The Efficiency Power Plant

The Efficiency Power Plant

<p> Prospectus</p><p>The “Efficiency Power Plant” A Rapid, Low-Cost Path For Energy-Saving Investments In Shanghai</p><p>The Asian Development Bank Revised February 2005 Prospectus</p><p>The “Efficiency Power Plant”</p><p>A Rapid, Low-Cost Path For Energy-Saving Investments In Shanghai</p><p>The Asian Development Bank – Revised February 2005 </p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>1. OVERVIEW...... 3</p><p>1.1. Key Features of the Efficiency Power Plant...... 5 1.1.1. The Efficiency Resource...... 5 1.1.2. Building the EPP...... 6 1.1.3. Verifying the EPP’s Capacity and Energy Savings...... 6 1.1.4. Financing and Paying for the EPP...... 6 1.1.5. Replicating the EPP...... 6</p><p>2. THE EFFICIENCY POWER PLANT – RESOURCE COMPONENTS...... 7</p><p>2.1. New Construction Cooling and Lighting - 66 MW...... 9</p><p>2.2. Industrial Motors Program – 206 MW...... 11</p><p>2.3. Residential Products and Appliances – 61 MW...... 11</p><p>2.4. Combined Effect of Program Technologies...... 12</p><p>3. FINANCING AND BUILDING THE EFFICIENCY POWER PLANT – DELIVERING EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN SHANGHAI...... 16</p><p>3.1. Administration and Repayment...... 17</p><p>3.2. Government Oversight and Program Supervision...... 19</p><p>3.3. Delivering Efficiency Measures...... 21</p><p>3.4. Monitoring and Amending the Programs...... 21</p><p>3.5. Financing the Efficiency Power Plant...... 22</p><p>APPENDIX 1: CALCULATING UTILITY AVOIDED COSTS...... 26</p><p>2 Prospectus</p><p>The “Efficiency Power Plant”</p><p>A Rapid, Low-Cost Path For Energy-Saving Investments In Shanghai</p><p>The Asian Development Bank -- – Revised February 2005</p><p>1. Overview1 </p><p>China is experiencing a severe power shortage. In 2003, Shanghai and 21 other provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities had to cut off electricity at peak times. The power shortage is not limited to summer peak periods. During last winter and the first two months of 2004, power grids across the country were intermittently shut off to try to conserve power. China has responded to the shortage with a very aggressive set of pricing and load management policies; however, the country has not yet adopted many additional demand-side opportunities – especially efficiency opportunities. Energy efficiency programs have successfully addressed power shortages in other states and nations.</p><p>The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has prepared this Prospectus for building, financing and delivering the first Efficiency Power Plant for Shanghai. The Prospectus provides and overview of the economics of an EPP and rules, institutions, financing, and cost recovery methods needed to support it.2</p><p>The Chairman of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) recently warned that China would have a shortfall of more than 20 million kilowatts in electricity supply in 2004. He said in some areas of the country, the power shortage will be even worse than last year.3 </p><p>1 Note this Prospectus was originally prepared in October 2004. Except as noted, the data has been updated in February 2005 to reflect the recently completed “DSM STRATEGIC PLAN FOR JIANGSU PROVINCE ECONOMIC, ELECTRIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL RETURNS FROM AN END-USE EFFICIENCY INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO IN THE JIANGSU POWER SECTOR”, Joint Report Prepared In Accordance With the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Jiangsu Provincial Economic and Trade Commission and theNatural Resources Defense Council (USA) on Cooperation in DSM Strategic Planning</p><p>2 This Prospectus was developed by the Asian Development Bank with technical assistance from the Regulatory Assistance Project and Optimal Energy Systems. We wish to thank Song Hongkun and the Jiangsu DSM Center for providing data essential to the proposal. </p><p>3 “China’s Power Shortage to Aggravate in 2004,” China Journal, 25 February 2004,</p><p>3 Currently, demand in Shanghai peaks at about 16,000 MW. However, the city faces a capacity shortfall of approximately 3,500 MW. Much of the problem is being driven by new commercial construction and increased use of residential and commercial air conditioning. These are areas where there have been many successful energy efficiency programs in the United States and elsewhere. </p><p>Heavy industrial use and China’s use of load management have led to very high average load factors on Chinese grids (above 80% compared to 60% to 65% in the U.S.). High load factors and the fact that coal-fired plants are on the margin during peak and off-peak periods suggests that –- while load management efforts have been aggressive and successful – the potential for additional economic gains from load management is relatively small. Thus, the focus at this point needs to turn to enhanced energy efficiency resources. </p><p>End-use energy efficiency can provide energy and capacity to the system in much the same way that a baseload power plant does. Whenever they operate, high efficiency end-use equipment and appliances provide benefits in the form of avoided demand and, in this sense, are always available when needed. Because of this, end-use efficiency programs can be designed to deliver the energy equivalent of a conventional power plant.</p><p>Increased energy efficiency is a top priority for China. Energy efficiency is highly cost-effective but there are many barriers that prevent residential, commercial, and industrial customers investing in more efficient appliances, buildings, motors, and processes. Policies need to be developed and implemented to overcome these barriers.</p><p>Energy efficiency programs can take many forms:</p><p> Governments can establish high energy efficiency standards. This approach is well established and has been used extensively in China. Standards, however, generally eliminate the least efficient products. Even with stringent energy efficiency standards and effective enforcement, substantial amounts of cost-effective opportunities remain.</p><p> Governments can use taxing and spending powers to encourage energy efficiency. This approach has been used successfully in some states in the US and a few other countries. In China, the very large financial demand on the government to provide basic services, such as infrastructure, health care, education, and safety, already strains government resources to the limit. Ongoing power sector reform efforts are aimed at shifting the financial and administrative burden of the power sector away from the government, by creating an efficient and self-sustaining sector.</p><p> Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) can deliver energy efficiency services and be paid for their services out of customer savings. This approach has also been used successfully internationally and in China. The ESCO industry, however, is relatively small and its services are generally focused on most financially strongest commercial and industrial customers. ESCOs can be far more effective if their services are part of a larger, organized set of utility energy efficiency programs.</p><p>4  Power sector reform can require and encourage electric utilities to invest in energy efficiency as one way to meet their service obligations. This approach has been highly successful in the US and internationally. Utilities around the world have designed and delivered very large amounts of energy efficiency at about half the cost of meeting demand with conventional power plants.</p><p>The “Efficiency Power Plant” (EPP) focuses on the fourth option. It is a new version of a well- proven method to finance and implement electric utility energy efficiency efforts. An EPP provides the utility with customer-based efficiency measures that are the equivalent of a conventional supply- side power plant – and does so faster, and at lower cost. </p><p>While the primary objective of the EPP proposed here is to help alleviate the power shortage, it is also intended to provide a model for continued investment in the least expensive, most environmentally beneficial resource available to Shanghai and China. The shortages make efficiency and other resources more valuable; but after the shortages are eliminated efficiency still has high value that should not be lost.</p><p>1.1. Key Features of the Efficiency Power Plant</p><p>The EPP will be built and financed much like a supply-side power station. Power plants are financed and the cost is repaid by consumers over time through electricity prices. The EPP is a set of DSM programs, financed with a long-term loan, and repaid by consumers through electricity prices and savings to the electricity system.</p><p>1.1.1. The Efficiency Resource</p><p>Utility experts from Shanghai and elsewhere have identified specific opportunities to improve energy efficiency – including high-efficiency commercial lighting, industrial motors, and commercial and residential air conditioners. In total, the investments identified can provide in two years the equivalent of a 179-MW power plant. The Efficiency Power Plant has high peak load coincidence, high reliability, and at a delivered cost of about 8 fen per kWh saved. </p><p>The EPP can be installed for a utility cost of US$69 million. If this cost is assigned entirely to its capacity, the EPP costs approximately $385 per kW installed (and the energy production is free). If the cost is assigned entirely to the energy saved, the utility cost is less than 1 cent per kWh saved. Since the EPP produces both energy and capacity benefits, it is reasonable to divide the costs between them. If the costs are assigned equally to capacity and energy, the EPP can be built for approximately $200 per kW installed, and less than ½ cent per kWh produced. </p><p>The Efficiency Power Plant has other benefits compared with conventional supply plants: </p><p>. The EPP improves reliability by reducing load on the transmission and distribution system;</p><p>. The EPP reduces demand on the coal and other fuel delivery infrastructure;</p><p>5 . The EPP reduces the environmental impacts of the power sector and eliminates the financial risk of increased pollution charges; and</p><p>. Unlike a power plant, however, end-use efficiency produces savings from the beginning of program delivery.</p><p>Counting all of the costs of these programs, and only some of these benefits, the EPP has a utility benefit-cost ratio of more than 4:1. </p><p>1.1.2. Building the EPP</p><p>Local and provincial institutions and utilities will determine how EPP investments will be made, and who will work with end-use customers to make them. Measures can be delivered by the utility, by government agencies, and/or by private energy service companies (ESCOs) under utility or government supervision. </p><p>The initial target is to have the first EPP “on line” in less than two years after financing is secured, with partial deployment even sooner. Table 1 shows a plan to deploy 179 MW in a “construction” period of less than two years (beginning as early as mid-2005). If programs were continued throughout 2007 and into 2008, additional savings could be realized at the rate of more than 200 MW per year.</p><p>1.1.3. Verifying the EPP’s Capacity and Energy Savings </p><p>Methods for counting and verifying the efficiency savings are well established in international practice and are readily transferable to China. Establishing the approach for “metering” the EPP’s output will be an important part of its design.</p><p>1.1.4. Financing and Paying for the EPP</p><p>To build and operate the Efficiency Power Plant, Shanghai officials will need to make the energy efficiency programs financable and assign responsibility for all major elements of the EPP. To make the EPP financable, the borrower needs to be financially secure and must have a sound business plan to build the EPP and repay the loan. Internationally, the costs of most utility energy efficiency programs are included in electricity prices. By avoiding higher cost generation, load management, and T&D requirements, the EPP will result in lower utility costs. Making the EPP financable does not require that a specific charge be added to electricity prices but it does require utility regulators approval of EPP costs as a reasonable utility cost. </p><p>1.1.5. Replicating the EPP</p><p>Once the first EPP is built, other EPPs can be added by either continuing the delivery of the identified programs beyond Year 2 or by adding additional energy efficiency programs at anytime. Simply continuing the identified programs beyond the first two years will add another 210 MW of </p><p>6 savings in Year 3 and another 290 MW of savings in Year 4. Table 1 and Figure 1 show the effect of continuing the programs beyond the completion of the first EPP.</p><p>2. The Efficiency Power Plant – Resource Components </p><p>Shanghai’s first efficiency power plant will consist of three separate but integrated parts. The three parts are: </p><p> A “new construction” cooling and lighting program for new and remodeled commercial and residential buildings4 (delivering about 55 MW in the first two years). </p><p> An industrial motors program (delivering about 86 MW in the first two years); and</p><p> A program to improve the efficiency of common residential appliances and equipment (about 33 MW in the first two years). </p><p>Each of these programs could have been much larger in size and impact, but their scale has been limited in order to save just under 200 MW. As Table 1 and Figure 1 show, just extending these programs could save about 680 MW in four years. Thus, Shanghai could build many Efficiency Power Plants. </p><p>4 Efficiency programs that improve efficiency in new construction or when buildings are remodeled are often called “lost opportunity” programs because the opportunity to make the improvement is temporary (during the construction period) and will be “lost” if action is not taken quickly. In this document we call them “new construction” programs. These new construction programs are less costly than building retrofit programs because construction is already going on, and the extra cost of the high-efficiency equipment is relatively small. The first EPP will focus on new construction opportunities, but very large retrofit opportunities also exist in Shanghai. </p><p>7 Table 1 Shanghai Municipality Efficiency Power Plant Electricity Savings (at Generation Voltage) Energy (GWh/yr) Peak Demand (MW/yr) Lifetime Savings Incremental annual Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 (GWh) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 2 1 104 219 361 1 1 43 84 136 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 9 8 247 346 456 2 4 62 86 114 Residential Appliances* 2 4 57 88 99 1 3 26 39 4 1 Total Initiatives 143 408 653 916 4 8 1 31 210 290</p><p>Cumulative annual New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 2 1 125 344 704 10,312 1 1 55 139 274 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 9 8 344 690 1 ,147 14,906 2 4 86 173 287 Residential Appliances* 2 4 82 170 269 2,254 1 3 39 78 118 Total Initiatives 143 551 1 ,204 2 ,119 27,472 4 8 1 79 389 680</p><p>* Residential Appliances does not include cooling, which is in the New Cooling/Lighting Equipment initiative.</p><p>Figure 1. Combined Capacity Contribution of 3 EPP Programs </p><p>Shanghai 800</p><p>700</p><p>600</p><p>500 Cumulative Annual Peak 400 Demand MW/yr (generation 300 voltage) 200</p><p>100 Year - Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Residential Appliances* Industrial Motor Drive Systems New Cooling/Lighting Equipment</p><p>Each program will use market strategies, delivery, and financial strategies that apply the best practices of utilities in North America and other countries to conditions in China and Shanghai. Together these strategies will increase the adoption of high-efficiency cooling, lighting, motor, and appliance technologies by overcoming market barriers. </p><p>Most market barriers originate from the higher first costs ordinarily associated with high efficiency technologies and practices. For example, even Chinese manufacturers of high-efficiency cooling equipment do not routinely sell these units in China because of low demand for the higher-priced </p><p>8 machines. Evidence from utility experience elsewhere demonstrates that marketing and financial incentives to equipment vendors, engineers, architects, and building owners can substantially increase the use of high-efficiency chillers, rooftop cooling units, and through-the-wall air- conditioning units.</p><p>In designing the programs we have considered two types of market transactions involving commercial and residential buildings:</p><p> “New construction” investments involve upgrading efficiency choices in transactions already underway as part of normal market events, such as new building construction, expansion or remodeling of existing facilities, and normal scheduled replacement of existing equipment. These events offer the opportunity to improve efficiency and save electricity at modest cost premiums compared to the total costs of building construction and equipment installation. The magnitude of potential savings in Shanghai is large compared to that of other countries because of the rapid pace of economic development. Electricity savings from these low-cost opportunities last the lifetime of the buildings and equipment.5 </p><p> Efficiency retrofits involve early retirement of existing equipment before it would otherwise naturally turn over, and replacement with new high-efficiency equipment. These savings are available at the discretion of existing building and equipment owners. In general, building retrofit efficiency savings are more expensive than lost-opportunity investments, since they involve the full cost of the new equipment (not merely the incremental cost) and higher labor costs. Building retrofits often offer a larger savings potential, for two reasons. First, the existing building and equipment stock at any given time is much larger than market-driven additions to and turnover in the stock. Second, efficiency levels of existing building and equipment stock are often much lower than those associated with new equipment. </p><p>About 20-25% of the energy efficiency savings we have included in the first EPP is in the new construction category. There is a great deal of new construction and renovation occurring in Shanghai. This presents the opportunity to target large savings at very low cost. These programs should come first. </p><p>2.1. New Construction Cooling and Lighting - 55 MW </p><p>This program will increase investment in high-efficiency technology in planned purchases of new cooling equipment in existing buildings and in new construction, both in commercial facilities and residential apartment buildings. It will promote high-efficiency equipment, including high- efficiency chillers, rooftop cooling units, and split air-conditioning systems. It will also promote high-efficiency design of the overall cooling system, including proper sizing of cooling equipment and auxiliaries (e.g., the cooling distribution system). </p><p>5 Moreover, choosing high-efficiency equipment can often lower the capital costs of other building and equipment being chosen at the same time. For example, high-efficiency lighting operates at lower temperatures than inefficient lighting, requiring lower cooling capacity and thus smaller and less expensive cooling equipment. These additional savings are included in the savings numbers in this Prospectus.</p><p>9 The program will increase the use of high-efficiency lighting systems in the remodeling of existing buildings and in new building construction. It will promote high-efficiency lighting fixtures, lamps, and controls, as well as efficient lighting system design. The program will place special emphasis on integrating high-efficiency lighting and cooling to take maximum advantage of the substantial scale economies and electricity savings from simultaneous treatment of both. It will also include the practice of “commissioning” new buildings to make sure the equipment is installed correctly and is working properly. Experience in advanced utility programs has shown that commissioning a building can be just as important as installing the high-efficiency equipment in the building. </p><p>Program strategies will include aggressive marketing targeted at the people and businesses involved at all stages of building and equipment design, selection, purchase, and installation. The program will offer financial incentives that offset all, or almost all, of the cost premium for high-efficiency equipment, possibly supplemented with additional incentives for others farther up in the supply chain. Another critical element will be in-depth technical assistance and financial incentives for design professionals, architects, and engineers involved in the purchase, installation, and operation of new cooling and lighting equipment and in the design, financing and construction of new buildings in Shanghai. </p><p>Figure 2. Savings Load Shape: New Construction Cooling/Lighting- Shanghai 6</p><p>60 Cumulative 50 Annual 2006 40 Peak 30 Demand MW/yr 20 (generation 10 voltage) 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day</p><p>As shown in Figure 2 above, the combination of cooling and lighting savings will follow the swings of Shanghai’s daily system load (before load management interventions), providing uniquely high value, particularly on peak days. The size of the savings will also track the pace of new construction in Shanghai, another extremely valuable advantage of this unit of the efficiency power plant. Industrial Motors Program – 86 MW</p><p>This program will increase the use of high-efficiency motors when older equipment is replaced, naturally, existing facilities are expanded, existing processes are overhauled, and when new industrial facilities are built. The program will improve the efficiency of entire motor drive systems, including proper sizing and system design, application of variable frequency drives, and more </p><p>6 The load shapes shown in Figures 2, 3, 4,and 5 are reasonable estimates, however the MW savings shown have not been updated.</p><p>10 efficient fans and pumps. The program will also capture savings from early retirement of old but functioning inefficient motors and related equipment.</p><p>The industrial motors program will provide financial incentives to facility owners that offset the entire cost premium of high-efficiency motors over standard equipment. Where appropriate, it will supplement these customer incentives with payments to distributors to stock and for manufacturers to ship premium-efficiency motors in Shanghai. It will also include marketing efforts at all points in the motor supply chain. Financial incentives will also cover the costs of adjustable speed drives, and high-efficiency fans and pumps. The program will also provide specialized technical assistance for improved motor system sizing and design. This program will also depend on Shanghai’s ESCO community to foster discretionary investment in high-efficiency motors and drives in existing facilities.</p><p>This program will provide full-time electricity savings corresponding with the operating schedules of Shanghai’s factories. For three-shift industries (or combinations of enterprises working over three shifts) this program will result in round-the-clock savings comparable to the output of a baseload electrical generating plant. Figure 3 shows the approximate savings load shape of the EPP industrial motors program on a typical peak period day. </p><p>Figure 3. Savings Load Shape: EPP Industrial Motors Program 250 Cumulative 200 Annual 2006 150 Peak Demand 100 MW/yr (generation 50 voltage) 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day</p><p>2.2. Residential Products and Appliances – 39 MW</p><p>This program will target residential consumer purchases of high-efficiency TVs, freezers, clothes washers, rice cookers, and refrigerators. It will build directly upon and support China’s recently- established voluntary labeling program. It will stimulate consumer demand and the production, distribution, and retail stocking of high-efficiency products and appliances. It will do so using financial incentives to buyers and, as appropriate, to others throughout the supply chain. The program will also adapt the successful utility-Energy Star efforts to conditions in China.</p><p>The profile of electricity savings from this program will complement those of the other three programs. Savings from all products and appliances will extend throughout the day and night, with output greatest during the evening hours. See Figure 4. </p><p>11 Figure 4. Savings Load Shape: EPP Residential Products and Appliances Program</p><p>80 Cumulative 70 Annual 60 2006 50 Peak 40 Demand MW/yr 30 (generation 20 voltage) 10 0 0 6 12 18 24 Hour of Day</p><p>2.3. Combined Effect of Program Technologies</p><p>As shown in Table 1, the efficiency power plant will provide the capacity equivalent of a 179 MW coal plant within 2 years, along with a large stream of energy savings. (On Table 1, See Cumulative Savings, Total Initiatives). Before the end of 2006, it will save energy at the rate of about 550 GWH per year. It is important to note that efficiency savings will continue for installed equipment for more than a decade, with no additional utility costs. Electricity output will continue on average for about 12 years, ranging from 9 years for the residential appliances installed, up to 15 years for the new industrial motors. </p><p>12 Figure 5 shows the combined contribution of the three EPP programs on a typical weekday during Shanghai’s peak power season. </p><p>Figure 5. Combined Savings Load Shape: 3 EPP programs 350 Cumulative 300 Annual 2006 250 Peak Demand MW/yr 200 (generation 150 voltage) 100 50 Appliances 0 Motor Drive 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Cool/Light Hour of Day</p><p>Table 2 sets out the public utility budget for the three initial EPP programs. Beginning in 2005, and continuing through mid-2006, the EPP program can deliver the first 179 MW of savings at a cost of US$69 million (US$18 million in 2005 and US$52 million in 2006). And, as Tables 1 and 2 show, extending these programs for 4 years could save 680 MW at a utility cost of about US$ 252 million. </p><p>Table 2 Shanghai Municipality Efficiency Power Plant Utility Costs RMB (Million) $US (Million)</p><p>Incremental annual Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 37 174 311 425 $ 5 $ 21 $ 38 $ 52 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 75 128 148 181 9 16 18 22 Residential Appliances* 35 122 206 227 4 15 25 28 Total Initiatives 146 424 664 833 $ 18 $ 52 $ 81 $ 102</p><p>Cumulative annual New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 37 211 522 947 $ 5 $ 26 $ 64 $ 115 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 75 202 350 531 9 25 43 65 Residential Appliances* 35 157 362 590 4 19 44 72 Total Initiatives 146 570 1,234 2,068 $ 18 $ 69 $ 150 $ 252</p><p>* Residential Appliances does not include cooling, which is in the New Cooling/Lighting Equipment initiative.</p><p>Table 2 and Table 3 show, the EPP offers an extremely cost-effective demand-side supply source for the Shanghai Municipal Utility. Over the life of the program measures, the EPP will produce </p><p>13 energy at a levelized cost to the utility of about 8 fen/kWh.7 This is much less than the utility cost of purchasing new coal-fired energy generation. </p><p>Table 3 Shanghai Municipality Efficiency Power Plant Utility Cost Per Saved KWh At Generation RMB/kWh US $/kWh Incremental annual Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 0.2148 0.1903 0.1633 0.1419 0.0262 $ 0.0232 $ 0.0199 $ 0.0173 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 0.0854 0.0603 0.0523 0.0514 0.0104 $ 0.0073 $ 0.0064 $ 0.0063 Residential Appliances* 0.2198 0.3437 0.3885 0.3961 0.0268 $ 0.0419 $ 0.0473 $ 0.0482</p><p>* Residential Appliances does not include cooling, which is in the New Cooling/Lighting Equipment initiative.</p><p>7 In Table 1 we see that the lifetime savings from measures installed through 2008 would be 61,494 GWH. In Table 2 we see that these measures would cost the utility US$453 million. This yields an average cost per kWh saved of US$.0075 or RMB .006. This is consistent with the incremental annual figures shown in Table 3.</p><p>14 Table 4 shows how valuable those savings are to the Municipal Utility. Valuing the EPP’s electric energy and capacity savings at the estimated avoided costs of new generation, transmission, and distribution in Shanghai, Shanghai’s first EPP will produce US$210 million (1.7 billion RMB) in total electric system benefits over the lifetime of the measures installed.8 </p><p>Table 4 </p><p>TABLE 4 Shanghai Municipality Efficiency Power Plant Utility Benefits RMB (Million) $US (Million)</p><p>Cumulative net benefits (benefits minus costs, present worth 2005) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 57 382 1,130 2,428 $ 7 $ 46 $ 138 $ 296 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 341 1,242 2,513 4,170 42 151 306 508 Residential Appliances* 44 98 163 234 5 12 20 29 Total Initiatives 441 1,722 3,806 6,832 $ 54 $ 210 $ 464 $ 832</p><p>Cumulative benefit/cost ratio 2005 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 2.53 2.86 3.27 3.71 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 5.57 7.24 8.35 9.09 Residential Appliances* 2.26 1.64 1.47 1.42 Total Initiatives 4.02 4.08 4.20 4.47</p><p>8 Utility avoided costs for power plant construction, operations, and power delivery are based on data supplied by Mr. Song. For details on the avoided cost calculations, see Appendix 1. </p><p>15 While savings to the utility are important, it is also important to consider the total economic benefit to the Shanghai economy of the total investments needed to create the EPP. As Table 5 shows, direct net benefits to Shanghai’s economy (after accounting for both utility costs and the customers’ costs to purchase equipment, etc) are also very high. Total efficiency investment benefits for the first EPP will be US$203 million (RMB 1.6 billion). Benefit/cost ratios range from 2.01:1 for the residentialprogram to 5.24:1 for the industrial motors program.9 </p><p>Table 5 Shanghai Municipality Efficiency Power Plant Total Economic Benefits RMB (Million) $US (Million)</p><p>Cumulative net benefits (benefits minus costs, present worth 2005) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 54 370 1,111 2,413 $ 7 $ 45 $ 135 $ 294 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 317 1,166 2,375 3,963 39 142 289 483 Residential Appliances* 52 127 227 338 6 15 28 41 Total Initiatives 423 1,663 3,713 6,715 $ 51 $ 203 $ 452 $ 818</p><p>Cumulative benefit/cost ratio 2005 New Cooling/Lighting Equipment 2.34 2.71 3.15 3.66 Industrial Motor Drive Systems 4.22 5.24 5.95 6.49 Residential Appliances* 2.98 2.01 1.79 1.75 Total Initiatives 3.56 3.69 3.90 4.22</p><p>Building this first efficiency power plant will give Shanghai the opportunity to add additional EPP units through added investments in these three programs in future years. Each additional year of program implementation will produce further electric energy and peak demand savings lasting 10 years or longer on average. In addition, this EPP can serve as the start of a comprehensive, multi- year portfolio of energy-efficiency programs; additional EPPs can widen the portfolio with additional programs targeting other markets and technologies.</p><p>3. Financing and Building the Efficiency Power Plant – Delivering Efficient Technologies to Electric Customers in Shanghai </p><p>To finance, build and operate the Efficiency Power Plant, Shanghai officials will need to make the energy efficiency programs finance-able and must assign responsibility for the major elements of program administration.</p><p>To finance for the EPP, the borrower needs to be financially secure and must have a sound business plan to build the EPP and repay the loan. This means the borrower must have a plan to:</p><p> Administer and repay the loan: Funds to deliver efficiency programs must be accounted for, protected against diversion, and spent efficiently. Funds to repay the </p><p>9 These figures do not include the added value to the economy from increased reliability, environmental benefits, greater enterprise profitability, and other indirect benefits of energy efficiency programs. </p><p>16 initial EPP loan must be raised in a secure revenue stream, and paid to ADB on the terms set out in the loan agreement.</p><p> Obtain government approvals: All necessary government and regulatory approvals must be obtained. Which governmental or regulatory agency will have responsibility for overall program design, supervision, and quality control?</p><p> Deliver the efficiency measures: Who will work with customers, builders, and appliance and equipment vendors to deliver high-efficiency equipment and technical information? </p><p> Monitor and amend the programs: How can the performance of the EPP as a whole be measured and verified, and the positive performance of individual efficiency delivery companies be improved? How can we improve efficiency programs and lower their costs over time?</p><p>These elements are common to utility DSM programs in many countries. Different states and nations have taken different approaches to these basic elements, reflecting local conditions, traditions, and utility structures. The suggested structure for the Shanghai EPP is set out below, based on discussions with Shanghai officials and on international experience. However, this is not the only way an effective EPP system could be structured. The proposal below is a sound starting-point for discussion of the key issues. </p><p>3.1. Administration and Repayment</p><p>Who is the borrower and who is responsible for repaying the loan that finances the energy efficiency power plant? </p><p>International experience shows that financial responsibility for most energy efficiency programs is the responsibility of the distribution utility. The basic utility obligation is to meet consumer energy needs in the least costly fashion. In China, where generation has been separated from transmission and distribution, the transmission and distribution utility meets its obligation by buying power from power suppliers, load management from customers, and energy efficiency from customers or other energy efficiency suppliers. All of these resources serve customers, and the costs of all these activities are properly included in the prices consumers pay.</p><p>The utility planning functions should include demand forecasting and evaluation of alternative demand side and supply side options. In China, the T&D utility does not build, own, or operate power plants. Instead they buy power from generating companies and from the market. The EPP gives the utility the opportunity to buy energy efficiency in the same way it buys power. The utility does not need to build or operate the EPP. The utility needs to identify its demand side needs and contract to buy the EPP, which can be built and operated by others.</p><p>The utility will:</p><p>17  Receive funds from ADB and make sure that they are available when needed for program delivery, as directed by the Conservation Supervision Center; </p><p> Ensure that the funds are properly accounted for, are, and are spent only on those programs approved by the Conservation Supervision Center, and are not diverted for other purposes;</p><p> Collect funds from consumers on a schedule as needed to make payments to ADB under the terms of the EPP loan; and</p><p> Provide regular financial reports to the Economic and Trade Commission, Conservation Supervision Center, and Asian Development Bank on the financial status of the EPP program.</p><p>Although it makes most financial and business sense for the Municipal Utility to be the borrower, Shanghai could also create or select a financial agent to that is positioned between the utility, the builders and operators of the EPP, and the lender. The financial agent would hold, disperse, and account for EPP related funds. This could achieve a level of separation and accountability for the EPP related funds. Several US states including New York, Oregon, and Vermont have adopted versions of this approach. The basic functions of the independent financial agent are similar to those described above except that the financial agent collects funds from the utility instead of collecting funds directly from consumers. </p><p>The financial agent would be selected by the Shanghai Economic and Trade Commission and/or the Energy Conservation Supervision Center, and will be responsible to them under municipal regulation and/or a contract that specifies the duties to be performed. The cost of the EPP program could include the financial agent’s administrative costs. Adding the financial agent between the utility, the lender, and the EPP has pros and cons. In either case, however, the utility provides a secure basis for repayment of the loan.</p><p>If the utility service obligation is to meet energy needs with a least-cost mix of demand and supply- side resources, international experience shows that a history of government approval of prices that include the cost of meeting consumer demand if sufficient to secure loans on reasonable terms. Where utility pricing and regulatory practices are not clear, greater financial assurances may be needed. For example, a practical and low cost way to secure a loan is by designating a specific portion of the price of power as being dedicated to the specific purpose of repaying the loan. In the US, this concept of dedicating a small portion of power prices to the repayment of a loan when combined with specific government and regulatory approval is called “securitization”. The practice has been used extensively in the US to lower the cost of utility borrowings. </p><p>The other option for Shanghai is to reduce the utility’s role further and make the design, delivery, and operation of the EPP a government function. In this option, the municipal government or some government associated entity would be the borrower. </p><p>18 The loan could be secured in one of several ways. An option that fits well with the ongoing reform of the power sector is to secure the loan with a contract between the borrower and the utility. Under the contract the utility would buy the output of the EPP just like the utility now buys the output of conventional power plants. The utility payments would be used to repay the loan. The contract would require government and regulatory approval. Alternatively, the loan could be secured by Shanghai's credit. </p><p>3.2. Government Oversight and Program Supervision</p><p>For the EPP to receive major bank financing, it must receive all needed government and regulatory approvals. The EPP is the equivalent of a power plant, and is being built because it provides needed benefits to the utility system at low cost. For these reasons, government agencies with authority for the power sector should have the ultimate responsibility for supervising the EPP. </p><p>In China, the authority over power sector regulation is divided between the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the State Energy Regulatory Commission (SERC). NDRC currently has most authority over utility planning, investment, and pricing. SERC currently has authority over electricity markets, licensing, reliability and other matters, and has a strong interest in advancing energy efficiency as a power sector resource. The exact division of responsibility may change over time.</p><p>The EPP is a new concept so the responsibility for its oversight is not clear. But, because the EPP involves planning, investment, pricing, and reliability, the safe option is to assume that both NDRC and SERC approval are needed. In addition, approval by both NDRC and SERC will be very helpful to provide added certainty for EPP financing, funding, and repayment terms. </p><p>The Ministry of Finance (MOF) must review and approve the financing mechanism recommended by Shanghai and international lenders. </p><p>In Shanghai, two government agencies will be primarily responsible for the Efficiency Power Plant: the Shanghai Economic and Trade Commission and the Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center. </p><p>(1) Oversight by the Economic and Trade Commission: At the municipal level, policy responsibility lies with the Municipal Government, acting through the Electric Power Division of the Economic and Trade Commission. The Economic and Trade Commission will need to: </p><p> Establish the overall direction of the EPP program,; </p><p> Review and recommend approval of the bank loan to finance the EPP, and seek approval of its financial terms from MOF; </p><p> Assign financial responsibility to the utility or a separate financial agent and program responsibility to an Efficiency Program Manager (the Energy Conservation Supervision </p><p>19 Center), and enter into necessary agreements with these entities. We suggest performance- based agreements to stimulate high-quality performance;</p><p> Recommend approval of the tariff provisions needed to implement the program and repay the loan and seek approval for resulting rates from NDRC; and</p><p> Review regular financial reports from the utility or the financial agent, and progress reports from the Efficiency Program Manager and take corrective actions if needed to ensure the EPP program meets its goals.</p><p>(2) Efficiency Program Design and Supervision- Role of the Energy Conservation Supervision Center: Shanghai is fortunate to have an established agency with expertise in DSM and energy efficiency programs and technologies. The Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center is well-placed to play a central role in creation of the Efficiency Power Plant. Under general supervision of the Economic and Trade Commission, the Conservation Center will be the Efficiency Manager, with the following responsibilities: </p><p> Enter into a contract with the Municipal Utility to provide the functions and services described below;</p><p> With utility and other expert assistance, develop detailed program designs and action plans to “construct” the EPP, based on scientific and realistic information about efficiency technologies and opportunities in Shanghai;</p><p> Conduct a competitive selection process to select one or more contractors to deliver efficiency technologies and services directly to electricity consumers, equipment vendors, and builders and developers in Shanghai. The Conservation Center will not be the principal agent to deliver efficiency measures in Shanghai – rather, it will select and supervise other efficiency providers, including ESCOs, NGOs, and government agencies and/or the Municipal Utility; </p><p> Enter into performance-based contracts with the selected efficiency contractors, to ensure high-quality and low-cost delivery of the EPP efficiency measures; </p><p> Direct the utility or the financial agent to release funds to efficiency providers when needed to ensure rapid program delivery, and when earned, as set out in the performance contracts with each entity;</p><p> Supervise the delivery of efficiency programs and measures by the selected efficiency providers, and take corrective actions as needed to meet the program’s savings targets and financial goals. </p><p>20  Prepare regular reports on the status of the EPP program, energy and capacity savings and any recommended improvements for review by utility and government officials, efficiency providers, and the lenders who are providing financing for the project. </p><p>3.3. Delivering Efficiency Measures</p><p>While the Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center will have overall responsibility to design and implement the EPP programs, it may not deliver all of the efficiency measures to customers directly. It may contractors, hired under performance contracts to deliver the efficiency programs that make up the EPP. </p><p>The Conservation Center will undertake the following tasks:</p><p> Refine the design of the efficiency programs that make up the EPP, creating a schedule for deployment, and updating the cost data needed to plan for deployment;</p><p> Decide which program elements should be assigned to contractors and which (if any) should be managed by the Center itself. It may be efficient for the Center to manage some City-wide programs, such as a training program for architects and builders to teach them about the new construction/lost opportunity programs; or a public information campaign for citizens. However, work with individual builders and customers might be better handled by separate efficiency contractors. </p><p> Use a competitive selection process to identify one or more contractors to deliver programs and measures to customers. A broad range of potential efficiency contractors should be considered, including the Municipal Power Corporation, Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), general contractors, equipment vendors, and non-governmental organizations.</p><p> The Center should use performance-based contracts when appointing contractors. These contracts should link payments to demonstrated achievement of efficiency goals. Contractors who deliver greater verified savings at lower cost should be given a financial bonus, while contractors who fail to deliver adequate savings should receive lower payments. The Center Manager will need to develop adequate standards and measurement protocols to apply these contract terms fairly and to make sure that the EPP delivers the power system savings that are expected. The Center will instruct the utility or the financial agent to pay out funds to contractors under the terms of individual contracts and performance incentive schedules. </p><p>3.4. Monitoring and Amending the Programs</p><p>The fourth essential element of the Efficiency Power Plant program is a well-designed plan to measure program savings, verify that they are real and continuing, and to improve the program and lower its cost over time. A sound monitoring and verification (M&V) procedure should be built into the EPP program from the beginning. Responsibilities of the Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center will include the following:</p><p>21  For each major efficiency program and each category of efficient technology used, the Center should create a plan that will carefully measure installations, savings, and program costs. These plans should be prepared as programs are designed so they can be used from the beginning of “construction” of the EPP;</p><p> On a regular basis, the Center should contract with monitoring and verification specialists to report on program results, both for individual programs and for the EPP program as a whole. Because payments to efficiency contractors will depend in part on these performance data, it is important that the M&V analysts be independent agents, not linked to the efficiency contractors in any way. </p><p> The Center should develop a plan for energy-efficiency capacity-building in Shanghai. One of the goals of the EPP program is to build a permanent, growing capacity to deliver greater efficiency savings in many areas of opportunity. This will require improved knowledge and experience in different technologies and a variety of industries. The EPP provides an important opportunity to develop that capability in Shanghai, and should be used as a capacity-building tool. </p><p> Building more Efficiency Power Plants: Energy analysis done for this project shows a very large reservoir of low-cost energy efficiency potential in Shanghai. New construction programs in air conditioning and lighting alone could provide savings equal to more than a 300MW power plant every year. Greater industrial savings and cost-effective commercial and residential retrofits remain untapped. An important goal of this project is to reveal the means to capture much more of this potential. All of the responsible agencies – the Economic and Trade Commission, the Energy Conservation Supervision Center, the Municipal Power Corporation and others – should consider expanding this program and building more Efficiency Power Plants at the earliest opportunity. </p><p>3.5. Financing the Efficiency Power Plant </p><p>The EPP can be financed and paid for just like a conventional power plant, except that it will cost less and be paid off faster. In this Prospectus, we present financing options proposed by the Asian Development Bank. </p><p>A basic financial plan for the EPP is set out in Table 6 below. </p><p>22 Table 6 </p><p>A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 2 Shanghai Municipality Efficiency Power Plant 3 Funding and Repayment Options -- Illustrative Only 4 Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 6 Incremental annual MW Saved, end of year 48.4 130.8 210.0 290.2 7 Investment, beginning of year, US$ million 17.8 51.6 80.9 101.5 8 Total Annual Retail Electric Sales, GWh 71,924 75,520 79,296 83,261 87,424 91,795 96,385 101,204 106,264 111,578 117,157 123,014 129,165 135,623 142,405 9 10 Financing of Years 1 and 2 11 Total investment, beginning of year 17.82 70.27 73.52 12 Interest to be capitalized, US$ mn 0.82 3.25 13 Cumulative investment, end of year, inc. capitalized interest 18.65 73.52 14 Debt service, ten-year term, payments at end of year 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 15 16 Repayment, $/kWh 0.000000 0.000000 0.000112 0.000107 0.000102 0.000097 0.000092 0.000088 0.000084 0.000080 0.000076 0.000072 17 Repayment, RMB/kWh 0.000000 0.000000 0.000922 0.000878 0.000836 0.000796 0.000758 0.000722 0.000688 0.000655 0.000624 0.000594 18 19 Financing of Year 3 20 Total investment, beginning of year 80.87 84.60 21 Interest to be capitalized, US$ mn 3.74 22 Cumulative investment, end of year, inc. capitalized interest 84.60 23 Debt service, ten-year term, payments at end of year 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 10.76 24 25 Repayment, $/kWh 0.000000 0.000123 0.000117 0.000112 0.000106 0.000101 0.000096 0.000092 0.000087 0.000083 0.000079 26 Repayment, RMB/kWh 0.000000 0.001010 0.000962 0.000916 0.000873 0.000831 0.000791 0.000754 0.000718 0.000684 0.000651 27 28 Financing of Year 4 29 Total investment, beginning of year 101.51 106.20 30 Interest to be capitalized, US$ mn 4.69 31 Cumulative investment, end of year, inc. capitalized interest 106.20 32 Debt service, ten-year term, payments at end of year 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 33 34 Repayment, $/kWh 0.000000 0.000147 0.000140 0.000133 0.000127 0.000121 0.000115 0.000110 0.000105 0.000100 0.000095 35 Repayment, RMB/kWh 0.000000 0.001208 0.001150 0.001095 0.001043 0.000993 0.000946 0.000901 0.000858 0.000817 0.000778 36 37 Total Repayment, all four years 38 Repayment, $/kWh 0.000112 0.000230 0.000366 0.000349 0.000332 0.000316 0.000301 0.000287 0.000273 0.000260 0.000179 0.000095 39 Repayment, RMB/kWh 0.000922 0.001888 0.003005 0.002862 0.002726 0.002596 0.002473 0.002355 0.002243 0.002136 0.001468 0.000778 40 41 Spreadsheet Parameters 42 43 Base Year 2004 44 GWh Sales in 2003 68,499 45 Ten-Year Interest Rate 4.62% 46 Loan Term 10 47 Projected Average Annual Electric Sales Growth Rate 5.00% 48 Exchange Rate, RMB/US$ 8.21</p><p>23 Table 6 sets out a basic financial plan for the Efficiency Power Plant, with the following essential terms:</p><p> Building a 179 MW Efficiency Power Plant that saves about 551 GWh per year by the end of 2006 will cost an estimated US$69 million. (RMB 570 million) These funds can be provided by the Asian Development Bank on favorable terms, in installments as needed as efficiency programs are deployed. A commitment charge of 0.75% attaches to committed but undisbursed funds. </p><p> We have assumed that the cost of the EPP is recovered through a small addition to all electricity sales. This is essentially how the cost of new conventional power plants are recovered The EPP concept does not require that a specific charge be added to electricity prices to repay the loan. A specific charge to recover energy efficiency costs is a common cost recovery approach internationally, but it is not universal. On many power systems, energy efficiency program costs have been included in general rates just like the costs of generation, distribution and load management programs. Designating a specific charge may be preferred by lenders and it may result in better financing terms. However, making the EPP financable only requires that utility regulators and relevant government agencies approve EPP costs as a reasonable utility cost.</p><p> The average life of energy efficiency measure is 11 years, but EPP costs can be recovered over a shorter time period than a regular power plant. Table 6 shows loan options ranging from 5 to 10 years. </p><p> The interest rate for the ADB loan will be 20 to 30 basis points above LIBOR. While this rate will be adjusted to reflect current conditions, at present, the rate would be 4.86% for a 10-year loan, 4.21% for a 7-year loan, and 3.86% for a 5-year loan. </p><p> Both the loan and its repayment will be made in US dollars. </p><p> The EPP must be approved by all relevant government and regulatory bodies.</p><p>24  There are several rate design options for the recovery of costs associated with the EPP. The most widely-used approach is to recover EPP costs uniformly across all utility sales on a per-kwh basis, recognizing the fact that efficiency programs benefit all customers and all customer classes generally. Another recommended approach is to recover these costs through the time-of-use rate structure. Many TOU rates have been discounted below their full costs in the off-peak hours, to make up for the overcollection due to the very high rates being charged on peak. If off-peak rates were raised a small amount, they would be closer to real system costs in those hours, and the additional funds could be dedicated to repayment of the EPP loans. The key to success will be a cost recovery mechanism that secures the loan through utility rates, with regulatory approval by the necessary governmental agencies. </p><p>25 APPENDIX 1: Calculating Utility Avoided Costs</p><p>Table 7 outlines the derivation of the avoided electricity supply costs used in the analysis to value savings from the Efficiency Power Plant in Shanghai. This Appendix explains how the analysis applies information provided by Chinese experts, as well as certain additional preliminary assumptions, to estimate the long-run avoided costs (RMB and $US) of electric energy (per kWh) and peak demand (per kW), expressed in real (inflation-free) 2004 currency values.</p><p>Avoided electric energy cost</p><p>We estimate an avoided electric energy cost of 4.3 cents/kWh (0.35 RMB/kWh), applicable to kWh savings over the lifetimes (9-15 years) of the efficiency measures installed. This is based on estimates of variable operating and capitalized energy costs of new coal-fired generation shown in Table 7. </p><p>To derive the energy value of this capital cost, we followed the standard costing practice in North America of first netting out the peaking capacity cost that would otherwise be incurred to provide energy only during a relatively few (i.e., peak) hours of the year (100-1,000 hours/year). This short- duration generating capacity would ordinarily be provided by new combustion turbines or diesel generators. We estimated such peaking-only capacity would cost $250/kW (2,053 RMB/kW). We then applied a capital recovery factor to convert this capital cost into an annuity ($/yr and RMB/yr). We assumed that the plant would be financed with an 80/20 debt equity split, at costs rates of 5% and 12% real (net of inflation), resulting in a weighted average cost of capital of 6.4%. We used 6.4% as both the cost of capital for the capital recovery factor, but also for the discount rate for benefit/cost analysis in Tables 4 and 5. We also assumed a service life of 25 years for the new generation. </p><p>Table 7 shows the derivation of avoided power costs for the Shanghai Efficiency Power Plant.</p><p>26 Table 7</p><p>Table 7 Derivation of Avoided Power Costs for Jiangsu and Shanghai Efficiency Power Plant currency conversion RMB/$: 8.21</p><p>From Jiangsu answers to information requests: RMB $ Variable operating cost - coal generation, per kWh, 2005 0.21 $ 0.0256 Construction cost, new coal generation, per kW 8,000 $ 974 New transmission and distribution (T&D) capacity 3,500 $ 426 Line losses (2004) 8.56%</p><p>Optimal initial assumptions: Average capacity factor, new coal generation 70% Desired capacity reserve margin, percent of peak demand 5% Cost of capital for generation, transmission, and distribution share rate debt 80% 5% equity 20% 12% Real weighted cost of capital/discount rate 6.4% Service life, new T&D capacity, years 35 Pollution fees 0.007 $ 0.001 coal fuel escalation 10% nominal general price inflation 3% coal fuel escalation 6.8% real</p><p>Calculations: Capitalized energy cost of new coal capacity, per kW 8,000 $ 974 Capitalized energy cost of new coal capacity, per kW-yr 650 $ 79.15 Capitalized energy cost of new coal capacity, per kWh 0.11 $ 0.0129 Total energy cost, new coal generation, at generation voltage, per kWh 0.32 $ 0.0393 Total energy cost, new coal generation, at load, per kWh 0.35320212 0.0430</p><p>T&D capacity cost, at load, with losses and reserves, per kW 4,019 $ 490 Total capacity cost, at load, with losses and reserves, per kW-yr 290 $ 35</p><p>GWh MW kWh/kW 42730 15370 2,780 0.0116311</p><p>15 yr Levelized cost $0.064</p><p>27</p>

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