Curriculum Vitae s262

Curriculum Vitae s262

<p> Curriculum Vitae</p><p>Personal Information </p><p>Mohammad Ali Zazouli</p><p>Academic Rank : Assistant professor Email : [email protected] Department of Environmental Health Engineering ، School of ، Address : Health Kilometer 18 Khazarabad Road ، Khazar Sq ، Sari , Mazandaran ، Iran. P.O.Box:48175-1553 Tell : 0151 3543080 Fax : 0151 3543081 Homepage : Birthday : 31-6-1970 Birth Place : Savadkooh city Description University Education 1. B.Sc. degree in Environment health (with Score Average: 17.39). (1997), Faculty of public health, Tehran University of medical sciences.Tehran,Iran. 2. M.Sc. degree in Environmental Health Engineering. (With Score Average: 17.77). (1999), Faculty of public health, Isfahan University of medical sciences. Isfahan, Iran. 3. PhD degree in Environmental Health (with Score Average: 18.43). (2008) Faculty of public health, Tehran University of medical sciences.Tehran, Iran. 4. Visiting research fellowship (Project: Removal of pharmaceutical residues in water by nanofiltration ), 6 months from June to September 2007, Department of Technical chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, The University of Duisburg- Essen, Germany. (Prof.Dr. Mathias Ulbricht)</p><p>Professional membership 1. Member of Iranian Society of Environment Health (IAEH). Honors and Awards 2. Prize for superior Student in Msc degree in Isfahan University of medical sciences.1999. 3. Prize for superior Student in ph.D degree in National.2006. 4. برگزیدهرتبهسومدربخشمقالتعلومبهداشتیپانزدهمینجشنوارهتحقیقاتعلومپزشكيرازی،ديماه، 1388تهران 5. برگزیدهسومبخشمقالتاولینجشنوارهبهداشتمحیط،یازدهاسفندماه1388،تهران 6. پژوهشگربرتراستانیدررشتهعلومپزشكيدریازدهمیندورهانتخابپژوهشگراناستانمازندراندرسال 1389</p><p>Article Presented</p><p>National Congress</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghahremani, E and Ghorbanian, M (2008).Nanofiltration application in water treatment, Presented in the 4th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran. (Oral).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghorbanian, M and Ghahremani, E (2008).Environmental impacts of nanoparticles. Presented in the 4th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran. (Poster).</p><p>1 Yousefi, Z and Zazouli, M.A (2008).Recycling and reuse of wastewater effluent: Historical, application and hazards. Presented in the first National Congress on water recycling in water sources management, May 2008, Mashhad, Iran. (Oral).</p><p>Mahmodian,M.H; Izanloo,H;Yari, A.R, Zazouli,M.A; Saadati,F; Hoseini,S and Sepernial, B(2008). Investigation of Safety and health of nuclear medical and Radiology centers in Qom City in 2007. Presented in the 11th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th , 2008,Zahedan.Iran.(Poster). </p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghorbanian, M and Ghahremani, E; Hazrati ,M; Bahmani, P and Eskandari,Z (2008). An Analysis of the management of scrap tires in solid wastes and their recycling methods. Presented in the 8th National Congress on Environmental health, October 11th- 30th , 2008, Zahedan, Iran. (Poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghorbanian, M; Ghahremani, E; Bagheri Ardabilian,M; Hazrati,M and Bahmani,P (2008).Sampling methods of Compost and sample transfer to laboratory. Presented in the 11th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th , 2008, Zahedan, Iran . (poster).</p><p>Zazouli M.A; Nasseri, S; Mahvi, A.H and Mesdaghinia, A (2008).Investigation of organic carbon content and determination of DBPs formation potential in drinking water of water distribution system of Tehran . Presented in the11th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th, 2008, Zahedan, Iran. (Poster). </p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghorbanian, M; Ghahremani, E and Heidari, M (2009) Solid waste management in Ghaemshahr. Presented in the 5th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran. (Oral).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghorbanian, M; Ghahremani, E and Abbasi Bazardehi, M (2009) Solid waste management in Langerood . Presented in the 5th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran .( Poster) .</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; and Abdi, M (2009) School in Sari. Presented in the 5th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran . (Poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A and Ramezani, M (2009) Dentist in Sari. Presented in the 5th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran.(Poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghahremani, E; Ghorbanian, M and Maghsadi, L (2009) Oil Wastes. Presented in the 5th student congress in health sciences, April, Tehran. (Poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Talebi, A; Hazrati, M and Dehbovid, H. (2009). Environmental health status of private schools in Quaemshahr town in 2009. Presented in the12th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th, 2009, Tehran, Iran.(poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghahremani, E; Ghorbanian, M; Bahmani, P and Zabizadeh, K. (2009)Survey on nitrate and nitrite concentration in drinking water supplies of villages of Sari in 1386 and 1387. Presented in the12th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th, 2009, Tehran, Iran. (poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Bagheri ardebilian, M. (2009). Waste Management Survey in Educational Hospitals of Ardebil City in 2008. Presented in the12th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th, 2009, Tehran, Iran. (poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Ghahremani, E; Ghorbanian, M; Bahmani, P; Nikoei, A and Hashemi,M.S.(2009). Surveying the performance of the activated sludge process in industry town sewage treatment plants of Agghela</p><p>2 of the Golestan province in the 1386. Presented in the12th National Congress on Environmental health, October 28th- 30th, 2009, Tehran, Iran. (poster). ززولي،م.ع؛رضاییطوسی،ع.سوهمتا،ا.(1389).مقایسهشاخصهایبهداشتمحیطدرروستاهایپ��ایلوتط��رح روستایسالموروستاهایفاقدطرحروستایسالم.درشهرستاننکا1388.اولی��نهم��ایشمل��یس��لمتش��هری، دانشگاهعلومپزشکیوخدماتبهداشیدرمانیایران،تهران(پوستر). ززول��ي،م.ع؛قهرم��اني،ا؛قربانی��انالهآب��اد؛فرهنگ��ی،د؛درزی،روبهمن��ي،پ.(1389).بررس��یمن��ابعنخ��الهه��ای ساختمانیومدیریتآنها.ششمینهمایشتازههایعل��ومبهداش��تی،دانش��گاهعل��ومپزش��کیوخ��دماتبهداش��ی درمانیتهران،تهران(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛مژده،آ؛مژده،روحضرتي،م.(1389).بررسيشیوهبازيافتموادزائدجامددركارگاههايبازي��افتوتب��ديل موادزائدشهرستانجویباروارائهراهكار.پنجمینهمایشملیمديريتپسماند،1و2اردبیهشت،مشهد(چاپ) ززول��ي،م.ع؛ك��ر،يوكرام��ت،س��عید.(1389).بررس��يكیفی��تپس��ابتص��فیهخانهفاض��لبش��هربن��درگ��زوارائه راهكارهاييجهتكاهشآلودگيدريايخزرب�هعن��وانمحی��طپذيرن��ده،اولی�نهم��ایشمل�ی-منطقهاياكول�وژيخ�زر، پژوهشكدهدريايخزر،12-11خردادماه،ساري(پوستر) ززول��ي،م.ع؛نجفزادهكلت،م؛همت��ا،اورس��تمي،ف.(1389).بررس��یوض��عیتبهداش��تمحیطم��دارسشهرس��تان كلتنادراستانخراسانرضويدرسال1388.اولینهمايشكشوريدانشجوييعوام��لاجتم��اعيم��وثرب��رس��لمت، 22-21مهرماه،تهران.(پوستر) ززولي،م.ع؛بذرافشان،اوحضرتی،م.(1389).کاربردهایفرآين��دهایغش��اييتح��تفش��ارجه��تبازي�ابیفاض��لبدر تاسیساتراهدور(Satellite).دومینسیمنارجايگاهآبهايبازيافتي...... ،28مهرماه،مشهد مقدس(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛فردوسي،رومهديپور،غ.ر.(1389).بررسیمیزانرعایتاستانداردهایمسکنبهداشتیدرروس��تاهای تحتپوششخانهبهداشتخرمآبادشهرستانساريدرسال1388.سیزدهمینهمایشملیبهداش��تمحی��ط،-12 11آبانماه،كرمان.(سخنراني) ززول��ي،م.ع؛ك��ر،ي؛كرام���ت،سونكون��ام،غ.ع.(1389). بررس��يآگ��اهيزن��انهمس���ردار...... ، سیزدهمینهمایشملیبهداشتمحیط،12-11آبانماه،كرمان.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛كر،ي؛كرامت،سونكونام،غ.ع.(1389). بررسيعملك��ردوروش��هايبهین��هس�ازيلگونه��ايه�وادهي تصفیهخانهفاضلبشهربندرگز،سیزدهمینهمایشملیبهداشتمحیط،12-11آبانماه،كرمان.(پوستر). ززولي،م.عناص�ري،س.(1389).بررس�يعملک�ردومكانیس�مفن�اورينانوفیلتراس�یوندرح�ذفاج�زاءهی�دروفوبیكو هیدروفیلیكموادآليطبیعي(NOMs ) آب.هشتمینهمايشدانشجويينانوتكنولوژي،11-10آذرم��اه،مش��هدمق��دس. (پوستر) ززولي،م.ع؛علمقلیلو،مويزداني،ج.(1389).بررسینیتراتوفلورايدآبآشامیدنيشهرستانخويط��يس��الهاي 87تا88،دومینهمايشدانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛طهمزي،ف.(1389).بررسیوضعیتشاخصهايبهداشتمحیطمدارسابتداييشهرسلماسدرس��ال 1389،دومینهمايشدانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛آخوندي،آ.(1389).بررس��یوض��عیتبهداش��تمحی��طمه��دکودکه��اوارزي�ابيدان��شبهداش��تيمربی��انو مديرانمهدكودكهايشهرستانساریدرسال1387،دومینهم��ايشدانش��جوييدانش��گاهعل��ومپزش��كيمازن��دران، 20-18بهمنماه،ساري(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛آهويي،خ.(1389).بررسيوضعیتبهداشتمحیطمراكزبهداش��تيدرم��انيش��هرباب��لدرس��ال 1387 ، دومینهمايشدانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛كاظميفلوردي،نويزداني،ج.(1389).بررسیشیوعبیماریهایزئونوزدرشهرس�تانس�وادکوهازس�ال 1383تاپايانس��ال1388،دومی��نهم��ايشدانش��جوييدانش��گاهعل��ومپزش��كيمازن��دران،20-18بهمنم��اه،س��اري. (پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛درزينفطچالي،ع.ر.(1389).بررسیوضعیتبهداش��تمحی��طمراک��زبهداش��تیدرم��انیمرک��زبهداش��ت شهرستانسوادکوه،دومینهمايشدانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛ابراهیمي،اوهمتا،ا.(1389).بررسیوضعیتبهداشتمحیطوایمنیم��دارسشهرس��تاننك��ادرس��ال تحصیلي89-1388،دومینهمايشدانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛رضايي،م.(1389).بررسیکیفیتآبشربشهرساریدرسالهای1379الی 1387،دومینهم��ايش دانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). ززولي،م.ع؛طیبان،س.م.روحقيمتولي،ف.(1389).بررسیمیزانتولیدپسماندشهريبانگرشبربازيافتدرسلف سرويسدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندراندرسال1389،دومینهمايشدانشجوييدانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازن��دران، 20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). </p><p>3 طیبان،س.م.ر؛ززولي،م.عوتقوي،م.(1389).طراح��يدس��تگاهتص��فیهآيآش��امیدنيب��اتلفی��قدوسیس��تمص��افي شنيكندولمپUVوتامینان��رژيالك��تريكيآنب��ااس��تفادهازس��لولهايخورش��یدي،دومی��نهم��ايشدانش��جويي دانشگاهعلومپزشكيمازندران،20-18بهمنماه،ساري.(پوستر). طیب��ان،س.م.ر؛دلك��ش،سوززول��ي،م.ع.(1389).فلك��سگن��دزداييآبمس��افرتيب��ااس��تفادهازلم��پUVجه��ت اس�تفادهدراتومبیله�ايشخص�ي،دومی�نهم�ايشدانش��جوييدانش�گاهعل��ومپزش�كيمازن�دران،20-18بهمنم�اه، ساري.(پوستر). </p><p>International Congress</p><p>Yousefi, Z; Mohseni Bandpei, A; Zazoli,M.A; and A.R Parvaresh (2004). Removal of Heavy Metals from Solid Wastes Leachate by Alum and Ferric chloride. 10th International Congress of Toxicology. 11-15 July.2004.Tampere, Finland. (Oral). Published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology((IF=3.364)</p><p>Zazouli,M.A;……………… (2006).Determination of Cadmium contents in produced rice in rice farms of Qaemshahr region (Iran). Sixth international symposium on advanced environmental monitoring.27-30June, 2006. Heidelberg, Germany.(Poster).</p><p>Zazoli, M.A;, Mohseni Bandpei, A; Yousefi, Z and M. Shokrzadeh. (2006).Study of chromium (Cr) Concentration in Tarrom Rice Cultivated in the Qaemshahr Region and its daily intake. International conference on Ecotoxicology: Trends and Perspectives. 17-20 September 2006, Wisła, POLAND. (Poster)</p><p>Yousefi, Z and Zazouli, M.A (2007).Management of surface water quality Haraz River, north of Iran. The 7th international scientific conference, Modern management of mine producing, geology and environmental protection, SEM. 11-15 June 2007. Albena Complex-Bulgaria. (Poster).</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Shorkzadeh,M and Ebrahimi, M (2008). Cadmium and lead contents in raw and boiled rice (Oryza sativa) in the North of Iran. Presented in the 45th congress of the European societies of toxicology, October 5th- 8th , 2008, Rodes,Greece. (Poster). Published in:Toxicology Letters (IF=3.249)</p><p>Zazouli, M.A and Mahvi. A (2008). Assessment of fluoride content in several brands of Iranian Teas (Camellia sinensis) and Tea Liquor. Presented in the 45th congress of the European societies of toxicology, October 5th- 8th , 2008, Rodes,Greece. (Poster). Published in:Toxicology Letters (IF=3.249)</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Mohseni Bandpei, A; Shorkzadeh, M and Saberian, M (2008). Cadmium and Lead content in Iranian consumed tea (Camellia sinensis) and in differently prepared tea infusions. Presented in the 45th congress of the European societies of toxicology, October 5th- 8th, 2008, Rodes, Greece. (Poster). Published in:Toxicology Letters (IF=3.249)</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Nasseri, S and Hazratilivari, M. Chemical fractions of natural organic matter in two water treatment plants of Tehran and DBPS formation potential. Presented in the 46th congress of the European societies of toxicology, September 13 – 16, 2009, Dresden, Germany.(Poster). Published in: Toxicology Letters 189S (2009) S57–S273 (IF=3.249).</p><p>4 Zazouli, M.A .Assessment of raw leachate characteristics and its pretreatment by lime. International conference on recent and emerging advanced technology in engineering , (Icreate 2009). 23 - 24 November 2009, Kuala Lumpur,M alaysia.(Oral).</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Ulbricht, M and S.usanto, H . Effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic matter on Amoxicilin and Cephalexin residuals rejection from water by nanofiltration. International conference on recent and emerging advanced technology in engineering , (Icreate 2009). 23 - 24 November 2009, Kuala Lumpur,M alaysia.(Oral).</p><p>Zazouli, M.A and Nasseri, S. The effect of solution chemistry on desalination of water containing disinfection by products precursors by reverse osmosis membrane. International conference on recent and emerging advanced technology in engineering , (Icreate 2009). 23 - 24 November 2009, Kuala Lumpur,M alaysia.(Oral). Publication Article in the National journal Zazouli, M.A; Nasseri, S and Mesdaghinia, A.R.(2008). Study of Natural Organic Matter Characteristics and Fractions In Surface Water Resources of Tehran. Iran. J. Health & Environ. 1(1):1-7. Zazouli, M.A; Mohseni Bandpei, A; Eslami, A and Sadeghii, A. (2008). Survey on paper recycling potential in the head offices of Mazandaran province. Iran. J. Health & Environ. 1(2):99-11. Zazouli, M.A; Abdi,M; Ghahremani, E and Ghorbanian, M. (2009). Investigation of Environmental Indexes of District 1 Primary School in Sari, Iran. Iran. J. Health & Environ.2(3):204-213. ززولي،م.ع؛ناصري،س؛محوي،ا.حومصداقينیا،ع.ر.(1388).غلظتكربنآليوپتانسیلتشكیلفرآوردههايجانبي گن��دزداييدرآبش�ربش�بكهتوزي��عآبته��راندربرخ��يمواق��عس��ال.مجل��هدانش�كدهبهداش��توانس��تیتوتحقیق��ات بهداشتي.دوره7، شماره3 ،پائیز1388 ،صفحات:59 55-. ززولي،م.ع؛قهرم��اني،ا؛قربانی��انالهآب��اد؛بهمن��ي،پوذبیحزاده،ك.(1388).برررس��يغلظ��تنی��تراتونی��تريتدرآب چاههايروستاهايشهرساري.فصلنامهعلمي،پژوهشيزمینشناسيومحیطزيست. سالس��وم،ش��ماره3،پ��ائیز 1388 ،صفحات:99 91-. and, Hashemi, M. (2010). Survey of Activated Sludge و Zazouli, M.A; Ghahremani, E; Ghorbanian, M; Nikouie Process Performance in Treatment of Agghala Industrial Town Wastewater in Golestan Province in 2007. Iran. J. Health & Environ. 3(1):59-66. داع��ينی��اكي،س.م؛تكدس��تان،ا؛ززولي، م.عومرتض��وي،م.ص.(1389).بررس��يك��اراييفن��اورينانوفیلتراس��یوندر حذففلزاتسنگینازفاضلب.دنیاي نانو،سالششم،شماره19 ،صفحات:75 - 72. </p><p>Article in the international journal </p><p>Maleki, A; Zazouli, M.A; Eslami,A. (2005). Adsorption of Phenol by Commercial Powdered Activated Carbon in Aqueous Solution. Journal for science and Technology. 1(1):73-78.</p><p>Bazrafshan, E; Zazouli,M.A; Bazrafshan, J and Mohseni Bandpei, A. (2006). Co-composting of Dewatered Sewage Sludge with Sawdust. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 9(8):1580-1583. Indexed: Pub-Med citation, MEDLINE, </p><p>Maleki, A; .... Zazouli,M.A;....(2006). Investigation of Heavy Metal Removal in Different Units of Water Treatment Plant .Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution. 3(2):107-110. Indexed: CAB Abstracts</p><p>Mahvi,A.H; Zazouli,M.A; Younecian,M; Nicpour,B and Babapour,A. (2006). Survey of Fluoride concentration in dinking water sources and prevalence of DMFT in the 12 years old student in Behshar city. Journal of Medical Sciences. 6(4). 658-661. indexed: EMBASE, CABI</p><p>5 Bazrafshan, E; Kord Mostafapoor,F; Zazouli,M.A; Eskandari, Z and Jahed, Gh.R. (2006).Study of removal of cadmium from plating Baths wastewater by Electrochemical precipitation method. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 9(11). 2107-2111. Indexed: Pub-Med citation, MEDLINE</p><p>Bazrafshan, E; Zazouli,M.A; Bazrafshan, J and Mohseni Bandpei, A. (2006). Evaluation of microbiological and chemical parameters during wastewater Sludge and Sawdust Co-composting. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt 10(2): 115- 119. Indexed:Chemical Abstracts</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Shorkzadeh,M; Bazrafshan, E; Hazrati, M and Tavakkouli, A.(2006). Investigation of Zinc Content in Iranian Rice (Oryza Sativa) and its Weekly Intake. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. 1(2):156-159. Indexed: Pub-Med citation , </p><p>Mahvi,A.H; Zazouli,M.A; Younecian,M and Esfandiari,E. (2006). Fluoride content of Iranian black tea and tea liquor. Fluoride. 39(4). 249-251. ( IF=1.611)</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Shorkzadeh,M; Mohseni, A and Bazrafshan, E.(2006). Study of Chromium (Cr) concentration in Tarrom rice cultivated in the Qaemshahr region and its daily intake. World Applied Sciences Journal. 1(2).60-65. indexed:ISI Web of Knowledge</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Nasseri, S; Mahvi, A.H; Mesdaghinia, A.R and M Gholami, M. (2007). Study of Natural Organic Matter Fractions In Water Sources of Tehran. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.10 (10): 1718-1722. Indexed: Pub- Med citation, MEDLINE.</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Nasseri, S; Mahvi, A.H; Mesdaghinia, A.R; Younecian and M Gholami, M. (2007). Determination of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic fractions of Natural Organic Matter in Raw water of Jalalieh and Tehranpars water treatment plants(Tehran). Journal of Applied Sciences. 7(18) : 2651-2655. indexed: Scopus, Thomson</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Nasseri, S; Mahvi, A.H. Gholami, M; Mesdaghinia, A.R. and Younecian, M (2008). Studies on Rejection and Fouling of Polyamide Reverse Osmosis Membrane in the Treatment of Water Solutions Containing Humic Acids. World Applied Sciences Journal.3 (3):434-440. indexed:ISI Web of Knowledge</p><p>Zazouli,M.A; Nasseri, S; Mahvi, A.H. Gholami; M. Mesdaghinia, A.R. and Younecian, M (2008).Retention of Humic acid from water by nanofiltration membrane and influence of solution chemistry on membrane performance. Iran.J.Environ.Health.Sci.Eng. 5(1):11-18. indexed:ISI </p><p>Yousefi, Z and Zazouli, M.A (2008). Evaluation of Bacteriophages Methods for Detection and Isolation of Viruses from Surface Water. World Applied Sciences Journal.3(2): 317-322. indexed:ISI Web of Knowledge</p><p>Yousefi, Z and Zazouli, M.A (2008). Misuse of antibiotics in a hospital, An environmental health problem. World Applied Sciences Journal. 3(4): 555-558. indexed:ISI Web of Knowledge</p><p>Zazouli, M.A and Yousefi, Z (2008). Removal of heavy metals from solid wastes leachate by coagulation-Flocculation process. Journal of applied sciences. 8(11): 2142-2147. indexed: Scopus, Thomson</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Susanto, H; Nasseri, S and Ulbricht, M (2009).Influences of solution chemistry and polymeric natural organic matter on the removal of aquatic pharmaceutical residuals by nanofiltration. Water Research 43(13):3270- 3280.( IF=3.586) Maleki, A; Zazouli, M.A; Izanlo, H and Rezaee, R (2009).Composting Plant Leachate Treatment by Coagulation- Flocculation Process. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences5(5):638- 643. Zazouli, M.A; Mohseni bandpei, A; Maleki, A; Saberian, M and Izanloo,H .(2010). Determination of Cadmium and Lead Contents in Black Tea and Tea Liquor from Iran. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22( 2):1387-1393 (IF= 0.268).</p><p>6 Zazouli, M.A; Mohseni bandpei;Ebrahimi, M and Izanloo, H .(2010). Investigation of Cadmium and Lead Contents in Iranian Rice Cultivated in Babol Region . Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22( 2):1369-1376(IF= 0.268).</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Nasseri, S and Ulbricht, M (2010).Fouling effects of humic and alginic acids in nanofiltration and influence of solution composition. Desalination 250 (2); 688–692 (IF= 2.034). Zazouli, M.A Ulbricht, M; Nasseri, and S Susanto, H (2010). Effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic matter on amoxicillin and cephalexin residuals rejection from water by nanofiltration. Iran.J.Environ.Health.Sci.Eng. 7(1): 15-24. indexed:ISI Zazouli, M.A; Maleki, A and Izanloo,H .(2010). Assessment of Raw Leachate Characteristics and Its Pretreatment by Lime. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 22( 8):6155-6163 (IF= 0.268). Maleki, A; Mahvi, A.H; Zazouli, M.A; Izanloo,H and Barati A.H.(2011).Aqueous Cadmium Removal by Adsorption on Barley Hull and Barley Hull Ash. Asian Journal of Chemistry; 23(3):1373-1376 (IF=0.268) .</p><p>Books Mohseni Bandpei, A; Zazouli, M.A and Bazrafshan, E (2008) . Fundamentals of Air Pollution (Translated), 2nd ed., Mazandaran University of Medical sciences, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran.</p><p>Izanloo, H: Takdastan, A; Zazouli, M.A and Maroosi, M (2008) . Wastewater Treatment: Concepts and design approach (Translated). Mehr Amiralmomenin Publisher, Qom, Iran. </p><p>Zazouli, M.A and Bazrafshan, E. (2009). Water and wastewater technology, Vol.1. Samat Publisher, Tehran.</p><p>Zazouli, M.A Izanloo, H and Bazrafshan, E. (2009). Water and wastewater technology, Vol.2. Samat Publisher, Tehran.</p><p>Zazouli, M.A and Bazrafshan, E. (2009). Environment Pollution. Samat Publisher, Tehran.</p><p>Zazouli, M.A and Yousefi, Z. (2009). Fundamental of membrane processes (application for water and wastewater treatment). Shahrab Publisher, Tehran.</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Bagheri M; Gharemani, E and Ghorbanian, M. (2009). Principles of Compost Production Technology, Khaniran Publisher, Tehran, Iran.</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Izanloo, H and Asgharniaimani, H.A. (2010). Municipal Solid Wastes Management, Qum University of Medical sciences, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran.</p><p>Zazouli, M.A; Maleki, A and Bazrafshan, E. (2010). Fundamentals of environmental health. Samat Publisher, Tehran. Bazrafshan, E; Zazouli, M.A and Mohammadi, A (2010). Membrane systems for wastewater treatment. Samat Publisher,Mashhad. MSc thesis guide: 1- استادراهنمایاولپاياننامهخانممريمباقرياردبیلیانتحتعنوان"ارزیابیعملکردفرآیندهایفنتون، فتو-فنتونوفنتوناصلحشدهدرتصفیهشیرابهزبالههایشهری،کارشناسیارشدمهندسی بهداشتمحیطدانشکدهبهداشتساري،دفاعشدهدرشهريورماه1389. 2- مشاورپاياننامهآقايمهديقربانیانالهآبادتحتعنوان"بررسياثرپنجقارچ"کارشناسیارشد مهندسیبهداشتمحیطدانشکدهبهداشتساري،دفاعشدهدرشهريورماه1389. 3- استادراهنمايپاياننامهآقاييوسفكر،تحتعنوان"روشهايبهینهسازيكميوكیفيلگونهاي هوادهيتصفیهخانهفاضلبشهربندرگز"،كارشناسيارشدمهندسيمحیطزيست-آبوفاضلب، دانشگاهآزاداسلميواحدبندرعباس،دفاعشدهدرشهريورماه1389. </p><p>7 4- مشاورپاياننامهآقاييحیياسفندياري،تحتعنوان"بررسیکیفیتآبرودخانهتجنساریومدل سازیمفهومیآندرسال"،كارشناسيارشدمهندسيمحیطزيست-منابعآب،دانشگاهآزادواحد علوموتحقیقاتتهران،دفاعشدهدرخردادماه1389. 5- مشاورپاياننامهآقايمجیدداعينیاكي،تحتعنوان"بررسيكاراييفناورينانوفیلتراسیوندرحذف فلزاتسنگینازفاضلب"،كارشناسيارشدمهندسيمحیطزيست-آبوفاضلب،دانشگاهآزاد اسلميواحدبندرعباس،دفاعشدهدرمهرماه1389. </p><p>Research Works:</p><p>Teaching Experiences:</p><p>Field of Interest: -1 فعاليت در كميته هاي پژوهشي 1- عضوشورايپژوهشيدانشكدهبهداشت 2- عضوشورايپژوهشيمركزتحقیقاتعلومبهداشتي 3- عضوكمیتهتالیفوترجمهدانشگاه 4- عضوشورايپژوهشيكمیتهتحقیقاتدانشجوييدانشگاه 5- عضوكمیتهترفیعاتدانشكدهبهداشت 6- عضوشورايتحصیلتتكمیليدانشكدهبهداشت 7- عضوشورايفرهنگيدانشكدهبهداشت 8- عضوكمیتهمحیطزيست،سلمت،توسعهپايداروگردشگرياتاقفكراستانداري -9</p><p>8</p>

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