land Revenue, Issue Misc. certificates, supervision and collection of Election & Census work, to ensure proper evacuation, rehabilitation & relief distribution works during natural calamities, redress the grievance of the public & Maintenance of law & order in the capacity of Executive Magistrate within the jurisdiction of this Tahasil.</p><p>5. Main activities / functions of the Public Authority:</p><p>Maintenance of Land Records, Collection of Revenue, Disposal of various Revenue cases, to ensure updation of Land Records, Issue Misc. certificates, to supervise & coordinate Election & Census works, to oversee evacuation, rehabilitation & relief distribution works during flood and other natural calamities, Maintenance of law & order. 6. List of services being provided by the Public Authority with a brief write up on them: The following sections are functioning in this Tahasil.</p><p>Sl No. Name of the Section Works / assignment</p><p>1 2 3</p><p>1. Diary & Despatch Letters are received and issued thorugh this section. 2. Establishment Establishment and Bill & Budget. 3. Nizarat Cash, Stock & store. 4. Touzi Collection of Revenue, water rate, auction sale of sairat sources. 5. Revenue Lease, Alienation and identification / demarcation of land various other issues pertaining to land matters. 6. Lease & Encroachment Lease of homestead land & agricultural land to homestead less and landless persons, Alination/Lease of Govt. land to various other Govt./private organization. Booking of Encroachment cases on Govt. land. 7. Mutation Mutation correction of ROR. 8. Certificate Certificate cases under OPDR Act for recovery of arrear Govt. dues. 9. OLR Section (i) Partition cases under Section 19 (I) c of OLR Act for bifurcation of joint holdings and issue of individual patta. (ii) Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural purpose under Section -8 (A) of OLR Act. 10. General & Misc. Section Inspection, Misc. Certificate and RTI Act. 11. Emergency Natural calamities and Ex-gratia cases. 12. Judicial Court matters : 80 CPC notice, OJC & WP (C) cases, PWC & filling of Counter affidavit, etc. 13. Record Room (i) Sale of Village maps & maintenance of Record of Rights. (ii) Correction of ROR and land records. (iii) Issue of certified copies of ROR & information on RTI Act & as per ORM. 7. Organisational Structure Diagram at various levels</p><p>This Tahasil comprises of 328 revenue villages that covers all the Gram Panchayats of Remuna Block. There are 8 full & 5 part R.I. circles in this Tahasil and those function at the village level. Proposal for Reorganisation of R.I. Circles has been submitted. </p><p>8. Expectation of the Public Authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness & efficiency.</p><p>Good behaviour, patience and co-operation from public is expected to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency in Tahasil administration.</p><p>9. Arrangements of methods made for seeking public participation / contribution.</p><p>A Citizens’ Facilitation Centre is functioning in this Tahasil to ensure public participation & feedback.</p><p>10. Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery & public grievance resolution.</p><p>One Facilitation Centre is functioning in this Tahasil for service delivery & redressal of public grievance.</p><p>11. Address of the Main Office & other Offices at different levels.</p><p> a) MAIN OFFICE Office of the Tahasildar, Remuna At- Srikrushnapur Po- Januganj, Dist.- Balasore, Odisha. ODISHA, PIN- 756019 Office Phone No. 06782-224717 b) SUBORDINATE OFFICES 8 full R.I. Circles of this Tahasil are situated as follows : 1. R.I. Office Khirachora. At – Srikrushnapur, P.O.- Januganj Dist- Balasore 2. R.I. Office Naraharipur. At / PO – Naraharipur, Dist. -Balasore 3. R.I. Office Kurunia At / PO – Kurunia, Dist.- Balasore 4. R.I. Office Badagan At – Badagan P.O. – Chhanpur Dist- Balasore 5. R.I. Office Panchagarh At - Panchagarh, P.O. – Sergarh Dist- Balasore 6. R.I. Office Kuligan At / PO – Kuligan Dist.- Balasore 7. R.I. Office Srijung At / PO – Srijung, Dist.- Balasore 8. R.I. Office Sahupada. At / PO – Sahupada, Dist.- Balasore 5(five) Part R.I. Circles 9. R.I. Office Kuruda At / PO – Kuruda, Dist.- Balasore 10. R.I. Office Odangi. At / PO – Odangi, Dist- Balasore 11. R.I. Office Nagram At/Po- Nagram, Dist- Balasore 12 R.I. Office Sadar At/Po- Balasore, Dist- Balasore 13. R.I. Office, Rasalpur At/Po- Rasalpur, Dist- Balasore</p><p>12. Day Office: Opening hours- 10 AM Closing hours – 5 PM 13. Morning Office: Opening hours- 7 AM Closing hours – 1 PM</p><p>MANUAL-2 Section-4 (I) (b) (II)</p><p>1. Designation Tahasildar & Additional Tahasildar</p><p>Power & duties As per the power conferred under various Revenue Laws, Acts, Rules, Executive Instructions and guide lines of Govt. of Odisha.</p><p>2. Designation Clerks & Bench Clerks. Powers & duties They assist the Tahasildar & Additional Tahasildar in the day to day work of Tahasil Administration. MANUAL-3</p><p>Procedure followed in decision making process</p><p>Section-4 (I) (b) (III)</p><p>This office functions as per provisions provided in various Revenue Acts & Rules and Executive instructions issued by the Government of Odisha and Board of Revenue, R.D.C, (C.D), Cuttack, Collector & Sub-Collector issued / communicated from time to time. Day to day Work of this office is channelised from the level of R.I. to the Tahasil Office & then to the Sub- Divisional Level to District Level & then to the State Level. </p><p>MANUAL-4</p><p>Norms for discharge of functions Section -4 (I) (B) (IV)</p><p>Instructions issued from the Collector, A.D.M. & Sub-Collector during the monthly review meetings held at Sub-Divisional level & District level, are communicated to field functionaries/office staff during staff meetings, camp Courts etc. Inspections of R.I. offices, Tahasil office are conducted by Tahasildar, Addl. Tahasildar & Revenue Supervisor. As per annual programme, higher officers like Collector, ADM, Sub-Collector etc. also inspect Tahasil office, RI office and also conduct Annual Verification of Tahasil Accounts (SALTAMAMI) every year.</p><p>MANUAL-5 Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual & Records for discharging functions. Section- 4 (I) (b) (V)</p><p>Orissa Land Reforms Act------1960 Orissa Land Reforms Act (General) Rules------1965 Orissa Estate Abolition Act------1951 Orissa Estate Abolition Rules------1952 Orissa Tenancy Act------1913 Orissa Tenancy Rules------1914 Orissa Prevention of Land Encroachment Act------1972 Orissa Encroachments Rules------1985 Orissa Government Land Settlement Act------1962 Orissa Government Land Settlement Rules------1983 Orissa Mutation Manual------1962 Orissa Survey & Settlement Act------1958 Orissa Survey & Settlement Rules------1962 Orissa Cess Act------1962 Orissa Cess Rules------1963 Orissa Court Fees Act------1870 Orissa Court Fees (Amendment) Act------1958 Orissa Court Fees Rules------1948 Orissa Public Demand & Recovery Act------1962 Orissa Public Demand & Recovery Rules------1963 Orissa Misc. Certificate Rules------1984 Orissa Land Pass Book Rules------2006 Orissa Minor Minerals Concession Rules------2004 Orissa Irrigation Act------1959 Orissa Record Manual------1964 Orissa Irrigation Rules------1961 Nizarat Manual ------1962</p><p>MANUAL- 6</p><p>Categories of document under control Section -4 (I) (b) (VI)</p><p>1. Category “A” – All sorts of case records of the court of Tahasildar & Additional Tahasildar are permanent in nature. 2. Category “B” - Category “B” papers are destroyed after 12 years. 3. Category “C” – Category “C” paper is destroyed after 3 years.</p><p>MANUAL- 7 Particulars of Arrangement in formulations of policy. Section -4 (I) (b) (VII)</p><p>Not applicable</p><p>MANUAL-8</p><p>Boards, Councils, Committees & other bodies constituted Section -4 (I) (b) (VIII)</p><p>No such committee has been functioning at present</p><p>MANUAL-9</p><p>Directory of officer & employees Section -4 (I) (b) (IX) 1. Sri Manas Ranjan Padhi, OAS (I) JB. Tahasildar, 2. Miss. Diptirekha Barik, OAS (I) JB. Addl. Tahasildar 3. Sri Girish Chandra Sen, Head Clerk 4. Sri Bidyadhar Pati, Sr. Clerk 5. Sri Sudarsan Nayak Sr. Clerk 6. Sri Jayadev Mohanty, Sr. Clerk 7. Sri Parameswar Barik, Jr. Clerk 8. Sri Rajendra Kumar Muduli Jr. Clerk 9. Sri Rabindra Nath Sethi Amin 10. Sri Kalibhusan Dutta Amin 11. Sri Arjun Chandra Nayak Peon 12. Sri Kshetramohan Ram Peon 13. Sanjukta Nayak Peon 14 Sri Akhila Chandra Gochhayat Peon 15. Sri Sudarsan Behera Chainman 16. Sri Sankarshan Mishra Peon 17. Basanti Panda Peon 18. Moudamani Mohapatra Peon </p><p>MANUAL- 10</p><p>Monthly remuneration & compensation of officers & employees Section – 4 (I) (b) (X)</p><p>Sl No. Name Designation Gross Pay Net Pay 1. Sri Manas Ranjan Padhi Tahasildar Rs. 40,131/- Rs. 29,391/- 2. Diptirekha Barik Addl. Tahasildar Rs. 35,690/- Rs. 30,829/- 3. Sri Girish Chandra Sen, Head Clerk Rs. 24,467/- Rs. 17,005/- 4. Sri Sudarsan Nayak Senior Clerk Rs. 20,327/- Rs. 17,586/- 5. Sri Bidyadhar Pati Senior Clerk Rs. 20,327/- Rs. 11,203/- 6. Sri Jayadev Mohanty Senior Clerk Rs 13,051/- Rs. 9,722/- 7. Sri Parameswar Barik Junior Clerk Rs. 11,573/- Rs. 10,823/- 8. Sri Rajendra Kumar Muduli Junior Clerk Rs. 11,573/- Rs. 10,823/- 9. Sri Rabindra Nath Sethi Amin Rs. 12,127/- Rs. 11,647/- 10. Sri Kalibhusan Dutta Amin Rs. 11900/- Rs. 11900/- 11. Sri Arjun Chandra Nayak Peon Rs. 14,181/- Rs. 7,937/- 12. Sri Khsetramona Ram Peon Rs. 9,943/- Rs. 8,843/- 13. Sanjukta Nayak Peon Rs. 9,356/- Rs. 7,699/- 14. Sri Akhila Chandra Gochhayat Peon Rs. 9758/- Rs. 8258/- 15. Sri Sudarsan Behera Chainman Rs. 9758/- Rs. 9758/- 16. Sri Sankarshan Mishra Peon Rs. 9758/- Rs. 9758/- 17. Basanti Panda Peon Rs. 9758/- Rs. 9758/- 18. Moudamani Mohapatra Peon Rs. 9758/- Rs. 9758/-</p><p>MANUAL- 11 Budget allocated to each Head. Section – 4 (I) (b) (XI)</p><p>2012-13 TAHASIL ESTABLISHMENT NO. 03-2029-00-104-1448-01003</p><p>Pay- 34,88,400/- G.P.- D.A.- 20,37,660/- HRA- 1,91,480/- T.E.- 20,000/- RCM- 16,000/- ELECT.- 10,000/- TELEPHONE- 3,000/- M.V.- 1,20,000/- O.C.- 60,000/- F.A.- 50,000/-</p><p>MANUAL-12</p><p>Manner of execution of subsidy programmes Section -4 (I) (b) (XII)</p><p>No such programme is now under progress at Tahasil level.</p><p>MANUAL-13</p><p>Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted. Section -4 (I) (b) (XIII)</p><p>Court fees, Stamp fees are collected from the applicants for issue of Misc. certificates & certified copies of ROR.</p><p>MANUAL- 14</p><p>Information available in an electronic form. Section -4 (I) (b) (XIV)</p><p>Nil</p><p>MANUAL-15 Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information. Section -4 (I) (b) (XV)</p><p>The information as per ORM i.e. Certified copies of ROR, Certified copies of orders in Case Records etc. are supplied to the public by this Tahasil through (Citizens’ Facilitation Center) Information to RTI applicants are provided through the PIO of this Tahasil as per provisions provided in the RTI Act.</p><p>MANUAL -16 Names, Designation & other particulars of the public information officers. Section -4 (I) (b) (XVI)</p><p>Public Information Officer & Asst. Public Information Officer for the Tahasil Office, Remuna</p><p>Sl No. Name Designation 1. Miss Diptirekha Barik Addl. Tahasildar, Remuna Tahasil , P.IO 2. Sri Girish Chandra Sen Head Clerk Remuna Tahasil, A.P.I.O</p><p>Public Information Officer.</p><p>All Dealing Assistants & R.I.s are designated as referred P.I.O.s / A.P.I.O.s of this Tahasil pertaining to their seats / section.</p><p>First Appellate Authority</p><p>Sl No. Name Designation</p><p>1. Sri Manas Ranjan Padhi, OAS (I) JB Tahasildar</p><p>Fees to be charged Stage of proceeding for Estt. Name of the Claim etc. towards court fees & time limit for final disposal.</p><p>1. Misc. Application Rs.3.00 15 Days (General Section)</p><p>2. Issue of Misc. Certificate Caste, OBC, SEBC, Income, Rs. 3.00 7 Days Residential, Identity etc.</p><p>3. Application for Mutation RS. 10.00 + Rs. 1.00 extra 90 Days for of Land for each additional RT / OP. uncontested case.</p><p>4. Application u/s 8 (A) of Rs. 10.00 90 Days OLR Act.</p><p>5. Application under any OLR Act Rs. 10.00 90 Days</p><p>6. Shaw Cause in LE Act. Rs. 3.00 30 Days for issue of ‘J’ form to R.I.</p><p>7. Alienation of Govt. Land Rs. 30.00 + Demarcation 60 Days fees- Rs. 20.00</p><p>Tahasildar, Remuna</p>

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