Asian American Studies Program

Asian American Studies Program

<p> FIONA I. B. NGÔ Asian American Studies Program 1208 W. Nevada St. University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 265-6240 (office)</p><p>CURRENT POSITION</p><p>Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies Program and Gender and Women’s Studies Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign</p><p>EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND University of California, Irvine2003 Ph.D., History. University of California, Irvine2003 Critical Theory Emphasis University of California, Irvine1998 Graduate Feminist Emphasis University of California, Irvine1998 M.A., History. University of California, Irvine1994 B.A., History. University of California, Irvine1992 B.A., English.</p><p>TEACHING AND RESEARCH INTERESTS Comparative Ethnic Studies, Mixed-Race and Transnational Identities, Queer of Color Critique, Imperialism and U.S. Culture, Vietnamese/American and Southeast Asian/American Studies, African American Studies, Urban Studies, Musical Cultures, and Critical and Cultural Theory.</p><p>PUBLICATIONS “Transitional Identities in the Queer Vietnamese Diaspora” (under review). “A Chameleon’s Fate: Trasnational Mixed-Race Vietnamese Identities,” Amerasia Journal 31.2 (2005) 51-62. “The Anxiety over Borders,” Embodiments of Asian Pacific Islander Sexuality, eds. Gina Masequesmay and Sean Metzger (accepted for publication). Imperial Blues: Travel and Transnationality in the Age of Jazz (book manuscript, in progress). Bodies of War: Deconstructing Histories of the U.S. War in Southeast Asia (book manuscript, in progress). “The Blue Set: Race, Gender, Sexuality and Imperialism in Jazz Age New York” (Doctoral Dissertation, completed September 2003).</p><p>FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS Postdoctoral Fellow, Asian American Studies Program, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, 2005-2006. University of Oregon, Minority Development and Retention Grant, 2004-2005. Outstanding Faculty Award, University of Oregon, Office of Multicultural Affairs, 2003- 2004. University of Oregon, Minority Development and Retention Grant, 2003-2004. University of California President’s Dissertation Fellowship, Winter 2001-Summer 2001. University of California Humanities Center Graduate Student Research Grant, Summer 2000. James J. Harvey Dissertation Fellowship for the Study of Homosexuality, Winter 2000. National Women’s Studies Association Graduate Scholarship in Lesbian Studies, 1999. Graduate Student Special Travel Award, School of Humanities, University of California, Irvine, Spring 1999. Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. University of California, Irvine, School of Humanities, 1999. University of California, Irvine Summer Dissertation Fellowship, Summer 1999. University of California, Irvine Humanities Research and Travel Grant, Spring 1999. University of California, Irvine Humanities Research Grant, Summer 1998. Graduate Opportunity Fellowship, 1995-2000.</p><p>INVITED PRESENTATIONS “Queer Modernities,” Panelist. “Crossings and Crossroads: Critical Intersections in Asian American Studies Conference,” Dartmouth University, 5-7 May 2006. “Mixed-Race Masculinities and the Anxiety over Borders.” Presenter. “Politics of the Body.” Program in American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California, 3 April 2006. “Transitional Identities: Deconstructing Histories in the Vietnamese Queer Diaspora,” Lecturer. California College of the Arts, 24 Oct 2005. “Hapa Women Writers,” Performer. Asian Women Writers Course, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Asian American Studies and the Department of Women’s Studies, 16 May 2001.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE University of Illinois, Asian American Studies Program and Gender and Women’s Studies Program. Assistant Professor. Asian American Studies 120, Asian American Popular Culture, Spring 2007 Gender and Women’s Studies 470, “Trans” Bodies and Politics, Spring 2007. Asian American Studies/Gender and Women’s Studies 490, Transnational Sexualities, Fall 2006. University of Illinois, Asian American Studies Program. Postdoctoral Fellow. Asian American Studies/Gender and Women’s Studies 199, Asian American Gender and Sexuality, Spring 2006. University of Oregon, Ethnic Studies Program. Visiting Assistant Professor. Ethnic Studies 250, Introduction to African American Studies, Spring 2005. Ethnic Studies 405, Theories of Race and Ethnicity. Directed Reading. Spring 2005. Ethnic Studies 499, Ethnic Studies Proseminar, Spring 2005. Ethnic Studies 405, Race and Globalization, Directed Reading. Winter 2005. Ethnic Studies 498, Theories of Race and Ethnicity, Winter 2005. Ethnic Studies 101, Introduction to Ethnic Studies, Fall 2004. Ethnic Studies 405, Dialogics, Race, Culture, and Identity. Directed Reading. Fall 2004. Ethnic Studies 405, Introduction to (Dis)Ability Studies and Theories of the Body. Directed Reading. Fall 2004. Ethnic Studies 409, Praxis: Theories of Race and Art. Practicum. Fall 2004. Ethnic Studies 399, The Politics of Cultural Representation. Spring 2004. Ethnic Studies 405, Introduction to Hmong/American and Vietnamese/American Studies. Directed Reading. Spring 2004. Ethnic Studies 405, Race, Masculinity, and Film. Directed Reading. Spring 2004. Ethnic Studies 407/507, Race and Sexuality in the 20th Century. Spring 2004. Ethnic Studies 399, Civil Rights and Resistances. Winter 2004. Ethnic Studies 405, Asian/American Studies and Urban Development. Directed Reading. Winter 2004. Ethnic Studies 410/510, U.S. Empire. Winter 2004. Ethnic Studies 101, Introduction to Ethnic Studies. Fall 2003. Loyola Marymount University, Program in American Cultures. Visiting Lecturer. American Cultures 100, The Politics of Cultural Representation. Spring 2003. University of California, Irvine, Department of Asian American Studies. Teaching Assistant Asian American Studies 60A, Introduction to Asian American Studies. Fall 2002. University of California, Irvine, History Department. Teaching Associate. History 40C, 20th-Century America. Summer 1999. Teaching Assistant. History 40C, 20th-Century America. Spring 1998. Teaching Assistant. History 40B, 19th-Century America. Winter 1998. Teaching Assistant. History 21C, World History in the 20th Century. Spring 1997, Summer 2002. Teaching Assistant. History 40A, America, 1492-1790. Fall 1996. Reader. History 144, American Racial Thought. Winter 1996. University of California, Irvine, Program in Women’s Studies. Teaching Assistant. Women’s Studies 50B, Reproducing and Resisting Inequality. Winter 2003. Teaching Assistant. Women’s Studies 50C, Gender and Popular Culture. Winter 2002, Spring 2002. Teaching Assistant. Women’s Studies 50A, Gender and Feminism in Everyday Life. Fall 1999, Fall 2000. University of California, Irvine, School of Humanities. Instructor. Humanities 1A, 1B, 1C, Humanities Core Course. Fall-Spring 1998-1999. University of California, Irvine, Composition Department. Instructor. Writing 39C, Argument and Research. Fall 1997. University of California, Irvine, Program in Religious Studies. Reader. Humanities 5B, Asian Religions. Winter 1997.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Conference and Speakers Series Organizing Chair, Steering Committee, April 2006-Present, “Southeast Asians in the Diaspora,” scheduled for 2008. Convener, Vietnamese/American Studies Caucus Meeting, Association for Asian American Studies Conference, Atlanta, April 2006. Co-Organizer, "30 Years Beyond the War: Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, and Asian/American Studies,” Vietnamese American Studies Caucus, Association of Asian American Studies, University of California, Riverside, April 2005. Member of Steering Committee, “After 9/11: The New Militarism and the Question of Belonging,” Ethnic Studies Program, University of Oregon, May 15, 2004. Organizer, “Sex, Gender, Culture: The Third Annual History and Theory Conference,” University of California, Irvine, History Department, November 13-14, 1999. Convener, “History Graduate Colloquium Series,” University of California, Irvine, History Department, Fall 1998 – Fall 1999. Member of Steering Committee, “The Second Annual History and Theory Conference,” University of California, Irvine, History Department, November 14-15, 1998. Member of Steering Committee, “Taking Up Space” Conference, University of California, Irvine, History Department, 30 May 1998. Reviewer for Academic Publishing Reviewer. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 2006. Reviewer. Oxford University Press. 2005. Reviewer. Amerasia Journal. 2005. Reviewer. positions: east asia cultures critique. 2005. Reviewer. McGraw-Hill Press. Fall 2004.</p><p>Committee Work</p><p>Member of Student Awards Committee, Gender and Women’s Studies Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2006-2007. Member of Advisory Committee, Asian American Studies Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2006-2007. Member of Curriculum Committee, Asian American Studies Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Fall 2006. Member of Undergraduate Program Committee, University of California, Irvine, History Department. Academic Year, 2000-2001. Member of Search Committee for Southeast Asian Historian, University of California, Irvine, History Department. Fall 2000 – Winter 2001. Associated Graduate Students’ Vice-President of Administrative Affairs, University of California Irvine, Spring 1999 – Fall 1999. Humanities Representative to the Associated Graduate Student Council, University of California Irvine. Academic Year, 1998-1999. Member of Graduate Program Committee, University of California, Irvine, History Department. Academic Year, 1998-1999. Graduate Representative to Faculty Meetings, University of California, Irvine, History Department. Academic Year, 1997-1998.</p><p>CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND PANELS</p><p>“Moving (the) States: Physicality, Social Mobility, and Popular Culture Since the 1960s,” Chair, “Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium on Women’s and Gender History at the University of Illinois,” Department of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 11 March 2006. “Sexual Danger and Sexual Citizenship: Imperial and Transnational Identity in the Jazz Age,” Panel Organizer and Presenter, “Sin Fronteras: Women's Histories, Global Conversations: The 13th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women,” The Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Claremont, CA, 2-5 June 2005. “Constructing Figures of the Half-Breed in the Aftermath of the U.S. War in Vietnam,” Panel Co- Organizer and Presenter, “Globalization, Regionalism, and Identity: 2005 AAAS Annual Meeting,” Association of Asian American Studies, Los Angeles, CA, 20-24 April 2005. “Mixed-Race Identity,” Organizer and Chair, “10th Annual Women of Color Conference,” Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Women’s Center, University of Oregon, 1-3 April 2005. “McNair Scholars,” Organizer, “10th Annual Women of Color Conference,” Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Women’s Center, University of Oregon, 1-3 April 2005. “Perilous Sexuality: Asian/American Masculinity and the Construction of National Borders in the Jazz Age,” Presenter, “Crossroads of Cultures: 2004 American Studies Association's Annual Meeting,” American Studies Association, 11-14 November 2004. “Afternoon Panel,” Panel Co-Organizer and Chair, “After 9/11: The New Militarism and the Question of Belonging,” Ethnic Studies Program, University of Oregon, May 15, 2004. “Imperial Sexuality: National Narratives of Asian Pacific/American Masculinities,” Presenter, “Cultural Studies Association Second Annual Conference,” Cultural Studies Association, Boston, MA, 5-9 May 2004. “Multi-Ethnic and Transnational Identity in Daughter From Danang,” Presenter, “Engaging with Uncertainties: Global and Local Actions: 2004 AAAS Conference,” Association of Asian American Studies, Boston, MA, 25-28 March 2004. “Institutionalized Racism,” Panelist, “CAER’s 9th Annual Enivronmental Justice Conference,” Coalition Against Environmental Racism (CAER), University of Oregon, 24 January 2004. “Asian/American Masculinity and the Anxiety Over Borders,” Presenter, “92nd Annual Convention,” American Historical Association – Pacific Coast Branch, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2 August 2003. "Curriculum and Resources," Panel Organizer and Facilitator, "CrossTalk II: Embodiments of Asia Pacific Islander Sexuality," California State University, Northridge, 16 November 2002. “The Other Harlem: Asian/Americans, Orientalism, and Sexuality in the Jazz Age,” Panel Co- Organizer and Presenter, “Multiple Publics/Civic Voices: American Studies Association Annual Meeting,” Washington D.C., 9 November 2001. “The Transfused: Performances of Sex/Gender Dynamism,” Presenter, “Reproductions: Literature, Theory, and Cultural Studies in Transformation,” University of California, Irvine, Department of English and Comparative Literature, 12 May 2001. “Cultural Colonialism in Revision,” Disscusant, “The 36th Annual Comparative Literature Conference,” California State University, Long Beach, Western Regional Modern Language Association, 15 March 2001. “Queer Publics: Sexual Danger in the Need’s ‘Jacky the Ripper,’” Presenter, “Thinking Gender: The Eleventh Annual Graduate Student Research Conference,” University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA Center for the Study of Women, 2 March 2001. “’Folks Say I’m Crooked’: The Performance of Sexuality in the Blues,” Presenter, “Disruptive Disciplines Conference,” Michigan State University, MSU American Studies, MSU School of Music, and the Midwest Society for Ethnomusicology, 17 April 1999. "Illicit Metropolis: New York Cabarets and Buffet Flats," Presenter, “Taking Up Space Conference,” University of California, Irvine, 30 May 1998. “Sense and Subjectivities,” Panel Chair, “The Second Annual History and Theory Conference,” University of California, Irvine, History Department, 14-15 November 1998.</p><p>GUEST LECTURES AND PRESENTATIONS</p><p>“Vietnam War and Southeast Asian Diaspora,” On-Air Guest, Liberación Radio Collective, WEFT 90.1 FM, Champaign, IL, May 2006. “Mixed-Race Identities,” Panel Organizer and Chair, “Unseen/Unheard,” Asian American Cultural Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 18 February 2006. “Asian/American Gender and Sexuality,” Workshop, “Unseen/Unheard,” Asian American Cultural Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 18 February 2006. “Erotic Doubles: Wallace Thurman’s Queering through Sites of Gender and Race,” Asian American Studies Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 9 November 2005. “Faces of Feminism,” Feminist Majority, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1 November 2005. “Ethnic Studies Graduate School Panel,” Organizer and Chair, Ethnic Studies Program, University of Oregon, 26 April 2005. “Queers of Color,” Workshop, “4th Annual Oregon Students of Color Coalition Conference,” Oregon Students of Color Coalition, Oregon State University, 26 February 2005. “Mixed-Race Identity,” Panelist. The Multicultural Center and The Women’s Center, University of Oregon, 20 January 2005. “Discourse and Sexual Minoritization,” “Pride Rally and March: Pride 2004,” Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Alliance, University of Oregon, 17 May 2004. “History, Collective Memory, and Asian Heritage,” Speaker, “Asian Heritage Month Opening Ceremony,” Asian Pacific American Student Union, University of Oregon, 3 May 2004. “The College of Arts and Sciences: Interest Session,” Presenter, “Embracing the Future,” Office of Admissions, University of Oregon, 3 April 2004. “Queers of Color,” Workshop, “3rd Annual Oregon Students of Color Coalition Conference,” Oregon Students of Color Coalition, University of Oregon, 31 January 2004. “Inclusion or Tokenism in the University,” Workshop, “CAER’s 9th Annual Enivronmental Justice Conference,” Coalition Against Environmental Racism (CAER), University of Oregon, 24 January 2004. “Is the ‘Trans’ in Transgendered the Same as the ‘Trans’ in Transnational?: Sex, Race, Gender and Labor Across Borders,” Guest Speaker, Transgender Day of Remembrance, University of Oregon, Gender Queer and Associated Students of the University of Oregon, 2 December 2003. “Asian Pacific American Community Representation,” Keynote Address. Asian Pacific American Student Association Fall Reception, University of Oregon, Asian Pacific American Association, 5 November 2003. “Affirmative Action,” Workshop. University of Coregon, Oregon Students of Color Coalition, 23 October 2003. “Ethnic Studies at the University of Oregon,” Guest Speaker, Diversity Day, University of Oregon, Multicultural Center, 9 October 2003. “Riot Grrrls and the Zine Revolution,” Guest Lecturer, Women’s Studies 50C: Gender in Popular Culture, University of California, Irvine, 9 May 2002. “Gedered Rap,” Guest Lecturer, Women’s Studies 50C: Gender in Popular Culture, University of California, Irvine, 7 May 2002. “MTV and Female Authorship” Guest Lecturer, Women’s Studies 50C: Gender and Popular Culture, University of California, Irvine, 12 February 2002. “Rap and Masculinity,” Guest Lecturer, Women’s Studies 50C: Gender and Popular Culture, University of California, Irvine, 14 February 2002. “’Revolution Grrl Style Now!’: Riot Grrl, Queercore, and the Politics of Music,” Workshop, University of California, Irvine, Program in Women’s Studies and The Kaleidoscope House, 20 February 2001. “Sexuality as a Social Construct,” Guest Lecturer, Women’s Studies 50A: Gender and Feminism in Everyday Life, University of California, Irvine, 16 November 2000. “History Career Night: Applying to Graduate School,” Panelist, University of California, Irvine, The History Club, 1 November 2000. “New Graduate Student Orientation,” Panelist, University of California, Irvine, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, 22 September 1999.</p>

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