Adaptive Physical Education

Adaptive Physical Education

<p> ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Jolene Blindauer/ Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Specially Designed Physical Education Teacher</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>TEST OF GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT (TGMD) The Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) evaluates the motor functioning of children from age three through age ten. The skills tested are: Locomotor: (run, gallop, skip, hop, leap, jump and slide) and Object Control: (Observes two-hand strike, stationary bounce, catching, kick and overhand throw)</p><p>ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT II (APEAS-II) The test measures four areas of motor performance and adaptive behaviors - those behaviors that, in spite of adequate motor performance, limit a student's ability to safely and successfully participate in general physical education.</p><p>ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Beth Hibbard Qualifications to Evaluate: State Certified in Adaptive Education</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>COMPUTER PROGRAM TRIALS WITH STUDENT</p><p>LOW TECHNOLOGY TRIALS WITH STUDENT These trials are an assessment of a student’s ability to benefit from the use of low technology adaptations such as pencils grip, paper holder, highlighter, Special paper etc.</p><p>HIGH TECHNOLOGY TRIALS WITH STUDENT These trials are an assessment of a student’s ability to benefit from the use of high technology adaptations such as special calculator, tape recorder, video recorder etc.</p><p>INTERVIEW WITH TEACHERS</p><p>INTERVIEW WITH THE STUDENT</p><p>OBSERVATION OF THE STUDENT </p><p>WISCONSIN ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE-ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY CONSIDERATION GUIDE This guide is used to assess the student's current abilities in writing, reading, communication and areas related to learning and social activities. This guide also addresses weak areas and possible assistive technology tools that may improve these weak areas.</p><p>WISCONSIN-ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE-ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY PLANNING GUIDE This guide helps identify strengths and weaknesses in academic related areas and plan possible assistive technology tools to increase the weak areas.</p><p>COGNITIVE DISABILITIES</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Cognitive Disability Teacher</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (ABAS) The parent & teacher of the ABAS measure adaptive skills in multiple environments including home, school, community and work. The parent portion may require an interview.</p><p>BRACKEN BASIC CONCEPT SCALE - REVISED The Bracken Basic Concept Scale-Revised assesses the basic concept development of children 2-7 years of age. This tool measures concepts related to the following: Colors, Letters, Numbers/Counting, Sizes, Comparisons, Shapes, Directions/Position, Self-/Social Awareness, Texture/Material, Quantity, and Time/Sequence.</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL MOTOR INTEGRATION (VMI) The VMI is designed to assess the integration of visual and motor skills by asking the child to copy the geometric designs. The test consists of 24 geometric designs of increasing difficulty to be copied on paper.</p><p>DETROIT TEST OF LEARNING APTITUDE – PRIMARY (DTLA P) The DTLA-P is designed to measure intellectual abilities in children ages 3 through 9. It measures linguistics, cognition, attention, and motor.</p><p>DIAGNOSTIC ACHIEVEMENT BATTERY – Second Edition (DAB 2) The DAB-2 is intended to identify those students who are significantly below their peers in the areas of spoken language (listening and speaking), written language (reading and writing), and mathematics. It also determines strengths and weaknesses components that individual students have. Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL PROFILE - Revised (PEP-R) The PEP R is an evaluation tool that examines a child's behavior and development. The behaviors that are tested include relating and affect, play and interest in materials, sensory responses, and language. Areas of development that are assessed include imitation, perception, fine motor, gross motor, eye-hand integration, cognitive performance and cognitive verbal. </p><p>TEMPERAMENT AND ATYPICAL BEHAVIOR SCALE (TABS) The TABS is an evaluation tool that assesses the presence of developmentally dysfunctional behavior in young children. Specific areas addressed include detached, Hyper-Sensitive/Active, Under reactive and Dysregulated characteristics.</p><p>TEST OF EARLY MATHEMATICS ABILITY (TEMA) The TEMA has been designed for children ages 4 through 9, and is an individualized math test that assesses young children’s understanding and achievement in early math skill.</p><p>TEST OF EARLY READING ABILITY (TERA) The TERA is designed for children ages 3 through 9 years old. This assessment tool measures children’s ability to attribute meaning to printed symbols, their knowledge of the alphabet and its function, and their understanding of the conventions of print. The TERA yields four types of scores; a raw score, percentile, and two standard scores score (i.e., quotient and national curve equivalent). </p><p>TEST OF EARLY WRITTEN LANGUAGE (TEWL) The TEWL is a measure of early writing ability that is specifically designed for use with children 3 through 7 years of age. The TEWL can be used to determine individual strengths and weaknesses, to identify and evaluate educational programs and interventions.</p><p>WOODCOCK JOHNSON PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL BATTERY-III This battery consists of eleven individually administered tests that have been nationally standardized. This test evaluates a student in the areas of reading, written language, math, and spelling.</p><p>COUNSELOR</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed School Counselor</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>GALLUP YOUTH PERCEIVER The Gallup Youth Perceiver is an 80-question format requiring verbal answers expressing thoughts and views in a variety of situations. The purpose of this is to identify a student's strengths in the areas of (1) learning/achievement, (2) relationship styles, and (3) work styles and learning goals.</p><p>PIERS HARRIS SELF-CONCEPT INVENTORY The Piers Harris is a self-concept Inventory which is also a series of 80 questions, these requiring only a "yes" or "no" answer. A student's self perception in the areas of (1) Behavior, (2) Intellectual and school status, (3) physical appearance and attributes, (4) anxiety, (5) popularity, and (6) happiness and satisfaction is indicated.</p><p>OBSERVATIONS FROM DEVELOPMENTAL GUIDANCE PRESENTATIONS Classroom observations made during the delivery of presentations to students, observations in non-classroom situations and observations in-group situations or as a result of individual contacts with students.</p><p>SCHOOL SURVEY The School Survey is a ten-question survey that reports how students feel about work, other students and teachers.</p><p>STUDENT INTERVIEW The Student Interview can reveal the student’s perceptions in areas such as child power, parenting style, competition and the classroom environment.</p><p>EARLY CHILDHOOD</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to Evaluate: Licensed Teacher - Early Childhood Special Education</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR CHILDREN (BASC) This instrument is designed to provide standardized descriptions of behavior rather than diagnostic inferences. High scores on the descriptive dimensions behavior problems should not automatically be equated to a particular diagnosis or inferred disorder.</p><p>BRACKEN BASIC CONCEPT SCALE A tool used to assess the basic concept development of children 2.6 – 7.11 years of age. Areas assessed include: Colors, letters, numbers/counting, sizes, comparisons, shapes, direction/position, self-/social awareness, texture/material, quantity, and time/sequence. </p><p>BATTELLE DEVELOPMENTAL INVENTORY (BDI) The BDI is a comprehensive instrument that can be used for screening, diagnosis, evaluation, and program development of children from birth to age eight. Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS FOR KINDERGARTEN READINESS-II (DTKR II) This is an assessment instrument that provides school personnel with objective data so that they can more readily program for children. It is standardized o children from 4 years 6 months to 6 years 2 months of age.</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration assesses visual motor integration skills. This test was devised as a measure of the degree to which visual perception and motor behavior are integrated in children. This task requires the student to duplicate a series of designs.</p><p>GILLIAM ASPERGER'S DISORDER SCALE (GADS) The GADS is a behavioral rating scale that helps identify persons who have Asperger's Disorder.</p><p>GILLIAM AUTISM RATING SCALE (GARS) The GARS helps to identify and diagnose autism in individuals ages 3 through 22, and to estimate the severity of the problem.</p><p>LEARNING ACCOMPLISHMENT PROFILE-DIAGNOSTIC (LAP-D) This is a criterion-referenced assessment that povides a systematic method for observing the development of children functioning in the 36-72 month age range. Results of the LAP-3 can be used to generate a detailed picture of a child's developmental progress in 7 domains which include Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Pre-Writing, Cognition, Language, Self Help and Personal/Social.</p><p>PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL PROFILE - REVISED (PEP-R) The Psychoeducational Profile – Revised (PEP-R) is an evaluation tool that examines a child’s behavior and development. The behaviors that are tested include relating and affect, play and interest in materials, sensory responses, and language. Areas of development that are assessed include imitation, perception, fine motor, gross motor, eye-hand integration, cognitive performance and cognitive verbal.</p><p>OBSERVATION</p><p>TEACHING STRATEGIES GOLD The Teaching Strategies GOLD is an observational assessment for children from birth through kindergarten. It is designed to assist with what skills your child knows and can do, and their strengths, needs, and interests. The Teaching Strategies GOLD looks at social-emotional, physical (gross and fine motor), language, cognitive, literacy, and math skills.</p><p>TEMPERAMENT AND ATYPICAL BEHAVIOR SCALE (TABS) This tool is designed to identify temperament and self-regulation behavioral indicators in infants and young children between the ages of 11 and 71 months. The key areas include: temperament, attention and activity, attachment and social behavior, neurobehavioral state, sleeping, play, vocal and oral behavior, senses and movement, and self-stimulatory behavior. </p><p>THE DEVEREAUX EARLY CHILDHOOD ASSESSMENT The Devereaux Early Childhood Assessment is a standardized, strength-based assessment of within-child protective factors. it assesses three protective factors(initiative, self-control and attachment) and screens for behavioral concerns.</p><p>THE MULLEN SCALES OF EARLY LEARNING The Mullen Scales of Early Learning is an individually administered comprehensive measure of cognitive function for children, brom birth through 68 months. The Mullen Scales assess a child's abilities in visual, linguistic and motor domains. The five Mullen Scales are Gross Motor, Visual Reception, Fine Motor, Receptive Language, and Expressive Language.</p><p>ASSESSMENT, EVALUATION, AND PROGRAMMING SYSTEM FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN, 2ND EDITION (AEPS) The AEPS is a comprehensive and linked system that includes assessment/evaluation, curricular and family participation components for the developmental range from birth to 6 years. It contains test items divided into six developmental areas: Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Adaptive, Cognitive, Social-Communication, and Social. </p><p>ED/LD/CD</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to Evaluate: Licensed Learning Disabilities / Emotional Disturbance / Cognitive Disabilities Teacher</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR SCALES The ABS assesses current functioning of children being evaluated for evidence of mental retardation.</p><p>AUTISM SCREENING INSTRUMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL PLANNING-2 (ASIEP 2) The ASIEP-2 uses five components to provide data on five aspects of behavior with individuals from 18 months through adulthood. The components of the ASIEP (a) examine behavior in five areas-Sensory relating, body concepts, language, and social self-help; (b) sample vocal behavior; (c) assess interaction; (d) assess communication; and (e) determine learning rate. </p><p>ASPERGER SYNDROME DIAGNOSTIC SCALE This is a scale of 50 items that represents behaviors that are systematic of Asperger's Syndrome.</p><p>BASIC SCHOOL SKILLS INVENTORY-DIAGNOSTIC This is an individual, standardized test that measures skills that are required for school success.</p><p>BATTELLE DEVELOPMENTAL INVENTORY (BDI) The BDI is a comprehensive instrument that can be used for screening, diagnosis, evaluation, and program development of children from birth to age 8. Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______THE CHILDREN'S INVENTORY OF SELF-ESTEEM (CISE) The CISE is an instrument designed to give the user valuable information in assessing a child's self-esteem and in providing concrete steps and strategies to help the child. The 64 items describe characteristics found to varying degrees in children with impaired self-esteem.</p><p>THE COMPREHENSIVE MATHEMATICAL ABILITIES TEST The CMAT is used to determine math strengths and weaknesses and to identify students who are significantly below or above their peers in mathematical abilities. It was developed for the use with students who are between the ages of 7-0 and 18-11. CURRICULUM BASED ASSESSMENT</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS FOR KINDERGARTEN READINESS-II (DTKR II) This is an assessment instrument that provides school personnel with objective data so that they can more readily program for children. It is standardized o children from 4 years 6 months to 6 years 2 months of age.</p><p>DIAGNOSTIC ACHIVEMENT BATTERY-THIRD EDITION (DAB 3) The DAB-2 is intended to accomplish four goals: (a) to identify those students who are significantly below their peers in the areas of spoken language (listening and speaking), written language (reading and writing), and mathematics and who, as a result, may profit from supplemental or remedial help; (b) to determine the particular kinds of component strengths and weaknesses that individual students possess; (c) to document students' progress in specific areas as a consequence of special intervention programs, and (d) to serve as a measurement device in research studies of the academic achievement of elementary school children. </p><p>GILLIAM ASPERGER'S DISORDER SCALE (GADS) The GADS is a behavioral rating scale that helps identify persons who have Asperger's Disorder. </p><p>GILLIAM AUTISM RATING SCALE (GARS) The GARS helps to identify and diagnose autism in individuals ages 3 through 22, and to estimate the severity of the problem.</p><p>GRAY DIAGNOSTIC READING TEST-2 The GDRT-2 is a test of oral reading ability. It is appropriate for individuals ages 6 years 0 months through 13 years, 11 months. It consists of four subtests: letter word recognition, phonetic analysis, reading vocabulary, and meaningful reading.</p><p>GRAY ORAL READING TESTS-DIAGNOSTIC (GORT D) The GORT-D is used to evaluate oral paragraph reading. It evaluates reading rate, accuracy, and comprehension. It also rates a student’s miscue analysis.</p><p>GRAY ORAL READING TEST-FOURTH EDITION (GORT 4) The GORT-3 is used to evaluate oral reading speed and accuracy along with accounting for comprehension abilities.</p><p>KEYMATH-REVISED This is a Diagnostic Inventory of Essential Mathematics is an individually administered instrument that can provide a comprehensive assessment of a students understanding and application of important mathematics concepts and skills.</p><p>THE KINDERGARTEN DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENT - Second Edition (DI-II) This is a comprehensive screening instrument designed to assess developmental readiness skills in children ages 4-6.</p><p>KRUG ASPERGER'S DISORDER INDEX The KADI consists of 32 items that help identify and program for students with Asperger's Disorder. It is appropriate for students 6 years old to 21 years 11 months of age.</p><p>LEARNING DISABILITIES DIAGNOSTIC INVENTORY (LDDI) The LDDI offers a way to collect information in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, mathematics, and reasoning for children aged 8-18. </p><p>LEARNING DISABILITIES EVALUATION SCALE (LDES) The LDES was designed to provide specific indices of the most commonly recognized characteristics of learning disabilities and to respond to the question of whether students qualify for special education services in the handicapping area of learning disabilities.</p><p>OBSERVATION</p><p>THE PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS PROFILE The Phonological Awareness Profile is a test designed to diagnose deficits in phonological processing and phoneme/grapheme correspondence.</p><p>PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS TEST The Phonological Awareness Test is an individually administered test designed to diagnose deficits in phonological processing and phoneme-grapheme correspondence.</p><p>PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL PROFILE-REVISED VOLUME I (PEP R) The PEP-R is a revision of the popular instrument that has been used for over 20 years to assess skills and behaviors of children with autism and communicative disabilities who function between the ages of 6 months and 7 years.</p><p>THE SCREENING OF READING READINESS TEST (SORR) The Screening of Reading Readiness Test is a screening instrument designed to assess reading readiness skills in children.</p><p>STUDENT INTERVIEW Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______TEACHER INTERVIEW</p><p>TEST OF EARLY WRITTEN LANGUAGE-Second Edition (TEWL 2) The selection items measure several different aspects of writing: transcription, conversions of print, communication, creative expression, and record keeping. This instrument is used to assess children who are suspected of having writing problems and to identify those who are performing at a level significantly below that of their peers.</p><p>TEST OF EARLY READING ABILITY-Third Edition (TERA 3) This is a measure of a child's ability to attribute meaning to printed symbols, their knowledge of the alphabet and its function, and their understanding of the conventions of print. </p><p>TEST OF EARLY MATHEMATICS ABILITY-Third Edition (TEMA 3) This is designed to measure the child's informal mathematics in the areas of concepts of relative magnitude, counting skills, and calculation skills. It formally measures the child's competence in knowledge of convention, number facts, calculation skill, and base ten concepts. </p><p>TEST OF MATHEMATICAL ABILITIES- Second Edition (TOMA 2) The TOMA-2 was developed to measure math performance for students in grades 3-12. It measures performance in the areas of story problems and computations, as well as attitude, vocabulary, and general application of mathematics concepts in real life.</p><p>TEST OF PRAGMATIC LANGUAGE (TOPL) The Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL) is an individually administered instrument that provides a formal assessment of the pragmatic or social dimension, of language.</p><p>TEST OF READING COMPREHENSION- Third Edition (TORC 3) The TORC-3 is used to identify students whose scores are significantly below those of their peers, to determine areas of relative strength and weakness across reading comprehension abilities, and to document overall progress in reading development.</p><p>TEST OF WRITTEN LANGUAGE- Third Edition (TOWL 3) The TOWL-3 is a test of written composition. It measures a student's writing competence through both essay-analysis formats and traditional test formats.</p><p>TEST OF WRITTEN SPELLING-Fourth Edition (TOWS 4) This is composed of two sub-tests, each of which employs a dictated word format. One subtest measures "predictable" words; the other subtest measures "unpredictable" words. These subtests are used to determine if a student has spelling difficulty.</p><p>WIDE RANGE ACHIEVEMENT TEST The Wide Range Achievement Test is an individually administered test for assessing the achievement of children. The three subtests are reading (word recognition and pronunciation), written spelling, and arithmetic computation.</p><p>WOODCOCK JOHNSON PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL BATTERY-III This battery consists of eleven individually administered tests that have been nationally standardized. This test evaluates a student in the areas of reading, written language, math, and spelling.</p><p>ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR SCALE This test was designed to provide a reasonably comprehensive assessment of students' ability to cope with their environment. It does so by examining abilities in a wide variety of areas.</p><p>THE BEHAVIOR EVALUATION SCALE-Second Edition (BES 2) The BES-2 provides educationally relevant information about the behavior of school-age children and youth. The purpose of the screening is to identify students that teachers rate as having behavioral concerns.</p><p>BEHAVIOR RATING PROFILE-Second Edition (BRP 2) The BRP-2 is a battery of six instruments designed to evaluate students' behaviors at home, in school, and in interpersonal relationships. </p><p>BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR CHILDREN (BASC) This instrument is designed to provide standardized descriptions of behavior rather than diagnostic inferences. High scores on the descriptive dimensions behavior problems should not automatically be equated to a particular diagnosis or inferred disorder. </p><p>BURK'S BEHAVIOR RATING SCALE (BBRS) The BBRS contains 110 items that are categorized into 19 general behavioral characteristics. Each of the 19 characteristics is rated on a continuum ranging from not significant to very significant. </p><p>THE CHILDREN'S INVENTORY OF SELF-ESTEEM (CISE) The CISE is an instrument designed to give the user valuable information in assessing a child's self-esteem and in providing concrete steps and strategies to help the child. The 64 items describe characteristics found to varying degrees in children with impaired self-esteem.</p><p>CONDUCT DISORDER SCALE (CDS) The CDS is used for the assessment of individuals aged 5 through 22 who present unique behavioral problems.</p><p>DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY IN YOUTH SCALE The DAYS measures a range of symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. It is designed to be used with children from 6- 19 years of age.</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT – Teacher/Student Response Form This form is used to obtain information from parents regarding behaviors exhibited in the home setting.</p><p>THE KINDERGARTEN INVENTORY OF SOCAL/EMOTIONAL TENDENCIES (KIST) The KIST is a behavioral rating instrument designed to screen for social skill deficits and signs of emotional immaturity in preschool and kindergarten aged children (ages 4-6). </p><p>THE INSTRUCTIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SCALE (TES) The TES is designed to assist professionals in systematic analysis of a student's instructional environment. It is meant to be of assistance in pinpointing areas of strength and weakness, describing the extent to which a student's academic and behavior problem are a function of the instructional environment and developing instructional interventions.</p><p>MOTIVATIONAL ASSESSMENT SCALE The Motivational Assessment Scale can be used to assess the influence of social attention, tangibles, escape and sensory consequences on problem behavior.</p><p>MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF-CONCEPT SCALE (MSCS) The MSCS is used to assess global self-concept and six content-dependent self-concept domains that are functionally and theoretically important in the social-emotional adjustment of youth and adolescents.</p><p>OBSERVATIONS</p><p>PIERS-HARRIS CHILDREN'S SELF-CONCEPT SCALE-REVISED This is an 80-item self-report questionnaire designed to assess how children and adolescents feel about themselves. It provides "cluster" scores in the areas of behavior, intellectual and school status, physical appearance and attributes, anxiety, popularity, and happiness and satisfaction.</p><p>REVISED CHILDREN'S MANIFEST ANXIETY SCALE (RCMAS) The RCMAS is a self-report instrument designed to assess the level and nature of anxiety in children and adolescents from 6 to 19 years of age.</p><p>SCALE FOR ASSESSING EMOTIONAL DISTRUBANCE (SAED) The SAED is a rating scale that helps to identify students who may meet the criteria for emotional behavioral disabilities.</p><p>THE SOCIAL COMMUNICATION QUESTIONNAIRE The SCQ is a parent report screening measure that taps the symptomatology associated with autism spectrum disorder.</p><p>THE SOCIAL SKILLS RATING SYSTEM (SSRS) The SSRS provides a broad, multi-rater assessment of student social behaviors that can affect teacher-student relations, peer acceptance, and academic performance. These standardized, norm-referenced scales may be used with preschool, elementary, and secondary students. The SSRS documents the perceived frequency and importance of behaviors influencing the student's development of social competence and adaptive functioning at school and at home.</p><p>WALKER PROBLEM BEHAVIOR IDENTIFICATION CHECKLIST-REVISED (WPBIC R) The WPBIC is an assessment tool for the elementary teacher in identifying children with behavior problems and disorders. It is intended to be used for ages 2-5 and up to sixth grade.</p><p>ESL</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to evaluate: English as a Second Language Teacher </p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT SCALE – ORAL TEST This scale evaluates the student’s ability to deal with oral English. </p><p>LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT SCALE – READING AND WRITING TEST This scale evaluates the student’s ability to deal with English in the areas of reading and writing. </p><p>Pre-LAS 2000 This test consists of two components--Oral and Pre-Literacy. The oral section looks at receptive and expressive language skills. The pre-literacy section assesses letter and number recognition, colors, shapes, spatial relationships and recognition of sight words.</p><p>HEARING IMPAIRED</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Judy O'Betts Qualifications to Evaluate: Teacher Deaf & Hard of Hearing</p><p>Description of Tests and other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION AND LIP READING SKILLS INVENTORY The Auditory Discrimination and Lip Reading Skills Inventory evaluates a student's ability to discriminate speech at the word and sentence levels via listening only and lip reading only by having the student point to the picture/word that is presented to students .</p><p>AUDITORY SKILL DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______This checklist documents a student’s levels of auditory skill development.</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION (VMI) This is a test, which assists in screening for early learning problems.</p><p>FUNCTIONAL LISTENING EVALUATION (FLE) The FLE measures the ability to discriminate words across 8 different listening environments. The environments include adding back ground noise and removing lip reading information at several different distances from the speaker.</p><p>INFORMAL AUDITORY MEMORY and AUDITORY COMPREHENSION EXERCISES The student will be asked to repeat a series of numbers, words, and sentences via auditory only. The student will be asked to answer questions about a passage via auditory only.</p><p>INFORMAL TEST OF LIPREADING SKILLS This test is comprised of a series of sentences to determine a percentage score of lip-reading ability.</p><p>PHONETIC AWARENESS Phonetic Awareness tests a student’s ability to hear and differentiate sounds in the English language.</p><p>PRAGMATIC OBSERVATION CHECKLIST (POC) This is a checklist for a variety of common grammatical forms in English.</p><p>PRESCHOOL LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT (PLAI) This is designed to assess young children's skills between age of 3 to 6 in coping with the language demands of the teaching situation. The test can be used when children's language skills are questionable up to the age of 10 years old</p><p>SCREENING INSTRUMENT FOR TARGETING EDUCATIONAL RISK (S.I.F.T.E.R.) The SIFTER is a screening instrument for targeting educational risk for hearing impaired students.</p><p>SKI-HI LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENTAL SCALE This is a language assessment tool that lists the expressive and receptive language skills that a child of a particular age would normally demonstrate. This scale does not emphasize auditory items and use of sign language is not penalized so a profile of a hearing impaired child's language ability can be developed. (Completed with an interview with parents)</p><p>SOCIAL SKILLS RATING SYSTEM (SSRS) This gives us a detailed picture of a child's social behavior, many studies have established a relationship between social skills and academic functioning (Competed with interview with parents)</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY COMPREHENSION (TAC) This test is designed for individual use with hard of hearing and deaf students for assessing auditory functioning from ages 4 to 17. The test is designed to assess comprehension in quiet and noise. There are norms for the deaf and hard of hearing population.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY COMPREHENSION OF LANGUAGE-REVISED This is an individually administered measure of receptive spoken grammar and syntax that assesses a child's ability to understand literal and most common meanings of words; meaning of grammatical morphemes, and meaning of elaborated sentence constructions. Age and grade norms are available for children ages 3 through 9.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION (TAD) This is designed to provide measures of speech-sound discrimination ability in quiet rooms under ideal listening conditions, plus a comparative measure of auditory discrimination in the presence of controlled background noise.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY PROCESSING SKILLS-R This test is designed to assess auditory memory, auditory sequencing, auditory discrimination, ad processing of oral only statements /questions.</p><p>TEST OF EARLY READING ABILITY-2 DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING VERSION TERA-2 D/HH) This test measures children's ability o attribute meaning to printed symbols, their knowledge of the alphabet and its function and their understanding of the conventions of print. Scores are normed for deaf and hard of hearing.</p><p>TEST OF RELATIONAL CONCEPTS (TRC) This test examines ability wit relational concepts such as bottom, between, under through, more many, etc.</p><p>TEST OF WORD READING EFFICIENCY This test assesses both fluency and accuracy of print-based word reading strategies. The student is asked to pronounce words on a list of real words, and pronounce “words” on a list of nonsense words.</p><p>WEPMAN TEST OF AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION The Wepman Test consists of 40 word pairs differing in one phoneme only such as (pen-pin). They are presented orally and the child identifies the as same or different. Norms are given which help determine f the child falls within a normal range for their age level.</p><p>NURSE</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Mary Jo Beining, R.N. Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Registered Nurse</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures: Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______MEDICAL STATUS AND HISTORY Information will be collected from various sources to determine relationship of medical conditions and educational needs.</p><p>HEARING SCREENING A hearing screening can identify a possible conductive or sensorineural hearing loss using a pure tone audiometer.</p><p>VISION SCREENING A vision screening can identify any possible nearsightedness using a distance visual acuity chart.</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY A developmental history is obtained through parent interview and/or medical records.</p><p>OBSERVATION The child’s performance will be observed in the classroom setting.</p><p>SLEEP DISORDERS INVENTORY FOR STUDENTS – CHILDREN’S FORM (SDIS-C) This inventory is designed to help screen and refer students for five major sleep disorders and five parasomnias (i.e. abnormal events that occur during sleep). This assessment if for children aged 2 to 10 years.</p><p>SLEEP DISORDERS INVENTORY FOR STUDENTS – ADOLESCENT’S FORM (SDIS-A) This inventory is designed to help screen and refer students for five major sleep disorders and five parasomnias (i.e. abnormal events that occur during sleep). This assessment if for children aged 11 to 18 years.</p><p>TYMPANOMETRY SCREENING Tympanometry is a testing methodology that is used to evaluate the function of the middle ear. In the pediatric population this is typically performed to document or to rule out the presence of otitis media, tympanic membrane perforation or Eustachian tube dysfunction. This screening is brief and non-invasive.</p><p>COLOR VISION SCREENING The purpose of this test is to detect individuals who are red-green color deficient.</p><p>OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Stephanie Geurts Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Occupational Therapist</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL MOTOR INTEGRATION The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration assesses visual motor integration skills. This test was devised as a measure of the degree to which visual perception and motor behavior are integrated in children. This task requires the student to duplicate a series of designs.</p><p>BRUININKS OSERETSKY TEST OF MOTOR PROFICIENCY The BOTMP is an individually administered test to assess gross and fine motor proficiency.</p><p>PEABODY DEVELOPMENTAL MOTOR SCALES (Fine Motor Subtest) The PDMS is an individually administered test to assess gross and fine motor proficiency.</p><p>SENSORY PROFILE The Sensory Profile is a judgment based caregiver questionnaire. It provides a standard method to measure a child’s sensory processing abilities.</p><p>SCHOOL FUNCTION ASSESSMENT (SFA) The SFA was deigned to help identify a student’s strengths and limitations performing school-related functional tasks.</p><p>TEST OF HANDWRITING SKILLS: The purpose of the THS is to assess a child's neurosensory integration ability in handwriting in either manuscript or cursive and in upper and lower case forms, and to measure the speed with which a child handwrites.</p><p>TEST OF VISUAL-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS (NON-MOTOR): The purpose of the TVPS is to determine a subject's visual-perceptual strengths and weaknesses based on non-motor visual- perceptual testing.</p><p>HAND STRENGTH ASSESSMENT</p><p>PARENT INTERVIEW</p><p>CLASSROOM OBSERVATION</p><p>PHYICAL EDUCATION</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Amy Steavpack/ Jolene Blindauer Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Specially Designed Physical Education Teacher</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>TEST OF GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT (TGMD) The Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) evaluates the motor functioning of children from age three through age ten. The skills tested are: Locomotor: (run, gallop, skip, hop, leap, jump and slide) and Object Control: (Observes two-hand strike, stationary bounce, catching, kick and overhand throw)</p><p>PSYCHOLOGIST</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Bob Rupp-Kilgore Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed School Psychologist</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>COGNITIVE ABILITY</p><p>WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN-FOURTH EDITION (WISC-IV) The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument for assessing the cognitive ability of children aged 6 years through 16 years. This test provides subtests and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning in specific cognitive domains, as well as a composite score that represents general intellectual ability.</p><p>WECHSLER PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY SCALES OF INTELLIGENCE- 3rd EDITION The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence Revised (WPPSI-3) is used to test the general thinking and reasoning skills of students aged 3 years to 7 years 3 months. The test has three main scores: a verbal score, a performance score, and full scale score.</p><p>WECHSLER ADULT INTELLIGENCE SCALE-3rd EDITION The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) is used to test the general thinking and reasoning skills. The test has three main scores: a verbal score, a performance score, and full scale score. Additionally, the test provides four factor-based index scores.</p><p>AUTISM DIAGNOSTIC OBSERVATION SCHEDULE (ADOS) The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is the “gold standard” for assessing and diagnosing autism and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) across ages, developmental levels, and language skills.</p><p>LEITER INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE SCALE The Leiter International Performance Scale has been specifically designed to evaluate an individual's mental ability. The instrument is designed to be language free and measure performance ability.</p><p>COMPREHENSIVE TEST OF NONVERBAL INTELLIGENCE Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence is a language free measure of abstract/figural problem solving. It is an intelligence test that is not heavily loaded with linguistic, motoric, and cultural factors.</p><p>TEST OF NON-VERBAL INTELLIGENCE - SECOND EDITION The Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence-Second Edition (TONI-2) is a language free measure of abstract/figural problem solving. It is an intelligence test that is not heavily loaded with linguistic, motoric, and cultural factors. </p><p>THE SLOSSON INTELLIGENCE TEST - REVISED (SIT-R) The Slosson Intelligence Test - Revised (SIT-R) has been specifically designed to evaluate an individual's mental ability. The instrument is designed as a screening instrument to provide valid information about a student's cognitive ability and help determine if a more thorough evaluation would be needed. It is used to provide an estimate of general verbal cognitive ability. The Total Standard Score is similar to the I.Q. score provided by other instruments.</p><p>VISUAL MOTOR DEVELOPMENT</p><p>BENDER VISUAL MOTOR GESTALT TEST The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test assesses visual motor skills. This test was devised as a measure of the degree to which visual perception is developed in children. This task requires the student to duplicate a series of designs.</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration assesses visual motor integration skills. This test was devised as a measure of the degree to which visual perception and motor behavior are integrated in children. This task requires the student to duplicate a series of designs.</p><p>MOTOR FREE VISUAL PERCEPTION TEST The Motor-Free Visual Perception Test (MVPT) is a test of visual perception which avoids motor involvement and which is practical for screening, diagnostic, and research purposes.</p><p>BEHAVIORAL FUNCTIONING</p><p>ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM The parent & teacher of the ABAS measure adaptive skills in multiple environments including home, school, community and work.</p><p>BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR CHILDREN</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______This instrument is designed to provide standardized descriptions of behavior rather than diagnostic inferences. High scores on the descriptive dimensions behavior problems should not automatically be equated to a particular diagnosis or inferred disorder.</p><p>CHILD BEHAVIOR CHECKLIST (ACHENBACH AND EDELBROCK) TEACHER'S REPORT / YOUTH SELF REPORT The Teacher's Report Form, the Child Behavior Checklist and the Youth Self Report are designed to provide standardized descriptions of behavior.</p><p>CONNER TEACHER RATING / PARENT RATING / SELF REPORT The Conner Teacher Rating Scale, Conner Parent Rating and Conner Self-Report are designed to provide descriptions of behavior rather than diagnostic inferences. They are used to evaluate attention deficit disorders. </p><p>ADAPTIVE FUNCTIONING</p><p>APPLIED BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM II The Applied Behavior Assessment System is used as a measure of a student’s adaptive functioning. Informant’s responses are used to rank the student in the various life skill areas.</p><p>PHYSICAL THERAPIST</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Jane Deuster Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Physical Therapist</p><p>Description of Tests and other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>ASSESSMENT OF SCHOOL MOBILITY, BALANCE AND SAFETY: School functional Assessment: This criterion-referenced inventory examines a child’s level of participation in school related activity settings, the child’s support needs, and performance level. The tool is designed for elementary children who are in a regular education setting.</p><p>BRUININKS-OSERETSKY TEST OF MOTOR PROFICIENCY The child is asked to complete gross and fine motor tasks. Visual and verbal cues are given per test protocol.</p><p>COLLABORATIVE CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT PROFILE An assessment tool completed by those involved in student’s daily activity. Assists in determining which educational staff is primarily responsible for carrying out educational objectives in the classroom. It addresses 13 educational factors.</p><p>EARLY CHILDHOOD GROSS MOTOR CHECKLIST The ECGMA is a composite listing of gross motor developmental milestones. (Birth to 6 years)</p><p>EARLY INTERVENTION DEVELOPMENTAL PROFILE GROSS MOTOR SUBTEST The EIDPGM is a composite of 74 test items representing gross motor skill development. (Ages 3 to 6 years)</p><p>MOVEMENT ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHILDREN- SECOND EDITION (Movement ABC-2), can be used to identify children who are significantly behind their peers in motor development. The test includes assessment of fine and gross motor development for children ages 3-12. The test is standardized and norm-referenced</p><p>PEABODY DEVELOPMENTAL MOTOR SCALES (PDMS) The child is asked to complete develop0mental gross and fine motor tasks. Visual and verbal cues are given per test protocol. The PDMS enables the examiner to obtain information about the skills a child has mastered, those currently developing, and those not yet in the child’s repertoire. (Birth to 8 years)</p><p>SCHOOL FUNCTION ASSESSMENT This criterion-referenced inventory examines a child’s level of participation in school related activity settings, the child’s support needs, and performance level. The tool is designed for elementary children who are in a regular education setting. </p><p>SENSORIMOTOR PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS The assessment analyzes the child’s ability to perform basic motor skills. The assessment analyzes the quality of movement as well as the role of abnormal muscle tone with respect to its limitation on function. The student is asked to perform 8 tasks incorporating gross and fine motor skills. A child would be expected to perform all skill at the age of 5. Students under the age of 5 may use the assessment omitting the pencil and paper task and the cutting task. The fundamental components or movement are assessed during each skill. </p><p>PEDIATRIC EVALUATION OF DISABILITY INVENTORY This is a comprehensive clinical assessment that samples key functional capabilities and performance in children. Capability is measured by the identification of functional skills for which the child has demonstrated mastery and competence. The level of caregiver assistance needed to accomplish the task measures performance of daily activities. The domains included in the assessment are Self-care, Mobility, and Communication.</p><p>SPEECH AND LANGUAGE</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to Evaluate: Licensed Speech/Language Pathologist</p><p>ARTICULATION SKILLS</p><p>APRAXIA PROFILE Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______This evaluation tool is designed to help identify and describe the apraxic characteristics present in a child with speech intelligibility deficits. It can be used with children 3 to 13 years of age.</p><p>ASSESSMENT OF PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSES-REVISED (APP-R) The Assessment of Phonological Processes-Revised is designed for students whose speech is unintelligible so all speech deviations can be categorized. This tests students between ages 3-0 to 12-0. It provides a basis for developing efficient individualized remediation programs for severe speech delays.</p><p>CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF ARTICULATION AND PHONOLOGY (CAAP) The Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology is a contemporary, norm-referenced instrument designed to assess articulation and phonology in preschool and school age children. The test samples single word production for students ages 2 years, 6 months through 8 years,11 months. School age students (ages 5 through 8 years, 11 months) are also assessed using sentences that vary in length and complexity.</p><p>GOLDMAN FRISTOE TEST OF ARTICULATION-3 (GFTA-3) The Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-3 is an individually administered standardized assessments used to measure speech sound abilities in the area of articulation in children, adolescents, and young adults ages 2 years, 0 months through 21 years, 11 months. It provides standard scores for an individual’s speech sound abilities in the area of articulation at both the word level and connected speech level.</p><p>INFORMAL ORAL-MOTOR EXAMINATION An informal oral-motor examination consists of a brief observation and examination of the mouth and articulators, and checks for proper movement of these structures.</p><p>KHAN-LEWIS PHONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS-3 (KLPA-3) The Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis (KLPA-3) is a norm-referenced detailed analysis of overall phonological process usage. Normative data is provided for individuals aged 2 through 21-11. All phonological processes used to produce sound changes can be identified. The individual's phonetic inventory can be completed to determine intervention targets and monitor remediation progress.</p><p>ORAL SENSORY MOTOR ANALYSIS This is an informal screening for accuracy and speed of oral motor skills needed to adequately produce speech sounds in isolation and connected speech.</p><p>ORAL SPEECH MECHANISM SCREEN EXAMINATION (OSMSE-R) This screening device is used to record observations regarding normal structure and use of the mouth and surrounding features.</p><p>STRUCTURED PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTICULATION TEST II (SPAT-D II) The Structured Photographic Articulation Test uses 40 actual photographs to spontaneously elicit the child's production of consonant sounds. It is designed to assess the articulation/phonological skills of children ages 3 to 9 in a natural manner by looking at single consonants, consonant blends, vowels and examining the phonological processes which are commonly used by preschool and school age children.</p><p>VOICE</p><p>THE BOONE VOICE SCREENING AND EVALUATION TOOL The Voice Screening Form identifies information related to voice and its use. It has a voice rating scale, which allows the clinician to make a rating of each of five different parameters of voice, and records a ratio of voiced to voiceless sounds.</p><p>FLUENCY</p><p>STUTTERING PREDICTION INSTRUMENT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN (SPI) Stuttering Prediction Instrument for Young Children (SPI) is designed for children ages 3 to 8 years and assesses a child’s history, reactions, part-word repetitions, prolongations, and frequency of stuttered words.</p><p>STUTTERING SEVERITY INSTRUMENT FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS – 4 (SSI-4) The Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and Adults measures the stuttering severity of both children and adults.</p><p>VOCABULARY SKILLS</p><p>EXPRESSIVE ONE WORD PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST- 4 (EOWPVT-4) The Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test is designed to measure a child’s verbal expression of language by means of the child’s ability to make word-picture associations for students ages 2-0 to 18-11.</p><p>EXPRESSIVE VOCABULARY TEST (EVT) The Expressive Vocabulary Test is an individually administered, norm-referenced assessment of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval for children and adults aged 2 1/2 through 90 years. It measures two types of expressive items, labeling and synonyms.</p><p>PEABODY PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST 4th edition (PPVT-4) The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test is an individually administered, untimed, norm-referenced, wide-range test of receptive vocabulary development.</p><p>WORD TEST -ADOLESCENT (WORD -A) The WORD Test - Adolescent is designed to assess a student's vocabulary and semantic abilities at the secondary level. It is designed to assess the student's facility with language and word meaning, using common and unique contexts. </p><p>WORD TEST 3, ELEMENTARY (WORD-3) Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______The WORD Test 3 Elementary is a test of expressive vocabulary and semantics. It is designed to assess a student’s ability to understand and express important ways to describe or give attributes to meaningful words. Categorizing, defining, verbal reasoning, and choosing appropriate words are all part of a child’s way to understand and use developmentally appropriate language. The specific tasks of The WORD Test 3 Elementary are constructed to give information about these areas of expressive language and to aid the professional in identifying areas of strength and weakness in a student’s language especially in the area of vocabulary and descriptions.</p><p>BASIC CONCEPT UNDERSTANDING</p><p>BOEHM TEST OF BASIC CONCEPTS: 3-PRESCHOOL (2001) This test was designed to assess young children’s understanding of the basic relational concepts important for language and cognitive development, as well as for later success in school. The concepts assessed are fundamental to understanding directions, classroom routines, and are an important aspect of emergent literacy. The Boehm: 3-Preschool is appropriate for children ages 3 years 0 months to 5 years 11 months and is also appropriate as a criterion-referenced measure for older children who have special needs.</p><p>BOEHM TEST OF BASIC CONCEPTS – 3 This test was designed to measure a child’s understanding of certain concepts dealing with space, time, and quantity that are considered necessary for students in kindergarten to second grade.</p><p>RECEPTIVE AND EXPRESSIVE </p><p>COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE (CASL) Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) is an individually and orally administered, oral language assessment battery for ages 3 through 21. Fifteen tests measure language processing skills- comprehension, expression, and retrieval in four language structure categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic, and Pragmatic.</p><p>CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS, PRESCHOOL – 2 (CELF, P -2) The CELF is a test that evaluates receptive/expressive language skills. It assesses the areas of word meanings (semantics), word and sentence structure (morphology and syntax), and recall of spoken language (auditory memory). This instrument was standardized for ages 3-0 through 6-11.</p><p>CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS - FIFTH EDITION (CELF-5) The CELF-5 is an individually administered tool for the identification, diagnosis and evaluation of language and communication disorders in students 5-21 years old. Language development is reported using the following categories: core language, receptive language, expressive language, language content, language structure and working memory. The test is comprised of subtests for evaluating phonological awareness, word meaning, vocabulary, word and sentence structure, the rules of oral language used in responding to and conveying messages, and recall and retrieval of spoken language memory.</p><p>EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE TEST – 2 (ELT – 2) The Expressive Language Test 2 is a diagnostic test of language expression and flexibility for students aged 5.0-11.11. This test features 5 subtests with 12-13 items each THE ELT 2 provides standardized analyses for the following skills: sequencing, metalinguistics- defining and generating examples, grammar and syntax, and defining categories.</p><p>FUNCTIONAL COMMUNICATION PROFILE The Functional Communication Profile is an assessment checklist used to evaluate individuals with development delays. It evaluates the following areas: sensory/motor, attentiveness, receptive language, expressive language, pragmatic/social language, speech, voice, oral, fluency, and non-oral communication. The profile is appropriate for preschool age 3 to adults.</p><p>THE HELP TEST - ELMENTARY The HELP Test-Elementary is a diagnostic test of general language skills designed for students 6-12 years of age. The tasks assess a student’s basic language skills across six areas. The tasks are designed to yield information about children’s semantic and syntactical skills in the familiar context of school related language.</p><p>LANGUAGE PROCESSING TESTS– (LPT-3) The Language Processing Test is a test of verbal reasoning and spoken vocabulary for students between the ages of 5 through 11. It can be used to assess your students’ abilities to organize information and make sense of what they hear. It identifies processing breakdowns that contribute to poor memory and word retrieval problems. </p><p>LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST – 2 (LCT – 2) The Listening Test examines a student's ability to attend to, process, and respond to material presented only in the verbal mode. The format of the test presents short segments, similar to the way information is presented in the classroom. Five types of listening skills are assessed.</p><p>LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST, ADOLESCENT (LCT,A) This diagnostic test of listening comprehension is designed to assess adolescents’ aged 12.0-17.11 strengths and weaknesses in specific listening comprehension skills areas related to classroom listening situations. The subtests evaluated by this instrument are: main idea, details, reasoning, vocabulary and semantics, and understanding messages. These tests probes are presented in a more natural context of brief listening situations similar to the classroom experiences.</p><p>ORAL LANGUAGE SCALES (OWLS) Oral Language Scales (OWLS) is a theoretically based, individually administered assessment of receptive and expressive language for children and young adults aged 3 through 21 years. It consists of 2 scales including listening comprehension and oral expression. It addresses not only vocabulary and grammar but also the pragmatic and higher order thinking structures of language. This test allows us to observe the person’s ability to understand and to produce connected language.</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______PRESCHOOL LANGUAGE SCALE-5 (PLS-5) The Preschool Language Scale consists of a series of auditory and verbal language tasks assigned to certain age levels. The placement of these levels has been confirmed by current research and is an average age for attainment of these skills for preschool and early primary age children.</p><p>RECEPTIVE-EXPRESSIVE EMERGENT LANGUAGE TEST - THIRD EDITION (REEL -3) The Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test-Third Edition (REEL-3) is designed to identify infants and toddlers who have language impairments or who have other disabilities that affect language development. The REEL-3 has two core subtests, Receptive Language and Expressive Language, and a supplementary subtest, Inventory of Vocabulary Words. Results are obtained from a caregiver interview.</p><p>STRUCTURED PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE TEST-3 (SPELT-3) The SPELT-3 measures the child’s ability to use common grammatical forms and to produce specific sentence structures. It is appropriate for children ages 4-0 to 9-11 years of age.</p><p>TEST OF ADOLESCENT/ADULT LANGUAGE - 3RD EDITION (TOAL-3) The results of the TOAL-3 may be used for three specific purposes (a) to identify adolescents who scores are significantly below those of their peers and who might need intervention designed to improve language proficiency (b) to determine areas of relative strengths and weaknesses across language abilities (c) to document overall progress in language development as a consequence of intervention programs.</p><p>TEST OF ADOLESCENT/ADULT WORD FINDING (TAWF) The Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding assesses an important expressive vocabulary skill of picture naming: nouns and verbs, sentence completion naming, description naming and category naming. The Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding is normed for Ages 12 to 80.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY COMPREHENSION OF LANGUAGE-3 (TACL-3) This is an individually administered measure of receptive spoken grammar and syntax that assesses a child's ability to understand literal and most common meanings of words; meaning of grammatical morphemes, and meaning of elaborated sentence constructions. Age and grade norms are available for children ages 3 through 9.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY REASONING AND PROCESSING SKILLS (TARPS) The TARPS assesses ability to think, understand, reason, and make sense out of what a child hears. It evaluates how children understand, interpret (process), draw conclusions, and make inferences from auditorily presented information.</p><p>TEST OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, PRIMARY – 4 (TOLD, P –4) The TOLD-P 4 is a test battery consisting of 9 subtests that are used to evaluate a child’s understanding and use of oral language in areas of semantics, syntax and phonology. It provides an overall language score as well as subtest composite scores. The test is appropriate for children between the ages of 4:0 and 8:11.</p><p>TEST OF LANGAUGE DEVELOPMENT, INTERMEDIATE – 4 (TOLD, I-4) The TOLD –I 4 is a diagnostic test of receptive and expressive language for students aged 8.0-17.11. The six subtests measure the following skills individually: sentence combining, picture vocabulary, word ordering, relational vocabulary, morphological comprehension and multiple meanings. These subtests combined measure the following skills: semantics, listening, grammar, organizing language and speaking.</p><p>TEST OF SEMANTIC SKILLS-PRIMARY (TOSS-P) The TOSS-P is a receptive and expressive diagnostic test designed to assess a child’s semantic skills. The twenty illustrations depict scenes and themes that represent aspects of everyday life that are familiar and important to preschool and early elementary children. Test items also emphasize vocabulary that is meaningful and relevant to the experiences of children.</p><p>TEST OF WORD FINDING (TWF) The Test of Word Finding assesses an important expressive vocabulary skill of picture naming: nouns and verbs, sentence completion naming, description naming and category naming. The Test of Word Finding is for ages 6-6 to 12-11.</p><p>TEST OF WORD KNOWLEDGE The purpose of this test is to assess a student's ability to understand and use semantics, or the meaning system of language. Receptive and expressive components are administered in a format, which may involve identifying a correct answer from a group of four as well as producing creative responses.</p><p>TEST OFNARRATIVE LANGUAGE (TNL) The Test of Narrative Language (TNL) is a language test used to assess children between 5;0 and 11;11. This test:  identifies language impairments  measures the ability to answer literal and inferential comprehension questions  measures how well children use language in narrative discourse  Serves as a natural complement to other standardized tests. </p><p>Whereas most measures of children's language examine their knowledge of the components of language, the TNL assesses how well children use their knowledge of the components of language as they engage in functional discourse. </p><p>AUDITORY DEVELOPMENT</p><p>COMPREHENSIVE TEST OF PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSING (CTOPP) The CTOPP assess phonological awareness, phonological memory, and rapid naming for students ages 5-24 years. Deficits in these areas may affect a student’s listening comprehension.</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS TEST – 2 (PAT – 2) The Phonological Awareness Test is an individually administered test designed to diagnose deficits in phonological processing and phoneme-grapheme correspondence.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY PERCEPTUAL SKILLS - REVISED (TAPS-R) The primary purpose is to assess various areas of the student’s auditory perceptual skills. This is not a test of hearing. It assesses a student’s ability to perceive auditory stimuli and process the stimuli such as to discriminate, understand, interpret and express.</p><p>TEST OF AUDITORY PROCESSING SKILLS, UPPER LEVEL – 3 (TAPS - 3) The purpose of the Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills upper level is to assess a child's strengths and weaknesses in several areas of auditory skills. These include auditory number memory-forward, auditory number memory-reversed, Auditory Interpretation of Directions, Auditory Word Discrimination, and Auditory Processing.</p><p>SOCIAL LANGUAGE</p><p>PRAGMATIC LANGUAGE SKILLS INVENTORY (PLSI) The Pragmatic Language Skills Inventory is an instrument designed to assess children’s pragmatic language abilities. It is a standardized, norm-referenced inventory for children ages 5-12 that rates the student’s pragmatic language skills compared with average, below average, or above average students of the same age and gender.</p><p>SOCIAL LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT TEST - ADOLESCENT The Social Language Development Test- Adolescent is a diagnostic test of social language skills for adolescents aged 12.0-17.11. The tasks focus on taking someone else’s perspective, making correct inferences, solving problems with peers, interpreting social language, and understanding idioms, irony, and sarcasm.</p><p>SOCIAL LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT TEST – ELEMENTARY The Social Language Development Test – Elementary is a diagnostic test of social language skills, including nonverbal communication, for elementary students ages 6-0 through 11-11. The tasks of focus on taking someone else’s perspective, making correct inferences, negotiating conflicts with peers, being flexible in interpreting situations, and supporting friends diplomatically. It can be part of a battery of tests and observations used to assess social language competence.</p><p>TEST OF PRAGMATIC LANGUAGE – 2 (TOPL- 2) The Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL) is an individually administered instrument that provides a formal assessment of the pragmatic, or social dimension, of language.</p><p>INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS</p><p>INFORMAL LANGUAGE SAMPLES The language sample is an analysis of the students' spoken speech in a conversational speaking setting. It determines the appropriateness of the students' sentence length, sentence complexity, clarity of messages, grammar usage, vocabulary skills, and ability to communicate effectively.</p><p>INFORMAL SPEECH SAMPLES The speech sample is an analysis of the students' spoken speech in a conversational speaking setting. It determines where speech sound breakdowns occur in a student's conversational speech. This sample may be taken by having a student read from a book or through conversations with the examiner.</p><p>PARENT & TEACHER CHECKLISTS FROM “THE ASSESSMENT COMPANION” These communication checklists are used to gather information about the child’s communication skills in the home or school environments from people who spend the most time with the child.</p><p>TEST OF PROBLEM SOLVING - 3 (TOPS - 3) The Test of Problem Solving - Revised (TOPS-R) is an informal test of problem solving and critical thinking skills for elementary students. It is designed to assess a student’s language-based critical thinking skills. The TOPS-R is designed to be administered to ages 6 years through 11 years, 11 months.</p><p>VOICE CHECKLISTS FOR TEACHERS, PARENTS, STUDENTS AND SPEECH PATHOLOGIST These are checklists related to voice quality, pitch loudness level, voice use and misuse, medical information and other information related to rating voice appropriateness in students.</p><p>THE WH QUESTION COMPREHENSION TEST The WH Question Comprehension Test was designed to assess verbal students on the autism spectrum who have difficulty answering WH questions including who, what, when, where, why and how questions.</p><p>SPEECH AND LANGUAGE (EARLY CHILDHOOD)</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to Evaluate: Licensed Speech/Language Pathologist</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNCTION (CELF) PRESCHOOL The CELF is a test that evaluates receptive/expressive language skills. It assesses the areas of word meanings (semantics), word and sentence structure (morphology and syntax), and recall of spoken language (auditory memory). This instrument was standardized for ages 3-0 through 6-11. Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______GOLDMAN FRISTOE TEST OF ARTICULATION-2 (GFTA-2) The Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation is an individually administered normed test that gives you a child's articulation ability. The test samples both spontaneous and imitative sound production, including single words and conversational speech.</p><p>EXPRESSIVE ONE WORD PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST (EOWPVT) REVISED The Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test measures a child's verbal expression of language by means of the child's ability to make word-picture associations. This is an individually administered assessment for students ages 2-0 to 11-11. LANGUAGE SAMPLES The language sample is an analysis of the students' spoken speech in a conversational speaking setting. It determines the appropriateness of the students' sentence length, sentence complexity, clarity of messages, grammar usage, vocabulary skills, and ability to communicate effectively.</p><p>PARENT INTERVIEW The parent is interviewed to evaluate the student’s speech and language skills.</p><p>PEABODY PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST (FORM III) The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test is an individually administered, untimed, norm-referenced, wide-range test of receptive vocabulary development.</p><p>RECEPTIVE-EXPRESSIVE EMERGENT LANGUAGE TEST - THIRD EDITION (REEL -3) The Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test-Third Edition (REEL-3) is designed to identify infants and toddlers who have language impairments or who have other disabilities that affect language development. The REEL-3 has two core subtests, Receptive Language and Expressive Language, and a supplementary subtest, Inventory of Vocabulary Words. Results are obtained from a caregiver interview.</p><p>STRUCTURED PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTICULATION TEST II (SPAT-D II) The Structured Photographic Articulation Test uses 40 actual photographs to spontaneously elicit the child's production of consonant sounds. It is designed to assess the articulation/phonological skills of children ages 3 to 9 in a natural manner by looking at single consonants, consonant blends, vowels and examining the phonological processes which are commonly used by preschool and school age children.</p><p>ZIMMERMAN PRESCHOOL LANGUAGE SCALE (PLS-4) The Zimmerman Preschool Language Scale consists of a series of auditory and verbal language tasks assigned to certain age levels. The placement of these levels has been confirmed by current research and is an average age for attainment of these skills for preschool and early primary age children. This is an individually administered assessment for students ages birth to 6-11.</p><p>SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK</p><p>Name of person conducting the evaluation: Amy Dillenberg / Kelly Lohrentz / Andrea Pasqualucci Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed School Social Worker</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>ACHENBACH SYSTEM OF EMPIRICALLY BASED ASSESSMENT (ASEBA)-Teacher’s Report Form/Child Behavior Checklist/Youth Self Report The ASEBA is designed to provide standardized descriptions of behavior.</p><p>ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM-Second Edition (ABAS- II)-Teacher Form/Parent Form The ABAS-II is designed to measure adaptive skills in multiple environments including home, school, community and work. The parent portion may require an interview.</p><p>AUTISM DIAGNOSTIC OBSERVATION SCHEDULE (ADOS) The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is the “gold standard” for assessing and diagnosing autism and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) across ages, developmental levels, and language skills.</p><p>CONNERS 3-Teacher Response Form/Parent Response From/Self-Report The Conners 3 is designed to provide descriptions of behavior rather than diagnostic inferences. They are used to evaluate attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. </p><p>EARLY CHILDHOOD ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDERS EVALUATION SCALE (ECADDES)-Home Version/School Version The ECADDES is designed to provide a measure of characteristics of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. </p><p>FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT - Parent Response Information will be requested from parents regarding behaviors exhibited in the home setting.</p><p>PARENT/GUARDIAN INTERVIEW School Social Worker interviews parent /guardian regarding developmental history, medical/physical data, relationships and emotional/behavioral development.</p><p>SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS SCALE-Teacher Rating Form/Parent Rating Form The Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) is used in the school setting to measure social impairment of students who appear to have characteristics associated with the educational diagnosis of autism. Parent and/or teacher questionnaires are completed to measure various dimensions of interpersonal behavior, communication, and repetitive/stereotypic behavior.</p><p>VISUALLY IMPAIRED</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______Name of person conducting the evaluation: ______Qualifications to evaluate: Licensed Visually Impaired Teacher</p><p>Description of Tests and Other Evaluation Measures:</p><p>NEAR & DISTANCE VISUAL ACUITY Provides a measurement of what the student can see at near range and at a distance.</p><p>INFORMAL FUNCTIONAL VISION ASSESSMENT Provides information on how the student uses his/her vision in the school setting or in his/her environment.</p><p>AIDS & MATERIALS CHECKLIST FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PROGRAM States what tools, devices and material the student has been instructed to use.</p><p>ORIENTATION & MOBILITY Orientation/Mobility Questionnaire – Parent/School identifies concerns related to mobility.</p><p>Revised 11/16/2015 Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______</p>

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