B Baby, Baby Sitter, Back, Back, Bad, Badminton, Bag, Bake, Bakery, Balcony, Banana, Band

B Baby, Baby Sitter, Back, Back, Bad, Badminton, Bag, Bake, Bakery, Balcony, Banana, Band

<p>A- </p><p> a, a few, a little, a lot, a.m., able, about, above, abroad, absent, accept, accident, across, act, action, active, activity, actor, actress, address, adult, advice, advise, affect, afraid, after, afternoon, again, against, age, ago, agree, ahead, AIDS, aim, air, air conditioner, airplane, airport, alarm, alarm clock, album, alike, alive, all, allow, almost, alone, along, alphabet, already, also, although, altogether, always, am, ambulance, America (U.S.A.), American, among, an, ancient, and, anger, angry, animal, ankle, another, answer, ant, any, any, anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere, apartment, appear, apple, appreciate, </p><p>April, are, arm, armchair, around, arrange, arrive, art, artist, as, as … as, as if, as soon as, as well as, Asia, ask, assistant, assume, at, attack, </p><p>August, aunt, Australia, autumn (fall), avoid B- </p><p> baby, baby sitter, back, back, bad, badminton, bag, bake, bakery, balcony, banana, band, bank, barber, bark, baseball, basement, basket, basketball, bat, bath, bathroom, be, beach, bean, bear, beard, beat, beautiful, because, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, been, beer, before, begin, beginning, behave, behind, being, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, beside, between, bicycle, bicycle riding, big, bill, bird, birthday, bite, bitter, black, blackboard, blank, blanket, blind, block, blouse, blow, blue, boat, boil, bomb, bone, book, bookcase, bookstore, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, both... and, bottle, bottom, bow, bowl, bowling, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch, brave, bread, break, breakfast, brick, bridge, bright, bring, Britain, broad, broadcast, brother, brown, brunch, brush, bucket, buffet, bug, build, building, bun, bundle, burger, burn, burst, bus, bus stop, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, butterfly, buy, by, C- </p><p> cabbage, cable, cafeteria, cage, cake, calendar, calm, calm, camera, camping, campus, can, Canada, Canadian, cancel, cancer, candle, candy, cap, captain, car, card, care, careful, careless, carpet, carrot, carry, case, cash, cassette, castle, cat, catch, CD, CD player, ceiling, celebrate, cent, center, centimeter, cereal, chair, chalk, chance, change, channel, character, charge, chase, cheap, cheat, check, cheer leader, cheese, chemical, chess, chicken, chicken, child, childish, childlike, chin, China, Chinese, Chinese New Year, chocolate, choose, chopsticks, Christmas, chubby, church, circle, city, clap, class leader, classical, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clerk, clever, climate, climbing, clock, close, closet, cloth, cloudy, club, coach, coat, cockroach, coffee, coin, coke, cold, collect, college, color, comb, come, comfortable, comic, command, comment, common, company, compare, complain, complete, computer, computer game, confident, confuse, congratulation, consider, contact lens, continue, contract, control, convenience store, convenient, conversation, cook, cookie, cooking, cool, copy, corn, correct, cost, cotton, couch, cough, could, count, country, Country, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, cow, crab, cream, create, credit card, crime, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, culture, culture center, cup, cure, curious, curtain, curve, custom, customer, cut, cute </p><p>D- </p><p> daddy, damage, dancing, danger, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, dead, deaf, dear, death, debate, December, decide, decision, decorate, deep, deer, degree, delicious, deliver, dentist, department, department store, depend, desert, design, desire, desk, dessert, detect, dial, diamond, diary, dictionary, did, die, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, diligent, dining room, direct, direction, dirty, disappear, discover, discussion, dish, dishonest, distance, dizzy, do, doctor, dodge ball, does, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, donkey, door, dot, double, Double Tenth Day, doubt, doughnut, down, downstairs, downtown, dozen, Dr., dragon, Dragon-boat Festival, drama, draw, drawer, drawing, dream, dress, dresser, drink, drink, drive, driver, drop, drugstore, drum, dry, dryer, duck, dumb, dumpling, during</p><p>E- </p><p> each, ear, earn, earrings, earth, east, Easter, easy, eat, egg, eight, eighteen, eighteenth, eighth, eighty, either… or, elder, elect, elementary school (primary school), elephant, eleven, eleventh, else, emotion, emphasize, employ, end, enemy, energy, engine, engineer, </p><p>England, English, Englishman, enjoy, enough, enter, entrance, envelope, environment, eraser, error, especially, Europe, even if, evening, event, ever, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, evil, exam, example, excellent, excite, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, exercising, expect, expensive fruit, experience, explain, express, extra, eye, eyebrow F- </p><p> face, fact, factory, fail, fair, fall, family, famous, fan, far, farm, farmer, fast, fast food, fast food restaurant, fat, father (dad), faucet, fault, favorite, fear, February, feel, feeling, fence, festival, fever, few, fifteen, fifteenth, fifth, fifty, fight, fill, film, final, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, fire station, first, fish, fisherman, fishing, fit, five, fix, flashlight, flat tire, flight, floor, flour, flower, flower shop, flu, flute, fly, focus, fog, foggy, follow, food, fool, foolish, foot, football, for, foreign, foreigner, forest, forget, forgive, fork, form, former, forty, four, fourteen, fourteenth, fourth, fox, France, frank, free, freedom, freezer, freezing, French, French fries, fresh, Friday, fried chicken, fried rice, friend, friendly, frighten, Frisbee, frog, from, front,full, fun, funny, future G- </p><p> gain, game, garage, garden, gas, gas station, gate, generous, gentle, gentleman, Geography, German, Germany, gesture, get, ghost, gift, girl, girlfriend, give, glad, glass, glasses, glove, glue, go, goal, goat, </p><p>God, gold, golden, golf, good, goodness, goose, government, grade, granddaughter, grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), grandson, grape, grass, gray, great, greedy, green, greet, ground, group, grow, grow-up, guard, guava, guess, guest, guide, guitar, gun, guy, gym</p><p>H- </p><p> habit, had, hair, hair dresser, half, hall, Halloween, ham, hamburger, hammer, hand, handkerchief, handle, handsome, hanger, happen, happy, hard, hardly, hard-working, has, hat, hate, have, he, head, headache, health, healthy, hear, heart, heat, heater, heavy, height, helicopter, hello, help, helpful, hen, her, hero, hers, herself, hey, hi, hide, high, highway, hiking, hill, him, himself, hip, hippo, hire, his, </p><p>History, hit, hobby, hold, holiday, homesick, homework, honest, honesty, honey, Hong Kong, hop, hope, horrible, horse, hospital, host, hot, hot dog, hotel, hour, house, housewife, housework, how, however, Hualian, human, humble, humid, humor, humorous, hundred, hunger, </p><p>I- </p><p>I, ice, ice cream, idea, if, ill, imagine, impolite, important, impossible, improve, in, indigo, in front of, inch, include, independent, influence, interview, ink, insect, inside, inspire, instant, instant noodle, instrument, intelligent, interest, interesting, international, interrupt, into, introduce, invent, invitation, invite, iron, is, island, it, its, itselfhungry, hunt, hunter, hurry, hurt, husband J- </p><p> jacket, jam, January, Japan, Japanese, jazz, jealous, jeans, jeep, job, jogging, join, joke, journalist, joy, judge, juice, July, jump, June, junior high school</p><p>K- </p><p> kangaroo, Kaohsiung, keep, ketchup, key, kick, kid, kill, kilogram, kind, kindergarten, king, kingdom, kiss, kitchen, kite, kitten, kitty, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge, koala, Korea, Korean, KTV</p><p>L- </p><p> lack,, lady, lake, lamb, lamp, land, Language, Lantern Festival, large, last, late, later, laugh, Law, lawyer, lay, lazy, LD, lead, learn, leave, left, leg, lemon, lend, less, lesson, let, letter, lettuce, library, lid, lie, life, lift, light, lightning, like, limit, line, link, lion, lip, liquid, list, listen, listen, little, live, living room, loaf, local, lock, locker, London, lonely, long, look, lose, loser, lot, loud, love, lovely, low, lucky, lunch, lychee</p><p>M- </p><p> ma'am, machine, mad, magazine, magic, magician, mail, mailman, main, make, male, mall, man, manager, Mandarin, mango, manner, many, map, March, mark, marker, market, married, marry, mask, mass, mat, Math, matter, maximum, May, may, maybe, me, meal, mean, meaning, mechanic, medicine, medium, meeting, member, men's room, menu, message, metal, meter, method, microwave, Mid-</p><p>Autumn Festival, midnight, might, mile, milk, milk shake, million, mind, mine, minor, minus, minute, mirror, Miss, missing, mistake, mix, model, modern, moment, Monday, money, monkey, monster, month, moon, moon cake, more, morning, mosquito, most, mother </p><p>(mom mommy), Mother's Day, motion, motorcycle, mountain, mountain-climbing, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, movie star, movie theater, Mr., Mrs., MRT, Ms., MTV, much, mud, museum, music, musician, must, my, myself, </p><p>N- </p><p> nail, name, napkin, narrow, Nation, natural, nature, naughty, near, nearly, necessary, neck, necklace, need, needle, negative, neighbor, neither, neither…nor, nephew, nervous, nest, never, new, New Year's </p><p>Day, New York, news, next, next to, nice, nice-looking, niece, night, nine, nineteen, nineteenth, ninety, ninth, nobody, nod, noise, noisy, none, noodle, noon, nor , north, nose, not only ... but also, note, notebook, nothing, notice, notice, November, now, number, nurse, nut</p><p>O- o'clock, obey, object, ocean, October, of, off, offer, office, often, oh, oh-oh, oil, OK, old, omit, on, once, one, onion, only, oops, open, operation, opinion, or, orange, orange, order, ordinary, other, other, our, ours, ourselves, out of, outer space, outside, oven, over, overpass, overseas, over-weight, own, owner, ox</p><p>P- </p><p> p.m., pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, pair, pajamas, pale, pan, panda, pants, papaya, paper, pardon, parent, Paris, park, parking lot, parrot, part, partner, party, pass, passenger, past, paste, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, PE, peace, peaceful, peach, pear, pen, pencil, pencil box (pencil case), pepper, perfect, period, person, personal, pet, Philippines, photographer, piano, pick, picnic, picture, pie, piece, pig, pigeon, pile, pillow, pin, pineapple, pink, pipe, pizza, place, plain, plan, plane, plant, plate, platform, play, playground, pleasant, please, pleased, pleasure, plus, poem, point, poison, police officer, police station, policeman,, polite, pollute, pollution, pond, pool, poor, pop corn, pop music, popular, population, pork, port, positive, possible, post office, postcard, pot, potato, pound, power, practice, praise, pray, precious, prepare, present, president, pretty, price, priest, primary, prince, princess, principal, print, private, probably, problem, produce, production, program, progress, project, promise, pronounce, protect, proud, provide, public, pull, pump, pumpkin, punish, puppy, purple, purpose, purse, push, put, puzzle</p><p>Q- </p><p> quarter, queen, question, quick, quiet, quit, quiz</p><p>R- </p><p> rabbit, radio, railroad, railway, rain, rainbow, raincoat, rainy, raise, rare, rat, rather, read, reading, ready, real, realize, really, reason, receive, record, recover, rectangle, red, refrigerator, refuse, regret, reject, relative, remember, remind, rent, repair, repeat, Republic of </p><p>China (R.O.C.), respect, responsible, rest, restaurant, restroom, review, revise, rice, rich, ride, right, ring, rise, river, road, rob, robot, roller skating, roof, room, rope, rose, rub, rubber, rubber band, rude, ruin, rule, ruler, run, running, running nose, rush, Russia</p><p>S- </p><p> sad, safe, safety, sail, sailing, sailor, salad, sale, salesman, salt, same, sample, sandwich, satisfy, Saturday, saucer, save, say, scared, scarf, schoolmate, Science, scientist, score, screen, sea, seafood, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, see, seem, seesaw, seldom, select, selfish, sell, semester, send, senior high school, September, servant, serve, service, seven, seventeen, seventeenth, seventh, seventy, several, shake, shall, shape, share, shark, she, sheep, sheet, shelf, shine, ship, shirt, shoes, shop, shopkeeper, shopping, shore, short, shorts, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrimp, shut, shy, sick, side, sidewalk, sign, silence, silent, silly, silver, similar, simple, since, sincere, Singapore, singer, singing, single, sink, sir, sister, six, sixteen, sixteenth, sixth, sixty, skating, skiing, skill, skin, skinny, skirt, sky, sleep, slender, slide, slim, slippers, slow, small, smart, smell, smoke, snack, snail, snake, sneakers, sneaky, snow, snowman, snowy, so, soccer, social, social science, society, socks, soda, sofa, soft drink, softball, soldier, solve, some, somebody, someone, something, sometimes, somewhere, son, song, sore throat, sorry, sound, soup, sour, south, soy-sauce, space, spaghetti, speak, speaker, special, speech, spell, spend, spider, spirit, spoon, sports, spring, square, stairs, stamp collecting, stand, star, start, station, stationery store, stay, steak, steal, steam, stingy, stomach, stomachache, stop, store, storm, stormy, story, stove, straight, strange, stranger, straw, strawberry, stream, street, strike, strong, student, study, study, stupid, style, submarine, subway, succeed, success, successful, such, sudden, sugar, suit, summer, sun, </p><p>Sunday, sunny, supermarket, supper(dinner), sure, surfing, surprised, survive, swallow, swan, sweater, sweep, sweet, swimming, swimsuit, swing, symbol T- </p><p> table, table cloth, table tennis, Taichung, tail, Tainan, Taipei, Taiwan, </p><p>Taiwanese, take, talk, talkative, tall, tangerine, tank, tape, tape recorder, taste, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, Teacher's Day, team, teapot, tear, teenager, telephone (phone), television (TV), tell, temperature, temple, ten, tennis, tent, tenth, term, terrible, test, textbook, than, thank, Thanksgiving Day, that, the, theater, their, theirs, them, themselves, these, they, thief, thin, thing, think, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirteenth, thirtieth, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, three, throat, through, throw, thumb, thunder, Thursday, ticket, tidy, tie, tiger, till, time, tiny, tired, title, to, toast, today, toe, tofu, toilet, tomato, tomorrow, tongue, too, tool, tooth, toothache, toothbrush, topic, touch, toward, towel, tower, town, toy, trace, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, traffic jam, traffic light, train, train station, trap, trash can, traveling, treasure, treat, treat, tree, triangle, trip, trouble, trousers, truck, true, trumpet, trust, truth, try, T-shirt, tub, Tuesday, tummy, tunnel, turkey, turn, turtle, twelfth, twelve, twentieth, twenty, two, type, typhoon</p><p>U- </p><p> ugly, uh-uh, umbrella, umbrella, uncle, under, underlie, underpass, understand, Underwear, under-weight, unfriendly, unhappy, Uniform, unique, universe, until, up, upon, upstairs, us, use, useful, usual, usually</p><p>V- </p><p> vacation, Valentine's Day, valley, valuable, value, VCR, vegetable, very, vest, victory, video, village, vinegar, violin, visitor, vocabulary, voice, volleyball, vote W- </p><p> waist, wait, waiter, waitress, wake, walk, walkman, wall, wallet, want, war, warm, was, wash, washing machine, waste, watch, water, waterfall, watermelon, wave, way, we, weak, wear, weather, wedding,</p><p>Wednesday, week, weekend, weight, welcome, well, were, west, wet, whale, what, wheel, when, where, whether, which, while, white, who, whole, whose, why, wide, wife, will, win, wind, window, windy, wing, winner, winter, wise, wish, with, without, wok, wolf, woman, women's room, wonderful, woods, work, workbook, worker, world, worried , worry, would, wound, wow, wrist, write, writer, </p><p>Y- </p><p> yard, yeah, year, yellow, yesterday, you, young, your, yours, yourself, yourselves, youth, yucky, yummy Z- </p><p> zebra, zero, zoo,</p>

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