* • - * V Rahway Public JLibrary RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT : 1 1175 St. George Ave. PAGE 16- THURSDAY, JUNE ^S, 1972 Rahway, W, J. 0706$ 4- i NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 15 CENTS RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY; JUNE 22, 1972 VOLUME 150, NO- 25 McDowell h fi rhi nu-eting in an Appointment—oY 17 tea- The Rahway Board of hducation voted, 5-4, on Monday night alter Dr. Sp.ruwls and Mr 1 chers to die staff of the in Roosevelt School auditorium :u retain Stewart M. Hurt of effort tu prevent Mr. "b aj[ oinrniiT.i. N r Kahn ruled Secondary Summer School WoodbriJge as special counsel to represent the board in -he at the urrw_- that a quorum was nut j r«. J:,J that nu business was authorized by the Rah- action started to have Louis R. Rlzzo removedfrom the board. could be conJuctc-d. way Board of Education at Voting against hiring Mr. Hjtt to defend the board in the A petition asking Dr. M. rbur^t-r tlu- appointment of Mr. Kizz^ was filed L>> Dr. S\ ruwls, M r_.Bt-ckhusen, Mr. Monday- night's meetings in action were hrlc H. Beckhusen, Harry W.McDmvell, Joseph ii Roosevelt School. L. Keefe and Dr.-John J, Sprowls, president, who petitioned McDowell and. M r;~~Knee*fTr; I "i^j •!• -clanc tiut the- appqintxnen: was "void, illegal, ultra-virt-s, ol ' ar. i effect, arui was commissioner uf education. , the appointments will be to remove Mr. Kizzo. The votes in favor of engaging counsel , awd-tn—vttrltltion of the \ only-if-enrolfrnenr-iinr:- 'were cast by Louts G. Boch, Edward J. oaths taken by those m-mbcra whr vott-u m f-a-v-o-r of said the -school- war-rants the- ap- Kernan-,- ^a m.iinr..inrhi-.<i,|.iiinrnir L j —-M-r-.—H-utt—ivill be paulp Thn n>ar.h*>rfl namnri services- It was estimated on Monday by Mr, Higgins that the 'statute and in disregard ot trie board's Barbara Batts, Linda Brag- ~ Mrs. Dorothy bchieifer of 1183 -t-.lm cost to the board will be approximately $1,300. -l, arguing that the don, William Cladek, Alice Mr. Hutt, W'IO is a member of the law firm of H_itt S. Bcrkow, appointment of Mr. Mutt as special c Donoghue, Cha-rles Fanning, 459 Am buy Avenue, WjoJbridge, was proposed for the work taxpayers would be put to extra when tht-y already FIREMHN AW.ARD SCHOLARSHIP..Jyltss Elizabeth E( Maget of 414 Central Avenue, Rahway, paying t'ur a board dLturniry. is the recipient or the ffith annual !vtsrl7m*rffeltf1vreTnTn-t^ Tfre^honoir-tfl- Richard Elajnini, Stanley Freedman, Fred Kazorowskl, of ethical considerations" to represent, rhe board, according to Mr. Kahn replied that h<_ is paid a reidiru-r by the board rriven ro an outstanding Rahway High School graduate each year and is made possible through Iris Katz, Charles Kontos, bat that he would receive additional c'•••'' ,•«cXXi3«iiion for repre- die sponsorship of the Rahway Unit No. 33 of the Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association. iTboard resolution appointing the special counsel. senting the board in any litigation. He- explained thai since Re Miss Maget will attend Brandywine College in Delaware. Pictured left to right are: Nicholas David McClay, Richard No- Mr. Rizzo was appointed to the board on May 15 to fill a lan, John O'Donnell, Roberta vacancy caused by the resignation of Lawrence L, Pratt. hai given-th-t^optrrtun in public thai th«-biurd Uckt-d Quorum Delnujnaco. vice principal of "Rahway High School; Miss NUget^Jamee Heller, president of J when Mr. B.17.7" u.aii appuinLtiil ^ HU.TU'H r. he c-imUt nor argue the FMBA; and Mrs. Max Lllenfci57wB6iv oTfiSe~R"an"way educator after whGWfl~n2le~SChi3taTBtrtp S-ea nva n ig—to—tttttttr— -Mi*-. —Rtz zo were —M^ v—Beeta^—Mr. \ Joseph Valunas and Kevin Mr. K-ernan and Mr. LoKoccu. They conducted the election now to have Mr. Rizzo retained on flit- b^ird. - is named. Walsh. Dr. Sprowls conmented that it is "ironic " that the taxpayers The board nam-sd two will have to pay m re,r;^ln oinnst.-! :ifrt-r rhe S-a rd_jjIIorney had teachers to participate in the action illegal" and that the petitioners will have to the Summer Coupled Work- tb^uj^-cuALn--cxpeiui^. —- — Study Program for six weeks Mr. Kernan told Dr. Sprowls that the situation and expense from Monday through Aug. 4. could have been avoided ' if you had staved around." The teachers and the salar- Or. Sprowls than said he had attempted co change che dare ies (12% of their annual sal- of the regular meeting scheduled for May 15 because of ary) to be paid are Francine a religious ceremony on that day and had been unsuccessful. Dr. Sprowls declared that Mr. Higgins. Mr. Bach, Mr. Kernari Kraut, $963, andMiry Prec- y instructors $8 an hour, i, eight woeks, 2:ewgfc±7-$9fl-l .The programme- othy—Beyer-; knit-ting-,— nnd Mr. ljO/ll-^cco -'-knew -we- would loavc--- if -they- broughx-up-"-- ther ht-arings b> the board. ~for rhe R-ahwa-y the question of an appointment. Dr. Sprowls added that J. Kinneally Sr. of Board of Adjustment, having funds are obtained from che fall term were appointed by $220, 2; Evelyn Cashman, Rahway, former chairman been remanded to the. board Vht.- suit to block the project state. briefhand, $110, 1, and busi- '"everything of a tusiness nature" had been acted upon by the was filed by the Southwest the board ut i^Uucaaon at time he and Mr. McDowell left the meeting. of the L'nion County Demo- by Superior Court Judge Mil- The board continued the Monday night's meeting in ness machines, SI 10, 1. cratic Cumni;ttfe, and two ton A. Feller. Earlier this Civic Association of the town- authorization to have Donald The statement by Dr. Sprowls was denied by Mr. Higgins ship. the Roosevelt Schuol audi- George Chase, automobile Clark residents were in- month Judge Feller reversed Sinclair serve as job place- torium , mechanics for women, $15'J, who said there was a matter to be considered alter a caucus dicted last week by a t.'nion the Clark Council's action Mr. Woilman andMx. Kin- ment coordinator from Mon- The Instructors, the sub- 1; John Cladek, golf, $100, was held. He pointed e>ut that a special meeting was held three County Grand Jury on char- in granting a variance_to__.the. neally have pleaded innjeent day through Aug. 4, He will days later to consider items on the May 15 agenda. Mr. Higgins J jects they will teach, the \, 1 hour; waiiam Cladek, ges arising from the appli- corpurauon and ordered fur- (*. onunued on I age 4) receive $1,512. salaries they will receive tennis, $400, 4, 1 hour; Dan- contended that Mr. Fratt's resignation was submitted in April cation by LAilLnan Fifteen Cor- Steven Scarcelli was trans- and the number of classes iel Colangelo, real estate, but that the board president made no effort tu call a meeting poration for a variance to ferred by the board from they w:ll have are as follows: 4300, 1, 3 hours; Elaine to discuss a replacement. Mr. Higgins~~also contended that an construct an eight-story supplemental reacher to Bernard Alexander, elec- Conforti, slimnaatlea, $240, appuintmiinx was on _a "aucus~~a~genda but that Dr. Sprowls left hotel and an eight-story uf- Giacobbe Given Variance learning disabilities teacher tronics, S100, 1, Newell Bene- 2, Jacqueline Conroy, ball- the meeting before the matter was discussed. fiee building in Clark. for 1972-73. Miss Kathy Koh- dict, yoga, $320, 2, eight room dancing, 70% of Mr. McDawell said that two possible-appointees tothn .vacancy The Clark residents in- ler was transferred from Weeks; Nancy Booth, speed receipts, 2; Alice Degen- had been mentioned. He named them as Mrs. Elizabeth Davis dieted by the jury-were Louis For Franklin -School—to-supple- reading, $12o, 1, and ma- hardt, sketching, SI 10, 1; arid Mr. Rizzo. Mrs. Davis was a candidate tor ele.eti.en to the •\, former chairman mental teacher duties. crame, $110, 1, Wayne Janice D'Georgio, art and board last February when Ms. R-.zzo was seeking reelection. of the township's Board of rhe Giacobbe Investim-n; Co the board to determine Summer employment for Brown, salt water fishing, oil painting, $300, 2. J'aul Mr. lUzzo received the highest number of votes among the! Adjustment, and Thomas Corporation, loob Irving whether Wheatena park, lo- two members of the Career DiGlano, alegebra, $110, i, defeated candidates. - • ~ Parrillo, who is a former Street, Rahway, was granted cated on a corner opposite Development Program was and basic math, $110, 1; Clark Dem jcr a tic chairman. a variance by the Board of the proposed gasoline sta- authorized. Urban Weiss and Garwood Woman John Bochecchio, judo, $110, Mr. Kinneally, who was in- Adjustment on Monday night tion site, is a playground Charles Hull will receive I. dicted earlier this year as a in City Hall for construction or a park. Law prohibits $874.50 each for die three Julia DuBois, cake decor- result of a grand jury probe of a 21-unit apartment build- erection of a gasoline station weeks of work. to ating. $110, 1; Kay Genis, of Rahway municipal affairs, Ing at 113-135 W. Main near a playground. The baard accepted the furniture retinlshing and was indicted last week on btreet.
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