Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1

Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1

<p>1Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>Unit 1: Bend 1 Table of Contents Launching the Writing Workshop</p><p>Section Page Number</p><p> Unit Essential Questions 2 (skipped)  Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis) 2  Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English) English, Spanish  Unit Assessment Checklist 6  Unit Assessment Rubric 11 (skipped)  Sample Unit Calendar 12</p><p>1 | P a g e 2Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 Kindergarten Dates of Unit: Unit 1: Bend 1 Unit Title: Launching the Writing Workshop: We Are All Writers Stage 1 Identify Desired Results Standards: W.K.2, W.K.5; RI.K.1, RI.K.2, RFS.K.1,RFS.K.2, RFS.K.3RL.K.1 (Alpha-numeric listing of standards SL.K.1, SL.K.4, SL.K.5,SL.K.6, L.K.1, L.K.2 incorporated in the unit) Essential Questions: (These goals should be aligned to Essential Questions.) Goals: Good writers know Good writers think of a topic, draw, and do Good writers describe people and things. (These should be aligned to the Goals how to write their best writing. Los buenos escritores describen a las above) independently. Los buenos escritores piensan en un tema y personas y las cosas. Los buenos se esfuerzan en expresarlo de la mejor escritores saben forma por medio de dibujos y por escrito. cómo escribir independientemen te. Learning Targets Session 3: I can Session 1: I can think of something I know I can use the sentence: (aligned to goals) find an answer to about and put my idea on paper. “This is ______” my problem and “There are _____”or keep on writing. 1: Soy capaz de pensar en algo que conozco “Here is ______” to describe my y puedo representarlo en un papel. story. 3: Soy capaz de resolver el Soy capaz de usar las oraciones: problema y Esto/a es _____. continuar Estos/as son _____. escribiendo. Hay ______. Session 6: I can Session 2: I can look back at my writing to Aquí está _____. keep trying, even see if I can add more. …para describir mi cuento/historia. when it’s hard to draw or write. 2: Soy capaz de repasar mi escrito y decidir si puedo ampliarlo. 6: Soy capaz de seguir intentando aunque a veces encuentre dificultades al dibujar o escribir. Session 4: I can make a plan in my mind and I can use adjectives to describe details in put all the details on the page. my story.</p><p>4: Soy capaz de hacer un plan en mi mente Soy capaz de usar adjetivos para describir y escribir todos los detalles en un papel. los detalles de mi historia.</p><p>2 | P a g e 3Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 Session 5: I can say words slowly and write down the sounds I hear.</p><p>5: Soy capaz de pronunciar las palabras lentamente y escribir los sonidos que escucho.</p><p>3 | P a g e 4Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 Stage 2 Determine Assessment Evidence ENGLISH Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?) Academic Language Function(s): Academic Language Stems (to talk about their writing): </p><p> Describe people, places, things, and events Easy for Beginners (nouns and adjectives)  Simple sentences with the verb to be, using common nouns and adjectives. </p><p> The (my, her) ______is/are ______. </p><p>Academic Vocabulary:  A (it) has/have ______.</p><p> writer  ______, ______, and ______. (Dad, Joe, and me).  illustrator  independent  Here/This is (a/my) ______.  details  (Pronoun) (to be verb) ______. (I am __(noun+ing)_. He is ____noun+ing)______.)</p><p> I/It have/has ______.</p><p> ____ can ______.</p><p> Transitions: and</p><p>Medium for Intermediate</p><p> Elaborated sentences using has/have/had or is/are/were with nouns and adjectives.</p><p> I have a ___ that’s ___ and ___. I have a ___ and ______with ___.  It looks ___. These are ______</p><p> I know how to ______(verb).</p><p> This is me with ______.</p><p> Transitions: And then, </p><p>Difficult for Advanced and Fluent</p><p> Compound and complex sentences with more specific vocabulary</p><p> My___ (noun) have had/has had ___ (article + noun).  Her jacket is a sparkly purple color (Pronoun, noun, to be verb, adjective, adjective, noun.)</p><p>Assessment  Goals Rubric Tools:  Assessment Checklist</p><p>4 | P a g e 5Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>Stage 2 Determine Assessment Evidence SPANISH Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?) Academic Language Function(s): Academic Language Stems (to talk about their writing): </p><p> Describir personas, lugares, cosas y eventos Easy for Beginners (sustantivos y adjetivos)  Las oraciones simples con los verbos ‘ser’ y/o ‘estar’, llevan sustantivos y adjetivos.</p><p> Yo soy (adjetivo). (alto) Yo estoy _____. (cansado)</p><p> Él/Ella es _____. (rubia) Él/Ella está _____. (feliz)</p><p> El/la _____ tiene _____. Los/las ____ tienen ______.</p><p>Academic Vocabulary:  Ésta/Éste es (un, una, mi) ______. Aquí está (un, una, mi, el, la) ______.  (Sujeto) + (estar) + (verbo en gerundio: -ando/-iendo) Ellos  el escritor, la escritora, los escritores  el ilustrador, la ilustradora, los ilustradores  (Sujeto )+ (poder) + (verbo ) Juanita puede dibujar.  independiente/independientemente  el detalle, los detalles  Conector: y</p><p>Medium for Intermediate</p><p> Las oraciones simples con adjetivos.</p><p> (Tener) + (sustantivo) + (adjetivo) y (adjetivo). Tengo un perro grande y negro.</p><p> (Sustantivo) + se ve/está + (adjetivo). El abuelo se ve/ está triste.</p><p> Yo tengo un/a (sustantivo) y un/a(sustantivo). Yo tengo un balón y una gorra.  (Sujeto) + (saber) + (verbo). Yo sé correr.</p><p> Este/Esta soy yo con (sustantivo). Este soy yo con </p><p> Estas/Estos (sustantivo) son (adjetivos). Estos zapatos</p><p> Conectores de secuencia: entonces, después</p><p>Difficult for Advanced and Fluent</p><p> Las oraciones compuestas y complejas con vocabulario más específico (sustantivos y adjetivos).</p><p> (Sujeto) + (verbo) + (complemento compuesto).</p><p>5 | P a g e 6Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p> o Mi hermano y yo fuimos a la tienda y compramos dulces. </p><p> Conectores de secuencia: entonces, después</p><p> (Sujeto) es/está (adjetivo) y (adjetivo). Mi escuela es grande y bonita.</p><p>Assessment  Goals Rubric Tools:  Assessment Checklist</p><p>6 | P a g e 7Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 Assessment Checklist – Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>7 | P a g e 8Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 4: I 1: I can can 5: I can I can think 2: I can 3: I can make say use of look find an a plan words transiti somet back at answer in my slowly on I can use the sentence: “This is hing I my to my mind and words ______” “There are _____”or know writing proble Student Name and write to “There were ______” to about to see m and put all down move describe my story. and if I can keep the the my put my add on details sounds story idea on more. writing. on the I hear. along. paper. page.</p><p>Lista de control – Unidad 1: Sección 1</p><p>8 | P a g e 9Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 U so la s or ac io n es : Es to /a es _ _ _ _ _. Es to s/ as so n _ 5: _ Soy _ cap _ az _. de H pro a nu y nci _ ar _ las 3: Soy _ pal 1: Soy capaz _ abr capaz de 2: Soy de _ 4: Soy capaz de as pensar en capaz de resolve Sesión 6: Soy capaz de _. hacer un plan en len algo que repasar r el seguir intentando aunque A Soy capaz de usar adjetivos Nombre del mi mente y ta conozco y mi escrito proble a veces encuentre q para describir los detalles de mi escribir todos los me puedo y decidir si ma y dificultades al dibujar o uí historia. estudiante detalles en un nte represent puedo continu escribir. es papel. y arlo en un ampliarlo. ar tá esc papel. escribie _ ribi ndo. _ r _ los _ son _. ido … s p qu a e r esc a uch</p><p> o. d e s c r i b i r</p><p> c u e n t 9 | P a g e 10Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>Narrative Student Checklist – Unit 1 LANGUA STRUCT DEVELO GE URE PMENT CONVEN TIONS I I c ha o d a u I pa I l use ge drew d I I I d tha My and told wro use low t story My story wrot r I , te a d er sh had a indicated e e put dre lett the case ow page who was som a spac w, er wor lett I put my ed for the there, e d es and what for d ers pages in wh beginn detai bet wro they did, the wall unle order. at ing, a ls m wee te a and how sou to ss ha page abou y n who the nds help capi pp for the t wor le character I me tals en middle s felt. what w ds. stor hea spel wer ed . happ r y. rd. l. e las ened i nee t in . t ded. my i sto n ry. g Student Name .</p><p>10 | P a g e 11Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>B = Beginning D = Developing P = Proficient M=Mastery</p><p>11 | P a g e 12Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 Lista de control del escrito narrativo del estudiante – Unidad 1</p><p>NORMA ESTRUC DESARO S DE TURA LLO ESCRITU RA U s é u n a p á g i n Mi P a Usé Dij histori u p letra e, a tiene e a Usé s di Usé una Mi d r Dije el min bu una página historia o Escri a y mur Pus úscu jé pági para el indica l bí d escri o de e las a y na inicio, quién e una e bí pala espa men es para una estaba e letra m unos bras cios os cri Puse las dem página allí, qué r por o detal para entr de bí páginas ostr para el hicieron, m cada s les ayu e que un en orden. ar lo desarr y cómo i soni tr acerc dar las nec a que ollo, y se e do a a me pala esit his pas una sentían s que r de lo a bras ara to ó al página los c escu l que dele . letra ria final para el personaj r ché. o pasó. trea s en . final es. i q r. may te de la t u úscu ra. histori o e las. a. . p a s ó p ri m e Nombre del r o estudiante .</p><p>12 | P a g e 13Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>P= Principiante D = En desarrollo C = Competente M= Maestría</p><p>Learning Target Mastery Proficient Developing</p><p>Language Learning Target</p><p>Unit of Study Assessment Rubric Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>13 | P a g e 14Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction</p><p>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Bend 1: Day 1: Session 1: Day 2: Session 1: Day 3: Session 2: Day 4: Session 3: We Are All Writers: Putting Ideas We Are All Writers: Putting Ideas Writers Know that “When We Carrying On Independently As on Paper with Pictures and on Paper with Pictures and Are Done, We Have Just Begun.” Writers Words Words  Learning Goal: I can look  Learning Goal:  Learning target: I can back at my writing to I can find an answer to think of something I  Learning target: I can see if I can add more. my problem and keep know about and put my think of something I  on writing. idea on paper. know about and put my (Chart) “When We Are Done We idea on paper. Have Just Begun” (A)</p><p> I can use the sentence:</p><p>“This is ______” </p><p>“There are _____”or</p><p>“Here is ______” </p><p> to describe my story.</p><p>Day 6: Session 4 Day 7: Session 5 Day 8: Session 6 Bend 2: Day 9: Session 7 Writers Call to Mind What They Stretching Out Words to Write Writing Even Hard-to Write Ideas Turning Pieces into Scrolls and Want to Say, Then Put That onto Them  Learning Target: Books the Page  Learning Target: I can keep trying, even  Learning Target: I can  Learning Target: I can I can say words slowly when it’s hard to draw add more pages to my make a plan in my mind and write down the or write. book. and put all the details sounds I hear. on the page.</p><p>Language Practice: “I can see _____” (while visualizing picture in their mind)</p><p>Day 11: Session 9: Day 12: Session 9: Day 13: Session 10 Day 14: Session 11 Asking and Answering Questions Asking and Answering Questions Stretching Out Words to Write Making Writing the Best it Can to Add More to Add More Even More Sounds Be  Learning Target:  Learning Target:  Learning Target: I can  Learning Target: I can I can help my writing I can help my writing partner add say words slowly, over use a checklist to make partner add more to more to his/her writing and over again, to write my writing the best it his/her writing.  Language Target: all of the sounds that I can be before I can ask Where, How, hear. publishing it. and Why questions.  Students resources: Alphabet Chart and Name Chart (already 14 | P a g e 15Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 prepared)</p><p>Bend 3:Day 16: Session Day 17: Session 13: Day 18: Session 14 Day 19: Session 15 12: Getting Ideas for Stories and Planning Stories Page by Page: Adding More Details to Pictures Stretching and Writing Words: Practicing Storytelling Planning and Telling Stories and Stories Hearing and Recording Sounds in across Pages  Learning Target: Sequence  Learning Target:  Learning Target: I can add details to my  Learning Target: I can plan how my story writing by thinking I can use different can get ready to write will go by touching each about where I was, who strategies to spell words by telling my story first. page as I tell the story. I was with, and what I as best as I can was doing.</p><p>Day 21:Session 16 Day 22: Session 17: Bend 4: Day 23: Session 18: Bend 4: Day 24: Session 18: Bringing Our Writing to Life: Using Everything to Make Pieces Editing Editing Adding Dialogue with Speech the Best They Can Be  Learning Target: I can Learning Target: I can edit my Bubbles  Learning Target: I can edit my writing by writing by rereading my words  Learning Target: reread my stories, rereading my words and and rewriting them to make my I can bring my story to finding ways to improve rewriting them to make writing more readable. life by making my them. my writing more characters talk. readable.</p><p>15 | P a g e 16Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>SAMPLE UNIT CALENDAR (Spanish)</p><p>Stage 3 Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Bend 1: Day 1: Session 1: Day 2: Session 1: Day 3: Session 2: Day 4: Session 3: We Are All Writers: Putting Ideas We Are All Writers: Putting Ideas Writers Know that “When We Carrying On Independently As on Paper with Pictures and on Paper with Pictures and Are Done, We Have Just Begun.” Writers Words Words  2: Soy capaz de repasar  3: Soy capaz de resolver  Learning target: I can  Learning target: I can mi escrito y decidir si el problema y continuar think of something I think of something I puedo ampliarlo. escribiendo. know about and put my know about and put my idea on paper. idea on paper.  (Chart) “When We Are Done We Have Just  Soy capaz de usar las Begun” (A) oraciones:</p><p>Esto/a es _____.</p><p>Estos/as son _____.</p><p>Hay ______.</p><p>Aquí está _____.</p><p>…para describir mi cuento/historia. Day 6: Session 4 Day 7: Session 5 Day 8: Session 6 Bend 2: Day 9: Session 7 Writers Call to Mind What They Stretching Out Words to Write Writing Even Hard-to Write Ideas Turning Pieces into Scrolls and Want to Say, Then Put That onto Them  6: Soy capaz de seguir Books the Page  5: Soy capaz de intentando aunque a  7: Soy capaz de agregar  4: Soy capaz de hacer pronunciar las palabras veces encuentre más páginas a mi libro. un plan en mi mente y lentamente y escribir los dificultades al dibujar o escribir todos los escribir. sonidos que escucho. detalles en un papel.</p><p>Day 11: Session 9: Day 12: Session 9: Day 13: Session 10 Day 14: Session 11 Asking and Answering Questions Asking and Answering Questions Stretching Out Words to Write Making Writing the Best it Can to Add More to Add More Even More Sounds Be  9: Soy capaz de ayudar  9: Soy capaz de ayudar  10: Soy capaz de decir  11: Soy capaz de utilizar a mi compañero de a mi compañero de las palabras despacito, una lista de control para escritura agregar más a escritura agregar más a repetirlas y escribir mejorar mi escrito antes su escrito. su escrito. todos los sonidos que de publicarlo escucho. Bend 3:Day 16: Session Day 17: Session 13: Day 18: Session 14 Day 19: Session 15 12: Getting Ideas for Stories and Planning Stories Page by Page: Adding More Details to Pictures Stretching and Writing Words: Practicing Storytelling Planning and Telling Stories and Stories Hearing and Recording Sounds in across Pages  14: Soy capaz de añadir Sequence  12: Soy capaz de  13: Soy capaz de detalles a mi escrito al  15: Soy capaz de usar alistarme para escribir planificar mi historia al pensar en dónde y con diferentes estrategias al contar mi historia tocar cada página quien estaba y lo que yo para deletrear palabras mientras yo cuento el hacía. lo mejor que puedo. 16 | P a g e 17Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1 primero. . cuento.</p><p>Day 21:Session 16 Day 22: Session 17: Bend 4: Day 23: Session 18: Bend 4: Day 24: Session 18: Bringing Our Writing to Life: Using Everything to Make Pieces Editing Editing Adding Dialogue with Speech the Best They Can Be  18: Soy capaz de editar  18: Soy capaz de editar Bubbles  17: Soy capaz de releer mi escritura al releer mi escritura al releer  16: Soy capaz de dar mis historias y mis palabras y mis palabras y vida a mi historia al encontrar maneras en escribirlas de nuevo escribirlas de nuevo hacer que mis que las puedo mejorar. para que se entiendan para que se entiendan personajes hablen. mejor. mejor.</p><p>17 | P a g e 18Kinder: Unit 1: Bend 1</p><p>Anchor Chart: When we are done, we have just begun (A)</p><p>18 | P a g e</p>

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