<p> Definitely Needlepoint</p><p>2 d b 4 a 1 6 8 h f c 3 5 10 j e i 7 n 9 l 12 g k 14 r p 11 m 16 18 t o 13 15 20 q v s x 17 19 22 u 24 21 w 23</p><p>Mosaic Flowers Stitch</p><p>An Integrated Case Study with Microsoft® Office © Robert Grauer and Maryann Barber</p><p>The Definitely Needlepoint boutique is owned and operated by four friends who wanted a friendly place to sit and stitch. The idea for the store was thrown out casually during lunch, a business plan was developed, and a storefront was selected. The partners supplied the initial capital, placed their first order for canvases, fibers, and other supplies, and opened for business shortly thereafter. The store was making a profit within a year and it continues to grow each month. What began as a casual venture is now a serious enterprise with the partners entertaining thoughts of franchising their concept. The most challenging task will be to duplicate the unique atmosphere that continues to draw women to Definitely Needlepoint. This document provides a series of exercises in Microsoft Office that relate to Definitely Needlepoint. Each exercise describes a specific task that the partners want to accomplish and typically requires the use of multiple applications within Microsoft Office for solution. Many of the exercises are cumulative in nature. For example, the student is asked to create an Excel chart in one exercise, and then incorporate that chart into a Word memo and a PowerPoint presentation in subsequent exercises. A summary of the exercises is shown below:</p><p>1. Sales Summary and Chart (Excel) 2. Report to Partners: (Word and Excel) 3. Presentation to the Partners (PowerPoint and Excel) 4. Last Minute Change (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) 5. Importing Sales Data (Excel and Access) 6. Access Objects (Access) 7. An Access Switchboard (Access) 8. Mail Merge (Word and Excel/Access) 9. Worksheet References (Excel) 10. Presentation for Venture Capital (PowerPoint and Excel) 11. Letter to Venture Capitalists (Word and Excel) 12. Submission Check List (Word)</p><p>All exercises are based on material from Exploring Office XP Volume I by Robert Grauer and Maryann Barber. Specific chapter references are deliberately not provided. The exercises also utilize a series of practice files that are available on our Web site at www.prenhall.com/grauer. This document may be freely duplicated in conjunction with any text in the Exploring Office series by Robert Grauer and Maryann Barber. </p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 1 1. Sales Summary and Chart (Excel): You will find a partially completed version of the W E spreadsheet in Figure 1 in the Definitely Needlepoint Current Sales workbook in the P A Definitely Needlepoint folder. (You can download the practice files for this case study from our Web site at www.prenhall.com/grauer.) Open the workbook and save it as Definitely Needlepoint Current Sales Solution so that you can return to the original workbook if necessary. Proceed as follows: a. Click in cell F3 and compute the total sales in the canvases category for the entire year. Copy this formula to the remaining cells in column F. Click in cell B8 and compute the total sales for the first quarter, then copy this formula to the remaining cells in this row. b. Use the AutoFormat command as the basis for formatting your worksheet in an attractive fashion. You can match our formatting or you can use your own design. c. Create a stacked column chart based on the data in cells A2 through E7. Specify that the data series are in rows so that each column represents the total sales (over all categories) for each quarter. The legend will display the different colors used for each category. Display the legend at the bottom of the chart. Save the chart in its own sheet called Graphical Analysis. d. Experiment with variations of the chart you just created. Change the chart type from a stacked column chart to a side-by-side column chart and/or change the orientation of the data series from rows to columns. Choose the chart that you think is most appropriate to show the sales by quarter and category. e. Print the completed Current Year worksheet twice, once to show displayed values and once to show the cell formulas. (You do not have to print the chart at this time.) f. Save the completed workbook for use in subsequent exercises. Exit Excel.</p><p>Figure 1 – Sales Summary and Chart</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 2 2. Report to the Partners: (Word and Excel): This exercise builds on the previous W E problem by creating a Word document that contains the formatted worksheet and P A associated chart. The latter is to be dynamically linked to the Word document, so that any changes in the Excel workbook will be automatically reflected in the memo. a. You will find a partially completed version of the document in Figure 2 in the Report to Partners document in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Open this document, and then save it as Report to Partners Solution. b. Open the completed workbook from the previous exercise if it is not already open. Click and drag to select the completed worksheet then click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar. c. Click the Microsoft Word button on the Windows taskbar. Pull down the Edit menu and click the Paste Special command to display the Paste Special dialog box. Select Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object in the displayed list, click the Paste Link button, and then click OK to insert the worksheet. Do not worry about the size or position at this time. d. Return to the Excel workbook. Click the worksheet tab containing the chart. Click the Zoom button and change the magnification so that you can select the entire chart. Click the Copy button. e. Return to the Word document and click below the worksheet to position the insertion point for the chart. Pull down the Edit menu click Paste Special, select Microsoft Excel Chart Object, click Paste Link, and click OK. f. The Excel chart should appear in the document. The only tricky part (if any) is to display the entire chart (it may be cropped initially). Select the chart then click and drag a corner sizing handle to make the chart smaller. Right click the chart and click the command to display the Picture toolbar. Select the Crop tool, then click and drag the side handle at the right of the chart to show the portion of the chart that may have been cropped initially. g. Move and size the worksheet and chart within the memo as necessary. Add your name to the bottom of the memo, and then print the completed report. Save the completed document. Exit Word.</p><p>Figure 2 – Report to the Partners</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 3 3. Presentation to the Partners (PowerPoint and Excel): You have been asked to present W E the financial information for last year at a partners meeting. A partially completed P A version of the presentation in Figure 3 has been saved as the Presentation to Partners in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Open this presentation and save it as Presentation to Partners Solution so that you can return to the original presentation if necessary. a. Insert a new slide that contains the mission statement as the third slide in the presentation. The mission statement should read as follows: Definitely Needlepoint provides an intimate setting in which to stitch. Our customers are our friends and participate in a variety of social and educational activities that encourage and develop the art of needlepoint. b. Open the completed workbook that contains the sales information for the current year. Use the same techniques as in the previous problem to link the worksheet and the chart from the workbook to their respective slides in the presentation, as shown below. Move and/or size these objects after they have been added to the presentation. c. Include animation effects as you see fit within a slide and as transition effects from one slide to the next. d. Add your name to the title slide in the indicated position. Print the audience handouts of the completed presentation (six per page) for your instructor. e. Save the completed presentation. Exit PowerPoint. Close the Excel workbook. Exit Excel.</p><p>Figure 3 – Presentation to the Partners</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 4 4. Last Minute Change (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint): The accountant has just W E discovered several “last minute” sales for canvases and fibers that were not recorded P A in the year-end worksheet. Your task is to correct all of the documents that reflect this information. Open the completed Definitely Needlepoint Current Sales Solution workbook from exercise one. a. Click in cell E3. Change the sale of canvases in the fourth quarter from the current value of $27,500 to the new value of $45,000. Click in cell E4. Change the amount of fibers sold in the fourth quarter from $21,545 to $31,000. Save the workbook. The chart changes automatically to reflect the new values. Exit Excel. b. Start Word and open the Report to Partners Solution document. The worksheet and chart should be updated automatically to reflect the corrected sales data as shown in Figure 4. (The total sales for last year should be $305,699.) If this is not the case, right click the worksheet to display a context sensitive menu and click the Update Link command. If the worksheet is still not updated, right click the worksheet to display a context-sensitive menu, click the Linked Worksheet Object command, then click the Links command to display the Links dialog box where you can check the source (folder) of the linked objects. c. Click at the beginning of the opening paragraph in the memo and enter the new text, which is shown in bold italics in Figure 4. Save and print the completed report. Exit Word. d. Start PowerPoint. Open the Presentation to Partners Solution that you created earlier. PowerPoint detects that a change has been made in the underlying worksheet and chart and prompts you to update. Click the button to update the links. e. Change to the Slide Sorter view. Press and hold the Shift key as you select the slides containing the Excel worksheet and chart. Pull down the File menu, click the Print command, and print the selection (these two slides) as audience handouts, two slides per page. f. Save the presentation. Exit PowerPoint.</p><p>Figure 4 – Last Minute Change</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 5 5. Importing Sales Data (Excel and Access): The initial customer mailing list was W E created in Excel, in part because of the partners’ lack of knowledge. The enterprise P A has grown, however, and it is time to convert the existing customer list into an Access database for more extensive processing. Proceed as follows: a. Start Access. Open the Definitely Needlepoint database that is found in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Click the Tables button if necessary. b. Pull down the File menu, click (or point to) the Get External Data command, and then click the Import command to display the import dialog box. c. Click the down arrow on the Look in list box and change to the Definitely Needlepoint folder (the same folder that contains the Definitely Needlepoint database). Change the file type to Microsoft Excel. Select the Definitely Needlepoint Customer List workbook to start the Import Spreadsheet Wizard. d. The options button to Show worksheets is selected as shown in Figure 5. Click Next. Check the box that indicates the first row contains column headings. Click Next. Select the option button to store the data in a new table. Click Next. e. You do not need information about the individual fields. Click Next. f. Select the option to choose your own primary key. Click the drop-down arrow on the list box and select CustomerNumber. Click Next. g. Access indicates that it will import the data into a Customers table. Click the Finish button, then click OK when the Wizard indicates that it has imported the table. The Customers table appears in the Database window. h. Examine the fields in the newly imported Customers table. What data validation (if any) has been established? Which other properties (if any) have been modified from their default settings? What changes would you make to the design of the table? How will your changes affect the existing data?</p><p>Figure 5 – Importing Sales Data</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 6 6. Access Objects (Forms, Queries, and Reports): This assignment asks you to create W E various objects for the Definitely Needlepoint database. All of the objects are based P A on the Customers table that was imported from the associated Excel workbook in the previous exercise. a. Start by creating a Customer form similar to the form in Figure 6. You need not follow our design exactly, but you must have the equivalent functionality. The fields should appear in the same order as on our form. Be sure to set the tab order correctly, so that you can tab from one field to the next during data entry. b. The Guild Member control should appear automatically as a check box since the underlying field is defined as a Yes/No field. c. The mailing list should be entered as an option group with values of 1, 2, and 3 corresponding to all mailings, semi-annual, and annual mailings, respectively. d. Add command buttons to add, print, and delete a record. You also need a command button to close the form. e. Use the completed form to enter data for yourself (even if you are not interested in Needlepoint). Use customer number C1000 as shown in the figure. Indicate that you are a guild member and that you want to receive all mailings. Print the completed form for your instructor. f. Create a Customer Summary report (not shown) that includes the following five fields from the Customers table – Customer Number, Last name, First Name, Mailing List Preference (will appear as 1, 2, or 3), and an indication of whether they are a guild member (appears as a check box). The report should display the customers in alphabetical order by last name. Print the page in this report that contains your name. g. Create a Customer Address List containing the name and address of every customer. The customers should appear in alphabetical order by last name. Print the page in this report that contains your name. h. Create a query that lists guild members in alphabetical order, then create a report based on that query. Include the Customer Number, last name, first name, and a check box showing the customer is a guild member. Print the completed report for your instructor.</p><p>Figure 6 – Access Objects (A Customer Form)</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 7 7. Access Switchboard (Access): Create the switchboard in Figure 7 for use with the W E Definitely Needlepoint database from previous exercises. You do not have to match P A our design exactly, by you are required to have all four buttons. Note, too, that the switchboard contains a Report Menu a. The first button on the main switchboard opens the Definitely Needlepoint form as shown in Figure 7. This form has been created for you and can be found in the Definitely Needlepoint database. You are asked, however, to modify the existing form to include your name in the indicated position. b. The second button opens the Customer form from in the previous exercise. c. The report menu button provides access to a subsidiary switchboard that contains the various reports you created in the previous exercise. There should be four buttons on this switchboard, one for each report, and one button to return to the main switchboard. d. The exit button on the main switchboard closes the database. e. Be sure you test both switchboards completely to be sure that they work correctly. Print the Switchboard Items table, the main switchboard, and the report switchboard for your instructor as proof that you completed the exercise. f. Modify the startup property of the database so that the switchboard form opens automatically when you open the database. (You can also create an AutoExec macro to maximize the database window. Display the Database window, click the Macros button, then click the New button to create a macro. Click the drop- down arrow to display the available actions and scroll until you can select Maximize. Save the macro as AutoExec.) g. Close the database then reopen it. The switchboard should appear automatically and all subsequent objects should appear in a maximized window.</p><p>Figure 7 – Access Switchboard</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 8 8. Mail Merge (Word and Excel/Access): This exercise asks you to use the Mail Merge W E Wizard in Microsoft Word in conjunction with an Access database. P A a. Open the partially completed November Letter document in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Save the document as November Letter Solution so that you can return to the original document if necessary. b. Pull down the Tools menu, click Letters and Mailings, then click Mail Merge Wizard to open the task pane. Select the Letters option. Click Next. Select the option to use the Current Document. Click Next. c. Select the recipients from an existing list. Choose the Definitely Needlepoint folder, select the Definitely Needlepoint database and select the Customers table to display the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. Select all of the recipients. d. Complete the form letter by adding an address block and greeting line as shown in Figure 8. Now click the View Merged Data button to toggle between the field names and the actual data. (Figure 8 displays the form letter for Debbie Armstrong.) e. Click the Merge to New Document button on the Mail Merge toolbar to display the associated dialog box, and then specify that you want records 1 to 3 as shown in Figure 8. Click OK. There are more than 150 records in the database, so be sure that you print only the first three records. f. Word creates a new document consisting of three pages, corresponding to a letter for the first three records in the Customers table in the Access database. Print these letters for your instructor. g. Save the completed form letter (November Letter Solution). There is no need to save the document that contains the individual form letters. Exit Word.</p><p>Figure 8 – Mail Merge</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 9 9. Worksheet References (Excel): The year that just ended marked the second year of W E operation for Definitely Needlepoint. The partners are looking for a detailed analysis P A that will compare the sales for this year to the previous year. Proceed as follows: a. Open the Definitely Needlepoint Historical Sales workbook in the Definitely Needlepoint folder and save it as Definitely Needlepoint Historical Sales Solution. (The values in this worksheet reflect the last minute correction that was made in problem four; i.e., the total sales for the current year are $305,699.) b. Click the worksheet tab labeled Year to Year Comparison, then click in cell B4 of this worksheet as shown in Figure 8. Type an equal sign, click the worksheet tab labeled Previous Year, click in cell F3 of this worksheet and press enter. The formula for this cell appears in the formula bar as =’Previous Year’!F3, indicating that the value for this cell is obtained from another worksheet in the same workbook. Complete the formulas for the other cells in this worksheet. c. Print this worksheet for your instructor. Print the worksheet two ways, once to show the displayed values, and once to show the cell formulas. d. Your next task is to create two charts that reflect the year to year increases. A portion of the chart to show the increases by category can be seen in the right pane of Figure 8. Note, too, that this chart displays the data table below the chart, an option that is found in the Chart menu. Note, too, that we changed the default color of the columns in the chart to green and white. (You do not have to print the chart.) e. Create a second chart that shows the increases by quarter. The chart should have the same general appearance as the other chart you created. (You do not have to print the chart.) f. Save the completed workbook. Exit Excel.</p><p>Figure 9 – Worksheet References</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 10 10. Presentation for Venture Capital (PowerPoint and Excel): A partially completed W E version of the presentation in Figure 9 has been saved as the Request for Venture P A Capital presentation in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Open this presentation and save it as Request for Venture Capital Solution. Your next task is to link the worksheets and charts from the previous exercise to various slides in this presentation. a. Open the Definitely Needlepoint Historical Sales Solution workbook from the previous exercise. Select the worksheet that contains sales data for last year, and link that data to the slide containing the year to year comparison (slide 4). Now select the worksheet with sales data for the current year and link this data to the same slide. Move and/or size the worksheets after they have been added to the presentation. b. Locate the worksheet containing the chart that shows the sales increase by category. Link this chart to slide five c. Locate the chart that shows the sales increase by quarter and link the chart to slide six. d. Add the mission statement as the slide by importing the slide from the Report to the Partners presentation. (Pull down the Insert menu, click the Slides from File command to display the Slide Finder dialog box, and then click the Browse button to locate the earlier presentation.) e. Add your name to the title slide in the indicated position. Print the audience handouts of the completed presentation (six per page) for your instructor. f. Save the completed presentation. Exit PowerPoint. Close the Excel workbook. Exit Excel.</p><p>Figure 10 – Presentation for Venture Capital</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 11 11. Letter to Venture Capitalists (Word and Excel): This exercise provides additional W E practice in linking Excel objects to a Word document as well as another chance to P A practice your skills in a mail merge. Open the partially completed Letter to Venture Capitalists document in the Definitely Needlepoint folder, and save it as Letter to Venture Capitalists Solution. Insert your name at the bottom of the letter. Now proceed as follows to create the completed document in Figure 11. a. Open the Definitely Needlepoint Historical Sales Solution workbook from the previous exercise if it is not already open. Use the same techniques as in the previous exercise to link the worksheets containing sales for both the current and previous year to the Word document. b. Insert a section break at the end of the first page, then change the orientation of the second page (section) to landscape. Return to the Excel workbook. Select the chart that shows the sales increase by quarter and link this chart to the Word document. The Excel chart should appear in the document. The chart may be cropped initially. If so, select the entire chart then click and drag a corner sizing handle to make the chart smaller. Right click the chart and click the command to display the Picture toolbar. Select the Crop tool, then click and drag the side handle at the right of the chart to show the portion of the chart that may have been cropped initially. c. Use the completed letter as a form letter for a mail merge to venture capitalists. The data for the mailing list is in the Word document, Venture Capital Mailing List in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Pull down the Tools menu, click Letters and Mailings, then click the Mail Merge Wizard command to link to this file. Insert an address block and greeting line, and then print the merged letters for your instructor. You should print three letters. d. Exit Word. Exit Excel. </p><p>Figure 11 – Letter to Venture Capitalists</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 12 12. Submission Checklist: You have successfully completed multiple exercises with the W E Definitely Needlepoint case study. Each exercise described a specific task(s), P A required the use of one or more applications in Microsoft Office, and asked you to print one or more documents to show that you completed the exercise. The submissions checklist in Figure 12 will ensure that you have printed all of the required documents. a. Open the Definitely Needlepoint Submission Checklist that is found in the Definitely Needlepoint folder. Read the document carefully and check each box after you verify that you have printed the indicated document. b. Add your name to the check list as indicated, then use the check list as a cover sheet when you submit the material to your instructor. c. Think for a minute about all that you have accomplished. You have completed a series of 11 exercises, which required the use of all four major applications within Microsoft Office. Congratulations on a job well done! </p><p>Figure 12 – Submission Checklist</p><p>DEFINITELY NEEDLEPOINT © GRAUER AND BARBER PAGE 13</p>
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